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¿Cuál es el principal aeropuerto de tu país?

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de este módulo. ¿Cómo se compara su aeropuerto principal? Usa internet para
contestar estas preguntas.
The main airport in my country is Jorge Chávez International Airport.
¿Cuántos pasajeros viajan por el aeropuerto cada año?
The information is had about the passengers that travel through the airport each year
2007 year: 8 560 000
2008 year: 8 285 688
2009 year: 9 768 973
2010 year: 10 278 493
2011 year: 11 904 553
2012 year: 13 324 379
2013 year: 14 295 809
2014 year: 16 210 035
2015 year: 17 170 919
2016 year: 19 326 781
¿Como es de grande? ¿Qué edad tiene?
International Airport Jorge Chavez is the biggest airport in the country.
There are some places such as stores, farms, restaurants and more places.
It have 304.881 𝑚2 of platform for the esrablishment about aircraft.
The International Airport is 53 years old.
¿Qué tan lejos está de la ciudad capital?
It is located in Callao, 11 kilometers from Lima, the nation's capital city and 17 km from
Miraflores. Callao, a port city.
How do passengers get to the airport?
People can come from any angle taking a bus or taxi to Callao port.

The main airport in my country is Jorge Chávez International Airport.

1. The information is had about the passengers that travel through the airport each year are:

2007 year: 8 560 000

2008 year: 8 285 688

2009 year: 9 768 973

2010 year: 10 278 493

2011 year: 11 904 553

2012 year: 13 324 379

2013 year: 14 295 809

2014 year: 16 210 035

2015 year: 17 170 919

2016 year: 19 326 781

2. International Airport Jorge Chavez is the biggest airport in the country.

There are some places such as stores, farms, restaurants and more places.

It have 304.881 m^2 of platform for the esrablishment about aircraft.

The International Airport is 53 years old.

3. It is located in Callao, 11 kilometers from Lima, the nation's capital city and 17 km from
Miraflores. Callao, a port city.

4. People can come from any angle taking a bus or taxi to Callao port.

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