Oral Health Program Paper Finalllllllllll

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Tara Thompson

Maegan Edgerly
Alissa Castellon
Marsha Tran

Development of Oral Health Program

General Data:

The oral health program’s goal is to educate adolescents ages 11-12 in a classroom

setting located at Little Cypress Junior High School in 6586 FM1130, Orange, Texas 77632. The

educators will use show-tell-do method of how to properly brush, floss, and use xylitol

products. The goal is to educate the adolescents on maintaining dental oral health and attend

frequent routine appointments. The funding sources are from the Texas state government. The

target group population is approximately twenty five 6th grade students ranging from 11 to 12

years of age who attends Little Cypress Mauriceville Junior High.

There is one educator present that teaches these students social studies. She has a

bachelor’s degree in education and is certified in social studies. The teacher will coordinate the

activities for the students. Class is from 8:50am to 11:30 and they go to lunch from 11:30 to

11:55. Then the students go back to class from 11:55 to 3:50. The future plan of LCJH is to

further the student’s knowledge and to proceed them to the next level of education. Jim Wolf

with the city of Orange, Texas states that there is “a small trace of fluoride in the water, and it is

well below the recommended level“

Information related to Dental Health:

LCJH does not provide any dental or preventative health measures. They will not be

providing any supplies used for the dental program. There has not been any oral health

programs held at this school previously. The LCJH staff is knowledgeable about dental health,

but they do not understand fully to educate the students about proper oral health.

Dental Health Status:

Dental caries are present in 59% of adolescents aging from 12 to 19. Black and Hispanic

adolescents as well as those living in families with lower incomes have more decay according to

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

According to data from the National Health survey, the simplified oral hygiene index of

adolescents aged 12-17 years show 68.3% had a score of 1.0 or less. 27% had scores ranging

from 1.0 to 2.0, and less than 1% have a score of 3.0 or higher. The oral hygiene of adolescents

of all races tend to improve with advancing age.

The U.S. department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, and National center for Health Statistics state that 84.2% of 10-15 year olds went to

the dentist in the past year. 74.3% were poor, 77.4% were near poor, and 90% were not poor.

Goals and Objectives:

The goal of the oral hygiene program is to educate adolescents on the prevention of oral

diseases and maintain optimum oral health. This will include education about oral health, basic

hygiene instruction, and the use of xylitol. Educating the teacher on how to encourage the
students to continue preventative measures will also be included. These goals will be achieved

by implementing the following objectives:

 80% students will be able to recognize plaque.

 80% of students will be able to identify proper brushing techniques

 80% of students will be able to exercise proper flossing technique.

 80% of students will be able to describe benefits of using xylitol products

Rationale and Review of Literature:

After reviewing several articles identifying the prevalence of oral disease in adolescence,

it was stated that Black and Hispanic adolescents have more decay as well as those living in

families with lower incomes according to National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

The National Health survey states that oral hygiene of adolescents of all races tend to improve

with advancing age and education. Former surgeon general, Dr. Antonia Novello noted “Health

and education go hand in hand: One cannot exist without the other. Just as our children have a

right to receive the best education available, they have a right to be healthy. As parents,

legislators, and educators it is up to us to see that this becomes a reality.”

Program Design:

The services provided will be education on the topics of tooth brushing methods,

flossing techniques, and xylitol products. The student will learn proper brushing and flossing

techniques by doing fun activities in the classroom. First the students will take a pre- test to see

how much they know about oral health.

For the first session the presenter will chew a disclosing tablet and show the students

what the plaque is. Next the presenter will show the students how to remove plaque by using
the bass method. In the second session the students chewed disclosing tablets and practiced

the bass method and learned the “C” shaped technique on flossing. During the final session the

students learned the effects of xylitol and the caries process. The presenters passed out jolly

ranchers and xylitol gum to teach the students that consuming xylitol after sugary substances

will prevent cavities. Then the students took a post-test to see how much they learned.

Constraints and Alternative Activities:

If Little Cypress Junior High does not allow the use of disclosing solution on the kids,

there will be an alternative activity available. The students can download the app ‘brush DJ’ on

their phones and learn how to brush and floss properly. If the students were taking state tests

on the day the program is being implemented, the session should be reschedule due to

excessive energy. If there is maintenance work being done in the classroom, the oral health

presentation session should be relocated. If the students are not allowed to chew gum in the

classroom, another xylitol product should be used such as a mint. Toothbrushes, toothpaste,

floss, and disclosing solution will be donated by Lamar Institute of Technology.


The first appointment will be on the week of April 2nd and that will take 30 minutes. The

second appointment will be the week of April 9th and will take 45 minutes. The third and final

session will be on April 16th and it will take 30 minutes.


The formative and summative evaluation will consist of a pre and posttest that will

evaluate the knowledge of the students on brushing, flossing, and xylitol products. These tests

will be given at the first session and the last session, and will be multiple choice.

Each day the presenters came to teach a new lesson, the previous lesson was reviewed

to gage students’ knowledge. While the students practiced the bass method and “C” shape

technique, the presenters were evaluating and correcting the students’ abilities. These tests

will be given at the first session and the last session, and will be multiple choice. When

discussing the xylitol products the presenters quizzed the students on what they knew about

different xylitol products.

All Resources Needed:

 30 toothbrushes

 30 travel sized- tooth pastes

 Floss

 30 Disclosing tablets

 Xylitol gum

 Masks, gloves, safety glasses

LESSON PLAN Pre- Session


The lesson is focused on the teacher of the class. The goal of this lesson is to inform the teacher

about the oral health program topics and its schedule. This session is expected to last about 30



Cognitive- to explain the schedule of the oral health program and topics on brushing, flossing,

and xylitol products.


1. Discuss lesson plans and time table for each.

2. Present to the teacher the materials, tests, and power points that will be used.

3. Provide the teacher with written copy of the lesson plans for reference.

Method of Teaching:

One on one discussion with teacher on the oral health plan, schedule, expectations

Materials and Resources:

Written instructions, copy of power point and pre/post test

Evaluation and Assessment:

Informal questioning of the oral health program

LESSON PLAN Session 1:


This session will be directed toward the students and the bass method will be taught. The goal

of this session is to educate the students and teach them the proper tooth brushing technique.

This session is expected to last about 45 minutes.


Psychomotor- demonstrate proper brushing technique.

Cognitive- describe the bass method.

Affective- students will be able to evaluate plaque buildup.


1. Hand out the pre-test

2. Define plaque using power point

3. Demonstrate the bass method using power point

4. Pass out chewable disclosing tablets, let the kids asses their mouths, and identify areas

of plaque on their teeth

5. Suggest brush DJ app for at home oral care

Method of teaching:

Group discussion using power point with students on oral hygiene, plaque and tooth brushing


Materials and Resources:

Pre-test, power point, disclosing tablets, typodonts, and toothbrushes.

Evaluation and Assessment

Informal questioning of plaque and tooth brushing

LESSON PLAN Session 2:


This session will be directed toward the students and proper flossing technique will be taught.

The goal of this session is to educate the students about gingivitis and teach them how to floss

properly. This session is expected to last about 45 minutes.


Cognitive- students will be able to recognize gingivitis.

Psychomotor- students will be able to demonstrate proper flossing technique.

Affective- students will be able to assess their oral cavity for gingivitis.


1. Define that gingivitis is inflammation of the gums caused by plaque.

2. Present power point on flossing technique

3. Demonstrate proper flossing on typodont

4. Open-ended questioning

Method of Teaching:

Group discussion using power point with students on gingivitis and flossing

Materials and Resources:

Floss, typodont, and power point

Evaluation and Assessment:

Informal questioning on gingivitis and flossing method

LESSON PLAN Session 3:


This session will be directed toward the students and xylitol products will be introduced. The

goal of this session is to educate the students about xylitol and caries process. This session is

expected to last about 45 minutes.


Cognitive- students will be able to recognize xylitol products.

Affective- students will value the purpose of xylitol


1. Discuss what xylitol products are used for

2. To present power point on xylitol products

3. Open-ended questioning

4. Posttest evaluation

Method of Teaching:

Group discussion over xylitol products and how it prevents cavities

Materials and Resources:

Xylitol-containing gum, power point, post- test evaluation

Evaluation and Assessment:

Informal questioning on xylitol products and caries process.


Program Design

The oral health program was implemented on April 3rd, 10th, and 17th. The pre-session

was done March 13th with the teacher of the students. The presenters talked with the teacher

and gave a description of what was going to be taught to the students. The presenters gave a

copy of the pre/post-test and PowerPoint presentation. There was no differences from the

planned procedure.

On April 3rd we gave the students the pre-test. Next, the topics of brushing and plaque

were taught by PowerPoint presentation and used the show and tell method of teaching. One

of the presenters chewed a disclosing tablet to show areas of plaque, then demonstrated how

to properly remove by using a toothbrush to show the bass method. There was no differences

from the planned program procedure. After evaluating the objectives made the presenters

attainted the goal. The number of students participating was about twenty five students. The

next session was discussed with the teacher of the classroom.

On April 10th we reviewed over plaque and brushing and then taught the students about

flossing and gingivitis with PowerPoint presentation. Disclosing tablets were passed out to the

students to chew. The students then evaluated each other’s plaque. Then the presenters

passed out tooth brushes and floss to let the students practice the bass method and flossing

technique. There were no differences than what was planned for the lesson. After evaluating

the objectives made the presenters attainted the goal. For each lesson there was a back-up

activity brush DJ for brushing lessons, but this alternative was not necessary. There was about
twenty five students participating. The next session was discussed with the teacher of the


On April 17th the presenters reviewed brushing, plaque, flossing, and gingivitis. The

presenters discussed xylitol products and caries process with PowerPoint presentation. Next

the presenters passed out Jolly Ranchers and explained how this candy can cause cavities. The

students then ate the Jolly Ranchers. Xylitol gum was then distributed and the presenters

explained how the xylitol product prevents plaque bacteria from sticking to the tooth surface.

Lastly, the students were given the post-test over what they learned. There was no differences

than the planned procedure. After evaluating the objectives made the presenters attainted the

goal. There was about twenty five students participating. The presenters promoted the

program to the teacher by encouraging future oral care education.


For the pre- session the objective was to explain the schedule of the oral health

program and topics on brushing, flossing, and xylitol products. The program met the standard

objectives because the presenters gave the teacher a copy of the program design and explained

what was going to be taught to the students.

For the first session the objective was to demonstrate proper brushing technique using

the bass method and the students will be able to evaluate plaque buildup. The presenters used

the show tell method by chewing a disclosing tablet and demonstrate the bass method to

remove plaque.

For the second session the objective was for the students to be able to recognize

gingivitis and demonstrate proper flossing technique, and be able to assess their oral cavity for
gingivitis. To accomplish this objective the presenters used the show tell do method of teaching

by passing out disclosing tablets, tooth brushes and floss to let the students practice the bass

method and flossing technique.

For the third session the objective was for students to be able to recognize xylitol

products and value the purpose of xylitol. The presenters asked the students if they knew what

products might contain xylitol. The presenters showed different types of xylitol products from

the PowerPoint and explained how xylitol affects the caries process.


The results of the objectives were that the student were not knowledge and unaware of these

topic according to the pre-test with the average of 52.6%. After presenting information and the

activities, the students’ knowledge increased tremendously by 23.7% according to the post-



The oral health program strengths were the activities and keeping the students involved

and interested. The presenters were well prepared, and on time. The oral health program

weaknesses was the school had a maintenance employee working on the teacher’s desk

causing a distraction to the students. Another weakness is the program was scheduled after

lunch and the student’s STAAR testing which caused abnormal amount of noise level.

Future Site:

For future presenters of this program, it is suggested to make the sessions in the

morning so the students will have a lower energy level.

The target population of middle school students was in need according to the pre-test

average of 52.6%. The staff was courteous and helpful with keeping the students under control.

The time table that was identified in part 1 of the program was accurate for the time allotted.

Learning Value and Collaboration:

From completing this project it was learned that when teaching a specific population

one must adapt teaching skills to the target population. In this instance the lesson was adjusted

to the learning level of the middle school aged students. Also it was learned that the target

population require hands-on activities to keep the students involved and interested in the

lesson being taught.

The presenters collaborated with the teacher when the students got off topic and too

loud by telling the students to be quiet and pay attention. The presenters learned how to keep

the students focused and on topic.

References/ Works Cited:

Association of State & Territorial Dental Directors. https://www.astdd.org/. Accessed 2017

MacKay AP, Duran C. “Adolescent Health in the United States, 2007.” National Center for
Health Statistics. 2007.

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. “Dental Caries in Adolescents (Age 12-
19).” https://www.nidcr.nih.gov/research/data-statistics/dental-caries/adolescents.
Accessed February 2018.

Perrin, Edward B. National Health Survey/ National Center for Health Statistics. “Oral Hygiene
Among Youths 12-17 Years.”https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_11/sr11_151.pdf

Pre and Post-test will be given at the 1st session with the students and the last session,

scores will then be determined based off what the students learned from the Oral Hygiene


The Power point presentation will be used as a visual aide and provide information to the


Pre/Post- Test

1. How long should you brush your teeth for?

A. 30 seconds
B. 1 minute
C. 1.30 minutes
D. 2+ minutes

2. What kind of a toothbrush should you use?

A. Soft
B. Medium
C. Hard

3. What is plaque?
A. Form of gum disease that causes inflamed gums
B. Bacteria and biofilm build up
C. Form of gum disease that causes bone loss
D. Hardened dental build up removed by hygienist

4. What is calculus?
A. Form of gum disease that causes inflamed gums
B. Bacteria and biofilm build up
C. Form of gum disease that causes bone loss
D. Hardened dental build up removed by hygienist

5. What is xylitol?
A. Sugar free candy
B. Coffee
C. Artificial sweetener that prevents bacteria from sticking to teeth
D. Hard, dense bony tissue forming forming the bulk of a tooth beneath the enamel
6. How often should you go to the dentist?
A. Once a month
B. Twice a year
C. Once a year
D. Every other year

7. What are other things you should also do to clean your teeth?
A. Floss
B. Mouth rinse
C. All of the above

8. What is gingivitis?
A. Form of gum disease that causes inflamed gums
B. Bacteria and biofilm build up
C. Form of gum disease that causes bone loss
D. Hardened dental build up removed by hygienist

9. What is periodontist?
A. Form of gum disease that causes inflamed gums
B. Bacteria and biofilm build up
C. Form of gum disease that causes bone loss
D. Hardened dental build up removed by hygienist

10. What does a dental hygienist do?

A. Cleans your teeth
B. Educates you about oral hygiene
C. Takes x-rays of your teeth
D. All of the above

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