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Name: Maryam Bin Thani Grade Level: CCSS Math Strand:

H00327121 Grade 2
Date: 11 March 2018
School: RAKA PYP
MST: Emma Sanders
CCSS Standards:
O’clock and half hour
Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

Students will be able to read o’clock and half past by using the clock
teacher books -
student book(s) -
worksheets/ papers 3 worksheets for (Top, Middle and Bottom)
teacher materials Papers, activates, pencil, marker, stickers, clocks
student materials/ Pencil, Marker
technology PowerPoint
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):
word glossary definition image

Half past 30 minutes (The long hand pointing to the


O’clock :00 (The short hand pointing to the 12)

Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Students already know the skip counting of number 5

Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

1. Technology problems
2. No enough papers

1. Plan B
2. Extra papers

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
Student communication and use of math language
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): Time:

1. Engagement 2 minutes 2
Teacher will use the sound of the clock and students should guess minutes

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

8 minutes
2. Exploration (In the carpet) 5minutes
Teacher will explain the parts of the clock
 Hour hands (Short=hours, long=minutes)
 O’clock and Half part
 Skip counting of 5

Each student will have a clock and teacher will ask students to present the time that she
asked for in their clock
Teacher will ask students to move to the math’s seats. 3minutes

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 30 minutes

3. Elaboration 10 minutes
Students will start doing the activities
- Bottom: Student will choose the correct answer from the multiple choice between
two by using paper clips

 Half past and O’clock

 :30 and :00)
- Middle: Students will match each cup in the matching clock
 Half past and O’clock
 :30 and :00)
Top: Students will choose their own time in the clock, they will transferee it into
numbers and then into words.
4. Evaluation
Teacher will distribute the worksheets 2 minutes

- Bottom: Students will only draw the hour hands in a correct order.
- Middle: Student will draw the hour hands and write the missing word that match
the clock
- Top: Students will write sentences that describe the hour hands of the clock
18 minutes

 Copy of original lesson from a teacher resource book or website (original
 Copy of all resources given to students; Reference page with all books, journals
and website

1. Worksheets (Top, Middle and Bottom)


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