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Title of Lesson Plan: Pearl Harbor Facts

Theme/Topic: Social Studies/US History II

Students will learn the basic facts about Pearl Harbor. It is an introduction or review at the
end of a unit.

Theresa Berrios, Perth Amboy High School

 Social Studies/High School/Writing

 CCSS:WHST.9-10.8 Writing Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative

print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assesses the usefulness of
each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text
selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard
format for citation.

 Estimated Duration of Lesson One 45 minute class period

Step-by-step lesson activities (Must be descriptive enough to be carried out)

Do Now: Why did the U.S.A. stay out of WWII up until December 7, 1941?

1. Discuss who was fighting in WWII up to the point of Pearl Harbor (Allies/Axis Powers). Make a list
of who was fighting and where were they fighting. (Japan Pacific, Europe-Germany/Italy (Axis) -Great
Britain-Allies etc.)

2. Show Presentation-print slides for ELL/SWD as needed.

3. Explain how Japan attacked the U.S. even though Hawaii was not a state.

4. Discuss map of Battleship Row and Hickman Airbase-why were they easy targets for the Japanese?

5. Discuss the survivors/heroes-Dory Miller.

6. Write a summary of the attack based off of the Presentation.

Materials & Resources

Presentation, paper, pencils, pens for note taking

 (U.S. Navy website)
LESSON ASSESSMENT (how will the audience show the person leading the
lesson that they "get it")

 Students will respond to verbal questions . Students will also be evaluated on their written
summary. Teacher will also monitor progress of a quiz/test at a later date regarding the attack.

Additional Information for Sheltered/ELL implementation

 Adaptations
o Break down Battleship Row attack into smaller tasks. The attack on Hickman
Airbase may be used as a mini lesson another day. Dory Miller may be used as a
separate lesson on heroism or for Black History Month. Show map of Hawaii and
areas of attack.
 Key Vocabulary
o Pearl Harbor, Tora,Tora, Tora, Battleship Row, Oahu, HI and surprise attack
should all be written on the board and displayed around the room in a word
wall format.
 Strategies for Building Background Knowledge:
o Dory Miller-use his battle serving in the military as a cook due to segregation as
a platform for H.O.T.s. questions about equality in the military/society.
 Connections to previous learning
o Review the use of KWL charts regarding Japan’s involvement in WWII, chapter
text reviewed/highlighted, visual aids from military online websites or historical
 Scaffolds
o Cloze exercise with Pearl Harbor “fill ins”
 Visual Models
o Power Point, YouTube videos etc.. of the attack and headlines
 Hands-On Strategies/Other Projects
o Students may have a PBL option-project based on Pearl Harbor. Ex. Make a map,
model, or Battle Ship Row, Hickman, or Oahu at the time of the attack.
o Write a diary entry from the perspective of Dory Miller, a civilian, a Japanese
pilot, or an American soldier.
o Students devise a model of the USS Arizona or other significant loss in the
o Power Point or presentation about other aspects of the attack.

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