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Formal Lesson Plan

Breanna Hill

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

Title: Chapter 19 Review

Number of Class Periods:1
Essential Questions:
 Was the post-WWII era really a booming time for all of America?
 Whose voices were heard and acknowledged in post-war America?
State of Michigan Content Standards (GLCEs/HSCEs):
8.2.1 Demographic Changes – Use population data to produce and analyze maps that show the major
changes in population distribution, spatial patterns and density including suburbanization and the Baby
8.2.2 Policy Concerning Domestic Issues – Analyze major domestic issues in the Post-World War II era
and the policies designed to meet the challenges by: describing issues challenging Americans such as
labor; evaluating policy decisions and legislative actions to meet these challenges: (e.g., G.I. Bill of
Rights,Taft-Hartley Act, Twenty-Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the Federal Highways
8.3.1 Civil Rights Movement – Analyze the key events, ideals, documents, and organizations in the
struggle for civil rights by African Americans including: Supreme Court decisions and governmental
actions (dixiecrats)

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to show understanding of what life in America was
like, after the soldiers returned home from WWII.
Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence (Assessment)

Diagnostic/Formative Assessments: The ability to successfully complete this assignment is

the formative assessment created for the chapter material.
Summative Unit Assessments: This material will be on the Unit Test.

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences (Procedure)

 Opening/Activator: I will explain the assignment for the day and go over the grading rubric
that accompanies it.
 Activities: Students will have the hour to create an artistic presentation, that reflects
understanding of the material.
 Closing/Exit Ticket: Completion of the assignment is the exit ticket.
Anticipated Total Time Required: 50 minutes

Other Important Information

Materials: Assignment description slide. Students will use printer paper and art material to
complete the assignment.
Modifications and Accommodations: Modifications can be used in grading the assignment.

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