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Programa de Inglés para Jóvenes

LEVEL 4 Group: _____

Rubric for 1st oral assessment 15%

TASK: famous dead person’s biography

To complete this task successfully you need to:

- Be spontaneous and fluent.
- Give as much information as possible about the person.
- Use grammar and vocabulary appropriately.
- Be coherent with information.
And use:
- Simple pas, past progressive
- Time expressions
- Connectors
- Vocabulary related to the level (Regular and irregular verbs)
- Used to

INSTRUCTIONS: Students will choose from a bag a famous person that no longer exists. They will have one min. to think about his/her
biography in all the aspects covered during the sessions (childhood, family life, background, performances, etc.). If the students do not know all
the information, they may invent it. Students will have 5 min. to do the presentation and answer the teacher’s questions. While the
presentation is taking place, the audience will be taking notes of at least four biographies to develop a written activity at the end of the
assessment. This last activity will give them extra-grades to another follow-up activity.

PASSING SCORE: 3.0 (fair)

0.0 means there is no evidence of the criteria evaluated

Student’s name: Date:

% Criteria / Score (number 0 is the lowest scale; 25 the

Poor Needs Fair Good Outstanding Total
highest) improvement
15 Fluency (speaking easily and with a rhythm that does not 0-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15
interfere in the speech)
15 Use of grammar to form proper sentences 0-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15
15 Use of vocabulary according to the topic 0-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15
25 Coherence (expression of ideas connected to the topic) 0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25
20 Answers related to the teacher’s questions (comprehension 0-7 8-11 12-15 16-19 20
and responses)
10 Pronunciation that allows an understandable message 0-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10
Final score: ______ /2=

Rubric designed by PIJ coordinator and teachers, February 2017
Modified by Astrid Betancur, July, 2017
Programa de Inglés para Jóvenes
LEVEL 4 Group: _____
1st oral assessment notes taking

Student’s name: _______________________________________________ ID: _______________

* Biography 1:

* Biography 2:

* Biography 3:

* Biography 4:

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