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gffiilXUWIsrc The tall, thin boy with

red- hatrsUn EdSlly, but he enjoyed being outside. He

Jefferson grew up with the new natlon. developing great wisdom.

L I speaker, but he was anffi@p@WeB.o#tr

- Prestdent George Washtngton named Jeffeison the natlon's flrst secretary of

state. Jefferson had been governor ol Vlrglnla
:nor of vlrgLnla durlng [rle
tJ-e Revolutlonary war, ancl
Kevoluuonary War, and Ihe
went on to be John Adam's vlce: president and was elected president tqdce himself.
While Jefferson was Nap_gleon offered Jefferson a great
thee French ruler Napoleon qreat
bggpB,on some
rh;'*i!;;r€ffi; his wlfe,
*vt r,rs . She died in L782
{ after tlle btrth of their sixth chtld. He never remarrled.
Martha and Mary, llved to adulthood.
When Jefferson talked about hls favorite
actlvlties, he included architecture.
-Architecture is my deligh!." he said. ffi
\ _
5 gs soon as he
iiimpleted one sectlon, he woulcl tear down
another and rebuild tt. He also ffi'ftned the
Vlrglnta capltol buildlng in Rtchmond.
Another of hls delights was founding
the Universtty of Virgtnia tn Charlottesvllle.- He
designed many of the buildings there, too.
b Thomas Jefferson dted at Montlcello on July 4,
826-50 years
floz()-cu ycars to
L0 the
Lrle day a[er the
qay ule ^n_ f\
Declarattoir of Indep.rd"fr".:_
stffi.;&e rBug =S Unscnmble these words to find out the
name of the famous dooment
Ihomas Jefferson wrote:
11ltt,I. I a f v*,.W,n{

tffi*rY E
Ie r Lqur-++l0-.b
ffi, t0
*il$& a
,lli:l;;lui'rrJ'Hffia**' E fiiill?$ e

5PANE SilrIGE O C5 f,:lilrl,tr*I =.
€ *J$ffiil 6
Thomas lefferson inv€nted the American
parcel of hnd Jeffenon purchased fiom Napoleon.
(A hipt is induded in this sentence.)
system of money. His picture can be seen
0n the 52 bill and on the face of nickels. /u.!_

@Carole MarsMGallopade lnternationallS00-536-2GET/ 23

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vvsi"nia s"r-+"te
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MA|N IDEA srArEll,lENT -Ihgt+ Il^OW'rq5 J e{frf Aon Wt[9 d, l erl

ip6fortcn* r {Eon,


Details that supports: ,,n

3 He hod, 10 tuKe rtXe WLtsond,S N Ottca7 c*td. cl6,t/6 .{o
+4-K- cA{e O{-,
J&Qmen/S -r
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. lic wrate the rnos,*'trrrtror/"q+
ilLrrwioi 5 i" ri grs 1 picct€d ou| ton 0f i n*e f €nde n$et 6n t
W ttir 4in4 slatuq of rill-s (f ieb*',
"" *'H( Sto,l<s
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,, n.

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u flc Wah ta\t(.nf WtfW {hc-'{t\elvL+-onfy rtx4r'

t lle w $c rw*brv, {i&f s<x,tktry fi gtcltt
,$**'ry&;;;ti J*ffifif #tt5 t,Yd

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