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Top Secret 

Chile December 1972 

As you may know, we took action lead by caution to prevent the spread of 

socialism throughout the hemisphere in the 60s. Former president John F. 

Kennedy signed the Alliance of Progress which meant that investment would go 

towards Latin American countries.1 Chile was the primary target to boost 

education, and create a structured democratic government.2 The primary intent of 

the United States was to combat Communism and bring Democracy to Latin America, 

though as we know was not very successful.3 

In 1964, Eduardo Frei was elected for Chilean President by an 

overwhelming majority, due to financial support from the CIA. During his term, 

Frei negotiated a compromise with Anaconda copper company to nationalize 

copper mines, which became an important issue of the 1970 Chilean presidential 

election.​ In total ​there were three candidates running in the election,​ Radomiro 

Tomic, Jorge Alessandri, and Salvador Allende. Allende was a leftist politician 

with Marxist and Socialist ideals also one of the founders of Chile’s Socialist 


During this election period, the U.S government funded the election to 

prevent Allende from obtaining the title; the first democratically elected 

Marxist President of Chile. The United States did Though things don’t always go 

​ Staff, "Kennedy Proposes Alliance of Progress," ​​, last modified 2009, 
accessed March 29, 2017, 
​William A. Tidwell, "Special Notes of the Alliance of Progress,", last modified February 16, 
1962, accessed March 29, 2017, 
Ibid, ​Tidwell, "Special Notes," 
as planned, Allende did gain the title and power. With that certain qualification 

Allende took it a step further when he continued the nationalization of business 

in Chile, which included U.S owned mines.  

While in office, Allende lavished the inheritance from Frei’s term years. 4

When Chile’s international credit rating went down and were not able to convert 

currency, and when the United States help vanished, Allende turned to the Soviet 

Union for financial assistance. In December of 1972 Allende traveled to Moscow 

for commodity and foodstuff assistance, the Soviets did respond to their plea but 

they weren't their first priority and wasn’t enough for Chileans. 5 

Due to this rekindled relationship between Chile and the Soviet Union The 

U.S must either take immediate action or craft a strategy that includes more than 

destabilizing chile. We see two major pathways, each having separate goals in 

mind. We see united states intervention in Chile as either protecting the U.S 

industry or fighting communist ideals6. While your past actions show your drive 

to fight communism, taking that route in this situation has some serious risks. 

If you would like to get only monetary value from Chile you can either 

reclaim the U.S mines or receive compensation for the mines seized by Chile. 

These are the simple and less risky while still lucrative options. They allow the 

united states to gain from Chile peacefully whilst showing a dislike of 

communism, promoting capitalist businesses and transactions, and showing our 

dominance. You could either demand the compensation promised to the U.S 

​"The Soviets Abandon Allende," ​​, last modified September 1974, accessed March 29, 2017, 
Ibid, ​"The Soviets," ​​. 
​Anonymous post to Democracy Now newsgroup, “’Make the Economy Scream’: Secret Documents Show 
Nixon, Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup,” September 10, 2013. Accessed March 23, 2017.​.  
corporations for the seizure of the U.S copper mines or you could demand the 

mines management and funds be returned directly towards the U.S. If Chile is 

unable to rightfully compensate the US for for the mines we initiate a embargo to 

put economic pressure on allende 

If you choose to combat communism and Marxist ideals then you must deal 

with President Salvador Allende. As you know, we have kept him out of office for 

as long as we could7 but he has unfortunately been elected. At one year into his 

term seemed to be doing well,8 but soon after the country's economy started to 

tank. Chile is on a trajectory in which if not intervened with, will rid itself of 

communism. To keep Chile's progress undisturbed it is crucial to eliminate 

Allende. This doesn't necessarily mean killing him. Ideally, we would make him 

and his policies a shame to the Chilean public and the world. We have and 

continue to put economic roadblocks in Allende's way But we need to stop giving 

him setbacks and slowing him down , and start halting his progress all together. 

If we are able to make sure he looks like a failure on all fronts the people will 

see communism as a failed experiment and return to capitalism with open arms. In 

order to keep people supporting capitalism, we would need a very strong 

presidential candidate. Allende's term ends in the end of 19769 and If we had 

someone easily controllable in office we could show the benefits of capitalism 

and provide aid to Chile making his presidency a time of prosperity and 

effectively eliminating communism in Chile. With someone under our control in 

Letter, October 16, 1970. Accessed March 23, 2017. 
Caputo, Rodrigo, and Diego Saravia. ​The Fiscal and Monetary History of Chile 1960-2010∗​. 
April 2014. Accessed March 24, 2017. 
office, we could further the U.S's could also have access to copper through Chile's 

natural abundance of it. This process has a lot of area for failure or plain 

unforeseeable obstacles not only must we continue destroying Chile's economy to 

discredit Allende, we must find a presidential candidate whom we can control. To 

get them elected we would have to either tip the scale election or have a massive 

campaign with a large chance our candidate would not win. Even if our candidate 

is elected we must keep him under control and work for us. After we've ruined the 

economy, destroyed the people's hope in their government, and elected a 

president, under our thumb, we still are responsible for rejuvenating the 

economy all of this we must also build the economy from the ground up. Another 

option for replacing Allende is, by force. We could destabilize the country to the 

point where another person would be willing to overthrow a democratically 

elected president and establish a dictatorship. We've looked into Chilean 

general Augusto Pinochet looks like with the right motivation could be the 

leader in this10. The problem with someone willing to violently overthrow a 

ruler chosen by the people is that they might not be the best at choosing the best 

interests of the people. We still run the risk of him being an incompetent and 

malicious dictator and possibly pushing citizens even further towards 


Nationalization of copper mines  

Shortly after Allende was elected president, he proposed an amendment to the 

Chilean constitution which would authorize the exportation of mining 
companies. The amendment being passed on July 11, 1971 to nationalize mines. 
This affected the United States receiving little or no money for the nationalized 

Augusto Pinochet, commander in chief of the military has planned a coup to 

get President Allende out of office. 

Important cities  
● Capital - Santiago  
● Palace - La Moneda 
Companies - Anaconda copper company, Kennecott copper corporation  
- Chuquicamata, Santiago   
- El Salvador, Atacama region  
- El Teniente, Rancagua

Eduardo Frei Montalva 

● the "Chileanization" of copper. 
DOB: January 16, 1911 
Birthplace: Santiago, Chile 
Governmental affiliations:  
Current position: Christian Democratic President of Chile  
Other positions: Senate  
Relevance / Importance: very high   
Political stance: Marxist 
Psychological and Behavioral Traits:  
Role: Reelected to the Senate in 1973, shortly before it was dissolved by the 
military junta led by Augusto Pinochet. He also energetically criticized 
Pinochet’s regime.  
Past actions:  
1949:​ he was elected to the Senate. 
1964:​ Frei offered a moderate program of “Chileanization” of U.S.-owned copper 
interests as well as economic stabilization and a more equitable distribution of 
Information Reliability:  
Jorge Alessandri

DOB: May 19, 1896 
Birthplace: Santiago, Chile 
Governmental affiliations: 
Current position : President of Chile 
Other positions : ​Candidate of the Chilean right in the crucial presidential 
election of 1970 
Psychological and Behavioral Traits:  
Relevance / Importance : ​He launched a public works program that helped absorb the 
masses of unemployed11. At the same time, he tried to reduce the high inflation rate (about 
60–70 percent yearly), to augment productivity by reducing taxes on business 
enterprises, and to stimulate industrial growth by expanding the home market through 
public expenditure. 
Political stance : Chile National Party 
Information Reliability: 
Sources :   

​"Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez President of Chile." Encyclopædia Britannica. Last
modified January 3, 2017. Accessed March 24, 2017.
Fidel Castro

DOB: August 13, 1926 
Birthplace: Biran, Cuba 
Governmental affiliations: 
Current position : President of Cuba 
Other positions : Revolution Leader  
Relevance / Importance : Cuban leader, First to have created a communist state in 
the western hemisphere 
Political stance : Leader of Cuba 
Psychological and Behavioral Traits:   
Role : Since Castro's role as a leader of a rebellion and his role as the leader of 
cuba we have noticed his behavioral traits. He is not crazy but he is unstable and 
is very vulnerable to psychological pressure. The elements of his personality is 
his hunger for power and to be recognized and praised by the masses. 
Past actions : Based on Castro's past actions is seems that he has a constant need 
to rebel and to extend his personal power by overthrowing existing authority. 
Whenever he is disrupted by criticism he becomes emotionally unstable and this 
proves that his ego is his weakness. 
Information Reliability: 
Sources :  
Gilson, Dave. "The CIA's Secret Psychological Profiles of Dictators and World
Leaders Are Amazing." Mother Jones. Last modified February 11, 2015.
Accessed March 22, 2017.
One of our top agents has been investing him for years and came out with this information.
Roberto Souper Onfray

DOB: May 2, 1927 
Birthplace: Anglo, Chile 

Governmental affiliations: 
Current position : Lieutenant Colonel 
Relevance / Importance : Slight Importance 
Political stance : Anti-Allende 

Psychological and Behavioral Traits:   

Role : He ​led a failed coup against Salvador Allende while he was in office. At the 
time Chile was going through some economic failures, the price copper drop and 
were running out of foreign aid. Many people started strikes and protest so they 
essentially were behind the Lieutenant with the action. 

Information Reliability: 
Sources : 
Pedro Vuskovic

DOB: February 25, 1924 
Birthplace: Chile 

Governmental affiliations: 
Current Positions: Chilean Economist  
Other positions : Political Figure  
Relevance / Importance : Semi-Important 
Political stance : With Salvador Allende (a Marxist) 

Psychological and Behavioral Traits:   

Highly known for the “Vuskovic Plan” this was an economic program in chil  
Vuskovic was the minister and author of the Vuskovic Plan which was an economic 
platform program of the Popular Union (UP) campaign. Siding and working with 
President Salvador Allende he was named Minister of economic Affairs, he is to 
become a fundamental figure in the the economic policy of the UP government. In 
his plan he declares a reshuffle of revenue by increasing salaries and public 

Information Reliability: 
Sources : 
Augusto Pinochet  

DOB: November 25, 1915  
Birthplace: Valparaíso, Chile  
Governmental affiliations:  
Current position:  
● Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army  
Other positions:  
● Chilean general  
● Politician and the military ruler of Chile  
● Dictator  
Relevance / Importance: Leader of the coup d’etat 
Political stance: Socialist  
Psychological and Behavioral Traits:  
● leader of the military coup d’etat that overthrew the socialist government 
of Pres. Salvador Allende of Chile  
● His regime killed ten of thousands of Chileans  
● Commander in chief of the army August 1973 
Past actions:  
● graduate of the military academy in Santiago (1936) 
● A career military officer who was appointed army commander in chief by 
President Allende 18 days before the coup 
Information Reliability:  
Picture: ​ ​houtline  
Salvador Allende 

DOB:​ 06/26/1908 
Birthplace:​ ​Valparaíso, chile 
Governmental affiliations 
Current position:​ president of chile 
Other positions:​ Chilean congressman 
Relevance / Importance:​ very high  
Political stance: marxist  
Psychological and Behavioral Traits   
Role: Allende, ran and lost for chilean president 3 times before his current 
administration12. He is leading the socialist / communist movement in chile he is 
promoting marxist ideals and has seized american production for chile13. On Top 
of the copper mines taken from the US he has bought private mines and is 
industrializing chile more than it already was14. While in his first year he 
lowered unemployment rates to 3.9%, raised the ​The gross domestic product or the 
GDP by 6.7 percent15. If not dealt with he will lead this country to permanente 
communist and specifically marxist ideals . 
Information Reliability 
Sources : 
Anonymous post to Democracy Now newsgroup, "'Make the Economy Scream': Secret Documents Show Nixon,
Kissinger Role Backing 1973 Chile Coup," September 10, 2013, accessed March 23, 2017,​.

“Salvador Allende.” 2016. In ​Encyclopædia Britannica​. Encyclopædia Britannica. Accessed March 
24, 2017.
​"Salvador Allende," in ​Encyclopædia Britannica​, [Page #]. 
​Caputo, Rodrigo, and Diego Saravia. ​The Fiscal and Monetary History of Chile 1960-2010∗​. 
April 2014. Accessed March 24, 2017. 
​Caputo and Saravia, ​The Fiscal​, [Page #]. 

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