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Test Paper

No. 1 Name___________________________

1. Complete each of the sentences below with a word derived from the words in capitals:

a) I have a ___________________ for fantasy novels. PREFER

b) Tom is a very_________________businessman. SUCCESS
c) He has been feeling quite________________since he lost his job. MISERY
d) I couldn’t see_____________without my glasses. CLEAR
e) She gave a________________of the thief to the police. DESCRIBE
f) I was disappointed because she was _____________to us. GRATEFUL
g) Because he is so_____________I will never trust him again. HONEST
h) A new_______________campaign started yesterday to promote recycling. ADVERTISE
i) Regular exercise and correct diet are essential for a _____________life. HEALTH
j) Everyone has a ______________to keep our city clean. RESPONSIBLE

2. In what situation does someone yawn?

3. Describe one of the most efficient means of communication.
4. Write about three activities you are used to.
5. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of being a firefighter.

6. Translate into English:

a) Daca ei ar fi tipat la tine, as fi facut o plangere imediat.
b) De obicei vad piese de teatru de doua ori pe luna, dar acum merg la cinema.
c) Maine pe vremea aceasta vom calatori cu avionul spre o insula.
d) Parintii mei s-au obisnuit sa bea cafea in fiecare dimineata.
e) El nu-si va permite sa cumpere aceasta casa daca ii va fi teama sa schimbe o slujba
prost platita.
f) Vecinul nostru a fost jelos pe acel barbat deoarece a castigat foarte multi bani la loto.
g) Mama gusta supa acum sa vada daca are gust bun.
h) Copilul ei isi castiga existenta de trei luni cantand la chitara.
i) Din punctul meu de vedere, un sofer de taxi trebuie sa fie onest, punctual si vesel.
j) Acest profesor m-a intrebat daca pot sa-l ajut sa scrie un articol despre majordomi.


7. Transform into indirect speech:

a) We are learning for this exam now.
They said…………………………………..
b) Our teacher wrote the lesson here yesterday.
He said……………………………………
c) Have you seen my pen?
She asked……………………………
d) If these students cleaned the classroom, they would feel very tired.
She said…………………………………….
e) Don’t buy this flat!
She advised me…………………………….

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