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Spatiotemporal Optimization Through Gaussian Process-Based Model

Predictive Control: A Case Study in Airborne Wind Energy
Shamir Bin-Karim , Alireza Bafandeh , Ali Baheri, and Christopher Vermillion

Abstract— This brief presents a model predictive control lifted this monotonicity assumption by using a switched
(MPC)-based spatiotemporal optimization strategy that is applied extremum seeking technique to hunt for the optimal altitude in
to the problem of optimizing the altitude of a type of airborne real time. However, this technique is prone to get stuck in local
wind energy (AWE) system, specifically a buoyant airborne
turbine. Altitude optimization for AWE systems represents a optima, particularly in the presence of complex, nonmonotonic
challenging problem under which the wind speed varies with wind shear profiles.
both time and altitude, is only instantaneously observable at the The altitude optimization problem is in fact one of many
altitude where the AWE system is operating, and dictates the optimization applications that involve a spatiotemporally vary-
net power produced by the system. The proposed MPC strategy ing random variable (wind speed), such as [10] and [11].
avoids the need for a computationally expensive Markov process
model for characterizing the wind speed and is structured in a In optimal control applications that only involve a tempo-
way that the need for instantaneous power maximization (termed rally varying random variable (such as power scheduling for
exploitation) is balanced with the need to maintain an accurate conventional wind energy systems in [12]–[16] and power
map of wind speed versus altitude (termed exploration). The split management for hybrid electric vehicles in [17]–[19]),
MPC strategy is calibrated through a Gaussian process regression it is common to characterize the evolution of the random
framework. Real wind speed versus altitude data have been used
to validate the strategy. variable with a Markov model. However, when a scalar random
variable is varying both spatially and temporally, an exponen-
Index Terms— Airborne wind energy (AWE) system, explo- tial dependence of computational complexity on the number
ration versus exploitation, Gaussian process (GP), model predic-
tive control (MPC), partially observable system, spatiotemporal of states renders Markov-based approaches computationally
optimization, uncertainty modeling. infeasible. Furthermore, the random variable (wind, in our
case) is partially observable, as we only measure wind speed
at the operating altitude. In the case of partial observability,
I. I NTRODUCTION balancing exploration with exploitation is very important.

I N RECENT years, many commercial and research insti-

tutions have been working in the area of airborne wind
energy (AWE) systems (see [1]). These systems replace con-
However, this is not considered through the application of
traditional stochastic model predictive control (SMPC).
This brief presents an MPC-based spatiotemporal opti-
ventional towers with tethers and a lifting body to reach mization that does not require computationally expensive
altitudes that are inaccessible with traditional wind turbines, Markov models and does balance exploration with exploita-
and avoid high tower and foundation costs. A majority tion. This brief replaces the heuristic statistical modeling tech-
of these systems use crosswind flight to produce energy nique discussed in [20] with established tools from Gaussian
(see [2]–[5]). However, only a few studies have examined process (GP) modeling [21]. The fusion of GP-based modeling
the use of altitude adjustment to optimize the wind speed with SMPC has been discussed in [22]–[24]. Diwale et al. [25]
presented to the airborne system (see [6]–[9]). used GP for learning system dynamics of an AWE system.
In [6], the wind shear profile (i.e., wind speed vs. altitude) is Nevertheless, the aforementioned publications do not address
assumed to follow a known monotonic power law profile. This the exploration–exploitation balance. This brief also presents
assumption is often violated in practice, as illustrated through a comprehensive analysis of the proposed MPC strategy
data presented in this brief. Bafandeh and Vermillion [7], [8] under varying exploration weights (which dictate the balance
between exploration and exploration) and varying rate limits
Manuscript received September 24, 2017; accepted November 18, 2017. (which dictates the maximum allowable altitude change from
Manuscript received in final form November 28, 2017. This work was
supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant 1437296. one time step to the next), and provides a comparison between
Recommended by Associate Editor L. Fagiano. (Corresponding author: the performance under the local Lyapunov-based switched
Shamir Bin-Karim.) extremum seeking (LSES) altitude control strategy of [8] and
S. Bin-Karim, A. Bafandeh, and A. Baheri are with the Mechanical
Engineering and Engineering Science Department, University of North the MPC strategy pursued in this brief. The specific case study
Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 USA (e-mail:; in this brief focuses on a 100-kW AWE system with airborne; energy generation. This conforms to the design of the Altaeros
C. Vermillion is with the Engineering Science Department, Faculty of the
Mechanical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, buoyant airborne turbine (BAT), which uses a lighter-than-air
NC 28223 USA, and also with Altaeros Energies, Boston, MA 02143 USA shroud to lift a horizontal-axis turbine.
(e-mail: This brief is organized as follows. Section II provides a
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at data-based discussion of the random nature of the wind shear
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2017.2779428 profile, along with a simple model for the net power output of
1063-6536 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Spatial variation in wind speed. Distance to BAT versus wind

speed deviation, with respect to wind speed at a base altitude (z 0 ) of 546 m Fig. 2. Temporal variation of wind speed, with respect to base data taken at
(at 00.00 h, i.e., midnight), computed for 15 days during January 2014 (starting time t0 , at an altitude of 146 m, for 31 days during January 2014, based on
from January 1), based on actual data from [26]. actual data from [26].

the BAT. Section III provides a review of GP modeling and (which happened to be midnight). To illustrate the spatial
discusses kernel selection (for capturing the characteristics of variability of wind shear profiles taken at significantly different
the conditional mean and variance of the wind shear profile) times (all at least 24 h apart from each other), Fig. 1 plots the
and hyperparameter identification (for fitting parameters to difference between the wind speed at a particular altitude, z,
these models of conditional mean and variance). Section IV and the wind speed at a reference altitude, z 0 (which is taken
details the cost function and constraints for the MPC strat- as 546 m in Fig. 1), denoted by v wind,spatial(z, t0 , z 0 )
egy used in this brief. Section V illustrates the resulting v wind,spatial(z, t0 , z 0 ) = v wind (t0 , z 0 + z) − v wind (t0 , z 0 ).
altitude profiles and energy output that emanate from the
MPC strategy, demonstrating that this strategy outperforms the
LSES control algorithm presented in [8] and offline-optimized v wind,spatial(z, t0 , z 0 ) increases with increasing z. From
constant altitude operation. This section also presents a an altitude optimization perspective, this implies, unsurpris-
detailed assessment of the effect of different exploration ingly, that one’s ability to predict wind speed at a particular
weights and rate limits. altitude depends on the proximity of that altitude to ones where
data have already been gathered.
II. W IND P ROFILE AND E NERGY G ENERATION M ODEL Fig. 2 shows the temporal nature of wind speed over the
A. Wind Profile 31 days in January 2014, at a constant altitude z 0 = 146 m.
As with Figs. 1 and 2, the difference in wind speed between
The wind data used in this brief was obtained from
time t and a reference time t0 is denoted by v wind,temporal
a 915-MHz Doppler RADAR-based wind profiler in Cape
(t, t0 , z 0 )
Henlopen State Park [26] (located in Lewes, Delaware). This
data set includes average wind speeds at 30 min time intervals v wind,temporal(t, t0 , z 0 ) = v wind (t0 + t, z 0 )−v wind (t0 , z 0 ).
with a consensus averaging time of 24 min, at 48 altitudes (2)
from 146 up to 3000 m. The quantized data was interpolated
in space and time for the purposes of control system validation. The qualitative conclusions in Fig. 2 are again unsurprising;
Considering practical flight altitude limitations of the BAT, the given a measurement of wind speed at time t0 , the proximity
portion of data involving tabulated altitudes up to 947 m was of wind speed to v wind (t0 , z 0 ) diminishes with increasing time.
considered for this research. From an altitude optimization perspective, Figs. 1 and 2 show
To maximize energy generation, the BAT should operate at that in order to maintain accurate knowledge of the wind shear
altitudes where the wind speed is as close as possible to the profile, it is necessary to continually explore different altitudes;
turbine’s rated wind speed, v rated . Clearly, operation in winds otherwise, the uncertainty in wind speed grows to be very
below v rated will result in reduced power output, but operation large. A large-scale analysis of the data from Cape Henlopen
in winds above v rated will also reduce the net power output, was used to quantify the statistical variability of wind speed
due to the increased power required to control the system in with time and altitude, thereby providing the appropriate
high winds. Because the wind speed varies significantly with mathematical mechanism for incentivizing exploration, which
time and altitude, determining which altitude will yield a wind is detailed in Section III.
speed closest to v rated is a challenging task.
Fig. 1 shows the spatial variation in wind speed at B. Energy Generation Model
31 separate instances during January 2014. All measure- A portion of the total energy produced by the turbine
ments were taken at a specific time, t0 , during each day in an AWE system is consumed to adjust or maintain the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


operating altitude. This energy is required to reject the distur- wind speed, conditioned upon past and present measurements.
bances resulting from changes in wind velocity and direction. These can be characterized through a conditional mean and
In light of this, the instantaneous net power generation can be conditional variance, denoted by
approximated as follows:  
μc  E v wind (z, t)|D (5)
Ptotal = Ptur (v wind (z i , ti ), v rated )
− Pmaint (v wind (z i , ti )) and
+ Pz (v wind (z i , ti ), z i , z i−1 ) (3) (σ 2 )c  E[(v wind (z, t) − E[v wind (z, t)])2 |D] (6)
where Ptur is the power generated by the turbine, Pmaint is the
respectively. Here, D represents a matrix of m previously
power required to maintain altitude, Pz is the instantaneous
measured wind speeds and the corresponding measurement
power required for or regenerated by adjusting altitude, z i is
points. To precisely characterize the aforementioned condi-
the operating altitude at time ti , v wind (z i , ti ) is the wind speed
tional statistics, D should include all previously acquired data
at the operating altitude at time ti , and v rated is the turbine’s
points; however, for practical purposes, considering a finite set
rated wind speed. Because any upward altitude adjustment
of m recent points is sufficient to accurately approximate the
of the system must later be compensated with a downward
quantities, as spatiotemporally distant measurements provide
altitude adjustment (the system must land eventually), and
a little predictive values. D is specified by
because it is not the explicit objective of a system with
⎡ ⎤
airborne energy generation to strategically leverage additional z0 ... z m−1
energy through regeneration on the ground, it is possible to D=⎣ t0 ... tm−1 ⎦. (7)
simplify the objective function for the system, which should v wind (z 0 , t0 ) . . . v wind (z m−1 , tm−1 )
be maximized, as follows:
In this brief, we use tools from the machine learning commu-
P = C1 min(v wind (z i , ti ), v rated )3 nity to automatically characterize the aforementioned statisti-
− C2 [v wind (z i , ti )]2 cal properties.
|z i − z i−1 |
− C̄3 [v wind (z i , ti )]2 (4)
A. Preliminaries for Gaussian Process Modeling
where C1 and C2 are the constant parameters that depend
upon the turbine’s power curve and flight control system Let Z denotes the domain of allowable altitude choices and
(comprising both the controller and the aerodynamics of the T denotes the temporal space. Our goal is to model wind
lifting body), respectively. C̄3 is a lumped parameter that is speed at altitude z ∈ Z and time t ∈ T . In order to do that,
dependent on overall winch efficiency and aerodynamics of we construct a function f : Z × T → R, whose output is
the lifting body. (See [8], for a detailed discussion about a random variable y. In this application, since wind speed
the parameters C1 , C1 , C̄3 and their derivation from actual can be reasonably modeled by a log-normal distribution [27],
aerodynamic data from the BAT.) t is the elapsed time y is taken as the natural log of the ratio of the wind velocity
between time step ti−1 and ti . v wind (z, t) to a reference wind velocity, v wind (z 0 , t0 )

v wind (z, t)
v wind (z 0 , t0 )
For spatiotemporal optimizations where the random This transformation results in a random variable that can
variable is partially observable in space, an appropriate bal- be reasonably modeled by a GP [21]. The GP is completely
ance between exploitation and exploration must be achieved. specified by its mean function and covariance function, and is
Exploitation involves making the best decision given the written as
current information. Exploration, on the other hand, involves
f (z, t) ∼ GP(μ(z, t), k((z, t), (z  , t  ))) (9)
information gathering. In the case of AWE systems, exploita-
tion involves using past and present wind data to determine where μ(z, t) is the mean function and k((z, t), (z  , t  )) is the
and go to the optimal altitude for maximum energy generation. covariance function of the GP prior. Let Y be the recently
However, if the AWE system sits at a fixed altitude for a long collected observations at X, where
time, the knowledge of the wind velocity at altitudes it visited
earlier on the same day becomes less effective as earlier wind X = [(z 0 , t0 ), . . . , (z m−1 , tm−1 )] (10)
velocity measurements could be very different from the wind Y = [y0 , . . . , ym−1 ] . T
velocities later in the day (see Fig. 2). To quantify the need
for exploration, the statistical characteristics of the wind shear Given the aforementioned mean and covariance functions,
profile are very important. the conditional mean and variance (which we are ultimately
In striking the appropriate balance between exploration and interested in for this application) can be written as
exploitation, we are interested in understanding the value of
new data in terms of predicting wind speed. As such, we μ̂c = μ(z, t|Y, X) (12)
are interested in the conditional probability characteristics of = μ(z, t) + k̂ X (z, t)T ( K̂ X + σ 2 I )−1 (δY )
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


and Similar to the spatial covariance kernel in (18), the structure

of k2 in (19) describes a stationary kernel for which the
(σ̂ 2 )c = k (z, t), (z, t)|X covariance is a function of the temporal separation of two

= k (z, t), (z, t) − k̂ X (z, t)T ( K̂ X + σ 2 I )−1 k̂ X (z, t) points, relative to a length-scale factor.
(13) Based on these spatial and temporal kernel structures, (17)
can be written as
respectively. Here, δY is the deviation of Y from its prior mean
  (z − z  )2 (t − t  )2
δY = [y0 − μ(z 0 , t0 ), . . . , ym−1 − μ(z m−1 , tm−1 )]T . (14) k((z, t), (z , t )) = σ f exp −
− (20)
2l12 2l22
k̂ X (z, t) is a column vector of the covariance values between
(z, t) and every observed location in X where σ 2f = σ12 σ22 . The structure of the SE kernel ensures
that if two data points are close in spatiotemporal space, they
k̂ X (z, t) = [k((z 0 , t0 ), (z, t)), . . . , k((z m−1 , tm−1 ), (z, t))]T ∈ Rm. have higher correlation than points those are further away
(15) spatiotemporally.

K̂ X is the Gram matrix that encodes the pairwise covariance

values between all locations in X C. Hyperparameter Estimation
Incorporation of a GP model into an MPC strategy requires
K̂ X = [k((z i , ti ), (z j , t j ))]i, j ∈[0,1,...,m−1] ∈ Rm×m (16)
not only a parametric model for conditional mean and variance
and σ 2 is the noise variance (assuming independent identically but also a mechanism for identifying the parameters of the
distributed Gaussian noise). kernel, termed hyperparameters. In the case of the SE kernel
structure proposed in this brief, these hyperparameters include
l1 , l2 , and σ f . In practice, we identify these parameters
B. Kernel Functions
through the maximization of the log marginal likelihood over
In order to use a GP model in the spatiotemporal optimiza- the domain of candidate hyperparameters (for more details,
tion problem at hand, it is necessary to generate relatively see [31]). The log marginal likelihood, which reflects the log-
simple parametric approximations for the conditional mean arithm of the likelihood of achieving a particular observation
and variance of (12) and (13). Because the conditional mean Y based on past observations X and hyperparameter set θ , is
and variance depend heavily on the covariance matrix, it is given by
consequently important to be able to characterize the covari-

between any pair of spatiotemporal points, denoted by L = log p(Y |X, θ ) = − Y T ( K̂ X + σ 2 I )−1 Y
k (z, t), (z  , t  ) , through a relatively simple parameterization. 2
1 m
This parameterization is obtained through the choice of a − log |( K̂ X + σ 2 I )| − log 2π. (21)
covariance kernel, which provides a simple structure for the 2 2
covariance between two spatiotemporal points [28], [29]. For For the application at hand, θ represents the set of kernel
the problem at hand, the covariance kernel is obtained through hyperparameters
the multiplication of two components—a spatial component
(k1 (z, z  )) and a temporal component (k2 (t, t  )) θ = {l1 , l2, σ f }. (22)

k (z, t), (z  , t  ) = k1 (z, z  )k2 (t, t  ). (17) To determine the hyperparameters by maximizing the mar-
ginal likelihood, partial derivatives of the marginal likelihood
1) Form of the Spatial Covariance Kernel (k1 ): For k1 , a with respect to the hyperparameters are calculated
squared exponential (SE) kernel, also known as the radial basis
function kernel, is used. It has the form ∂L 1 T −1 ∂ K̂ X −1 1 −1 ∂ K̂ X
= Y K̂ X K̂ X Y − trace K̂ X . (23)
1 (z − z  )2 ∂θ 2 ∂θ 2 ∂θ
k1 (z, z  ) = σ12 exp − (18)
2 l12 For the AWE system, available wind shear data were used
to identify the hyperparameters in (22) that minimize the
where l1 and σ12 are hyperparameters. The parameter l1 , known parameter estimation marginal likelihood, using a gradient-
as the characteristic length scale, determines the length of the based optimizer.
spatial fluctuations in the function f . The hyperparameter σ12
is called the signal variance, which correlates with the average
distance of the function f away from its mean [30]. IV. M ODEL P REDICTIVE C ONTROL F ORMULATION
2) Form of the Temporal Covariance Kernel (k2): For k2 , The basic idea of MPC is to exploit a model of the process to
we have also used an SE kernel with hyperparameters l2 predict the future evolution of the system and compute control
and σ22 as the characteristic length scale and signal variance, actions by optimizing a cost function that depends on these
respectively, predictions [16]. In performing this optimization, MPC is one
of a select few control strategies that can explicitly consider
 1 (t − t  )2
k2 (t, t ) = σ2 exp −
. (19) hard constraints on both the control signal and the system
2 l22 states.
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For the spatiotemporal optimization problem at hand, the TABLE I

MPC optimization minimizes a cost function, J D ESIGN PARAMETERS

J (zsp (k)) = [ Jexploit (z sp (i |k)) + w Jexplore (z sp (i |k))]
subject to constraints, as follows:
z∗ (k) = arg min J (z(k))
all measurements taken up to step i . D is included in the
subject to z(k + 1) = z sp (k)
calculation of the exploitation term expressly for the purpose
|z(i |k) − z(i − 1|k)| ≤ rlim t, of considering the contribution of future measurements on
z(i |k) ∈ , i = k . . . k + T − 1 the conditional variance of the wind speed prediction, taken
Equation(12) throughout the MPC prediction horizon. Thus, the one-norm
that is penalized in (29) is kept small by continually exploring
Equation(13) (25)
the range of available altitudes throughout the MPC horizon.
where T is the MPC prediction horizon,  is the set of For the altitude optimization problem, design parameters
allowable altitudes, rlim is a rate limitation (corresponding to were selected as shown in Table I. The maximum and min-
the fact that tethers can only be spooled out/in so fast), and imum allowable altitudes are dictated by available data. The
t is the time step. The vector z(k) corresponds to the altitude interpolation of wind data can be justified given the gradual
trajectory vector over the receding horizon, given as nature of wind speed change, as the hyperparameter values
zsp (k) = [ z sp (k|k) . . . z sp (k + T − 1|k) ]T . (26)
The notation z(i |k) denotes the value of z(i ) for the optimiza-
tion taking place at step k. w is a scalar weighting parameter A. MPC With Exploration
that sets the balance between exploration and exploitation in To demonstrate the merits of the proposed MPC-based
the cost function. As is typical with MPC, the first term in the altitude optimization, the system performance was compared
optimized control input trajectory represents the commanded under five different control “scenarios.” An exploration rate
control input at step k. In this case, the commanded control limit of 2 m/s has been considered for all scenarios.
input is the altitude setpoint, given as Scenario 1 (MPC With Exploration): This scenario uses the
MPC control scheme of (25) with an exploration weight of
z sp (k) = z ∗ (k|k). (27)
w = 300 (i.e., the exploration term is active). The reason for
It is assumed in this brief that an underlying lower level flight using this particular weight is discussed in Section V-B.
control system regulates the system’s operating altitude (z) Scenario 2 (Off-Line Optimized Trajectory): This scenario
to the setpoint (z sp ). Such an altitude control system has been involves flying the BAT at its optimal altitude, based on an off-
validated numerically and experimentally in both [3] and [32]. line optimization of net energy generation. The optimization
The exploitation term in the cost function is given as is as follows:
τ −1

Jexploit (z(i |k)) = Prated − E(P(z(i |k))|D). (28) minimize Joffline = −P(v wind (z(t), t))
z(t )
Here, E(P(z(i |k))|D) is the expected power output for the t =0

AWE system at a given altitude, conditioned upon m previous subject to z(t) ∈ , t = 0 . . . τ − 1

measurement data (denoted by D). Prated is the (constant) rated |z(t) − z(t − 1)| ≤ rlim t (31)
power of the AWE system, which is the maximum power that where τ is the final time step. It should be noted that this calcu-
can be produced at any instant. lation requires knowledge of future and is not implementable
The exploration term is given as in real time. However, this scenario represents an upper bound
z  =z
 on the potential of any real-time strategy.

Jexplore (z(i |k)) = (σ̂ 2 )c (t (i ), z  )|D, D (29) Scenario 3 (Off-Line Optimized Constant Altitude): This
z  =z min scenario involves off-line determination of the optimal con-
stant altitude during the time period over which performance
where z max and z min are the upper and lower bounds of
is being evaluated
explorable altitudes. D is given as
  τ −1

 z(k|k) . . . z(i |k) minimize Jconst.alt. = −P(v wind (z, t)). (32)
D = . (30)
t (k) . . . t (i ) z=constant
t =0
Thus, at each time step, the exploration term penalizes the This scenario requires future knowledge and also, therefore,
one-norm over altitude of the conditional variance of the wind cannot be implemented in real time. However, it represents an
speed at each step in the MPC horizon, conditioned upon upper bound on the potential of any constant altitude strategy.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 3. Comparison of different control strategies for a duration of one week. Data acquired from January 12, 2014 to January 18, 2014. (a) Comparison of
altitude setpoints. (b) Comparison of wind speed during different altitude setpoints. (c) Comparison of net energy generation.

Scenario 4 (Off-Line Optimized Constant Altitude Using Scenario 5 (LSES): In this scenario, we consider the
Historical Data): This scenario uses the historical data extremum seeking-based altitude optimization algorithm, a
from [26] to determine the optimal constant altitude over nonmodel-based control scheme, proposed in [7] and [8].
a lengthy period of time. This historical data comes from Here, extremum seeking applies a sinusoidal perturbation to
a different time window than the time window over which the altitude setpoint that allows the BAT to explore the wind
performance is being evaluated. Therefore, the control strat- profile locally, and then move in the direction of increasing
egy is implementable in real time. The offline-optimized net power output. A Lyapunov-based switch curtails the size
constant altitude is determined by performing the following of this perturbation (and, therefore, reduces control energy
optimization: expenditure) when convergence upon an optimal altitude is

tn detected. For a detailed discussion of LSES theory, readers
minimize Jhist. = −P(v wind (z, t))ti . . . tn ∈ D. (33) are referred to [33]; for details on the application to the AWE
t =ti system at hand, readers are referred to [8].
Here, ti is the initial time in the data set, and tn represents the The objective of the altitude optimization in this brief is
last time instance that is used in training this constant altitude to maximize the net energy output of the BAT. The control
control strategy. strategies have been simulated on a desktop computer with
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Energy produced over a week in January 12–18, 2014 using different
exploration weights. Maximum energy is produced using w = 300.

an Intel core-i7-4790 3.60-GHz processor and 16.0-GB RAM.

The optimization problem was solved with a commercial
nonlinear programming solver, using sequential quadratic pro-
gramming. For training the hyperparameters, one week of data
(January 5–11, 2014) was used. Fig. 3 shows the altitude
setpoint, wind speed at operating altitude and cumulative net
energy production under the five aforementioned scenarios,
for a period of one week. Actual wind data from [26] were
used. It is clear from Fig. 3 that MPC with exploration
generates the best performance in terms of net energy gener-
ation among control strategies that are implementable in real

B. Impact of Exploration Weight

The scalar weighting parameter w plays an important role
in the altitude optimization strategy. Selecting too high a value
for w causes overexploration. A large w keeps the uncertainty
measure (σ̂ 2 )c small in the cost function, but requires the
BAT to lose energy due to unnecessary exploration. A low
value of w, on the other hand, does not provide enough
initiative for the system to explore the available spatial domain.
Fig. 4 illustrates the energy production under the pro-
posed MPC strategy (Scenario 1) using different exploration
weights (w). For the data set used in this brief, the optimal off-
line value for the exploration weight was found as w = 300.
Using a value lower or higher than this heuristic optimal off- Fig. 5. Comparison of different rate constraints for a duration of one
week. Data acquired from January 12, 2014 to January 18, 2014. (a) Energy
line value for the weighting parameter w results in lower production with 2 m/s rate limit. (b) Energy production with 1.5 m/s rate
net energy production, as shown in Fig. 4. In fact, the MPC limit. (c) Energy production with 1 m/s rate limit.
strategy with w = 0 completely fails to follow the off-
line optimized trajectory and misses out on significant energy the proposed MPC control strategy significantly outperforms
generation potential, as manifested in Fig. 4. offline-optimized altitude based on historical data.

C. Exploration Rate Limitation VI. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK

Constraints over the exploration rate of the BAT represent a A. Conclusion

practical reality that is dictated by the system dynamics and the This brief proposes an MPC strategy that balances explo-
corresponding winch and tether system. In this brief, we have ration and exploitation in optimizing the altitude setpoint for
studied the impact of different rate limitations (rlim ) on net a buoyant AWE system. Ultimately, the goal is to find the
energy production. Fig. 5 shows the comparison among three operating altitude that results in optimal power output while
different rate limits. As expected, the BAT produces the most maintaining an accurate characterization of the wind shear
net energy under the least severe rate limit of 2 m/s, as shown profile (wind speed vs. altitude). Simulation results, which are
in Fig. 5(a). However, even with rate limits as strict as 1 m/s, based on real wind data, show that MPC with exploration can
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


outperform constant altitude operation and MPC strategies that [13] P. Panagiotis, S. Trimboli, and A. Bemporad, “Stochastic MPC for
do not include exploration. MPC with exploration has been real-time market-based optimal power dispatch,” in Proc. Joint 50th
IEEE Conf. Decision Control Eur. Control Conf., Orlando, FL, USA,
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[18] S. J. Moura, H. K. Fathy, D. S. Callaway, and J. L. Stein, “A stochastic
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of Delaware for providing the wind shear data used in this [19] E. D. Tate, Jr., J. W. Grizzle, and H. Peng, “Shortest path stochastic
control for hybrid electric vehicles,” Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control,
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[20] S. Bin-Karim, A. Bafandeh, and C. Vermillion, “Spatio-temporal opti-
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