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Sivritepe, N., Sivritepe H.Ö. and Türkben, C. (2008), Seed Sci. & Technol., 36, 198-200

Research Note

Determination of moisture content in grape seeds


Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Uludag University, Bursa 16059, Turkey


(Accepted June 2007)

Different procedures of ISTA methods were evaluated to develop a protocol for moisture content determination
of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) seeds. Therefore, ground or un-ground seeds of seven grape cultivars were compared
at different temperatures and durations of the test by the use of High and Low Constant Temperature Oven
Methods prescribed by the ISTA. The results suggest that the use of High Constant Temperature Oven
Method (at 130°C for 1 hour) in ground seeds of grape could be the preferred procedure for moisture content

Experimental and discussion

Determination of seed moisture content is an extremely important test as it provides

information regarding the potential for harvesting, cleaning and planting injuries as well
as for long-term storage of seeds (Copeland and McDonald, 2001). As small change in
seed moisture content may have a large effect on the storage life of seeds, a precise
determination of moisture content is essential for making reasonably accurate predictions
of storage potential of seeds (Hanson, 1985).
The ISTA method for moisture determination is designed to reduce oxidation,
decomposition or the loss of other volatile substances while ensuring the removal of as
much moisture as possible (ISTA, 2005). ISTA has only included standard methods for
common crop seeds. There are no standard methods for other species like grape (Vitis
vinifera L.). As a horticultural species, grape is seldom propagated by seeds. However,
seeds are used in evolving new cultivars through hybridization and in long-term
conservation of genetic diversity through seed storage (Doijode, 2001). Therefore, this
study was conducted to develop a protocol for moisture content determination of grape

* Author for correspondence


Grapes were harvested in the Experimental Station Vineyard of Tekirdag Viticulture

Research Institute in Turkey. Seeds were extracted from the following grape cultivars:
Red-wine grape cultivars: Adakarasi, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cinsault,
White-wine grape cultivars: Sémillon and Hasandede,
White-table grape cultivars: Çavus and Razaki.
According to the usual seed processing procedures, seeds were extracted by hand,
cleaned by washing in running tap water with a final wash in distilled water, blotted and
then dried in a climate chamber running at 25°C with 40-45% relative humidity for 14
days. Then the dried seeds of each cultivar were hermetically stored at 3°C in a separate
1 L jar for ca. 3 months (i.e., until the experiments were begun).
In ISTA, the moisture content is defined as the drying loss in weight on a wet basis
(ISTA, 2005). According to the ISTA Rules, there are three crucial factors in seed
moisture content determination: grinding of seeds, drying temperature and the drying
period. In order to evaluate the importance of these factors, ground or un-ground seeds
were dried by the High Constant Temperature Oven Method (HCTOM) and the Low
Constant Temperature Oven Method (LCTOM) as prescribed by the ISTA (2005), for
various durations.
In each replicate, two independently drawn working samples of ca. 5 g grape seeds
were weighed to four decimal places. In the case of grinding, the seeds were ground
before weighing as recommended (ISTA, 2005). Containers and covers (Petri dishes) of
7 cm diameter were pre-dried in the oven for 15 minutes and cooled in desiccators for
30 minutes. The containers and covers were weighed before and after filling with the
ground or un-ground seed. The container with cover below was then placed quickly in
an oven maintained at 130°C and dried for 1 hour in the case of HCTOM or at 103°C
and dried for 17 hours in the case of LCTOM. The containers were then closed with the
covers then removed and allowed to cool down in desiccators for 30 minutes before being
The moisture content as a percentage by weight was calculated according to the ISTA
Rules (2005).
The arithmetic mean of the duplicate samples was taken as test result if the difference
between the two determinations did not exceed 0.2%. Otherwise, the determination was
repeated. There were three replicates in each treatment. Seed moisture contents were
analysed by a three factor factorial ANOVA and mean separation test was conducted by
the use of LSD Test at P<0.05.
It is clear from the results presented in table 1 that each factor (i.e., cultivar, oven
method and grinding) significantly (P<0.05) affected the seed moisture content. The effects
of two and three factor interactions on the seed moisture contents were also significant
In general, irrespective of the cultivars, higher seed moisture content values were
obtained in ground samples compared to the un-ground ones and in HCTOM compared
to LCTOM. Hence, these results suggest that the use of HCTOM (at 130°C for 1
hour) in ground seeds of grape could be the preferred procedure for moisture content


Table 1. The percentage moisture contents of un-ground and ground samples of grape seeds by the use of
HCTOM (at 130°C for 1 hour) and LCTOM (103°C for 17 hours) (ISTA, 2005).
Un-ground Ground Un-ground Ground

Adakarasi 11.2 c* 11.6 a 11.2 c 11.2 c

Cabernet Sauvignon 11.0 e 11.1 d 10.8 g 10.9 f
Cinsault 10.7 h 11.0 e 10.9 f 11.0 e
Sémillon 10.5 j 10.7 h 10.6 i 10.6 i
Hasandede 10.1 m 10.5 j 10.1 m 10.3 k
Çavus 11.1 d 11.6 a 11.2 c 11.3 b
Razaki 10.2 l 11.1 d 10.5 j 10.7 h

Cultivar **
Oven Method **
Grinding **
Cultivar × Oven Method **
Cultivar × Grinding **
Oven Method × Grinding **
Cultivar × Oven Method × Grinding **
* Values not associated with the same letter are significantly different (P<0.05).
** Significant at 0.05 level.

Consequently, to our knowledge, this was the first attempt for determination of seed
moisture content in grape. Therefore, these results are of practical importance for gene
banks to store germplasms for the long term as well as for plant breeders to improve new
cultivars all over the world.


Copeland, L.O. and McDonald, M.B. (2001). Principles of Seed Science and Technology. 4th Edition. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Massachusetts, USA. 467 pp.
Doijode, S.D. (2001). Seed Storage of Horticultural Crops. Food Products Press, An Imprint of the Haworth
Press, Inc. NY, USA. 339 pp.
Hanson, J. (1985). Procedures for Handling Seeds in Genebanks. Practical Manuals for Genebanks No.1.
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy.
ISTA. (2005). International Rules for Seed Testing. Edition 2005. International Seed Testing Association,
Bassersdorf, Switzerland.


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