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About a Boy Family Assessment

Jacqueline Soweidan

Westminster College School of Nursing

About a Boy

About a boy is a film from 2002 where an irresponsible bachelor, Will, winds up getting

involved with women’s twelve-year-old son, Marcus. The film starts by introducing the audience

to Will and Marcus. Will is a bachelor who has inherited his father’s money and doesn’t work,

his main goal is finding someone to date. Marcus is the other main character who is raised by his

single mother, Fiona. Fiona is often seen crying and depressed. Marcus remains by his mother’s

side and aims to help her create a better life for herself. Sadly, Marcus is made fun of at school

because his clothing is different, he sings out at random times and doesn’t have many friends.

Will started dating a single mother and realized he enjoyed the sex and thought it was less

responsibility. He was on a hunt to find more single mothers, he ended up attending a single

parent support group to help him meet more single mothers. While Will is at the support group

he ends up scheduling a date with one of the mothers, Suzie. He lies to the support group and

says he has a son. Will didn’t plan on becoming involved in any of the lives of these support

group members, he was just looking to find a date with a single mom. However, he finds himself

getting tangled up in a web of lies. Suzie and Will go to a date at the park. Suzie asks Will if they

can stop and pick up her friend’s child because his mother, Fiona, isn’t feeling well. They go to

the park and take Marcus with them. Once they finish up and go back to Marcus’ place they go

inside and see that Fiona has tried to commit suicide. She was rushed to the hospital and was

saved. She returns home with Marcus but their life doesn’t remain the same. Marcus seemed to

really like Will and starts to visit him at his house. Will and Marcus begin to become friends and

the movie continues on showing how their relationship develops and how Will essentially helps

Marcus and Fiona.

Health Perception-Health Management Pattern

Family is defined by Handson and Boyd as a self defined group of members who depend

on each other. The characters I have defined as a family in About a Boy are, Will, Fiona and

Marcus. I have defined these three as a family because they depend on each other for support and

problem solving. The history of the family is complex. The family is not healthy. Healthy is

defined Health is "state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the

absence of disease or infirmity." Fiona attempted to commit suicide and her son witnessed this.

Fiona does not seem to have a physical problem, however, she does have a mental health

problem. Marcus is impacted by his mother’s inability to care for herself, being bullied at school,

not having a father figure, and feeling that his mother wants him to live a certain way. Will is

healthy. However, he is lonely and seems to have a previous unstable relationship with his father

where he was an alcoholic. There was a scene in the film where Will had a flash back of his

father buying alcohol, I implied this to be how he remembered his father.

The family is overall, unhealthy. The family of Will, Fiona and Marcus was built on lies.

Will did not have a child that he claimed when he attended the single parents support group. This

is where Will met Fiona. Later on, he saw that she attempted to commit suicide and sees that

Marcus needs him as a support figure.

Regarding cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, these are all seen within the film. Will smokes

cigarettes and drinks alcohol. He also mentioned on Christmas, he enjoys getting drunk and

stoned. I assume this to be drug use. Fiona overdosed on her medications. The only time in the

film that a healthcare provider was visited was when Fiona was taken to the hospital after her

suicide attempt. Fiona also attends the support groups for help. However, no medical suggestions

to follow were given to any of the family members. No child abuse seemed to have taken place.
Though, Marcus did feel the impacts of having to watch after his mother due to her state of


Potential problems that the nurse could help the family with would include a referral to a

psychologist, physiatrist and social work. By referring the family to these providers it would help

with the depression that Fiona is dealing with. Social work and psychologists could help with

some of the family dysfunction that is occurring due to the depression Fiona is having. Also,

Marcus is impacted by his mother’s illness and the bullying going on at school so he would

benefit from the referrals as well.

The general appearance given of the family members and their home changes throughout the

film. At the beginning of the film, it is apparent that Fiona is depressed and constantly crying.

This also happened in later parts of the film as well. Marcus will watch her, and ask if something

is wrong. It appears that there are reversed roles at home. Marcus also stated, “I heard that some

parents teach their children at home, mom couldn’t do that unless I paid her.” Will does not live

with Fiona and Marcus. His home is well kept.

•   Nursing diagnosis:

o   Impaired gas exchange r/t altered oxygen supply AEB tobacco use, coughing and

ashtray full of cigarettes.

o   Caregiver role strain r/t single parent and depression AEB Fiona depends on

Marcus to watch after her, Fiona’s depression, episodes of crying, Fiona asks

“Am I a bad mother?”

Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern

The overall impression of the family was that their food consumption is plentiful. Will is

often eating out at restaurants and enjoys making meals for himself. Marcus and Fiona are
vegetarians. They typically eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fiona doesn’t believe in allowing

Marcus to consume fast food. Marcus will have an afterschool snack when he goes to Will’s

house sometimes, it was seen he had jelly and toast a couple times. Fiona makes homemade

bread to be healthier. They have family meals together. It was not apparent if any vitamins or

supplements are being taken. Fiona drinks large amounts of tea. Marcus seems to drink soda

quiet frequently. Will drinks coffee every morning, and seems to have alcohol several times a

day. Will and Marcus seem to have appropriate appetites, though, Fiona doesn’t always seem to

have an appetite. No dental problems are apparent and there is no mention of dental visits. I did

not observe any skin or healing issues. I observed the family go out for lunch. Fiona ordered a

veggie platter, Marcus ordered a mushroom omelet with fries and a coke, and Will ordered a

steak sandwich.

•   Nursing diagnosis:

o   Risk for impaired dentition r/t economic barriers to professional care.

Elimination Pattern

Elimination pattern was not highlighted much in the film. There was no mention of

laxatives or other aids being used. Nor was there mention of constipation or diarrhea. I can

assume that since their diets were primarily healthy and that there was no mention of laxative use

that there was not an issue with using the bathroom. Waste and garbage disposal were

appropriate. The homes did not look to have any garbage in inappropriate areas. There were

apparent areas as to were the garbage was to be placed and when the family was on walks it

could be seen that there were garbage cans in the community. Marcus had a pet rodent, it made

an appearance at the beginning of the film and didn’t show again. I was not able to observe

where the animal waste was being thrown away. There was no apparent problem with flies,
roaches or stray rodents. I am assuming that since both households seemed to be clean and well

kept that there would not be an issue with flies, roaches or rodents.

•   Nursing diagnosis:

o   There is no applicable nursing diagnosis.

Activity-Exercise Pattern

Marcus and his mother walk to school together everyday. I am assuming that Marcus and

Fiona do not own a car, I did not ever see them driving a car that wasn’t Will’s. Marcus walked

to Will’s home when he would go over and Fiona would walk as well. The family got a good

amount of exercise due to the amount of walking that was seen. Will also had a bicycle that he

used at times. Family leisure activities were seen throughout the movie. Marcus and Will went to

the park, watched movies and went shopping together. Marcus and Fiona walked to school

together everyday. Overall, there was a good amount of family leisure activities taking place.

However, Marcus did state that “I wish my mom could teach me, but that would mean I would

have to pay or for it.” This is because Fiona has to work full time due to the fact that she is a

single parent. Moreover, it seemed that Marcus was able to spend time with Will because his

mother was working for long hours and he enjoyed spending time with him.

•   Nursing diagnosis:

o   Self care deficit r/t depression AEB inadequate personal care, attempting to

commit suicide, constant crying, and consuming insufficient foods.

Sleep-Rest Pattern

Sleep is an important factor in health and different areas impact it. At the beginning of

the film, it seemed that Fiona was not well rested. She seemed drained and cried often in the

mornings. As the film progresses Fiona no longer wakes up this way and seems to be getting
more rest. Marcus has his own room and own bed. I assume he is sleeping well. However, I am

sure that after he witnessed his mothers attempt at suicide he experienced some sleepless nights.

Will has sufficient sleeping space and a quiet environment. He averages enough sleep at night.

Fiona and Marcus have busy schedules. Fiona is a single parent and works full time, this doesn’t

allow her to have much time to relax and I assume makes her stress level high. This affects

Marcus because he does mention that his mother is unable to teach him after school because she

is working. However, Will has plenty of time to find time to relax. Once Marcus began to visit

Will have to school they found time to relax together by watching television and going shopping.

The family lives in London and I assume that the neighborhood is conductive to sleep. They both

seem to live in the city, however, I did not see any moments as to where the neighborhood would

distract the family from sleep.

•   Nursing diagnosis:

o   Risk for sleep deprivation r/t anxiety of mother’s suicide attempt.

Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern

It is important to address hearing and visual issues at an early stage. However, I did not

witness any problems in the film and them were no visual aids apparent. The family speaks

English at home and outside of the home. The family did have to go through times where big

decision making was done. As mentioned before, Fiona attempted to commit suicide. This was a

very big decision on her part and it was made on her own. This decision affected how Marcus

was able to function, he then had to worry about if it would happen again and if he would have to

keep checking on his mom. Will made a decision to be part of Marcus and Fiona’s pre-existing

family. He made this decision by allowing Marcus to come over after school and becoming an

active member within their family. Marcus seems to not fit in with the other kids at his school,
nor did he at the previous schools he was at. He is made fun of because he dresses and acts

differently than the other kids. Also, Marcus will begin singing out loud at inappropriate times.

This could be a sign of autism. However, Marcus does not have any other areas that correlate

with the symptoms of autism so this does not lead me to believe he has autism. Marcus did have

a hallucination of his mother while he was at the park with Will. This may be due to the fact that

he was worried about her. I would assume that Marcus did have some anxiety about how his

mother was feeling due to her depression and frequent crying outbursts.

•   Nursing diagnosis:

o   Sensory overload r/t anxiety of Fiona’s condition AEB short attention span,

hallucination of mother and stating mother is “crazy.”


Overall, I would say there are mixed emotions throughout the family members on how

they feel. Fiona is not constantly positive about herself, seeing that she attempted to commit

suicide. Towards the end of the film Fiona has an improved self image and says she no longer

feels how she used to. It seems that Fiona has a good support group and it is helping her attain a

better self image. Marcus doesn’t not always feel positive because he doesn’t fit in at school and

his mother’s depression have made him worried. I assume that due to this, Marcus gets the idea

that their family needs another person. This is where Will comes into the picture. Marcus

believes that their family that consist of just Fiona and Marcus cannot survive because two is just

not enough people. By having Marcus in their family is creates a better support system. Will has

a very positive self image. However, he finds him self questioning his self image when it comes

to dating.
The film starts out with the family (Fiona and Marcus) having a negative image of

themselves. This also portrays the family to have an anxious and depressed mood. Fiona is a

single mother and is struggling to make it by. The family mood is helped when Marcus begins to

visit Will and allows him to be an addition to the family. At the beginning of the film I would

define the family as just Marcus and Fiona. However, as the film progresses and Marcus and

Will’s relationship develops I would include Will as a member of their family. Family is self-


Being a single parent is hard and I assume that this contributed to Fiona’s depression. Her

relationship with her son, Marcus, could be improved. It is apparent that Fiona cares for her son,

however, she is not aware of how he is being treated at school and is unable to spend time

bonding with her son due to her work schedule. At times, Marcus felt that he was the one

watching after his mother due to her depression. These issues caused tension within their

relationship and closed some doors of communication. Marcus and Will’s relationship developed

throughout the film. The two at first were not best friends, however, Will saw how he could help

Marcus out. Through the time they spent together they were able to develop a positive


•   Nursing diagnosis:

o   Self-perception disturbance r/t depression AEB dependence on others to meet

basic needs, verbalization of feelings of self worth, relationship with Marcus, and

attempt to commit suicide.

o   Caregiver role strain r/t single parent and depression AEB Fiona depends on

Marcus to watch after her, Fiona’s depression, episodes of crying, Fiona asks

“Am I a bad mother?”

Sexual Reproductive Pattern

The sexual relationships were not a major factor in this film. The main character that this

section would pertain to would be Will. Will was dating several girls at the beginning of the film,

mainly looking for sexual relations. There was no mention of contraceptive use, family planning

or sexual problems. There was a moment in the film where Will searched the internet for girls in

see-through tops. Will also decided he liked dating single mothers because he enjoyed the sex

and they made him feel special. Will attended a parenting support group and lied about having a

child in attempt to meet a single mother. He did end up finding a date and this is how he found

himself becoming a member of Fiona and Marcus’ family.

•   Nursing diagnosis:

o   There are no apparent nursing diagnoses.

Coping Stress Tolerance Pattern

The major change that has occurred with in the family is when Fiona attempted commit

suicide. This created more worry for Marcus and made him realize that he couldn’t watch over

his mom.

•   Nursing diagnosis:

o   Self mutilation related to feelings of helplessness, loneliness secondary to

depression AEB attempting to commit suicide, leaving suicide note, depending on

Marcus to watch after her and saying “I don’t feel that same as I did yesterday.”

Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020 is a type of national well-being roadmap that was released in 2010.

The goal of Healthy People 2020 is to serve as a guideline for the nation’s health. This initiative

has different objectives and topics. I chose five of the main topics that related to About a Boy.
The most important objective I chose was, “Mental Health and Mental Disorders”. This is

number one relating to the film because many of the issues occurred due to mental illness. Fiona

didn’t always have the best care and resources available to her and this affected her family. Her

mental illness was the reason that she felt she needed to commit suicide. This is contributed to

the anxiety that Marcus felt at times. Marcus mentioned several times throughout the film that he

was worried about his mother and that he had to watch after her. For an adolescent this is a lot of

pressure. Moreover, the Fiona’s depression created a cycle of issues in her relationship with


Second, I chose “Adolescent Health.” This objective has important relations to the film

because much of the assessment focused on Marcus’ health. This goal focuses on the safety and

well being of adolescents. At times, I would argue that Marcus’ might not have been safe at

home and his social environment at times was challenging due to his mother’s depression and

being bullied at school. By focusing on adolescent health this will improve Marcus’ relationship

with his mother and allow him to receive the attention he needs.

Third, I chose “Social Determinants of Health.” This is slightly linked to the second

objective. Much of Marcus’ issues were due to him being bullied at school. He did not dress

similar to other kids because his mother was a single mom and couldn’t afford all the new and

trendy outfits. Also, Fiona relates to this objective because she seemed to be struggling as a

single mother. When she was released from the hospital there was no mention of other services

in the community that she could benefit from. Overall, this objective relates to multiple areas in

the film.

Fourth, I chose “Access to Health Services.” This is linked to the previous objective. It

seemed that mental health services were not easily accessible for Fiona. If there were more
health services that could be accessed easy, possibly, Fiona’s depression could have been

managed properly. The only time Fiona was seen with health care professionals was at the time

of her hospitalization. There was no follow up with her discharge. A visit with social work,

doctor, or psychologist would have been helpful in dealing with Fiona’s depression so the

suicide attempt does not happen again.

Lastly, the objective I chose was “Tobacco Use.” I found this objective applicable

because Will smokes quite a bit. Tobacco use is detrimental to health causing cancer, heart

disease and other illnesses. Will was seen smoking several times throughout the film and there

was an ashtray full of cigarette buds on his coffee table. Overall, I believe these five objectives

from Healthy People 2020 are highly applicable to the film, About a Boy.

Care Plans


Subjective and Nursing Short and Nursing Documented Evaluation of
objective data diagnosis Long Term interventions rationale for your goals. How would
that is pertinent related to measureable (including all interventions and you evaluate if the
to the nursing (R/T) & As and realistic assessments, references goals were met?
diagnosis Evidenced By patient/family treatments,
(AEB) goals and medications,
outcomes education and
referral). Be
Subjective: Self mutilation Short term: 1.  The nurse will 1.  The nurse will I will determine if
(Quotes or related to Fiona will make sure the make the the short term goal
statements made) feelings of remain free patient is not patient is not was met by seeing
“I don’t feel helplessness, from self left alone at any left alone if self harm was
that same as I loneliness harm during time during because if the made in the next
did secondary to the rest of the hospitalization. patient is being two days.
yesterday” depression next two 2.  The nurse will monitored it
AEB days. use therapeutic will lessen the
Objective: attempting to communication. likely hood of
Attempting commit Long term: 3.  The nurse will the inflicting
to kill suicide, Fiona will supply the self harm (Treas
herself. leaving verbalize patient with 24- & Wilkinson,
Constant suicide note, ways to hour emergency 2013, p. 290).
crying. depending on identify hotline.
Depending Marcus to feelings, 4.  The nurse will 2.   By using I will determine if
on Marcus to watch after thoughts and make a referral therapeutic the long term goal
watch after her and saying behaviors that to psychology. communication, was made by
her. “I don’t feel lead to 5.  The nurse will it will allow the listening to the
that same as I suicidal educate the conversation to patient verbalize
did thoughts by family on signs open up and ways of
yesterday.” the end of of impending build trust identifying
discharge. self harm. between the feelings.
client and nurse
(Treas &
2013, p. 292).
3.   By supplying
the patient with
24-hour hotline
services it will
allow the
patient to feel
that there is
available if they
need someone
(Treas &
2013, p. 289).
4.  By making a
referral to
psychology this
will help patient
understand their
emotions and
see what they
can do to help
This will also
let the patient
feel that they
have someone
to talk to (Treas
& Wilkinson,
2013, p. 310).
5.  By educating
the family on
the signs of
harm this will
allow for the
family to know
when they
intervene. This
will help
prevent future
accidents of self
harm (Treas &
2013, p. 290).

Subjective and Nursing Short and Nursing Documented rationale Evaluation of

objective data diagnosis Long Term interventions for your interventions goals. How
that is pertinent related to measureable (including all and references (must would you
to the nursing (R/T) & As and realistic assessments, include references for evaluate if the
diagnosis Evidenced By patient/family treatments, rationale. Include the goals were met?
(AEB) goals and medications, author and page
outcomes education and number)
referral). Be
Subjective: Anxiety r/t Short term: 1.   Assess client for 1.   This will help nurse Short term: I
(Quotes or mother’s Patient will signs of anxiety understand where will evaluate if
statements attempt at describe 3 (verbalization of anxiety is coming goal was met by
made) suicide and strategies to anxiety, from and how it is listening to
state of reduce anxiety insomnia, presented (Burke & patient identify
“I can’t always depression by the end of restlessness, LeMone, 2011, p. three ways to
be here to AEB stating stay. blood pressure 1236). reduce anxiety.
watch you “I can’t and 2.   This will help
mom!” always be tachycardia). reduce the patient’s
here to watch 2.   Provide calm anxiety (Burke &
Stating you mom!,” Long term: environment LeMone, 2011, p.
imagining hallucinations Patient will 3.   Familiarize 1236).. Long term: I
mother’s of mother, identify one Marcus with 3.   This will help will evaluate if
suicide attempt stating it source of environment reduce the patient’s patient meets
bothers him bothers him stress that is and people as anxiety (Burke & goal by meeting
when he causing needed. LeMone, 2011, p. with patient one
remembers of anxiety in one 4.   Use therapeutic 1240). month after visit
mother trying month. communication. 4.   This will open up and recognize if
Objective: killing her 5.   Reinforce communication they can identify
(What you self. patient’s between the nurse one source of
observe or personal and the patient stress causing
measure) reaction to or (Burke & LeMone, anxiety.
expression of 2011, p. 1233).
Hallucinations discomforts 5.   This will help
of mother 6.   Teach patient reduce the patient’s
coping anxiety by
Witnessing techniques (deep expressing their
mother attempt breath, feelings (Burke &
suicide meditation) LeMone, 2011, p.
6.   This will help
patient deal with
anxiety (Burke &
LeMone, 2011, p.

Subjective and Nursing Short and Nursing Documented rationale Evaluation of

objective data diagnosis: Long Term interventions for your interventions goals. How
that is pertinent measureable (including all and references (must would you
to the nursing and realistic assessments, include references for evaluate if the
diagnosis patient/famil treatments, rationale. Include the goals were met?
y goals and medications, author and page
outcomes education and number)
referral). Be
Subjective: Caregiver role Short term 1.   The nurse will 1.  This will allow the I will evaluate if
(Quotes or strain r/t single goal: assess the nurse to determine if the short term
statements made) parent and Fiona will caregiver-care the relationship is goal was met if
Fiona: “Am I bad depression AEB identify by recipient satisfying to both. Fiona repeats
mother?” Fiona depends on stating the relationship by Dysfunctional what resources
Marcus: “I can’t Marcus to watch resources interviewing relationship can lead are available
always be here to after her, Fiona’s available by Fiona and to ineffective and back to me.
watch after you” depression, the end of Marcus. fragmented care
(directed at episodes of the meeting. 2.   The nurse will which result in
Fiona) crying, Fiona encourage neglect or abuse. By I will evaluate if
asks “Am I a bad Long term involvement of determining if the the long term
Objective: mother?” goal: other family relationship is goal is met if
Attempt at Fiona will (Will) members mutually satisfying Fiona reports
suicide, leaves report little to assist Fiona. will allow the nurse that there is little
suicide note to to no 3.   The nurse will understand the to no feelings of
Marcus, episodes feelings of refer client to relationship (Treas & burden when
of crying burden after support groups. Wilkinson, 2013, p. meeting with her
one month 4.   The nurse will 311). one month after
of meeting. suggest 2.   This will allow for the initial
community Fiona not to have all meeting.
resources for of the pressure of
child to attend being the sole
such as, Boys caregiver. This will
and Girls Club. give Fiona time and
5.   The nurse will reassurance that she
introduce stress is not alone (Treas &
reducing Wilkinson, 2013, p.
methods to 308).
Fiona (exercise, 3.  Referring to support
deep groups will allow the
breathing). client to know she is
6.   The nurse will not alone her
make a referral situation and can
to social work. provide her will
educational guidance
(Treas & Wilkinson,
2013, p. 315).
4.   Suggesting groups
for Marcus to go to
will grant
opportunity for him
to create friendships
and allow Fiona to
feel less strained
(Treas & Wilkinson,
2013, p. 311).
5.  This will help Fiona
find positive ways of
dealing with stress
(Treas & Wilkinson,
2013, p. 310).
6.  This will help the
family find more
resources if needed
(Treas & Wilkinson,
2013, p. 320).

Gordon, M. (2011). Manual of nursing diagnosis. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Healthy People 2020 Topics and Objectives A-Z. Retrieved November 14, 2017, from

LeMone, P., & Burke, K. (2011). Medical-surgical nursing: Critical thinking for person-centred

care. Melbourne, VIC: Pearson Australia.

Treas, L., & Wilkinson, J. (2013). Basic Nursing Nursing Skills Videos Concepts, Skills &

Reasoning. F A Davis.

Weitz, C. (2002). About a Boy (Widescreen Edition): Hugh Grant, Toni Collette, Rachel Weisz,

Nicholas Hoult, Chris Weitz, Paul Weitz, Nick Hornsby, Lynn Harris, Tim Bevan, Robert

De Niro, Brad Epstein, Eric Fellner, Jane Rosenthal, Peter Hedges: Movies & TV.

Retrieved from



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