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Strange Diseases

1. What’s the name of the Disease/Medical Condition?


This disorder has received the name of

"Alice in Wonderland" because it is
believed that Lewis Carroll who suffered
this disease, obtaining the name of his
popular story.
2. How does it affect humans?
This syndrome is characterized by brief episodes of distortion in the perception of
the body image and the size, distance, shape or spatial relationships of the
objects, as well as in the passage of time. It has been described in the context of
migraines, epilepsy, brain injuries, viral infections and associated drugs. It is more
frequent in young people, being the children especially susceptible. Generally, its
evolution is benign, with full recovery in weeks or months, without sequelae,
although it can recur after a latency period of years
Types drugs or medications:
Topiramate, antidepressants, risperidone, clomiphene, interleukin-2 and
medications such as LSD, ecstasy, weed and mescaline.
3. When & where was it first discovered?
In 1955, the psychiatrist John Todd met several patients who claimed to
have the sensation of "stretching like a telescope." They suffered a
neurological disorder that affects visual perception and is now known as a
micropsy or Alice syndrome.

-Lewis Carroll writer of Alice in wonderland

4. Symptoms
5. Is there a treatment for this disease/condition? What does it
consist on?

It is recommended to
sleep and rest well for
one night.
-Anonymous.(2011).Alice in Wonderland syndrome. Recuperado de:

-José R. Alonso. (2012). Sindrome de Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas. 2018,

de Divulgación científica,Historias de la Neurociencia Sitio web:

-Torres,A.(s.f).Síndrome de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas: causas, síntomas

y terapia. Recuperado de :

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