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Emergency services in England

Semaine 13 - AnglaisBases level 2

Hello everybody and welcome to this new lesson on AnglaisBases level 2. This week, we will
be discussing the emergency services. So that’s the police, the fire brigade and the ambulance.
This is something that is very useful to know, because you never know when you might need to
call these people.


B: Hello Alban.

A: hey Ben. I wanted to ask you, when I'm in the UK, if I want to call the police for instance,
what number do I call?

B: Ok so it's a bit different in England compared to France. In France you have three numbers
depending on which service you want to call. Either you call 17 for the police, 18 for the fire
brigade, or 15 for the samu.
In England we only have one number. It's 999.

A: And what happens if I dial 999?

B: Well, when you dial 999, someone will answer the phone and ask you which service do you
want. Police, fire or ambulance.

We have to note here that in England, the fire and ambulance services are not exactly the same
as they are in France.

For example, our fire brigade rarely takes on a medical role. For example if someone is injured
or has a heart attack, you must ask for an ambulance. The ambulance service is there to treat
all medical emergencies.

A: And what if I need to call all three services?

B: When asked which service you require, you have to say "I think I need all three".
You must explain the situation as calmly as you can, and the person on the line will decide
which services to send.

A: I see, but it's not always easy to remain calm in these situations.

B: No, that's true it's not easy...But you have to do your best.
Imagine for example there's a big road accident. A person has crashed their car on the
motorway, and is badly injured and maybe trapped inside the car.
In this case, the police will come to control the traffic, and close the motorway if necessary. The
fire brigade will come to cut the person out of the wreck. And the ambulance service will come
to take care of the injured person and take them to hospital if necessary.

A: It's good, you only have one number to remember. I think it's the same in the United States
isn't it?

B: Yes, but the number is not the same. In America, you have to dial 911. And I think in the
European Union now, you can dial
112, and it works the same way. I think this works in France as well.

A: Yes I think so, I've heard of it.

And what if I'm driving in England and I see a vehicle with flashing blue lights and the siren
wailing. Am I supposed to move out of the way?

B: Yes, you are expected to move safely out of the way to let them pass. They do not expect
you to put yourself in danger.

However there is an exception. If it's a police car, and it stays close behind you, it's probably
because you've done something wrong. Therefore, they will give you a signal to pull over in a
safe place so they can have a chat with you.
Expressions expliquées dans la vidéo
Expression 1
To dial a number = Composer un numéro.
To call = appeler.

Expression 2
Fire brigade ou fire department = Les pompiers (dans le sens, le service des pompiers).
Si on veut parler d'un pompier (l'individu), on dit a fireman.

Expression 3
To take on = assumer, prendre en charge.
Our fire brigade rarely takes on a medical role = notre service de pompier prend rarement en
charge un rôle médical.

Expression 4
As + adjectif + as... = aussi + adjectif + que...
He is as tall as her = il est aussi grand qu'elle.
Explain the situation as calmly as you can = expliquez la situation aussi calmement que
vous pouvez.

Expression 5
A road accident = un accident de la route.
Road = route.

Expression 6
Badly injured = grièvement blessé.
Injury = blessure.
To be injured = être blessé.

Expression 7
To be trapped = être piégé.
A trap = un piège.
He is trapped inside the car = il est piégé à l'intérieur de la voiture.

Expression 8
The fire brigade will cut the person out of the wreck = les pompiers vont couper l'épave pour
faire sortir la personne.
A wreck = une épave.

Expression 9
Flashing blue lights = gyrophares (littéralement = lumières clignotantes bleues)
To wail = hurler.
The siren is wailing = la sirène est en train d'hurler.

Expression 10
To move out of the way = s'écarter du passage.

Expression 11
You are expected to move out safely = vous êtes censé, tenu de vous écarter en toute
To expect = s'attendre à...
To be expected to do something = être tenu de faire qqch.
Safely = sans dommage, en toute sécurité.

Expression 12
However = Cependant.

Expression 13
If the car stays close behind you = si la voiture reste proche derrière vous (dans le sens "si la
voiture reste juste derrière vous").

Expression 14
To do something wrong = faire quelque chose de mal / faire quelque chose en faisant une

Expression 15
Therefore = par conséquent, de ce fait.

Expression 16
To pull over = se ranger sur le côté (en voiture).

Expression 17
To have a chat with someone = avoir une discussion avec quelqu'un.
Test de compréhension

1) Mark was at the traffic lights when suddenly a fire engine appeared behind him with its
blue lights flashing and the siren wailing.

What is Mark expected to do?

→ He is expected to move out of the way.

2) Jane woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of the smoke alarm. She quickly
left the house and called the fire brigade from her mobile.

What woke Jane up?

→ She was woken (up) by the smoke alarm.

Who did Jane call?

→ She called the fire brigade.

What did Jane use to call the fire brigade?

→ She used her mobile.

3) The paramedics used a defibrillator on the man who had a heart attack.

What did the paramedics use?

→ They used a defibrillator.

Why did the paramedics use a defibrillator?

→ Because the man had a heart attack.

4) The police put handcuffs on the burglar they had arrested and then, they put him in the
back of the police car.

What did the police put on the burglar?

→ Handcuffs.

5) Philip was caught by a police radar trap for driving too fast. He received a speeding
ticket a few weeks later in the post.
Who caught Philip driving too fast?

→ Philip was caught driving too fast by a police radar trap.

What did Philip receive in the post?

→ He received a speeding ticket.

6) The ambulance took the woman to the emergency room at the hospital.

Where did the ambulance take the woman?

→ The ambulance took the woman to the ER at the hospital.

Why did the ambulance take the woman to the hospital?

→ Because she was injured.

7) The firemen used their ladder to rescue the cat from the tree.

What did the firemen use to rescue the cat from the tree?

A - A hose.
B - A ladder.
C - An axe.
D - Cat food.

→ B - A ladder.
Emergency = urgence; emergency services = services d’urgence (pompiers, ambulance,
police); emergency assistance = assistance/aide d’urgence; accident = accident; dial
999 = composez le 999; siren = sirène; to wail = hurler; flashing blue lights = gyrophares
(littéralement = lumières bleues clignotantes); to move over = s’écarter; to move out of the
way = s’écarter du passage.

Police car = voiture de police; police motorcycle = moto de police; police van = fourgonnette
de police; policeman (pl. policemen) = cop = policier; handcuffs = menottes; baton =
matraque; police radar trap = radar; speeding ticket = PV (pour excès de vitesse); fine =
amende; jail = prison = prison.

Fire brigade = fire department = les pompiers (en général); fireman (pl. firemen) = pompier
(individu); fire engine = fire truck = camion de pompiers; hose = tuyau (d’arrosage); ladder
= échelle; axe = hache; breathing apparatus = masque à oxygène; fire alarm = alarme
incendie; smoke alarm = alarme fumée; fire extinguisher = extincteur; fire blanket =
couverture anti-feu; fire escape = emergency exit = sortie de secours; smoke = fumée; flame
= flamme.

Emergency room = les urgences (on dit aussi « ER » pour « emergency room« , comme la
célèbre série TV); hospital = hôpital; paramedic = ambulancier (personnel paramédical);
wound = injury = blessure; defibrillator = défibrillateur.

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