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A. To identify the life cycle of a butterfly
B. To describe the changes in butterfly as it grows and develops

II. Subject Matter: Life Cycle of a Butterfly

A. Science Ideas
1. The different stages in the life cycle of a butterfly are the egg, larva, pupa, and the
adult butterfly.
2. The young butterfly look different from the adult buttwefly
B. Science Processes:
Observing, describing, comparing, identifying
C. Materials:
Pictures, activity chart
D. References:
Into the Future: Science & Health IV pp. 62-63
Science & Health IV P. 103
III. Procedure
A. Lesson Proper:
1. Motivation
2. Presentation
Do you have any idea about our topic for today? Before a butterfly from colorful
wings, they first undergo the process of metamorphosis. Today, let’s find out the
different life cycle of a butterfly and its changes as it develops and grows.
3. Development of the Lesson
a. Vocabulary development:
Unlock the following words:
Molting shed cocoon
b. Read the poem carefully. Then, answer the questionsthat follow.

How Butterfly Grows

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