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Topic: Presumption of Constitutionality

Case: Perez vs People

Mnemonic: PeraPerezakapatid(peraparasakapatid) and Perezumption of Constitutionality
Prepared by Renan Lasala

 Zenon Perez is the Municipal Treasurer of Tubigon, Bohol on 1988.
 In a recent audit made on his office, it was found that the public funds that he was entrusted to is
short of Php72,784.57.
 When he was asked regarding the shortage of funds, he confessed that he used them to pay for the
loan of his brother, and that he also spent it for his family's food and his medicine.
 When the case is filed to the Sandiganbayan, petitioner retracted his previous statement as he
claimed that he was mentally and physically weak at that time, as he was suffering from Diabetes
 He was found guilty of Malversation of Funds by the Sandiganbayan, and is imposed a penalty of
10 years and one day for prision mayor (min), up to 14 years 8 months of reclusion temporal

Upon appeal at the SC level:

 Peitioner claims that he was violated the right to a speedy trial and due process, as over 13 years
had passed, before the case had been filed against him.
 He claims that the sentenced imposed upon him is cruel and violates section 19 of Article III of
the Constitution.

 The right to a speedy disposition of a case, like the right to speedy trial, is deemed violated only
when the proceeding is attended by vexatious, capricious, and oppressive delays; or when
unjustified postponements of the trial are asked for and secured, or when without cause or
justifiable motive a long period of time is allowed to elapse without the party having his case
 There is strong presumption of constitutionality accorded to statutes.It is presumed that the
legislature has acted within its constitutional powers. So, it is the generally accepted rule that
every statute, or regularly accepted act, is, or will be, or should be, presumed to be valid and

 He who attacks the constitutionality of a law has the onus probandi to show why such law is a
violation to the Constitution. Failing to overcome its presumption of constitutionality, a claim that
a law is cruel, unusual, or inhumane, like the stance of petitioner, must fail.

 Court affirms the decision of the Sandiganbayan and found petioner guilty of malversation of
funds. With the modification of the penalty to 4 years 2 months and 1 day of prision correccional
(min) to 10 yrs and 1 day of prision mayor (max), with perpetual special disqualification.

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