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COUNTER ARGUMENT: No the rice is not more expensive it is

actually cheaper because it costs less to grow than normal rice.

There are also some companies that give the rice for free in the
places that have lots of kids and people that have Vitamin A EVIDENCE:In the text Vitamin A deficiency it stated, "Potential
deficiency. contribution of Golden Rice to vitamin A deficiency alleviation. It is
expected that in countries with high per capita consumption of
rice, a locally adapted variety producing less than 30 μg of β-
carotene per gram of rice would be enough to maintain
appropriate levels of vitamin A in the body"
Counterclaim (Charles
P): Is the rice any CLAIM: GMOs can help the people that have Vitamin A deficiency
more expensive which makes kids go blind and kills them normally after a year the
because in places they go blind.
need the rice to survive
they might not have
enough money to buy
the rice.

Golden rice does have more vitamin A for those who are

If Round-Up (herbicide-kills weeds) is used on these plants that

we eat will it affect us or do anything to our body. There is a lot of
“For example, engineers are able to create rice that has vitamin A argument about this because if herbicide is sprayed all over the
and iron. The modified rice is more nutritious” (Should the U.S. food we eat will it make us sick or affect us.

GMO's may be more nutritious Unknown toxins

Aqua bounty salmon has Omega 3 which help with brain health.

Benefits Concerns Allergy risks Lot's of people have allergies or are allergic to something and
Less expensive for less fortunate. farmers, etc.) GMO - Juan Pablo Flores Orozco some of the things that are GMO food might have some of the
genes that they are allergic to and they can get hurt or die.

Some of the GMO's have bug resistance that will make the
bugs not eat the plant and saves farmers money from CLAIM: People want to know if the food that they are eating have
spending on pesticides. GMOs, most places make the food labels say they have GMOs or
Not being labeled when they have GMOs not. The United States doesn't make the foods say this in the
food label.

Counterclaim (Charles P):

Your evidence says that there
Drought resistant GMOs such as corn and salinity will help the was a law passed that made
countries that don't get much rain. food company's have to have a
increase food productivity qr code that says if its GMO or
EVIDENCE: In the text People want GMO food labeled stated, not making it easy for people to
All of the food with GMOs in the United States do not have to be "Jul 21, 2016 - The bill would require food companies to disclose
labeled saying that it is a GMO food which can be a bad thing. find out if something is GMO or
whether their products contain genetically modified ingredients, not
People want to know if they are eating foods with GMOs or not. whether in the form of a label or a scannable QR ... The idea of
mandatory GMO labeling has been pushed by organic farmers
and certain environmental groups in the United States for years"

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