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Choose the proper alternative. (L mark each) 50

1. The Bomb victims in Japanese are known The author would not "ahsolyEl' the scicntists
aS.........'........... from thpir responsibilities. Choose the correct
(A) Shokozoa (B) Hibakusha
(C) Hirikisha (D) Himubusha (A) set out (B) set free
2. What is the name of Ivan Dimitrich's wife? (C) set on (D) set,off.
(A) ShaSha (B) Kesha 13. The author's picfirre was ofr the
- r r.. .. j .. . .,. .
o o

(C) Masha (D) Resha (A) top (B) cover

3. Everyone believed that............ kites of (C) jacket (D) page .
Mahmood possessed supernatural powers 14. 'The stoutest rope breaks at last' Who said
these words ?
(A) Liza$ (B) Tiger
(A) Pedro (B) Columbus
(C) Snake (D) Dragon
(C) Francisco (D) Guilleilno
4. Socrates died the death of a ................!...
15. cotton soaked in..... .......... makes an instant
(A) soldier (B) patriot a

inexpensive ear plug.

(C) politician (D) martyr (A) oil (B) milk
5. According to Marcus the day should consist of (C) Vaselins (D) grease
. ...... ....hours of sleep 16. The girl of the silent torrent" was annoyed
(A) L6 (B) 15 beCaUSe . . . . . .. ............. ...
(c) 14 (D) t3 (A) the idler wanted to rnake a ribbon for her
6. Which of the following statements is true ? hair.
(A) Girls were thrown in the river Nile to (B) the idler wanted to carry the pitcher to his
please father Nile house.
(B) The pyramids had a mysterious shape (C) the idler wanted to draw pictures on hcr
(C) The Sphinx is a lion with a man's head. pitcher.
(D) Water for irrigation was taken from lake (D) the idler wanted to show her his artistic
Create. skill by drawing pictures on the Pitcher.
7. "Rubbish is only what you leave on your plate.'o 17. taught us to think" is written by .........
(A) Max Eastman (B) E.V Lukas
Who said this ?
(C) Gerald Durrell (D) Wiil Stanton.
(A) Writer (B) Maggie
18. When Ivan was dejected with the lottery result,
(C) John (D) Mrs. Deming
he said he would hang himself on the first
8., Jim Bishop would own a housb on the beach
. .....'.......orir...... tfee.
because (A) laurel (B) aspen
(A) He liked to bathe in sea water everyday (C) oak (D) chide.
(B) He loved cool breeze In the garden the boughs are bare without
(C) He liked to get lost in day dreams
(D) He would be able to look at the sea (A) berries (B) apples
everyday. (C) oranges (D) mangoes
9. J.G. Thurber was American. ...... .... . o.... 20. In the poem o'The Guy in the Glass", the
(A) satirist (B) humorist ttfeller" is...................
(C) novelist (D) critic (A) The other person with whom we interact
10. "A wrong man in worker's paradisel' is the (B) our own self
story of............... (C) our parents
(A) a mad man (B) a strange man
(C) stubborn man (D) an unusual man 2L. When does the poet become nostalgic?
11. Hatred and .......,......... both disappeared at (A) When it is cold outside
(B) When he hears a sweet song
(A) love (B) sympathy
(C) TVhen he hears a wornan playing on a
black piano appassionato
(C) anger (D) hope
(D) When he is resting idly.
22. one of the following is not the irnage createo er feet upon the green grass trod. whose feet
by thg,poet in thg poem "Spider" is the poet talking about ?
(A) With six small diamond for his eyes (A) his mother's (B) his friend,s
(B) It lays it's staircase as it goes (C) his sister's (D) his beloved,s
(C) This little ancient scientist.
.,'.-. 35. And logic ......o....... as dry bone.
(D) And logic interesting as honeycomb. (A) drearily (B) deadly t
23. And the tree is my seat, that once lent me a (C) cruelly (D) fatafly
shade. [Choose the correct figure of speech] 36. He puts his briefcascup................ the rack.
(A) Simile (A) in (B) at
(B) Metaphor
(c) by (D) on
(C) Apostrophe (D) personification.
37, A choice that's quite ............o....... obsceng.
24. ooris a sight to engage me" which sight does (A) virtually (B) really
the poet talk about? (C) literally (D) miserably
(A) sight of the black bird 38. The expression ' king for a day' in the poem
(B) sight of hazels , "The Guy in the Glass" meanS. . . . . ..
(C) sight of whispering wind (A) 'crowded as a king just for one day,
(B) 'a happy man just for one day,
25. "And though the apple boughs are bare.,, (C) 'a man with a great responsibility,
[Choose the correct figures ofspeech] (D) 'a very successful person for limited span
(A) Synecdoche (B) Simile of life)
(C) Transferred Epither (D) Apostrophe. 39. Little people greet you at the top.
26. As fait art thou, my.,............... lass. [Change the voicel
(A) bonnie (B) pretty (A) You had been greeted by the little people
(C) beautiful at the top.
(D) sweet.
n. He runs forthe.bus.............o..... the station.
(B) Little people will greet you at the top.
(A) at (B) by
(c) You were greeted by the little people at
(C) to (D) on (D) $;Jli; greeted by the little people at the
28. That is a job in which everybody must top.
participate. [Make it simple] 40. The:voice seemed to come from very far away.
(A) Being a job everybody must participate.
[Turn in to conrplei]
(B) That is a job for you to participate. (A) voice seemed:because it came from
(C) Everybody must parricipate in rhar job. fn.
very far away
(D) Everybody must participate which job. (B) It seemed that the voice came from very
29. what kind of dog would look forward for walk ? far away.
(A) devoted (B) genuine (c) The voice seemed to come as if from very
(C) real (D) sincere far away.
30. Dad opened the box and murmured (D) The ,oi." came from far away as it
(A) they are pretty (B) they are beauriful . seemed.

(C) they are shining (D) they are expensive 4t. I am too old to teach you. [Remove too]
31. Meaning of 'scapegoates' is
:: (A) I am so old that I can teach you.
(A) a person who abuses others. (B) I am so old that I cannot teach you.
(B) a person blamed for other's fault. (C) I am very old to teach you.
(D) I am very old that l cannot teach you.
(C) a person who deceives others.
(D) a person blamed for his fault.
42. we have plenty of time to be disappointed.
::',' t [Make it interrogative]
32. Choose the correct antonym of o'Morbid"
(A) Have we not plenty of time to be
(A) little (B) heatthy
disappointed ?
(C) defective (D) merry , (B) Is there not plenty of time to be
33. Who is The 'Guy"in The Glass? disappointed ?
(A) your wisdo*': ;: (C) Do we have plenty of time to be
(B) your near andod8ar' on. disappointed ?
(C) your friend ''::'jt' (D) Did we not have plenty of time to be
(D) you, consci"ffi-'. disappointed ?
43. The verb form of tOffice' is ......... '.
(A) Official (B) Officious tchange the voicel
(C) Officiate (D) Officially (A) Policemen were poorly"paid by them in
44. And the scene where his ............ o..o charmed those days.
me before.
(B) They had paid poorly to policemen in
(A) melody (B) song :

those days.
(C) singing (D) cooling
45. Let us move on. I Add a question tag ] (C) They paid policemen poorly in those days.
(A) shall we? (B) aren't we ? (D) In those days policemen were paid poorly.
(C) should we? (D) can we? 49. It is those dumb things, I chase around all day.
46. He is one of the greatest story tellers [Make it compound]
tChange in to positive degreel (A) Those are dumb things and I chase around
(A) He is greatest than any other story teller. them all day
(B) Very few story tellers are as great as him.
(B) It is those things and I chase around all day.
(C) He is greater than most other story tellers.
(D) No other story tellers is as great as him.
(C) I chase around all day for those dumb
47. In those days, they made fiT:3nul.t. things.
[Make it complex] (D) I chase those dumb things and for all day.
(A) Those were the days, when they made fine 50. It did not budge from the ground.
canals. tMake it affirmativel
(B) Those are the days, when they made fine (A) It budged from the ground.
canals. (B) It hardly budge from the ground.
(c) During those days, they rnade fine canals.
(C) It tailed to budge from the ground.
(D) They made the fine canals and those were
(D) It always budged from the ground.
the days.

o Answer thefollowing questions in about five to six sentences each. (0ach of 2 marks) t0EI
1. What did Dr. Sher Siagh finally prescribe to Miko to Promote sleep?
2. Explain the statement: "I had them all".
3. ftow hid 'the little blind thing' recognize people?
4. Why has Socrates been compared tg Jesus Christ ?

Ihrn the following in to indirect speech. l02l

5. The doctor said to the dog, "Have you tried anything to promote sleep?"
6. Diego: "They are simple men and must have their relaxation."
o Cbmbine the following sentences t02I
7. The genfleman on the first floor made up his mind to go. He had valuables in his rooms.
He sent in notice by his clerk.
a Answer the following in about three to four sentences each. t06I
8. How does the poet desqribe his undying love for his beloved?
9. When can you not "look him straight in the eyes"?
10. 'This small son of Euclid's own'. Explain.
o Answer the following in about four to five sentences each. t04I
11. Justi$/ the title 'The Accursed House'.
12. How did they manage to get rid of the Red Chief?
13. Read th6 fiill6ffiffi andThffi
I like the town on rainy nights
When everything is wet-
When all the town has magic lights
And the streets of shining jet.
When all the rain about the town
Is like looking glass,
Bellow! Pass.
In all the pools are velvet skies,
And down the dazzli;g ;rr*-
A fairy city gleams and lies
In beauty at my feet.
1. When does the poet like his town?
2. With what does-the poet compare rain?
3. How are the lights when the poet passes?

14. Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions.given below it. t05I
A lift boy worked in a very high building of eighteen storeys. He was engaged to carry people up
and down in the lift. One day the building caught fire. Everyone on the lower floors got out rafety,
th" people in the higher rooms could not do io. Their lives wgre in danger. The buil&ng weakened:
by flre, began to rock. But the boy run his lift up and down through the smoke and flames, till the
last person was safe. No one compelled or prompted the boy to do so. On the contrary the police
had tried to prevent the boy from endangering his life. But the boy was too quick for them. His
inborn goodness inspired him to volunteer his service to those who were in disress. When the work
was over he silently slipped away through the crowd because he knew that now he would have to
find out another job for himself.
1. What was the-job of the boy?
2. What happendd to the building and the people one day?
3. How did the boy help the people? In which circumstances? .

4. The boy was inspired by what? For what?

5. What did he do at the end?
t4. Make a Precis by reducing passage into one third of its size and give suitable title to it.
15. Write a notice for the students informing them about the Sports Day celebrations in
your school; Also inform them about various games, date and place. Write this notice on
behalf of secretary of sports club of your school.

15. Write an e-mail on behalf of Hansaben Makwana to her son for advising him to pay more attention
to his study as his exams are approaching.
16. Write a report on the visit to the Bird Sanctuary. t0sI
16. Recently you attended a Marriage function of your friend make a riote of the celebrations.
16. During Summer vacation you have gone for the tracking camp in Himachal Pradesh.
Write a diary about your experience.
17. You are NishitSanghvi write a letter to your friend Bharat congratulating him on his success t04I
in a Painting competition.
18. Write an essay on any one of the following in about 200 words. t08I
1. Education for women.
-2. Aims in Life and My aim.
3. Knowledge of English.

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