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Lesson Plan 1

Title: Foundational Lesson on Newton’s Three Laws of Motion and Vectors

Learning Objectives and Goals:

1. Recall Newton’s three laws of motion.

2. Recognize consistent units and convert between different unit formats.
3. Explain the difference between a vector and a scalar.
4. Recall vector notation in the text and notes.
5. Recall rules for vector addition.
6. Compute components of vectors by multiple techniques.

Overview of Activities: 1 hour class

1. In lecture/discussion format review Newton’s Laws of Motion
2. In Lecture/discussion format review vectors
a. Difference between vector and scalar
b. Vector notation and unit vector
c. Rules for vector addition
d. Introduce components method and graphical method for solving vectors
3. Vector Resultant Example Problem
a. Class discussion on how to set up diagram of problem and what are we trying to
b. Solve using components method
c. Cooperative learning – small groups or pairs solve the problem again using
graphical method (5-7 minutes). Brief discussion on which was easier and why?
(Lecture notes found in Lesson Plan 1 Notes)

Rationale for Sequencing and Pacing Activities

As this is a foundational lesson most of the material should be a review but may be new for
some students. The majority of the class will be lecture style with me asking questions of the
students throughout the lecture. The example problem will be solved two different ways in
order to show that there are multiple ways to arrive at the same answer and that students
should feel free to use the approach that makes the most sense to them. The second method
of solving the problem will be done in small groups to add the benefits of cooperative learning
and facilitate student engagement in the learning process.

The desired outcome is that students will be able to apply knowledge to homework assignemtn
given on vectors.

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