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Vocabulary Instructional Menu 3 a Journeys Curious About Words Intensive Intervention Program Grades K-3 Literacy and Language Guides K-5 (Vocabulary Section) Journeys Reading Toolkit-Primary (Tier 3 Intervention) Literacy Toolkit-Intermediate Journeys Teacher Editions: Vocabulary Strategies: Context Clues, Prefix/Suffix, Multiple Meanings, Dictionary Skills/Thesaurus/Glossary U: jossary Use, Homographs/Homophones, - Synonyms/Antonyms, Classify/Categorize Words, Greek/Latin Word Parts, , Domain Specific Words, Word Origins ytatior> iReady Tools for Instruction (Vocabulary Dropdown) (Ready (K-1 Word Use/ 2-5 Vocabulary >4teer (Creating Strategic Readers by Vallery Ellery e Website (Vocabulary Lesson Plans) AVFCRR Website Lesson Plans-for Vocabulary 5 “1055898 6 50 Bue! ‘Bulpusisepun sno petont | Y |oup uonBosel pion 459109 ‘ugjsdeyaiduio ueddns 0} Aoue ve O0OF-08%6 Wal 50 /m aw.) sono aon | | PUB Ms 08829 Bp pape 225, wen) -#| Guposy papina ce:ol-se'6 “Yolb15 uojo.0abE ‘UsjoAUDDIG A88C5 (051047 SINS ouEIOpUNE A Bupusisjuoo.pus iyi) won Bul 5904 BUBB, Supe Buu cE6-08:8 Buy uy sonyns Bun +] uiseayns pun somosd bun» Buys uisunou Busq + S8n191x81UO9 MaKe = ‘14 00:1 1-05:8 Gua ut spiaaa joc soyppidyss + aoysoysy + ‘040d si + 212018 51 + sojpnidyst «| s899n§ 0} HOM 05%8-02:8 $8998Y 02'8-00'8 JOAuIY 00'8-08:4 a ‘iiADPUPEG ,51DUDH SS1W ae SUL@ 2809/94 Auda ec/e ese le/e oz/e oL/e aval AVSUNHL Avasanaam Avasani AVONOW 31Na3H9s Alva pT YOUOW=uis| UDIOW 10} SUD|d UOSSS7 S.A SIV Pores siepjo3 siad/sopueby cuit) ae SOION, siepios siad/sopuesy| siepjoj sieq/sopueiy | siepioy siga/sopueBy | siepioj sigg/sopueBy [psstussia/dn->4904 $1:2-00% 2/090 sD auuDs + =A0gD $0 @uLDS. + ‘nog sb awiDS + On6G0 $0 OWDS + snoqp s ati0s + | BUIP|Y PSIDUs 00% 081 a 2 “Pilg veld uess27 Guppeay P2009 225. ‘2n0go so Suis + 8n0q1 SO aUIDS + ere aeine enogosoaus +} [|__| a! Bulspoy papins oe: \-cr-21 ‘2k099 50 altos « ‘nog sb Subs ‘2noqp so auiDs youn 0:21 - o0:zL Dwi: sipideds 00:2 1-8:L 1 o}Gex jsosuiON Su + o|Bey ssoeuLiON eu + UoIGey |SOAUJION SUL + (Buu) v1a/'¥'d Pe1Dei1q leyope{/se) “PNYS 10190 OB-LL-OO'LL £¢ w9s59) so4R AOI « 4J61)201 1109 N04 SADA (12 SOON APs oH5y) 61 cyou 10/04 Buysnbussn 4x94 9 +| Bulposy BeioUs 00:1 1-2-0 iC UOIDW= yi | UOJOW JO} SUD|q UOSSS7 5, aay ~ Bee Peete ote ea ere efecto eer im Using Context Clues % Introduction) sometimes when you read, you will see a word you do not know. You can figure out its meaning by looking at the words around it. You can use context clues, + Sometimes a sentence includes a definition of the word, definition Living in a frigid, or extremely cald, place can be difficult. + Asentence might also give an example that explains a word. example Frigid temperatures in the Arctic can be as low as 58°F below zero, | |e Guided Practice Use context clues to figure out the meaning of each underlined | word. Write the meaning, Then circle the words that were a clue. A HINT As youread, @ Animals adapt by changing in a way that allows them to live Ja Gt krcr tne wares ina certain place puch gsstttese words @ The polar bear's furry snout and ears help it survive, or stay epee lnereduce/an) alive, in the cold Arctic. : example that helps | you figure out the © The white fur of the Arctic fox lets it hide from predators such | meaning of an as wolves. unknown word. @ The Arctic bee has to shiver, or shake, to keep itself warm. 4B Lenguage Handbook Lescon26 Using Content Chee curiam Assoitn LLC Copia snot pele Independent Practice’ Read the sentence below. Then use it to answer numbers 1 and 2. The ground squirrel hibernates, sleeping for months during the winter. @_what does the word hibernates mean? A. hides in the ground B hides fora long, long time C sleeps because it has nowhere to go D sleeps to live through low temperatures ®_ What words help you understand the meaning of hibernates? A. “ground” and squirrel” B_ “ground squirrel” and "months" ‘sleeping’ and "during the winter” D “months” and “winter” Read the sentence below. Then use it to answer numbers 3 and 4. The fur on polar bears helps them repel, or keep away, cold water. ©) What does the word repel mean? A. tofight B__topush something away © tomake something warm D to soak up or take in © what words help you understand the meaning of repel? A. “keep away” B_ “furon polar bears” C "cold water" D “helps them” 9 Ey 3 2 Bi Ed g Ey A = a Ey cs ES oes | Bats a capital letter. + Acommon noun names any person, place, or thing. + Aproper noun names a particular person, place, or thing. A proper noun begins with { ‘Common Nouns etry % Introduction’ A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. Proper Nouns girl, teacher, president | street, lake, country Pine Street, Lake Mead, Mexico cereal, month, holiday ] Emily, Mr. Wong, Abraham Lincoln _| Crispies, April, Thanksgiving 39B_tanguage HandbookLesson Hours 3 Guided Practice Underline the nouns in each sentence. Write person, place, or thing above each noun to tell what it names. Nicole climbs the ladder quickly. Alex loves the green and blue swing, My little brother plays in the sand. My sister pulls her wagon beside the pond. Our Koby Kite flies high in the sky. HINT A proper @ Aunt Lisa takes us to Oak Park. | noun can be more than one word, Each B® The big slide is near Vine Street. important word in a | proper noun begins e | with a capital letter. | G 8 8 8 My aunt always brings a Fruitybar to share. curiam Assdazes LIC Copyngisnot permite Py & Independent » For numbers 1-4, choose the correct word or words to answer each question. @ _Which words in this sentence are nouns? © which noun in this sentence names a person? Chase Pond is in the large park. One day Meera saw a frog and ysy16ug prepueas so suopusnuos A Chase Pond, is aturtle B th \e, park aes © Chase Pond, park ieee D. in,large ares D turtle @_ which words in this sentence are nouns? z 3 Mark and his sister often swim there, | @J_ which noun in this sentence names Bi A Mark, sister aplace? x B and, sister Ms. Patel and her friend enjoy a © his often having a picnic on the beach i i a 2 D> Mark, swim A Ms.Patel H B friend picnic D beach ‘eCuriculum Asrocintes LLC Copying snot permite. Language HandbookLessont Nos 399 a ee} EXCITER £9 Introduction’ A suffix is a word part added to the end of a base word, Adding a suffix changes the meaning of a word. baseword suffix walk + ing = walking Follow these spelling rules when adding suffixes to base words. When a Suffix Begins with a Vowel If the base word ends in a short vowel sound | bat +t + ing = batting and one consonant, double the consonant. jogged smiling If the base word ends in a silent -e, drop the e. a safe-e+er: When a Base Word Ends with a Consonant and y happy -y +i-+ ness = happiness Change the yt0 before adding most suffixes. |e a ~~ Guided Practice Add the suffix shown to each word. Write the new word, @® hike+ed HUNT When you adding to a verb ee that ends in y, do not pene change the y to eas Example: try + ing = trying hurry + ing fly + ing = flying silly + ness tryted dive + ing Beecesaen funny + est AAD sangvazetandbooktesson22 Ading Sues Srila Aso LIC_Copynglshot pelted © Independent Practice For numbers 1-5, read each question and choose the correct answer. @®_ How would you spell the new werd if you added the suffix ing to “spin”? A. spineing B spining spinning D spinneing © _ How would you spell the new word if you added the suffix -er to “brave”? A. braver B_ braver C bravr D_ braver © How would you spell the new word if you added the suffix -ness to "heavy"? A heavyness B_ heaviness © heavyiness D heavieness uni Await UC_Copying net permite | @B_ How would you spell the new word if | | you added the suffix -ed to “smile”? A smiled B smield Cc osmild D smilled How would you spell the new word if you added the suffix -est to “rainy”? = A rainyest ei B rainyiest = 3 © rainest ch D rainiest E Langenetndnos se Ag Sues 441 ia ESPYs Prefixes and Suffixes 43 Introduction} Use your knowledge of word parts to figure out what new words mean. + Aprefixis a word part added to the beginning of a word. Adding a prefix changes the meaning of a base word. Prefix Meaning Example | Meaning dis-_|*not" or “opposite of” | dislike _| “to not like” [pre-_| “before” prewash _ | "to wash before” un- _| “not” or “opposite of" | untrue “not true” + A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word. Adding a suffix changes the meaning of a base word. Suffix | Meaning ‘Example | Meaning | -able_|‘can be" or “able to”_| trainable _| “can be trained” -ful__|"fullof" or ‘having’ | skilful [ "having skill” -less | “without” useless | "without use” + Some words have both a prefix and a suffix: uncomfortable, disagreeable. 4% Guided Pra Write the base word and the prefix or suffix that make up each underlined word. Then tell a partner what the underlined word means. HINT A prefixora @ Here are some ways to be helpful at home. suffix can have more helpful = + of than one meaning, base word sul Think about which B Tr to be agreeable with your family. meaning makes ae sense in agreeable= + : the sentence. base word suffix: B® never be dishonest. fdlchanest==stesiae cere iain prefix base word B Try to share, and never be unfair. unfair + prefix base word 450 canauaseHandbooktesson27 Prefs nd Sufiees Cura esos LLC Copying not permite § Independent Practice For numbers 1-5, read each sentence. Then choose the correct meaning of each underlined word. @ Follow these useful safety tips. A without use B_ notused having use D_ before using Don't be careless when you carry something hot. A_ without care B fullofcare C able tocare D having care B® Let adults preview movies you want tosee A notview B view without you C mostly view D view before. curiam Asoc LC Copying not erated © Never unbuckle your seatbelt while in | amoving car. | A buckle before B__dothe opposite of buckle without a buckle D__ full of buckles | B® You will find these safety tips are easily | doable. A able tobe done B_ notdone having done D mostly done Language Handbook eszon27 Profcsandsuttees 451 9, 3 H A a = Fy EI E a g 2 3 Pert ape Sy i y) PSST) dy Root Words Introduction) Have you noticed that some words have the same parts? For example, the words addition and additional both have the root word add. This tells you that the words addition and additional are related to each other. + Words with the same root have similar meanings. + You can use a word you know to figure out the meaning of an unknown but related word. I visited my friend Kate. Her house has anew addition. Her family built the additional room for guests. Ifyou know that add means “to put together” you can figure out that addition means “something put together with something else," and additional means "extra" or “added.” #% Guided Practice Read the sentence or sentences beside each number. Find and circle the word related to the underlined word. Then tell a partner the meaning of each word you circled, HINT thinkabout @ Kate's dog is her companion. He kept us company as we the meaning of the listened to the radio. word part that is the same in both words, @ Suddenly, we heard the announcer make an announcement. Use the underlined word to help you © ‘Answer a question correctly and you'll win a ticket to the Powreout the circus. Let me make a correction. You'll win two tickets!” meaning of the word you circled. Then he asked, “Which inventor made an invention that lets you talk to someone who is far away?” B kate called in with the answer. “The scientist Alexander Graham Bell made scientific discoveries and invented the telephone.” 452 _tanguagettandbookLesson 28 Root Words 2Cureulam ASsocaes LLC _Copyings net permit °& Independent Practice) For numbers 1-4, use the underlined word in each sentence to help you answer each question. @ Read the sentence below. You can enter the circus tent from Beach Street, but we used the entrance on Bay Road. What does the word “entrance” mean as it is used in the sentence? A apath B_ acrosswalk awayto getintoa place D a way to leavea place B® Read the sentence below. The seats in the tent were arranged in a circle around a circular stage. What does the word “circular” mean as it is used in the sentence? A. strong B round © long D raised curcukm Asacktes UC _ Copying not permite ® Read the sentence below. My ticket had a number that matched one of the numerous seats. What does the word “numerous” ‘mean as it is used in the sentence? A. lettered B_ ordered C few D_ many BD Read the sentence below. We watched dogs drive bicycles and a clown ride a unicycle. What does the word “unicycle” mean as it is used in the sentence? A avehicle with one wheel B_awagon pulled by dogs © aclowncar D a small horse Language Hanebooktesion 28 tootwon's 453 ns A H 5 EB i Ei Ey e o 5 ci ee sare inboy Areinge2on, asp pueuol )

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