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Nihal Salah Shihab

Health care System in Egypt (Practical )

1- The function of any health care system include the following (choose one or

a- Production of resources
b- Management
c- Arrangement of resources into health programs ( e)
d- Provision of health services
e- All the above

2- The health services in any health care system may be of :

a- Primary care level

b- Secondary care level
c- Tertiary care level (d )
d- All of the above
e- both a & b

3- The primary health care in the health care system is the ------- as compared with
other levels of care (2nd and 3rd levels).

a- Less costly for the community and the system.

b- Less costly for the community but not for the system. ( a)
c- Most costly
d- Same costly.

4- The ----------- is the first contact with individuals in any health care system.
a- Secondary level of care
b- primary level of care (b)
c- tertiary level of care.

5- secondary health services need: (Choose either 1 , 2, or 3 )

a- Procedures for diagnosis and treatment
b- High degree of skills and technology.
c- Some degree of specialization (2)
d- Complex surgical operations.

1 = a , b, d.
2 = a , c.
6- Match from below the suitable answer for the above statements ( Choose one or
more answers):
a- Primary health care services.----------------( 2, 4 )
b- Secondary health care services ------------ ( 1 )
c- Tertiary health care services-----------------( 3 )

1- It needs some degree of specialization and is costly.

2-It is the less costly health care services
3- It needs a high degree of skills and advanced technology.
4- It is the first contact with individuals in any health care system.

7- The population health needs in Egypt are determined by all the following
characteristics EXCEPT :

a- Unemployment
b- The rate of low socio-economy.
c- The excess number of new physicians per year. ( c)
d- High incidence of communicable diseases.

8- The followings may determine the population health needs in Egypt (you may
choose more than one answer )
a- a high incidence of communicable disease.
b- a high number of physicians / 1000 population
c- Literacy rate ( a, c, d )
d- Unemployment

9- The following determinants can reflect the population health needs in Egypt :
a- Women are about 1/4 of the labor force.
b- High infant mortality rate.
c- Literacy rate and unemployment (d)
d- All of the above.

10- All the followings are merits (advantages) of the health care system in Egypt
a- An extensive infrastructure of physicians , clinics and hospitals.
b- 40% of the population have formal coverage. ( b)
c- Physical accessibility to health care is available to all citizens.
d- Availability of immunizations and medical technology.

11- Write either ( 1) or ( 2) in front of each statement below; (1) = health care
system merits (advantages), (2) = health care system constraints :-

a- Physically accessible to all citizens within 5 km of any health center or unit. ( 1 )

b- There are extensive infrastructure of physicians, clinics and hospitals. (1)
c- Health infrastructure is mal-distributed.--------------------------------------------( 2 )
d- Over 80% of the population have access to safe water.--------------------------( 1 )
e- Egypt has four times physicians per capita than other comparable income
countries—(2 )
12- The maternal mortality rate in Egypt in 2004, is :
a- 67.6 / 100 live births.
b- 67.6 / 1000 live births
c- 67.6 / 100,000 live births ( c)
d- 67.6 / 1000,000. live births

13- In Egypt, there are geographic differences between the governorates in infant
and child mortality as well in maternal mortality rates. This is considered as :-
a- A merit in the health care system.
b- Defects in the accessibility and equity of the services. (d)
c- Constraints in the Egyptian health care system.
d- Both ( b) & ( c )

14- All of the followings are considered constraints in the Egyptian health care
system EXCEPT:

a- All the citizens have basic rights of accessibility to health services.

b- Non-communicable disease preventive programs are not well established.
c- High infant and child mortality
d- Medical school graduates are two to three times more than needs.--------------( a)

15-In the Egyptian health care system; the number of physicians are:
(choose one or more):
a- Sufficient for the citizens.------------------------------------( a , c )
b- Not sufficient.
c- Sufficient and exceeds the needs of the health care system.
d- Much more in primary health care doctors (general practitioners) and much less
in the specialists.

16- In the Egyptian health care system; the effectiveness and quality of the services
can be improved by all of the followings EXCEPT:
a- Spending more funds (money) on the maintenance of the equipments.
b- More physicians' training.
c- Increase the number of workers in the health centers.--------------------------( c)
d- Upgrading the nursing medical education.

17- The Egyptian health care system are characterized by having:

a- Four times physicians per capita than other comparable income countries.
b- 1:3 physicians per occupied hospital bed.
c- Too many specialists relative to primary health care physicians.
d- All of the above. -------------------------------( d)

18- In the Egyptian health care system:

a- There is an extensive infra structure of physicians.
b- There is a mal-distribution in physicians between governorates.
c- Both ( a ) & ( b ).-----------------------------------------------------------( c )
d- There are much more managers than the physicians
19- In Egypt health care system, the physicians must be:
a- Increase in their numbers than the present.
b- Increase in their numbers than the present and their clinical training.
c- Improve their clinical training.-------------------------------------( c ).
d- Non of the above.

20- --------------Doesn't affect the population health needs in Egypt.

a- The prevalence of communicable diseases.
b- Large areas of agricultural land.-------------------------( b).
c- Unemployment
d- Illiteracy.

Primary health care

1-The primary health care can be defined as the essential health care based on:

a- Practical methods.
b- Scientifically sound technologies
c- Socially acceptable methods and technologies.
d- All the above.--------------------------------------------( d )

2-Primary level of health care is significant than other levels because:

a- It is cheap.
b- It is the base of secondary and tertiary health care.
c- Both of the above.
d- It is the key to achieve an acceptable level of health
e- All the above.------------------------------- ( e)

3- Primary health care ( PHC) is the first contact between individuals and the health
care system. This statement is considered a part of :
a- Definition of PHC
b- Significance of the PHC---------------------------------------(b)
c- Objectives of the PHC

4- The ------------- is the cheapest, basic health care services applied for the mothers.

a- Secondary level of health care inside the maternal hospitals.

b- Maternal health services applied inside health units or centers----------------------
c- Psychological management needed after abortion or labor in certain cases.

5-Primary health care objectives include:

a- Health promotion of the community
b- Prevention and control of the diseases.
c- Both ( a )& (b ).----------------------------------(c )
d- Neither (a) nor (b).

6- Immunization of children against major communicable diseases is a measure

included as :
a- Preventive element in primary health care (PHC)
b- Promotive element in PHC
c-Curative element in PHC

7- Assurance of proper nutrition specially for mothers and children is a basic

--------- measure in primary health care.
a- Curative
b- Preventive
c- Rehabilitative
d- Promotive ---------------------------------------(d )

8-Accessibility of the health services to all individuals is a basic right in :

a- Tertiary health care level
b- secondary care level
c- primary care level---------------------------------( c)
d- All the above

9- All the followings are principles of primary health care EXCEPT:

a- It should be accessible
b- It should be acceptable
c- it should be comprehensive
d- It should be paid much money.----------------------------(d )

10- Primary health care services are available at the following sites:
a- Maternal and child health centers (MCH)
b- Health offices
c- Both ( a) & ( b)
d- Rural health units
f- All of the above ---------------------------------------------( f )

11- Match the most convenient service from below to the above sites applying the
service (you can choose more than one ):
a- Health office----------------------------------------------------( 1, 3, 5 )
b- School health unit--------------------------------------( 2 )
c- Maternal and child health centers.-----------( 4 )

1- Immunizations for infants

2- Immunizations of 4th primary school children.
3- Monitoring of the environment and sanitation
4- Health care of the pregnant mothers.

12- Family planning services can be applied in:

a- Maternal and child health centers
b- Urban and rural health centers
c- Both of the above------------------------------------------( c )
d- Urban health centers.
13- Urban health centers provide services for :
a- Mothers and their children only
b- School children only
c- Both ( a ) & ( b )
d- All the residents in the same locality of the center-------------------- (d )

14- The personnel working in -------- include 3 sanitariums, one laboratory

technician, two dentists, physicians, ..
a- Mothers and their children only.
b- Urban health centers ------------------------------------- ( b )
c- Health office
d- Fever hospitals

15-Sick leaves for the governmental employees can be extracted from :

a- Health office------------------------------------------------- (a )
b- Maternal and child health center
c- Chest hospital
d- Pharmacy (dispensary ).

16- Rural health unit make the following services:

a- Maternal and child health services
b- Registration of birth and death
c- Family planning services
d- All of the above --------------------------------------------( d )

17- Health education is one of the basic services in:

a- Maternal child health center
b- Family planning center
c- Both a and b
d- All the primary health care activities of units and centers---------------------------( d

18- The physicians in primary health care centers or units ……………….. of high
specialty and technical skills.
a- Must be
b- Shouldn't be
c- Are not in need to be ----------------------------( c )

19- The medical services in the primary health care, can be applied by:
a- Highly specialized doctors
b- General practitioners ------------------------------- ( b )
c- Chief nurses
d- Non of the above

20- Food inspection is a service which can be introduced through:

a- Health office
b- Urban health center
c- Both a and b ---------------------------------- ( c )
d- Non of the above

By Dr. Nihal Salah

Investigation of infectious diseases epidemics

1- For investigating an epidemic diseases or food poisoning; the following steps are
a- Verify the clinical and laboratory diagnosis.
b- Verify if there is an epidemic
c- Both ( a) & ( b )
d- Study an epidemic as regards time, place and persons
e- All of the above ------------------------------( e )

2- In the investigation of an infectious disease epidemics, we should study the

TIME as respect :
a- Time of occurrence of complications.
b- Time of onset of symptoms and signs---------------------( b )
c- Time of recovery from the disease

3- The followings are required to demonstrate the characteristics of an epidemic or

outbreak EXCEPT
a- Time of onset of the disease
b- Place of the diagnosed cases
c- Health care providers-----------------------------------( c )
d- Personal characteristics of the cases

4- When we investigate an outbreak of food poisoning , we should at first do the

a- Verify the diagnosis clinically and laboratory.-------------( a )
b- formulate a hypothesis.
c- Test a hypothesis

5- Investigating human or animal sources of infection is an important step in:

a- Any infectious disease epidemic
b- Any food poisoning outbreaks
c- Both ( a ) & ( b)-------------------------------( c )
d-Non of the above
1- The function of any health care system include the
following (choose one or more):

a- Production of resources
b- Management
c- Arrangement of resources into health programs
d- Provision of health services
e- All the above ( e)

3- The primary health care in the health care system is the

------- as compared with other levels of care (2nd and 3rd

a- Less costly for the community and the system.

b- Less costly for the community but not for the system.
c- Most costly
d- Same costly. ----------( a)

8- The followings may determine the population health needs

in Egypt (you may choose more than one answer )
a- a high incidence of communicable disease.
b- a high number of physicians / 1000 population
c- Literacy rate -----( a, c, d )
d- Unemployment

2-Primary level of health care is significant than other levels

a- It is cheap.
b- It is the base of secondary and tertiary health care.
c- Both of the above.
d- It is the key to achieve an acceptable level of health
e- All the above.------------------------------- ( e)
11- Match the most convenient service from below to the
above sites applying the service (you can choose more than
one ):
a- Health office-----------------------------------------( 1, 3, 5 )
b- School health unit--------------------------------------( 2 )
c- Maternal and child health centers.-----------( 4 )

1- Immunizations for infants

2- Immunizations of 4th primary school children.
3- Monitoring of the environment and sanitation
4- Health care of the pregnant mothers.

17- Health education is one of the basic services in:

a- Maternal child health center
b- Family planning center
c- Both a and b
d- All the primary health care activities of units and centers(d )

2- In the investigation of an infectious disease epidemics, we

should study the TIME as respect :
a- Time of occurrence of complications.
b- Time of onset of symptoms and signs---------------------( b )
c- Time of recovery from the disease

4- When we investigate an outbreak of food poisoning , we

should at first do the following:
a- Verify the diagnosis clinically and laboratory.-------( a )
b- formulate a hypothesis.
c- Test a hypothesis

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