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Name :

1. Lukhi Indah Saputri (1608010104)

2. Aulia Normasari (1608010116)
3. Dewi Nur Thohidah (1608010118)
4. Azizah Zandra (1608010122)
5. Keihin Azzahra Larasati (1608010124)


Air Polution Dangers

Clean Air is very important for life because everything living has need for breathing like
animals, plants, and people’s in the world. But now there some air polution in the world.
We can find air polution in large city because high volume traffic, large industrial areas and
many people are smoking.

Effect in the air polutions for plant when polutants are pesent in the air, plant life will breath
these particles in as well. This cause serious problems within the cells of the plants such as
weak growing and death for the plant. The residu from the chemicals and polution in the air
can preventing photosy in thesis from taking palce finally it’s can make proper sunlight,
plants discolour and die.
Breathing polluted air can cause damage to the heart and lungs. Similar to the effects of
smoking tobacco, inhaling the particles in polluted air can cause people and animals to
develop heart and lung disease that could eventually prove fatal.

Air polutions is really bad for life because they do make much effect for healthy in the plants,
annimals and also human.

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