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Mission Impossible starts off with our spy, Agent Leo is talking to Agent J through a Agent Leo is a few feet away from his
Leonardo following around his high earpiece. Agent J actually isn't in the target when all of a sudden his target
profile target. His high profile target is action, but he communciates to Leo and notices him. His target alerts his
being followed around on the beach and gives him some advice. Agent J and bodyguards and then his two bodyguards
he is accompanyed by two bodyguards. Agent Leo know eachother from past engage in combat with Leo while the
Leonardo is trying his best not to be missions and their dialogue implies it. The target begins to run away.
noticed as he slowly starts approachng the discussion is about Leonardo getting
target. Leonardo uses the environment closer and closer to the target and what to
around him so he can have cover while on do once he gets there.
the move and not be noticed.
1.4 1.5 1.6

Leo fights the two bodyguards. He Leo runs onto the pier and runs across it Leo meets his target at the end of the pier.
successfully defeats them; however, Leo towads the end. His target is at the end of They both exchange dialogue and Leo and
wastes valuable time as his target gets the pier and he's stuck at a dead end where his target are prepared to fight;. Both Leo
farther and farther away. Leo's target ran he has nowhere to go. Knowing this, Leo and his target throw a bunch that collide
onto the pier and after defeating the runs as quickly as possible as this is his and then the title pops up on the screen.
bodyguards as quickly as possible Leo opportunity to get the target.
begins to chase after his target.

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