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COURSE : Master in Public Safety Administration
SUBJECT : Governance
PROFESSOR : Dr. Eduardo A. Morato, Jr.

1. Reflect on your own leadership style. How do you intend to improve as a


I am team oriented, emotionally approachable; open to inputs, and inspiration-driven

type of a leader. I always try my best to know their individual strengths and
weaknesses so that I can easily adapt to their individual needs. Knowing from these
strengths and weaknesses I can choose the style that may be the most effective for

I can say that my leadership style is very flexible; I adopt certain leadership style based
on the personality of the people I work with. There are personnel who do not need to
be push to do their job while others need to be coached and monitor to be effective in
their tasks.

Leadership is less about your needs, and more about the needs of the people and the
organization you are leading. Leadership should be adapted to the particular demands
of the situation, the particular requirements of the people involved and the particular
challenges facing the organization.

I draw my own style on my personal strength to motivate my subordinates in

accomplishing a certain task and in tandem with my management skills used to
organize and plan to effectively complete a project.

My past experiences gave me a lot of knowledge in leading my group. A different

person has different personalities so a leader must be flexible enough to adjust to
maintain a harmonious relationship with his group and be an effective leader.

While some people are naturally able to lead by relying on a particular leadership style,
specific leadership skills and more comprehensive styles can also be learned. I will


continue learning through reading, training and application of this will make me more
effective and updated.

In one leadership study, qualities such as assertiveness, adaptability, intelligence and

conscientiousness were cited as the most important leadership skills. Research clearly
shows that transformational leaders – leaders who are positive, inspiring, and who
empower and develop followers – are better leaders. They are more valued by followers
and have higher performing teams.

As a result, it would only make sense that you strive to improve your leadership skills
and get the most out of life for everyone in your sphere. Leadership skills can play a
large role in career development. Often, your technical skills can only take you so far.
To help you move forward in your career, you need soft skills such as the ability to be a
good leader. Therefore, leadership skills are considered to be important traits which can
help you get to the top of your career field. You're more likely to be hired or get a
promotion if you've been successful in leadership roles in your professional or personal

Few people are born leaders. Most of us need to practice to be a good leader, and
that's why leadership development is so important. There are many different types of
leadership, and there are many skillsets that can help you become a successful leader.

I intend to improve my leadership style by applying what I have learned from

this course and get the feedback of the people I am working with. I am once a
subordinate, thus, I avoid to adopt a leadership style that a subordinate does not like
for his superior.

I will be willing to admit and learn from failures and weaknesses, no one is perfect, and
everyone has made a mistake or two in their lives. The most successful leaders know
that the key to success is not avoiding falling or failing, but to learn from their mistakes.
Being a strong leader, I will tell my weaknesses to my team, so that I and my team can
appoint someone who excels at that particular task or activity.


I will continually educate and improve myself in every possible way. The person who
thinks he is an expert, has a lot more to learn. Never stop learning. I will be receptive to
everyone’s perceptions and by attending leadership seminars would further hone my

2. What lessons have you learned in this module? How would you apply these in
governing your own unit/organization?

I learned a lot in this module which I can apply in my day to day activities in our
organization. I learned the theories and the qualities of a good leader such as:

 Transformational Leadership which is a leader with a visionary or a leader

that contributes to change. They prompt the highest levels of motivation and
commitment among their followers.
 Adaptive Leadership which is more flexible and a loose kind of a leader.
Adaptive leaders stay abreast of current trends by their dedication to being
lifelong learners and them making every effort to enhance their openness to
new ideas.
 Inspirational Leadership which is trustful, enthusiastic and very optimistic.
Passion, purpose, listening and meaning help make a leader inspirational.
Communication, integrity, inclusion, and sensitivity to the needs of the
employees round out the qualities and characteristics of an inspirational
leader. The ability to communicate that passion, purpose, and meaning to
others helps establish the inspirational culture of your organization. These
points will tell you how to enable inspiration and motivation in the people that
you lead.

The leadership style an individual uses is often a reflection of the individual’s attitudes
about workers, their competence, and how to get work done. Different situations will
require different styles of leadership in order to maximize the productivity and well-being
of subordinates.


If you want to improve your leadership skills, think about what actions you can take to
be more influential. If you are already a leader, think about how you can influence

Based on the analysis presented on the leadership style of known personalities,

the leadership style of the late Sec. Robredo of the DILG, impressed me more,
his “tsinelas leadership” which earned him the trust of his constituents when he was still
a mayor of Naga City is indeed is a “walk the talk” type of a leader. For me, one
cannot be a good leader if he is not a good follower. A leader have set a
good example to others.

We also learned about the difference between a leader and a manager. We also
discussed about the leadership styles and concepts from the past like authoritarian,
present which is democratic, participatory and a motivator and the future such as
inspirational, roving, unifier, empowerment and digitalist.

What interests me is the concept that leadership is a work-in-process; it never ends, as

the external environment evolves and a personal circumstance occurs. As a leader you
must aware of your strength and weaknesses that would guide you in achieving your
goals. Leadership is not an act; it is a life – a way of living. Real life leadership flows
from your worldview and priorities, what you value and want to achieve in life.

We also learned about the servant as a leader by Robert Greenleaf that emphasized
that their message reflects their values, transparency and accountability.

Leadership is one of the most crucial choices that can be made in life and it requires
courage, awareness and flexibility as you continuously evolve as an individual. Leaders
help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring
vision, and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to
go to "win" as a team or an organization; and it is dynamic, exciting, and inspiring.

I can apply lesson learned to help me choose the right leadership style in my work
especially when I face situations that needs attention. I will also build my integrity by
getting their trust to make our work more efficient. I will be willing to listen to their


suggestion and open the line our communication. Without listening skills, we will not be
able to get their feedback and get a sense of what team members like about the
projects they work on. Listening effectively, need to maintain an eye contact, avoiding
distractions and respond appropriately. Keep in mind, communication is not only about
verbal communication but also body language and gestures to determine what people
are really mean. I will be sensible to their need and appreciate their work. A pat on the
back would make a difference.

Sometimes, people lose their motivation because they are facing difficulties, tired of
doing the same repetitive tasks or disappointed they are not being asked to get
involved. As a leader, you should talk to them and asks him or her what’s going on, and
share my personal stories with them to encourage them to get involved.

I will delegate work or responsibilities to my employees and let them feel empowered.
They will feel more involved and have more opportunity to develop new skills.
Delegating will allow me to better concentrate on the goals I need to achieve. As a
leader, I am still responsible for the work in the end and it plays important to oversee the
project progress when delegating. I believe that by applying or practicing the good
qualities of a leader I can also develop future leaders among my subordinates,

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