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Wien Med Wochenschr

DOI 10.1007/s10354-017-0553-7

The history of Botulinum toxin: from poison to beauty

Katlein França · Anagha Kumar · Massimo Fioranelli · Torello Lotti · Michael Tirant · Maria Grazia Roccia

Received: 10 November 2016 / Accepted: 14 February 2017

© Springer-Verlag Wien 2017

Summary Botulinum toxin, also called the “mira- Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin produced by the bac-
cle toxin,” is a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria terium Clostridium botulinum. This neurotoxin is re-
Clostridium botulinum. It is known to block nerve sponsible for botulism, a dangerous form of food poi-
signals that contract muscles resulting in a temporary soning. Eight distinct serotypes (A, B, C1, C2, D, E,
paralysis of the muscles. Toxins type A and B have F, and G) of the neurotoxin have been identified to
been extensively studied and utilized in the realm of date [1]. Types A and B of the neurotoxin are known
beauty and cosmetology. Initially, the toxin gained to cause disease in man and they have been used
popularity as a disease-causing “poison”. It was only medically and therapeutically. The toxin is enclosed
later that it found its way to becoming a must have in in a molecular complex of hemagglutinins and non-
modern aesthetic practice. Today, this wonder toxin hemagglutinins and is released as a single chain from
has proven to be an apt and convenient option in the the bacteria. It is then cleaved into a heavy chain
field of anti-aging medicine. containing the binding domain for the synaptic termi-
nal and a light chain containing the metalloprotease
Keywords Botulinum toxin · History · Clostridium bo- which is the active part of the toxin. At the synapse,
tulinum · Aesthetic · Remedy the toxin cleaves the Soluble NSF Attachment Protein
Receptor (SNARE) protein, thereby preventing the exit
of the toxin from the synaptic cleft. The toxin blocks
K. França, MD, PhD · T. Lotti presynaptic acetylcholine release, thus, preventing the
Centro Studi per la Ricerca Multidisciplinare e Rigenerativa, nerve impulses responsible for muscle contraction.
Università Degli Studi “G. Marconi”, Rome, Italy Recovery from the toxin effect occurs by sprouting of
K. França, MD, PhD () nerve terminals and formation of new synaptic clefts
Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, [1].
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Institute Three main types of poisoning exist: food poison-
for Bioethics and Health Policy, University of Miami Miller ing from the formed toxin (bacteria reproduce under
School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
special conditions, namely a low-level or absence of
oxygen such as insufficiently heated canned products
A. Kumar and low acidity environments as in packaged coconut
Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, water), infant botulism (where Clostridium botulinum
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine,
bacterial spores grow within a baby’s intestinal tract;
Miami, FL, USA
occurs between the ages of 2 months and 8 months,
M. Fioranelli leading to difficulty swallowing and breathing that can
Department of Nuclear Physics, Subnuclear and Radiation, be life-threatening. This is typically associated with
G. Marconi University, Rome, Italy
consumption of honey in infants), and in the form of
M. Tirant severe wound infections. Only recent research threw
Psoriasis and Skin Clinic, Melbourne, Australia light on how the toxin reached the blood stream from
M. G. Roccia the intestine. An accessory protein complex that dis-
University B.I.S. Group of Institutions, Punjab Technical rupts the cell adhesion in the intestines is formed,
University, Punjab, India thus, letting the toxin into the circulation.

K The history of Botulinum toxin: from poison to beauty

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Table 1 Types of Botulinum toxin available in the United States

OnabotulinumtoxinA AbobotulinumtoxinA IncobotulinumtoxinA RimabotulinumtoxinB
Commercial names Botox® Dysport® Xeomin® Neurobloc®/Myobloc®
Company Allergan Inc. Ipsen Merz Pharmaceuticals Solstice Neurosciences Inc.
Units/vial 100/200 300/500 50/100 2500/5000/10,000
Strength (Botulinum 1:1 1.2–1.4:1 1:1 1:50–1:100
toxin A:product)
Storage before dilution 2–8 2–8 2–8 2–8
(in °C)
Storage after dilution 24 h 4h 24 h 4h
(at 2–8 °C)
Indications Blepharospasm, cervical Blepharospasm, cervical Blepharospasm, cervical Cervical dystonia
dystonia, glabellar lines, hyper- dystonia, glabellar lines dystonia, glabellar lines
hidrosis, urinary incontinence,
chronic migraine

Botulinum toxin has been exploited widely in aes- The history of the botulinum toxin has been long,
thetic practice to reduce glabellar lines, forehead interesting, and illustrious. Botulinum toxin poison-
rhytids, crow’s feet, and perioral lip lines. Although ing seems to have affected mankind since time im-
dermal fillers are best for nasolabial folds, Botulinum memorial. With civilization, there were early attempts
toxin injection is an attractive option. The toxin is also to safely keep and preserve food, leading to the organ-
used to treat dimpled chin, platysmal bands, and also ism possibly thriving on human food stores. Indian
popular for facial sculpting. Botulinum toxin prepa- history shows that the Maharajas used “poison” ex-
rations commercially available are constituted with tracted from sausages to kill enemies.
normal saline and the required dose is injected into The first historical description of botulism dates
the target muscle. It is considered an office procedure to 1735, and in 1793, in Germany, several persons
with minimal side effects like edema, erythema, and died after eating uncooked blood sausages [2, 3]. Ini-
pain at injection site. Headache, malaise, generalized tially it was suspected to be Atropa belladonna poi-
idiosyncratic reactions, and effects due to diffusion of soning but soon that theory was discarded. It was
toxins to surrounding sites like dysphagia and ptosis concluded that the consumption of “Blunzen” a pop-
are rare. Dramatic results are seen within 3–4 days ular local food made of pork stomach filled with blood
and last around 3–4 months. Also, repeated injections and spices was the cause of this food poisoning. In
are known to be safe and yield superior results. 1802, the local government in South Western Ger-
The units of Botulinum toxin A preparations are many issued a public notice regarding the harmful
not the same and doses are specific to each prepa- consumption of blood-filled sausages. Professor Aut-
ration. The difference in the units of Botulinum enrieth, University of Tubingen, made the first at-
toxin A preparations is due to differences in as- tempt to analyze the symptoms of these cases of food
say methodology, specifically the diluents. In the poisoning. The German physician Justinus Christian
United States, the commercially available prepara- Kerner (1786–1862) was the first to study botulism
tions are Dysport® (abobotulinumtoxinA), Botox® and named the new toxin “sausage poison”. But he
(onabotulinumtoxinA), Xeomin® (incobotulinumtox- failed in defining the suspected “biological poison”
inA), and Neurobloc®/Myobloc® (rimabotulinumtox- [3]. In 1895, Emile Van Ermengem (1851–1932), Pro-
inB). Lasers, surgical facelifts, and dermal fillers are fessor of Bacteriology at the University of Ghent, iso-
other options that are more skill oriented and also ex- lated the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. He had
pensive making Botulinum toxin injections extremely obtained the samples from a piece of ham that had
doctor and patient friendly. Botulinum toxin injec- poisoned people at a funeral dinner in the Belgian vil-
tion is also being used as an adjunct to other cosmetic lage of Ellezelles [4, 5]. He isolated the same organism
procedures. from the ham and in the corpses of the victims. He
In the United States, different types of Botulinum named the toxin “Bacillus Botulinus”, the word “Botu-
toxins are available on the market (Table 1). lus” meaning sausage in Latin. This milestone discov-
The discovery of the toxin and its journey from be- ery also yielded precious clinical information about
ing a dreaded biological substance to a cosmetologist’s the disease. It was concluded that Botulism is a poi-
best friend has been a fascinating one. Not only has son rather than an infection and that there was no
it revolutionized the field of cosmetology, but it has toxin production in the presence of salt and that the
proven its versatility as being an effective remedy for toxin could be inactivated by heat.
a wide range of disorders such as headaches, strabis- By the early twentieth century, the food canning in-
mus, neck and limb spasticity, and urinary inconti- dustry was booming and with it the risk of botulinum
nence. poisoning increased. There was a need to control the
new “food poisoning” epidemic. It was then that the

The history of Botulinum toxin: from poison to beauty K

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Swiss–American scientist Karl Friedrich Meyer discov- Botulinum toxin injection is the most commonly
ered techniques to prevent growth of the organism by performed nonsurgical cosmetic procedure performed
inactivating the toxin by heat. It was only in 1944 that in the US. Compared to other anti-aging procedures
the biochemist Edward Schantz (1908–2005) cultured like lasers, surgical procedures, and fillers, it is less
Clostridium botulinum and isolated the toxin. In ad- invasive, easier to perform and quicker procedure
dition, different serotypes of the toxins were subse- also yielding relatively immediate and dramatic re-
quently discovered. sults [7]. It is suggested that with these advantages it
But it was in 1949 that Burgen’s group discovered could replace other invasive facial procedures [8]. The
that Botulinum toxin blocks neuromuscular trans- Botulinum toxin industry is projected to have sales
mission [5]. This neurotoxin is so poisonous that in worth billions of dollars in the next few years. It is
humans, the LD50 is estimated to be just 1.3–2 ng/kg constantly being evaluated for new uses in the fields
through Intramuscular/Intravenous routes and of cosmetology and medicine.
10–13 ng/kg when inhaled. Known to be the most The Swiss Physician Paracelsus’s statement “All sub-
poisonous substance known during that time, failed stances are poisons, there is none that is not a poison.
efforts were made to exploit Botulinum toxin in bi- The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.”
ological warfare during World War II. Research from suits well for botulinum toxin.
Carl Lamanna and James Duff led to the discovery of
Conflict of interest K. França, A. Kumar, M. Fioranelli,
the concentration and crystallization techniques of T. Lotti, M. Tirant, and M.G. Roccia declare that they have
the toxin [6]. no competing interests.
It took three to four decades until the deadly toxin
could be used therapeutically. It was utilized in hu-
mans only in 1980, by the ophthalmologist Alan B References
Scott, to treat strabismus. Almost 10 years later,
in December of 1989, the US Food and Drug Ad- 1. Nigam PK, Nigam A. Botulinum toxin. Indian J Dermatol.
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2. Satila H. The route of botulinum toxin from cause
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12 years. In 2000, FDA approved its use for cervical 3. Erbguth FJ, Naumann M. Historical aspects of botulinum
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It was in 2002 that the FDA approved it for cosmetic son”. Neurology. 1999;53:1850–3.
use, to improve the appearance of glabellar lines. Two 4. Erbguth FJ. Historical notes on botulism, clostridium bo-
years later, in July 2004, it was accepted to treat axil- tulinum, botulinum toxin, and the idea of the therapeutic
use of the toxin. Mov Disord. 2004;19(8):S2–S6.
lary hyperhidrosis. In 2010, it was approved to treat
5. Erbguth FJ. From poison to remedy: the chequered his-
adults with chronic migraine and then in 2011 for uri- tory of botulinum toxin. J Neural Transm (Vienna).
nary incontinence associated with neurological con- 2008;115:559–65.
ditions. In 2013, the FDA accepted it for the treatment 6. Lamanna C, Mc EO, Eklund HW. The purification and crys-
of lateral canthal lines (crow’s feet) making it the only tallization of Clostridium botulinum type A toxin. Science.
FDA approved remedy for the condition. Botox is also 1946;103:613.
an off-label remedy for eye brow lift, gummy smile, 7. Small R. Botulinum toxin injection for facial wrinkles. Am
Fam Physician. 2014;90:168–75.
depression, and even temporomandibular joint disor- 8. Loyo M, Kontis TC. Cosmetic botulinum toxin: has it
ders. Botulinum toxin B (MyoBloc®) was approved for replaced more invasive facial procedures? Facial Plast Surg
the treatment of cervical dystonia in 2000. Dysport® Clin North Am. 2013;21:285–98.
and Xeomin® were most recently approved in 2015 to
treat upper limb spasticity.

K The history of Botulinum toxin: from poison to beauty

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