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1. ReinaGoth - thai, minor. One of the more known ones.

Apparently also steals OCs

from japanese artists. Also the style seems to go more into her friends(?) style,
rottenginma; there’s also THIS…..; apparently is friends with abynbyn; pedo excuser,
though said to parted ways with rottenginma and now tries better
2. Fairytale5353 - ???
3. Leafilie - shows signs of tearzah but also nicholael and petitepasserie
4. pehmein - shows hint of tearzah, not fully sure
5. nikolai - seems to have a bailey copy
6. ahogegg - ???
7. cartoonscutie - rather obvious stylechange after seemingly finding out about tearzah
8. dollguts - seems to have tearzah and ghostdrool influences
9. Skypple - lots of tearzah typical hair and themes
10. etresaint - influences of tearzah and ghostdrool
11. Raivi - 15, less obvious but clearly visible still
12. McHoneybee - less obvious, but you can still see enough hints
13. LonelySachiko - rather obvious copy, seems to kinda copy the idea from ReinaGoth
with Reina and her owner or something?
14. candy-claws - tries to copy the general feeling of tearzah art. Even to the way tearzah
does their comics etc.
15. GimmeOwO - also has a char that is basically Wilson from Don’t Starve
16. Lazarhus - ???
17. EyeSocket - ??? has fucking reverse voreart in their gallery somewhere NSFW
18. Layzeeb0nes - tearzahs old style?
19. vampiricdoll - ???
20. sexbomb - rather obvious, hints of nicholael and petitepasserie
21. kittywolfxxx - blatant copycat extraordinaire, also rather in denial?
22. postmortempixie - ???
23. angeliccult - tearzah+ghostdrool
24. flowerdoggo - …
25. Wach-chan - even has an Ash copy named Asha
26. Lopsidedsmile - rather obvious, even has tearzah and other tearzah copies linked on
the page
27. ITH-Anarchy - a bit less obvious but still noticable
28. lulubee - ???
29. starlenthecat - ???
30. milkmypills - not sure if copy or copied from….sources hint at both
31. thekuwateen - earlier pics show even more how directly they copied
32. 666street(carter)- myea
33. Cloudies_Casket - ???
34. beautiful madness - obvious, also has commissioned tearzah art
35. sliceddoll - very obvious copycat
36. bloominghead - not so obvious but there are clearly elements that tearzah likes to
overuse and are prominent in this persons art as well; also there this
37. tokkigwi - openly admits trying to imitate tearzahs style
38. marionette-tribalgarnet - obvious
39. stonerraven - ???
40. pandyra - ???
41. Hallsifer - ???
42. Varelsi - …
43. Ghostxsx - …
44. Angels-Song - …
45. passiongraves - tearzah+pehmein
46. milobyte - tearzah but without lineart
47. Elliberriii - …
48. holyodditites - heavily inspired by tearzah
49. Ash-Reza - ….
50. Honey_peache- …
51. colorbars- obvious influences by tearzah, though more neon than pastels
52. tba maybe. I got lazy...there’s just too many.

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