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Hall_ Journal Assignment M3_Lesson Plan

Instructions for Journal Assignment

 Steps for Columns
o Observation Column: Make observation notes in this form related to a teaching
video uploaded in Edthena
 Identify/describe 3 to 5 observations that relate to this week’s journal
o Meaning Column: Review the observation notes and write your thoughts about
what you observed. In other words, what does what you saw and wrote make
you think of?
o Research Column: Note the research that confirms or refutes your thinking,
using APA in text citations for each thought comment and/or observation, e.g.
(Author, date, pg.)

Teaching video name: Date: 03/22/2018

Formal Video Lesson Plan 1
Observation Meaning Research
Classroom Management The classroom management
routine changed recently and
01:12 - My class is considered students are not completely
 Anderman, L. H.,
a "specials" subject, and I on board. I gave specific
allow them to move around a directions off camera, but I Andrzejewski, C. E., & Allen,
lot, take brain breaks, get can see several students not J. (2011). How do teachers
water, and go to the following the directions. The support students’ motivation
bathroom. I do this because consequences for J. getting and learning in their
the only time the students out of his seat were nonverbal
leave the classroom on most cues into a verbal cue. classrooms. Teachers College
days is for recess. Redirection usually works Record, 113(5), 969-1003.
with this group.
03:57 - This was nerve
wracking for me because I I wanted to try something
have never been in this new from the reading and
classroom during a drill. I had incorporate differentiation
to locate my key and lock the within my varied structures
doors. Thankfully the students during centers. I usually
knew where to go and what to group students by their table
do. I did not edit this piece out when creating a center and
because I felt it is an important the entire group does the
piece of classroom same activity. This time I tried
management that you rarely to let them pick and form their
get feedback on. own centers, but it became
too chaotic because students
18:00 - I am empathetic to the wanted to change centers in
students and truly wanted the middle of their
them to move around more assignment. I pontificated that
and transition to many hindsight is eternally 20/20.
centers. I like them to
collaborate with each other
while they work. After talking
Hall_ Journal Assignment M3_Lesson Plan

for about 5 minutes, I usually

break them into groups that I
float in and out of during the
rest of the class period. This is
day one of a topic, and
therefore, it is unfortunately
heavily teacher led.

27:34 - I felt I rushed the

directions and should have
gave them a moment to turn
and talk and review the
directions with a partner.

Student Management Even though I Anderman, L. H.,

subconsciously choose to be Andrzejewski, C. E., & Allen,
02:53 - Students are provided
incentives for following discrete when I address J. (2011). How do teachers
directions and positive individual behaviors like the support students’ motivation
behavior. I am striving to reading How Do Teacher’s and learning in their
acknowledge the students Support Students classrooms. Teachers College
who are doing the correct advocates, I don’t agree Record, 113(5), 969-1003.
behavior instead of
addressing the students who with them that this should
are not in compliance. be the sole way of resolving
conflicts. I also feel that
16:28 - E. is very restless and someone’s behavior could in
I gave him the opportunity to
fact become a teachable
get water and move around.
However, I wish I suggested moment for the entire class.
he stand somewhere in the This is not to be utilized as a
back of the class. Although, way to embarrass a child,
he tends to distract other but rather to explain and
students when he stands.
Nevertheless, I need to clarify how behaviors,
address the fact that he is not attitudes, and conflicts will
seating safely. have to be addressed. For
example, It is okay to make
28:58 - Technical issues a mistake, if you
caused me to focus on a
single student for a huge acknowledge it and
portion of time. Even if I apologize to those you may
needed to help that student, I have harmed.
need to look up more often
and address the others who
were patiently waiting.

Establishing a Culture for I try to create games, Dweck. C. (2015) Growth

Learning centers, and to provide the Mindset Education Week 35(5).
09:58 - Students appear students with positive praise 20-24 Retrieved from:
engaged and they were even in order to establish a
excited when they heard they mindset that they “can do”
Hall_ Journal Assignment M3_Lesson Plan

had the answer correct. After it. I am cognizant that the

looking at the video, I want to technology field is full of
make sure I reiterate the
difference between a screen jargon and is rapidly
and a mouse. I think I should changing. This can become
have sped up this do now due discouraging to some
to the time I lost. people (mostly adults) and I
want to try and change the
07:43 - I note that I feel it is
important while interacting stereotypes and narratives
with the students to also teach of what the tech field looks
them life skills (manners). like. Studies show that early
exposure to the STEAM for
15:11 - The students were girls and children of color
introduced to the part called
the CPU inside the tower.
will increase the likelihood
After reviewing this footage, I of them feeling comfortable
realize I need to make a better entering into the field in
distinction between the two. high school, college, and as
a career choice.


This is week 1 of a 4 week center based routine. I am focusing on the computer

parts and functions standards for first grade. The beginning of the period is laborious
because I work from a cart and need to set up several things in just a few minutes as
class starts. The students are working on their typing skills using while I am
disconnecting and connecting computers to the projector, waiting for software programs
to load, and scrambling to find the best location to record the observation. During the
hook process, we went into a lockdown drill, which threw off my timing. The class
continued with the “post-it” hook after the drill and transitioned into the video. After the
video, we took a quiz in a group setting. The students got 4 out 5 questions correct.
Finally, they moved into centers after their group work, and they reflected on what they
learned with a computer buddy.


The readings this week affirmed some of the best practices I used and brought
up some topics I find to be a challenge for me. I am trying to improve by being more
conscious of scanning the room while I am helping a student. Being mindful who your
Hall_ Journal Assignment M3_Lesson Plan

help seeking students are and proactively checking in on them can improve their
engagement and motivation (Anderson, Andrzejewski & Allen 2011). I am also
interested in exploring different ways to run my centers. Although having the students
pick what center they want to work in sounds nice in theory, in reality, I don’t think it is
age appropriate. The students wanted to change their center based on what their
friends were doing, or they gave up because they found it to be difficult and thought that
doing the center for a little while would count. They performed better when everyone at
the table was engaged in the same work. Previously, the students couldn’t seek out
strategies from their table mate, and I think the making each table a group format
encouraged a positive mindset that nurtured their effort. (Dweck 2015)

Overall, I followed the key themes in the How Do Teachers Support Students
article, which focused on supporting understanding, building and maintaining rapport,
and classroom management (Anderson et al. 2011). Even though our routine changed, I
was able to retain whole group instruction, the group quiz, and the positive
reinforcement I use for appropriate behavior, which are staples in my class. These are
the reasons why my students remain engaged throughout the period.

Take away

This week I wanted to engage different types of learners and provide them with
many opportunities for success, and I realized I could do this within the same routine
and structure I already have in place. Acknowledging this is allowing me to grow and
develop new strategies while simultaneously reflecting on what has worked in the past. I
am also aware that I should adjust my pace and buddy students who are outgoing with
students who are help seekers. This pairing would probably cut down on the amount of
people who are sitting and waiting for me to help. In addition to that change in our
classroom system, I am also now aware that my center instructions should include an
example. In conjunction with this, I feel I should give the students a moment to explain
the centers as a group. The reason behind this strategy is that I could have an
opportunity to listen to the conversations and identify who sounds unsure about what to
do and who understands clearly. This reflection is assisting in my ability to alter my
instruction to improve my rate of engagement.

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