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QUESTION: Evaluate on the Advantages of In-House Unions

establishment of in-house unions in a

 Better management union relations
because no interference from
 In-house unions are in the private sector
of employees.
 In-house union has more
 One where members are all employed
understanding of company’s needs
by the same employers
and workplace problems rather
 The government’s policy is to
than a full time unions official of a
encourage the formation and growth of
nation wide occupational unions.
such unions.
 They feel in-house union leaders
 In 1985, there were only 52 in- house
are more likely to adopt a
unions with a membership of less than
cooperating rather.
 By comparison in 2011, there were 325
Disadvantage of In-House Unions
in-house unions with the membership 25,000 in
 Generally weak because
the private sector.
memberships is limited and
Example the in-house unions in the
confined to workers in one
particular company.
 Telekom Bhd Employees.
 Chosen from the small number
 Tenaga Nasional Bhd Employees
Unions. of members which may give
 Malaysian Airlines Employees
rise to the possibility of the
 Alam Flora Employees Unions employer trying to exploit such
 Government believes that they are more
 Fear of victimization among
likely to be appreciates of the situation in their
unions leader, terminations of
place of employment and problems of their
employment, transfer and
employer and less influenced by ‘outsiders’.
assignment of duties which
 There will be a closer relationship
management prerogatives
between the employer and the unions which
 Will unable to provide
will lead to more peaceful industrial relations.
scholarships and other benefits
for their members..
QUESTION: Evaluate on the Advantages of In-House Unions
establishment of in-house unions in a
 Better management union relations
because no interference from
 In-house unions are in the private sector
of employees.
 In-house union has more
 One where members are all employed
understanding of company’s needs
by the same employers
and workplace problems rather
 The government’s policy is to
than a full time unions official of a
encourage the formation and growth of
nation wide occupational unions.
such unions.
 They feel in-house union leaders
 In 1985, there were only 52 in- house
are more likely to adopt a
unions with a membership of less than
cooperating rather.
 By comparison in 2011, there were 325
Disadvantage of In-House Unions
in-house unions with the membership 25,000 in
 Generally weak because
the private sector.
memberships is limited and
Example the in-house unions in the
confined to workers in one
particular company.
 Telekom Bhd Employees.
 Chosen from the small number
 Tenaga Nasional Bhd Employees
Unions. of members which may give
 Malaysian Airlines Employees
rise to the possibility of the
 Alam Flora Employees Unions employer trying to exploit such
 Government believes that they are more
 Fear of victimization among
likely to be appreciates of the situation in their
unions leader, terminations of
place of employment and problems of their
employment, transfer and
employer and less influenced by ‘outsiders’.
assignment of duties which
 There will be a closer relationship
management prerogatives
between the employer and the unions which
 Will unable to provide
will lead to more peaceful industrial relations.
scholarships and other benefits
for their members..

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