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Oral Presentation

NURS 441- CLIN MGMT- Recovery

Purpose of Assignment
To provide the student an opportunity to integrate previous knowledge from the sciences
to the care of a client with a physical disability. Also, to provide the student with an opportunity
to demonstrate critical thinking and independent judgments in managing care of a client with a
physical disability

Student Approach to Assignment

Recovery is one of the greatest achievements in nursing. This assignment offered me the
chance to personally get to know a patient in a rehabilitation facility who was struggling to
recover, and orally present his case to my instructor and classmates. It shows my growth and
understanding of the patient’s nursing diagnoses and how to properly provide care to a patient
struggling in a different way. This paper reinforced my beliefs of how it important it is as nurses
that we help people in all ways, and that no one should get left behind.

Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio

This required portfolio assignment shows my development and understanding of a patient in
a rehab facility and how I was able to orally present his case to my fellow classmates. The
following program objectives are highlighted:

 Research
 Evaluates research that focuses on the efficacy and effectiveness of nursing interventions
 Example: In this oral presentation, I discussed a research article that evaluates the
effectiveness of exercise on patients with depression. It found that aerobic exercise,
when done three times a week, can have the ability to lower depression scores. In
relation to the patient’s other diagnoses, I was able to find additional research that
shows exercise can help with the patient’s disturbed thought processes and his limited
physical mobility.

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