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ASUStudents Average Sleep

Ashlie Flanagan, Olivia Mangnall,

& Regan Tullis
Question 1: How old are you
The youngest age
recorded was 18 and the
oldest age recorded was
33. The m ost am ount of
students who took this
survey were 19. We
believe this is because
m ost freshm en turn 19
this year.
Question 2: What is your current year of study?
There were 6 choices
to choose between.
Only freshm en,
sophom ores, juniors,
and seniors answered
this survey. No Post-
Bacc and graduate
students took this
Question 3: What college are you apart of?
Arizona State
University has 17
different colleges to
choose from . This
course is required
for teaching m ajors
which is why we
think there is m ore
teacher m ajors than
anything else.
Question 4: What is your gender?
This is the gender
breakdown of our
respondents. There are
m ore fem ales than m ales.
The discrepancy is largely
determ ined by the college
as m ost teachers are
fem ales. This is shown by
the highest rate Mary Lou
Fulton Teachers College
Question 5: How many hours a day do you spend
on your phone a day?
Technology is a daily
device that is used even
when we don’t notice
how m any things
require technology to
Question 6: How do you most often spend your
time on your phone?
Social m edia had the highest
rates of tim e spent on the phone
and videos were the second
lowest but, m ost people do not
realize that while on social m edia
they are watching videos as well.
This can include, facebook
videos,snapchat etc.
Question 7: On average, how many hours of sleep
do you get on a school night?
A large am ount of
students get 7 hours of
sleep while another
handful of people get 5
hours of sleep. The
ones getting less sleep
m ay be spending too
m uch tim e on their
Question 8: On average, what would you say your
quality of sleep is?
Surprisingly, 9.4% of students
say their sleep quality is a 2.
This is due to college they are
apart of and how m uch tim e
is spent on their phone.
Comparing gender to time spent on phone
We chose to com pare gender to tim e
spent on the phone to see if m ales
and fem ales spent tim e at night
differently than m ales do. The results
we concluded was that both genders
spend significantly m ore tim e on
social m edia and texting than
anything else.
Comparing gender to quality of sleep
When com paring gender and the
quality of sleep, we noticed not
m any people get a good enough
quality of sleep. We believe this is
due to how m uch tim e is spent
on the phone at night and things
leading up to sleep.
Comparing gender to age
When looking at the graph for age
and gender, we noticed that the
two people who stated they
preferred not to say, were both
18 years old. We had a high count
of younger fem ales and a lower
count of older m en.
In conclusion, our results were relatively expected for having a
m ajority of young teen fem ales.

Things we expected but did not occur:

●Som ewhat even am ount of m ale to fem ale ratios

●3 being average quality of sleep

●More people watching m ovies at night

○Social media videos, Netflix

●More juniors and seniors taking the survey

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