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The Origin of Alor Tribe

Alor tribe inhabits the mainland of the island of Alor, Pantar and small islands
in between. Their area now belongs to the district of Alor, East Nusa Tenggara
Province. Alor's name may be given by outsiders to name all the community
groups that reside in the area.
They themselves consist of a number of sub-tribes, among others Abui, Alor,
Belagar, Deing, Kabola, Kawel, Kelong, Kemang, Kramang, Kui, Lemma,
Maneta, Mauta, Seboda, Wersin, and Wuwuli. In the past the sub-tribes each
lived alien in the hills and mountains, especially to avoid war and pressure from
the outside world. There they constructed round, high-pitched houses with roofs
of reeds or spherical ijuk, the walls made of woven bamboo, palm leaves or
boards. Due to the lack of communication between them, there are various
dialects that distinguish one group from another.

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