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Cristian Estrada

809 Circle Cove Drive Allen Texas 75002 – 469-396-2922 –

Objective I want to become a business owner. I would love to become

an owner of my own business.

Experience Mowing
CV Lawn care, Allen Texas
Summer of 2017 – Still doing it
My friend and I have been mowing for three months. I love to
help people when they are in need and we charge a price
that is reasonable for everyone.

Education High School

Allen High School, Allen Texas
3.8 GPA, Taking AP World History, In Phoenix, All other classes
Pre AP

SKILLS I took BIM in ninth grade which helped me learn everything

about Microsoft, Excel, etc.… I also took Health which taught
me how to do cpr etc.

CERTIFICATIONS Microsoft office

In ninth grade I was in NJHS, Got an award for straight A’s

References Available upon request.

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