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Year 9 Writing to Explain, Describe and Inform

Assessment Task Autumn Term 2


 The assessment piece is meant to coincide with a whole class reading of the novel
‘Stone Cold’. This novel deals with ideas of surrounding being homeless. Your
descriptive writing piece will require you to write an original and descriptive piece
of text about a homeless person in Cambridge.
 You will be given an outline later in the unit, which will direct you further.

The following criteria are what you will be graded on.

LEVEL AF1 imagination and AF3 organization of the AF6 technical accuracy
thoughtfulness text
3-4 - I’ve included - I try to organize - I usually use full stops, capital
some good ideas, my ideas. letters and punctuation correctly.
and use some - I write simply, - I’m learning to use speech marks.
adjectives when and show some - I am learning to use commas.
writing. attempts to
- I keep a clear follow format.
5-6 - I include relevant - My sentences - I use a range of punctuation,
and imaginative are clearly accurately, including speech
details. organized into marks.
- I make use of paragraphs. - I show a willingness to
interesting - To keep the experiment with different types of
adjectives. reader punctuation, including semi
- I can express interested, I use colons.
myself paragraphs and
convincingly. link between
7 - My writing is - I have used a - I use a range of different
imaginative, range of sentences and punctuation to
distinctive and techniques to create sophisticated effects.
well judged. control how my
- My use of writing unfolds.
adjectives is
unique and shows

K Carson 2009

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