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EĞǁ>ŝŶĞƐͬWƌŽŵŽƚŝŽŶƐͬWƌŝĐĞŚĂŶŐĞƐ ^ĂǀŽƵƌLJ^ŶĂĐŬƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϰϲ
&ƌĞƐŚΘh,dĂŝƌLJDŝůŬΘƌĞĂŵ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϭ ^ǁĞĞƚ^ŶĂĐŬƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϱϭ
&ƌĞƐŚŐŐƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘Ϯ ŽĨĨĞĞΘĞƌĞĂůĞǀĞƌĂŐĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϲϯ
WƌĞͲƉĂĐŬĞĚĂŝƌLJŚĞĞƐĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ Ϯ dĞĂƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϲϱ
ƵůŬĂŝƌLJŚĞĞƐĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϯ &ƌƵŝƚ^ƉƌĞĂĚ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϳϬ
&ƌĞƐŚĂŝƌLJzŽŐƵƌƚƐΘĞƐƐĞƌƚƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϱ EƵƚƵƚƚĞƌƐ͕WĂƚĞƐΘ^ƉƌĞĂĚƐ͘͘͘͘ϳϮ
&ƌĞƐŚsĞŐĂŶDŝůŬ͕zŽŐƵƌƚƐΘĞƐƐĞƌƚƐϵ ƌŝĞĚ&ƌƵŝƚ͕EƵƚƐΘ^ĞĞĚƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϳϱ
&ƌĞƐŚƵƚƚĞƌDĂƌŐĂƌŝŶĞKŝůƐΘWĂƚĞƐ ϭϮ ŽŶǀĞŶŝĞŶĐĞ&ŽŽĚƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϳϲ
&ƌĞƐŚĂŬĞƐ͕^ǁĞĞƚƐΘƌĂĐŬĞƌƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϭϯ ĂďLJΘŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ&ŽŽĚƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϳϵ
&ƌĞƐŚ^ŽƵƉƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϭϰ WĂƐƚĂ͕&ůŽƵƌΘ'ƌĂŝŶƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϴϬ
&ƌĞƐŚ^ĂǀŽƵƌŝĞƐͬZĞĂĚLJDĞĂůƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϭϲ ^ĂƵĐĞƐΘƌĞƐƐŝŶŐƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϴϳ
&ƌĞƐŚŚŝůůĞĚ:ƵŝĐĞƐΘ^ŵŽŽƚŚŝĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘ϭϴ KŝůƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϴϴ
&ƌĞƐŚdŽĨƵͬ^ĞŝƚĂŶͬdĞŵƉĞŚWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ ϮϮ WĞƚ&ŽŽĚƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϵϬ
&ƌĞƐŚWĂƐƚĂ͕^ĂƵĐĞƐΘƌĞƐƐŝŶŐƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ Ϯϱ ^ĞĂsĞŐĞƚĂďůĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϵϭ
&ƌĞƐŚ^ƉƌŽƵƚƐͬ^ĞĂǁĞĞĚͬ&ĞƌŵĞŶƚĞĚ Ϯϲ EŽŶͲ&ŽŽĚ/ƚĞŵƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϵϭ
ĂŝƌLJ&ƌĞĞDŝůŬƐΘĞƐƐĞƌƚƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϮϳŽĚLJĐĂƌĞWƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϵϮ
DŝŶĞƌĂůΘ^ƉƌŝŶŐtĂƚĞƌ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ Ϯϴ EĂƚƵƌĂůZĞŵĞĚŝĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϵϱ
ƌŝŶŬƐΘ:ƵŝĐĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ Ϯϵ &ŽŽĚ^ƵƉƉůĞŵĞŶƚƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϵϲ
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ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚĞƌĞĂůƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϯϴŝƐĐŽŶƚŝŶƵĞĚ>ŝŶĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϵϲ
ƌĞĂĚΘĂŬĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϰϮ 
ŝƐĐƵŝƚƐ͕ƌĂĐŬĞƌƐΘZŝĐĞĐĂŬĞƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ ϰϯ ƌĂŶĚ/ŶĚĞdž  
dĞů͗ϬϮϬϳϯϴϴϰϱϭϱ  &Ădž͗ϬϮϬϴϴϴϭϮϮϰϮ



ǁŚĂƚ й͘ WƌŽŵŽƚŝŽŶƐ ĂƌĞ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ĚƵƌĂƚŝŽŶ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ Ϯ ŵŽŶƚŚ

tĞ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌ ŝŶ ŽƵƌ ŽǁŶ ƌĞĨƌŝŐĞƌĂƚĞĚ ǀĞŚŝĐůĞƐ ƚŽ 'ƌĞĂƚĞƌ >ŽŶĚŽŶ͕ ƚŚĞ ,ŽŵĞ


WĞƌsĂŶ  άϮϬϬͲάϮϵϵ Ϯй  άϳϬϬͲάϳϵϵ ϳй
   άϯϬϬͲάϯϵϵ ϯй  άϴϬϬͲάϴϵϵ ϴй
   άϰϬϬͲάϰϵϵ ϰй  άϵϬϬͲάϵϵϵ ϵй
άϱϬϬͲάϱϵϵ ϱй  άϭϬϬϬͲάϭϬϵϵϭϬй
άϲϬϬͲάϲϵϵ ϲй


ŽůůĞĐƚŝŽŶ  άϭϬϬͲάϭϵϵ Ϯй  άϲϬϬͲάϲϵϵ ϳй
   άϮϬϬͲάϮϵϵ ϯй  άϳϬϬͲάϳϵϵ ϴй
   άϯϬϬͲάϯϵϵ ϰй  άϴϬϬͲάϴϵϵ ϵй
   άϰϬϬͲάϰϵϵ ϱй  άϵϬϬͲάϵϵϵϭϬй
   άϱϬϬͲάϱϵϵ ϲй  άϭϬϬϬͲάϭϬϵϵϭϭй


&ƌŝĚĂLJƐ͗   ϲ͘ϯϬĂŵʹϭƉŵ
^ƵŶĚĂLJ͗   ϭϭĂŵʹϮƉŵ



ƌĞĚŝƚ ůĂŝŵƐ ŵƵƐƚ ďĞ ƐƵďŵŝƚƚĞĚ ƚŽ DĂƌŝŐŽůĚ ǁŝƚŚŝŶ Ϯ ĚĂLJƐ ŽĨ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌLJ Žƌ ďLJ
ůĂŝŵƐ ƐƵďŵŝƚƚĞĚ ŽƵƚƐŝĚĞ ƚŚĞ ĂďŽǀĞ ƉĂƌĂŵĞƚĞƌƐ ǁŝůů ďĞ ĐŽŶƐŝĚĞƌĞĚ ďƵƚ ŵĂLJ



 ĨĞǁ ǁĞĞŬƐ ďĞĨŽƌĞ Ă ĨŽƌƚŚĐŽŵŝŶŐ ƉƌŝĐĞ ůŝƐƚ͕ ǁĞ ĞŵĂŝů ƉƌŝŽƌ ŶŽƚŝĐĞ ŽĨ ƉƌŝĐĞ

















ZE<  K  ^Z/Wd/KE
ϭ  ϰϵϯϯ  ^ĂŶŵǀƌŽƐŝĂKƌŐĂŶŝĐ^ŵĂůů&ƌĞƐŚ,ŽƵŵŽƵƐϭϳϬŐ
ϯ  ϴϮϲϲ  ZĞďĞů<ŝƚĐŚĞŶ&ƌĞƐŚZĂǁŽĐŽŶƵƚtĂƚĞƌϴdžϮϱϬŵů
ϰ  ϵϳϭϭ  EŽƵƌŝƐŚ<ĞĨŝƌ>ĂƌŐĞKƌŐĂŶŝĐdƌĂĚŝƚŝŽŶĂůWƌŽďŝŽƚŝĐƌŝŶŬϲdžϱϬϬŵů
ϳ  ϳϵϴϲ  ŽLJŽsĂŶŝůůĂŽĐŽŶƵƚDŝůŬzŽŐƵƌƚ^ŵĂůůϲdžϭϮϱŐ
ϭϬ  ϭϰϴϰ  ůƉƌŽhŶƐǁĞĞƚĞŶĞĚ&ƌĞƐŚůŵŽŶĚDŝůŬϲdžϭůƚƌ
ϭϭ  ϭϰϮ  /ŵƉƵůƐĞKZ'WůĂŝŶdĞŵƉĞŚ&ƌĞƐŚϲdžϮϬϬŐ
ϭϯ  ϱϰϬϳ  &ůŽƌĞŶƚŝŶKƌŐĂŶŝĐ&ƌĞƐŚ&ĂůĂĨĞůϲdžϮϱϬŐ
ϭϰ  ϯϳϵϵ  dĂŝĨƵŶKƌŐĂŶŝĐ&ƌĂŶŬĨƵƌƚĞƌƐ;tŝĞŶĞƌƐͿϲdžϯϬϬŐ
ϭϱ  ϵϵϵϭ  Ύ>ĂƵƌŝĞ͛ƐKZ'KƌŝŐŝŶĂů^ĂƵĞƌŬƌĂƵƚϴdžϰϭϬŐ 
ϭϲ  ϯϯϱϯ  ZŚLJƚŚŵŽƚƚůĞƐEĂƚƵƌĂůŽĐŽŶƵƚ<ĞĨŝƌ^ŵĂůůϳdžϭϮϲŐ
ϭϳ  ϰϯϱϳ  sŝŽůŝĨĞŽĐŽŶƵƚŚĞĞƐĞůŽĐŬ͞&ŽƌWŝnjnjĂϭϯdžϮϬϬŐ
ϭϴ  ϴϴϰϲ  DŽƌŐŝĞůKZ'ZĂǁ^ĂƵĞƌŬƌĂƵƚϲdžϮϳϬŐ
ϭϵ  ϵϭϰϬ  tŽŽĚůĂŶĚƐKZ'>ĂƌŐĞWůĂŝŶ^ŚĞĞƉzŽŐŚƵƌƚ ϲdžϰϱϬŐ
ϮϬ  ϭϮϰϭϴ  EƵƐŚEĂƚƵƌĂůůŵŽŶĚDŝůŬzŽŐƵƌƚ^ŵĂůůϲdžϭϮϱŐ

ZE<  K  ^Z/Wd/KE
ϭ  ϵϰϯϬ  sŝƚĂŽĐŽWƵƌĞŽĐŽŶƵƚtĂƚĞƌϭϮdžϭůƚƌ
Ϯ  ϯϯϱ  ŽŶƐŽLJ^ŽLJĂDŝůŬϲdžϭůƚƌ
ϯ  ϳϱϬϭ  ZƵĚĞ,ĞĂůƚŚKƌŐĂŶŝĐůŵŽŶĚƌŝŶŬϲdžϭůƚƌ
ϰ  ϴϳϭϵ  >ŝnjŝ͛ƐKƌŝŐŝŶĂů'ƌĂŶŽůĂϭϬdžϱϬϬŐ
ϱ  ϱϰϮ  DĂƌŝŐŽůĚ^ǁŝƐƐsĞŐĞƚĂďůĞŽƵŝůůŽŶWŽǁĚĞƌ;ŐƌĞĞŶƚƵďͿϭϮdžϭϱϬŐ
ϲ  ϯϵϵϬ  WůĞŶŝƐŚKƌŐŵďŝĞŶƚůŵŽŶĚDŝůŬϳй
ϳ  ϵϳϵϴ  >ŝnjŝ͛ƐKƌŐĂŶŝĐ'ƌĂŶŽůĂϭϬdžϱϬϬŐ
ϵ  ϱϲϭϭ  WĂůĞŽ'ƌĂŝŶ&ƌĞĞ'ƌĂŶŽůĂKƌŝŐŝŶĂů,ŽŶĞLJWĞĐĂŶϲdžϯϰϬŐ  
ϭϬ  Ϯϯϴϱ  KĂƚůLJƌŝŶŬ&ŽĂŵĂďůĞĂƌŝƐƚĂϲdžϭůƚƌ  
ϭϭ  ϱϱϯ  DĂƌŝŐŽůĚŶŐĞǀŝƚĂzĞĂƐƚ&ůĂŬĞƐǁŝƚŚĚĚĞĚϭϮϲdžϭϮϱŐ
ϭϯ  ϳϱϵϭ  ĞĂƌůƉŚĂďŝƚĞƐDƵůƚŝŐƌĂŝŶĞƌĞĂůϰdžϯϳϱŐ
ϭϲ  ϭϭϴϱ  ΎZ͘t͘'ĂƌĐŝĂKƌŐůƵĞŽƌŶdŽƌƚŝůůĂŚŝƉƐϭϱdžϮϬϬŐ
ϭϳ  ϳϳϰϮ  WŝƉΘEƵƚŽĐŽŶƵƚůŵŽŶĚƵƚƚĞƌ:ĂƌϲdžϮϱϬŐ
ϭϴ  ϰϮϯ  Ϯ/ϰKZ'ĐƚŝǀĂƚĞĚWŝƐƚĂĐŚŝŽƐϲdžϭϬϬŐ  
ϭϵ  ϯϵϵϭ  WůĞŶŝƐŚKZ'>ŽŶŐ>ŝĨĞĂƐŚĞǁDŝůŬϴdžϭůƚƌ
ϮϬ  ϰϰϮϯ  >ŝǀŝĂ͛ƐDŝůůŝŽŶĂŝƌĞŝƚĞƐ^ĂůƚĞĚĂƚĞĂƌĂŵĞů>ĂƌŐĞϲdžϮϬϬŐ

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Bute Island Foods
2.84 12.78 Z Sheese (Melty) - Strong Cheddar Sheese 40 6 x 227g 12965
Violife Vegan Coconut Cheese
5.59 20.96 Z Violife Cheese Slices LGE "Cheddar Flavour"500g 30 5 x 500g 13021
5.19 19.46 Z Violife Cheese Slices LGE"Original Flavour" 500g 30 5 x 500g 13022
3.50 18.38 Z Violife Cheese Block LGE "For PizzaMozzarella"400g 30 7 x 400g 13023
3.45 18.11 Z Violife Cheese Block LGE "For Pizza Original"400g 30 7 x 400g 13024


Tim's Dairy Wholemilk
0.00 15.10 Z Tim's Dairy 10kg BULK Wholemilk Yogurt 7 1 x 10kg 4846


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4.49 20.21 Z Abbot Kinney's ORG Almond Start Natural Yog LGE 7 6 x 400ml 13014
2.15 9.68 Z Abbot Kinney's ORG Coco Start Mango Yog 7 6 x 125ml 13015
2.15 9.68 Z Abbot Kinney's ORG Coco Start Natural Yog SML 7 6 x 125ml 13016
4.49 20.21 Z Abbot Kinney's ORG Coco Start Natural Yog LGE 7 6 x 400ml 13017
The Coconut Collaborative
3.99 17.96 Z Coconut Collaborative Madagascan Vanilla C'nut Yog 8 6 x 350g 13010
Nush Foods Nut Yogurts (CASHEW AVAIL APRIL)
1.99 8.95 Z Nush ORG Natural Unsweet Cashew Milk Yog SML 7 6 x 125g 13032
3.99 17.95 Z Nush ORG Natural Unsweet Cashew Milk Yog LGE 7 6 x 350g 13033
1.99 8.95 Z Nush ORG Strawberry Cashew Milk Yogurt 7 6 x 125g 13036
1.99 8.95 Z Nush ORG Vanilla Cashew Milk Yogurt 7 6 x 125g 13037
1.99 8.95 Z Nush ORG Natural Unsweet Almond Milk Yog SML 7 6 x 125g 13034
3.99 17.95 Z Nush ORG Natural Unsweet Almond Milk Yog LGE 7 6 x 350g 13035
4.99 14.96 Z Rhythm LARGE Raw Mango Passion Fruit Kefir 8 4 x 500ml 12980
Sojade - Vegan
0.91 4.10 Z Sojade ORG So Oat Natural Yog 8 6 x 150g 12985
1.47 6.62 Z Sojade ORG So Oat Banana & Passion & Muesli Yog 8 6 x 150g 12986
1.47 6.62 Z Sojade ORG So Oat Blueberry & B/Currant Muesli Yog 8 6 x 150g 12987
1.46 6.57 Z Sojade ORG So Hemp Natural Yog 8 6 x 250g 12988
0.73 4.38 Z Sojade ORG Pineapple&Coconut&Passion Fruit Yog 8 8 x 125g 12989
Vita Coco
T 2.39 10.77 20% Z Vita Coco Coconut Milk Alternative 15 6 x 1lt 12993
1.99 14.93 Z Ya Almond ORG Almond Yogurt - Natural 7 10 x 120g 13029
1.99 14.93 Z Ya Almond ORG Almond Yogurt - Vanilla 7 10 x 120g 13030
1.99 14.93 Z Ya Almond ORG Almond Yogurt - Raspberry 7 10 x 120g 13031
1.99 14.93 Z Yachia ORG Original Chia Pot 7 10 x 120ml 9960
1.99 14.93 Z Yachia ORG Raspberry Chia Pot 7 10 x 120ml 9964
1.59 11.93 Z Ya Rice ORG Rice Yogurt- Natural 7 10 x 120g 13026
1.59 11.93 Z Ya Rice ORG Chocolate Mousse Vegan 7 10 x 120g 13027
1.59 11.93 Z Ya Rice ORG Rice Yogurt - Mango 7 10 x 120g 13028

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List NEW LINES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Delamere Dairies
2.65 11.93 Z Delamere SPREADABLE Goat's Butter 20 6 x 250g 12915


Hardihood - Raw & Vegan
3.99 11.97 Z Hardihood Raw GF Cake Lemon-Blueberry 5 4 x 70g 12943
3.99 11.97 Z Hardihood Raw GF Cake Sea Salt Caramel 5 4 x 70g 12944
3.99 11.97 Z Hardihood Raw GF Cake Chocolate Fudge 5 4 x 70g 12945
3.99 11.97 Z Hardihood Raw GF Cake Pistachi-OH! 5 4 x 70g 12946

Tideford Organic Foods NOW VEGAN
3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Gazpacho Andaluz Soup 7 6 x 600g 13050
3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Summer Pea & Turmeric Soup 7 6 x 600g 13051


2.89 13.01 Z Florentin ORG Fresh Hummus Avocado 20 6 x 170g 13009


Botanic Lab Cold Pressed Drinks
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab ORG Botanic1 SINGLE 7 1 x 250ml 12947
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab Botanic2 SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12948
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab ORG Botanic3 SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12949
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab Isotonic SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12950
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab Kola+ SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12951
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab ORG Plant Milk1 SINGLE 7 1 x 250ml 12953
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab ORG Plant Milk2 SINGLE 7 1 x 250ml 12954
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab Plant Milk3 SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12955
3.50 2.19 V Botanic Lab Tonic1 SINGLE 14 1 x 100ml 12956
3.50 2.19 V Botanic Lab ORG Tonic2 SINGLE 14 1 x 100ml 12957
3.50 2.19 V Botanic Lab Tonic3 SINGLE 14 1 x 100ml 12958
3.75 2.34 V Botanic Lab ORG Invigorate SINGLE 21 1 x 250ml 12959
3.75 2.34 V Botanic Lab Fortify SINGLE 21 1 x 250ml 12960
3.75 2.34 V Botanic Lab Vitalise SINGLE 21 1 x 250ml 12961
Jarr Kombucha
3.99 29.93 V JARR Original Kombucha SMALL 30 12 x 240ml 13001
3.99 29.93 V JARR Ginger Kombucha SMALL 30 12 x 240ml 13002
3.99 29.93 V JARR Passion Fruit Kombucha SMALL 30 12 x 240ml 13003
Moju Cold Pressed
1.95 14.63 V Moju CP Booster Shot Turmeric 7 12 x 60ml 12651
Karma Drinks ORG & FT
T 4.49 16.84 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT LARGE Pomegranate 1ltr 60 6 x 1ltr 13011
T 4.49 16.84 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT LARGE Ginger 1ltr 60 6 x 1ltr 13012
Naked Pressed
4.63 17.35 V Naked Pressed Bright Greens Wheatgrass LARGE 7 6 x 600ml 12906
4.63 17.35 V Naked Pressed Lively Carrot Turmeric Vanilla LGE 7 6 x 600ml 12907
4.63 17.35 V Naked Pressed Bold Beet With Ginger LARGE 7 6 x 600ml 12908
2.79 13.97 V Naked Pressed Bright Greens Wheatgrass SMALL 7 8 x 250ml 12909
2.79 13.97 V Naked Pressed Lively Carrot Turmeric Vanilla SML 7 8 x 250ml 12910

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List NEW LINES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3.20 2.40 Z Purearth ORG SHOTSTUFF Turmeric Shot SINGLE 5 1 x 60ml 13053
5.49 13.72 V *Purearth ORG Raw Spirulina Water Kefir LARGE 8 4 x 500ml 12610
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth ORG Sparkling Coconut Kefir 8 4 x 265ml 12981
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth ORG Sparkling Superberry Kefir 8 4 x 265ml 12982
1.25 9.37 V Vegesentials Fibre Water - NEW 30 12 x 500ml 13020
Vita Coco
2.99 11.21 V Vita Coco Pure Chilled Coconut Water 750ml 15 6 x 750ml 12992
Wild Fizz Kombucha
3.49 13.12 V Wild Fizz Kombucha ORG Lavender Fields 30 6 x 300ml 12952
3.49 13.12 V Wild Fizz Kombucha ORG Jasmine Dreams 30 6 x 300ml 12983
3.49 13.12 V Wild Fizz Kombucha ORG Gingers Rule 30 6 x 300ml 12984


Taifun Organic
2.49 11.21 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Natural Anniversary Edition 14 6 x 300g 12922
3.99 14.96 Z Taifun ORG Feto Antipasti Puebla Tofu 14 5 x 125g 12923
3.99 14.96 Z Taifun ORG Feto Antipasti Korfu Tofu 14 5 x 125g 12924


T 1.99 8.96 20% Z Ecomil ORG Almond Milk Classic CALCIUM 6 x 1 ltr 12937
T 1.99 8.96 20% Z Ecomil ORG Almond Milk Classic 6 x 1 ltr 12938
T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Hemp Milk No Sugar/Unsweetened 6 x 1 ltr 12939
T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Coconut No Sugar/Unsweetened 6 x 1 ltr 12940
T 1.83 16.49 20% Z LoveRaw Almond Drink Cacao & Cardamom 12 x 330ml 12962
T 1.83 16.49 20% Z LoveRaw Almond Drink Cold Brew Latte 12 x 330ml 12963
T 1.83 16.49 20% Z LoveRaw Almond Drink Turmeric Chai Latte 12 x 330ml 12964
Sojade - Vegan
2.57 11.56 Z Sojade ORG So Hemp Unsweetened Drink 6 x 1ltr 12990
1.99 29.70 Z Soyatoo ORG Soya Topping Cream 20 x 300ml 8483


T 0.95 7.14 20% V *Dalston's Real Lemonade 330ml CAN 12 x 330ml 12977
T 0.95 7.14 20% V *Dalston's Orangeade 330ml CAN 12 x 330ml 12978
T 0.95 7.14 20% V *Dalston's Cola 330ml CAN 12 x 330ml 12979
J.F Rabbit
1.79 13.42 V J.F.Rabbit Veg Water Beetroot 15 12 x 330ml 12899
1.79 13.42 V J.F.Rabbit Veg Water Cucumber 15 12 x 330ml 12900
1.79 13.42 V J.F.Rabbit Veg Water Ginger 15 12 x 330ml 12901
La Bio Idea Organic
1.02 9.17 Z La Bio Idea ORG Lemon Plus Juice 12 x 200ml 13038
1.02 9.17 Z La Bio Idea ORG Lime Plus Juice 12 x 200ml 13039

29.00 48.60 V *Macacha Protein Shake Peace Box (sachets) 3 x10x33g 12889
32.00 19.65 V Macacha Protein Shake Peace Drum 1 x 500g 12886
29.00 48.60 V *Macacha Protein Shake Energy Box (sachets) 3 x10x33g 12887
32.00 19.65 V Macacha Protein Shake Energy Drum 1 x 500g 12888

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List NEW LINES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Vegus Juices
T 12.00 8.40 20% Z Vegus Broccoli Raw Juice Shots 42 1 x 7x33ml 864
T 12.00 8.40 20% Z Vegus Wheatgrass Raw Juice Shots 42 1 x 7x33ml 857

Rude Health - Sustainably Produced
T 3.03 13.64 20% Z Rude Health ORG Banana Berry Oats 6 x 325g 12976
Wild Thing
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Rainforest Fruit Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12929
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Island Coconut Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12930
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Mountain Berry Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12931
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Equatorial Cacao Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12932


1.89 17.01 Z Florentin ORG Spelt Pita Bread NEW 20 12 x 260g 13008

Inspiral Raw Vegan ORGANIC GF Superfoods
3.89 26.28 Z Inspiral ORG Beetroot & Lemon Curly Kale Crisps 40 9 x 40g 12851
3.89 26.28 Z Inspiral ORG Sweet Chilli Black Kale Crisps 40 9 x 40g 12852
3.89 26.28 Z Inspiral ORG Salt & Pepper Savoy Cabbage Crisps 40 9 x 40g 12853
3.89 26.28 Z Inspiral ORG BBQ Chipotle Savoy Cabbage Crisps 40 9 x 40g 12854
Lisa's Organic Crisps
0.99 14.85 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Mixed Alpine Herbs SMALL 25 24 x 40g 12902
0.99 14.85 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Alpine Rock Salt SMALL 25 24 x 40g 12903
0.99 14.85 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Alpine Salt & Vinegar SMALL 25 24 x 40g 12904
0.99 14.85 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Emmental & Onion SMALL 25 24 x 40g 12905
2.49 18.68 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Mix Alpine Herbs LARGE 25 12 x 140g 12911
2.49 18.68 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Alpine Rock Salt LARGE 25 12 x 140g 12912
2.49 18.68 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Alpine Salt & Vinegar LARGE 25 12 x 140g 12913
2.49 18.68 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Emmental & Onion LARGE 25 12 x 140g 12914
Wild Thing
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Green Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12925
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Protein Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12926
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Fusion Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12927
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Sunset Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12928

Fairground Organic and Fairtrade
1.39 20.85 V *Fairground ORG FT Apricot & Almond Bar 24 x 40g 12974
1.39 20.85 V *Fairground ORG FT Mango & Cashew Bar 24 x 40g 12975
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan AlmondKaleProtein Ball APRL 12 x 40g 13040
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan AlmondSpirul ProteinBall APRL 12 x 40g 13041
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan BeetCashew ProteinBall APRL 12 x 40g 13042
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan CoconutCumin ProteinBall APR 12 x 40g 13043
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan CashewPeanut ProteinBall APR 12 x 40g 13044
Deliciously Ella
1.99 14.92 V *Deliciously Ella Almond & Blueberry Energy Ball 60 12 x 50g 13048
1.99 14.92 V *Deliciously Ella Coconut & Oat Energy Ball 60 12 x 40g 13049

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List NEW LINES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

T 1.70 15.95 10% V *iChoc ORG Expedition Sunny Almond Choc 15 x 50g 13006
T 1.70 15.95 10% V *iChoc ORG Expedition Jungle Bites Dark Choc 15 x 50g 13007
KIND Snacks
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Caramel Almond & Sea Salt Bars 12 x 40g 12890
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Dark Chocolate & Cherry Cashew Bars 12 x 40g 12891
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond Bars 12 x 40g 12892
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt Bars 12 x 40g 12893
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt Bars 12 x 40g 12894
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Madagascan Vanilla Almond Bars 12 x 40g 12895
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Peanut Butter & Dark Chocolate Bars 12 x 40g 12896
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Almond & Coconut Bars 12 x 40g 12897
Livia's Kitchen Raw Vegan
4.99 18.71 V Livia's Biccy Boms Salted Maca Caramel 18 6 x 120g 12999
4.99 18.71 V Livia's Biccy Boms Ginger 18 6 x 120g 13000
4.99 18.71 V Livia's Biccy Boms Chocolate 18 6 x 120g 13004
Wild Thing
1.35 16.88 V *Wild Thing ORG Cacao & Almond Bar 20 x 30g 12933
1.35 16.88 V *Wild Thing ORG Nuts & Seeds Bar 20 x 30g 12934
1.35 16.88 V *Wild Thing ORG Coconut & Chia Bar 20 x 30g 12935
1.35 16.88 V *Wild Thing ORG Berries & Seeds Bar 20 x 30g 12936

193.00 144.75 Z C/Spring ORG CATERING Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 x 1kg 12970
6.25 28.13 Z C/Spring ORG GF Matcha Powder Shot Sachets 6 x 8x1g 12971
Golden Temple Yogi Teas (ORGANIC)
2.69 12.11 Z Yogi ORG Wellness Collection Teabags 6 x 18 12916
Teapigs (Whole Leaf Tea in Silky Mesh Teabags)
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs SNOOZE - Sleepy Tea 6 x 15 12994
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs UP BEET - Energy Tea 6 x 15 12995
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs CLEAN & GREEN - Detox Tea 6 x 15 12996


Bim's Kitchen
6.95 31.27 Z Bim's ORG African Tigernut & Macadamia Butter 6 x 170g 13025
2.39 10.76 Z Biona ORG Coconut Peanut Butter 6 x 170g 12997
4.69 21.10 Z Biona ORG Coconut Almond Butter 6 x 170g 12998


The Chia Company
0.49 11.03 Z *Chia Co Black Chia Shot Filled Dispenser 30 x 7.5g 13046
0.49 11.03 Z *Chia Co White Chia Shot Filled Dispenser 30 x 7.5g 13047

2.19 9.85 Z Biona ORG Coconut Cream LARGE 6 x 400ml 12917
3.99 35.91 Z Biona ORG Coconut Milk POWDER 12 x 150g 12918
2.49 22.41 Z C/Spring ORG GF Instant Buckwheat 60 12 x 140g 12967
2.99 26.91 Z C/Spring ORG GF Instant Mega Porridge 60 12 x 160g 12968
2.99 26.91 Z C/Spring ORG GF Instant Super Porridge 60 12 x 160g 12969

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List NEW LINES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2.99 13.45 Z Essential ORG Young Jackfruit Tin 6 x 400g 12966
1.29 8.70 Z Marigold Instant Sunshine Soup Mushroom+Vit D 9x4x24g 12765
1.29 8.70 Z Marigold Instant Sunshine Soup Minestrone+VitD 9x4x22g 12767
1.29 8.70 Z Marigold Instant Sunshine Soup Tomato+Vit D 9x4x25g 12766


3.49 15.70 Z Biofair ORG FT Rice Quinoa Red&White Fusilli 6 x 250g 12919
3.49 20.94 Z C/Spring ORG GF Chickpea Pasta (Sedanini) 60 8 x 250g 12972
2.79 16.74 Z C/Spring ORG GF Buckwheat Pasta (Tortiglioni) 60 8 x 250g 12973
3.49 31.41 Z Profusion ORG Red Lentil & Flax Penne 12 x 300g 12920
3.49 31.41 Z Profusion ORG Chick Pea & Flax Penne 12 x 300g 12921


1.59 7.14 Z NEW Marigold GF Instant Gravy GRANULES 6 x 170g 12764

Vita Coco
2.29 20.61 Z Vita Coco ORG Coconut Oil 50ml 12 x 50ml 12991

6.75 30.37 Z Seamore Iseabacon ORG Wild Seaweed Bacon 6 x 75g 13019
5.49 24.70 Z Seamore Iseapasta ORG Wild Seaweed Tagliatelle 6 x 100g 6194

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Lye Cross Farm
T 2.64 19.83 15% Z Lye Cross ORG MILD Farm Cheddar 21 10 x 245g 5678
T 2.73 20.47 15% Z Lye Cross ORG MEDIUM Farm Cheddar Wedges 21 10 x 245g 5679
T 2.88 21.56 15% Z Lye Cross ORG MATURE Cheddar Cheese 21 10 x 245g 2317


Follow Your Heart Vegan GF
T 2.80 25.17 15% Z Follow Your Heart Pepper Jack Slices 20 12 x 200g 12724
T 2.80 25.17 15% Z Follow Your Heart Smoked Gouda Slices 20 12 x 200g 12725
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Your Heart Italian Style(wasParmesan)Grated 20 8 x 142g 9478
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Your Heart Gourmet Shreds Cheddar 20 8 x 227g 2430
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Yr Heart ItalianStyle(wasParmesan)Shredded 20 8 x 118g 9477
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Your Heart Gourmet Shreds Mozzarella 20 8 x 227g 2429
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Your Heart Gourmet Shreds Pizzeria Blend 20 8 x 227g 9471


Arla Skyr
T 1.67 7.49 10% Z Skyr Mango Passionfruit Drinking Yogurt 6 6 x 350ml 12860
T 1.67 7.49 10% Z Skyr Blueberry Blackcurrant Drinking Yogurt 6 6 x 350ml 12861
T 1.40 6.31 20% Z Skyr Natural Yogurt LARGE 6 6 x 450g 2541
T 1.40 6.31 20% Z Skyr Honey Yogurt LARGE 6 6 x 450g 2712
T 1.40 6.31 20% Z Skyr Strawberry Yogurt LARGE 6 6 x 450g 2711
T 0.86 3.83 10% Z Skyr Blueberry & Elderberry Yogurt SMALL 6 6 x 150g 210
T 0.86 3.83 10% Z Skyr Mixed Berry Yogurt SMALL 6 6 x 150g 2536
T 0.86 3.83 10% Z Skyr Cherry Yogurt SMALL 6 6 x 150g 2537
The Collective
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Ltd Edition Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 1342
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Blueberry Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 12737
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Mango Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 8647
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Passion Fruit Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 5068
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Rhubarb Vanilla&Lemongrass Yogurt LGE 8 6 x 450g 12735
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Russian Fudge Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 5069
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Scottish Raspberry Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 8778
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Vanilla Bean Yog LGE 8 6 x 450g 1343


Vita Coco
T 2.39 10.77 20% Z Vita Coco Coconut Milk Alternative 15 6 x 1lt 12993


T 2.20 13.21 15% Z Biona ORG Sunflower Veg Margarine (250g) 30 8 x 250g 2561

The Yorkshire Provender
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Rustic Veg Broth Lentils Kale & Quinoa 5 4 x 600g 12427
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Cauliflower Cheese Kale & Cheddar Soup 5 4 x 600g 12428
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Moroccan Veg Tagine Soup 5 4 x 600g 12773
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Mushroom Wholegrain Black Rice Soup 5 4 x 600g 1779
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Pea Spinach & Mint Soup 5 4 x 600g 1550
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Tomato Red Pepper Wensley Soup 5 4 x 600g 1551
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Seasonal Root Vegetable Pearl Barley 5 4 x 600g 1639
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Beetroot & Horseradish Soup 5 4 x 600g 1777
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Carrot, Butternut & Fresh Herbs Soup 5 4 x 600g 2405
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Broccoli w Lancs Cheese Soup 5 4 x 600g 2407

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


ChicP (Hummus from Surplus Fruit N Veg)
T 2.13 9.56 15% Z ChicP Herby Hummus 4 6 x 170g 12714
T 2.13 9.56 15% Z ChicP Banana Avocado & Cacao Hummus 4 6 x 170g 12715
T 2.13 9.56 15% Z ChicP Carrot Root Ginger & Turmeric Hummus 4 6 x 170g 12716
T 2.13 9.56 15% Z ChicP Beetroot Horseradish & Sage Hummus 4 6 x 170g 12727
T 2.51 11.29 15% Z Florentin ORG Fresh Hummus Wasabi 20 6 x 170g 9000


T 3.44 15.50 15% Z Florentin ORG Tamruc Sweet Falafel 20 6 x 240g 7367
T 3.44 15.50 15% Z Florentin ORG Fresh Falafel 20 6 x 250g 5407


T 1.36 10.20 20% V Innocent 330ml Bubbles Lemon Lime Apple 15 12 x 330ml 198
T 1.36 10.20 20% V Innocent 330ml Bubbles Orange&Lime Was Tropical 15 12 x 330ml 200
T 3.05 11.42 20% V Innocent Kids Smoothie Strawberry Raspberry 14 6 x 4x180ml 9370
T 3.05 11.42 20% V Innocent Kids Smoothie Orange Mango Pineapple 14 6 x 4x180ml 8521
T 3.05 11.42 20% V Innocent Kids Smoothie Peach & Passion 14 6 x 4x180ml 133
T 1.96 7.35 20% V This Juicy Water LITRE Lemon Lime 50 6 x 1ltr 2048
T 1.96 7.35 20% V This Juicy Water LITRE Raspberry Apple 50 6 x 1ltr 2728
T 1.64 9.00 20% V This Juicy Water Lemon/Lime 50 12 x 420ml 7410
T 1.64 9.00 20% V This Juicy Water Orange Lemon 50 12 x 420ml 7408
T 1.64 9.00 20% V This Juicy Water Raspberry/ Apple 50 12 x 420ml 7409
T 1.64 9.00 20% V This Juicy Water Pomeg Blackcurrant 50 12 x 420ml 7928
Jimmy's Iced Coffee
T 1.24 11.08 20% Z Jimmy's Iced Coffee 330ml MOCHA 45 12 x 330ml 7473
T 1.24 11.08 20% Z Jimmy's Iced Coffee 330ml Original BLUE 45 12 x 330ml 2621
T 1.24 11.08 20% Z Jimmy's Iced Coffee 330ml Skinny RED 45 12 x 330ml 2622
Karma Drinks ORG & FT
T 4.49 16.84 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT LARGE Pomegranate 1ltr 60 6 x 1ltr 13011
T 4.49 16.84 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT LARGE Ginger 1ltr 60 6 x 1ltr 13012
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Ginger LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 2754
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Lemon LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 2753
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Peppermint LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 2752
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Pomegranate LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 2751
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Raspberry LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 12806
T 2.79 10.46 10% V Karma Kefir ORG Elderflower&Hibiscus NON DAIRY 60 6 x 500ml 12807
T 2.79 10.46 10% V Karma Kefir ORG Fig & Lemon NON DAIRY 60 6 x 500ml 12808
2.54 12.71 15% V MightyBee ORG Raw Coconut Water SMALL 10 8 x 235ml 143
4.51 22.53 15% V MightyBee ORG Raw Coconut Water LARGE 10 8 x 473ml 140
Savse Cold Pressed
T 3.14 11.78 10% V Savse Protein Punch SMALL 15 6 x 250ml 4464
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Blue LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3467
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Green LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3459
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Orange LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3469
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Purple LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3461
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Red LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3460

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Laurie's Foods - Raw & Organic
T 4.67 28.02 15% Z *Laurie's ORG Beet Kraut 21 8 x 410g 9989
T 4.67 28.02 15% Z *Laurie's ORG Kimchi Kraut 21 8 x 410g 9988
T 3.99 23.94 15% Z *Laurie's ORG Original Sauerkraut 21 8 x 410g 9991


T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Almond7%Calc(Blue)NAS/Unsweetened 6 x 1ltr 5583
T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Almond7%(WhiteRed)NAS/Unsweetened 6 x 1ltr 5585
T 1.99 8.96 20% Z Ecomil ORG Almond Milk Classic CALCIUM 6 x 1 ltr 12937
T 1.99 8.96 20% Z Ecomil ORG Almond Milk Classic 6 x 1 ltr 12938
T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Hemp Milk No Sugar/Unsweetened 6 x 1 ltr 12939
T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Coconut No Sugar/Unsweetened 6 x 1 ltr 12940
T 1.83 16.49 20% Z LoveRaw Almond Drink Cacao & Cardamom 12 x 330ml 12962
T 1.83 16.49 20% Z LoveRaw Almond Drink Cold Brew Latte 12 x 330ml 12963
T 1.83 16.49 20% Z LoveRaw Almond Drink Turmeric Chai Latte 12 x 330ml 12964
T 1.69 7.61 15% Z Oatly Drink Foamable Barista 6 x 1 ltr 2385
T 1.44 6.46 15% Z Oatly ORG Oat Drink 6 x 1 ltr 2384
Rebel Kitchen
T 0.95 8.57 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Vanilla Mylk 90 12 x 250ml 12703
T 0.95 8.57 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Banana Mylk NOW 250ml 90 12 x 250ml 6686
T 0.95 8.57 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Orange Chocolate Mylk NOW 250 90 12 x 250ml 6687
T 0.95 8.57 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Choco Mylk NOW 250ml 90 12 x 250ml 5110
T 1.51 13.60 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Chai Mylk 90 12 x 330ml 5149
T 1.51 13.60 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Choc Mylk LGE 330ML 90 12 x 330ml 5113
T 1.51 13.60 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Coffee Mylk 90 12 x 330ml 5118
T 1.51 13.60 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Matcha Green Tea Mylk 90 12 x 330ml 5148


The Berry Company
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Acai Berry Juice 12 x 330ml 7029
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Blueberry Juice 12 x 330ml 7033
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Cranberry Drink 12 x 330ml 7034
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Goji Juice 12 x 330ml 7028
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Green Tea & Blueberry 12 x 330ml 2629
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Pomegranate Juice 12 x 330ml 7031
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Superberry Juice PURPLE 12 x 330ml 7030
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Superberry Juice RED 12 x 330ml 7032
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML White Tea & Peach 12 x 330ml 2628
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Acai Juice 12 x 1ltr 765
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Blueberry Juice 12 x 1ltr 764
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Cranberry Juice 12 x 1ltr 7534
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Goji Juice 12 x 1ltr 767
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LGE Special Green Tea Blueberry 12 x 1ltr 1997
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Pomegranate Juice 12 x 1ltr 2792
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LGE PURPLE Superberry Juice 12 x 1ltr 769
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE RED Superberry Juice 12 x 1ltr 768
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE White Tea & Peach Juice 12 x 1ltr 1994

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Cawston Press
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Cucumber & Mint CAN 24 x 330ml 755
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Gooseberry Soda CAN 24 x 330ml 757
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Cloudy Apple CAN 24 x 330ml 7238
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Apple & Rhubarb CAN 24 x 330ml 7239
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Sparkling Elderflower Lemonade CAN 24 x 330ml 6309
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Sparkling Ginger Beer CAN 24 x 330ml 6310
Chi Drinks Ltd
T 1.52 11.39 10% V Chi 100% Pure Coconut Water SMALL 120 12 x 330ml 5601
T 3.32 24.92 10% V Chi 100% Pure Coconut Water LITRE 120 12 x 1ltr 5602
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Cola 24 x 275ml 12718
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Cream Soda 24 x 275ml 12719
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Fizzy Apple 24 x 275ml 12720
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Ginger Beer 24 x 275ml 12721
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Real Lemonade 24 x 275ml 12722
T 0.95 7.14 20% V *Dalston's Real Lemonade 330ml CAN 12 x 330ml 12977
T 0.95 7.14 20% V *Dalston's Orangeade 330ml CAN 12 x 330ml 12978
T 0.95 7.14 20% V *Dalston's Cola 330ml CAN 12 x 330ml 12979
Karma Drinks ORG & FT
T 3.92 14.67 10% V Karma Botanik ORG Ginger Hibiscus Juice 90 6 x 500ml 1493
T 3.20 11.97 10% V Karma Botanik ORG Turmeric Juice 90 6 x 500ml 1477
Luscombe Organic Drinks
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Damascene Rose Bubbly 45 24 x 32cl 1606
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG COOLGingerBeerBLUE Stripe 45 24 x 32cl 1603
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG HOT Ginger Beer RED Stripe 45 24 x 32cl 1602
T 1.32 19.76 20% V *Luscombe ORG Passionate Ginger Beer 45 24 x 32cl 783
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Cranberry Crush 45 24 x 32cl 1722
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Lime Crush 45 24 x 32cl 1565
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Raspberry Crush 45 24 x 32cl 1561
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Sicilian Lemonade SMALL 45 24 x 32cl 1562
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG St Clements Orange Lemon Crush 45 24 x 32cl 1572
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe Wild Elderflower Bubbly SMALL 45 24 x 32cl 781
What a Melon
T 1.72 19.36 20% V What a Melon Watermelon Water 45 18 x 330ml 12761

Good Hemp Nutrition
T 6.80 18.20 50% Z Good Hemp Protein Powder 4 x 500g 2915
T 24.03 16.08 50% Z Good Hemp Protein Powder LARGE 1 x 2.5k 2917
T 14.44 60.65 15% Z Pulsin' ORG WHEY Protein Powder 6 x 250g 7494
T 11.04 46.38 15% Z Pulsin' WHEY Protein Isolate 6 x 250g 1190
T 33.99 142.77 15% Z Pulsin' BULK WHEY Protein Isolate 6 x 1kg 2912
Savvy Foods
T 2.77 20.73 30% Z Savvy OzCarob ORG ROAST Carob POWDER 10 x 150g 7432
Vegus Juices
T 12.00 8.40 20% Z Vegus Broccoli Raw Juice Shots 42 1 x 7x33ml 864
T 12.00 8.40 20% Z Vegus Wheatgrass Raw Juice Shots 42 1 x 7x33ml 857

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

T 3.98 23.95 20% Z Bodymatter ORG Oat Crunch Granola 75 8 x 500g 9437
Rude Health - Sustainably Produced
T 3.99 14.97 20% Z R/Health Cacao & Vanilla Granola 90 5 x 450g 12433
T 3.03 13.64 20% Z Rude Health ORG Banana Berry Oats 6 x 325g 12976
T 3.04 11.41 20% Z R/Health Bircher Soft & Fruity Muesli 90 5 x 450g 8575
T 3.60 13.50 20% Z R/Health Gluten Free Muesli (Coconut and Seed) 90 5 x 500g 4497
T 2.79 16.75 20% Z Rude Health ORG Honey Spelt Puffs 90 8 x 175g 887
T 4.00 14.97 20% Z R/Health Honey & Nuts Granola 90 5 x 500g 973
T 3.19 11.96 20% Z R/Health No Flamin Raisins Muesli 90 5 x 500g 879
T 4.00 14.97 20% Z R/Health Nutty Crunch Muesli 90 5 x 450g 971
T 3.59 13.48 20% Z R/Health Spiced Apple Granola 90 5 x 500g 969
T 3.04 11.41 20% Z R/Health Super Fruity Muesli 90 5 x 500g 2215
T 4.79 17.96 20% Z R/Health ORG Granola The Ultimate 90 5 x 500g 2212
T 4.79 17.96 20% Z R/Health ORG Strawb Rasp Granola 90 5 x 450g 2902
T 3.60 13.50 20% Z R/Health ORG Super Seed Muesli 90 5 x 500g 4503
T 4.79 17.96 20% Z R/Health ORG Ultimate Muesli 90 5 x 500g 884
T 2.60 15.60 20% Z R/Health Honey Multiflakes 90 8 x 425g 2217
T 4.00 14.97 20% Z Rude Health Coconut & Chia Granola 90 5 x 450g 3166
T 3.40 10.21 20% Z R/Health GF HONEY Puff Oats 90 4 x 240g 2903
T 1.80 10.80 20% Z R/Health Puffed Oats 90 8 x 175g 2265
T 1.92 5.75 20% Z R/Health GF Puffed Rice 90 4 x 225g 2266
T 2.60 15.60 20% Z R/Health Spelt Flakes 90 8 x 300g 8221
Wild Thing
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Rainforest Fruit Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12929
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Island Coconut Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12930
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Mountain Berry Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12931
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Equatorial Cacao Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12932

T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Herbs LARGE 10 x 110g 12504
T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Sweet&SmokingLGE 10 x 110g 12505
T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Pepper Power LARGE 10 x 110g 12506
T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Fajita LARGE 10 x 110g 12507
T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Cheese&Love LGE 10 x 110g 12816
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Cheese&Love 24 x 22g 12817
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Herbs 24 x 22g 2769
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Sweet & Smoking 24 x 22g 2771
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Pepper Power 24 x 22g 2770
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Fajita 24 x 22g 2772
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Fiery Worcs Sauce & S/DTomato 45 24 x 20g 7756
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Lightly Salted 45 24 x 20g 7754
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Smooth Peanut & Almond 45 24 x 25g 7714
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Sour Cream & Black Pepper 45 24 x 20g 7825
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Sweet Coconut & Vanilla 45 24 x 25g 8173
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Sweet & Salty 45 24 x 30g 7757
T 1.27 9.49 25% V *Propercorn LARGE Smooth Peanut & Almond 45 12 x 90g 7730
T 1.27 9.49 25% V *Propercorn LARGE Sweet & Salty 45 12 x 90g 7763
T 1.27 9.49 25% V *Propercorn LARGE Lightly Sea Salted 45 12 x 70g 7769
T 1.27 9.49 25% V *Propercorn LGE Sweet Coconut Vanilla 45 12 x 90g 7822

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Tyrrells Crisps & Popcorn

1.91 22.83 25% Z *Tyrrells Crinkle Mix Roots LGE 25 12 x 150g 5927
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Furrows LGE Cheddar PickleOnion 25 12 x 150g 2893
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Furrows LGE Sea Salted 25 12 x 150g 2891
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Furrows LGE Sea Salt Vinegar 25 12 x 150g 2895
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Black Pepper 25 12 x 150g 9459
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Cheddar Chives 25 12 x 150g 9452
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Cid Vinegar 25 12 x 150g 9451
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Naked No Salt 25 12 x 150g 9460
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Sea Salt 25 12 x 150g 9450
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Smoked Paprika 42 12 x 150g 1419
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Sweet Chilli 25 12 x 150g 9453
2.54 22.83 25% Z *Tyrrells Root Veg Chips LGE 25 12 x 150g 9463
Wild Thing
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Green Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12925
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Protein Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12926
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Fusion Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12927
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Sunset Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12928

T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan AlmondKaleProtein Ball APRL 12 x 40g 13040
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan AlmondSpirul ProteinBall APRL 12 x 40g 13041
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan BeetCashew ProteinBall APRL 12 x 40g 13042
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan CoconutCumin ProteinBall APR 12 x 40g 13043
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan CashewPeanut ProteinBall APR 12 x 40g 13044
Clif Bars
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Chocolate Chip Bar 12 x 68g 6026
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Crunchy Peanut Butter Bar 12 x 68g 6027
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif White Chocolate Macadamia Bar 12 x 68g 6028
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Blueberry Crisp Bar 12 x 68g 6029
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Chocolate Almond Fudge Bar 12 x 68g 6042
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Coconut Chocolate Chip 12 x 68g 6044
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Oatmeal & Raisin Bar 12 x 68g 6043
T 3.44 12.90 25% V Govinda ORG Almond Magic Balls 6 x 120g 824
T 3.37 12.64 25% V Govinda ORG Baobab Bites 6 x 120g 827
T 3.14 11.78 25% V Govinda ORG Chocolate Light Balls FT 6 x 120g 821
T 3.14 11.78 25% V Govinda ORG C'nut Paradise Confectionery 6 x 100g 819
T 3.44 12.90 25% V Govinda ORG Date & Coconut Balls FT 6 x 120g 822
T 3.44 12.90 25% V Govinda ORG Energy Balls 6 x 120g 823
T 3.37 12.64 25% V Govinda ORG Mango Coconut Bites Agave 6 x 120g 826
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG White Nougat Crisp Rice Choc 10 x 80g 8852
T 1.70 15.95 10% V *iChoc ORG Expedition Sunny Almond Choc 15 x 50g 13006
T 1.70 15.95 10% V *iChoc ORG Expedition Jungle Bites Dark Choc 15 x 50g 13007
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Vanilla White Rice Choc 10 x 80g 229
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Classic Rice Choc (Was Milkless) 10 x 80g 235
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Super Nut Rice Choc 10 x 80g 236
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Almond Orange Rice Choc 10 x 80g 2410
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Choco Cookie Rice Choc 10 x 80g 2411

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

KIND Snacks
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Caramel Almond & Sea Salt Bars 12 x 40g 12890
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Dark Chocolate & Cherry Cashew Bars 12 x 40g 12891
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond Bars 12 x 40g 12892
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt Bars 12 x 40g 12893
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt Bars 12 x 40g 12894
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Madagascan Vanilla Almond Bars 12 x 40g 12895
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Peanut Butter & Dark Chocolate Bars 12 x 40g 12896
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Almond & Coconut Bars 12 x 40g 12897
1.62 29.16 10% Z *MightyBeeORGVegan Coconut JerkyTeriyakiSMALL 75 24 x 15g 3125
1.62 29.16 10% Z *MightyBeeORGVegan Coconut Jerky Spicy BBQ SM 75 24 x 15g 3126
1.62 29.16 10% Z *MightyBeeORGVegan Coconut Jerky Choc HazelSM 75 24 x 15g 3127
Nom Foods
T 1.52 13.69 15% Z *Nom ORG Banana Coconut Oil Oat Bar 60 12 x 52g 102
T 1.40 12.62 15% Z *Nom ORG Original Coconut Oil Oat Bar 60 12 x 52g 103
T 1.69 15.22 15% Z *Nom ORG Pea Protein Coconut Oil Bar 60 12 x 52g 109
T 1.52 13.69 15% Z *Nom ORG Cacao & Rasp Coconut Oil Oat Bar 60 12 x 52g 101
Protein Ball Co
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Cacao & Orange 50 10 x 45g 12607
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Cherry & Almond 50 10 x 45g 12608
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Lemon & Pistachio 50 10 x 45g 12609
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Vegan Goji & Coconut 50 10 x 45g 3085
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Paleo Peanut Butter 50 10 x 45g 3084
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Whey Coco Macadamia 50 10 x 45g 3083
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
T 2.20 16.51 15% V *Raw Health ORG Fusion Choc RosePetal WhiteAlmon 12 x 30g 12680
T 2.20 16.51 15% V *Raw Health ORG Fusion Choc LavenderSproutQuinoa 12 x 30g 12681
T 2.20 16.51 15% V *Raw Health ORG Fusion Choc Goji & Cacao Nibs 12 x 30g 12682
T 2.20 16.51 15% V *Raw Health ORG Fusion Choc ApricotKern&RedPepp 12 x 30g 12683
Savvy Foods
T 2.77 20.73 30% Z Savvy OzCarob ORG Raw Carob NIBBLES LGE 10 x 150g 7426
T 1.04 16.35 30% Z Savvy OzCarob ORG Raw Carob NIBBLES SMALL 20 x 30g 7427
Squirrel Sisters
T 1.79 17.93 10% V *Squirrel Sisters Snack Bar Cacao Orange 16 x 40g 3253
T 1.79 17.93 10% V *Squirrel Sisters Snack Bar Raspberry Ripple 16 x 40g 3303
T 1.79 17.93 10% V *Squirrel Sisters Snack Bar Coconut Cashew 16 x 40g 3305
T 1.79 17.93 10% V *Squirrel Sisters Snack Bar Cacao Brownie 16 x 40g 3247


Cafe Direct
T 3.68 16.46 20% Z Cafe Direct Instant Coffee FT 6 x 100g 2396
T 4.08 18.40 20% Z Cafe Direct ORG Instant Decaff CoffeeFT 6 x 100g 5090
T 3.48 15.63 20% Z Cafe Direct FT Grnd Coffee Medium FT 6 x 227g 1397
T 3.60 16.21 20% Z Cafe Direct ORG Machu Picchu Grnd Coffee FT 6 x 227g 5091
T 3.60 16.21 20% Z Cafe Direct Killimanjaro Mountain Grnd Coffee FT 6 x 227g 5092
T 3.75 16.77 20% Z Cafe Direct ORG Med Roast Grnd CoffeeFT 6 x 227g 5093

Golden Temple Yogi Teas (ORGANIC)
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Choco Mint Teabags 6 x 17 2485
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Choco Teabags FT 6 x 17 2989
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Choco CHILI Teabags 6 x 17 9392

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Classic Teabags 6 x 17 268
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Himalaya Teabags 6 x 17 270
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Licorice Teabags 6 x 17 3564
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Licorice with Mint Teabags 6 x 17 2940
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Sweet Chili Mex Spice Teabags 6 x 17 8425
Tick Tock Rooibos
T 1.67 5.04 20% Z Tick Tock ORG Rooibos Teabags Small 4 x 40 teaba 9206
T 3.24 12.27 20% Z Tick Tock ORG Rooibos Teabags LARGE 5 x 80 9207
T 1.77 5.31 20% Z Tick Tock ORG Rooibos GREEN Teabags 4 x 40 1641


T 2.69 12.11 10% Z C/Spring ORG Apricot Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 5207
T 2.69 12.11 10% Z C/Spring ORG Strawberry Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 5208
T 3.05 13.73 10% Z C/Spring ORG Blueberry Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 5209
T 2.51 11.30 10% Z C/Spring ORG Orange Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 5210
T 3.05 13.73 10% Z C/Spring ORG Cherry Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 12820
T 3.05 13.73 10% Z C/Spring ORG Raspberry Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 12821


Toca Galician Mountain Honey
T 5.09 22.91 15% Z Toca ORG Raw Galician Chestnut Honey 6 x 270g 264
T 4.24 19.08 15% Z Toca ORG Raw Mt Flowers Honey SMALL 6 x 270g 4102
T 7.64 34.36 15% Z Toca ORG Raw Mt.Flowers Honey LARGE 6 x 500g 4104


T 6.37 28.65 15% Z Biona ORG Coconut Bliss LARGE 6 x 400g 7061
T 4.24 19.09 15% Z Biona ORG Chocolate & Coconut CocoBella 6 x 250g 3278
T 4.21 18.97 15% Z Biona ORG Coconut Bliss SMALL 6 x 250g 3290
T 2.54 11.45 15% Z Essential ORG Peanut Butter (crunchy & salt) 6 x 350g 2672
T 2.54 11.45 15% Z Essential ORG Peanut Butter (smooth & salt) 6 x 350g 2674
T 2.54 11.45 15% Z Essential ORG Peanut Butter Smooth NO SALT 6 x 350g 3495
T 2.54 11.45 15% Z Essential ORG Peanut Butter Crunchy NO SALT 6 x 350g 3496

S 1.10 4.94 15% Z Biona ORG Black Bean Chilli 6 x 400g 12670
T 0.84 3.78 15% Z Biona ORG Borlotti Beans 6 x 400g 12671
T 1.01 4.56 15% Z Biona ORG Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce 6 x 400g 6005
T 1.10 4.94 15% Z Biona ORG Blackeye Beans in Can 6 x 400g 6450
T 0.93 4.17 15% Z Biona ORG Butter Beans in Cans 6 x 400g 4654
T 0.93 4.17 15% Z Biona ORG Red Kidney Beans Can 6 x 400g 4653
T 0.93 4.17 15% Z Biona ORG Pinto Beans Can 6 x 400g 8191
T 2.24 13.45 10% Z C/Spring ORG Instant MisoSoup Paste SeaVeg 8 x 4x15g 1776
T 2.24 13.45 10% Z C/Spring ORG Inst.WHITEMisoSoupPaste 8 x 4x15g 8060
Caulirice Low Cal/GI Rice Replacement
T 1.88 11.27 20% Z Caulirice Indian Pilau 8 x 200g 1683
T 1.88 11.27 20% Z Caulirice Lemongrass & Chilli 8 x 200g 1684
T 1.88 11.27 20% Z Caulirice Mediterranean 8 x 200g 1681
T 1.88 11.27 20% Z Caulirice Original 8 x 200g 1682

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

T 1.61 7.25 10% Z Essential ORG Creamed Coconut 6 x 200g 1961
T 1.49 6.68 10% Z Essential ORG Coconut Milk 6 x 400ml 1962
Mr Organic
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Baked Beans 12 x 400g 2805
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic BLACK Beans 12 x 400g 2187
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Borlotti Beans 12 x 400g 1511
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Chick Peas 12 x 400g 2157
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Cannellini Beans 12 x 400g 2155
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Butter Beans (Were Giant White) 12 x 400g 2156
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Green Lentils 12 x 400g 1510
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Mixed Beans 12 x 400g 2153
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Red Kidney Beans 12 x 400g 2154


Mr Organic
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic Tagliatelle 12 x 500g 6613
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic Spaghetti 12 x 500g 6614
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic Fusilli 12 x 500g 6615
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic Penne 12 x 500g 6616
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic WHOLE WHEAT Fusilli 12 x 500g 6617
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic WHOLE WHEAT Penne 12 x 500g 6618
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic WHOLE WHEAT Spaghetti 12 x 500g 6619
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic WHOLE WHEAT Tagliatelle 12 x 500g 6620


The Coconut Company
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Amino Sauce - All Purpose 12 x 150ml 2435
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Amino Sauce - Barbeque 12 x 150ml 4410
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Amino Sauce - Teriyaki 12 x 150ml 4409
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Vinegar Balsamic Style 12 x 250ml 2436
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Vinegar Classic 12 x 250ml 2431
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Mother of Vinegar 12 x 250ml 2432
T 5.21 23.45 10% Z C/Spring ORG Barley Miso UP Glass Jar 6 x 300g 4936
T 4.04 18.19 10% Z C/Spring ORG Brown Rice Miso UP Glass Jar 6 x 300g 4937


Mr Organic
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr Organic Healthier Choice Basilico Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 2170
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr Organic Healthier Choice Bolognese Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 1664
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr Organic Healthier Choice Arrabiata Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 2172
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr ORG Authentic Italian Capers&Olives Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 2166
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr Organic Ricotta Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 5081
T 2.19 9.86 20% Z Mr Organic Vegetarian Seitan Ragu 6 x 350g 5078
T 2.19 9.86 20% Z Mr Organic Vegetarian Soya Ragu 6 x 350g 5080
T 2.19 9.86 20% Z Mr Organic Vegetarian Tofu Ragu 6 x 350g 5079

Chi Drinks Ltd
T 8.96 80.60 10% Z Chi ORG 100% Virgin Coconut Oil 120 12 x 500ml 8147
T 3.14 14.14 10% Z Essential ORG Virgin Raw Coconut Oil SMALL 6 x 210ml 1964
T 8.09 36.45 10% Z Essential ORG Virgin Raw Coconut Oil LARGE 6 x 690g 1963

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PROMOTIONS
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

T 8.84 39.79 25% Z Govinda ORG Ayurvedic Ghee 160 6 x 500ml 4158

Mag365 - 33% POR
T 7.48 4.17 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Plain SMALL 1 x 150g 9611
T 7.48 4.17 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Passion Fruit SMALL 1 x 150g 9624
T 9.98 5.57 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Kids 1 x 150g 9625
T 11.75 6.56 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Plus Calcium 1 x 210g 9626
T 12.48 6.97 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Plain LARGE 1 x 300g 9627
T 12.48 6.97 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Passion Fruit LARGE 1 x 300g 9628

Nature's Own - 7.5% DISCOUNT
T 10.20 5.69 25% V Nat/Own Food State Vitamin C 250mg 50 1 x 50 1432
T 7.84 4.37 25% V Nat/Own Food State Niacin Vitamin B3 50mg 50 1 x 50 2001
T 7.80 4.36 25% V Nat/Own Food State PABA 50mg 50 1 x 50 1980
T 9.11 5.09 25% V Nat/Own Food State Selenium 100mcg 50 1 x 50 1444
T 5.78 3.23 25% V Nat/Own Wholefood Calcium (Seaweed) 30 Caps 1 x 30 7256
T 6.04 3.37 25% V Nat/Own Wholefood Cherry C 30 Vegecaps 1 x 30 8501
T 4.43 2.47 25% V Nat/Own Wholefood Methylfolate Folic Acid(400mcg) 1 x 30 3651


I Mune
T 0.60 4.46 50% V NURTURE Fruity Water+ Orange/Pineapple 28 12 x 200ml 8733
T 0.60 4.46 50% V NURTURE Fruity Water+ Cherry/Strawberry 28 12 x 200ml 8732

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PRICE CHANGES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Arla Foods
S 1.74 7.82 Z Lactofree Fresh SEMI SKIMMED Milk 6 6 x 1ltr 39
S 1.74 7.82 Z Lactofree SKIMMED Milk 6 6 x 1ltr 32
S 1.74 7.82 Z Lactofree WHOLE Milk 6 6 x 1ltr 42
S 1.43 6.41 Z Lactofree Cream 7 6 x 250ml 2234
Longley Farm
S 0.59 2.65 Z Longley Farm Soured Cream 6 6 x 150g 8219
Manor Farm Unhomogenised Organic Milk
S 0.95 7.13 Z Manor Farm ORG Whole Milk Pint 5 10 x 1 Pint 12572
S 0.95 7.13 Z Manor Farm ORG Semi Skimmed Milk Pint 5 10 x 1 Pint 12573
S 1.65 12.38 Z Manor Farm ORG Whole Milk 2 PINT 5 10 x 2 PINT 12574
S 1.65 12.38 Z Manor Farm ORG Semi Skimmed Milk 2 PINT 5 10 x 2 PINT 12575
S 1.65 12.38 Z Manor Farm ORG Skim Milk 2 PINT 5 10 x 2 PINT 12576
Yeo Valley ORG Fresh Milk & Cream
S 1.24 9.28 Z Yeo ORG Whole Milk 1ltr 5 10 x 1ltr 9169
S 2.37 10.68 Z Yeo ORG Whole Milk 2ltr 5 6 x 2ltr 9168
S 0.72 5.41 Z Yeo ORG Semi Milk PINT SMALL Green 5 10 x 1PINT 4929
S 1.24 9.28 Z Yeo ORG Semi Skim Milk 1ltr 5 10 x 1ltr 9166
S 2.37 10.68 Z Yeo ORG Semi Skim Milk 2 Ltr 5 6 x 2ltr 9165
S 1.24 9.28 Z Yeo ORG Skimmed Milk 1ltr 5 10 x 1ltr 9171
S 1.05 4.72 Z Yeo ORG 0% Fat Creme Fraiche 6 6 x 200g 12601
S 1.05 4.72 Z Yeo ORG Half Fat Creme Fraiche 6 6 x 200g 4139
S 1.13 5.10 Z Yeo ORG Double Cream 5 6 x 227ml 8243
S 1.06 4.75 Z Yeo ORG Single Cream 4 6 x 227ml 6682
S 1.18 5.32 Z Yeo ORG Low Fat Soured Cream 5 6 x 227ml 12584


S 3.99 11.97 Z Biona ORG Fresh Goat's CheeseNOW 4 7 4 x 100g 5249
S 3.99 11.97 Z Biona ORG Goat's Cheese Red Pep/HerbsNOW4 7 4 x 100g 5250


Bio-tiful Dairy
T 1.69 7.61 Z Biotiful Dairy Kefir SMALL (Non-Org)NOW6 9 6 x 250ml 12857
T 1.89 8.50 Z Bio-tiful Dairy Cherry Kefir NOW 6 9 6 x 250ml 6072
T 1.89 8.50 Z Bio-tiful Dairy Honey & Mint Kefir NOW 6 9 6 x 250ml 6081
Tim's Dairy Wholemilk
S 1.87 8.43 Z Tim's LARGE Greek Style NATURAL Yogurt 9 6 x 500g 1638
S 1.98 8.91 Z Tim's LARGE Greek Style Honey Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 1632
S 1.06 4.76 Z Tim's Greek Style Natural Yogurt 9 6 x 200g 1631
S 0.95 4.29 Z Tim's Greek Style Blackcurrant Yogurt 9 6 x 175g 1630
S 0.95 4.29 Z Tim's Greek Style Raspberry Yogurt 9 6 x 175g 1649
S 0.95 4.29 Z Tim's Greek Style HONEY Yogurt 9 6 x 175g 1629
S 0.70 6.27 Z Tim's Wholemilk Small Black Cherry Yogurt 9 12 x 150g 1626
S 0.70 6.27 Z Tim's Wholemilk Small Strawberry Yogurt 9 12 x 150g 1623
Tim's Dairy Low Fat
S 1.45 6.51 Z Tim's Large Low Fat Natural Yogurt 9 6 x 500g 1637
Woodland Park Dairy
S 3.05 13.72 Z Woodlands ORG LGE Plain SHEEP'S Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 9140
S 2.59 11.66 Z Woodlands LGE GOAT'S Natural Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 9141

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PRICE CHANGES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Yeo Valley Wholemilk

S 1.75 7.88 Z Yeo ORG Natural W/milk Yogurt 9 6 x 500g 3140
S 1.75 7.88 Z Yeo ORG Beautifully Mild Natural W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12583
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Blueberry & Lime W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12587
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Ginger W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12582
S 3.54 10.62 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Natural W/Milk Yogurt 9 4 x 950g 12586
S 1.98 5.93 Z Yeo ORG Greek Honey W/Milk Yogurt 4pack 9 4 x 4x100g 12591
S 1.98 5.93 Z Yeo ORG Strawberry W/Milk Yogurt 4pack 9 4 x 4x120g 12589
S 1.98 5.93 Z Yeo ORG Fruity Favourites W/Milk Yogurt 4pack 9 4 x 4x120g 12590
S 1.98 5.93 Z Yeo ORG Natural W/Milk Yogurt 4pack 9 4 x 4x120g 12592
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Rhubarb & Custard W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12605
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG British Blackcurrant W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12604
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Mango Vanilla W/Milk Yog 9 6 x 450g 1096
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Lemon Curd Wholemilk Yog 9 6 x 450g 6898
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Peach Apricot Wholemilk Yog 9 6 x 450g 1101
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Rasp Passionfruit W/Milk Yog 9 6 x 450g 1107
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Rasp Wholemilk Yog 9 6 x 450g 6298
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Strawberry Wholemilk Yog 9 6 x 450g 3141
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Yog Winter Sun Passion Fruit & Pineapple 9 6 x 450g 3142
S 1.14 5.11 Z Yeo ORG Blueberry&Crunchy Granola W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 135g 12594
S 0.78 4.70 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Natural W/Milk Yogurt 9 8 x 150g 12595
S 2.21 9.93 Z Yeo ORG Little Yeo's Straw&Van/Mango&Van Frais 9 6 x 6x45g 12598
S 2.21 9.93 Z Yeo ORG Little Yeo's Pear&Apple/Straw&Peach Frais 9 6 x 6x45g 12599
S 0.61 5.49 Z Yeo ORG Small Natural Wholemilk Yogurt 9 12 x 150g 3857
S 2.17 9.77 Z Yeo ORG Little Yeo's W/milk Yogurts 4 pack 90g 9 6 x 4 x 90g 8242
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG Greek Honey W/milk Yog 450g 9 6 x 450g 1399
S 2.00 9.02 Z Yeo ORG Greek Natural W/milk Yog 450g 8 6 x 450g 7131
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Vanilla W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 1113
S 3.17 9.50 Z Yeo ORG Natural BULK W/milk Yogurt 1kg 9 4 x 1kg 6675
Yeo Valley Low Fat/Fat Free
S 0.62 5.55 Z Yeo ORG Natural Small Fat Free Yogurt 9 12 x 150g 1404
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Natural 0% Fat Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12596
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG 0% Fat Greek Style Honey Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12600
S 1.75 7.88 Z Yeo ORG Natural 500g Fat Free Yogurt 9 6 x 500g 7086
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Vanilla 450g Fat Free Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 6899
S 3.17 9.50 Z Yeo ORG Natural BULK Fat Free Yogurt 9 4 x 1kg 1400


Koko Dairy Free
S 1.90 8.55 Z Koko FRESH Coconut CalcDairyFree LTR 10 6 x 1lt 4348
S 1.69 8.83 Z Rhythm Bottles Raw Natural Coconut Kefir 8 7 x 126g 3353
S 1.69 8.83 Z Rhythm Bottles Raw Mango/Passn Coconut Kefir 8 7 x 126g 3354
S 4.99 26.24 Z Rhythm Raw Natural Coconut Kefir 3-PACK 8 7x3x126g 3356


Yeo Valley Wholemilk
S 2.21 26.49 Z Yeo ORG Spreadable Butter 20 16 x 250g 7459
S 4.22 25.33 Z Yeo ORG Spreadable Butter LARGE 20 8 x 500g 12588
S 2.22 33.27 Z Yeo ORG Salted Butter 20 20 x 250g 4420
S 2.22 33.27 Z Yeo ORG Unsalted Butter 20 20 x 250g 53

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PRICE CHANGES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


T 3.39 21.19 V Biogroupe ORG Pomegranate Juice 100% 45 10 x 750ml 1475
Naked Juice
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Acai 9 8 x 450ml 12372
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Berry Veggie 9 8 x 450ml 12363
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Protein 9 8 x 450ml 12373
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Blue Machine 9 8 x 450ml 1954
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Green Machine 9 8 x 450ml 1956
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Mango Machine 9 8 x 450ml 1953
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Red Machine 9 8 x 450ml 1955
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Berry Veggie LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 12364
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Protein LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 12371
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Blue Machine LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 1940
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Green Machine LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 1941
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Red Machine LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 1743
Pip Organic
S 1.57 5.91 V Pip ORG Cloudy Apple Juice 200ml 14 6 x 200ml 7531
S 1.57 5.91 V Pip ORG Valencia Orange Juice 200ml 14 6 x 200ml 7532
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Kids Cloudy Apple 4 PACK 21 6 x 4x180ml 9913
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Kids Pine Mango Smoothie4PACK 21 6 x 4x180ml 9914
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Kids Strawb Blackcurant 4PACK 21 6 x 4x180ml 9915
S 1.79 6.72 V Pip ORG Pomegranate & Raspberry Quencher 14 6 x 330ml 12512
S 1.79 6.72 V Pip ORG Passionfruit & Mango Quencher 14 6 x 330ml 12513
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Blackcurrant Raspberry Apple Fruity Water 6 x 4x200ml 12514
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Mango Orange Apple Fruity Water 6 x 4x200ml 12515
S 4.15 15.57 V Pip ORG Cloudy Apple Juice 750ml CP 10 6 x 750ml 2075
S 4.15 15.57 V Pip ORG Valencia Orange Juice 750ml CP 10 6 x 750ml 2981
S 2.79 20.93 V Profusion ORG KombuchaTurmeric Lemon Ginger 30 12 x 330ml 12677
S 2.79 20.93 V Profusion ORG Kombucha Baobab Mint Pomegranate 30 12 x 330ml 12678
S 2.79 20.93 V Profusion ORG Kombucha Maca Coconut Pineapple 30 12 x 330ml 12679
S 1.73 8.65 V Tropicana Orange ORIGINAL 300ml SMALL 10 8 x 300ml 1013
S 1.73 8.65 V Tropicana Orange SMOOTH 300ml SMALL 10 8 x 300ml 1062
Ucha Kombucha ORG & Vegan
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Nature 60 12 x 250ml 1258
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Pomegranate 60 12 x 250ml 1257
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Lemon 60 12 x 250ml 1259
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Ginger 60 12 x 250ml 9834
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Chai 60 12 x 250ml 9833


S 2.85 12.83 Z Impulse ORG Seaweed Tempeh Fresh 20 6 x 200g 5584
S 2.90 13.05 Z Impulse ORG Hemp Tempeh Fresh 20 6 x 200g 5677
S 2.60 11.70 Z Impulse ORG Plain Tempeh Fresh 20 6 x 200g 142


Koko Dairy Free
S 1.79 16.11 Z Koko Plain Coconut Calcium DairyFree LTR 12 x 1ltr 4343

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PRICE CHANGES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


S 2.25 16.88 V Biogroupe ORG Aloe Vera Pomegranate 90 12 x 350ml 1260
S 2.25 16.88 V Biogroupe ORG Aloe Vera Nature 90 12 x 350ml 1261
S 2.25 16.88 V Biogroupe ORG Aloe Vera Lemon 90 12 x 350ml 1274
Drink Maple Water
S 2.19 16.43 V DRINKmaple ORG SMALL 45 12 x 250ml 6503
S 2.99 22.43 V DRINKmaple ORG MEDIUM 45 12 x 355ml 4405
S 4.49 33.68 V DRINKmaple ORG LARGE 45 12 x 946ml 4406
James White
S 1.29 12.09 V J.White ORG Lime Chilli Zinger 15 x 70ml 12475
S 1.29 12.09 V J.White ORG Ginger Zinger (Orange bottle) 15 x 70ml 801
S 3.69 18.45 V J.White ORG LITRE Beet-it Juice 8 x 1ltr 3063
S 2.95 11.06 V J.White ORG LARGE Beet-It Juice 6 x 75cl 9128
S 2.99 11.20 V J.White ORG Beet-It Passion Fruit 6 x 75cl 579
S 2.99 11.20 V J.White ORG Beet-It Beetroot Ginger 6 x 75cl 580
S 1.45 10.87 V J.White ORG "Beet-It" Juice 25cl 12 x 25cl 798
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Turmeric Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12559
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Ginger & Lemongrass Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12560
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Matcha Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12561
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Mint & Lime Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12562
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Original Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12563
3.19 23.94 V Jeeva ORG King Original Coconut Water350ml 12 x 350ml 12564
S 0.92 12.89 V Mangajo Sicilian Lemon Presse & Green Tea CAN 24 x 330ml 6532
S 0.92 12.89 V Mangajo Pomegranate & Green Tea CAN 24 x 330ml 6533
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Gojiberry & Green Tea 12 x 250ml 6626
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Antiox Acai Green Tea 12 x 250ml 6625
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Lemon Green Tea 12 x 250ml 7216
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Redbush & Red Grape 12 x 250ml 8354
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Pomegranate & Green Tea 12 x 250ml 8970
S 2.36 11.78 V Mangajo Pomegranate Green Tea LARGE 750ml 8 x 750ml 6500
S 2.36 11.78 V Mangajo Lemon Green Tea LARGE 750ml 8 x 750ml 6501
S 2.65 23.85 Z Sunita ORG Lemon Juice 45 12 x 250ml 4831
Whole Earth
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Orange Lemon 24 x 330ml 5219
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Apple 24 x 330ml 5305
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Cranberry 24 x 330ml 5674
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Elderflower 24 x 330ml 7614
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Ginger 24 x 330ml 7615
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Cola 24 x 330ml 5170
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Lemonade 24 x 330ml 5171

Food Thoughts
S 3.69 16.60 Z Food Thoughts ORG Roasted CACAO Nibs 6 x 125g 12775
S 3.69 16.60 Z Food Thoughts ORG FT Natural CACAO Powder 6 x 125g 12776

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PRICE CHANGES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

S 18.99 14.24 Z LoveRaw ORG Food Booster Energise Powder 1 x 150g 9059
T 5.99 44.70 V Superfoodies Nut Mylk Bag 12 x 1 9563

T 2.59 11.66 Z Amisa ORG GF Pure Porridge Oats 75 6 x 325g 6443
Paleo Foods Company
S 6.29 28.31 Z Paleo Grain Free Granola Cocoa Hazel 84 6 x 340g 5609
S 6.29 28.31 Z Paleo Grain Free Granola BerryAlmond 84 6 x 340g 5610
S 6.29 28.31 Z Paleo Grain Free Granola Original HoneyPecan 84 6 x 340g 5611
S 6.29 28.31 Z Paleo Grain Free Granola Chia & Hemp 84 6 x 340g 12846
Urtekram Breakfast
S 3.16 14.22 Z Urtekram ORG Bran Flakes 6 x 375g 6082
S 4.05 18.31 Z Urtekram ORG Spelt Flakes 6 x 375g 1730


S 3.19 28.71 Z C/Spring Japanese Rice Cakes Sea Veg 12 x 150g 7274
S 3.19 28.71 Z C/Spring Japanese Rice Cakes Garlic Tamari 12 x 150g 1528
S 3.19 14.36 Z C/Spring Japanese Rice Cakes Black Sesame 6 x 150g 1526
S 3.19 28.71 Z C/Spring Japanese Rice Cakes Teriyaki 12 x 150g 1529
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
S 4.19 25.14 Z Raw Health ORG GF Flax Pumpkin Crackers 30 8 x 90g 7198
S 4.19 18.86 Z Raw Health ORG Spirulina & Baobab C/bread 6 x 90g 12630

S 2.99 22.42 Z Ape Crispy Coconut Curls Lightly Salted Munch Bag 10 x 60g 12843
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
S 4.29 25.74 Z Raw Health ORG Raw - Tilla Nacho Style Dippers 30 8 x 70g 5354
R.W. Garcia
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG Veggie Tortilla Chips 90 15 x 200g 1283
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG Thai SweetSpicy Flax Chip 90 15 x 200g 2132
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG White Corn Tort Chips 90 15 x 150g 1179
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG Blue Corn Tortilla Chips 90 15 x 200g 1185
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG Black Bn & Quinoa Tort Chips 90 15 x 150g 1200

Bear "The Grocer" Award Winners
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Apple 90 6 x 5x20g 1276
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Blackcurrant 90 6 x 5x20g 1327
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Mango 90 6 x 5x20g 2026
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Raspberry 90 6 x 5x20g 2612
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Strawberry 90 6 x 5x20g 2005
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Apple 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 7806
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Blackcurrant100%Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 1328
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Mango 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 486
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Pineapple 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 7805
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Raspberry 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 2611
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Strawb 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 1896

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PRICE CHANGES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Doisy & Dam Chocolate ORG GF

T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam Maple Toasted Rice Pink Salt Now80g 12 x 80g 12510
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Coconut & Lucuma Now80g 12 x 80g 3479
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Date&Himalayan PinkSaltNow80g 12 x 80g 3375
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Goji Orange Now80g 12 x 80g 3470
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG LemonPoppySeed BaobabNow80g 12 x 80g 3385
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Maca Vanilla Cac Nibs Now80g 12 x 80g 3472
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG QuinoaSmoked TeaVanillaNow80g 12 x 80g 3386
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Vanilla Roast Cacao Nibs Now80g 12 x 80g 3419
Raw Ecstasy - Raw, Vegan, GF, NAS
S 4.75 17.82 V Raw EcstasyORGActivated Almonds Raw Choc 6 x 70g 1784
S 4.75 17.82 V Raw EcstasyORGActivated Walnuts Maple Syrup 6 x 70g 1787
S 1.99 35.82 Z Sunita Halva Pistachio 24 x 75g 5855
S 2.15 19.35 Z Sunita ORG Honey Halva w Almonds 12 x 75g 8414
S 1.99 17.91 Z Sunita ORG Dark Chocolate Halva 12 x 75g 2874
Urban Fruit
S 2.35 8.84 Z Urban Fruit Apple & Pear 90 5 x 100g 2223
S 2.36 17.68 Z Urban Fruit Softly Baked Cherries 90 10 x 90g 2218
S 2.35 8.84 Z Urban Fruit Softly Baked Mango 90 5 x 100g 2221
S 2.35 8.84 Z Urban Fruit Pineapple 90 5 x 100g 2222
S 2.36 17.68 Z Urban Fruit Softly Baked Strawberry 90 10 x 90g 2220
S 2.35 8.84 Z Urban Fruit Tropical 90 5 x 100g 7984
S 2.36 17.68 Z Urban Fruit Raspberry 90 10 x 90g 9367


Equal Exchange (Fairtrade)
S 4.89 29.34 Z EE ORG Guatemalan Roast Ground Coffee 8 x 227g 12636
S 4.89 29.34 Z EE ORG Guatemalan Coffee BEANS 8 x 227g 12637
S 4.89 29.34 Z EE ORG Italian Roast Coffee 8 x 227g 4545
S 4.69 28.14 Z EE ORG Coffee Med Roast Multigrind 8 x 227g 4014
S 4.69 28.14 Z EE ORG Dark Roast Coffee Multigrind 8 x 227g 4016
S 4.69 28.14 Z EE ORG Medium Roast BEANS 8 x 227g 4015
S 4.69 28.14 Z EE ORG Dark Roast Coffee BEANS 8 x 227g 4541
S 18.95 85.28 Z EE ORG Espresso BEANS 6 x 1kg 5574
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol ORG All - Day Americano GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2966
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol ORG Lively Latino GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2983
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol SMOOTH Colombia GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2929
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol DECAF Colombia GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2930
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol Vibrant Guatemala GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2931
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol Intense Italiano GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2932
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol Bold Nicaragua GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2934
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol ORG Lively Latino BEANS Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2975

S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Camomile 6 x 20 5270
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Dem Camomile/Spearmint 6 x 20 5273
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Fennel 6 x 20 5271
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Hibiscus 6 x 20 5274
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Peppermint 6 x 20 5269
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Pep/Spearmint 6 x 20 5272

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PRICE CHANGES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


S 3.19 14.36 Z C/Spring ORG Barley Malt 6 x 330g 5215
S 3.19 14.36 Z C/Spring ORG Rice Malt Syrup 6 x 330g 5730
Coconut Merchant
S 5.99 53.91 Z Coconut Merchant Coconut Syrup 90 12 x 250ml 385
S 5.99 53.91 Z Coconut Merchant Coconut Jam 90 12 x 330g 391
S 4.99 44.91 Z Coconut Merchant ORG Coconut Sugar 90 12 x 250g 383


Bim's Kitchen
T 4.85 21.84 Z Bim's ORG African Tigernut Coconut Cashew Butter 6 x 170g 1702
S 3.99 17.96 Z Sunita ORG Tahini Whole 6 x 280g 2876
S 3.99 17.96 Z Sunita ORG Tahini Light 6 x 280g 2875

S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Puree 12 x 2x100g 4817
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple & Apricot Puree 12 x 2x100g 4820
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Blueberry Puree 12 x 2x100g 4818
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Cranberry Puree 12 x 2x100g 1690
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Mango Puree 12 x 2x100g 1691
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Pineapple Puree 12 x 2x100g 2810
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple & Plum Puree 12 x 2x100g 4819
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple & Strawberry Puree 12 x 2x100g 7276
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Pear Puree 12 x 2x100g 8559
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Pear & Banana Puree 12 x 2x100g 9737
S 2.29 10.30 Z Essential ORG Pineapple Chunks in Juice Can 6 x 400g 6079
Java Foods (Canned)
S 2.99 13.38 Z Javanese Tempeh in Coconut/Lemongrass Curry Sauce 6 x 300g 4876
Mr Organic
S 1.09 9.80 Z Mr Organic Whole Plum Tomatoes BPA Free 12 x 400g 2158
S 0.99 8.89 Z Mr Organic Chopped Tomatoes BPA Free 12 x 400g 2159
S 1.43 12.87 Z Mr Organic CHERRY Tomatoes BPA Free 12 x 400g 2186


S 3.89 17.51 Z Amisa ORG Chocolate Brownie Mix 50 6 x 400g 5365
S 3.49 31.41 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Cous Cous 12 x 500g 6280
S 2.89 26.01 Z Amisa ORG GF Corn & Rice Spaghetti 12 x 500g 7084
S 3.19 14.36 Z Biona ORG Risotto Rice Mix 6 x 500g 7058
S 2.39 21.51 Z C/Spring ORG Sushi Rice 12 x 500g 14
S 2.89 21.68 Z C/Spring ORG GF 100% Brown Rice Noodles 10 x 200g 779
S 2.89 10.84 Z C/Spring ORG GF 100% Brown Rice WIDE Noodles 5 x 200g 1191
S 2.69 12.11 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Soba Noodles200g 6 x 200g 7234
S 2.69 12.11 Z C/Spring ORG Skinny Soba Somen Noodles 6 x 200g 26
S 2.59 11.66 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Udon Noodles200g 6 x 200g 7235
S 2.59 11.66 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Wide Udon Noodles 200g 6 x 200g 7232
S 2.69 12.11 Z C/Spring ORG Brown Rice W/wheat Udon Noodle 6 x 200g 25

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PRICE CHANGES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Crazy Jack
S 0.99 3.71 Z Crazy Jack ORG Cous Cous 5 x 250g 5759
Doves Farm
S 4.29 16.10 Z *Dove's Kamut Flour 5 x 1kg 52
Doves Farm Pasta
S 2.99 17.95 Z Dove's ORG GF Brown Rice Fusilli 8 x 500g 2529
S 2.99 17.95 Z Dove's ORG GF Brown Rice Penne 8 x 500g 2530
S 2.99 26.95 Z Dove's ORG GF Brown Rice Spaghetti 12 x 500g 2528


S 8.79 39.56 Z C/Spring ORG Shoyu 1ltr 6 x 1ltr 12831
S 2.69 12.11 Z C/Spring RICE Mirin Sweet seasoning 6 x 150ml 7479
S 2.39 10.76 Z C/Spring ORG SHOYU Soya Sauce 6 x 150ml 1971
S 5.19 23.36 Z C/Spring ORG SHOYU Soya Sauce 500ml 6 x 500ml 2167
S 23.99 17.99 Z C/Spring ORG Shoyu 2.5Ltr 1 x 2.5ltr 1390
S 3.29 14.81 Z C/Spring ORG Japan TAMARI Soya150ml 6 x 150ml 2173
S 9.29 41.81 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese TAMARI Soya Sauce 500ml 6 x 500ml 2174
S 3.39 25.43 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Sushi Ginger 10 x 50g 8110
S 5.55 24.98 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Umeboshi Paste 6 x 150g 8113


Anila's Authentic Sauces
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Chilli Chutney - Sweet & Hot 6 x 240g 3019
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Sweet Mango Chutney 6 x 250g 3016
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Aubergine Pickle - Medium Hot 6 x 200g 3021
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Hot Lime Pickle 200g 6 x 200g 4289
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Dhansak Korma Curry Sauce 6 x 300g 4282
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Spicy Mild Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4283
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Spicy Medium Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4285
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Spicy Hot Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4286
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Spicy Korma Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4284
S 4.99 22.45 Z Anila's Goan Green Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4281
S 3.19 19.14 Z Biona ORG Wasabi Style Paste Tubes 8 x 50g 4235
Mr Organic
S 1.64 14.76 Z Mr Organic LARGE Passata Plain 12 x 690g 2164
S 1.75 15.75 Z Mr Organic Passata with Basil 12 x 690g 2161
S 1.86 16.74 Z Mr Organic Passata Rustica (Thicker) 12 x 690g 2165
S 1.75 7.88 Z Mr Organic Tomato Puree Concentrate Jar 6 x 200g 2175
S 2.62 11.79 Z Mr Organic Tomato Ketchup 6 x 480g 2176

T 7.99 35.96 Z Biona ORG Raw Virgin Coconut Oil 400g 6 x 400g 8192
S 9.49 56.94 Z C/Spring ORG Toasted Pumpkin Seed Oil 8 x 250ml 12828
S 10.99 49.46 Z C/Spring ORG Sesame Oil LARGE 6 x 1ltr 12829
Equal Exchange (Fairtrade)
18.99 85.46 Z EE Palestinian Extra Virgin Olive Oil FT 6 x 1ltr 8673
4.39 39.53 Z Jeeva ORG King Coconut Oil 200ml 12 x 200ml 12557
8.79 79.13 Z Jeeva ORG King Coconut Oil 500ml 12 x 500ml 12558

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List PRICE CHANGES
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

La Terra e il Cielo
S 21.69 195.20 Z La Terra ORG Olive Oil 12 x 750ml 2351
Mr Organic
S 12.95 116.55 Z Mr Organic Italian Ex Virgin Olive Oil 1lt 12 x 1ltr 2177
S 7.79 70.11 Z Mr Organic Italian Ex Virgin Olive Oil 500ml 12 x 500ml 2254
S 10.99 49.44 Z Nutiva ORG Manna - Coconut Butter 6 x 425g 8429
S 11.99 107.88 Z Nutiva ORG Extra Virgin Coconut Oil SMALL 12 x 444ml 8428

S 4.39 16.46 Z C/Spring ORG Dulse (Sea Veg) 5 x 50g 2203

The Cheeky Panda Ltd
T 2.49 18.67 V The Cheeky Panda 4-PACK Bamboo Toilet Rolls 12 x 4 12611
T 5.15 16.09 V The Cheeky Panda 9-PACK Bamboo Toilet Rolls 5 x 9 12612

S 14.39 8.39 V Delacet SINGLE Unique headlice Solution 1 x 110ml 5119
S 15.69 9.15 V Herbacet Herbal Hair Balsam SINGLE 1 x 110ml 8538
S 5.49 19.21 V Jason Aloe Vera Deodorant Roll On 6 x 85g 8370
S 5.49 19.21 V Jason Healthy Mouth Toothpaste SIXES 6 x 122g 8368
S 5.49 19.21 V Jason Powersmile Toothpaste SIXES 6 x 170g 8369
S 5.49 19.21 V Jason Sea Fresh Toothpaste SIXES 6 x 170g 9671
S 6.99 48.93 V Jason Sea Fresh Mouthwash 12 x 473ml 9672
S 1.59 5.96 V Oliva Olive Oil Soap 6 x 125g 1383

Picklecoombe House
S 2.79 20.93 V Picklecoombe House Manuka Honey & Lemon Nuggets 12 x 120g 5969
S 2.79 20.93 V Picklecoombe House Manuka Nuggets 12 x 120g 5970


Doisy & Dam Chocolate ORG GF
T 2.75 20.60 V D*Doisy&Dam ORG Coffee Sprouted Buckwheat LGE 10 x 100g 3426
S 4.89 22.01 Z D Percol ORG INSTANT Coffee Pick Of The Crop FT 6 x 100g 2924
Soopa Pet Chews
S 3.79 28.41 Z D Soopa Dogs' Pet Chews - Coconut 10 x 100g 776
S 3.79 28.41 Z Soopa Dogs' Pet Chews - Sweet Potato 10 x 100g 777
S 3.79 28.41 Z Soopa Dogs' Pet Chews - Papaya 10 x 100g 778

MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Your Notes …
Gravy me!


gold’s new GLUTEN FREE Gravy is so tasty it will do any roast proud.
Marigold’s pro
It is made from natural ingredients, contains no added MSG and is suitable for vegans.
Ready in an instant, it’s rich savoury taste makes it perfect for all gravy lovers.

Marigold Health Foods Ltd., 550 White Hart Lane, London N17 7BF |

YYour daily doossee of VITAMIN D

We all need a bit of sunshine in our lives and

and our
our new range of Sunshine Soups are
a not only
evvery cup contains your daily dose
delicious but every do of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to t regulate the
amount of calcium
cium and phosphates in our bodies to keep our bones, teeth and muscles
mus healthy.
So, whatever the weather, a cup of Marigold’s instantly delicious gluten free Mushroom,
Tomato or Minestrone soup is the perfect way to bring on the sunshine.

Marigold Health Foods Ltd., 550 White Hart Lane, London N17 7BF |
sparkle from the inside with OUR NEW LOOK PROBIOTIC TONICS
A great source of b2, B12 & Vit c

new! new!

HOT SHOT: PACKED WITH VIT C • IMMUNITY BOOST ON THE GO • WARNING: IT HAS A KICK ! • social @purearthcleanse 0208 961 2612


3.20 2.40 Z Purearth ORG HOTSHOT Lemon & Ginger SINGLE 5 1 X 60ml 9495
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth Raw Orange Water Kefir GLASS 8 4 x 265ml 9723
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth Raw Grapefruit Water Kefir GLASS 8 4 x 265ml 9720
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth Raw Spirulina Water Kefir GLASS 8 4 x 265ml 9721
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth Raw Apple & Mint Water Kefir GLASS 8 4 x 265ml 9722
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth Raw Superberry Water Kefir GLASS 8 4 x 265ml 12982
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth Raw Coconut Water Kefir GLASS 8 4 x 265ml 12981
Product code: 12761 (18 x 330ml)
RRP £2.15 | Promo RRP £1.72

The taste of summer without the bits n' pips.

Pure watermelon water with a squeeze of lemon.

d aii r y f ree e • 1 00
0 % n a t u ra l • o rg a n i c • vegan

“Whether it’s the Sicilian almonds we PRODUCT CODES:

use for our Almond Start or the Almond Start Natural, 6 x 125ml: 13013
Vietnamese coconut milk we use for Almond Start Natural, 6 x 400ml: 13014
our Coco Start, only the tastiest, Coco Start Mango, 6 x 125ml: 13015
Coco Start Natural, 6 x 125ml: 13016
healthiest and most nutritious Coco Start Natural, 6 x 400ml: 13017
ingredients make the cut.”

. . .
a ir
th e
i n
g is
i n
S pr

e s !
o urit
fa v
u r
n yo
p o
k u
s toc
e t o
Try our famed Machu Picchu
and luxuriate in this rich,
smooth coffee - courtesy of
100% organic Arabica beans!

Find out more on www.café



GINGEr pomegranate

13012 RRP £4.90 13011 RRP £4.90

£4.49 £4.49
Special Offer
20% OFF
Mar & Apr
Was RRP £4.98 now RRP £3.98

Product ref: 9437

Case £23.95 8x500grams.


Wholegrain oats sprinkled with almonds  Wheat-free
blended with honey, barley malt and  Cholesterol–lowering
Madagascar bourbon vanilla and gently  Nothing Artificial
baked to create golden nuggets of  100% organic
wholegrain goodness.  High in fibre



2752 RRP £2.90 2753 RRP £2.90

£2.61 £2.61

2754 RRP £2.90 2751 RRP £2.90

£2.61 £2.61

12806 RRP £2.90



12807 RRPP £3.10

£3 10 12808 RRP £3
£2.79 £2.79


1477 RRP £3.55 1493 RRP £4.35

£3.20 £3.92

Each ingredient has been chosen, tested, Because we want to combine helping
tasted and compared to get the best possible the planet with our own work, we
nature. Each material used in our packaging ƉƌŝŶĐŝƉĂůůLJ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ ƚŚĞ ƌĞŐĞŶĞƌĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ
has been thoroughly worked on and improved ƉƌĞƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ĞĐŽƐLJƐƚĞŵƐ͗
to reduce the impact on the environment. ŐƌŽĨŽƌĞƐƚƌLJ͕ ƌĞĨŽƌĞƐƚĂƟŽŶ͕ ĨŽƌĞƐƚƌLJ
If we want nature to ĐŽŶƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ůƚŽ
provide us with pure, Huayabamba project in the
quality products, it is only Amazon, Peru, which is recognised
right that we respect it! as a UNESCO biosphere reserve.

At Karma Kombucha, we do our very best to ůů ŽƵƌ ƉĂĐŬĂŐŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ďŽƩůŝŶŐ
use locally sourced products. When this is not is done by disabled workers,
By guaranteeing maximum fairness, our spirit!
we are giving our suppliers the best
quality produce.

2 50ml - 4464

The world’s first HPP protein smoothie.



3459 3469 3467

Full 750ml Range Available - Super Red (3460) Super Purple (3461)





*Protein contributes to the growth/maintenance of muscle mass.

**Reduced sugar in comparison to similar products.
Kefir & Kefir Super Smoothies
The Original Bio-live Drink

NEW: Wider Range. Better Sizes. Lower Prices

Now available in cases of 6, our new range includes high-quality conventional
milk meaning more customers can enjoy our delicious, locally sourced Kefir.

Kefir is a 2,000 year-old bio-live drink originating from the Caucasus Mountains.
Made from British whole milk and authentic live cultures, it is naturally packed
with essential vitamins, minerals and billions of gut-friendly bacteria.

The perfect every day pick me up: GOOD CHOICE!


• High in protein and calcium

• Source of vitamin B12 that supports the immune system and reduces tiredness WINNER

• Source of vitamin B2 that contributes to optimal metabolism
• Good bacteria re-balances the gut flora and boosts digestion
• No added sugar and naturally low in lactose
• Free from any artificial colours, flavours or preservatives and gluten free.

Visit or email for more information.

10% OFF
Miso is a traditional Japanese staple food and seasoning. During the 18 years he lived in
Japan, Clearspring’s founder Christopher Dawson became an expert on miso quality and
the Clearspring range is his selection of the finest traditionally fermented Japanese miso.

Organic Japanese Miso Paste - Unpasteurised Organic Japanese Instant Miso Soup Paste

Normal Promo Normal RRP Promo RRP

Code Product name Case Size Case Price Case Price inc VAT inc VAT

4937 Organic Japanese Brown Rice Miso - Jar (unpasteurised) 6 x 300g £20.21 £18.19 £4.49 £4.04
4936 Organic Japanese Barley Miso - Jar (unpasteurised) 6 x 300g £26.06 £23.45 £5.79 £5.21
1776 Organic Japanese Brown Rice Instant Miso Soup Paste 8 x (4x15g) £14.94 £13.45 £2.49 £2.24
8060 Organic Japanese White Miso Soup Paste 8 x( 4x15g) £14.94 £13.45 £2.49 £2.24

10% OFF
Clearspring’sdelicious range of Organic Fruit Spreads have been transformed by replacing
the gelling agent calcium citrate with sea vegetable powder as a more natural gelling
alternative. They have a wonderful, full-bodied fresh fruit flavour without added sugar,
artificial colourings or preservatives.

Normal Promo Normal RRP Promo RRP

Code Product name Case Size Case Price Case Price inc VAT inc VAT

5207 Organic Fruit Spread - Apricot 6 x 290g £13.46 £12.11 £2.99 £2.69
5208 Organic Fruit Spread - Strawberry 6 x 290g £13.46 £12.11 £2.99 £2.69
5209 Organic Fruit Spread - Blueberry 6 x 290g £15.26 £13.73 £3.39 £3.05
5210 Organic Fruit Spread - Orange 6 x 290g £12.55 £11.30 £2.79 £2.51
12820 Organic Fruit Spread - Cherry 6 x 290g £15.26 £13.73 £3.39 £3.05
12821 Organic Fruit Spread - Raspberry 6 x 290g £15.26 £13.73 £3.39 £3.05
Buckwheat is the new rising star when it comes to superfoods! This versatile, naturally
gluten free ancient grain is energising, nutritious and quick to cook. With these new
products Clearspring has made it easy to incorporate buckwheat into your everyday diet.

Organic Gluten Free Pasta Organic Gluten Free Porridge Organic Instant
100% Buckwheat Tortiglioni • Chickpea Sedanini Buckwheat, Coconut & Flaxseeds • Oats, Sesame Seeds & Goji Buckwheat

Clearspring Complete Organic Buckwheat Range


High in Omega 3 High in Omega 3 Source of Protein Source of Fibre Source of Fibre

Code Description Case Size Trade Case RRP Unit Barcode Case Barcode

12967 Organic Gluten Free Instant Buckwheat 12 x 140g £22.41 £2.49 5021554003151 05021554003144
12968 Organic GF Instant Mega Porridge 12 x 160g £26.91 £2.99 5021554003137 05021554003120
12969 Organic GF Instant Super Porridge 12 x 160g £26.91 £2.99 5021554003113 05021554003106
12972 Organic GF Chickpea Pasta - Sedanini 8 x 250g £20.94 £3.49 5021554003199 05021554003182
12973 Organic GF Buckwheat Pasta - Tortiglioni 8 x 250g £16.74 £2.79 5021554003175 05021554003168
MATCHA SHOT Kick-start your day with a Clearspring Organic, naturally concentrated,
100% Matcha Shot. A finely ground powder made from the finest green tea leaves,
shade grown on a tea garden high in the hills of Uji, Kyoto, Japan.

3 Superfood

x8 3 Highest quality
3 Made in Kyoto, Japan
3 High in Flavonoids
3 Slow energy release
3 Elegantly uplifting

Clearspring Complete Organic Matcha Range

With the addition of convenient sachets and bulk sizes, Clearspring now has all your Matcha needs covered!



Ceremonial Grade 30g Premium Grade 1kg / 40g / 8g (8x1g) Sencha Blend 40g

Code Description Case Size Trade Case RRP Unit Barcode Case Barcode

12970 NEW Organic Japanese Matcha (Premium Grade) 1kg £144.75 £193 5021554003212 N/A
12971 NEW Organic Japanese Matcha Shot (Premium Grade) 6 x (8x1g) £28.13 £6.25 5021554003236 05021554003229
20% OFF
full range

@drinkdalstons /dalstons

Spreadable Goats’ Butter

New spreadable goats’ butter 250g.

Naturally nutritious alternative to cows’ milk products and soya.
Delicious mild taste and creamy texture
st a s o rd in a .
Use ju r y b utter, in sandwiches, on toast and in reci
n ie n t a n d v pes.
C onv e e r sa til e
Prod uc e d in th e U K .
Encourages new customers and incramental sales.
fas ne o
Ch test f th
oc e
ola grow
in te in
the bra g
UK nds

No nasties, no hidden ingredients just award-winning chocolate

W !
NEg size, de
80 & Tra
P e
RR pric rch 17’

Dark Chocolate Milk Chocolate

case size dark chocolate milk chocolate white

goji & maca, vanilla & coconut maple, toasted date & himalayan quinoa, smoked vanilla & lemon, poppy
orange cacao nibs & lucuma rice & pink salt pink salt tea & vanilla cacao nibs seed & baobab

40g x 15 3475 3476 3480 12511 3466 3489 3576 3464

RRP £1.60
80g x 12
3470 3472 3479 12510 3375 3386 3419 3385
RRP £2.75

Want POS? Sampling? Give us a shout :) •
Taste & Texture
In a NEW Jacket GB-ORG-05 EU/non-EU Agriculture for Vegetable Beany Burger for Soysage & Natural Tofu

E: W:
Grab that
good gut feeling
Filtered Water and Soluble Dietary Fibre


Gluten 20%**
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15kcal Chicory Root Fibre

No Preservatives Sugar-Free

Supports a healthy and balanced

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*Chicory root fibre contributes to normal bowel function by increasing stool frequency. This FibreWater containing 6g of chicory root fibre per 500 ml and is ideal as part of a
varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 12g of chicory root fibre, which is 2 x 500ml of this FibreWater or from
other foods containing corresponding amounts of inulin.**Reference Intake for an average adult (8400 kJ/2000 kcal).
Nothing but pure ingredients!

Falafel Falafel Tamruc
Hummus Wasabi

GO SNACK 25 % cial
vegan ‹ gluten

Delicious, healthy treats. Too good to describe, you just have to try!

for every day

Ghee is viewed to be one of the

best fats. It is one of the most
important Rasayanas in Ayurveda,
and is also used for baking, as
well as frying and cooking.

500 g Purely organic ayurvedic


20% off
range *LY[PÄLK
Vegan No MSG No
Trans Fats
A Source of
High in
ingredients you can
see & pronounce ®





:2< :PaL 7YVK\J[*VKL

tasty drinks for thirsty tills

3 really good reasons to start

stocking Juicy Water:

• Juicy Water is the biggest on-the-go chilled juice drink

brand, accounting for 53% of sector sales*
• 20 bottles of Juicy Water are sold every minute*
• Made with no concentrates, no artificial sweeteners,
no preservatives and no added flavourings. 20% in
To find out more, give our bananaphone a bell on March
0203 235 0235 or email us at

Description Code

Lemons & Limes 420 ml 7410

Oranges & Lemons 420 ml 7408

Pomegranates & Blackcurrants 420 ml 7928

Raspberries & Apples 420 ml 7409

Raspberries & Apples 1lt 2728

Lemons & Limes 1lt 2048

*Nielsen GTC | Total GB | Value LC | date to 30.01.16 – 52 Week (vs. YA)
20% off all 32cl
Luscombe Drinks

Other Luscombe 32cl drinks include:

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For information or support please Winner of 58 Case size

contact Great Taste Awards 32cl x 24
* Back in Stock! *
15% off
in March
& April

Raw & Organic Sauerkrauts


All Varieties, Now Back in Stock!

Please accept my apologies

i for
f any disruption
di ti in
i our supply, this has now
been resolved and all varieties of my Tummy Loving Foods are available
in our original pack format. I am very grateful for your continued support.

Thank you, Laurie

Visit for more info...

15% OFF
During March & April
On our Organic Mild, Medium, Mature 245g.
ORGANIC A Gently Dehydrated Plant-based Snack ES




NAM HOM 1 5 %ut WOater
MightyBee ORG Coconut Water 473ml 140 8 x 473ml £22.53 £4.46
MightyBee ORG Coconut Water 235ml 143 8 x 235ml £12.71 £2.54
MightyBee ORG Vegan Coconut JerkyTeriyaki 3099 12 x 30g £25.65 £2.85
MightyBee ORG Vegan Coconut Jerky BBQ 3098 12 x 30g £25.65 £2.85

MightyBee ORG Vegan Coconut Jerky Choc & Hazel 3097 12 x 30g £25.65 £2.85

MightyBee ORG Vegan Coconut JerkyTeriyaki 3125 24 x 15g £29.16 £1.62
MightyBee ORG Vegan Coconut Jerky BBQ 3126 24 x 15g £29.16 £1.62
1 0 % Jerky 15g
MightyBee ORG Vegan Coconut Jerky Choc & Hazel 3127 24 x 15g £29.16 £1.62 Coconut
15% OFF
All nom Bars are
100% organic
Ethically sourced
High in fibre

Free-from Facts
Gluten free
Dairy free
GMO free
No refined sugar


improved recipe
using gluten-free
Orginal - RRP £1.49
Banana - RRP £1.59
Cacao & Raspberry - RRP £1.59
Protein - RRP £1.99
jumbo oats!

Visit or find us on social media

sugar-free, unsweetened, zero sugar NO RICE SYRUP either!
no sugar means absolutely no sugar by law

stop supporting brands that are ALWAYS cheaper in supermarkets

made from a unique blend of local high quality Spanish almonds.

The highest almond content in the market

7% almond guaranteed


Of f*

Organic Vitality Nutrition Gluten Free


Carefully selected organic ingredients crushed

among rugged hand baked nut & seed clusters.
Start your day the wild way.
20% Off*

A simple raw blend of organic ingredients, our bars are

gluten-free, vegan, paleo-friendly and full of flavour.

Organic Paleo Vitality Nutrition Gluten Free




l Me


tein !
k Me





takes 2

takes 10
makes minutes
to make

to make
terr &
a shak
er onut Peanutt But o hie
you're Chewy Coc Beet oo
or a bak
er, simp
ly add
Goji BerryBars Bananaa Sm
Protein Protein
r favo
to you
for a
recipes treat.
Organic pots
of olive gold!

See listings for further details

15% off!
both variants

We don’t know anything about almonds or soy or cows. All we know is

oats. How to grow them, harvest them and turn them into refreshing
products that you can take home and drink straight from the glass,
pour on your morning cereal, add to your coffee or cook up something
fantastic with.

It was our original idea in the early 1990s to create a plant-based

drink that was in tune with the needs of both humans and the planet
and it is our idea to continue to make the best, most amazing liquid
oats that you will find anywhere. Hope you are okay with that.
20 r e a l s
% off anola & Ce
s l i , G r

IN 2017

iÀcia in
No art
o re Àned su
Sojade launches two HEMP
recipes for more variety
in the plant-based category ORGANIC PRODUCTS
Discover our fresh new organic lines.
We are not only launching a deliciouss
unsweetened hemp drink, we are also o
introducing the first unsweetened
natural hemp yogurt with friendly
bacteria. Your customers will be
delighted by these innovative recipess
source of Omega 3 !

After So soya, So Rice, So Hemp...

Discover So Oat ! 3 delicious oat
yogurt alternatives by Sojade

To enrich the chilled

plant-based category,
Design © Happy Soup. Illustration: Carolina Spielmann.

we have selected oat as it

is the most complete cereal.
Oat contains essential elements
for a balanced diet: fibres, and
also proteins, complex carbohydrates,
essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals
and oligo-elements.
Our 3 organic recipes with friendly bacteria
come in convenient 150g on-the-go pots.
Do not miss our healthy Natural unsweetened oat
yogurt and our two delicious fruit variants with muesli.

Triballat Noyal |

Trade Friday October 20 2017
(10am - 6pm)
@ Olympia London
Central Hall Level 1 (W14 8UX)

The UK's rst dedicated

Vegan Trade Show

Vegan Business Support Plant-Based Health Clinic Vegan Chef Corner

Katrina Fox Gareth Zeal Aldo Zilli
Jennifer Pardoe Dr. Michael Greger (by Skype) Nishma Shah
Maria Chiorando Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn (by Skype) Ben Asamani
Karin Ridgers Yvonne Bishop-Weston Christine Bailey
Damien Clarkson Dr. Tushar Mehta Lenny Phong
Craig Tannock Dr. Stephen Walsh Pasquale Amico

Vegan Celebrity Zone

Independent Retailers Body & Skin Care
Peter Egan
Lounge Fiona Oakes Presentation Lounge
Patrik Baboumian
with the Christopher-Sebastian McJetters including new
New Product Showcase Christine Vardaros vegan bodycare ranges
James Aspey and skincare presentations
feat. Stuart Jackson (JFN Productions) Will Tuttle

+ more speakers TBA

VegfestUK Trade is ideal for

- suppliers with vegan products
- trade buyers Proudly sponsored by:
- media & PR professionals
- shop retailers seeking plant-based nutritional info
- hospitality and catering professionals
- includes exclusive special show offers on both
established and new brands

Free registration from late-March 2017 at:

plus more sponsors TBA
Taste the spicy world of YOGI TEA®
Enchanting flavours and sweet aromas

with a
www yogitea
Limited Edition –
a collection of wellness teas

6 ×3

Pure wellness from YOGI

TEAA®! Help
EA Help your
ourr custo-
cu sto
mers make a great start to the year, by offering Collec
Collectiion contains 3 teabags of
Our Wellness Collection
them 6 of our incomparable teas from one box. a
each variant: D t · Green Tea Matcha Lemon ·
The ayurvedic tea mixtures of this special Immune Support · Women’s Balance · Positive
YOGI TEA® Wellness Collection support a health- Energy Cranberry Hibiscus · Ginger Lemon
conscious lifestyle.

w w w.yogitea .co m

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! !    




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Product Code Case Size RRP

Vita Coco Coconut Water 330ml 8390 12 x 330ml £1.75
NEW Vita Coco Coconut Water 750ml 12992 6 x 750ml PET £2.99
Vita Coco Coconut Water 1 litre 9430 12 x 1 litre £4.09
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12 x 50ml 6 x 250ml 6 x 500ml 6 x 750ml
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.1 $, (+ '$++.5(3 ".". ".,

Product Code Case Size RRP

Vita Coco Coconut Oil 12991 12 x 50ml £2.29
# (18 %1$$ )423

&.3 6'.+$ +.3

3 23($1

20% *


# (18 %1$$
&+43$- %1$$
-. ##$# 24& 1

Product Code Ca
ase Size
i RRP Promo RRP

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.00 0.00 Z MARIGOLD PRICE LIST 1x1 2624


S 1.74 7.82 Z Lactofree Fresh SEMI SKIMMED Milk 6 6 x 1ltr 39
S 1.74 7.82 Z Lactofree SKIMMED Milk 6 6 x 1ltr 32
S 1.74 7.82 Z Lactofree WHOLE Milk 6 6 x 1ltr 42
S 1.43 6.41 Z Lactofree Cream 7 6 x 250ml 2234
1.49 6.71 Z Biedermann ORG Swiss Lactose Free Creme Fraiche 8 6 x 200g 8898
Delamere Dairies
1.99 17.92 Z Delamere Fresh WHOLE Goats Milk 7 12 x 1ltr 4741
1.99 17.92 Z Delamere Fresh SEMI SKIM Goats Milk 7 12 x 1ltr 4743
1.99 8.96 Z Delamere Fresh SKIMMED Goats Milk RED 7 6 x 1ltr 1335
Glenilen Farm
1.95 8.80 Z Glenilen Clotted Cream 5 6 x 190g 2591
1.79 8.05 Z Glenilen Creme Fraiche 5 6 x 250g 2594
Longley Farm
1.32 11.88 Z Longley Farm Fresh Buttermilk 6 12 x 500ml 8139
S 0.59 2.65 Z Longley Farm Soured Cream 6 6 x 150g 8219
0.53 2.38 Z Longley Farm Single Cream SML 4 6 x 150ml 8220
1.41 6.33 Z Longley Farm Jersey DOUBLE Cream 4 6 x 250ml 9099
0.88 3.95 Z Longley Farm LARGE Pouring Cream 4 6 x 250ml 9100
Manor Farm Unhomogenised Organic Milk
S 0.95 7.13 Z Manor Farm ORG Whole Milk Pint 5 10 x 1 Pint 12572
S 0.95 7.13 Z Manor Farm ORG Semi Skimmed Milk Pint 5 10 x 1 Pint 12573
S 1.65 12.38 Z Manor Farm ORG Whole Milk 2 PINT 5 10 x 2 PINT 12574
S 1.65 12.38 Z Manor Farm ORG Semi Skimmed Milk 2 PINT 5 10 x 2 PINT 12575
S 1.65 12.38 Z Manor Farm ORG Skim Milk 2 PINT 5 10 x 2 PINT 12576
Rachel's ORG Fresh Milk & Cream
1.13 8.43 Z Rachels ORG BLUE LITRES Whole Milk 5 10 x 1ltr 6524
1.13 8.43 Z Rachels ORG GREEN LITRES Semi Milk 5 10 x 1ltr 6526
1.13 8.43 Z Rachels ORG RED LITRES Skimmed Milk 5 10 x 1ltr 6527
1.45 6.50 Z Rachels ORG Creme Fraiche 5 6 x 200g 2848
Riverford Organic Dairy
1.99 17.91 Z Riverford ORG Creme Fraiche 6 12 x 250g 6927
1.95 8.77 Z Riverford ORG Clotted Cream 6 6 x 150g 12455
0.86 3.87 Z Riverford ORG Whole Milk SMALL Unhomogenised 6 6 x 500ml 12456
0.86 3.87 Z Riverford ORG Semi Milk SMALL Unhomogenised 6 6 x 500ml 12457
1.37 6.16 Z Riverford ORG Whole Milk 1ltr Unhomogenised 6 6 x 1ltr 12459
1.37 6.16 Z Riverford ORG Semi Milk 1ltr Unhomogenised 6 6 x 1ltr 12460
1.37 6.16 Z Riverford ORG Skimmed Milk 1ltr Unhomogenised 6 6 x 1ltr 12461
Vrai (French Organic Dairy)
1.57 7.07 Z Vrai ORG Normandy Creme Fraiche (Glass) 7 6 x 20cl 4379
Yeo Valley ORG Fresh Milk & Cream
S 1.24 9.28 Z Yeo ORG Whole Milk 1ltr 5 10 x 1ltr 9169
S 2.37 10.68 Z Yeo ORG Whole Milk 2ltr 5 6 x 2ltr 9168
S 0.72 5.41 Z Yeo ORG Semi Milk PINT SMALL Green 5 10 x 1PINT 4929
S 1.24 9.28 Z Yeo ORG Semi Skim Milk 1ltr 5 10 x 1ltr 9166
S 2.37 10.68 Z Yeo ORG Semi Skim Milk 2 Ltr 5 6 x 2ltr 9165
S 1.24 9.28 Z Yeo ORG Skimmed Milk 1ltr 5 10 x 1ltr 9171

Page 1 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 1.05 4.72 Z Yeo ORG 0% Fat Creme Fraiche 6 6 x 200g 12601
S 1.05 4.72 Z Yeo ORG Half Fat Creme Fraiche 6 6 x 200g 4139
S 1.13 5.10 Z Yeo ORG Double Cream 5 6 x 227ml 8243
S 1.06 4.75 Z Yeo ORG Single Cream 4 6 x 227ml 6682
S 1.18 5.32 Z Yeo ORG Low Fat Soured Cream 5 6 x 227ml 12584

Follow Your Heart Vegan GF
6.99 41.94 Z Follow Your Heart Vegan Egg Mix 25 8 x 114g 2433
Haresfield Farm
2.15 48.30 Z MEDIUM Haresfield Farm Soil Ass. ORG Eggs 14 30 x 6 8610
2.29 51.56 Z LARGE Haresfield Farm Soil Ass.ORG Eggs 14 30 x 6 8601
2.35 52.88 Z EXTRA LARGE Haresfield Soil Ass. ORG Eggs 14 30 x 6 8599
Puddle Lane
3.06 27.54 Z Puddle Lane ORG Duck Eggs 10 12 x 6 351
Rookery Farm Eggs
2.12 47.70 Z Rookery Farm ORG MEDIUM Eggs OF&G 14 30 x 6 6339
2.37 53.32 Z Rookery Farm ORG LARGE Eggs OF&G 14 30 x 6 6340
Two Chicks
3.35 15.08 Z Two Chicks Fresh Free Range Liquid WHITE Egg 15 6 x 500g 9967
3.35 15.08 Z Two Chicks GF AMBIENT Liquid WHITE Egg 30 6 x 500g 12435


Arla Foods
1.56 11.69 Z Lactofree Soft White Cheese 30 10 x 200g 1643
Bergerie Organic Sheep's & Goat's Dairy Products
1.72 7.74 Z Bergerie ORG Fresh Sheep Cheese NOW Veg Rennet 8 6 x 100g 9525
1.72 7.74 Z Bergerie ORG Fresh Goat Cheese NOW Veg Rennet 8 6 x 100g 2499
4.49 20.21 Z Biona ORG Italian Hard Cheese (Vegetarian) 15 6 x 100g 4656
4.29 32.18 Z Biona ORG Emmental Cheese Wedges 10 10 x 200g 3861
4.19 31.43 Z Biona ORG Greek Sheep's Feta Cheese 14 10 x 180g 8546
S 3.99 11.97 Z Biona ORG Fresh Goat's CheeseNOW 4 7 4 x 100g 5249
S 3.99 11.97 Z Biona ORG Goat's Cheese Red Pep/HerbsNOW4 7 4 x 100g 5250
Calon Wen Organic
2.69 24.15 Z Calon ORG Extra Mature Cheddar Cheese 200g 21 12 x 200g 1720
2.49 22.45 Z Calon ORG Mellow Cheddar Cheese 200g 21 12 x 200g 1721
Delamere Dairies
2.95 26.62 Z Delamere Goat's Cheddar Cheese 21 12 x 150g 5790
3.35 30.07 Z Delamere Greek Goat's Cheese 21 12 x 200g 1527
2.25 19.88 Z Delamere Plain MINI LOG Goat's Cheese 10 12 x 125g 2080
2.39 21.45 Z Delamere HERB MINI LOG Goat's Cheese 10 12 x 125g 2082
Kolios Organic Greek Cheese
2.79 25.10 Z Kolios ORG Greek Sheep & Goat's Feta (Veg) 30 12 x 200g 3852
Kourellas Greek Organic Dairy
2.69 20.18 Z Kourellas ORG Feta PDO SHEEP & GOAT Cheese 60 10 x 150g 12619
3.35 15.08 Z Kourellas ORG Feta Cheese PDO CUBES in Brine 60 6 x 150g 12620
3.15 23.63 Z Kourellas ORG SHEEP Milk Feta PDO Cheese 60 10 x 150g 12621
3.69 16.61 Z Kourellas ORG BAKE & EAT Feta Cheese Ceramic Pot 60 6 x 110g 12622
3.49 26.18 Z Kourellas ORG GRILL & EAT Cow Sheep Goat Chees 60 10 x 150g 12623
3.95 29.63 Z Kourellas ORG Kefalograviera PDO HARD Cheese 60 10 x 150g 12624

Page 2 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Longley Farm
1.28 11.51 Z Longley Farm LARGE Cottage Cheese 6 12 x 250g 8140
0.68 6.10 Z Longley Farm SMALL Cottage Cheese 6 12 x 125g 8141
1.29 5.76 Z Longley Farm Cottage Cheese & Chives 6 6 x 250g 8143
1.28 11.51 Z Longley Farm Fat Free Cottage Cheese 6 12 x 250g 2333
Lye Cross Farm
2.87 21.51 Z Lye Cross ORG Cheddar SLICES 21 10 x 200g 4364
2.42 18.12 Z Lye Cross ORG GRATED Mature Cheddar 21 10 x 180g 4893
1.65 9.88 Z Lye Cross ORG MINI Cheddar Snacks 21 8 x 5x20g 8571
T 2.64 19.83 15% Z Lye Cross ORG MILD Farm Cheddar 21 10 x 245g 5678
T 2.73 20.47 15% Z Lye Cross ORG MEDIUM Farm Cheddar Wedges 21 10 x 245g 5679
T 2.88 21.56 15% Z Lye Cross ORG MATURE Cheddar Cheese 21 10 x 245g 2317
3.60 27.02 Z Lye Cross ORG VINTAGE Cheddar Cheese 21 10 x 245g 12463
3.21 24.10 Z Lye Cross ORG Double Gloucester Cheese 21 10 x 245g 4335
3.21 24.10 Z Lye Cross ORG Red Leicester Cheese 21 10 x 245g 4659
2.92 26.26 Z Lye Cross ORG Stilton Cheese 14 12 x 150g 5132
3.21 24.10 Z Lye Cross ORG Wensleydale Cheese 21 10 x 245g 5865
2.29 20.61 Z Oma ORG Cottage Cheese 7 12 x 200g 3933
2.09 15.68 Z Oma ORG Mozzarella 7 10 x 125g 4872
Organic Village
2.69 24.21 Z Organic Village ORG Goat's White Cheese 35 12 x 200g 9978
2.69 24.21 Z Organic Village ORG Sheep's White Cheese 35 12 x 200g 9979
Riverford Organic Dairy
2.85 25.65 Z Riverford ORG Curd Cheese 6 12 x 250g 6919
2.49 22.35 Z Riverford ORG Low Fat Cottage Cheese 6 12 x 200g 6926
5.59 50.30 Z Soster ORG Veg Parmesan Cheese 25 12 x 200g 4526
High Weald
0.00 16.75 Z *High Weald ORG Brighton Blue 14 1x5-7 c142g 9427
0.00 13.40 Z *High Weald ORG Halloumi Cow & Sheep 35 1x5-7 c142g 4413
0.00 18.90 Z *High Weald ORG Halloumi Sheep's Cheese 25 1x5-7 c142g 5302
0.00 18.79 Z *High Weald ORG Medita Med Style Sheep's Cheese 14 1x5-7 c142g 1604
0.00 13.00 Z *High Weald ORG Ricotta Cheese 8 1x5-7 c142g 7045
0.00 15.36 Z *High Weald Ashdown ORG OAK SMOKED Forester 14 1x5-7 c142g 9116
0.00 14.00 Z *High Weald Ashdown Forester ORG Cheddar Cheese 25 1x5-7 c142g 9127
2.61 11.76 Z *Slipcote ORG PLAIN Soft Sheep's Cheese 10 6 x 100g 9107
2.61 11.76 Z *Slipcote ORG HERB & GARLIC Soft Sheep's Cheese 10 6 x 100g 5303
2.25 20.16 Z Yamas Greek Sheep & Goat Feta 30 12 x 200g 9839
2.85 21.20 Z Yamas Greek Halloumi Burger Slices 30 10 x 200g 9856
Yeats Country
1.29 5.75 Z Yeats Country FULL FAT Soft Cheese 15 6 x 150g 8604
1.95 8.80 Z Yeats Country Spreadable Goat Cheese 15 6 x 125g 8605


0.00 55.80 Z OMA Bulk ORG Emmental Cheese 25 1 x 4kg 5329
Lye Cross Farm
0.00 21.54 Z BULK ORG Mild Farm Cheddar Cheese FIXED PRICE 21 1 x c2.5kg 5680
0.00 24.17 Z BULK ORG Mature Cheddar Cheese FIXED PRICE 21 1 x c2.5kg 3552

Page 3 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Bute Island Foods
2.47 11.12 Z Creamy Sheese - Cheddar Style 40 6 x 255g 9577
2.47 11.12 Z Creamy Sheese - Chive 40 6 x 255g 9580
2.47 11.12 Z Creamy Sheese - Garlic & Herb 40 6 x 255g 9579
2.47 11.12 Z Creamy Sheese - Original 40 6 x 255g 9576
2.47 11.12 Z Creamy Sheese - Sprng Onion&Crack Black PepperCO 40 6 x 255g 8855
2.47 11.12 Z Creamy Sheese - Sweet Chilli COCONUT 40 6 x 255g 8856
2.84 12.78 Z Sheese (Melty) - Blue Style COCONUT 40 6 x 227g 8857
2.52 11.32 Z Sheese (Melty) - Cheddar Caramelised OnionCOCONU 40 6 x 200g 8862
2.29 10.30 Z Sheese (Melty) - Greek Style COCONUT 40 6 x 200g 8851
2.29 10.30 Z Sheese (Melty) - Mature Cheddar Style COCONUT 40 6 x 200g 8854
2.99 13.46 Z Sheese (Melty) - Smoked Cheddar Style COCONUT 40 6 x 227g 8850
2.84 12.78 Z Sheese (Melty) - Strong Cheddar Sheese 40 6 x 227g 12965
2.29 10.30 Z Sheese Sliced - Mozzarella Style COCONUT 40 6 x 200g 8849
2.29 10.30 Z Sheese Sliced - White Cheddar Style COCONUT 40 6 x 200g 8848
Cheezly (Vegan)
2.19 9.86 Z Cheezly - Red Cheddar 25 6 x 190g 12
2.19 9.86 Z Cheezly - White Cheddar 25 6 x 190g 13
2.19 9.86 Z Cheezly SOY & DAIRY FREE Melting Style 25 6 x 190g 2569
2.19 9.86 Z Cheezly Pepperjack 25 6 x 190g 2955
2.19 9.86 Z Cheezly Blue Style 25 6 x 190g 2959
2.19 9.86 Z Cheezly Edam MELTING BLOCKS 25 6 x 190g 7896
2.19 9.86 Z Cheezly Mozzarella MELTING BLOCKS 25 6 x 190g 7895
Follow Your Heart Vegan GF
T 2.80 25.17 15% Z Follow Your Heart Pepper Jack Slices 20 12 x 200g 12724
T 2.80 25.17 15% Z Follow Your Heart Smoked Gouda Slices 20 12 x 200g 12725
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Your Heart Italian Style(wasParmesan)Grated 20 8 x 142g 9478
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Your Heart Gourmet Shreds Cheddar 20 8 x 227g 2430
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Yr Heart ItalianStyle(wasParmesan)Shredded 20 8 x 118g 9477
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Your Heart Gourmet Shreds Mozzarella 20 8 x 227g 2429
T 3.82 22.90 15% Z Follow Your Heart Gourmet Shreds Pizzeria Blend 20 8 x 227g 9471
2.15 38.71 Z Tofutti Creamy Smooth Cheddar SLICES 40 24 x 8 6851
2.15 38.71 Z Tofutti Creamy Smooth Mozzarella SLICES 40 24 x 8 6852
2.85 25.67 Z Tofutti Creamy Smooth - Plain 40 12 x 8oz 3330
2.85 25.67 Z Tofutti Creamy Smooth - Garlic & Herb 40 12 x 8oz 3332
2.85 25.67 Z Tofutti Creamy Smooth - Herb & Chives 40 12 x 8oz 3611
4.75 3.56 Z Vegusto No Moo Melty (Vegan) 30 1 x 200g 3258
5.25 3.94 Z Vegusto No Moo Mildly Aromatic Cheese (Vegan) 30 1 x 200g 3257
5.25 3.94 Z Vegusto No Moo Herb Cheese (Vegan) 30 1 x 200g 3285
5.25 3.94 Z Vegusto No Moo Piquant Cheese (Vegan) 30 1 x 200g 3284
5.25 3.94 Z Vegusto No Moo Classic Cheese (Vegan) 30 1 x 200g 3266
5.25 3.94 Z Vegusto No Moo Golden Cheese (Vegan) 30 1 x 200g 3267
5.25 3.94 Z Vegusto No Moo Walnut Cheese (Vegan) 30 1 x 200g 3275
Violife Vegan Coconut Cheese
2.29 13.74 Z Violife Creamy Original 30 8 x 200g 12862
2.49 14.94 Z Violife Creamy Cucumber & Dill 30 8 x 200g 12863
2.49 14.94 Z Violife Creamy Herbs 30 8 x 200g 12864
2.49 14.94 Z Violife Creamy Hot Peppers 30 8 x 200g 12865
2.49 14.94 Z Violife Creamy Tomato & Basil 30 8 x 200g 12866
5.59 20.96 Z Violife Cheese Slices LGE "Cheddar Flavour"500g 30 5 x 500g 13021
5.19 19.46 Z Violife Cheese Slices LGE"Original Flavour" 500g 30 5 x 500g 13022

Page 4 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3.50 18.38 Z Violife Cheese Block LGE "For PizzaMozzarella"400g 30 7 x 400g 13023
3.45 18.11 Z Violife Cheese Block LGE "For Pizza Original"400g 30 7 x 400g 13024
1.89 18.43 Z Violife Coconut Cheese Block "For Pizza" 30 13 x 200g 4357
2.89 28.18 Z Violife ORG Original Block "For Pizza" 30 13 x 200g 12442
4.99 29.94 Z Violife Coconut Prosociano Parmesan Block Cheese 30 8 x 235g 4360
2.19 21.36 Z Violife Coconut Cheese "Cheddar" 200g Block 30 13 x 200g 4358
1.99 19.40 Z Violife Coconut Cheese MOZZA Block "For Pizza" 30 13 x 200g 4372
2.69 24.10 Z Violife Sleeved Slices Hot Peppers 30 12 x 200g 12439
2.69 24.10 Z Violife Sleeved Slices Olives 30 12 x 200g 12440
2.69 24.10 Z Violife Sleeved Slices Sweet Peppers 30 12 x 200g 12441
2.99 26.90 Z Violife ORG Sleeved Slices Original 30 12 x 200g 12443
2.49 22.30 Z Violife Coconut Cheese Slices Original 30 12 x 200g 4353
2.69 24.10 Z Violife Coconut Cheese Slices Herbs 30 12 x 200g 4355
2.69 24.10 Z Violife Coconut Cheese Slices Cheddar 30 12 x 200g 4356
2.69 24.10 Z Violife Coconut Cheese Slices Mozzarella 30 12 x 200g 8954
2.69 24.10 Z Violife Coconut Cheese Slices Smoked Flavour 30 12 x 200g 4359
2.69 24.10 Z Violife Coconut Cheese Slices Tomato & Basil 30 12 x 200g 4354


Arla Foods
1.39 6.19 Z Lactofree Natural Yogurt 9 6 x 400g 12859
1.84 8.29 Z Lactofree Strawberry & Raspberry Yogurt 9 6 x 4x125g 40
Arla Skyr
T 1.67 7.49 10% Z Skyr Mango Passionfruit Drinking Yogurt 6 6 x 350ml 12860
T 1.67 7.49 10% Z Skyr Blueberry Blackcurrant Drinking Yogurt 6 6 x 350ml 12861
T 1.40 6.31 20% Z Skyr Natural Yogurt LARGE 6 6 x 450g 2541
T 1.40 6.31 20% Z Skyr Honey Yogurt LARGE 6 6 x 450g 2712
T 1.40 6.31 20% Z Skyr Strawberry Yogurt LARGE 6 6 x 450g 2711
T 0.86 3.83 10% Z Skyr Blueberry & Elderberry Yogurt SMALL 6 6 x 150g 210
T 0.86 3.83 10% Z Skyr Mixed Berry Yogurt SMALL 6 6 x 150g 2536
T 0.86 3.83 10% Z Skyr Cherry Yogurt SMALL 6 6 x 150g 2537
Bergerie Organic Sheep's & Goat's Dairy Products
0.68 4.08 Z Bergerie ORG Natural Goat's Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 2493
0.89 5.34 Z Bergerie ORG Vanilla Goat's Milk Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 2498
0.70 4.20 Z Bergerie ORG Natural Sheep's Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 9250
0.77 4.62 Z Bergerie ORG Low Fat Lemon Sheep's Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 2492
0.77 4.62 Z Bergerie ORG Low Fat Vanilla Sheep's Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 2491
0.89 5.34 Z Bergerie ORG Blueberry Sheep's Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 9516
0.89 5.34 Z Bergerie ORG Chestnut Sheep's Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 9251
0.89 5.34 Z Bergerie ORG Red Fruits Sheep's Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 9252
0.89 5.34 Z Bergerie ORG Sheep's Dessert Chocolate 8 8 x 125g 314
1.51 6.80 Z Bergerie ORG Greek Style Sheep Natural Yogurt 8 6 x 250g 3028
1.80 8.10 Z Bergerie ORG Sheep's Fromage Frais Quark 8%FAT 9 6 x 200g 9524
2.69 12.11 Z Bergerie ORG Sheep's Stirred Natural Yogurt400g 8 6 x 400g 8292
1.79 8.06 Z Biedermann ORG Swiss Lactose Free Yog Plain LGE 8 6 x 400g 6602
1.15 5.18 Z Biedermann ORG Swiss Lactose Free Yog Plain SMAL 8 6 x 200g 6601
1.15 5.18 Z Biedermann ORG Kefir Yog Natural 8 6 x 150g 8901
1.25 5.63 Z Biedermann ORG Lactose Free Yog Mango 8 6 x 200g 6603
1.25 5.63 Z Biedermann ORG Swiss Lactose Free Yog Raspberry 8 6 x 200g 6600
1.25 5.63 Z Biedermann ORG Lactose Free Yog Vanilla 8 6 x 200g 6609

Page 5 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.99 11.94 Z Biona ORG/Demeter Kefir 8 8 x 250g 5139
Bio-tiful Dairy
T 1.69 7.61 Z Biotiful Dairy Kefir SMALL (Non-Org)NOW6 9 6 x 250ml 12857
2.69 12.10 Z Biotiful Dairy Kefir LARGE (Non-Org) 9 6 x 500ml 12858
1.85 17.17 Z Bio-tiful ORG Kefir SMALL 9 12 x 250ml 6064
3.15 14.17 Z Bio-tiful ORG Kefir LARGE 9 6 x 500ml 6065
T 1.89 8.50 Z Bio-tiful Dairy Cherry Kefir NOW 6 9 6 x 250ml 6072
T 1.89 8.50 Z Bio-tiful Dairy Honey & Mint Kefir NOW 6 9 6 x 250ml 6081
1.91 17.17 Z Bio-tiful ORG Riazhenka Cultured Baked Milk SMALL 9 12 x 250ml 6066
3.15 14.17 Z Bio-tiful ORG Riazhenka Cultured Baked Milk LGE 9 6 x 500ml 6067
The Collective
0.99 4.45 Z Collective Suckies Yog Pouch Banana 8 6 x 100g 12734
0.99 4.45 Z Collective Suckies Yog Pouch Peach Apricot 8 6 x 100g 8772
0.99 4.45 Z Collective Suckies Yog Pouch Blueberry 8 6 x 100g 7521
0.99 4.45 Z Collective Suckies Yog Pouch Strawberry 8 6 x 100g 8770
1.09 4.90 Z Collective Blueberry Yogurt SMALL 8 6 x 150g 12462
1.15 5.17 Z Collective Mango Yogurt SMALL 8 6 x 150g 7513
1.15 5.17 Z Collective Passion Fruit Yogurt SMALL 8 6 x 150g 8645
1.15 5.17 Z Collective Scottish Raspberry Yogurt SMALL 8 6 x 150g 8062
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Ltd Edition Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 1342
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Blueberry Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 12737
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Mango Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 8647
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Passion Fruit Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 5068
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Rhubarb Vanilla&Lemongrass Yogurt LGE 8 6 x 450g 12735
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Russian Fudge Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 5069
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Scottish Raspberry Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 450g 8778
2.00 9.15 Z Collective Straight Up Unsweet Yog LARGE 8 6 x 450g 2922
T 1.75 7.88 20% Z Collective Vanilla Bean Yog LGE 8 6 x 450g 1343
3.26 14.67 Z Collective Straight Up Yogurt 900g 8 6 x 900g 12738
Delamere Dairies
2.87 12.92 Z Delamere 450g Sheep Yogurt Plain 7 6 x 450g 12550
0.79 3.53 Z Delamere Goat's Yogurt Plain 7 6 x 125g 4823
2.50 11.25 Z Delamere 450g Goats Yogurt Plain 7 6 x 450g 8434
2.79 12.55 Z Delamere 4 Pack Goats Fruit Yogurt(2 Rasp 2 Straw) 7 6 x 4x90g 1710
Esja Skyr
1.25 5.62 Z Esja Skyr ORG Mango Yogurt SMALL 8 6 x 170ml 2971
1.25 5.62 Z Esja Skyr ORG Natural Yogurt SMALL 8 6 x 175ml 2969
1.25 5.62 Z Esja Skyr ORG Vanilla Yogurt SMALL 8 6 x 175ml 2970
1.99 8.95 Z Esja Skyr ORG Natural Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 380ml 2972
1.99 8.95 Z Esja Skyr ORG Vanilla Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 380ml 2976
1.99 8.95 Z Esja Skyr ORG Strawberry Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 380ml 2977
1.99 8.95 Z Esja Skyr ORG Mango Yogurt LGE 8 6 x 380ml 2978
Fruyo Fat Free Greek Yogurts
1.37 6.16 Z Fruyo Blueberry 0%Fat Greek Yogurt 9 6 x 170g 4004
1.37 6.16 Z Fruyo Peach 0%Fat Greek Yogurt 9 6 x 170g 4007
1.37 6.16 Z Fruyo Strawberry 0%Fat Greek Yogurt 9 6 x 170g 4008
Glenilen Farm
1.15 5.10 Z Glenilen Plain Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 160g 2668
1.19 5.35 Z Glenilen Blueberry Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 160g 309
1.19 5.35 Z Glenilen Mango Passion Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 160g 69
1.19 5.35 Z Glenilen Raspberry Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 160g 2581
1.19 5.35 Z Glenilen Rhubarb Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 160g 2667
1.19 5.35 Z Glenilen Strawberry Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 160g 2583

Page 6 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.99 8.96 Z Glenilen Mango Passion Yogurt LGE 7 6 x 500g 8068
1.99 8.96 Z Glenilen Raspberry Yogurt LARGE 7 6 x 500g 2587
1.99 8.96 Z Glenilen Rhubarb Strawb Yogurt LGE 7 6 x 500g 8067
1.99 8.96 Z Glenilen Strawberry Yogurt LARGE 7 6 x 500g 4304
1.99 8.96 Z Glenilen Summer Berries Yogurt LARGE 7 6 x 500g 4305
Kourellas Greek Organic Dairy
1.99 8.96 Z Kourellas ORG Goat's Drinking KEFIR 7 6 x 250ml 12625
La Fermiere
1.29 5.82 Z La Fermiere Natural Yogurt in Terracotta Pot 7 6 x 140g 8030
1.40 6.29 Z La Fermiere Lemon Yogurt in Terracotta Pot 7 6 x 140g 8031
1.46 6.56 Z La Fermiere Vanilla Yogurt in Terracotta Pot 7 6 x 140g 8032
1.53 6.89 Z La Fermiere Honey Yogurt in Terracotta Pot 7 6 x 140g 8033
Moma Fresh Breakfasts
1.79 8.05 Z Moma Bircher Mango Passionfruit (pot.sorbate) 6 6 x 220g 1826
1.79 8.05 Z Moma Bircher Muesli Strawb Ban (pot.sorbate) 6 6 x 220g 9728
1.79 8.05 Z Moma Bircher Muesli Wildberry (pot.sorbate) 6 6 x 220g 9730
Nutmeg And Hive
1.47 6.60 Z Nutmeg And Hive Blueberry Super Yog 6 6 x 150g 3859
1.47 6.60 Z Nutmeg And Hive Raspberry Super Yog 6 6 x 150g 3856
1.47 6.60 Z Nutmeg And Hive Mango & Passionfruit Super Yog 6 6 x 150g 3871
Nutrii Ltd
1.25 5.64 Z Nutrii Plain Quark 7 6 x 175g 9984
1.35 6.06 Z Nutrii Mango Passionfruit Quark 7 6 x 180g 2367
1.35 6.06 Z Nutrii Raspberry Quark 7 6 x 175g 315
Nourish Kefir - Now made with Organic Milk
16.49 12.37 Z Nourish Kefir Starter Cultures 21 1 x 6x5g 4978
2.99 13.46 Z Nourish Kefir LARGE ORG Probiotic WM Drink 9 6 x 500ml 9711
1.99 8.96 Z Nourish Kefir SMALL ORG Probiotic Drink 9 6 x 247ml 9709
2.19 9.86 Z Nourish Kefir Strawberry Probiotic WM Smoothie 7 6 x 250ml 9710
2.19 9.86 Z Nourish Kefir Blueb.Pomegranate Prob.WM Smoothie 7 6 x 250ml 9387
2.19 9.86 Z Nourish Kefir PEACH Probiotic WM Smoothie 7 6 x 250ml 9712
Rachel's ORG Dairy Wholemilk
1.55 6.97 Z Rachels ORG Divine Rice Coconut Twinpack 8 6 x 2x150g 12531
2.19 9.76 Z Rachels ORG My First Raspberry & Blackcurrant 8 6 x 4x90g 12754
0.79 3.53 Z Rachels ORG Divine Rice Pudding Traditional 8 6 x 150g 7720
0.83 3.72 Z Rachels ORG Creamy Cherry Fruits Yogurt 8 6 x 150g 397
0.83 3.72 Z Rachels ORG Creamy Strawberry Fruits Yogurt 8 6 x 150g 8683
0.83 3.72 Z Rachels ORG Creamy Peach Fruits Yogurt 8 6 x 150g 8686
1.99 8.95 Z Rachels ORG LusciousApricot/Blueb Vanilla Multi 8 6x4x110g 6212
1.99 8.95 Z Rachels ORG Luscious Peach & Mango Yog Multi 8 6x4x110g 6213
1.99 8.95 Z Rachels ORG Luscious Raspberry Rhubarb Multi 8 6x4x110g 6247
1.99 8.95 Z Rachel's ORG Luscious Rasp Straw Cherry PeachMulti 8 6x4x110g 6248
2.09 9.41 Z Rachels ORG Greek Natural Yogurt (stirred) 8 6 x 450g 7981
2.09 9.41 Z Rachels ORG Large Greek Style Nat SET Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 55
2.35 10.50 Z Rachels ORG Large Greek & Honey Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 5352
2.35 10.50 Z Rachels ORG Large Greek Coconut Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 7312
2.35 10.50 Z Rachels ORG Large Greek Ginger Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 7313
2.19 9.76 Z Rachels ORG My First Yogurts Multipack 8 6x4x90g 8348
Rachel's ORG Low Fat & Fat Free
0.83 3.72 Z Rachels ORG Vanilla Luscious Low Fat Yogurt 8 6 x 150g 1192
0.83 3.72 Z Rachels ORG Strawberry Luscious Low Fat Yogurt 8 6 x 150g 8679
0.83 3.72 Z Rachels ORG Raspberry Luscious Low Fat Yogurt 8 6 x 150g 8680
1.23 5.50 Z Rachels ORG Breakfast Greek Style NATURAL Yog 8 6 x 135g 9818
1.23 5.50 Z Rachels ORG Breakfast Greek Style HONEY Yog 8 6 x 135g 9812

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.23 5.50 Z Rachels ORG Breakfast Granola Vanilla Yog 8 6 x 135g 924
1.53 6.86 Z Rachels ORG Large Low Fat Natural Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 57
1.95 8.78 Z Rachels ORG Large Low Fat Cherry Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 4293
1.95 8.78 Z Rachels ORG Large Low Fat Mango Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 80
1.95 8.78 Z Rachels ORG Large Low Fat Raspberry Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 6497
1.95 8.78 Z Rachels ORG Large Low Fat Rhubarb Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 6494
1.95 8.78 Z Rachels ORG Large Low Fat Vanilla Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 5355
1.95 8.78 Z Rachels ORG Ltd Ed Low Fat Fig & Honey 8 6 x 450g 6911
2.09 9.41 Z Rachels ORG Greek LOW FAT Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 7982
2.09 9.41 Z Rachels ORG Greek FAT FREE Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 7983
2.35 10.51 Z Rachels ORG Fat Free Greek Style Blueberry Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 9191
2.35 10.51 Z Rachels ORG Fat Free Greek Style Peach&Passion Fru 8 6 x 450g 9192
River Cottage
1.72 7.74 Z River Cottage ORG Natural Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 190ml 3524
1.87 8.40 Z River Cottage ORG Honey Yogurt 7 6 x 190ml 3522
1.87 8.40 Z River Cottage ORG Vanilla Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 190ml 3523
1.87 8.40 Z River Cottage ORG Blackcurrant On The Bottom Yog 7 6 x 190ml 3358
1.87 8.40 Z River Cottage ORG Raspberry On The Bottom Yog 7 6 x 190ml 3368
2.85 12.85 Z River Cottage ORG Natural Yoghurt 7 6 x 500ml 3432
3.18 14.31 Z River Cottage ORG Real Vanilla Yoghurt 7 6 x 500ml 3536
Riverford Organic Dairy
1.85 8.33 Z Riverford ORG Fat Free Natural Yogurt 8 6 x 475ml 6929
1.85 8.33 Z Riverford ORG Whole Milk Natural Yogurt 8 6 x 475ml 6930
Tim's Dairy Wholemilk
0.00 15.10 Z Tim's Dairy 10kg BULK Wholemilk Yogurt 7 1 x 10kg 4846
S 1.87 8.43 Z Tim's LARGE Greek Style NATURAL Yogurt 9 6 x 500g 1638
S 1.98 8.91 Z Tim's LARGE Greek Style Honey Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 1632
S 1.06 4.76 Z Tim's Greek Style Natural Yogurt 9 6 x 200g 1631
S 0.95 4.29 Z Tim's Greek Style Blackcurrant Yogurt 9 6 x 175g 1630
S 0.95 4.29 Z Tim's Greek Style Raspberry Yogurt 9 6 x 175g 1649
S 0.95 4.29 Z Tim's Greek Style HONEY Yogurt 9 6 x 175g 1629
S 0.70 6.27 Z Tim's Wholemilk Small Black Cherry Yogurt 9 12 x 150g 1626
S 0.70 6.27 Z Tim's Wholemilk Small Strawberry Yogurt 9 12 x 150g 1623
Tim's Dairy Low Fat
S 1.45 6.51 Z Tim's Large Low Fat Natural Yogurt 9 6 x 500g 1637
Total Greek Yoghurts
1.37 5.52 Z Total Greek Yog 0%Fat HoneySPLIT POT 9 6 x 170g 1347
1.25 5.04 Z Total Greek Yogurt 2% FAT SMALL 9 6 x 170g 8580
1.15 4.68 Z Total Greek Yogurt 0% Fat SMALL 9 6 x 170g 9589
1.49 6.00 Z Total Greek Yogurt 5% Fat SMALL 9 6 x 200g 8577
3.13 14.09 Z Total Greek Yogurt 5% Fat LARGE 9 6 x 500g 8578
3.07 13.81 Z Total Greek Yogurt 0% Fat Free LARGE 9 6 x 500g 9590
3.07 13.81 Z Total Greek Yogurt 2% FAT LARGE 9 6 x 500g 9715
Vrai (French Organic Dairy)
1.55 6.98 Z Vrai ORG Large Wholemilk Natural Yogurt 8 6 x 500g 4624
2.48 11.16 Z Vrai ORG GOAT Fromage Frais 9 6 x 400g 5744
1.87 8.42 Z Vrai ORG Virt. Fat Free Fromage Frais 8 6 x 500g 4375
1.39 6.26 Z Vrai ORG Bifidus Yogurt Vanilla 4-pack 8 6x4x125g 9987
1.25 5.63 Z Vrai ORG Virt. Fat Free Natural Yogurt 4-Pack 8 6x4x125g 4374
1.35 6.08 Z Vrai ORG Dessert - Chocolate (Glass) 8 6x2x125g 4378
1.08 9.72 Z Vrai ORG Luxury Rice Pudding (Glass) 8 12 x 110g 6096
1.09 9.81 Z Vrai ORG Sheep's Creme Chocolate (Glass jar) 8 12 x 110g 7511

Page 8 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Woodland Park Dairy

S 3.05 13.72 Z Woodlands ORG LGE Plain SHEEP'S Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 9140
S 2.59 11.66 Z Woodlands LGE GOAT'S Natural Yogurt 8 6 x 450g 9141
Yeo Valley Wholemilk
S 1.75 7.88 Z Yeo ORG Natural W/milk Yogurt 9 6 x 500g 3140
S 1.75 7.88 Z Yeo ORG Beautifully Mild Natural W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12583
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Blueberry & Lime W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12587
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Ginger W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12582
S 3.54 10.62 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Natural W/Milk Yogurt 9 4 x 950g 12586
S 1.98 5.93 Z Yeo ORG Greek Honey W/Milk Yogurt 4pack 9 4 x 4x100g 12591
S 1.98 5.93 Z Yeo ORG Strawberry W/Milk Yogurt 4pack 9 4 x 4x120g 12589
S 1.98 5.93 Z Yeo ORG Fruity Favourites W/Milk Yogurt 4pack 9 4 x 4x120g 12590
S 1.98 5.93 Z Yeo ORG Natural W/Milk Yogurt 4pack 9 4 x 4x120g 12592
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Rhubarb & Custard W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12605
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG British Blackcurrant W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12604
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Mango Vanilla W/Milk Yog 9 6 x 450g 1096
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Lemon Curd Wholemilk Yog 9 6 x 450g 6898
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Peach Apricot Wholemilk Yog 9 6 x 450g 1101
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Rasp Passionfruit W/Milk Yog 9 6 x 450g 1107
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Rasp Wholemilk Yog 9 6 x 450g 6298
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Strawberry Wholemilk Yog 9 6 x 450g 3141
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Yog Winter Sun Passion Fruit & Pineapple 9 6 x 450g 3142
S 1.14 5.11 Z Yeo ORG Blueberry&Crunchy Granola W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 135g 12594
S 0.78 4.70 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Natural W/Milk Yogurt 9 8 x 150g 12595
S 2.21 9.93 Z Yeo ORG Little Yeo's Straw&Van/Mango&Van Frais 9 6 x 6x45g 12598
S 2.21 9.93 Z Yeo ORG Little Yeo's Pear&Apple/Straw&Peach Frais 9 6 x 6x45g 12599
S 0.61 5.49 Z Yeo ORG Small Natural Wholemilk Yogurt 9 12 x 150g 3857
S 2.17 9.77 Z Yeo ORG Little Yeo's W/milk Yogurts 4 pack 90g 9 6 x 4 x 90g 8242
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG Greek Honey W/milk Yog 450g 9 6 x 450g 1399
S 2.00 9.02 Z Yeo ORG Greek Natural W/milk Yog 450g 8 6 x 450g 7131
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Vanilla W/Milk Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 1113
S 3.17 9.50 Z Yeo ORG Natural BULK W/milk Yogurt 1kg 9 4 x 1kg 6675
The Yorkshire Provender
1.99 5.97 Z Yorks Prov Traditional Porridge with Honey 5 4 x 300g 12881
1.99 5.97 Z Yorks Prov Trad Porridge Honey Apple Cinnamon 5 4 x 300g 12882
1.99 5.97 Z Yorks Prov Dairy Free Porridge Cranberry Pumpseeds 5 4 x 300g 12883
Yeo Valley Low Fat/Fat Free
S 0.62 5.55 Z Yeo ORG Natural Small Fat Free Yogurt 9 12 x 150g 1404
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG Greek Style Natural 0% Fat Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12596
S 2.02 9.10 Z Yeo ORG 0% Fat Greek Style Honey Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 12600
S 1.75 7.88 Z Yeo ORG Natural 500g Fat Free Yogurt 9 6 x 500g 7086
S 1.77 7.95 Z Yeo ORG Vanilla 450g Fat Free Yogurt 9 6 x 450g 6899
S 3.17 9.50 Z Yeo ORG Natural BULK Fat Free Yogurt 9 4 x 1kg 1400


2.15 9.68 Z Abbot Kinney's ORG Almond Start Natural Yog SML 7 6 x 125ml 13013
4.49 20.21 Z Abbot Kinney's ORG Almond Start Natural Yog LGE 7 6 x 400ml 13014
2.15 9.68 Z Abbot Kinney's ORG Coco Start Mango Yog 7 6 x 125ml 13015
2.15 9.68 Z Abbot Kinney's ORG Coco Start Natural Yog SML 7 6 x 125ml 13016
4.49 20.21 Z Abbot Kinney's ORG Coco Start Natural Yog LGE 7 6 x 400ml 13017

Page 9 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The Coconut Collaborative

3.99 17.96 Z Coconut Collaborative Madagascan Vanilla C'nut Yog 8 6 x 350g 13010
1.73 7.85 Z Coconut Collaborative Natural Coconut YogSMALL 8 6 x 120g 4024
3.59 16.00 Z Coconut Collab Natural Coconut Yog LARGE 8 6 x 350g 6205
1.75 7.85 Z Coconut Collaborative Strawberry Coconut Yog 8 6 x 120g 12529
1.75 7.85 Z Coconut Collaborative Blueberry DF Coconut Yog 8 6 x 120g 4225
1.73 7.85 Z Coconut Collab Mango Passion Coconut YogSMALL 8 6 x 120g 4022
2.99 13.47 Z Coconut Collab Dairy Free Choc Ganache Pots 8 6 x 180g 3188
2.99 13.47 Z Coconut Collab Dairy Free Rice Pudding 8 6 x 250g 3187
The Chia Company
2.49 11.20 Z Chia Pod Banana Chia Seeds Coconut Dessert 18 6 x 170g 8255
2.49 11.20 Z Chia Pod Blueberry Chia Seeds Coconut Dessert 18 6 x 170g 8254
2.49 11.20 Z Chia Pod Mango Chia Seeds Coconut Dessert 18 6 x 170g 8253
2.49 11.20 Z Chia Pod Vanilla Chia Seeds Coconut Dessert 18 6 x 170g 8257
2.49 11.20 Z Chia Pod Dark Cacao Almond Milk Chia Seeds Dessert 18 6 x 170g 8928
Coyo Natural Coconut Milk Yogurt
S 1.99 8.96 Z Coyo Natural Coconut Milk Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 125g 8015
S 1.99 8.96 Z Coyo Raw Choc Coconut Milk Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 125g 8020
S 1.99 8.96 Z Coyo Vanilla Coconut Milk Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 125g 7986
S 1.99 8.96 Z Coyo Mixed Berry Coconut Milk Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 125g 8017
S 1.99 8.96 Z Coyo Mango Coconut Milk Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 125g 8021
S 1.99 8.96 Z Coyo Morello Cherry Coconut Milk SMALL 7 6 x 125g 2526
S 1.99 8.96 Z Coyo Salted Caramel Coconut Milk Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 125g 8008
3.49 15.69 Z Coyo Natural Coconut Milk Yogurt MEDIUM 7 6 x 250g 8011
3.49 15.69 Z Coyo Raw Choc Coconut Milk Yogurt MEDIUM 7 6 x 250g 7985
3.49 15.69 Z Coyo Vanilla Coconut Milk Yogurt MEDIUM 7 6 x 250g 2525
4.99 22.49 Z Coyo Natural Coconut Milk Yogurt LARGE 7 6 x 400g 8012
4.99 22.49 Z Coyo Vanilla Coconut Milk Yogurt LARGE 7 6 x 400g 2534
0.00 6.93 Z Coyo 1kg BULK TUB Coconut Yogurt 7 1 x 1kg 9953
0.00 13.86 Z Coyo 2kg Giant BULK TUB Coconut Yogurt 7 1 x 2kg 1935
Koko Dairy Free
1.99 8.95 Z Koko Dairy Free Yog Plain LARGE 7 6 x 500g 2481
S 1.90 8.55 Z Koko FRESH Coconut CalcDairyFree LTR 10 6 x 1lt 4348
Nush Foods Nut Yogurts (CASHEW AVAIL APRIL)
1.99 8.95 Z Nush ORG Natural Unsweet Cashew Milk Yog SML 7 6 x 125g 13032
3.99 17.95 Z Nush ORG Natural Unsweet Cashew Milk Yog LGE 7 6 x 350g 13033
1.99 8.95 Z Nush ORG Strawberry Cashew Milk Yogurt 7 6 x 125g 13036
1.99 8.95 Z Nush ORG Vanilla Cashew Milk Yogurt 7 6 x 125g 13037
1.99 8.95 Z Nush ORG Natural Unsweet Almond Milk Yog SML 7 6 x 125g 13034
3.99 17.95 Z Nush ORG Natural Unsweet Almond Milk Yog LGE 7 6 x 350g 13035
1.99 8.95 Z Nush Natural Almond Milk Yogurt SMALL 7 6 x 125g 12418
1.99 8.95 Z Nush Caramel & Hibiscus Almond Milk Yogurt 7 6 x 125g 12833
1.99 8.95 Z Nush Blueberry Almond Milk Yogurt 7 6 x 125g 12419
1.99 8.95 Z Nush Peach Melba Almond Milk Yogurt 7 6 x 125g 12544
3.99 17.95 Z Nush Natural Almond Milk Yogurt LARGE 7 6 x 350g 12420
Provamel Chilled
1.75 7.88 Z Alpro LARGE BLUE Fresh Soya Drink 9 6 x 1ltr 6539
1.75 7.88 Z Alpro ORG GREEN Fresh Soya (apple sweetened) 9 6 x 1ltr 9587
1.75 7.88 Z Alpro CHOCOLATE Fresh Soya Drink 9 6 x 1ltr 7231
S 1.99 8.96 Z Alpro Fresh Almond Milk 9 6 x 1ltr 9731
1.79 8.05 Z Alpro UNSWEETENED Fresh Almond Milk 9 6 x 1ltr 1484
S 1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Soya Almond Yogurt NS 15 6 x 500g 919

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 1.85 8.32 Z Provamel ORG NS Plain Soya Yogurt 15 6 x 500g 2556
1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Blueberry Yofu LARGE Yogurt 15 6 x 500g 831
1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Red Fruit Yofu LARGE Yogurt 15 6 x 500g 852
1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Vanilla Yofu LARGE Yogurt 15 6 x 500g 1834
S 1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Soya Coconut Yogurt NS 15 6 x 500g 920
1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Blueberry Yofu 4-pack Yogurt 15 6 x 4x125g 832
1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Cherry Yofu 4-pack Yogurt 15 6 x 4x125g 833
1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Peach Mango Yofu 4-pack Yogurt 15 6 x 4x125g 856
1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Vanilla Rasp Yofu 4-pack Yogurt 15 6 x 4x125g 4280
2.85 12.83 Z RaRa GF Chia & Oats Blueberry & Banana 10 6 x 170g 12739
2.85 12.83 Z RaRa GF Chia & Oats Mango & Lime 10 6 x 170g 12740
2.85 12.83 Z RaRa GF Chia & Oats Apple & Raspberry 10 6 x 170g 12741
Rebel Kitchen
2.55 11.47 Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Coconut Yog Vanilla 7 6 x 125g 3957
2.55 11.47 Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Coconut Yog Cacao 7 6 x 125g 3958
2.55 11.47 Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Coconut Yog Coffee 7 6 x 125g 3969
2.55 11.47 Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Coconut Yog Original 7 6 x 125g 3966
4.99 14.96 Z Rhythm LARGE Raw Mango Passion Fruit Kefir 8 4 x 500ml 12980
S 1.69 8.83 Z Rhythm Bottles Raw Natural Coconut Kefir 8 7 x 126g 3353
S 1.69 8.83 Z Rhythm Bottles Raw Mango/Passn Coconut Kefir 8 7 x 126g 3354
S 4.99 26.24 Z Rhythm Raw Natural Coconut Kefir 3-PACK 8 7x3x126g 3356
4.29 22.52 Z Rhythm Raw Mango/Passion Kefir 3-PACK 8 7x3x126g 3359
4.99 14.96 Z Rhythm LARGE Raw Natural Coconut Kefir 8 4 x 500ml 3074
4.99 14.96 Z Rhythm LARGE Raw Coconut & Beetroot Kefir 8 4 x 500ml 3041
4.99 14.96 Z Rhythm LARGE Raw Coconut & Greens Kefir 8 4 x 500ml 3039
2.75 12.34 Z Rhythm Raw YOGHURT Natural Coconut Kefir 8 6 x 150g 9227
49.95 37.47 Z *Rhythm Probiotic Life Shots 50 5day plan Glass 10 1 x 5x100ml 12530
125.00 73.96 Z *Rhythm Probiotic Life Shots 200 5-day plan Glass 10 1 x 5x100ml 9919
Sojade - Vegan
0.91 4.10 Z Sojade ORG So Oat Natural Yog 8 6 x 150g 12985
1.47 6.62 Z Sojade ORG So Oat Banana & Passion & Muesli Yog 8 6 x 150g 12986
1.47 6.62 Z Sojade ORG So Oat Blueberry & B/Currant Muesli Yog 8 6 x 150g 12987
1.46 6.57 Z Sojade ORG So Hemp Natural Yog 8 6 x 250g 12988
0.73 4.38 Z Sojade ORG Pineapple&Coconut&Passion Fruit Yog 8 8 x 125g 12989
0.73 4.38 Z Sojade ORG Lemon Lime Layered Soya Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 12667
0.73 4.38 Z Sojade ORG Raspberry Rose Layered Soya Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 12668
1.21 5.45 Z Sojade ORG LARGE Plain Bifidus Soya Yogurt NAS 8 6 x 400g 7878
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Apricot Bifidus Soya Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 400g 9040
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Banana Bifidus Soya Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 400g 9245
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG B/Currant Cranberry Soya Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 400g 3030
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Blueberry Bifidus Soya Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 400g 9244
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Cherry Bifidus Soya Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 400g 9039
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Lemon Bifidus Soya Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 400g 3029
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Mango Peach Bifidus Soya Yoghurt LGE 8 6 x 400g 7886
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Peach Elderberry Bifidus Soy Yog LARG 8 6 x 400g 1279
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Pineapple Bifidus Soya Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 400g 1336
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Prune Bifidus Soya Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 400g 9985
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Rasp Passion Soya Yog LARGE 8 6 x 400g 8293
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Strawberry Bifidus Soya Yog LARGE 8 6 x 400g 1280
1.95 8.78 Z Sojade ORG Vanilla Bifidus Soya Yogurt LARGE 8 6 x 400g 2500
0.87 3.92 Z Sojade ORG Plain Bifidus Soya Yogurt 8 6 x 250g 1878
0.47 2.82 Z Sojade ORG SMALL Plain Bifidus Soya Yogurt 8 8 x 125g 1337
0.67 4.02 Z Sojade ORG Apricot Guava Soya Yogurt SMALL 8 8 x 125g 4426
Page 11 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days
Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.67 4.02 Z Sojade ORG Blueberry Soya Yogurt SMALL 8 8 x 125g 378
0.67 4.02 Z Sojade ORG Cherry Soya Yogurt SMALL 8 8 x 125g 4429
0.67 4.02 Z Sojade ORG Lemon Soya Yogurt SMALL 8 8 x 125g 5742
0.67 4.02 Z Sojade ORG MangoPeach Soya Yogurt SMALL 8 8 x 125g 379
0.67 4.02 Z Sojade ORG Rasp Passion Soya Yogurt SMALL 8 8 x 125g 4427
0.67 4.02 Z Sojade ORG Strawberry Bifidus Soya Yogurt SMALL 8 8 x 125g 1339
1.40 6.30 Z Sojade ORG Chocolate HEMP Dessert 8 6 x 2x100g 1323
1.50 6.75 Z Sojade ORG Raspberry & Strawb HEMP Dessert 8 6 x 2x100g 1322
0.98 4.41 Z Sojade ORG Fresh Chocolate Soya Dessert 2-pack 8 6 x 2x100g 7881
1.39 6.26 Z Sojade ORG 4-pack Plain Bifidus Soya Yogurt 8 6 x 4x100g 1340
2.01 9.05 Z Sojade ORG 4-pack Red Fruits Soya Yogurt 8 6 x 4x100g 12733
2.01 9.05 Z Sojade ORG 4-pack Mango Coconut Soya Yogurt 8 6 x 4x100g 1317
Vita Coco
T 2.39 10.77 20% Z Vita Coco Coconut Milk Alternative 15 6 x 1lt 12993
1.99 14.93 Z Ya Almond ORG Almond Yogurt - Natural 7 10 x 120g 13029
1.99 14.93 Z Ya Almond ORG Almond Yogurt - Vanilla 7 10 x 120g 13030
1.99 14.93 Z Ya Almond ORG Almond Yogurt - Raspberry 7 10 x 120g 13031
1.99 14.93 Z Yachia ORG Original Chia Pot 7 10 x 120ml 9960
1.99 14.93 Z Yachia ORG Raspberry Chia Pot 7 10 x 120ml 9964
1.59 11.93 Z Ya Rice ORG Rice Yogurt- Natural 7 10 x 120g 13026
1.59 11.93 Z Ya Rice ORG Chocolate Mousse Vegan 7 10 x 120g 13027
1.59 11.93 Z Ya Rice ORG Rice Yogurt - Mango 7 10 x 120g 13028


Arla Foods
1.99 23.90 Z Lactofree Spreadable Slightly Salted 18 16 x 250g 2233
2.69 10.09 Z Biedermann ORG Swiss Lactose Free Butter Unsalted 14 5 x 100g 8897
2.99 17.94 Z Biona ORG Cocomega Coconut & Rapeseed Oil Spread 30 8 x 250g 737
2.99 17.94 Z Biona ORG Ex Virgin Olive Oil Margarine 20 8 x 250g 5125
T 2.20 13.21 15% Z Biona ORG Sunflower Veg Margarine (250g) 30 8 x 250g 2561
3.99 47.88 Z Biona ORG Sunflower Veg Margarine (500g) 30 16 x 500g 3923
Calon Wen Organic
2.49 37.34 Z Calon Wen ORG Butter Unsalted NOW 20 15 20 x 250g 1719
2.49 37.34 Z Calon Wen ORG Butter Lightly Salted NOW 20 15 20 x 250g 1718
0.00 39.71 Z *Calon Wen ORG Butter Portions 15 5 x 100x7g 8246
Delamere Dairies
2.15 16.12 Z Delamere Goat's Butter 30 10 x 250g 6127
2.65 11.93 Z Delamere SPREADABLE Goat's Butter 20 6 x 250g 12915
Higher Nature
12.80 9.60 Z Higher Nature Essential Balance Oil (refrigerate) 30 1 x 350ml 3306
12.50 9.38 Z Higher Nature Omega LGE ORG Flax Oil 30 1 x 350ml 2781
Koko Dairy Free
2.19 13.15 Z Koko Coconut Dairy Free Spread 30 8 x 500g 4345
2.06 24.70 Z PURE Soya Spread 30 16 x 500g 5748
2.22 26.59 Z PURE Sunflower Spread 30 16 x 500g 5749

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rachel's ORG Dairy Wholemilk

2.15 32.00 Z Rachels ORG Unsalted Butter 16 20 x 250g 8265
2.15 32.00 Z Rachels ORG Lightly Salted Butter 16 20 x 250g 6341
Riverford Organic Dairy
2.85 42.75 Z Riverford ORG Butter - Sea Salted 14 20 x 200g 6988
2.39 10.72 Z *Suma Mushroom Pate (bombes)KEEP BELOW 10C 6 x 200g 1075
1.90 11.34 Z Suma Soya Spread 30 8 x 500g 76
7.15 31.99 Z WHOLE CASE BULK Suma Sunflower Margarine 6 x 2kg 1521
VBites - Contain Potassium Sorbate
1.79 8.06 Z V Bites Mushroom Pate 10 6 x 150g 5382
1.79 8.06 Z V Bites Beanfeast Pate 6 x 120g 23
3.19 19.14 Z Vitaquell Org Dairy Free Spread 500g 35 8 x 500g 8052
2.25 20.25 Z Vitaquell ORG OMEGA Dairy Free Spread 35 12 x 250g 8053
Vrai (French Organic Dairy)
2.43 18.23 Z Vrai ORG Normandy Butter - Unsalted 30 10 x 250g 4380
2.43 18.23 Z Vrai ORG Normandy Butter - Salted 30 10 x 250g 4381
Yeo Valley Wholemilk
S 2.21 26.49 Z Yeo ORG Spreadable Butter 20 16 x 250g 7459
S 4.22 25.33 Z Yeo ORG Spreadable Butter LARGE 20 8 x 500g 12588
S 2.22 33.27 Z Yeo ORG Salted Butter 20 20 x 250g 4420
S 2.22 33.27 Z Yeo ORG Unsalted Butter 20 20 x 250g 53


Booja Booja
1.19 11.90 V *BoojaCHILLEDORG Truffle Hazel Crunch 2Pack Col 21 16 x 2 4690
1.19 11.90 V *BoojaCHILLEDORG TruffleAlmond Caramel 2PackC 21 16 x 2 5116
1.19 11.90 V *BoojaCHILLEDORG Truffle Champagne 2Pack Colle 21 16 x 2 5120
3.99 14.95 V *Booja CHILLEDORGTruffle Collection No 1 21 6 x 69g 1661
3.99 14.95 V *Booja CHILLEDORGTruffle Collection No 2 21 6 x 69g 1667
3.99 14.95 V *Booja CHILLEDORGTruffle Almond Caramel Collect 21 6 x 69g 1656
3.99 14.95 V *Booja CHILLEDORGTruffle Champagne Collection 21 6 x 69g 1658
3.99 14.95 V *Booja CHILLEDORGTruffle Hazel Crunch Collection 21 6 x 69g 1659
3.99 14.95 V *Booja CHILLEDORGTruffle Rhubarb Vanill Collectio 21 6 x 69g 1660
4.99 18.70 V *Booja CHILLEDORGTruffle Dark Ecuador Collection 21 6 x 69g 1657
4.99 18.70 V *Booja CHILLEDORGTruffle Raspberry Collection 21 6 x 69g 1679
1.45 1.09 Z Clive's ORG GF Chocolate Brownie 10 1x1 7712
2.40 1.80 Z Clive's ORG GF Mini Choca Mocha Cakes 10 1 x c90g 5550
2.40 1.80 Z Clive's ORG GF Mini Almond Bliss Cake 10 1 x c90g 5552
0.00 17.87 Z Clive's ORG GF 10'' CUTTING Almond Bliss CATERI 10 1 x 10'' 6842
Hardihood - Raw & Vegan
3.99 11.97 Z Hardihood Raw GF Cake Lemon-Blueberry 5 4 x 70g 12943
3.99 11.97 Z Hardihood Raw GF Cake Sea Salt Caramel 5 4 x 70g 12944
3.99 11.97 Z Hardihood Raw GF Cake Chocolate Fudge 5 4 x 70g 12945
3.99 11.97 Z Hardihood Raw GF Cake Pistachi-OH! 5 4 x 70g 12946
S 3.30 14.85 Z Natasha's ORG Raw Dessert Pot Cacao Mint Ganache 30 6 x 95g 12568
S 3.30 14.85 Z Natasha's ORG Raw Dessert Pot Cacao Orang Ganache 30 6 x 95g 12569

Page 13 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ploughshares - Organic/Vegan
1.15 8.65 Z *Ploughshares ORG Carob & Raisin Fridge Cake 30 10 x 75g 1152
1.15 8.65 Z *Ploughshares ORG Carob & Nut Fridge Cake 30 10 x 75g 158
1.35 10.00 Z *Ploughshares ORG Orange Ginger Slice GF 30 10 x 75g 161
Pots & Co
2.25 6.75 Z Pots & Co Sticky Toffee Pudding Ceramic Pot 4 4 x 125g 6995
2.25 6.75 Z Pots & Co Choc & Orange Ceramic Pot 4 4 x 90g 6996
2.25 6.75 Z Pots & Co Lemon Lime Posset Ceramic Pot 4 4 x 100g 6994
2.25 6.75 Z Pots & Co Salted Caramel/ Chocolate Ceramic Pot 4 4 x 90g 7001
2.25 6.75 Z Pots & Co Roasted Hazelnut/Chocolate Ceramic Pot 4 4 x 100g 7004
Pudology - Vegan & GF
1.99 8.96 Z Pudology Banoffee Pud 5 6 x 100g 3123
1.99 8.96 Z Pudology Chocolate Pud 5 6 x 100g 3121
1.99 8.96 Z Pudology Chocolate Orange Pud 5 6 x 100g 3122
1.99 8.96 Z Pudology Millionaires' Pud 5 6 x 100g 3120
Raw Ecstasy - Raw, Vegan, GF, NAS
4.45 17.00 V Raw Ecstasy Chocolate Fudge(Seed Sprout Nut) 51 6 x 70g 2506
Tsuki Mochi
4.15 18.68 Z Tsuki Dark Chocolate Ganache Mochi 7 6 x 112g 3118
Two Chicks
4.15 18.50 Z *Two Chicks Fresh Pancake Ready Mix 10 6 x 500g 12845

Soupologie - Vegan GF
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Ancient Grains Soup 7 6 x 600g 1331
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Spirulina Greens Soup 7 6 x 600g 1332
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Beetroot & Pomegranate Soup 7 6 x 600g 4019
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie GF Watercress Courgette Quinoa Soup 7 6 x 600g 239
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Broccoli w. Matcha Green Tea Soup 7 6 x 600g 9861
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Adzuki Bean Soup 7 6 x 600g 9863
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Spinach Kale Garlic Soup 7 6 x 600g 9864
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Curried Sweet Potato/Coconut/Raw Cacao 7 6 x 600g 2925
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie 3 Mushroom Broth 7 6 x 600g 3045
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Roast Butternut Red Pepper Soup 7 6 x 600g 9941
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Pea & Leek Soup 7 6 x 600g 9939
2.99 13.45 Z Soupologie Cauliflower with Black Garlic Soup 7 6 x 600g 2926
Tideford Organic Foods NOW VEGAN
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Spinach & Split Pea Soup w Nutmeg 7 6 x 600g 2286
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Lentil Apricot Chilli Soup 7 6 x 600g 5915
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Tomato Lentil Red PepperSoup 7 6 x 600g 5926
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Minestrone Soup with Pasta 7 6 x 600g 5939
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG Farmhouse "Chicken" Flown the Coop 7 6 x 600g 12493
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG White Miso Broth Sweet Pot &Onion 7 6 x 600g 12494
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG B/Rice Miso Broth Mushroom Kale Tam 7 6 x 600g 12495
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG Soy Free Miso Broth CoconutCoriander 7 6 x 600g 12496
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Smoky Tom Black Rice Chilli Soup 7 6 x 600g 12632
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Supergreens Quinoa Soup 7 6 x 600g 12633
3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Gazpacho Andaluz Soup 7 6 x 600g 13050
3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Summer Pea & Turmeric Soup 7 6 x 600g 13051
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Beetroot Curly Kale Soup 7 6 x 600g 2236

Page 14 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Watmuff & Beckett Gluten,Wheat Free

2.65 11.90 Z Watmuff Perfect Pea & Mint Soup 6 6 x 600g 2206
2.65 11.90 Z Watmuff Minestrone & Basil Pesto Soup 6 6 x 600g 2418
2.65 11.90 Z Watmuff Sweet Potato Carrot & Ginger Soup 6 6 x 600g 2209
2.65 11.90 Z Watmuff Thai Carrot & Sweet Potato Soup 6 6 x 600g 2794
2.65 11.90 Z Watmuff Winter Veg & Red Lentil Soup 6 6 x 600g 1672
The Yorkshire Provender
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Rustic Veg Broth Lentils Kale & Quinoa 5 4 x 600g 12427
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Cauliflower Cheese Kale & Cheddar Soup 5 4 x 600g 12428
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Moroccan Veg Tagine Soup 5 4 x 600g 12773
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Mushroom Wholegrain Black Rice Soup 5 4 x 600g 1779
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Pea Spinach & Mint Soup 5 4 x 600g 1550
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Tomato Red Pepper Wensley Soup 5 4 x 600g 1551
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Seasonal Root Vegetable Pearl Barley 5 4 x 600g 1639
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Beetroot & Horseradish Soup 5 4 x 600g 1777
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Carrot, Butternut & Fresh Herbs Soup 5 4 x 600g 2405
2.15 6.47 20% Z Yorks Prov Broccoli w Lancs Cheese Soup 5 4 x 600g 2407


2.79 12.56 Z Biona ORG Fresh HORSERADISH Relish/Demeter 28 6 x 125g 6413
ChicP (Hummus from Surplus Fruit N Veg)
T 2.13 9.56 15% Z ChicP Herby Hummus 4 6 x 170g 12714
T 2.13 9.56 15% Z ChicP Banana Avocado & Cacao Hummus 4 6 x 170g 12715
T 2.13 9.56 15% Z ChicP Carrot Root Ginger & Turmeric Hummus 4 6 x 170g 12716
T 2.13 9.56 15% Z ChicP Beetroot Horseradish & Sage Hummus 4 6 x 170g 12727
4.49 20.21 Z Fresh ORG Seaweed Tartare Chilled Eco-Cert 30 6 x 110g 4835
2.89 13.01 Z Florentin ORG Fresh Hummus Avocado 20 6 x 170g 13009
3.35 15.08 Z Florentin ORG Aubergine Salad 20 6 x 170g 5403
3.50 15.75 Z Florentin ORG Baba Ganoush 20 6 x 200g 7726
3.10 13.95 Z Florentin ORG Dip-It Hummus & Falafel 20 6 x 2x80g 8202
3.79 17.06 Z Florentin ORG Fresh Caponata Salad 20 6 x 200g 8329
2.20 11.55 Z Florentin ORG Green Olive Tapenade 20 7 x 100g 8203
T 2.51 11.29 15% Z Florentin ORG Fresh Hummus Wasabi 20 6 x 170g 9000
3.00 13.49 Z Florentin ORG Fresh Sun Dried Tomatoes NOW6x200g 20 6 x 200g 5857
2.05 10.76 Z Florentin ORG Tapas Del Sol 20 7 x 100g 8210
2.45 11.03 Z Moorish Smoked Baba Ganoush (Aubergine) 5 6 x 150g 5515
2.45 11.03 Z Moorish Smoked Humous Chilli Harissa 5 6 x 150g 811
2.45 11.03 Z Moorish Smoked Humous Lemon Dill 5 6 x 150g 810
2.33 10.50 Z Moorish Smoked Humous Original 5 6 x 150g 809
1.95 8.78 Z Native Smooth Guacamole 6 6 x 150g 2376
Precious Pod (was Natural Vitality)
3.45 15.52 Z Precious Pod ORG Preposterously Pink Dip 5 6 x 180g 260
3.05 13.72 Z Precious Pod ORG Rose Harissa Houmous 5 6 x 180g 12728
3.49 15.71 Z Precious Pod ORG Labneh Soft Cream Cheese Dip 5 6 x 165g 751
2.76 12.43 Z Precious Pod ORG Classic Houmous 5 6 x 180g 749
3.05 13.72 Z Precious Pod ORG Smoked Houmous 5 6 x 180g 750
3.05 13.72 Z Precious Pod ORG Red Pepper Houmous 5 6 x 180g 748
3.05 13.72 Z Precious Pod ORG Kalamata Olive Houmous 5 6 x 180g 4416
3.05 13.72 Z Precious Pod ORG Turmeric Houmous 5 6 x 180g 4417

Page 15 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3.29 9.87 Z Profusion ORG Beetroot Houmous 5 4 x 150g 9888
Real Olive Co
3.49 15.70 Z Real Olive Co Hot Garlic 22 6 x 210g 1769
3.49 15.70 Z Real Olive Co S/D Tomatoes w Basil & Garlic 22 6 x 170g 1770
3.29 14.80 Z Real Olive ORG Whole Bella di Cerignola Olives 22 6 x 210g 1774
3.29 14.80 Z Real Olive ORG Kasbah Pitted Green&Kalamata Olives 22 6 x 185g 1773
3.29 14.80 Z Real Olive Co ORG Whole Kalamata Olives 22 6 x 210g 1781
3.29 14.80 Z Real Olive Co ORG Nocellara Del Bellice Olives 22 6 x 210g 1767
3.29 14.80 Z Real Olive Co ORG Wild Garlic & Basil Olives 22 6 x 185g 1772
1.63 14.67 Z Real Olive ORG Wild Garlic & Basil Olives Snackpot 22 12 x 80g 2618
1.63 14.67 Z Real Olive ORG Kasbah Mixed Olives Snackpot 22 12 x 80g 2617
San Amvrosia (6 days life)
1.85 1.39 Z NEW San Amvrosia Fresh Indian Style Houmous 6 1 x 170g 12374
2.29 1.72 Z San Am ORG Small Fresh Houmous 170g 6 1 x 170g 4933
3.85 2.89 Z San Am ORG Large Fresh Houmous 340g 6 1 x 340g 5731
2.35 1.76 Z San Am ORG Houmous with Pumpkin Seeds 6 1 x 170g 8617
2.12 1.59 Z San Am ORG Spicy Pinto Dip 170g 6 1 x 170g 8618
2.75 2.06 Z San Am ORG Sun Tom/Olive Houmous SMALL 6 1 x 170g 6843
1.46 1.10 Z San Am Small Fresh Houmous 6 1 x 142g 1929
1.99 1.49 Z San Am Medium Fresh Houmous 6 1 x 228g 1969
2.60 1.95 Z San Am Large Fresh Houmous 6 1 x 340g 2655
1.65 1.24 Z San Am Small Fresh Avocado Houmous 6 1 x 142g 1931
2.23 1.67 Z San Am Medium Fresh Avocado Houmous 6 1 x 228g 1970
2.22 1.66 Z San Am Medium Fresh Houmous with Peppers 6 1 x 228g 4216
2.58 1.94 Z San Am Small Artichoke Dip 6 1 x 142g 2652
2.58 1.94 Z San Am Small Guacamole Dip 6 1 x 142g 2653
1.57 1.18 Z San Am Fresh Whole Tahini Dip 6 1 x 142g 1930
1.61 1.21 Z San Am Small Greek Style Tzatziki 6 1 x 114g 2273
Sapori D'Italia
4.19 37.70 Z Sapori GF Nut Free Basil Pesto 10 12 x 150g 12877
4.19 37.70 Z Sapori GF Vegan Pepper Pesto 10 12 x 150g 12878
4.19 37.70 Z Sapori GF Tomato Pesto 10 12 x 150g 12879
4.19 37.70 Z Sapori GF Pesto Di Cavolo Nero 10 12 x 150g 12880
4.35 39.10 Z Sapori D'Italia Pesto Paesano - Hot & Spicy 10 12 x 150g 3850
4.59 41.35 Z Sapori D'Italia Pesto di Basilico - Basil 10 12 x 150g 3847
4.09 36.82 Z Sapori D'Italia Pesto Siciliano - Tomato 10 12 x 150g 3851
4.35 39.10 Z Sapori D'Italia Pesto Di Rucola - Fresh Rocket 10 12 x 150g 3848
Tideford Organic Foods NOW VEGAN
S 5.49 32.94 Z Tideford ORG Fresh Brown Rice Miso Unpasteurised 35 8 x 320g 12498
S 5.49 32.94 Z Tideford ORG Fresh Red Miso Unpasteurised 35 8 x 320g 12502
S 5.49 32.94 Z Tideford ORG Fresh White Miso Unpasteurised 35 8 x 320g 12508
S 5.49 32.94 Z Tideford ORG Fresh Soya Free Miso Unpasteurised 35 8 x 320g 12509
The Tracklement Company
2.25 10.10 Z Tracklements Fresh Salsa Red PepTomato 45 6 x 220g 1646
2.25 10.10 Z Tracklements Fresh Salsa Hot Habanero 45 6 x 220g 1647
2.25 10.10 Z Tracklements Smoked Chipotle Salsa 45 6 x 220g 1642


S 0.99 8.91 Z *Bioreal ORG Vegan Fresh Yeast NON SPLITTABLE 8 12 x 42g 3581

Page 16 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Biona (12 Days Life)

3.89 11.67 Z Biona ORG Falafel with Sesame & Mint 12 4 x 220g 6924
3.89 17.51 Z Biona ORG Quinoa Mini Burgers 12 6 x 195g 4561
3.99 14.96 Z Biona ORG Falafel Balls - Spinach 12 5 x 220g 4562
3.89 11.67 Z Biona ORG Ballini Mediterranean RTE 12 4 x 250g 7121
3.89 11.67 Z Biona ORG Ballini Provencal Style RTE 12 4 x 250g 7122
3.89 11.67 Z Biona ORG Falafel Balls 12 4 x 220g 4148
2.89 13.01 Z Biona ORG Spinach/Feta WRAP RTE 12 6 x 150g 7117
4.19 15.71 Z Biona ORG Spring Rolls Ready to Eat 12 5 x 220g 7115
4.19 15.71 Z Biona ORG Spring Rolls THAI 12 5 x 220g 8382
3.69 16.61 Z Biona ORG Spring Rolls Vegan MINI Ready To Eat 12 6 x 200g 8944
4.89 14.67 Z Biona ORG Vegetable Samosas 4pack 12 4 x 250(4) 2424
2.99 2.24 Z Clive's ORG GLUTEN FREE Aloo Gobi Pie 4 1x1 8878
2.99 2.24 Z Clive's ORG GLUTEN FREE Chilli Pie 4 1x1 7708
2.99 2.24 Z Clive's ORG GLUTEN FREE French Cassoulet Pie 4 1x1 8879
2.99 2.24 Z Clive's ORG GLUTEN FREE Lentil Olive Pie 4 1x1 8880
2.99 2.24 Z Clive's ORG GLUTEN FREE Minty Chickpea Pie 4 1x1 8881
2.99 2.24 Z Clive's ORG GLUTEN FREE Mushroom & Leek Pie 4 1x1 7718
2.43 1.82 Z Clive's ORG Chilli PASTY 4 1x1 7710
2.73 2.05 Z Clive's ORG Saag Aloo Curry Pie 4 1x1 6473
2.73 2.05 Z Clive's ORG Arabian Chickpea Pie 4 1x1 3959
2.73 2.05 Z Clive's ORG Chestnut & Bean Cassoulet Pie 4 1x1 6474
2.73 2.05 Z Clive's ORG Greek Lentil & Olive Pie 4 1x1 6634
2.73 2.05 Z Clive's ORG Hungarian Goulash Pie 4 1x1 1569
2.73 2.05 Z Clive's ORG Mexican Chilli Pie 4 1x1 1568
2.73 2.05 Z Clive's ORG Creamy Mushroom Pie 4 1x1 1567
1.44 1.08 Z Clive's ORG Soysage Rolls 4 1x1 4945
Cool Chile
2.29 10.30 Z Cool Chile Fresh Soft Corn Tortillas 5 6 x 10 1002
2.39 10.75 Z Cool Chile Fresh GF Soft BLUE Corn Tortillas 5 6 x 10 998
2.84 12.80 Z Dell'Ugo Cherry Tom&Basil Pesto Focaccia Italiana 5 6 x 210g 4160
Dragonfly GF
3.99 17.96 Z Dragonfly ORG Tofupot Thai Green Curry 7 6 x 375g 12701
3.99 17.96 Z Dragonfly ORG Tofupot Moroccan Tagine 7 6 x 375g 12702
T 3.44 15.50 15% Z Florentin ORG Tamruc Sweet Falafel 20 6 x 240g 7367
T 3.44 15.50 15% Z Florentin ORG Fresh Falafel 20 6 x 250g 5407
3.99 17.95 Z Florentin ORG Yummy Yams 20 6 x 240g 1070
4.05 18.23 Z Florentin ORG Falafel NUGGETS 20 6 x 240g 1071
Great Food
1.99 8.95 Z Great Food Aromatic Moroccan Falafel 8 6 x 200g 46
2.79 12.55 Z Great Food Aromatic Moroccan Koftas 8 6 x 420g 47
1.99 8.95 Z Great Food Spinach & Pinenut Bites 8 6 x 200g 50
1.99 8.95 Z Great Food Sweet Potato Pakora Bites 8 6 x 200g 51
2.19 9.85 Z Great Food Tuscan Veg Bites 8 6 x 200g 41
Macsweens NOW IN SIXES
4.89 21.96 Z Macsweens Vegetarian Haggis NOW SIXES 10 6 x 1lb 125

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

VBites - Contain Potassium Sorbate

2.69 12.11 Z V Bites Falafel 10 6 x 250g 8417


4.26 19.18 Z Alvalle Original Gazpacho 7 6 x 1ltr 12768
T 3.39 21.19 V Biogroupe ORG Pomegranate Juice 100% 45 10 x 750ml 1475
Botanic Lab Cold Pressed Drinks
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab ORG Botanic1 SINGLE 7 1 x 250ml 12947
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab Botanic2 SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12948
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab ORG Botanic3 SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12949
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab Isotonic SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12950
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab Kola+ SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12951
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab ORG Plant Milk1 SINGLE 7 1 x 250ml 12953
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab ORG Plant Milk2 SINGLE 7 1 x 250ml 12954
5.99 3.74 V Botanic Lab Plant Milk3 SINGLE 14 1 x 250ml 12955
3.50 2.19 V Botanic Lab Tonic1 SINGLE 14 1 x 100ml 12956
3.50 2.19 V Botanic Lab ORG Tonic2 SINGLE 14 1 x 100ml 12957
3.50 2.19 V Botanic Lab Tonic3 SINGLE 14 1 x 100ml 12958
3.75 2.34 V Botanic Lab ORG Invigorate SINGLE 21 1 x 250ml 12959
3.75 2.34 V Botanic Lab Fortify SINGLE 21 1 x 250ml 12960
3.75 2.34 V Botanic Lab Vitalise SINGLE 21 1 x 250ml 12961
S 2.29 8.58 V B.Fresh#Goldenglow 10 6 x 250ml 12662
S 2.29 8.58 V B.Fresh #Greenglow 10 6 x 250ml 12445
S 2.29 8.58 V B.Fresh #Greenwarrior 10 6 x 250ml 7509
S 2.29 8.58 V B.Fresh #Lean & Green 10 6 x 250ml 7510
S 2.29 8.58 V B.Fresh #Carrot Kick 10 6 x 250ml 7508
S 2.29 8.58 V B.Fresh #Strawberryfields 10 6 x 250ml 3834
Chi Drinks Ltd
3.39 30.50 Z Chi ORG Coldbrew Coffee&Raw Coconut Water 10 12 x 250ml 12818
3.39 30.50 Z Chi ORG Matcha Tea & Raw Coconut Water 10 12 x 250ml 12819
2.65 19.86 V Chi ORG RAW Coconut Water SMALL 10 12 x 250ml 82
4.99 37.42 V Chi ORG RAW Coconut Water LARGE 10 12 x 500ml 85
Coconut Community
S 2.49 18.72 V Coco Community ORG Coconut Water 12 12 x 250ml 12642
3.18 14.29 Z Cocoface Young Thai Nam Hom WHOLE Coconut 7 6x1 1158
7.99 49.94 V Cocoface Coco Tap Coconut Opener (10pack) 10 x 1 1163
Coldpress Foods (Unpasteurised)
S 1.39 6.94 V Coldpress Fresh Valencia Orange Juice 35 8 x 250ml 9832
S 1.75 8.74 V Coldpress Fresh Pink Lady Apple Juice 35 8 x 250ml 9831
S 1.75 8.74 V Coldpress Smoothie PineapCoconut Banana 14 8 x 250ml 7142
S 1.79 8.95 V Coldpress Pumpkin Power Juice 20 8 x 250ml 7134
S 1.79 8.95 V Coldpress Juicy Roots Juice 20 8 x 250ml 9802
S 1.79 8.95 V Coldpress Mean Greens Juice 20 8 x 250ml 9829
2.79 25.95 V Crookednose Rosehip Kefir ZING 20 15 x 330ml 12481
2.79 25.95 V Crookednose Bilberry Kefir ZING 20 15 x 330ml 12491
2.79 25.95 V Crookednose Lemon & Ginger Kefir ZING 20 15 x 330ml 12492

Page 18 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Grove Organic Fruit Company

3.25 12.18 V Grove Fresh ORG Premium Apple Pomegranate Juice 14 6 x 1ltr 804
3.25 12.18 V Grove Fresh ORG Pear & Apple Juice 14 6 x 1ltr 1670
3.35 12.60 V Grove Fresh ORG Orange Juice 14 6 x 1ltr 4677
3.25 12.18 V Grove Fresh ORG Apple Juice 14 6 x 1ltr 4679
3.25 12.18 V Grove Fresh ORG Apple & Mango 14 6 x 1ltr 5558
3.25 12.18 V Grove Fresh ORG Apple & Cranberry 14 6 x 1ltr 5942
3.69 13.84 V Grove Fresh ORG Premium Pink Grapefruit Juice 14 6 x 1ltr 54
S 3.69 13.84 V Innocent 1ltr Coconut Water 10 6 x 1lt 179
S 2.59 12.95 V Innocent 500ml Coconut Water 10 8 x 500ml 177
T 1.36 10.20 20% V Innocent 330ml Bubbles Lemon Lime Apple 15 12 x 330ml 198
T 1.36 10.20 20% V Innocent 330ml Bubbles Orange&Lime Was Tropical 15 12 x 330ml 200
2.76 10.35 V Innocent 900ml Apple Juice 8 6 x 900ml 5684
2.76 10.35 V Innocent 900ml Apple & Berries Juice 8 6 x 900ml 9536
2.76 10.35 V Innocent 900ml Apple Mango Juice 8 6 x 900ml 5930
2.76 10.35 V Innocent 900ml Apple Peach Pear Juice 8 6 x 900ml 9535
2.76 10.35 V Innocent 900ml Apple Raspberry Juice 8 6 x 900ml 5929
2.76 10.35 V Innocent 900ml Orange Juice SMOOTH 8 6 x 900ml 9349
2.76 10.35 V Innocent 900ml Orange Juice With Bits 8 6 x 900ml 9351
2.76 10.35 V Innocent 900ml Orange & Mango Juice 8 6 x 900ml 9537
2.76 10.35 V Innocent 900ml Tropical Juice 8 6 x 900ml 5932
1.50 7.55 V Innocent 330ml Apple Juice 8 8 x 330ml 5931
1.50 7.55 V Innocent 330ml Orange Juice SMOOTH 8 8 x 330ml 2743
1.50 7.55 V Innocent 330ml Orange Juice (+BITS) 8 8 x 330ml 6608
3.53 13.24 V Innocent 750ml Gorgeous Greens Smoothie 10 6 x 750ml 12429
3.53 13.24 V Innocent 750ml Magnificent Mango Passionfruit 10 6 x 750ml 9881
3.53 13.24 V Innocent 750ml Totally Tropical Pineapple Ban C'nu 10 6 x 750ml 9879
3.53 13.24 V Innocent 750ml Pomegranate Magic Blueberry Acai 10 6 x 750ml 9880
3.53 13.24 V Innocent 750ml Seriously Strawberry Banana 10 6 x 750ml 9878
S 2.59 12.95 V Innocent Super Smoothie INVIGORATE 10 8 x 360ml 7588
S 2.59 12.95 V Innocent Super Smoothie RECHARGE 10 8 x 360ml 7587
S 2.59 12.95 V Innocent Super Smoothie ENERGISE 10 8 x 360ml 7586
2.05 10.25 V Innocent Gorgeous Greens Smoothie 7 8 x 250ml 12430
2.05 10.25 V Innocent Magnificent Mango Passion Fruit Smoothie 7 8 x 250ml 4772
2.05 10.25 V Innocent Totally Tropical Pine/C'nut Smoothie 7 8 x 250ml 8416
2.05 10.25 V Innocent Seriously Strawberry Banana Smoothie 7 8 x 250ml 4712
2.05 10.25 V Innocent Pomegranate Magic Blueberry Acai 7 8 x 250ml 7626
T 3.05 11.42 20% V Innocent Kids Smoothie Strawberry Raspberry 14 6 x 4x180ml 9370
T 3.05 11.42 20% V Innocent Kids Smoothie Orange Mango Pineapple 14 6 x 4x180ml 8521
T 3.05 11.42 20% V Innocent Kids Smoothie Peach & Passion 14 6 x 4x180ml 133
T 1.96 7.35 20% V This Juicy Water LITRE Lemon Lime 50 6 x 1ltr 2048
T 1.96 7.35 20% V This Juicy Water LITRE Raspberry Apple 50 6 x 1ltr 2728
T 1.64 9.00 20% V This Juicy Water Lemon/Lime 50 12 x 420ml 7410
T 1.64 9.00 20% V This Juicy Water Orange Lemon 50 12 x 420ml 7408
T 1.64 9.00 20% V This Juicy Water Raspberry/ Apple 50 12 x 420ml 7409
T 1.64 9.00 20% V This Juicy Water Pomeg Blackcurrant 50 12 x 420ml 7928
Jarr Kombucha
5.99 44.90 V JARR Original Kombucha 30 12 x 473ml 12729
5.99 44.90 V JARR Ginger Kombucha 30 12 x 473ml 12730
5.99 44.90 V JARR Passion Fruit Kombucha 30 12 x 473ml 12731
3.99 29.93 V JARR Original Kombucha SMALL 30 12 x 240ml 13001
3.99 29.93 V JARR Ginger Kombucha SMALL 30 12 x 240ml 13002
3.99 29.93 V JARR Passion Fruit Kombucha SMALL 30 12 x 240ml 13003

Page 19 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Jimmy's Iced Coffee

T 1.24 11.08 20% Z Jimmy's Iced Coffee 330ml MOCHA 45 12 x 330ml 7473
T 1.24 11.08 20% Z Jimmy's Iced Coffee 330ml Original BLUE 45 12 x 330ml 2621
T 1.24 11.08 20% Z Jimmy's Iced Coffee 330ml Skinny RED 45 12 x 330ml 2622
Moju Cold Pressed
2.69 10.09 V Moju Root Force CP Juice- Beet Carrot Apple 7 6 x 250ml 12436
2.69 10.09 V Moju Kick Ass CP Juice- Carrot Apple Red Pepper 7 6 x 250ml 12437
2.69 10.09 V Moju Kale & Conquer CP Juice- Kale Spinach Apple 7 6 x 250ml 12438
1.95 14.63 V Moju CP Booster Shot Ginger 7 12 x 60ml 12650
1.95 14.63 V Moju CP Booster Shot Turmeric 7 12 x 60ml 12651
Karma Drinks ORG & FT
T 4.49 16.84 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT LARGE Pomegranate 1ltr 60 6 x 1ltr 13011
T 4.49 16.84 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT LARGE Ginger 1ltr 60 6 x 1ltr 13012
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Ginger LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 2754
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Lemon LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 2753
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Peppermint LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 2752
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Pomegranate LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 2751
T 2.61 9.78 10% V Karma Kombucha ORG FT Raw Raspberry LARGE 60 6 x 500ml 12806
T 2.79 10.46 10% V Karma Kefir ORG Elderflower&Hibiscus NON DAIRY 60 6 x 500ml 12807
T 2.79 10.46 10% V Karma Kefir ORG Fig & Lemon NON DAIRY 60 6 x 500ml 12808
2.54 12.71 15% V MightyBee ORG Raw Coconut Water SMALL 10 8 x 235ml 143
4.51 22.53 15% V MightyBee ORG Raw Coconut Water LARGE 10 8 x 473ml 140
Minor Figures
2.14 15.90 Z Minor Figures Cold Brew Coffee 45 10 x 250ml 4538
2.14 15.90 Z Minor Figures ORG Cold Brew Coffee & ORG Milk 45 10 x 250ml 186
2.14 15.90 Z Minor Figures ORG Cold Brew Chocolate Coffee 45 10 x 250ml 9892
2.14 15.90 Z Minor Figures ORG Cold Brew Coconut Coffee 45 10 x 250ml 9893
Naked Pressed
4.63 17.35 V Naked Pressed Bright Greens Wheatgrass LARGE 7 6 x 600ml 12906
4.63 17.35 V Naked Pressed Lively Carrot Turmeric Vanilla LGE 7 6 x 600ml 12907
4.63 17.35 V Naked Pressed Bold Beet With Ginger LARGE 7 6 x 600ml 12908
2.79 13.97 V Naked Pressed Bright Greens Wheatgrass SMALL 7 8 x 250ml 12909
2.79 13.97 V Naked Pressed Lively Carrot Turmeric Vanilla SML 7 8 x 250ml 12910
Naked Juice
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Acai 9 8 x 450ml 12372
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Berry Veggie 9 8 x 450ml 12363
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Protein 9 8 x 450ml 12373
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Blue Machine 9 8 x 450ml 1954
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Green Machine 9 8 x 450ml 1956
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Mango Machine 9 8 x 450ml 1953
S 3.11 15.55 V Naked Juice Red Machine 9 8 x 450ml 1955
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Berry Veggie LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 12364
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Protein LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 12371
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Blue Machine LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 1940
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Green Machine LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 1941
S 4.65 17.43 V Naked Juice Red Machine LARGE 9 6 x 750ml 1743
Pip Organic
S 1.57 5.91 V Pip ORG Cloudy Apple Juice 200ml 14 6 x 200ml 7531
S 1.57 5.91 V Pip ORG Valencia Orange Juice 200ml 14 6 x 200ml 7532
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Kids Cloudy Apple 4 PACK 21 6 x 4x180ml 9913
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Kids Pine Mango Smoothie4PACK 21 6 x 4x180ml 9914

Page 20 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Kids Strawb Blackcurant 4PACK 21 6 x 4x180ml 9915
S 1.79 6.72 V Pip ORG Pomegranate & Raspberry Quencher 14 6 x 330ml 12512
S 1.79 6.72 V Pip ORG Passionfruit & Mango Quencher 14 6 x 330ml 12513
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Blackcurrant Raspberry Apple Fruity Water 6 x 4x200ml 12514
S 4.55 17.02 V Pip ORG Mango Orange Apple Fruity Water 6 x 4x200ml 12515
S 4.15 15.57 V Pip ORG Cloudy Apple Juice 750ml CP 10 6 x 750ml 2075
S 4.15 15.57 V Pip ORG Valencia Orange Juice 750ml CP 10 6 x 750ml 2981
2.29 11.45 V Plenish ORG Water + Cucumber & Lime 6 8 x 330ml 3059
2.29 11.45 V Plenish ORG Water + Blueberry & Pear 6 8 x 330ml 3058
2.29 11.45 V Plenish ORG Water + Pineapple & Ginger 6 8 x 330ml 3060
Plenish Cleanse Raw CP Pre-Order 02089642233
4.95 3.09 V Plenish ORG Elevate CP Raw Juice 6 1 x 250ml 12772
4.95 3.09 V Plenish ORG Cacao Maca Cashew Milk SAVOUR 6 1 x 250ml 8911
4.95 3.09 V Plenish ORG Cashew M*lk CP BUILD 10 1 x 250ml 8936
4.95 3.09 V Plenish ORG Mind Body Green CP Juice BOOST 10 1 x 250ml 8930
4.95 3.09 V Plenish ORG Cherry Beets CP Juice PUMP 10 1 x 250ml 8935
4.95 3.09 V Plenish ORG Pineapple Squared CP Juice CALM 10 1 x 250ml 8931
4.95 3.09 V Plenish ORG Spicy Lemonade CP Juice KICK 10 1 x 250ml 8934
4.95 3.09 V Plenish ORG Sweet Sexy Green CP Juice LIFT 10 1 x 250ml 8933
4.95 3.09 V Plenish ORG Greenest Green CP Juice FUEL 6 1 x 250ml 1213
POM Wonderful
1.75 8.75 V Pom Wonderful Fresh SMALL 10 8 x 190ml 8705
4.39 16.48 V Pom Wonderful Fresh LARGE 10 6 x 710ml 8520
3.20 2.40 Z Purearth ORG HOTSHOT Lemon & Ginger SINGLE 5 1 x 60ml 9495
3.20 2.40 Z Purearth ORG SHOTSTUFF Turmeric Shot SINGLE 5 1 x 60ml 13053
5.49 13.72 V *Purearth ORG Raw Spirulina Water Kefir LARGE 8 4 x 500ml 12610
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth ORG Sparkling Coconut Kefir 8 4 x 265ml 12981
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth ORG Sparkling Superberry Kefir 8 4 x 265ml 12982
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth ORG Raw Orange Water Kefir 8 4 x 265ml 9723
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth ORG Raw Grapefruit Water Kefir 8 4 x 265ml 9720
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth ORG Raw Spirulina Water Kefir 8 4 x 265ml 9721
3.49 8.72 V *Purearth ORG Raw Apple & Mint Water Kefir 8 4 x 265ml 9722
S 2.79 20.93 V Profusion ORG KombuchaTurmeric Lemon Ginger 30 12 x 330ml 12677
S 2.23 20.93 V Profusion ORG Kombucha Baobab Mint Pomegranate 30 12 x 330ml 12678
S 2.79 20.93 V Profusion ORG Kombucha Maca Coconut Pineapple 30 12 x 330ml 12679
Rebel Kitchen (was Unoco)
S 2.29 11.44 V Rebel Kitchen ORG Raw Coco Water SMALL 10 8 x 250ml 8266
S 3.99 14.95 V Rebel Kitchen ORG Raw Coco Water LARGE 10 6 x 473ml 8267
Savse Cold Pressed
2.35 8.81 V Savse CP Purple Carrot Smoothie SMALL 15 6 x 250ml 12426
S 2.35 8.81 V Savse CP Super Blue Smoothie SMALL 15 6 x 250ml 3465
S 2.35 8.81 V Savse CP Super Green Smoothie SMALL 15 6 x 250ml 9809
S 2.35 8.81 V Savse CP Super Orange Smoothie SMALL 15 6 x 250ml 3468
S 2.35 8.81 V Savse CP Super Purple Smoothie SMALL 15 6 x 250ml 9808
S 2.35 8.81 V Savse CP Super Red Smoothie SMALL 15 6 x 250ml 9807
T 3.14 11.78 10% V Savse Protein Punch SMALL 15 6 x 250ml 4464
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Blue LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3467
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Green LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3459
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Orange LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3469

Page 21 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Purple LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3461
T 4.46 16.70 10% V Savse CP Super Red LARGE Smoothie 15 6 x 750ml 3460
S 1.89 9.45 V Savse Orange Juice Small 15 8 x 250ml 3837
S 1.89 9.45 V Savse Apple Juice Small 15 8 x 250ml 3839
2.89 7.22 V Rhythm LARGE Raw Coconut Water 10 4 x 500ml 3355
S 1.73 8.65 V Tropicana Orange ORIGINAL 300ml SMALL 10 8 x 300ml 1013
S 1.73 8.65 V Tropicana Orange SMOOTH 300ml SMALL 10 8 x 300ml 1062
2.66 11.44 V Tropicana ORIGINAL (Green) OrangeNOW950ml 12 6 x 950ml 3144
2.66 11.44 V Tropicana SMOOTH Orange Juice NOW950ml 12 6 x 950ml 3147
3.39 12.70 V Tropicana Pink Grapefruit Juice NOW950ml 12 6 x 950ml 3149
3.05 11.44 V Tropicana Orange Extra Juicy Bits NOW950ml 12 6 x 950ml 3150
4.39 16.44 V Tropicana Pure Premium Sanguinello NOW950ml 10 6 x 950ml 1479
3.51 13.16 V Tropicana Orange & Mango NOW850ml 12 6 x 850ml 3154
3.51 13.16 V Tropicana Orange Passionfruit Juice NOW850ml 12 6 x 850ml 3156
3.51 13.16 V Tropicana Ruby Breakfast Juice NOW850ml 12 6 x 850ml 3158
4.97 16.13 V Tropicana ORIGINAL Orange Juice NOW1.6ltr 12 6 x 1.6ltr 2635
4.97 16.13 V Tropicana SMOOTH Orange Juice NOW1.6ltr 12 6 x 1.6ltr 2634
Ucha Kombucha ORG & Vegan
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Nature 60 12 x 250ml 1258
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Pomegranate 60 12 x 250ml 1257
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Lemon 60 12 x 250ml 1259
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Ginger 60 12 x 250ml 9834
S 1.95 14.63 V Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Chai 60 12 x 250ml 9833
1.25 9.37 V Vegesentials Fibre Water - NEW 30 12 x 500ml 13020
2.35 8.82 V Vegesentials Beetroot Pomegranate Carrot Juice 7 6 x 250ml 9969
2.35 8.82 V Vegesentials Carrot Mango Parsnip Smoothie 7 6 x 250ml 9962
2.49 9.30 V Vegesentials Cucumber Pineapple Spinach Smoothie 7 6 x 250ml 5308
Vita Coco
2.99 11.21 V Vita Coco Pure Chilled Coconut Water 750ml 15 6 x 750ml 12992
Wow Food & Drinks
2.79 10.46 V Wow Chia Blueberry & Pear Chia Seed Drink 10 6 x 250ml 12351
2.79 10.46 V Wow Chia Orange Mango & Carrot Chia Seed Drink 10 6 x 250ml 12352
2.79 10.46 V Wow Chia Apple Spinach Kiwi Chia Seed Drink 10 6 x 250ml 2198
2.79 10.46 V Wow Chia Watermelon & Pomegranate Chia Drink 10 6 x 250ml 2195
Wild Fizz Kombucha
3.49 13.12 V Wild Fizz Kombucha ORG Lavender Fields 30 6 x 300ml 12952
3.49 13.12 V Wild Fizz Kombucha ORG Jasmine Dreams 30 6 x 300ml 12983
3.49 13.12 V Wild Fizz Kombucha ORG Gingers Rule 30 6 x 300ml 12984


Biona (12 Days Life)
3.79 14.21 Z Biona ORG SUN Mini Burgers 12 5 x 220g 9824
3.79 11.37 Z Biona ORG India Moons 12 4 x 220g 2423
3.39 15.26 Z Biona ORG Spelt/Almond Cutlets Soya Free 12 6 x 200g 7123
3.79 11.37 Z Biona ORG LuckyStars Pumpkin/Tofu 12 4 x 250g 7649
3.99 17.96 Z Biona ORG Crispy Nuggets 12 6 x 200g 9910
3.89 11.67 Z Biona ORG Energy Mini Burgers 12 4 x 250g 8945

Page 22 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2.60 11.70 Z Cauldron Tofu 396g SPLITTABLE 10 6 x 396g 2390
2.86 12.85 Z Cauldron Marinated Tofu 160g SPLITTABLE 10 6 x 160g 2391
2.60 7.81 Z Cauldron Cumberland Sausages SPLITTABLE 10 4 x 276g 3077
2.60 7.81 Z Cauldron Lincolnshire Sausages SPLITTABLE 10 4 x 276g 2938
1.95 17.55 Z C/Spring ORG Firm Silken Ambient Tofu 53 12 x 300g 2818
Clear Spot GF
2.59 15.54 Z Clear Spot ORG Mexican Tofu 10 8 x 225g 12698
2.59 15.54 Z Clear Spot ORG Indian Tofu 10 8 x 225g 12699
2.59 15.54 Z Clear Spot ORG Oriental Tofu 10 8 x 225g 12700
1.79 10.72 Z Clear Spot ORG Plain Tofu 10 8 x 280g 853
2.79 12.57 Z *Clear Spot ORG LARGE Plain Tofu 10 6 x 450g 4245
2.45 14.70 Z Clear Spot ORG Smoked Tofu 10 8 x 225g 1357
2.16 12.97 Z Clear Spot ORG Marinated Tofu 10 8 x 190g 104
1.85 8.34 Z Clear Spot ORG Tofu Sesame Burgers 10 6 x 190g 105
1.89 8.53 Z Clear Spot ORG Tofu Seacakes 10 6 x 190g 2850
Dragonfly GF
S 2.22 9.98 Z Dragonfly ORG Handmade Natural Tofu 12 6 x 250g 107
S 2.28 10.26 Z Dragonfly ORG Naturally Smoked Tofu 12 6 x 200g 1996
S 2.75 12.39 Z Dragonfly ORG MARINATED Tofu 12 6 x 200g 81
2.28 10.26 Z Dragonfly ORG Tatty Patty (Bubble & Squeak) 12 6 x 200g 5668
2.31 10.40 Z Dragonfly ORG Soysage 12 6 x 200g 6557
2.35 10.58 Z *Dragonfly Mixed Beany ORG (Savoury Choice) 12 6 x 200g 5430
2.35 10.58 Z Dragonfly ORG Burgers - Mushroom & Garlic 12 6 x 200g 1995
2.35 10.58 Z Dragonfly ORG Burgers - Walnut & Almond 12 6 x 200g 110
2.35 10.58 Z Dragonfly ORG Burgers - Mexican Spice 12 6 x 200g 111
2.35 10.58 Z Dragonfly ORG Burgers - Tomato & Basil 12 6 x 200g 2476
2.35 10.58 Z Dragonfly ORG Burgers - Country Vegetable 12 6 x 200g 108
S 2.85 12.83 Z Impulse ORG Seaweed Tempeh Fresh 20 6 x 200g 5584
S 2.90 13.05 Z Impulse ORG Hemp Tempeh Fresh 20 6 x 200g 5677
S 2.60 11.70 Z Impulse ORG Plain Tempeh Fresh 20 6 x 200g 142
3.16 14.22 Z Sojade ORG Vegan Seitan Burger with Veg 17 6 x 200g 7226
3.16 14.22 Z Sojade ORG Vegan Grilled Seitan Steak 17 6 x 200g 7228
3.66 16.47 Z Sojade ORG Vegan Seitan with Spinach 17 6 x 200g 7230
Taifun Organic
3.49 15.71 Z Taifun ORG Black Forest Tofu 14 6 x 200g 12684
S 3.49 13.09 Z Taifun ORG Feto Bell Pepper Fermented Tofu 14 5 x 200g 12685
S 3.49 13.09 Z Taifun ORG Feto Herbs Fermented Tofu 14 5 x 200g 12687
S 3.29 12.34 Z Taifun ORG Feto Natural Fermented Tofu 14 5 x 200g 12688
2.49 11.21 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Natural Anniversary Edition 14 6 x 300g 12922
3.99 14.96 Z Taifun ORG Feto Antipasti Puebla Tofu 14 5 x 125g 12923
3.99 14.96 Z Taifun ORG Feto Antipasti Korfu Tofu 14 5 x 125g 12924
3.99 17.96 Z Taifun ORG Veggie Barbecue Sausage 14 6 x 250g 6925
3.39 15.26 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Basilico 14 6 x 200g 6946
3.39 15.26 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Curry Mango 14 6 x 200g 7497
3.79 17.06 Z Taifun ORG Graffiti Terrine - Paprika/Arame 14 6 x 200g 3796
3.59 16.16 Z Taifun ORG Hazelnut/Green Spelt Cutlet 14 6 x 200g 3964
2.89 17.34 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Filets Japanese Style 14 8 x160g 6947
1.99 11.94 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Natural 200g 14 8 x 200g 8142
2.89 10.84 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Natural 5 x 400g 14 5 x 400g 3794
3.39 15.26 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Olive Demeter 14 6 x 200g 527

Page 23 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.89 17.34 Z Taifun ORG Fillets Oregano 14 8 x 160g 7498
2.89 17.34 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Filets Pizza Pizza 14 8 x 160g 8383
3.39 15.26 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Rosso 14 6 x 200g 7854
3.29 12.34 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Silken Natural 14 5 x 400g 5462
3.49 15.71 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Smoked Almond & Sesame 14 6 x 200g 3795
2.99 13.46 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Smoked - Beechwood 14 6 x 200g 1877
3.79 17.06 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Smoked Herbs 14 6 x 250g 6639
2.99 13.46 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Spelt Cutlet (Sunflower) 14 6 x 200g 3963
2.99 17.94 Z Taifun ORG Tofu Filets Wild Garlic 14 8 x 160g 8384
4.69 21.11 Z Taifun ORG Frankfurters (Wieners) 14 6 x 300g 3799
3.89 17.51 Z Taifun ORG GRILL Sausages 14 6 x 250g 3798
3.99 17.96 Z Taifun ORG HERB Sausages 14 6 x 250g 4186
2.99 17.94 Z Taifun ORG Cocktail Sausages - Mini Wieners 14 8 x 160g 4509
4.69 14.99 Z Taifun ORG Puszta Wiener Hungarian Style 14 6 x 300g 8997
3.99 17.96 Z Taifun ORG Sombrero Sausages 14 6 x 250g 3846
3.59 16.16 Z Taifun ORG Tapas Burger Olive & Cashew 14 6 x 200g 2362
3.59 16.16 Z Taifun ORG Tapas Burger Bell Peppers & Capers 14 6 x 200g 2363
3.99 14.96 Z Tofurky Tandoori Chick'n 18 5 x 227g 6991
3.99 14.96 Z Tofurky Barbecue Chick'n 18 5 x 227g 6992
3.99 14.96 Z Tofurky Lightly Seasoned Chick'n 18 5 x 227g 7007
2.85 17.10 Z Tofurky Smoked Ham Style Deli Slices 18 8 x 156g 6948
2.85 17.10 Z Tofurky Hickory Smoked Turkey Style Deli Slices 18 8 x 156g 6910
2.85 17.10 Z Tofurky Oven Roasted Turkey Style Deli Slices 18 8 x 156g 6897
3.29 19.74 Z Tofurky Kielbasa Style Sausages 18 8 x 250g 6888
3.29 19.74 Z Tofurky Italian Style Sausages 18 8 x 250g 6890
3.79 22.74 Z Tofurky Chicken & Apple Style Sausages 18 8 x 250g 6889
3.79 22.74 Z Tofurky Spinach Pesto Style Sausages 18 8 x 250g 6891
3.79 17.06 Z Tofurky Smoky Maple Bacon Style Tempeh 18 6 x 198g 6989
9.99 44.96 Z Tofurky Roast with Herb Gravy 18 6 x 765g 6990
1.25 18.75 Z Topas ORG Space Bar Hemp (Seitan Snack) 14 20 x 40g 5491
1.29 19.35 Z Topas ORG Spacebar Chorizo 14 20 x 40g 1154
3.10 11.63 Z Topas ORG Wheaty Chorizo Sausages 14 5 x 130g 1150
2.49 18.68 Z Topas ORG Seitan Smoked Wheaty Slices Thin SMOK 14 10 x 100g 3970
2.49 18.68 Z Topas ORG Wheaty Slices SALAMI 14 10 x 100g 1143
2.45 18.38 Z Topas ORG Wheaty Gran Chorizo Slices Air Cured 14 10 x 80g 1153
2.99 2.24 Z Vegusto Paprika Sandwich Slices (Vegan) 30 1 x 100g 3264
4.25 3.19 Z Vegusto Deli-Style Sandwich Slices (Vegan) 30 1 x 200g 3260
3.15 2.36 Z Vegusto Mushroom & Cheese Burger (Vegan) 30 1 x 140g 3259
3.15 2.36 Z Vegusto Wiener Sausage (vegan) 30 1 x 2x75g 3262
4.25 3.19 Z Vegusto Pepper Schnitzel Steak (Vegan) 30 1 x 2x80g 3265
3.75 2.81 Z Vegusto Pepper Sausage (Vegan) 30 1 x 2x115g 3263
3.75 2.81 Z Vegusto Farmhouse Sausage (Vegan) 30 1 x 2x115g 3261
VBites - Contain Potassium Sorbate
2.29 10.31 Z V Bites Meat Free Hotdog 10 6 x 200g 2570
2.69 12.11 Z V Bites Southern Fried Chicken Style Pieces 10 6 x 150g 2733
2.79 12.56 Z V Bites Southern Fried Chicken Style Burger 10 6 x 160g 2734
2.69 12.11 Z V Bites Gourmet Sausage - Sage Marjoram 10 6 x 300g 4531
2.69 12.11 Z V Bites Gourmet Sausage - Oregano & Basil 10 6 x 300g 4532
2.99 13.46 Z V Bites Duck Style Pieces with Hoisin Glaze 10 6 x 150g 5381
1.99 8.96 Z V Bites Making Waves Fishless Tuna 10 6 x 150g 5383
2.99 13.46 Z V Bites Making Waves Fish Style Fingers 10 6 x 215g 6688
2.69 12.11 Z V Bites READY TO EAT S&M Sausages 10 6 x 295g 6689
Page 24 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days
Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.49 11.21 Z V Bites Schnitzels 10 6 x 200g 7111
2.59 11.66 Z V Bites Nuggets 10 6 x 150g 7112
2.79 12.56 Z V Bites Thai Fish Style Cakes 10 6 x 250g 8418
2.69 12.11 Z V Bites Ready to Eat Lincs Style Sausages 10 6 x 295g 8419
2.69 12.11 Z V Bites Chicken PIECES 10 6 x 150g 8959
3.29 14.81 Z V Bites Cheatin Mince 10 6 x 300g 8960
3.19 14.36 Z V Bites Chorizo Style Chunks 10 6 x 150g 24
2.69 12.11 Z V Bites Beef Style Pieces 10 6 x 150g 2047
1.79 8.06 Z V Bites Chicken Slices 10 6 x 100g 2324
1.79 8.06 Z V Bites Garlic Sausage Slices 10 6 x 100g 2326
1.79 8.06 Z V Bites Ham Slices 10 6 x 100g 2325
1.89 8.51 Z V Bites Pepperoni Slices 10 6 x 100g 2327
1.79 8.06 Z V Bites Turkey Slices 10 6 x 100g 3204
2.79 12.56 Z V Bites Quarter Pounder Gourmet Burger 10 6 x 228g 1608
2.49 11.21 Z V Bites Streaky-Style Rashers 10 6 x 115g 2323
3.69 16.61 Z V Bites Meat Free Meatballs 10 6 x 350g 2954
0.00 4.00 Z V Bites Streaky Rashers CATERING SINGLE 8 1 x 500g 4246
3.35 12.56 Z V Bites Rashers -Vegan Tempeh 8 6 x 120g 127
4.19 18.86 Z V Bites Rashers - Family Pack Tempeh 8 6 x 200g 1057
Viana (organic)
3.55 16.00 Z Viana ORG Bonanza Veggie Steaks 15 6 x 210g 6640
1.09 24.53 Z Viana ORG Picknicker Vegan Savoury Snack 15 30 x 50g 8921
3.55 16.00 Z Viana ORG WIENER Schnitzels 15 6 x 200g 5999
2.89 13.00 Z Viana ORG Tofu Smoked 15 6 x 250g 4266
2.55 11.50 Z Viana ORG Tofu Hazelnut 15 6 x 250g 4267
3.39 15.27 Z Viana ORG Toscanini Hotdogs 15 6 x 250g 4269
3.90 17.57 Z Viana ORG Real JUMBO Sausages 15 6 x 275g 4271
3.55 15.97 Z Viana ORG Seitan Gyros 15 6 x 200g 4272
3.89 17.55 Z Viana ORG Veggie Bratwurst 15 6 x 300g 770
3.55 16.00 Z Viana ORG Chickin Nuggets 15 6 x 200g 771
3.05 13.72 Z Viana ORG Classic Bavarian Burger 15 6 x 2x100g 774
3.05 13.72 Z Viana ORG Robinson Burger 15 6 x 2x100g 773
3.29 14.80 Z Viana ORG Seitan 15 6 x 200g 812


3.49 15.71 Z Amisa ORG GF Gnocchi 10 6 x 350g 6933
3.49 15.71 Z Amisa ORG GF Ravioli Ricotta Spinach 10 6 x 200g 6939
3.29 14.81 Z Biona ORG Gnocchi 10 6 x 400g 417
3.79 17.06 Z Biona ORG Pumpkin Gnocchetti 10 6 x 400g 2334
4.29 19.31 Z Biona ORG Spinach & Leek Lge Ravioli 10 6 x 350g 5506
2.79 12.56 Z Biona ORG Cheese Spinach Green Tortelloni 10 6 x 250g 5502
2.89 13.01 Z Biona ORG Ricotta Cheese Tortellini 10 6 x 250g 5505
2.99 13.46 Z Biona ORG Pizzaiola Ricotta TomBasil Ravioli 10 6 x 250g 7716
2.99 13.46 Z Biona ORG Spelt & Veg Tortellini 10 6 x 250g 5504
2.69 12.11 Z Biona ORG Cappeletti Spiced Tofu (TriColore) 10 6 x 250g 5503
2.19 9.84 Z Dell'Ugo Fresh Gnocchi 7 6 x 350g 4023
2.52 11.33 Z Dell'Ugo Fresh Pumpkin Gnocchi 7 6 x 350g 3997
2.52 11.33 Z Dell'Ugo Fresh Spinach Gnocchi 7 6 x 350g 4002

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Evexia Gluten Free (was Dell'Ugo)

2.40 10.80 Z Evexia GF Fresh Chickpea Fusilli (Was Dellugo) 7 6 x 300g 520
2.40 10.80 Z Evexia GF Fresh Penne (Was Dellugo) 7 6 x 300g 519
Follow Your Heart Vegan GF
3.19 14.35 Z Follow Your Heart ORG Vegenaise 30 6 x 340g 2426
3.19 14.35 Z Follow Your Heart Soya Free Vegenaise 30 6 x 340g 2427
3.99 17.95 Z Follow Your Heart Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise 30 6 x 340g 2428
2.99 13.45 Z Follow Your Heart Original Vegenaise 30 6 x 340g 2636
3.99 17.95 Z Follow Your Heart Sriracha Vegenaise 30 6 x 340g 9470
3.99 17.95 Z Follow Your Heart ORG Caesar Salad Dressing 30 6 x 355ml 2737
3.99 17.95 Z Follow Your Heart ORG Miso Ginger Salad Dressing 30 6 x 355ml 8460
3.99 17.95 Z Follow Your Heart Honey Mustard Salad Dressing 20 6 x 355ml 8459
3.99 17.95 Z Follow Your Heart High Omega Bleu Salad Dressing 30 6 x 355ml 3057
3.99 17.95 Z Follow Your Heart High Omega Ranch Salad Dressing 30 6 x 355ml 9469
Tideford Organic Foods NOW VEGAN
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Vegan Sundried Tomato Pesto 7 6 x 160g 12634
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Vegan Basil Pesto 7 6 x 160g 12635


4.65 3.49 Z Fresh Ocean Seablade Nori, Sea Lettuce, Dulse 10 1 x 120g 4894
3.59 2.69 Z Eco-Zone ORG Fresh Sea Lettuce 10 1 x 120g 5368
4.39 3.29 Z Eco-Zone ORG Fresh Nori 10 1 x 120g 5369
3.35 2.52 Z Eco-Zone ORG Fresh Dulse 10 1 x 120g 5370
2.85 2.14 Z Eco-Zone ORG Fresh Kombu 10 1 x 120g 5371
2.55 1.91 Z Eco-Zone ORG Fresh Sea Spaghetti 10 1 x 120g 5372
0.00 0.00 Z Eco-Zone Sea Vegetable Leaflet 1 x 10 5910
Kim Kong Kimchi
4.50 40.50 Z Kim Kong Kimchi 30 12 x 330g 12626
Laurie's Foods - Raw & Organic
T 4.67 28.02 15% Z *Laurie's ORG Beet Kraut 21 8 x 410g 9989
T 4.67 28.02 15% Z *Laurie's ORG Kimchi Kraut 21 8 x 410g 9988
T 3.99 23.94 15% Z *Laurie's ORG Original Sauerkraut 21 8 x 410g 9991
Morgiel Fine & Organic Foods Ltd
2.69 12.11 Z Morgiel ORG Raw Sauerkraut & Carrot 20 6 x 270g 3931
2.85 12.83 Z Morgiel ORG Raw Beetroot Slices 20 6 x 300g 4191
2.59 11.66 Z Morgiel ORG Raw Sauerkraut 20 6 x 270g 8846
2.85 12.83 Z Morgiel ORG Raw Gherkins in Brine 20 6 x 500g 8847
Pama The Raw Food Co
7.49 33.71 Z Pama The Raw Food Kimchi 20 6 x 500ml 12389
7.49 33.71 Z Pama The Raw Food Turmeric Sauerkraut 20 6 x 500ml 12390
7.49 33.71 Z Pama The Raw Food Traditional Sauerkraut 20 6 x 500ml 12391
7.49 33.71 Z Pama The Raw Food Beetroot & Ginger Sauerkraut 20 6 x 500ml 12392
2.69 40.35 Z Profusion ORG Raw Fermented Sauerkraut 15 20 x 520g 12871
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
4.19 18.86 Z Raw Health ORG Fresh Sauerkraut 20 6 x 410g 2980
Sky Sprouts
1.49 1.12 Z Sky ORG Alfalfa Sprouts 5 1 x 100g 8043
1.49 1.12 Z Sky ORG Alfalfa & Broccoli Sprouts 5 1 x 100g 4626
1.49 1.12 Z Sky ORG Alfalfa & Fenugreek Sprouts 5 1 x 100g 5686
1.49 1.12 Z Sky ORG Alfalfa & Radish Sprouts 5 1 x 100g 5687
1.49 1.12 Z Sky ORG Broccoli Sprouts 5 1 x 100g 5685
1.49 1.12 Z Sky ORG China Rose (Sango Radish) Sprouts 5 1 x 100g 5380

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.49 1.12 Z Sky ORG Mixed Bean Sprouts 5 1 x 227g 4629
1.49 1.12 Z Sky ORG Mung Bean Sprouts 5 1 x 200g 7654
1.59 1.19 Z Sky ORG Sunflower Sprouts 5 1 x 200g 4628
2.05 1.54 Z Sky ORG Multipack Sango/Alfalfa/Broccoli Sprouts 5 1 x 160g 4627
Tickles' Pickles
4.69 21.10 Z Tickles' Pickles Vegetarian Kimchi 15 6 x 200g 9481


3.49 15.71 Z Bonsoy Soya Milk 6 x 1ltr 335
Chi Drinks Ltd
S 1.69 15.21 Z Chi Drinks Natural Coconut Milk 12 x 1ltr 3513
3.89 17.51 Z C/Spring ORG Oat Amazake 6 x 360g 9083
3.89 17.51 Z C/Spring ORG Millet Amazake 6 x 370g 1467
3.89 17.51 Z C/Spring ORG Brown Rice Amazake 6 x 380g 1465
T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Almond7%Calc(Blue)NAS/Unsweetened 6 x 1ltr 5583
T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Almond7%(WhiteRed)NAS/Unsweetened 6 x 1ltr 5585
3.49 15.71 Z Ecomil ORG Almond 7% (Green) Agave/Lo Sugar 6 x 1ltr 6611
T 1.99 8.96 20% Z Ecomil ORG Almond Milk Classic CALCIUM 6 x 1 ltr 12937
T 1.99 8.96 20% Z Ecomil ORG Almond Milk Classic 6 x 1 ltr 12938
T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Hemp Milk No Sugar/Unsweetened 6 x 1 ltr 12939
T 2.97 13.35 15% Z Ecomil ORG Coconut No Sugar/Unsweetened 6 x 1 ltr 12940
Good Hemp Foods
S 1.49 13.40 Z Good Hemp Milk SMALL 12 x 330ml 12778
S 1.49 13.40 Z Good Hemp Milk Unsweetened SMALL 12 x 330ml 12779
S 1.99 17.91 Z Good Hemp Milk 12 x 1ltr 2598
S 1.99 17.91 Z Good Hemp Milk Unsweetened 12 x 1ltr 7946
Koko Dairy Free
S 1.79 16.11 Z Koko Plain Coconut Calcium DairyFree LTR 12 x 1ltr 4343
La Mandorle
3.75 22.50 Z La Mandorle ORG Almond Calcium Milk NAS 8 x 1ltr 6520
T 1.83 16.49 20% Z LoveRaw Almond Drink Cacao & Cardamom 12 x 330ml 12962
T 1.83 16.49 20% Z LoveRaw Almond Drink Cold Brew Latte 12 x 330ml 12963
T 1.83 16.49 20% Z LoveRaw Almond Drink Turmeric Chai Latte 12 x 330ml 12964
T 1.69 7.61 15% Z Oatly Drink Foamable Barista 6 x 1 ltr 2385
T 1.44 6.46 15% Z Oatly ORG Oat Drink 6 x 1 ltr 2384
S 3.49 20.94 Z Plenish ORG Ambient Cashew Milk 6% 8 x 1ltr 3991
S 3.49 20.94 Z Plenish ORG Ambient Hazelnut Milk 5% 8 x 1ltr 12763
S 3.49 20.94 Z Plenish ORG Ambient Almond Milk 7% 8 x 1ltr 3990
Provamel PROMOS Subject to availability
1.19 10.71 Z Provamel ORG Soy Unsweetened RED PROMO 12 x 1ltr 350
1.55 13.91 Z Provamel ORG Soy Unsweetened RED 12 x 1ltr 336
1.55 13.91 Z Provamel ORG Soy Sweetened NOW BLUE Calcium 12 x 1ltr 2033
S 2.59 23.31 Z Provamel ORG Almond Drink 12PACK 12 x 1ltr 931
S 2.19 19.71 Z Provamel ORG Coconut Rice Drink 12 x 1ltr 4984
1.69 15.21 Z Provamel ORG Rice Drink 12 x 1ltr 2557
2.69 16.14 Z Provamel ORG Coconut Almond Drink 8 x 1ltr 6838

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 1.65 9.90 Z Provamel ORG Oat Drink 8 x 1ltr 929
1.69 10.14 Z Provamel ORG Rice Drink Calcium Vits 8 x 1ltr 2558
1.75 10.50 Z Provamel ORG Vanilla Soy Ltr 8 x 1ltr 4982
0.99 11.88 Z Provamel ORG Soya Drink MEDIUM No Sugar 16 x 500ml 337
0.56 6.34 Z Provamel ORG Banana Soy Shake 15 x 250ml 4449
0.56 6.34 Z Provamel ORG Choc Soy Shake 15 x 250ml 333
0.56 6.34 Z Provamel ORG Strawberry Soya Shake 15 x 250ml 334
0.99 11.14 Z Provamel ORG Dairy Free "Cream" 15 x 250ml 1686
1.35 16.20 Z Provamel ORG Dairy Free Vanilla Custard 16 x 525g 7132
1.75 7.88 Z Provamel ORG Caramel Dessert 4 pack 6x4x125g 6799
1.75 7.88 Z Provamel Choc Dessert 4 pack 6x4x125g 3248
1.75 7.88 Z Provamel Vanilla Dessert 4 pack 6x4x125g 3249
Rice Dream
1.79 16.11 Z Rice Dream ORG - Original 12 x 1ltr 2041
1.79 16.11 Z Rice Dream with Added Calcium VitsD2 & B12 12 x 1ltr 4940
1.99 17.91 Z Rice Dream Hazel & Almond 12 x 1ltr 2087
1.99 17.91 Z Rice Dream ORG - Vanilla (large) 12 x 1ltr 2718
Rebel Kitchen
T 0.95 8.57 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Vanilla Mylk 90 12 x 250ml 12703
T 0.95 8.57 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Banana Mylk NOW 250ml 90 12 x 250ml 6686
T 0.95 8.57 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Orange Chocolate Mylk NOW 250 90 12 x 250ml 6687
T 0.95 8.57 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Choco Mylk NOW 250ml 90 12 x 250ml 5110
T 1.51 13.60 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Chai Mylk 90 12 x 330ml 5149
T 1.51 13.60 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Choc Mylk LGE 330ML 90 12 x 330ml 5113
T 1.51 13.60 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Coffee Mylk 90 12 x 330ml 5118
T 1.51 13.60 20% Z Rebel Kitchen ORG Matcha Green Tea Mylk 90 12 x 330ml 5148
Rude Health - Sustainably Produced
S 3.50 15.75 Z Rude Health ORG Cashew Drink 6 x 1 ltr 12431
S 3.85 17.31 Z R/Health ORG GF Ultimate Almond MILK 6 x 1 ltr 9773
S 2.49 11.16 Z R/Health ORG GF Almond Drink 6 x 1 ltr 7501
S 1.50 11.25 Z Rude Health ORG GF Almond Drink SMALL 10 x 250ml 12774
S 2.29 10.26 Z R/Health ORG GF Brown Rice Drink 6 x 1 ltr 7502
S 2.99 13.45 Z R/Health ORG GF Coconut Drink 6 x 1 ltr 8574
S 2.99 13.45 Z R/Health ORG GF Hazelnut Drink 6 x 1 ltr 8576
S 2.29 10.26 Z R/Health ORG GF Oat Drink 6 x 1 ltr 7500
Sojade - Vegan
2.57 11.56 Z Sojade ORG So Hemp Unsweetened Drink 6 x 1ltr 12990
1.58 7.11 Z Sojade ORG RICE Drink with Calcium 6 x 1ltr 9517
1.36 6.12 Z Sojade ORG Natural Soya DrinkNAS GREEN 6 x 1ltr 9247
1.59 7.16 Z Sojade ORG Sweetened Calc. Soya Drink BLUE 6 x 1ltr 9248
1.77 7.97 Z Sojade ORG Vanilla Calc Soy DrinkYELLOW 6 x 1ltr 9249
1.40 16.80 Z Sojade ORG Soy Dessert Vanilla 16 x 530g 389
0.91 16.38 Z Sojade ORG Cuisine Soy Cream AMBIENT 24 x 200ml 9246
1.99 29.70 Z Soyatoo ORG Soya Topping Cream 20 x 300ml 8483


Aquapax 37% POR
1.20 15.15 V *Aquapax Mineral Water 24 x 500ml 12471
0.35 5.27 V * Belu 50% RPET Still Water 500ml 24 x 500ml 8010
0.39 5.85 V *NEW Belu 50% RPET SPARKLING Water 24 x 500ml 12394
0.65 9.75 V *Belu STILL Mineral Water SMALL GLASS 33cl 24 x 33cl 9031
1.17 8.79 V *Belu STILL Mineral Water LARGE GLASS 75cl 12 x 75cl 9032
0.65 9.75 V *Belu SPARKLING MineralWater SMALLGLASS 33c 24 x 33cl 9033

Page 28 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.17 8.79 V *Belu SPARKLING MineralWater LARGEGLASS 75cl 12 x 75cl 9034
Blk Beverages
2.19 16.43 V *Blk Alkaline Fulvic Trace Mineral Black Water 12 x 500ml 2107
CanO Drinks
0.99 14.85 V *CanO Water Sparkling 24 x 330ml 2918
0.99 14.85 V *CanO Water Still 24 x 330ml 2919
Fiji Water
1.65 12.38 V *Fiji Water (Carbon Negative) LGE 1lt 12 x 1ltr 900
0.95 14.18 V *Fiji Water (Carbon Negative) 500ml 24 x 500ml 895
Nutribalance Water
2.20 8.24 V *Nutribalance Alkaline Magnesium Water 6 x 1.5ltr 405
One Water
0.38 5.64 V *One Water 500ml Still Spring Water 24 x 500ml 408
0.38 5.64 V *One Water 500ml Sparkling Spring Water 24 x 500ml 403
0.76 5.69 V *One Water 750ml Still Spring Water Sportscap 12 x 750ml 407
1.10 8.29 V *One Water 1.5lt Still Spring Water 12 x 1.5ltr 401
1.10 8.29 V *One Water 1.5lt Sparkling Spring Water 12 x 1.5ltr 402


The Berry Company
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Acai Berry Juice 12 x 330ml 7029
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Blueberry Juice 12 x 330ml 7033
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Cranberry Drink 12 x 330ml 7034
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Goji Juice 12 x 330ml 7028
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Green Tea & Blueberry 12 x 330ml 2629
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Pomegranate Juice 12 x 330ml 7031
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Superberry Juice PURPLE 12 x 330ml 7030
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML Superberry Juice RED 12 x 330ml 7032
T 0.65 4.89 50% V Berry Co 330ML White Tea & Peach 12 x 330ml 2628
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Acai Juice 12 x 1ltr 765
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Blueberry Juice 12 x 1ltr 764
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Cranberry Juice 12 x 1ltr 7534
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Goji Juice 12 x 1ltr 767
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LGE Special Green Tea Blueberry 12 x 1ltr 1997
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE Pomegranate Juice 12 x 1ltr 2792
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LGE PURPLE Superberry Juice 12 x 1ltr 769
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE RED Superberry Juice 12 x 1ltr 768
T 1.13 8.42 50% V Berry Co LARGE White Tea & Peach Juice 12 x 1ltr 1994
Belvoir Farms
4.85 18.19 V *Belvoir ORG Elderflower Cordial 6 x 50cl 5960
4.85 18.19 V *Belvoir ORG Ginger Cordial 6 x 50cl 5961
1.31 19.58 V *Belvoir ORG Handmade Lemonade SMALL 24 x 25cl 6794
1.31 9.82 V *Belvoir Elderflower Presse 25cl SMALL NOW 12 12 x 25cl 6789
2.75 10.31 V *Belvoir ORG Elderflower Presse LARGE NOW6 6 x 75cl 5959
S 2.25 16.88 V Biogroupe ORG Aloe Vera Pomegranate 90 12 x 350ml 1260
S 2.25 16.88 V Biogroupe ORG Aloe Vera Nature 90 12 x 350ml 1261
S 2.25 16.88 V Biogroupe ORG Aloe Vera Lemon 90 12 x 350ml 1274
Big Tom
1.15 17.20 V *Big Tom Mix Spicy Tomato Drink SMALL 24 x 25cl 9125
2.75 10.20 V *Big Tom Mix Spicy Tomato Drink LARGE 6 x 75cl 9126

Page 29 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.79 13.42 V Biona ORG Coconut Water in Cans 12 x 330ml 4369
1.89 17.00 Z Biona ORG Carrot Juice 500ml TETRA 12 x 500ml 12876
1.99 14.92 V Biona ORG Beetroot Juice TETRA 12 x 500ml 6659
1.99 14.92 V Biona ORG Vegetable Juice Prisma 12 x 500ml 9920
1.79 6.71 V Biona ORG Pure Pomegranate Juice 200ml 6 x 200ml 8913
5.19 19.46 V Biona ORG SMALL Cranb SUPERJUICE 6 x 330ml 6424
5.89 22.09 V Biona ORG SMALL PureBlueb SUPERJUICE 6 x 330ml 8146
8.69 32.59 V Biona ORG LGE Cranberry SUPERJUICE 6 x 750ml 1698
4.69 17.59 V Biona ORG Cranberry FRUIT DRINK NAS 6 x 750ml 4658
2.99 11.21 V Biona ORG Pressed Apple Juice TETRA 6 x 1ltr 5166
4.69 17.59 V Biona ORG Orange Juice 1 ltr 6 x 1ltr 4882
4.69 17.59 V Biona ORG Tart Cherry Juice 1ltr 6 x 1ltr 6462
3.69 13.84 V Biona ORG Peach Apricot Apple Juice 1ltr 6 x 1ltr 4106
4.89 18.34 V Biona ORG Pure Pomegranate Juice 1lt 6 x 1ltr 8914
3.39 12.71 V Biona ORG Fresh Press Apple Juice 1lt 6 x 1ltr 3296
4.19 15.71 V Biona ORG Fresh Press Red Grape Juice 1lt 6 x 1ltr 3298
3.39 12.71 V Biona ORG Carrot Juice 1ltr 6 x 1ltr 3300
3.39 12.71 V Biona ORG 100% Tomato Juice 1lt 6 x 1ltr 3301
Bristol's Kombucha
2.90 36.20 V *Bristol's Pioneer Kombucha (1.6% alc) 20 x 330ml 12777
Cawston Press
S 2.59 9.65 V Cawston Press Pressed Apple Juice 6 x 1ltr 9321
S 2.59 9.65 V Cawston Press Apple/Elderflower 6 x 1ltr 9323
S 2.59 9.65 V Cawston Press Pressed Apple Ginger 6 x 1ltr 9322
S 2.59 9.65 V Cawston Press Apple & Rhubarb Juice 6 x 1ltr 6272
S 2.79 10.46 V Cawston Brilliant Beetroot (10% Apple) Juice LITRE 6 x 1ltr 766
S 2.79 10.46 V Cawston Radiant Roots Juice LITRE 6 x 1ltr 785
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Cucumber & Mint CAN 24 x 330ml 755
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Gooseberry Soda CAN 24 x 330ml 757
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Cloudy Apple CAN 24 x 330ml 7238
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Apple & Rhubarb CAN 24 x 330ml 7239
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Sparkling Elderflower Lemonade CAN 24 x 330ml 6309
T 0.74 11.14 25% V Cawston Sparkling Ginger Beer CAN 24 x 330ml 6310
Chi Drinks Ltd
T 1.52 11.39 10% V Chi 100% Pure Coconut Water SMALL 120 12 x 330ml 5601
T 3.32 24.92 10% V Chi 100% Pure Coconut Water LITRE 120 12 x 1ltr 5602
Chegworth Valley
1.29 24.18 V Chegworth Valley Cox & Bramley Apple SMALL 30 x 250ml 12522
1.29 24.18 V Chegworth Valley Pear & Apple SMALL 30 x 250ml 12519
1.29 24.18 V Chegworth Valley Apple & Elderflower SMALL 30 x 250ml 12520
1.29 24.18 V Chegworth Valley Apple & Beetroot SMALL 30 x 250ml 12521
3.35 25.00 V Chegworth Valley Cox & Bramley LARGE 12 x 1lt 12526
3.52 26.34 V Chegworth Valley Pear & Apple LARGE 12 x 1lt 12523
3.52 26.34 V Chegworth Valley Apple Elderflower LARGE 12 x 1lt 12524
3.52 26.34 V Chegworth Valley Apple & Beetroot LARGE 12 x 1lt 12525
2.39 8.96 V C/spring ORG King Coco 100% Coconut Water 6 x 350ml 8128
2.75 13.76 V CocoPro High Protein Coconut Pineapple Water 8 x 330ml 2638
2.75 13.76 V CocoPro High Protein Coconut Water 8 x 330ml 2637

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Coco Zumi
1.89 14.17 V Coco Zumi ORG Coconut Water FT 60 12 x 330ml 8627
3.99 29.88 V Coco Zumi ORG Coconut Water FT LITRE 60 12 x 1ltr 12350
Coco Hydro Big Tree Farms (30% POR)
23.85 13.91 V *Coco Hydro Original Sachets 1 x 15 3763
23.85 13.91 V *Coco Hydro Lemon Lime Sachets 1 x 15 3761
23.85 13.91 V *Coco Hydro Pineapple Sachets 1 x 15 3762
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Cola 24 x 275ml 12718
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Cream Soda 24 x 275ml 12719
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Fizzy Apple 24 x 275ml 12720
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Ginger Beer 24 x 275ml 12721
T 1.51 22.65 20% V Dalston's Real Lemonade 24 x 275ml 12722
T 0.95 7.14 20% V *Dalston's Real Lemonade 330ml CAN 12 x 330ml 12977
T 0.95 7.14 20% V *Dalston's Orangeade 330ml CAN 12 x 330ml 12978
T 0.95 7.14 20% V *Dalston's Cola 330ml CAN 12 x 330ml 12979
Daymer Bay Iced Tea Co
1.15 8.62 V Daymer Bay Cloudy Lemon & Ginger Iced Tea 12 x 400ml 2641
1.15 8.62 V Daymer Bay Elderflower Iced Green Tea 12 x 400ml 2095
1.15 8.62 V Daymer Bay Orange Mango Ginseng Iced Tea 12 x 400ml 2642
1.15 8.62 V Daymer Bay Lemon Iced Tea 12 x 400ml 2096
1.15 8.62 V Daymer Bay Pear Elderflower Jasmine Iced Tea 12 x 400ml 2643
1.15 8.62 V Daymer Bay Peach Iced Tea 12 x 400ml 2098
Doctor Martins
3.19 19.94 V Dr Martins ORG Coconut Drink 10 x 500ml 9932
5.75 35.94 V Dr Martins ORG Coconut Drink LITRE 10 x 1ltr 9934
2.29 20.61 Z Dr Martins ORG Coconut MILK for Drinking 12 x 1ltr 9938
Drink Maple Water
S 2.19 16.43 V DRINKmaple ORG SMALL 45 12 x 250ml 6503
S 2.99 22.43 V DRINKmaple ORG MEDIUM 45 12 x 355ml 4405
S 4.49 33.68 V DRINKmaple ORG LARGE 45 12 x 946ml 4406
2.75 10.31 V *Duskin Braeburn Apple Juice 6 x 1ltr 9843
2.75 10.31 V *Duskin Cox Apple Juice 6 x 1ltr 9848
2.75 10.31 V *Duskin Gala Apple Juice 6 x 1ltr 9850
2.75 10.31 V *Duskin Golden Delicious Apple Juice 6 x 1ltr 9846
2.75 10.31 V *Duskin Russet Apple Juice 6 x 1ltr 9845
Equinox Kombucha
1.99 25.01 V Equinox Kombucha ORG Wild Berry 20 x 275ml 1843
1.99 25.01 V Equinox Kombucha ORG Ginger 20 x 275ml 1791
1.99 25.01 V Equinox Kombucha ORG Raspberry & Elderflower 20 x 275ml 1806
1.99 25.01 V Equinox Kombucha ORG Original 20 x 275ml 1805
3.65 27.35 V Fentiman & Bloom Botanical Blend Gin & Tonic 12 x 275ml 12660
3.65 27.35 V Fentiman Bloom Botanical Blend Gin&Rose Lemonade 12 x 275ml 12661
1.34 10.02 V Fentimans Cherry Tree Cola 12 x 275ml 5514
1.34 10.02 V Fentimans Curiosity Cola 12 x 275ml 7423
1.34 10.02 V Fentimans Dandelion Burdock 12 x 275ml 7921
1.34 10.02 V Fentimans Traditional Ginger Beer 12 x 275ml 2851
1.40 10.49 V Fentimans Wild English Elderflower 12 x 275ml 9971
1.34 10.02 V Fentimans Mandarin/Seville Orange 12 x 275ml 6864
1.40 10.49 V Fentimans Rose Lemonade 12 x 275ml 2644
1.34 10.02 V Fentimans Lemon Shandy Bottles 12 x 275ml 6865
1.34 10.02 V Fentimans Victorian Lemonade 12 x 275ml 3136
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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.34 10.02 V Fentimans Sparkling Lime & Jasmine 12 x 275ml 9970
3.04 15.19 V Fentimans LGE Curiosity Cola 8 x 750ml 1813
3.04 15.19 V Fentimans LGE Dandelion Burdock 8 x 750ml 1798
3.04 15.19 V Fentimans LGE Ginger Beer 8 x 750ml 1797
3.04 15.19 V Fentimans LGE Rose Lemonade 8 x 750ml 1799
3.00 15.00 V Hollows Superior Alcoholic Ginger Beer 8 x 500ml 6666
Firefly Tonics (min. 3 Months Life)
1.65 12.36 V Firefly Bramley Apple & Ginger 12 x 330ml 2271
1.65 12.36 V Firefly Grapefruit & Passionfruit 12 x 330ml 7242
1.65 12.36 V Firefly Lemon Lime & Ginger 12 x 330ml 7885
1.65 12.36 V Firefly Kiwi Lime & Mint 12 x 330ml 556
1.65 12.36 V Firefly Peach & Green Tea 12 x 330ml 7240
1.65 12.36 V Firefly Pom/Elderflower 12 x 330ml 1346
FLO Essence Water
S 1.29 19.35 V FLO Essence Water - Blueberry Vanilla 24 x 500ml 12742
S 1.29 19.35 V FLO Essence Water - Lychee Hibiscus 24 x 500ml 12743
S 1.29 19.35 V FLO Essence Water - Cucumber Lemon 24 x 500ml 12744
S 1.29 19.35 V FLO Essence Water - Watermelon Garden Mint 24 x 500ml 12745
1.19 17.85 V Gusto LOW CAL FT Cola 24 x 250ml 7696
1.99 14.92 V Gusto Organic Energy Original 12 x 250ml 368
1.99 14.92 V Gusto ORG Sparkling Sicilian Lemonade 12 x 250ml 404
Jamu Kitchen
3.65 27.37 V Jamu Kitchen Turmeric Tamarind Tonic 12 x 200ml 12425
James White
S 1.49 13.95 V J.White Turmeric Juice Zinger 15 x 70ml 12474
S 1.29 12.09 V J.White ORG Lime Chilli Zinger 15 x 70ml 12475
S 1.49 13.95 V J.White ORG XTRA Ginger Zinger(RED bottle) 15 x 70ml 12476
S 1.29 12.09 V J.White ORG Ginger Zinger (Orange bottle) 15 x 70ml 801
S 1.42 16.00 Z J.White ORG Beet-It 70ml SHOT 15 x 70ml 2646
S 3.69 18.45 V J.White ORG LITRE Beet-it Juice 8 x 1ltr 3063
S 2.95 11.06 V J.White ORG LARGE Beet-It Juice 6 x 75cl 9128
S 2.99 11.20 V J.White ORG Beet-It Passion Fruit 6 x 75cl 579
2.95 11.06 V J.White ORG LARGE Tomato Juice 6 x 75cl 9352
S 2.99 11.20 V J.White ORG Beet-It Beetroot Ginger 6 x 75cl 580
2.99 11.20 V J.White ORG LARGE Veg Juice 6 x 75cl 9129
2.95 11.06 V J.White ORG LARGE Carrot Juice 6 x 75cl 9130
2.95 11.06 V J.White ORG LARGE Apple 6 x 75cl 9091
2.95 11.06 V J.White ORG LARGE Carrot Apple 6 x 75cl 8837
2.95 11.06 V J.White ORG LARGE Apple Ginger 6 x 75cl 8839
2.95 11.06 V J.White ORG LARGE Pear Juice 6 x 75cl 9337
3.45 12.94 V J.White ORG LARGE Pear & Rasp 6 x 75cl 8838
1.35 20.25 V J.White ORG SMALL Apple Cherry 24 x 25cl 1613
1.25 18.75 V J.White ORG SMALL Apple Juice 24 x 25cl 9092
1.25 18.75 V J.White ORG SMALL Carrot Apple 24 x 25cl 8841
1.25 18.75 V J.White ORG SMALL Apple Ginger 24 x 25cl 8843
1.25 18.75 V J.White ORG SMALL Pear Juice 24 x 25cl 9338
S 1.45 10.87 V J.White ORG "Beet-It" Juice 25cl 12 x 25cl 798
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Turmeric Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12559
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Ginger & Lemongrass Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12560
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Matcha Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12561
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Mint & Lime Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12562
2.79 20.94 V Jeeva ORG King Original Coconut Water 12 x 200ml 12563

Page 32 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3.19 23.94 V Jeeva ORG King Original Coconut Water350ml 12 x 350ml 12564
J.F Rabbit
1.79 13.42 V J.F.Rabbit Veg Water Beetroot 15 12 x 330ml 12899
1.79 13.42 V J.F.Rabbit Veg Water Cucumber 15 12 x 330ml 12900
1.79 13.42 V J.F.Rabbit Veg Water Ginger 15 12 x 330ml 12901
Jax Coco
3.80 28.50 V Jaxcoco Pure Coconut Water LARGE 12 x 1ltr 1598
1.99 14.92 V Jaxcoco Pure Coconut Water SMALL NOW12 12 x 330ml 1597
2.29 17.17 V Jaxcoco Coconut Water With Chocolate 12 x 330ml 1645
2.99 22.42 V Jaxcoco Coconut Water GLASS 12 x 250ml 1284
Karma Cola
1.59 11.92 V Karma Cola ORG 12 x 330ml 7504
1.59 11.92 V Karma Cola ORG Lemony Lemonade 12 x 330ml 7505
1.59 11.92 V Karma Cola ORG Gingerella Ginger Ale 12 x 330ml 7506
1.15 17.24 V Karma Kola ORG CAN 24 x 250ml 12345
1.15 17.24 V Karma Cola ORG Gingerella Ginger Ale CAN 24 x 250ml 12346
1.15 17.24 V Karma Cola ORG Lemonade CAN 24 x 250ml 12347
Karma Drinks ORG & FT
14.55 72.68 V Karma Kombucha-Kit Do It Yourself 8 x 400g 6522
T 3.92 14.67 10% V Karma Botanik ORG Ginger Hibiscus Juice 90 6 x 500ml 1493
T 3.20 11.97 10% V Karma Botanik ORG Turmeric Juice 90 6 x 500ml 1477
La Bio Idea Organic
1.02 9.17 Z La Bio Idea ORG Lemon Plus Juice 12 x 200ml 13038
1.02 9.17 Z La Bio Idea ORG Lime Plus Juice 12 x 200ml 13039
1.32 23.76 Z ChariTea Black ORG Iced Black Tea with Lemon 24 x 330ml 576
1.32 23.76 Z ChariTea Green ORG Iced Green Tea with Ginger 24 x 330ml 573
1.32 23.76 Z ChariTea Mate ORG Sparkling Iced Mate Tea 24 x 330ml 577
1.32 23.76 Z ChariTea Red ORG Iced Rooibos Tea & Passion Fruit 24 x 330ml 564
1.59 23.76 V Lemonaid ORG Blood Orangeade 24 x 330ml 514
1.59 23.76 V Lemonaid ORG Limeade 24 x 330ml 509
1.59 23.76 V Lemonaid ORG Passion Fruitade 24 x 330ml 510
Little Miracles (Was Powershot)
1.68 12.60 V L/Miracles ORG Black Tea Ginseng Peach Acai 75 12 x 330ml 5004
1.68 12.60 V L/Miracles ORG GreenTea/Ginseng/Pom/Acai 75 12 x 330ml 5003
1.68 12.60 V L/Miracles ORG WhiteTea Ginseng CherryAcai 75 12 x 330ml 2694
Luscombe Organic Drinks
3.19 23.93 V *Luscombe ORG Sicilian Lemonade LARGE 45 12 x 74cl 1564
3.19 23.89 V *Luscombe Wild Elderflower Bubbly LARGE 45 12 x 74cl 1566
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Damascene Rose Bubbly 45 24 x 32cl 1606
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG COOLGingerBeerBLUE Stripe 45 24 x 32cl 1603
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG HOT Ginger Beer RED Stripe 45 24 x 32cl 1602
T 1.32 19.76 20% V *Luscombe ORG Passionate Ginger Beer 45 24 x 32cl 783
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Cranberry Crush 45 24 x 32cl 1722
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Lime Crush 45 24 x 32cl 1565
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Raspberry Crush 45 24 x 32cl 1561
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG Sicilian Lemonade SMALL 45 24 x 32cl 1562
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe ORG St Clements Orange Lemon Crush 45 24 x 32cl 1572
T 1.27 19.08 20% V *Luscombe Wild Elderflower Bubbly SMALL 45 24 x 32cl 781
1.45 21.23 V *Luscombe ORG Devon Apple Juice SMALL 45 24 x 24cl 1558

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Love Kombucha
3.45 31.05 Z Love Kombucha ORG Original LARGE 12 x 500ml 7750
3.45 25.87 V Love Kombucha ORG Ginger & Lime LARGE 12 x 500ml 7693
3.45 25.87 V Love Kombucha ORG Ginger LARGE 12 x 500ml 7694
3.45 25.87 V Love Kombucha ORG Blueberry LARGE 12 x 500ml 7695
2.25 10.13 Z Love Kombucha ORG Original 6 x 250ml 9718
2.25 8.43 V Love Kombucha ORG Ginger 6 x 250ml 9765
2.25 8.43 V Love Kombucha ORG Ginger & Lime 6 x 250ml 9766
2.25 8.43 V Love Kombucha ORG Blueberry 6 x 250ml 9767
S 0.92 12.89 V Mangajo Sicilian Lemon Presse & Green Tea CAN 24 x 330ml 6532
S 0.92 12.89 V Mangajo Pomegranate & Green Tea CAN 24 x 330ml 6533
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Gojiberry & Green Tea 12 x 250ml 6626
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Antiox Acai Green Tea 12 x 250ml 6625
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Lemon Green Tea 12 x 250ml 7216
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Redbush & Red Grape 12 x 250ml 8354
S 1.32 9.84 V Mangajo Pomegranate & Green Tea 12 x 250ml 8970
S 2.36 11.78 V Mangajo Pomegranate Green Tea LARGE 750ml 8 x 750ml 6500
S 2.36 11.78 V Mangajo Lemon Green Tea LARGE 750ml 8 x 750ml 6501
Naked Juice
3.69 27.67 V Naked 100% NAS Coconut Water Litre 12 x 1lt 4798
2.65 19.85 V Naked 100% NAS Coconut Water 30 12 x 500ml 1950
1.27 9.51 V Purdey's Elixir Vitae 12 x 330ml 348
Perry Court Farm
2.95 22.12 V *Perry Court Farm Bramley Apple Juice 12 x 750ml 3005
2.95 22.12 V *Perry Court Farm Discovery Apple Juice 12 x 750ml 3007
2.95 22.12 V *Perry Court Farm Russet Juice 12 x 750ml 2987
2.95 22.12 V *Perry Court Farm Pear Juice 12 x 750ml 3008
Sandows London
2.99 27.00 Z Sandows London Cold Brew Coffee 12 x 200ml 8061
Scheckter's Organic Energy
S 1.67 12.52 V Scheckters ORG Energy Drink Green Tea Ginger 12 x 250ml 3328
S 1.67 12.52 V Scheckters ORG Energy Drink Green Tea Mint 12 x 250ml 3315
S 1.67 12.52 V Scheckters ORG ORIGINAL Energy Drink 12 x 250ml 2920
S 1.67 12.52 V Scheckters ORG LITE Energy Drink 12 x 250ml 1263
S 1.99 7.46 V Sibberi Bamboo Water 6 x 250ml 8786
S 1.99 7.46 V Sibberi Maple Water 6 x 250ml 8787
S 1.99 7.46 V Sibberi Birch Water 6 x 250ml 8965
Simplee Aloe
S 1.79 13.32 V Simplee Aloe Grape Superberries 330ml 12 x 330ml 12855
S 1.79 13.32 V Simplee Aloe Grape & Lemon 330ml 12 x 330ml 9640
S 3.79 14.21 V Simplee Aloe Grape & Lemon Litre 6 x 1lt 9641
S 1.79 13.32 V Simplee Aloe Apple & Mango 330ml 12 x 330ml 9632
S 3.79 14.21 V Simplee Aloe Apple & Mango Litre 6 x 1lt 9631
S 2.65 23.85 Z Sunita ORG Lemon Juice 45 12 x 250ml 4831
2.05 18.45 Z Sunita ORG Mexican Lime Juice 45 12 x 250ml 2877

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2.49 18.68 V Tapped Pure ORG Birch Water Now 12 12 x 250ml 165
2.49 18.68 V Tapped Pure Birch Water Apple & Ginger Now12 12 x 250ml 156
2.49 18.68 V Tapped Pure Birch Water Bilberry&LingonberryNow12 12 x 250ml 157
1.49 22.35 V Tenzing Natural Energy Drink 24 x 250ml 3746
Teapigs Matcha Fruit Drinks
1.89 14.18 V Teapigs Matcha Apple Drink 12 x 330ml 4923
1.89 14.18 V Teapigs Matcha Elderflower Drink 12 x 330ml 4922
True Nopal Cactus Water
1.99 14.92 V True Nopal Cactus Water SMALL 12 x 330ml 9275
4.29 32.16 V True Nopal Cactus Water LARGE 12 x 1ltr 9276
Ugly Drinks
0.99 14.85 V Ugly Unsweet Sparkling Water Lemon & Lime 60 24 x 330ml 3829
0.99 14.85 V Ugly Unsweet Sparkling Water Grapefruit&Pineapple 60 24 x 330ml 3830
Virtue Drinks
S 1.35 20.25 V Virtue Energy Water Lemon & Lime 24 x 250ml 12424
S 1.35 20.25 V Virtue Energy Water Berries 24 x 250ml 12423
1.35 20.25 V Virtue Ice Tea Lemon 24 x 330ml 6168
1.35 20.25 V Virtue Ice Tea Strawberry & Peach 24 x 330ml 6167
Vita Coco
1.75 12.95 V Vita Coco 100% Pure Coconut Water 330ml 90 12 x 330ml 8390
1.75 12.95 V Vita Coco Coconut Water Peach Mango 330ml 90 12 x 330ml 9520
1.75 12.95 V Vita Coco Coconut Water Pineapple 330ml 90 12 x 330ml 8448
1.75 12.95 V Vita Coco Coconut Water Chocolate 330ml 90 12 x 330ml 2758
2.65 19.82 V Vita Coco Pure Coconut Water 500ml 90 12 x 500ml 2725
2.65 19.82 V Vita Coco Coconut Pineapple 500ml 90 12 x 500ml 2727
4.09 30.56 V Vita Coco LGE Pure Coconut Water 1ltr 90 12 x 1ltr 9430
4.09 30.56 V Vita Coco LGE PINEAPPLE Coconut Water 90 12 x 1ltr 9431
Vita Coco Cafe
2.19 19.67 Z Vita Coco Cafe Cafe Latte 12 x 330ml 2779
2.19 19.67 Z Vita Coco Cafe MOCHA 12 x 330ml 2782
Vitamont (tetra packs)
7.49 28.08 V *Vitamont ORG Prune Juice LARGE 6 x 75cl 3363
Vivid Drinks
S 1.79 16.11 Z Vivid Vitality Matcha Green Tea Unsweetened 30 12 x 330ml 7751
1.79 16.11 Z Vivid Vitality Matcha Lemon Unsweetened 30 12 x 330ml 9660
1.79 16.11 Z Vivid Vitality Matcha Elderflower Unsweetened 30 12 x 330ml 9658
Whole Earth
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Orange Lemon 24 x 330ml 5219
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Apple 24 x 330ml 5305
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Cranberry 24 x 330ml 5674
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Elderflower 24 x 330ml 7614
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Ginger 24 x 330ml 7615
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Cola 24 x 330ml 5170
S 1.09 16.35 V *Whole Earth CANS ORG Lemonade 24 x 330ml 5171
What a Melon
T 1.72 19.36 20% V What a Melon Watermelon Water 45 18 x 330ml 12761

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ankh Rah
14.99 9.99 Z Ankh Rah Moringa Seeds 1 x 50g 5131
Arctic Power Berries (30% POR)
5.29 22.20 Z Arctic Power Berries Blackcurrant Powder SMALL 6 x 30g 3038
5.99 25.14 Z Arctic Power Berries Blueberry Powder SMALL 6 x 30g 3047
5.29 22.20 Z Arctic Power Berries Cranberry Powder SMALL 6 x 30g 3024
5.99 25.14 Z Arctic Power Berries Lingonberry Powder SMALL 6 x 30g 3052
8.89 37.32 Z Arctic Power Berries Blackcurrant Powder LGE 6 x 70g 3046
9.99 41.94 Z Arctic Power Berries Blueberry Powder LGE 6 x 70g 3048
8.89 37.32 Z Arctic Power Berries Cranberry Powder LGE 6 x 70g 3037
9.99 41.94 Z Arctic Power Berries Lingonberry Powder LGE 6 x 70g 3054
Big Tree Farms
5.99 44.91 V Big Tree ORG Raw Sweet Cacao Nibs 12 x 100g 3272
1.75 31.10 Z *Abakus Jujube Powder 24 x 50g 12470
Food Thoughts
S 3.69 16.60 Z Food Thoughts ORG Roasted CACAO Nibs 6 x 125g 12775
S 3.69 16.60 Z Food Thoughts ORG FT Natural CACAO Powder 6 x 125g 12776
Good Hemp Nutrition
T 6.80 18.20 50% Z Good Hemp Protein Powder 4 x 500g 2915
T 24.03 16.08 50% Z Good Hemp Protein Powder LARGE 1 x 2.5k 2917
Gourmet Spirulina
12.95 9.71 Z Gourmet Spirulina Petals NOW SINGLES 1 x 90g 2276
12.95 9.71 Z Gourmet Spirulina Crunchies NOW SINGLES 1 x 90g 2288
12.95 9.71 Z Gourmet Spirulina Nibs NOW SINGLES 1 x 90g 2275
S 18.99 14.24 Z LoveRaw ORG Food Booster Energise Powder 1 x 150g 9059
S 18.99 14.24 Z LoveRaw ORG Food Booster Easy Greens Powder 1 x 150g 9060
S 18.99 14.24 Z LoveRaw ORG Food Booster Skin Food Powder 1 x 150g 9061
S 18.99 14.24 Z LoveRaw ORG Food Booster Immunity Powder 1 x 150g 12847
29.00 48.60 V *Macacha Protein Shake Peace Box (sachets) 3 x10x33g 12889
32.00 19.65 V Macacha Protein Shake Peace Drum 1 x 500g 12886
29.00 48.60 V *Macacha Protein Shake Energy Box (sachets) 3 x10x33g 12887
32.00 19.65 V Macacha Protein Shake Energy Drum 1 x 500g 12888
Vital 35% POR
44.95 29.21 Z Vital Kids Powder 300g 1 x 300g 5793
19.95 12.97 Z Vital Kids Powder 120g 1 x 120g 5794
Miracle Matcha
29.99 125.96 Z Miracle Matcha White Tea Powder BOX 6 x 40g 8049
Of The Earth
6.39 28.76 Z Of The Earth ORG Yacon Flakes 6 x 70g 8999
7.39 66.51 Z Of The Earth ORG Yacon Syrup SML 12 x 170ml 9004
7.29 32.81 Z Of The Earth ORG Beetroot Powder 6 x 250g 5648
2.49 22.41 Z Of The Earth ORG Cacao Nibs SMALL 12 x 60g 9022
4.99 22.46 Z Of The Earth ORG Cacao Nibs LARGE 6 x 180g 9023
4.49 20.21 Z Of The Earth ORG Cacao Powder 6 x 180g 9017
6.99 62.91 Z Of The Earth ORG Camu Camu Powder 12 x 70g 9007
4.49 20.21 Z Of The Earth ORG Chia Seeds 6 x 250g 9008
2.99 26.91 Z Of The Earth Goji Berries SMALL NOT ORGANIC 12 x 60g 9020
5.39 24.26 Z Of The Earth Goji Berries LARGE NOT ORGANIC 6 x 150g 9021
6.99 62.91 Z Of The Earth ORG Guarana Powder 12 x 80g 9011
Page 36 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days
Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5.99 26.96 Z Of The Earth ORG Hot Chocolate w.Maca 6 x 180g 5649
6.99 31.46 Z Of The Earth ORG Lucuma Powder LARGE 6 x 200g 382
3.99 35.91 Z Of The Earth ORG Maca Powder SMALL 12 x 70g 597
6.99 31.46 Z Of The Earth ORG Maca Powder LARGE 6 x 220g 9024
2.89 13.01 Z Of The Earth ORG Milled Linseeds 6 x 180g 5647
3.75 16.88 Z Of The Earth ORG Milled Linseeds w.Goji Berries 6 x 150g 5646
The Organic Protein Company (34% POR)
22.00 58.00 Z Organic Protein Co ORG Whey Protein 4 x 400g 297
Organic Traditions (available in singles)
16.99 76.46 Z ORG Traditions Acai Berry Powder 6 x 100g 1360
16.99 76.46 Z ORG Traditions Antioxident Berry Blast 6 x 100g 4519
9.99 44.96 Z ORG Traditions Apricot Kernels Bitter 6 x 227g 1325
15.99 71.96 Z ORG Traditions Blueberry Freeze Dried Powder 6 x 100g 1402
8.49 38.21 Z ORG Traditions Cacao Butter 6 x 227g 4516
7.49 33.70 Z ORG Traditions Cacao Nibs 227g 6 x 227g 6377
9.99 44.96 Z ORG Traditions Cacao Paste 6 x 227g 4518
7.49 33.70 Z ORG Traditions Cacao Powder 227g 6 x 227g 5907
7.69 34.61 Z ORG Traditions Chia Seeds Dark 227g 6 x 227g 5266
11.49 51.72 Z ORG Traditions Chia Sprouted 6 x 227g 6243
11.49 51.72 Z ORG Traditions Chia Flax Omega Sprouted 6 x 227g 4537
6.99 31.44 Z ORG Traditions Coconut Shredded 6 x 227g 1635
10.99 49.44 Z ORG Traditions Flax Omega Sprouted 6 x 227g 5241
18.99 85.46 Z ORG Traditions Flax Sprouted Powder 6 x 454g 9751
5.99 26.94 Z ORG Traditions Goji Berries 100g 6 x 100g 1350
12.49 56.22 Z ORG Traditions Goji Berries 227g 6 x 227g 5863
9.99 44.96 Z ORG Traditions Golden Berries 227g 6 x 227g 4536
9.99 44.96 Z ORG Traditions Gotu Kola Full Spectrum 6 x 33g 1825
7.99 35.96 Z ORG Traditions Hemp Hearts 6 x 227g 5262
17.99 80.96 Z ORG Traditions Maca X-6 Powder 6 x 150g 4515
17.99 80.96 Z ORG Traditions Maccacino Drink Mix 6 x 227g 4517
16.99 76.46 Z ORG Traditions Maqui Berry Freeze Dried Pow 6 x 100g 1403
9.99 44.96 Z ORG Traditions Mulberries Dried Black227g 6 x 227g 5284
3.99 17.94 Z ORG Traditions Pumpkin Seeds Austrian 6 x 100g 1498
7.49 33.70 Z ORG Traditions Turmeric Powder 200g 6 x 200g 5039
16.99 76.46 Z Natural Traditions Camu Camu 6 x 100g 6071
7.99 35.96 Z Natural Traditions Lucuma Powder 6 x 200g 1622
7.99 35.96 Z Natural Traditions Pomegranate 6 x 100g 1520
12.99 58.46 Z Natural Traditions Purple Corn Powder 6 x 100g 1501
Primrose's Kitchen
8.95 80.55 Z Primrose ORG CLEANSE Smoothie Booster 12 x 100g 8291
8.95 80.55 Z Primrose ORG ENERGY Smoothie Booster 12 x 100g 534
6.95 62.55 Z Primrose ORG Beetroot Seed Sprinkle 12 x 200g 8289
T 14.44 60.65 15% Z Pulsin' ORG WHEY Protein Powder 6 x 250g 7494
7.99 33.56 Z Pulsin' HEMP Protein Powder C/ PressRaw 6 x 250g 1194
7.99 33.56 Z Pulsin' PEA Protein Isolate Vegan 6 x 250g 1188
9.99 41.96 Z Pulsin' RICE Protein Powder 6 x 250g 8035
5.99 25.86 Z Pulsin' SOYA Protein Isolate Vegan 6 x 250g 1189
T 11.04 46.38 15% Z Pulsin' WHEY Protein Isolate 6 x 250g 1190
18.99 100.76 Z Pulsin' BULK PEA Protein Isolate 6 x 1kg 2914
T 33.99 142.77 15% Z Pulsin' BULK WHEY Protein Isolate 6 x 1kg 2912

Page 37 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Savvy Foods
T 2.77 20.73 30% Z Savvy OzCarob ORG ROAST Carob POWDER 10 x 150g 7432
Sun & Seed
3.95 35.55 Z Sun & Seed ORG Sprouted Raw Sunflower Seeds 12 x 250g 8280
3.95 35.55 Z Sun & Seed ORG Sprouted Raw Rolled Naked Oats 12 x 250g 8279
3.95 35.55 Z Sun & Seed ORG Sprouted Raw Buckwheat 12 x 250g 8281
14.99 44.98 Z Sun & Seed ORG Hemp Protein Powder 120 4 x 450g 2909
2.80 25.20 Z Superfoodies ORG Cacao Liquor RAW SMALL 12 x 100g 9196
2.80 25.20 Z Superfoodies ORG Cacao Nibs Raw SMALL 12 x 100g 600
2.62 23.70 Z Superfoodies ORG Cacao POWDER SMALL 12 x 100g 2910
3.44 30.96 Z Superfoodies ORG Lucuma Powder SMALL 12 x 100g 603
3.55 31.95 Z Superfoodies ORG Maca Root Powder SMALL 12 x 100g 601
2.49 22.41 Z Superfoodies ORG Purple Corn Flour SMALL 12 x 100g 9562
13.99 62.95 Z Superfoodies ORG Cacao BUTTER LGE 6 x 500g 9559
10.99 49.46 Z Superfoodies ORG NIBS Cacao LARGE 6 x 500g 9557
9.29 41.84 Z Superfoodies ORG Cacao POWDER LARGE 6 x 500g 9558
15.29 68.61 Z Superfoodies ORG Lucuma Powder LARGE 6 x 500g 9560
T 5.99 44.70 V Superfoodies Nut Mylk Bag 12 x 1 9563
Vegus Juices
T 12.00 8.40 20% Z Vegus Broccoli Raw Juice Shots 42 1 x 7x33ml 864
T 12.00 8.40 20% Z Vegus Wheatgrass Raw Juice Shots 42 1 x 7x33ml 857

Alara Wholefoods
2.99 13.45 Z Alara Luxurious Porridge GF 6 x 500g 2348
3.09 13.90 Z Alara Luxury Muesli GF 6 x 500g 7937
3.39 15.26 Z Alara Pure Oats GF 6 x 500g 2549
4.99 18.71 Z Alara ORG Active Muesli Amaranth QuinoaGF 5 x 400g 9504
3.79 17.05 Z Alara ORG GF Crunchy Oats Granola 6 x 400g 6161
2.99 13.46 Z Alara ORG Rich Muesli 6 x 500g 4395
4.45 20.02 Z Alara ORG Scottish Oats MUESLI GF 6 x 500g 9874
3.95 17.77 Z Alara ORG Scottish Oats PORRIDGE GF 6 x 500g 9872
3.49 15.71 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Crunchy 75 6 x 375g 4784
2.29 10.31 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Puffs 75 6 x 200g 5357
5.39 24.26 Z Amisa ORG GF Quinoa Flakes 75 6 x 400g 5941
2.69 8.07 Z Amisa ORG GF Express Pure Porridge Oats Sachets 75 4 x 27g 5950
T 2.59 11.66 Z Amisa ORG GF Pure Porridge Oats 75 6 x 325g 6443
3.99 17.96 Z Amisa ORG Chia Bircher Muesli Hazel Almond Apple 75 6 x 325g 4559
2.99 13.46 Z Amisa ORG GF Four Grain Porridge 75 6 x 300g 4523
2.99 13.46 Z Amisa ORG GF Pure Oats Apple Cinnamon Spice 75 6 x 300g 4560
2.69 12.11 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Honey Puffs 75 6 x 200g 5343
2.89 13.01 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Crispy Flakes 75 6 x 250g 1201
Bear "The Grocer" Award Winners
S 3.09 9.28 Z Bear Alphabites COCOA Multigrain Cereal 90 4 x 375g 7590
S 3.09 9.28 Z Bear Alphabites Multigrain Cereal 90 4 x 375g 7591
Big Oz
4.59 17.21 Z Big Oz GF Granola Tropical 5 x 450g 5054
5.75 21.57 Z Big Oz GF Granola Red Berries 5 x 450g 5055
3.29 12.29 Z Big Oz ORG GF Buckwheat Flakes 5 x 500g 5098
5.85 21.93 Z Big Oz ORG GF Chocolate Buckwheat with Raspberrie 5 x 350g 5082
3.49 13.07 Z Big Oz ORG GF CRISPY Brown Rice Flakes 5 x 350g 5061
3.41 12.79 Z Big Oz ORG GF CRISPY Buckwheat Flakes 5 x 350g 5058
3.15 11.79 Z Big Oz ORG GF Porridge Flakes 5 x 500g 5056
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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9.49 35.64 Z Big Oz ORG GF Quinoa Flakes 5 x 500g 5053
3.39 12.79 Z Big Oz ORG GF Buckwheat PUFFS 5 x 175g 9733
3.39 12.79 Z Big Oz ORG GF Millet PUFFS 5 x 225g 9734
3.59 13.50 Z Big Oz ORG GF Rice PUFFS 5 x 225g 9732
2.29 10.31 Z *BioFair ORG GF Rice Quinoa Crunchies 6 x 120g 8381
3.39 15.26 Z Biona ORG Pure Oaty Granola 6 x 375g 4582
3.69 16.61 Z Biona ORG Choco Crunchy Cereal 6 x 375g 4113
4.39 19.76 Z Biona ORG Wild Berry Crisp 6 x 375g 6797
3.99 17.96 Z Biona ORG Honey Hazel Crunchy Cereal 6 x 375g 4114
T 3.98 23.95 20% Z Bodymatter ORG Oat Crunch Granola 75 8 x 500g 9437
The Chia Company
4.99 29.94 Z Chia Co Oats Chia Coconut MULTI SACHETS 8 x 5x45g 12472
4.99 29.94 Z Chia Co Oats Chia Banana Mango MULTI SACHETS 8 x 5x45g 8927
4.99 29.94 Z Chia Co Oats & Chia Mix Berry MULTI SACHETS 8 x 5x45g 8929
Doves Farm
2.79 16.75 Z *Doves ORG Cornflakes 8 x 375g 2869
3.55 13.25 Z *Doves ORG GF Cocoa Rice Cereal 5 x 375g 2990
3.35 12.50 Z *Doves ORG GF Fibre Flakes Cereal 5 x 300g 2991
3.15 18.90 Z *Doves ORG Chocolate Stars Gluten Free 8 x 375g 49
Kate's Originals
4.79 28.74 Z Kate's Originals ORG Classic Muesli SMALL No Nuts 8 x 500g 4512
8.59 32.21 Z Kate's Originals ORG Classic Muesli LGE No Nuts 5 x 1kg 4513
5.95 35.70 Z Kate's Originals ORG Bircher Muesli Swiss Style 8 x 500g 7766
4.69 28.14 Z Kate's Originals ORG Fruity Porridge SMALL 8 x 500g 4510
Lizi's Granola
3.46 26.00 Z Lizi's Original Granola 10 x 500g 8719
9.29 41.80 Z Lizi's ORG Granola 1kg 6 x 1kg 1227
5.07 38.00 Z Lizi's ORG Granola 500g 10 x 500g 9798
7.19 32.38 Z Lizi's Granola Low Sugar 1kg 6 x 1kg 1228
4.69 28.14 Z Lizi's Gluten Free Granola 8 x 400g 3025
3.91 23.46 Z Lizi's High Protein Granola 8 x 350g 1275
3.85 23.00 Z Lizi's Low Sugar Granola 8 x 500g 8718
3.65 21.87 Z Lizi's Belgian Chocolate Granola 8 x 400g 1272
3.65 21.87 Z Lizi's Mango Macadamia Granola 8 x 400g 3026
3.65 21.87 Z Lizi's Passionfruit Pistachio Granola 8 x 400g 3027
3.65 21.87 Z Lizi's Pink Apple Cinnamon Granola 8 x 400g 1273
3.65 21.87 Z Lizi's Treacle Pecan Granola 8 x 400g 1271
Lucy Rocks
6.49 29.20 Z Lucy Rocks ORG Lush Paleo Crunch 6 x 350g 6631
6.49 29.20 Z Lucy Rocks ORG Blush Paleo Crunch 6 x 350g 6632
6.49 29.20 Z Lucy Rocks ORG Glowing Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 6633
6.49 29.20 Z Lucy Rocks ORG Golden Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 6635
2.79 25.11 Z Marigold ORG Sultana Crunch 12 x 500g 145
2.79 25.11 Z Marigold Gluten-Free Muesli 12 x 500g 4505
2.29 20.61 Z Marigold Super Muesli 12 x 500g 146

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Moma Fresh Breakfasts

1.43 12.90 Z Moma GF Porridge Pot Super Seeds 90 12 x 70g 4441
1.43 12.90 Z Moma GF Porridge Green Pot Plain No Sugar 90 12 x 70g 9716
1.43 12.90 Z Moma GF Porridge Orange Pot Golden Syrup 90 12 x 75g 9717
1.43 12.90 Z Moma GF Porridge Original Red Pot Plain w Sugar 90 12 x 70g 9699
1.43 12.90 Z Moma GF Porridge Purple Pot Cranb Raisin 90 12 x 76g 9700
3.39 20.36 Z Moma GF Porridge Sachets Cranberry & Raisin 90 8x5x75g 1724
3.39 20.36 Z Moma GF Porridge Sachets Super Seeds NAS 90 8x5x70g 1725
Miracle Matcha
1.45 13.05 Z Miracle Matcha GF Porridge Pot with Honey 12 x 60g 8258
1.45 13.05 Z Miracle Matcha GF Porridge Pot with Summer Berries 12 x 60g 8259
3.99 35.91 Z Nutri-brex GF Fortified Wholegrain Cereal 12 x 375g 12416
Paleo Foods Company
S 6.29 28.31 Z Paleo Grain Free Granola Cocoa Hazel 84 6 x 340g 5609
S 6.29 28.31 Z Paleo Grain Free Granola BerryAlmond 84 6 x 340g 5610
S 6.29 28.31 Z Paleo Grain Free Granola Original HoneyPecan 84 6 x 340g 5611
S 6.29 28.31 Z Paleo Grain Free Granola Chia & Hemp 84 6 x 340g 12846
4.95 22.28 Z Pertwood ORG Granola Fruit & Nuts 6 x 500g 7190
3.75 16.88 Z Pertwood ORG Muesli with Dried Fruits 6 x 650g 7192
3.49 15.70 Z Pertwood ORG Muesli Fruit & Seeds 6 x 650g 7193
2.29 10.30 Z Pertwood ORG Porridge Oats 6 x 650g 7194
Primrose's Kitchen
6.99 62.91 Z Primrose Kitchen ORG Orange & Cashew Granola 12 x 400g 8312
6.99 62.91 Z Primrose Kitchen ORG Lemon Black Pepp&Goji Grano 12 x 400g 12723
5.95 53.55 Z Primrose Kitchen Raw Carrot Apple Cinn Muesli 12 x 400g 8199
5.95 53.55 Z Primrose Kitchen Raw Beetroot & Ginger Muesli 12 x 400g 8200
6.95 62.55 Z Primrose Kitchen ORG Raw Courgette Cacoa Granola 12 x 300g 8228
4.89 18.33 Z Profusion ORG Maca Goji Chia Granola 60 5 x 350g 12690
4.89 18.33 Z Profusion ORG Cacao Coco Chia Granola 60 5 x 350g 12691
4.39 19.75 Z Profusion ORG Protein Porridge 40 6 x 350g 12692
7.69 57.60 Z Qnola Quinoa Superfood Granola Beetroot 10 x 250g 3192
7.69 57.60 Z Qnola Quinoa Superfood Granola Cacao 10 x 250g 3193
7.69 57.60 Z Qnola Quinoa Superfood Granola Ginger 10 x 250g 3194
7.69 57.60 Z Qnola Quinoa Superfood Granola Original (Almond) 10 x 250g 3195
Raw Gorilla
5.99 26.95 Z *R/Gorilla ORG Sprout Raw Cacao Crispies 6 x 250g 296
5.99 26.95 Z *R/Gorilla ORG Sprout Raw Original Crispies 6 x 250g 211
6.49 29.20 Z *R/Gorilla ORG Sprout Raw Strawberry Crispies 6 x 250g 3324
Rude Health - Sustainably Produced
T 3.99 14.97 20% Z R/Health Cacao & Vanilla Granola 90 5 x 450g 12433
3.99 17.95 Z Rude Health Hazelnut Butter Porridge 90 6 x 300g 12652
3.99 17.95 Z Rude Health Almond Butter Porridge 90 6 x 300g 12653
1.50 13.50 Z Rude Health Hazelnut Butter Porridge 50g POT 90 12 x 50g 12654
1.50 13.50 Z Rude Health Almond Butter Porridge 50g POT 90 12 x 50g 12655
T 3.03 13.64 20% Z Rude Health ORG Banana Berry Oats 6 x 325g 12976
2.49 11.20 Z R/Health Drinking Oats 90 6 x 250g 8573
T 3.04 11.41 20% Z R/Health Bircher Soft & Fruity Muesli 90 5 x 450g 8575

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T 3.60 13.50 20% Z R/Health Gluten Free Muesli (Coconut and Seed) 90 5 x 500g 4497
T 2.79 16.75 20% Z Rude Health ORG Honey Spelt Puffs 90 8 x 175g 887
T 4.00 14.97 20% Z R/Health Honey & Nuts Granola 90 5 x 500g 973
T 3.19 11.96 20% Z R/Health No Flamin Raisins Muesli 90 5 x 500g 879
T 4.00 14.97 20% Z R/Health Nutty Crunch Muesli 90 5 x 450g 971
T 3.59 13.48 20% Z R/Health Spiced Apple Granola 90 5 x 500g 969
T 3.04 11.41 20% Z R/Health Super Fruity Muesli 90 5 x 500g 2215
2.65 9.84 Z R/Health ORG Daily Oats Porridge 90 5 x 500g 881
3.29 12.34 Z R/Health ORG 5 Grain 5 Seed Porridge 90 5 x 500g 878
3.99 14.95 Z R/Health ORG Fruity Date Porridge 90 5 x 500g 883
T 4.79 17.96 20% Z R/Health ORG Granola The Ultimate 90 5 x 500g 2212
3.49 13.09 Z R/Health ORG The Oatmeal Porridge 90 5 x 750g 6999
4.99 22.45 Z R/Health ORG GFSprouted Porridge Oats 90 6 x 500g 4501
T 4.79 17.96 20% Z R/Health ORG Strawb Rasp Granola 90 5 x 450g 2902
T 3.60 13.50 20% Z R/Health ORG Super Seed Muesli 90 5 x 500g 4503
T 4.79 17.96 20% Z R/Health ORG Ultimate Muesli 90 5 x 500g 884
T 2.60 15.60 20% Z R/Health Honey Multiflakes 90 8 x 425g 2217
T 4.00 14.97 20% Z Rude Health Coconut & Chia Granola 90 5 x 450g 3166
T 3.40 10.21 20% Z R/Health GF HONEY Puff Oats 90 4 x 240g 2903
T 1.80 10.80 20% Z R/Health Puffed Oats 90 8 x 175g 2265
T 1.92 5.75 20% Z R/Health GF Puffed Rice 90 4 x 225g 2266
T 2.60 15.60 20% Z R/Health Spelt Flakes 90 8 x 300g 8221
Scrumshus Granola GF
5.95 26.77 Z Scrumshus Granola in Jar 42 6 x 500g 2150
Sharpham Park
3.29 19.74 Z Sharpham Crunchy Bran Flakes SpeltRiceOatsBarley 8 x 375g 9434
3.55 21.13 Z Sharpham Park ORG Spelt Porridge Flakes 8 x 500g 1112
4.05 24.30 Z Sharpham Park ORG Miller's Muesli 450g 8 x 450g 1102
Spoon Cereals
4.75 21.38 Z Spoon Cereals Dark Chocolate Granola 75 6 x 400g 12812
4.50 20.25 Z Spoon Cereals Peanut & Apple Granola NOW400g 75 6 x 400g 2973
4.75 21.38 Z Spoon Cereals Cinnamon & Pecan Granola NOW400g 75 6 x 400g 2974
4.49 20.20 Z Superfoodies ORG Green Granola Coconut Spirulina 6 x 200g 7250
4.49 20.20 Z Superfoodies ORG Brown Granola Cacao Maca 6 x 200g 7251
4.49 20.20 Z Superfoodies ORG Red Granola Goji Acai 6 x 200g 7252
3.99 17.94 Z Superfoodies ORG Chia Breakfast CacaoVanilla 6 x 200g 1470
3.99 17.94 Z Superfoodies ORG Chia Breakfast Goji Incan Berry 6 x 200g 1471
3.99 17.94 Z Superfoodies ORG Chia Breakfast PineappleAlmond 6 x 200g 1472
Urtekram Breakfast
S 3.16 14.22 Z Urtekram ORG Bran Flakes 6 x 375g 6082
S 4.05 18.31 Z Urtekram ORG Spelt Flakes 6 x 375g 1730
Whole Earth
3.49 31.41 Z Whole Earth ORG Muesli (Swiss Style) 12 x 750g 4127
2.49 22.41 Z Whole Earth ORG Classic Cornflakes 12 x 375g 155
Wild Thing
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Rainforest Fruit Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12929
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Island Coconut Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12930
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Mountain Berry Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12931
T 5.59 25.17 20% Z Wild Thing ORG Equatorial Cacao Paleo Granola 6 x 350g 12932

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


3.99 17.96 Z Amisa ORG GF Pizza Bases 6 x 260g 4588
3.89 17.51 Z Amisa ORG GF Foccacia Rolls 14 6 x 220g 8037
3.89 23.34 Z Amisa ORG GF Rice Bread with Flax Seeds 50 8 x 375g 7267
3.89 17.51 Z Amisa ORG GF Brown Vitality 4 Breakfast Rolls 20 6 x 250g 2003
2.25 27.00 Z Amaizin ORG Tortilla Wraps 14 16 x 240g 2809
3.49 15.71 Z Biona ORG GF Millet Bread 6 x 250g 9567
3.49 15.71 Z Biona ORG Rice/Buckwheat Bread (Yeast Free,GF) 6 x 250g 4279
2.19 9.86 Z Biona ORG Chia & Flax Bread 6 x 500g 9825
1.89 8.49 Z Biona ORG Bio Fit Pumpernickel 6 x 500g 5162
4.49 18.86 Z Biona ORG GF Large Rice Bread 6 x 500g 6951
4.29 19.31 Z Biona ORG GF Rice/Sunflower Seed Bread 6 x 500g 6952
1.89 8.51 Z Biona ORG Bio Fit Rye Bread 6 x 500g 5163
1.89 8.51 Z Biona ORG Rye Amaranth Quinoa Bread 6 x 500g 1736
1.99 8.96 Z Biona ORG BioFit Rye Hemp Seed Bread 6 x 500g 3862
1.89 8.51 Z Biona ORG Rye Bread Omega 3 Linseed 6 x 500g 5534
1.99 8.96 Z Biona ORG Rye & Pumpkin Seed Bread 6 x 500g 1737
1.89 8.49 Z Biona ORG Rye Sunflower Seed Bread 6 x 500g 1738
2.19 9.86 Z Biona ORG Cranberry & Coconut Rye Bread 6 x 500g 3302
1.99 8.96 Z Biona ORG Vitality Rye Bread 6 x 500g 9826
2.99 13.46 Z Biona ORG Butter Croissants (4 pack) 6 x 260g 3294
3.69 27.68 Z Biona ORG Spelt Pizza Bases 10 x 300g 9604
Bread Matters
4.95 44.55 Z Bread Matters Original ORG Sourdough Starter 12 x 10g 213
1.59 14.31 Z Florentin ORG Mini Pittas 20 12 x 4 7968
1.89 17.01 Z Florentin ORG Spelt Pita Bread NEW 20 12 x 260g 13008
1.55 13.95 Z Florentin ORG Whole Wheat Pita Bread 20 12 x 4 5404
House of Westphalia
2.28 20.58 Z House/West ORG Wholemeal Rye Bread 12 x 500g 868
2.28 20.58 Z House/West ORG Sunflower Seed Bread 12 x 500g 869
2.34 20.84 Z House/West Muesli Bread 12 x 500g 870
1.45 12.03 Z House/West ORG Pumpernickel 12 x 250g 871
La Boulangere
2.65 13.91 Z La Boulangere ORG French Brioche Rolls Choc Chips 10 7 x 8x40g 6517
2.65 13.91 Z La Boulangere ORG French Brioche Rolls 10 7 x 8x35g 6519
2.85 12.83 Z La Boulangere ORG French Brioche Hand Plaited 10 6 x 400g 6518
Mountain Bread
4.79 53.85 Z Mountain Light Barley Wraps (70% Barley) 14 15 x 8(200g) 8974
4.79 53.85 Z Mountain Bread Chia Seed Wraps 14 15 x 8(200g) 4498
4.79 53.85 Z Mountain Light Corn Wraps (70% Corn) 14 15 x 8(200g) 8975
4.79 53.85 Z Mountain Light Oat Wraps (70% Oats) 14 15 x 8(200g) 8972
4.79 53.85 Z Mountain Light Rice Wraps (70% Rice) 14 15 x 8(200g) 8976
4.79 53.85 Z Mountain Light Rye Wraps (70% Rye) 14 15 x 8(200g) 8973
4.79 53.85 Z Mountain Light Wholewheat Wraps 14 15 x 8(200g) 8971
4.99 56.12 Z Mountain Spelt Wraps 14 15 x 8(200g) 9817

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Newbury Phillips
1.45 15.22 Z Newbury Phillips ORG Large White Pitta 56 14 x 6 5830
1.45 15.22 Z Newbury Phillips ORG Mini Sesame White Pitta 56 14 x 8 6938
1.45 15.22 Z Newbury Phillips ORG Mini Wholemeal Pitta 56 14 x 8 3870
1.65 14.84 Z Newbury Phillips ORG Garlic Coriander Naan 56 12 x 2x100g 3999
1.65 14.84 Z Newbury Phillips ORG Plain Naan 56 12 x 2x100g 4000
2.39 14.34 Z Profusion ORG Super Oat Bread Rye & Chia 40 8 x 500g 4572
2.79 18.83 Z Profusion ORG Protein Bread Rye & Flax 40 9 x 250g 9284
Ugg Foods
7.95 47.70 Z Ugg Paleo CHOCOLATE Chia Muffins Baking Mix 120 8 x 455g 8286
7.95 47.70 Z Ugg Paleo Fruit & Seed Loaf Baking Mix 120 8 x 470g 8287
7.95 47.70 Z Ugg Paleo Chia & Nut Bread Baking Mix 120 8 x 344g 8283
7.95 47.70 Z Ugg Paleo Chia Muffins Baking Mix 120 8 x 455g 8285
7.95 47.70 Z Ugg Paleo COCONUT Chia Muffins Baking Mix 120 8 x 540g 8284


2.69 12.11 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies 30 6 x 150g 5344
2.89 13.01 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Muesli Crispbread 30 6 x 200g 5752
3.39 15.26 Z Amisa ORG Italia Spelt Sticks 30 6 x 200g 6276
3.19 14.36 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Cheese Pumpkin Seed Crispbread 6 x 200g 6435
2.79 12.56 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Sesame,Sunflwer C/bread 6 x 200g 8859
2.79 12.56 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Poppy,Sun/seed Crispbread 6 x 200g 8860
1.99 14.92 V Amisa ORG GFLactFree RiceMilk ChocCoconutRiceCa 12 x 100g 7253
1.99 14.92 V Amisa ORG GF Lactose Free Rice Carob Rice Cakes 12 x 100g 7257
1.89 14.18 V Amisa ORG GFLactose Free RiceMilk Choc Rice Cakes 12 x 100g 7258
1.69 15.21 Z Amisa ORG GF Quinoa Fibre Crispbread 12 x 100g 7265
1.69 15.21 Z Amisa ORG GF Veggie Garden Crispbread 12 x 100g 7266
1.69 15.21 Z Amisa ORG GF Corn Rice Grissini Crispbread 75 12 x 100g 9423
1.99 17.91 Z Amisa ORG GF Amaranth Rice Crispbread 75 12 x 150g 5949
1.99 17.91 Z Amisa ORG GF Corn Rice Crispbread 12 x 150g 6436
2.29 20.61 Z Amisa ORG GF Buckwheat Crispbread 12 x 120g 531
1.59 17.89 V BioFair ORG Dark Chocolate Rice Cakes FT 50 18 x 50g 9163
0.89 6.68 Z Biona ORG Honey Waffles 2PACK 10 x 60g 12673
1.05 9.45 Z Biona ORG Rice Cakes with Salt 12 x 100g 3610
1.05 9.44 Z Biona ORG Rice Cakes no Salt 12 x 100g 3326
1.15 10.35 Z Biona ORG Rice Cakes with Quinoa 12 x 100g 3521
1.29 11.61 Z Biona ORG Corn Cakes 12 x 110g 3297
1.29 11.61 Z Biona ORG Spelt Cakes 12 x 100g 3698
2.19 19.71 Z Biona ORG Hazelnut Waffles 12 x 175g 9497
1.99 17.90 Z Biona ORG Honey Waffles 12 x 175g 9498
1.99 17.91 Z Biona ORG Caramel Syrup Waffles 12 x 175g 9655
2.19 19.71 Z Biona ORG Maple Syrup Waffles 12 x 175g 3700
2.69 12.11 Z Biona ORG Raisin&Coconut Cookies(no added sugar) 6 x 240g 3291
2.99 13.46 Z Biona ORG SPELT Fruit & Nut Cookies 6 x 240g 3712
1.89 17.01 Z Biona ORG Filled Cookies - Blueberry 12 x 175g 3793
2.29 10.31 Z Biona ORG Chocolate Chip & Orange Cookies 6 x 240g 4780

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2.25 16.88 V C/Spring ORG Rice Cakes Tamari Black Sesame 12 x 112g 5015
2.25 16.88 V C/Spring ORG Rice Cakes Tamari Sea Veg 12 x 102g 5016
0.99 8.91 Z C/Spring ORG Rice Cakes No Salt 12 x 130g 6018
0.99 8.91 Z C/Spring ORG Rice Cakes Light Salt 12 x 130g 7275
0.99 8.91 Z C/Spring ORG Rice Cakes Multigrain 12 x 130g 7278
1.15 10.35 Z C/Spring ORG Corn Cakes 12 x 130g 2600
1.99 17.91 Z C/Spring ORG Brown Rice Crackers Whole Sesame 12 x 40g 5529
1.99 17.91 Z C/Spring ORG Brown Rice Crackers Black Sesame 12 x 40g 5530
1.99 17.91 Z C/Spring ORG Rice Crackers Tamari 12 x 50g 7263
1.99 17.91 Z C/Spring ORG Rice Crackers Olive Oil/Salt 12 x 50g 7264
1.99 22.39 Z C/Spring ORG Oatcakes Traditional 15 x 200g 2420
2.19 24.64 Z C/Spring ORG Oatcakes Tomato Herb 12 x 200g 2421
2.29 25.76 Z C/Spring ORG Oatcakes SeaVeg Black Pepper 15 x 200g 2422
S 3.19 28.71 Z C/Spring Japanese Rice Cakes Sea Veg 12 x 150g 7274
S 3.19 28.71 Z C/Spring Japanese Rice Cakes Garlic Tamari 12 x 150g 1528
S 3.19 14.36 Z C/Spring Japanese Rice Cakes Black Sesame 6 x 150g 1526
S 3.19 28.71 Z C/Spring Japanese Rice Cakes Teriyaki 12 x 150g 1529
Doves Farm
1.20 10.80 Z *Doves ORG Digestive Biscuits 12 x 200g 185
1.55 14.00 Z *Doves ORG GF Lemon Cookie FT 12 x 150g 3913
1.85 16.65 Z *Fiorentini ORG Puffed 99% Rye Cakes NOT GF 12 x 100g 7170
1.85 16.65 Z *Fiorentini ORG GF Puffed 99% Buckwheat Cakes 12 x 100g 7171
1.09 10.91 V *Fiorentini ORG GF MINI Rice Olive Oil Snack 16 x 40g 7175
1.09 10.91 V *Fiorentini ORG GF MINI Tom BasilCornSnacks 16 x 50g 7176
1.09 10.91 V *Fiorentini ORG GF MINI Rosemary CornRice 16 x 40g 7177
2.39 23.88 V *Kallo ORG DARK Chocolate Rice Cakes 16 x 90g 4371
2.39 23.88 V *Kallo ORG MILK Chocolate Rice Cakes 16 x 90g 8745
2.29 17.19 V *Kallo Savoury Rice Cakes 12 x 110g 3892
1.59 14.31 Z *Kallo ORG Thin Slice Rice Cakes - no salt 12 x 130g 2092
1.69 15.20 Z *Kallo ORG Rice Cakes with sea salt 12 x 130g 191
1.69 15.20 Z *Kallo ORG Rice Cakes - no salt 12 x 130g 192
1.48 6.66 Z *Kallo ORG Rice Cakes -sesame sea salt 6 x 130g 193
Karg Crispbreads
2.12 15.87 Z *Karg ORG 110g Emment/Pump Seed Wholegrain Snac 10 x 110g 7326
2.23 16.68 Z *Karg ORG 110g Spelt & Quinoa Wholegrain Snacks 10 x 110g 1918
2.30 16.80 Z *Karg ORG 110g Tomato Mozzarella Wholegrain Snac 10 x 110g 1927
2.90 17.38 Z *Karg ORG Cranberry & Coconut CRISPBREAD 8 x 200g 2601
2.68 15.98 Z *Karg ORG 3 Grains,3 Seeds CRISPBREAD 8 x 200g 6490
2.86 17.14 Z *Karg ORG Chia & Oats CRISPBREAD 8 x 200g 2602
2.41 14.43 Z *Karg ORG Classic 3-Seed CRISPBREAD Sun,Ses,Lin 8 x 200g 6491
2.68 15.98 Z *Karg ORG Emmental/Pumpseed CRISPBREAD 8 x 200g 6493
2.79 16.73 Z *Karg ORG Seeded Spelt CRISPBREAD 8 x 200g 7060
3.01 18.10 Z *Karg ORG Spelt Emmental CRISPBREAD 8 x 200g 9120
2.90 17.38 Z *Karg ORG Spelt Muesli CRISPBREAD 8 x 200g 9121
2.79 16.58 Z *Karg ORG Tomato Mozzarella CRISPBREAD 8 x 200g 1886
Kookie Cat Organic Raw Vegan
1.49 11.16 V *Kookie Cat ORG GF Chia & Lemon Cookies 60 12 x 50g 12395
1.49 11.16 V *Kookie Cat ORG GF Hemp Seed Cookies 60 12 x 50g 12396
1.49 11.16 V *Kookie Cat ORG GF Cacao Nibs & Walnut Cookies 60 12 x 50g 12397
1.49 11.16 V *Kookie Cat ORG GF Pineapple & Orange Cookies 60 12 x 50g 12398
1.49 11.16 V *Kookie Cat ORG GF Vanilla & Choco Drops Cookies 60 12 x 50g 12399

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Le Pain des Fleurs GF

2.99 13.44 Z *Le Pain des Fleurs ORG GF Buckwheat Crispbread 90 6 x 125g 1812
3.99 18.00 Z *Le Pain des Fleurs GF ORG Quinoa Crispbread 90 6 x 125g 1814
3.49 15.72 Z *Le Pain des Fleurs ORG GF Chestnut Crispbread 90 6 x 125g 1815
2.15 12.90 Z Nairns GF Oatcakes NOW 8 70 8 x 213g 8795
2.25 20.25 Z Nairns GF Choc Chip Biscuit Breaks 70 12 x 160g 8794
2.25 20.25 Z Nairns GF Oats & Fruit Biscuit Breaks 70 12 x 160g 8803
1.29 5.80 Z Nairns Rough Oatcakes 70 6 x 291g 8797
1.39 12.50 Z Nairns ORG Oatcakes 70 12 x 250g 8796
1.89 14.16 Z Nairns Stem Ginger Oat Biscuits 70 10 x 200g 8798
1.65 9.90 Z Nairns Dark Chocolate Chip Oat Biscuits 70 8 x 200g 8804
2.15 19.35 Z Nairns GF Wholegrain Crackers 70 12 x 114g 8802
1.69 10.14 Z Nairns ORG Super Seeded Oatcakes 70 8 x 200g 9075
1.62 12.39 Z Natco Poppadoms PLAIN 10 x 200g 3532
Peter's Yard
2.49 22.40 Z *Peter's Yard Crispbread MINI Box 90 12 x 105g 4303
2.49 22.40 Z *Peter's Yard Crispbread Seeded Wholegrain 90 12 x 105g 4965
2.49 22.40 Z *Peter's Yard Crispbread Spelt & Fig 90 12 x 100g 4966
2.19 13.15 Z *Peter's Yard C/bread Bites-Sea Salt 30 8 x 105g 8539
2.19 13.15 Z *Peter's Yard C/bread Bites Cumin & Nigella Seed 30 8 x 105g 8540
2.19 13.15 Z *Peter's Yard Crispbread Bites - 5 Seed 30 8 x 105g 8541
2.50 22.50 Z *Peter's Yard Sourdough Crispbread Caraway 90 12 x 90g 12638
2.50 22.50 Z *Peter's Yard Sourdough Crispbread Pink Peppercorn 90 12 x 90g 12639
6.00 27.00 Z *Peter's Yard Sourdough Crispbread Selection Box 90 6 x 265g 12640
5.85 21.88 Z *Peter's Yard LARGE Box Swedish Crispbread 120 5 x 350g 2706
7.99 35.88 Z *Peter's Yard TIN Swedish Crispbread 120 6 x 300g 2707
4.69 28.15 Z *Peter's Yard Crispbread Medium With Hole 120 8 x 220g 2709
3.49 31.50 Z *Peter's Yard Standard Pack Swedish Crispbread 120 12 x 200g 2708
1.99 17.91 Z Profusion ORG Chia Sorghum Thins Crispbread 12 x 120g 12627
1.99 17.91 Z Profusion ORG Hemp Sorghum Thins Crispbread 12 x 120g 12628
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
4.19 25.14 Z Raw Health ORG GF Provenc Buckwheat Rosemary 30 8 x 100g 4585
4.19 25.14 Z Raw Health ORG GF Intensely Italian Crispbread 30 8 x 100g 7196
4.19 25.14 Z Raw Health ORG GF Deeply Dense Raw Pitta Bread 30 8 x 90g 7197
S 4.19 25.14 Z Raw Health ORG GF Flax Pumpkin Crackers 30 8 x 90g 7198
4.19 18.86 Z Raw Health ORG Maca & Turmeric C/bread 6 x 90g 12629
S 4.19 18.86 Z Raw Health ORG Spirulina & Baobab C/bread 6 x 90g 12630
4.19 18.86 Z Raw Health ORG Chia, Quinoa & Paprika C/bread 6 x 90g 12631
1.29 11.60 Z *Ooh-La-La ORG GF Lemon Ginger Tea Biscuit 2-pack 12 x 24g 9554
1.29 11.60 Z *Ooh-La-La ORG GF Choco Hazel Tea Biscuit 2-Pack 12 x 24g 9519
Rude Health - Sustainably Produced
3.25 12.19 Z R/Health ORG GF Buckwheat & Chia Crackers 5 x 150g 12432
0.99 8.91 Z R/Health ORG GF Mini Rice Crackers 12 x 30g 6856
2.75 10.31 Z *R/Health ORG GF Corn Crackers 5 x 130g 1960
2.75 10.31 Z *R/Health ORG GF Multigrain Crackers 5 x 160g 3002
2.75 10.31 Z *R/Health ORG Oat & Spelt Crackers 5 x 130g 3004
2.50 9.37 Z *R/Health ORG GF Brown Rice Crackers 5 x 130g 3003
2.00 18.00 Z R/Health Ginger&Turmeric Oaty Savoury Biscuit 12 x 200g 2868
2.00 18.00 Z R/Health 4 Seed Oaty Savoury Biscuits 12 x 200g 2849
2.00 18.00 Z R/Health "The Oaty"Oat Biscuits 12 x 200g 2864

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.00 18.00 Z R/Health Rye Oaty Savoury Biscuit 12 x 200g 2865
2.00 18.00 Z R/Health Spelt Oaty Savoury Biscuit 12 x 200g 2866
Saf To Go - Raw, Vegan, GF
3.05 27.45 Z SAF RawActivated Gazpacho Crackers NOW12 45 12 x 50g 4436
2.78 25.02 Z SAF RawActivated Kimchi Crackers NOW12 45 12 x 44g 4437
3.05 27.45 Z SAF RawActivated Kale & Spirulina CrackersNOW12 45 12 x 50g 4430
2.78 25.02 Z SAF RawActivated Spinach&Broccoli CrackersNOW12 45 12 x 44g 4432
3.05 27.45 Z SAF RawActivated Pizza Crackers NOW12 45 12 x 50g 4438
2.78 25.02 Z SAF RawActivated Beet&HorseradishCrackersNow12 45 12 x 44g 4428
1.79 10.70 Z *Traidcraft Double Choc Chip Cookies FT 8 x 180g 5981
1.79 10.70 Z *Traidcraft Stem Ginger Cookies FT 8 x 160g 5982
Village Bakery (organic)
2.09 18.80 Z *Village Bakery ORG Oatcakes 12 x 250g 2497
2.25 20.25 Z *Village Bakery ORG Savoury Seed Biscuits 12 x 200g 5202

1.25 15.00 Z *Amaizin ORG Corn Chips Natural SMALL 25 16 x 75g 7702
1.25 15.00 Z *Amaizin ORG Corn Chips Paprika SMALL 25 16 x 75g 7704
S 1.68 12.60 Z Ape Crunchy Coconut Bites Chia Seed 10 x 30g 12839
S 1.68 12.60 Z Ape Crunchy Coconut Bites Sesame Seed 10 x 30g 12840
S 1.68 12.60 Z Ape Crunchy Coconut Bites Natural 10 x 30g 12841
S 2.99 22.42 Z Ape Crispy Coconut Curls Lightly Salted Munch Bag 10 x 60g 12843
S 1.19 8.92 Z Ape Crispy Coconut Curls Salted Chocolate 10 x 20g 12842
S 1.19 8.92 Z Ape Coconut Curls - SALTED 10 x 20g 4488
S 1.19 8.92 Z Ape Coconut Curls - PEPPER 10 x 20g 4489
1.90 28.50 V Abakus Hickory Nuts SMALL 24 x 20g 3087
2.29 24.05 Z BioFair ORG GF Palitos Chia Quinoa Snack FT 14 x 100g 7199
2.29 20.61 Z Biona ORG Spelt Sesame Pretzels 12 x 125g 7200
S 2.19 13.14 Z C/Spring ORG Seaveg Crispies MULTIPACK-Chilli 8 x 3x5g 12663
S 2.19 13.14 Z C/Spring ORG Seaveg Crispies MULTIPACK-Original 8 x 3x5g 12664
S 0.89 10.68 Z C/Spring ORG Seaveg Crispies - Original 16 x 5g 12665
S 0.89 10.68 Z C/Spring ORG Seaveg Crispies - Chilli 16 x 5g 12666
1.69 15.84 V *C/Spring ORG Tamari Roast Cashews 90 15 x 30g 5495
1.19 13.39 Z *C/Spring ORG Roast Seeds Soya Goji Berry 15 x 30g 6998
1.19 13.39 Z *C/Spring ORG Tamari Roast Pump Seeds 15 x 30g 7273
0.99 11.14 Z *C/Spring ORG Roast Seeds Soya Snack 15 x 35g 9738
1.09 12.26 Z *C/Spring ORG Cranb Rst Seed Soya Snack 15 x 30g 9739
1.69 15.84 V *C/Spring ORG Tamari Rst Sicilian Almonds 15 x 30g 9740
0.99 11.14 Z *C/Spring ORG Tamari Roasted Soya Snack 15 x 30g 7288
0.99 11.14 Z *C/Spring ORG Tamari Roasted Soya Tomato Herb 15 x 30g 7289
0.99 11.14 Z *C/Spring ORG Tamari Roasted Soya Chilli 15 x 30g 7445
Eat Real
S 1.79 13.43 V *Eat Real Quinoa KALE Puffs Cheese 12 x 113g 12780
S 1.79 13.43 V *Eat Real Quinoa KALE Puffs Jalapano 12 x 113g 12781
S 1.79 13.43 V *Eat Real Quinoa Puffs Cheese 12 x 113g 12782

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 1.79 13.43 V *Eat Real Quinoa Puffs Jalapeno 12 x 113g 12783
0.69 6.21 Z *Eat Real GF Hummus Chips Sea Salt SMALL 12 x 45g 6047
0.69 6.21 Z *Eat Real GF Lentil Chips Sea Salt SMALL 12 x 40g 6050
0.69 6.21 Z *Eat Real Quinoa Chips Plain SMALL 12 x 30g 6055
1.79 13.43 Z *Eat Real Hummus Chips Sea Salt LGE NOW10 10 x 135g 6045
1.79 13.43 Z *Eat Real Hummus ChipsTom Basil LGE NOW10 10 x 135g 6046
1.79 13.43 Z *Eat Real Lentil Chips Chilli Lemon LGE NOW10 10 x 113g 6049
1.79 13.43 Z *Eat Real Lentil Chips Sea Salt LGE NOW10 10 x 113g 6053
1.79 13.43 Z *Eat Real Quinoa Chips Plain LGE NOW10 10 x 80g 6057
1.79 13.43 Z *Eat Real Quinoa Chips Chilli Lime LGE NOW10 10 x 80g 6054
1.79 11.19 V *Eat Real Veggie & Kale Chips LGE 10 x 80g 12726
Emily Fruit Crisps
S 1.29 23.20 Z Emily Crisps Fr Bean Snap Edamame Spring Greens 24 x 23g 12348
S 1.29 23.20 Z Emily Veg Crisps Sweet Pot.Carrot&Beet Mixed Roots 24 x 23g 12349
T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Herbs LARGE 10 x 110g 12504
T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Sweet&SmokingLGE 10 x 110g 12505
T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Pepper Power LARGE 10 x 110g 12506
T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Fajita LARGE 10 x 110g 12507
T 1.99 12.45 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Cheese&Love LGE 10 x 110g 12816
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Cheese&Love 24 x 22g 12817
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Herbs 24 x 22g 2769
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Sweet & Smoking 24 x 22g 2771
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Pepper Power 24 x 22g 2770
T 0.87 13.08 20% V *Hippeas ORG Chickpea Puffs Fajita 24 x 22g 2772
Inspiral Raw Vegan ORGANIC GF Superfoods
4.49 40.44 Z Inspiral ORG Raw Herb Crackits 12 x 100g 12359
4.49 40.44 Z Inspiral ORG Raw Wasabi Crackits 12 x 100g 12360
4.49 40.44 Z Inspiral ORG Raw Tomato Crackits 12 x 100g 12361
4.49 40.44 Z Inspiral ORG Raw Garlic Crackits 12 x 100g 12362
3.89 26.28 Z Inspiral ORG Beetroot & Lemon Curly Kale Crisps 40 9 x 40g 12851
3.89 26.28 Z Inspiral ORG Sweet Chilli Black Kale Crisps 40 9 x 40g 12852
3.89 26.28 Z Inspiral ORG Salt & Pepper Savoy Cabbage Crisps 40 9 x 40g 12853
3.89 26.28 Z Inspiral ORG BBQ Chipotle Savoy Cabbage Crisps 40 9 x 40g 12854
1.19 8.90 Z *Inspiral ORG Salted Caramel Coconut Pecks 10 x 25g 12844
1.19 8.90 Z *Inspiral ORG Raspberry Coconut Pecks 10 x 25g 7842
1.19 8.90 Z *Inspiral ORG Smokin Coconut Pecks 10 x 25g 7843
2.19 11.50 Z *Inspiral ORG Baobab Onion Kale Chips SML 90 7 x 30g 2950
2.19 11.50 Z *Inspiral ORG Beet Acerola Kale ChipsSML 90 7 x 30g 2928
2.19 11.50 Z *Inspiral ORG Cacao Cinn Kale Chips SMALL 90 7 x 30g 5576
2.19 11.50 Z *Inspiral Purple Corn Kale Chips SML 90 7 x 30g 5575
2.19 11.50 Z *Inspiral ORG Wasabi W/grass KaleChipSMALL 90 7 x 30g 5572
2.19 11.50 Z *Inspiral ORG Crispy Incan BBQ Kale Chips SMALL 90 7 x 30g 2943
3.79 17.06 Z *Inspiral ORG Crispy Incan BBQ Kale Chips LARGE 90 6 x 60g 2945
3.79 17.06 Z *Inspiral ORG Baobab Onion Kale Chips LGE 90 6 x 60g 2951
3.79 17.06 Z *Inspiral ORG Beet Acerola Kale Chips LGE 90 6 x 60g 2004
3.79 17.06 Z *Inspiral ORG Cacao Cinn Kale ChipsLGE 90 6 x 60g 5577
3.79 17.06 Z *Inspiral Purple Corn Kale ChipLGE 90 6 x 60g 5573
3.79 17.06 Z *Inspiral ORG Wasabi W/grass Kale ChipLGE 90 6 x 60g 5571
Jax Coco
1.75 15.75 Z Jax Coco Toasted Sea Salt Coconut Chips 30 12 x 40g 12517
1.75 15.75 Z Jax Coco Toasted Chilli & Lime Coconut Chips 30 12 x 40g 12518

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Leighton Brown
1.19 21.30 Z *Leighton Brown Parsnip & Manuka Honey Crisps 42 24 x 40g 9395
1.49 26.80 Z *Leighton Brown Beetroot Crisps Horseradish Dill 42 24 x 40g 9399
1.29 23.20 Z *Leighton Brown Sweet Potato Crisps Cheese Jalapen 42 24 x 40g 9398
2.89 26.01 Z *Luke's ORG Protein Blue Corn & Lentil Chips 12 x 142g 12409
2.89 26.01 Z *Luke's ORG Kale Chips 12 x 142g 12410
2.89 26.01 Z *Luke's ORG Chia Seed Chips 12 x 142g 12411
2.89 26.01 Z *Luke's ORG Superfood Sweet Pot Hemp B/wheat Chip 12 x 142g 12412
Love, Corn
S 1.20 9.00 Z *Love, Corn Habanero Roasted Corn 10 x 45g 12813
S 1.20 9.00 Z *Love, Corn BBQ Roasted Corn 10 x 45g 12814
S 1.20 9.00 Z *Love, Corn Sea Salt Roasted Corn 10 x 45g 12815
2.99 13.44 Z Mello Watermelon Seeds Mild Chili Roasted 6 x 125g 3405
2.99 13.44 Z Mello Watermelon Seeds Lightly Salted Roasted 6 x 125g 3406
S 1.59 23.85 Z Natasha's Raw Spicy Tomato Kale Crunchies 20 x 15g 12570
S 1.59 23.85 Z Natasha's Raw Lemon & Pepper Kale Crunchies 20 x 15g 12571
Nom Foods
1.49 18.62 V *Nom ORG Popcorn Simply Salted w/ Coconut Oil 60 20 x 20g 9254
1.49 18.62 V *Nom ORG Popcorn Cinnamon Maple w/Coconut Oil 60 20 x 25g 9255
1.49 18.62 V *Nom ORG Popcorn Salted Maple w/Coconut Oil 60 20 x 25g 9256
Proper Pops
0.99 8.91 Z *Proper Pops Protein Snacks Salt & Pepper GF 75 12 x 25g 12809
0.99 8.91 Z *Proper Pops Protein Snacks White Cheddar GF 75 12 x 25g 12810
0.99 8.91 Z *Proper Pops Protein Snacks BBQ GF 75 12 x 25g 12811
0.59 13.26 V *Pom-Bear Original Potato Snacks 30 36 x 19g 2397
0.59 13.26 V *Pom-Bear Cheese & Onion Potato Snacks 30 36 x 19g 2398
0.69 10.35 V *Popchips SINGLE SERVE Smoky "Bacon" RIDGES 24 x 23g 12644
0.69 10.35 V *Popchips SINGLE SERVE Sea Salt&Vinegar RIDGE 24 x 23g 12645
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Vegan Smoky "Bacon" RIDGES 8 x 85g 12646
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Sea Salt & Vinegar RIDGES 8 x 85g 12647
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Crazy Hot RIDGES 8 x 85g 12648
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Mature Cheddar & Onion RIDGES 8 x 85g 12649
0.69 10.35 V *Popchips SINGLE SERVE (Sea Salt) Original 24 x 23g 4330
0.69 10.35 V *Popchips SINGLE SERVE Salt & Pepper 24 x 23g 4333
0.69 10.35 V *Popchips SINGLE SERVE Mature Cheddar & Onion 24 x 23g 4332
0.69 10.35 V *Popchips SINGLE SERVE Salt & Vinegar 24 x 23g 4334
0.69 10.35 V *Popchips SINGLE SERVE Sour Cream Onion 24 x 23g 4336
0.69 10.35 V *Popchips SINGLE SERVE Barbeque 24 x 23g 4331
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Original (Sea Salt) Share Bag 8 x 85g 4325
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Sweet Thai Chilli Share Bag 8 x 85g 2400
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Salt & Pepper Share Bag 8 x 85g 4327
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Salt & Vinegar Share Bag 8 x 85g 4328
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Sour Cream Onion Share Bag 8 x 85g 4329
1.89 9.45 V *Popchips Barbeque Share Bag 8 x 85g 4326

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0.99 9.28 V *Propercorn CRUNCH Corn Salt & Pepper 45 15 x 30g 12710
0.99 9.28 V *Propercorn CRUNCH Corn Sweet & Smokey Chilli 45 15 x 30g 12711
0.99 9.28 V *Propercorn CRUNCH Corn Rock Salt 45 15 x 30g 12712
0.99 9.28 V *Propercorn CRUNCH Corn Salt & Vinegar 45 15 x 30g 12713
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Fiery Worcs Sauce & S/DTomato 45 24 x 20g 7756
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Lightly Salted 45 24 x 20g 7754
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Smooth Peanut & Almond 45 24 x 25g 7714
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Sour Cream & Black Pepper 45 24 x 20g 7825
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Sweet Coconut & Vanilla 45 24 x 25g 8173
T 0.56 8.22 25% V *Propercorn Sweet & Salty 45 24 x 30g 7757
T 1.27 9.49 25% V *Propercorn LARGE Smooth Peanut & Almond 45 12 x 90g 7730
T 1.27 9.49 25% V *Propercorn LARGE Sweet & Salty 45 12 x 90g 7763
T 1.27 9.49 25% V *Propercorn LARGE Lightly Sea Salted 45 12 x 70g 7769
T 1.27 9.49 25% V *Propercorn LGE Sweet Coconut Vanilla 45 12 x 90g 7822
Raw Ecstasy - Raw, Vegan, GF, NAS
4.69 17.51 V Raw Ecstasy ORG Activated Almonds Himalayan Salt 6 x 70g 1785
4.89 18.28 V Raw Ecstasy ORG Activated Almonds Wasabi Miso 6 x 70g 1786
4.69 17.51 V Raw Ecstasy ORG Activated Walnuts Himalayan Salt 6 x 70g 1789
4.89 18.28 V Raw Ecstasy ORG Activated Walnuts Wasabi Miso 6 x 70g 1790
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
3.99 23.94 Z Raw Health ORGRawTilla Ruby Roots Beetroot Dipper 30 8 x 85g 6283
2.59 15.54 Z *Raw Health ORG Kale Chips Spicy Tomato Salsa 40 8 x 30g 12695
2.59 15.54 Z *Raw Health ORG Kale Chips Cashew Cheese Onion 40 8 x 30g 12696
2.59 15.54 Z *Raw Health ORG Kale Chips Black Pepper & Garlic 40 8 x 30g 12697
3.99 23.94 Z Raw Health ORG Raw - Tilla Chia Flax Dippers 30 8 x 60g 5353
S 4.29 25.74 Z Raw Health ORG Raw - Tilla Nacho Style Dippers 30 8 x 70g 5354
Raw & Wild
5.99 26.95 Z Raw & Wild Activated Pili Nuts Chili 6 x 70g 12834
5.99 26.95 Z Raw & Wild Activated Pili Nuts Original 6 x 70g 12835
5.99 26.95 Z Raw & Wild Activated Pili Nuts Turmeric & Ginger 6 x 70g 12836
5.99 26.95 Z Raw & Wild Activated Pili Nuts Himalayan Pink Salt 6 x 70g 12837
5.99 22.45 V Raw & Wild Activated Pili Nuts Raw Choc&Coconut 6 x 70g 12838
Real Foods
1.59 7.04 Z *Real Foods ORG Corn Thins Sesame GF 6 x 150g 9096
1.59 7.04 Z *Real Foods Corn Thins Original GF 6 x 150g 9097
Rawlicious - GF, Vegan
2.49 14.93 Z Rawlicious ORG Thai Chilli Twist Kale Chips 60 8 x 40g 6001
2.49 14.93 Z Rawlicious ORG Double Pepper Twist Kale Chips 60 8 x 40g 6002
2.49 14.93 Z Rawlicious ORG Indian Spice Kale Chips 60 8 x 40g 6003
2.49 14.93 Z Rawlicious ORG Original Cheesy Kale Chips 60 8 x 40g 6004
5.49 49.52 Z Rawlicious ORG Artisan Bread Crackers 60 12 x 150g 8098
5.49 49.52 Z Rawlicious ORG Tomato Pizza Crackers 60 12 x 150g 8097
5.49 49.52 Z Rawlicious ORG Brazil Nut Thyme Crackers 60 12 x 150g 8095
5.49 49.52 Z Rawlicious ORG Italian Herb Crackers 60 12 x 150g 8096
R.W. Garcia
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG Veggie Tortilla Chips 90 15 x 200g 1283
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG Thai SweetSpicy Flax Chip 90 15 x 200g 2132
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG White Corn Tort Chips 90 15 x 150g 1179
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG Blue Corn Tortilla Chips 90 15 x 200g 1185
S 2.95 33.18 Z *R.W. Garcia ORG Black Bn & Quinoa Tort Chips 90 15 x 150g 1200

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Saf To Go - Raw, Vegan, GF

3.79 28.43 V SAF RawORGActivated Salt/BlackPepp.WalnutNow12 60 12 x 50g 4440
3.29 29.61 Z SAF Raw Smoked Paprika Kale Crisps NOW12 45 12 x 40g 9484
3.79 34.11 Z SAF Raw Activated Plain Nuts Mixed NOW12 60 12 x 50g 9642
2.85 25.65 Z SAF Raw Cumin & Coriander Nutty Nori NOW12 45 12 x 30g 9778
2.85 25.65 Z SAF Raw Sweet Chilli Nutty Nori NOW12 45 12 x 30g 9787
2.85 25.65 Z SAF Raw Salt & Vinegar Nutty Nori NOW12 45 12 x 30g 9810
2.85 25.65 Z SAF Raw Beech Smoked Nutty Nori NOW12 45 12 x 30g 9811
3.79 28.43 V SAF RawActivated Salt&Bals.Vineg.Nuts MixedNow1 60 12 x 50g 9791
3.29 29.61 Z SAF Raw Cheezy Onion Kale Crisps NOW12 45 12 x 40g 9501
3.29 29.61 Z SAF Raw Miso & Cumin Kale Crisps NOW12 45 12 x 40g 9503
2.19 19.71 Z Schnitzer ORG Spelt Crackers 12 x 100g 4757
Lisa's Organic Crisps
0.99 14.85 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Mixed Alpine Herbs SMALL 25 24 x 40g 12902
0.99 14.85 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Alpine Rock Salt SMALL 25 24 x 40g 12903
0.99 14.85 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Alpine Salt & Vinegar SMALL 25 24 x 40g 12904
0.99 14.85 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Emmental & Onion SMALL 25 24 x 40g 12905
2.49 18.68 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Mix Alpine Herbs LARGE 25 12 x 140g 12911
2.49 18.68 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Alpine Rock Salt LARGE 25 12 x 140g 12912
2.49 18.68 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Alpine Salt & Vinegar LARGE 25 12 x 140g 12913
2.49 18.68 V *Lisa's ORG Crisps Emmental & Onion LARGE 25 12 x 140g 12914
1.85 13.85 V *Trafo ORG Corn Peanuts 30 12 x 75g 8323
2die4 - Activated Organic
6.49 29.17 Z 2Die4 ORG Activated Almonds 180 6 x 100g 426
6.29 28.35 Z 2Die4 ORG Activated Brazil Nuts 180 6 x 100g 416
7.49 33.70 Z 2Die4 ORG Activated Hazelnuts 180 6 x 100g 424
6.95 31.23 Z 2Die4 ORG Activated Mixed Nuts 180 6 x 100g 386
8.15 36.58 Z 2Die4 ORG Activated Pecans 180 6 x 100g 425
8.41 37.81 Z 2Die4 ORG Activated Pistachios 180 6 x 100g 423
5.66 25.48 Z 2Die4 ORG Activated Pumpkin Seeds 180 6 x 100g 419
6.59 29.59 Z 2Die4 ORG Activated Walnuts 180 6 x 100g 418
Tyrrells Crisps & Popcorn
2.19 13.14 Z *Tyrrells TORTILLA Sour Cream Poppy Seeds 25 8 x 150g 2755
2.19 13.14 Z *Tyrrells TORTILLA Chilli Chopped Jalapeno 25 8 x 150g 2747
S 1.53 27.55 Z *Tyrrells Beetroot Chips SML 25 24 x 40g 9464
0.75 8.47 V *Tyrrells Furrows SML Cheddar Pickle Onion 25 24 x 40g 2892
0.75 11.31 V *Tyrrells Furrows SML Lightly Sea Salted 25 24 x 40g 2890
0.75 11.31 V *Tyrrells Furrows SML Sea Salt Vinegar 25 24 x 40g 2894
0.75 11.31 V *Tyrrells Potato Chips Sml Black Pepper 25 24 x 40g 9444
0.75 11.31 V *Tyrrells Potato Chips Sml Chilli R.Pepper 25 24 x 40g 1246
0.75 11.31 V *Tyrrells Potato Chips Sml CheddarChives 25 24 x 40g 9443
0.75 11.31 V *Tyrrells Potato Chips Sml Cid Vinegar 25 24 x 40g 9447
0.75 11.31 V *Tyrrells Potato Chips Sml Naked No Salt 25 24 x 40g 9446
0.75 11.31 V *Tyrrells Potato Chips Sml Sea Salt 25 24 x 40g 9442
0.75 11.31 V *Tyrrells Potato Chips Sml Worcester 25 24 x 40g 9449
S 1.29 22.87 Z *Tyrrells Root Veg Chips SML 25 24 x 40g 9462
2.99 17.94 Z *Tyrrells Sweet Potato Lightly Salted 25 8 x 125g 9456
1.91 22.83 25% Z *Tyrrells Crinkle Mix Roots LGE 25 12 x 150g 5927
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Furrows LGE Cheddar PickleOnion 25 12 x 150g 2893
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Furrows LGE Sea Salted 25 12 x 150g 2891

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Furrows LGE Sea Salt Vinegar 25 12 x 150g 2895
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Black Pepper 25 12 x 150g 9459
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Cheddar Chives 25 12 x 150g 9452
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Cid Vinegar 25 12 x 150g 9451
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Naked No Salt 25 12 x 150g 9460
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Sea Salt 25 12 x 150g 9450
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Smoked Paprika 42 12 x 150g 1419
T 1.49 11.13 25% V *Tyrrells Potato Chips LGE Sweet Chilli 25 12 x 150g 9453
2.54 22.83 25% Z *Tyrrells Root Veg Chips LGE 25 12 x 150g 9463
2.99 17.94 Z *Tyrrells Sweet Potato Sweet Chilli 25 8 x 125g 9445
2.99 17.94 Z *Tyrrells Sweet Potato Coconut & Lime 25 8 x 125g 9448
S 0.72 10.80 V *Tyrrells POPCORN SML Lightly Salted 42 24 x 17g 2884
S 1.75 13.15 V *Tyrrells POPCORN LGE Bellini Cocktail 42 12 x 75g 12747
S 1.75 13.15 V *Tyrrells POPCORN LGE Coconut & Caramel 42 12 x 75g 2842
S 1.75 13.15 V *Tyrrells POPCORN LGE Lightly Salted 42 12 x 70g 2885
S 1.75 13.15 V *Tyrrells POPCORN LGE Sweet & Salty 42 12 x 80g 2887
S 1.75 13.15 V *Tyrrells POPCORN LGE Posh Golden Sweet 42 12 x 90g 2888
Two Chicks
1.65 9.90 Z *Two Chicks Chirps Sour Cream & Onion Crisps 60 8 x 28g 9921
1.65 9.90 Z *Two Chicks Chirps Salt & Cracked Pepper Crisps 60 8 x 28g 9922
1.65 9.90 Z *Two Chicks Chirps Smokey Jalapeno Crisps 60 8 x 28g 9923
Wild Thing
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Green Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12925
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Protein Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12926
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Fusion Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12927
T 2.31 20.81 20% Z *Wild Thing ORG Sunset Burst Popcorn Flats 12 x 150g 12928
1.65 14.90 Z Yakso ORG Crispy Onions 30 12 x 100g 5681

Fairground Organic and Fairtrade
1.39 20.85 V *Fairground ORG FT Apricot & Almond Bar 24 x 40g 12974
1.39 20.85 V *Fairground ORG FT Mango & Cashew Bar 24 x 40g 12975
100% Natural Raw Chocolate Brownie
2.35 26.45 V *100% Natural ORG Raw Choc Brownie Himalayan Ro 18 x 50g 2585
2.35 26.45 V *100% Natural ORG Raw Choc Brownie Coconut & Ch 18 x 50g 2548
2.35 26.45 V *100% Natural ORG Raw Choc Brownie Raw Cacao 18 x 50g 2540
2.35 26.45 V *100% Natural ORG Raw Choc Brownie Goji & Acai 18 x 50g 2572
1.75 31.10 Z *Abakus Freeze Dried Jujube Crisps 24 x 20g 12468
1.75 31.10 Z *Abakus Pitted Dried Jujube Fruit 24 x 40g 12469
Bear "The Grocer" Award Winners
S 2.80 10.49 Z *Bear Claws MULTI Apple Pear & Pumpkin 90 5 x 5x18g 4234
S 2.80 10.49 Z *Bear Claws MULTI Blackcurrant & Beetroot 90 5 x 5x18g 4228
S 2.80 10.49 Z *Bear Claws MULTI Mango & Carrot 90 5 x 5x18g 4229
S 2.80 10.49 Z *Bear Claws MULTI Strawberry & Butternut 90 5 x 5x18g 4233
S 0.61 8.25 Z *Bear Claws Apple Pear & Pumpkin 90 18 x 18g 9368
S 0.61 8.25 Z *Bear Claws Strawberry & Butternut 90 18 x 18g 9369
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Apple 90 6 x 5x20g 1276
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Blackcurrant 90 6 x 5x20g 1327
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Mango 90 6 x 5x20g 2026
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Raspberry 90 6 x 5x20g 2612
S 2.72 12.24 Z Bear MULTIPACK Yo Yos Strawberry 90 6 x 5x20g 2005

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Apple 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 7806
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Blackcurrant100%Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 1328
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Mango 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 486
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Pineapple 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 7805
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Raspberry 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 2611
S 0.60 8.15 Z *Bear Yo Yos Strawb 100% Fruit Rolls 90 18 x 20g 1896
S 2.78 8.33 Z *BearJunglePawsMULTIApp/ Blackc.4PACK 90 4 x 5x20g 7545
S 2.78 8.33 Z *Bear Safari PawsMULTI Mango/Straw4PACK 90 4 x 5x20g 7546
S 2.78 8.33 Z *Bear Arctic Paws MULTI Rasp Blueberry 90 4 x 5x20g 7254
S 2.78 8.33 Z *Bear Dino Paws MULTI Straw/App 4PACK 90 4 x 5x20g 7547
S 0.61 8.25 Z *Bear Jungle Paws Apple Blackcurrant 90 18 x 20g 7572
S 0.61 8.25 Z *Bear Safari Paws Mango Strawberry 90 18 x 20g 7573
S 0.61 8.25 Z *Bear Arctic Paws Raspberry Blueberry 90 18 x 20g 1249
S 0.61 8.25 Z *Bear Dino Paws Strawberry Apple 90 18 x 20g 7571
S 0.79 7.07 Z *Bear Fruit Nibbles Mango Pineapple 90 12 x 30g 1892
S 0.79 7.07 Z *Bear Fruit Nibbles Strawb Cherry Bites 90 12 x 30g 1895
Beond Organic Raw Superfood Bars
S 0.99 11.15 V *Beond ORG Apple Cinnamon Bar 18 x 35g 8151
S 0.99 11.15 V *Beond ORG Baobab & Pineapple Bar 18 x 35g 5049
S 0.99 11.15 V *Beond ORG Blueberry Bar 18 x 35g 8150
S 0.99 11.15 V *Beond ORG Raspberry Acai Bar 18 x 35g 8149
S 0.99 11.15 V *Beond ORG Raw Choc Bar 18 x 35g 8148
S 0.99 11.15 V *Beond ORG Sour Cherry Bar 18 x 35g 1524
1.99 14.92 V *Biona ORG Sour Snakes 50 12 x 75g 4762
1.89 14.18 V *Biona ORG Milk Chocolate Raisins 50 12 x 60g 4827
2.89 21.67 V *Biona ORG Milk Chocolate Almonds 50 12 x 70g 4828
3.19 23.92 V *Biona ORG Plain Chocolate Hazelnuts 50 12 x 70g 4829
2.19 16.43 V *Biona ORG Yogurt White Chocolate Banana Chips 50 12 x 70g 4881
1.99 14.92 V *Biona ORG Licorice Spirals 50 12 x 75g 8315
2.29 22.90 V *Biona ORG Rainbow Lollies 50 16 x 50g 9408
2.99 22.42 V *Biona ORG Dark Choc Rainforest Brazils 50 12 x 80g 6661
1.79 11.19 V *Biona ORG Jelly Dinos 50 10 x 75g 9994
1.79 11.19 V *Biona ORG Cool Cola Bottles 50 10 x 75g 7566
1.79 11.19 V *Biona ORG Pomegranate Hearts 50 10 x 75g 7564
1.79 11.19 V *Biona ORG Tutti Frutti Gums 50 10 x 75g 7565
1.99 14.92 V *Biona ORG MINI Fruit Bears 50 12 x 75g 7567
Booja Booja
12.95 32.40 V Booja ORG Special Ed Gift Coll Champagne Truffle 60 4 x 138g 4691
12.95 32.40 V Booja ORG Special Ed Gift Collection Hazel Truffle 60 4 x 138g 4692
12.95 32.40 V Booja ORG Special Ed Gift Collection Truffle No1 60 4 x 138g 4693
12.95 32.40 V Booja ORG Special Ed Gift Collection Truffle No2 60 4 x 138g 4694
6.99 34.96 V Booja ORG Around Midnight Choc Espresso Truffles 8 x 104g 5013
6.99 34.96 V Booja ORG Hazel Crunch Truffles 8 x 104g 4689
6.99 34.96 V Booja ORG Rum Sozzled Sultana Truffles 8 x 104g 5062
6.99 34.96 V Booja ORG Stem Ginger Truffles 8 x 104g 5037
9.49 35.64 V Booja ORG Champagne Truffles 6 x 138g 6 x 138g 6398
16.99 42.48 V Booja ORG Gourmet Truffle Selection 4 x 230g 5059
19.99 37.50 V Booja ORG Artist's Coll CHAMPAGNE Hndpntd Bx 3 x 185g 5065
19.99 37.50 V Booja ORG Artist's Coll HAZEL Hndpntd Bx 3 x 185g 5063

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.29 8.06 V *Bounce Cacao Orange Protein Bites Snackpack 10 x 30g 12450
2.69 10.09 V *Bounce Cacao Orange Protein Bites Sharebag 6 x 90g 12452
2.69 10.09 V *Bounce Coconut Cranberry Protein Bites Sharebag 6 x 90g 12453
2.69 10.09 V *Bounce Sweet&Salty Almond Protein Bites Sharebag 6 x 90g 12454
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan AlmondKaleProtein Ball APRL 12 x 40g 13040
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan AlmondSpirul ProteinBall APRL 12 x 40g 13041
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan BeetCashew ProteinBall APRL 12 x 40g 13042
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan CoconutCumin ProteinBall APR 12 x 40g 13043
T 1.61 14.50 10% Z *Bounce VLife Vegan CashewPeanut ProteinBall APR 12 x 40g 13044
1.85 55.50 Z *Bounce Almond Protein Hit Balls 40 x 49g 8922
1.85 55.50 Z *Bounce Apple Cinnamon Protein Punch 40 x 42g 8968
1.85 55.50 Z *Bounce Cacao Mint Protein Bomb 40 x 42g 8966
1.85 55.50 Z *Bounce Cacao Orange Protein Burst Energy Ball 40 x 42g 8656
1.85 55.50 Z *Bounce Cashew & Pecan Vitality Lift Balls 40 x 40g 8923
1.85 55.50 Z *Bounce Coconut Lemon Protein Energy Balls 40 x 40g 1199
1.85 55.50 Z *Bounce Coconut Macadamia Protein Bliss 40 x 40g 9436
1.85 55.50 Z *Bounce Peanut Protein Blast Balls 40 x 49g 8654
1.85 55.50 Z *Bounce Spirulina & Ginseng Defence Boost Balls 40 x 40g 8653
1.85 16.65 Z *Bounce REFILL Almond Protein Hit 12 x 49g 2227
1.85 16.65 Z *Bounce REFILL Apple Cinnamon Protein Punch 12 x 42g 8969
1.85 16.65 Z *Bounce REFILL Cacao Mint Protein Bomb 12 x 42g 8967
1.85 16.65 Z *Bounce REFILL Cacao Orange Protein Energy Ball 12 x 42g 8956
1.85 16.65 Z *Bounce REFILL Cashew Pecan Vitality Lift 12 x 42g 9426
1.85 16.65 Z *Bounce REFILLCoconut Lemon Protein Energy Ball 12 x 40g 1198
1.85 16.65 Z *Bounce REFILL Coconut Macadamia Protein Bliss 12 x 40g 9435
1.85 16.65 Z *Bounce REFILL Peanut Protein Blast 12 x 49g 2228
1.85 16.65 Z *Bounce REFILL Spirulina Ginseng DefenceBoost 12 x 40g 2226
8.99 40.44 Z *Bounce Apple Cinnamon Protein Punch Balls 5PACK 6 x 210g 8943
0.00 0.00 Z Bounce POS FLOOR display unit FREE 1x1 877
0.00 0.00 Z Bounce POS display unit - PRE-ORDER ONLY 1x1 880
Chicza ORG Biodegradable Chewing Gum
1.55 9.67 V *Chicza ORG Spearmint Biodegradable Chewing Gum 10 x 30g 1368
1.55 9.67 V *Chicza ORG Cinnamon Biodegradable Chewing Gum 10 x 30g 420
1.55 9.67 V *Chicza ORG Mex Lime Biodegradable Chewing Gum 10 x 30g 1362
1.55 9.67 V *Chicza ORG Mint Biodegradable Chewing Gum 10 x 30g 1364
Chocolate & Love
2.99 22.42 V *Choc & Love ORG Panama Bar 12 x 100g 8129
2.99 22.42 V *Choc & Love ORG Creamy Dark 12 x 100g 8131
2.99 22.42 V *Choc & Love ORG Filthy Rich Bar 12 x 100g 8132
2.99 22.42 V *Choc & Love ORG Caramel & Sweet Sea Bar 12 x 100g 8133
2.99 22.42 V *Choc & Love ORG Orange Bar 12 x 100g 8134
2.99 22.42 V *Choc & Love ORG Mint Bar 12 x 100g 8135
2.99 22.42 V *Choc & Love ORG Coffee Affair 12 x 100g 8136
Clif Bars
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Chocolate Chip Bar 12 x 68g 6026
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Crunchy Peanut Butter Bar 12 x 68g 6027
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif White Chocolate Macadamia Bar 12 x 68g 6028
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Blueberry Crisp Bar 12 x 68g 6029
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Chocolate Almond Fudge Bar 12 x 68g 6042
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Coconut Chocolate Chip 12 x 68g 6044
T 1.36 10.20 15% V *Clif Oatmeal & Raisin Bar 12 x 68g 6043

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.26 18.84 Z *Clive's ORG Flapjacks MIXED CASE 20 x 75g 7514
Conscious Chocolate - Raw, Vegan, Organic
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Cheeky Cherry 10 x 50g 1142
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Cheeky Cherry Brandy 10 x 50g 9675
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Chilli Hot 10 x 50g 9745
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Coconut Crunch w.Rice Syrup 10 x 50g 9752
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Cranberry Kiss w.Rice Syrup 10 x 50g 9747
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Cranberry Vodka Kiss 10 x 50g 9678
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Dark Side 85% 10 x 50g 441
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Essential Orange 10 x 50g 9743
3.19 20.00 V *Conscious ORG Choc Goji & Coconut 10 x 50g 9746
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Hint of Mint 10 x 50g 9749
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Intense 75% 10 x 50g 1838
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Lions Raw w. Rice Syrup 10 x 50g 9744
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Love Potion No9 10 x 50g 9750
3.19 20.00 V *Conscious ORG Choc The Nutty One 10 x 50g 489
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Plane Jane 70% 10 x 50g 9748
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Raucous Rum Raisin 10 x 50g 9676
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Simple Saintly w.Rice Syrup 10 x 50g 6968
2.99 18.69 V *Conscious ORG Choc Wild at Heart 10 x 50g 9742
0.99 9.28 V *Conscious ORG Choc Bites Dark Side 85% 15 x 15g 9755
0.99 9.28 V *Conscious ORG Choc Bites Essential Orange 15 x 15g 9754
0.99 9.28 V *Conscious ORG Choc Bites Goji & Coconut 15 x 15g 9753
0.99 9.28 V *Conscious ORG Choc Bites Lions Raw 15 x 15g 7241
0.99 9.28 V *Conscious ORG Choc Bites Mint Hint 15 x 15g 7244
Deliciously Ella
1.99 14.92 V *Deliciously Ella Cacao & Almond Energy Ball 60 12 x 40g 12446
1.99 14.92 V *Deliciously Ella Cashew & Ginger Energy Ball 60 12 x 40g 12447
1.99 14.92 V *Deliciously Ella Hazelnut & Raisin Energy Ball 60 12 x 40g 12448
1.99 14.92 V *Deliciously Ella Almond & Blueberry Energy Ball 60 12 x 50g 13048
1.99 14.92 V *Deliciously Ella Coconut & Oat Energy Ball 60 12 x 40g 13049
Doisy & Dam Chocolate ORG GF
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam Maple Toasted Rice Pink Salt Now80g 12 x 80g 12510
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Coconut & Lucuma Now80g 12 x 80g 3479
3.79 23.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Mulb Black Sesame Spirulina LGE 10 x 100g 3713
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Date&Himalayan PinkSaltNow80g 12 x 80g 3375
3.79 23.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG GingChilli Hemp LGE 10 x 100g 3473
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Goji Orange Now80g 12 x 80g 3470
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG LemonPoppySeed BaobabNow80g 12 x 80g 3385
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Maca Vanilla Cac Nibs Now80g 12 x 80g 3472
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG QuinoaSmoked TeaVanillaNow80g 12 x 80g 3386
T 2.75 20.60 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Vanilla Roast Cacao Nibs Now80g 12 x 80g 3419
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam Maple Toasted Rice Pink Salt SMALL 15 x 40g 12511
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Coconut & Lucuma SMALL 15 x 40g 3480
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Date & Himalayan Pink Salt SMAL 15 x 40g 3466
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Goji OrangeSMALL 15 x 40g 3475
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Lemon Poppy Seed Baobab SMAL 15 x 40g 3464
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG MacaVanilla Cac Nibs SMALL 15 x 40g 3476
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Quinoa Smoked Tea Vanilla SMAL 15 x 40g 3489
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Vanilla Roasted Cacao Nibs SMAL 15 x 40g 3576
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Mulb Black Sesame Spirulina SMA 15 x 40g 3824

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Eat Natural
0.85 14.81 V *Eat Natural Bar Assorted (LARGE BOX) 28 x 50g 5786
0.87 6.46 V *Eat Nat Brazil Sultana Almond Pnut Hazel 12 x 50g 5976
0.87 6.46 V *Eat Natural GF Protein Bar 12 x 45g 410
0.87 6.46 V *Eat Natural YOGHURT Apricot Almond Bar 12 x 50g 5979
0.87 6.46 V *Eat Nat Cranberry Macadamia Dark Choc 12 x 45g 6957
0.87 6.46 V *Eat Nat Pnut/Cashew/Cranberry/Choc 12 x 45g 6958
0.87 6.46 V *Eat Natural Cashew Blueberry Yog Bar 12 x 45g 1998
0.87 6.46 V *Eat Nat 70% Dark Choc/Brazil/Apricot 12 x 45g 2900
0.87 6.46 V *Eat Nat GF Coffee & Chocolate Bars 12 x 45g 94
0.87 6.46 V *Eat Natural Peanut & Popcorn Bar 12 x 45g 5745
0.75 5.62 V *Eat Natural Light & Lovely Protein Bar 12 x 30g 115
Emily Fruit Crisps
S 1.79 16.11 Z *Emily Fruit Crisps Crunchy Apple 30 12 x 30g 620
S 1.79 16.11 Z *Emily Fruit Crisps Crunchy Banana 30 12 x 35g 621
S 1.79 16.11 Z *Emily Fruit Crisps Crunchy Pineapple 30 12 x 30g 622
Fabulous Fudge Factory (Dairy Free)
4.65 17.51 V *Fabulous Fudge Dairy Free Vanilla 6 x 200g 9365
4.29 16.11 V *Fabulous Fudge Dairy Free Raspberry Coconut Ice 6 x 200g 9366
0.42 15.35 V *Frutina Real Fruit Snack-Variety 60 x 15g 891
0.89 16.69 V *Go Do ORG Dark 70%Chocolate 135 30 x 35g 2799
0.89 16.69 V *Go Do ORG Dark Almond 60%Choc 135 30 x 35g 2800
0.89 16.69 V *Go Do ORG Dark Coffee 60%Choc 135 30 x 35g 2801
0.89 16.69 V *Go Do ORG Milk 34%Chocolate 135 30 x 35g 2796
0.89 16.69 V *Go Do ORG Hazel Milk 34%Chocolate 135 30 x 35g 2798
0.89 16.69 V *Go Do ORG White 30%Chocolate 135 30 x 35g 2797
1.89 21.27 V *Go*Do ORG Dark 70%Chocolate LARGE 135 18 x 85g 4012
1.89 21.27 V *Go*Do ORG Milk Chocolate 34%LARGE 135 18 x 85g 4011
T 3.44 12.90 25% V Govinda ORG Almond Magic Balls 6 x 120g 824
T 3.37 12.64 25% V Govinda ORG Baobab Bites 6 x 120g 827
T 3.14 11.78 25% V Govinda ORG Chocolate Light Balls FT 6 x 120g 821
T 3.14 11.78 25% V Govinda ORG C'nut Paradise Confectionery 6 x 100g 819
T 3.44 12.90 25% V Govinda ORG Date & Coconut Balls FT 6 x 120g 822
T 3.44 12.90 25% V Govinda ORG Energy Balls 6 x 120g 823
T 3.37 12.64 25% V Govinda ORG Mango Coconut Bites Agave 6 x 120g 826
Green & Black's (organic)
0.89 16.66 V *G&B ORG SMALL Butterscotch Choc FT 30 x 35g 5873
0.89 16.66 V *G&B ORG SMALL Dark (70%) FT 30 x 35g 9028
0.89 16.66 V *G&B ORG SMALL Milk FT Chocolate 30 x 35g 9027
0.89 16.66 V *G&B ORG SMALL White FT Chocolate 30 x 35g 9029
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Almond Milk FT Chocolate 15 x 100g 6845
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Milk Butterscotch FT Choc 15 x 100g 8157
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Dark (70%) FT Choc 100g 15 x 100g 259
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG 85% Cocoa Solids FT Bar 15 x 100g 9575
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Ginger Lux Dark (60%) FT 15 x 100g 8155
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Hazel Currant Dark FT Choc 15 x 100g 3640
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Maya Gold Dark FT Choc 15 x 100g 1993
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Milk FT Chocolate 15 x 100g 1687
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Milk & Sea Salt Chocolate FT 15 x 100g 302
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Mint Dark FT Chocolate Bar 15 x 100g 2494
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG White FT Chocolate 15 x 100g 4738

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Dark Burnt Toffee Chocolate FT 15 x 100g 3817
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Milk Orange Chocolate FT 15 x 100g 3818
2.29 21.44 V *G&B ORG Milk Rasin Hazelnut Chocolate FT 15 x 100g 3819
2.29 25.76 V *G&B ORG Milk THIN Bar FT 18 x 100g 3821
2.29 25.76 V *G&B ORG Salted Caramel THIN Bar FT 18 x 100g 3822
2.29 25.76 V *G&B ORG Milk 37% Mint Crisp THIN FT 18 x 100g 3823
2.49 28.01 Z *G&B ORG COOK.Choc Dark(70%)FT150g 15 x 150g 5874
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG White Nougat Crisp Rice Choc 10 x 80g 8852
T 1.70 15.95 10% V *iChoc ORG Expedition Sunny Almond Choc 15 x 50g 13006
T 1.70 15.95 10% V *iChoc ORG Expedition Jungle Bites Dark Choc 15 x 50g 13007
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Vanilla White Rice Choc 10 x 80g 229
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Classic Rice Choc (Was Milkless) 10 x 80g 235
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Super Nut Rice Choc 10 x 80g 236
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Almond Orange Rice Choc 10 x 80g 2410
T 1.97 12.31 10% V *iChoc ORG Choco Cookie Rice Choc 10 x 80g 2411
KIND Snacks
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Caramel Almond & Sea Salt Bars 12 x 40g 12890
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Dark Chocolate & Cherry Cashew Bars 12 x 40g 12891
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond Bars 12 x 40g 12892
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt Bars 12 x 40g 12893
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt Bars 12 x 40g 12894
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Madagascan Vanilla Almond Bars 12 x 40g 12895
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Peanut Butter & Dark Chocolate Bars 12 x 40g 12896
T 1.19 8.94 20% V *KIND Almond & Coconut Bars 12 x 40g 12897
Just Wholefoods
1.53 7.67 V *Just Wholefoods ORG Vegebear Fruit Jellies Vegan 8 x 100g 5729
1.99 12.42 V *Landgarten ORG GF Dark Choc Cherries 10 x 50g 7069
1.99 12.42 V *Landgarten ORG GF Dark Choc Ginger 10 x 70g 7070
1.99 12.42 V *Landgarten ORG Rst Pump Seed Dark Choc 10 x 55g 7065
1.99 12.42 V *Landgarten ORG GF Dark Choc Rasp 10 x 50g 7072
Livia's Kitchen Raw Vegan
4.99 22.46 Z Livia's Millionaire Bites Salted DateCaramel LARGE 18 6 x 200g 4423
4.99 22.46 Z Livia's Millionaire Bites Almond & Raisin 18 6 x 180g 4424
4.99 22.46 Z Livia's Millionaire Bites Chocolate Orange LARGE 18 6 x 200g 4425
1.75 31.50 Z *Livia's Millionaire Bites Choc/Orange SMALL 18 24 x 60g 12375
1.75 31.50 Z *Livia's Millionare Bites SaltedDate&Caramel SMALL 18 24 x 60g 12376
4.99 18.71 V Livia's Biccy Boms Salted Maca Caramel 18 6 x 120g 12999
4.99 18.71 V Livia's Biccy Boms Ginger 18 6 x 120g 13000
4.99 18.71 V Livia's Biccy Boms Chocolate 18 6 x 120g 13004
Living Foods of St Ives
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Raw Choc Date & Walnut Pie 7 x 60g 7853
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Booster Bar Raw Choc Pie 7 x 60g 7814
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Chilli Raw Choc Pie 7 x 60g 7813
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Ginger Orange Zest Raw Choc Pie 7 x 60g 7817
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Goji & Pumpkin Seed Raw Choc Pie 7 x 60g 7812
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Naked Raw Choc Pie 7 x 60g 7816
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Nut Raw Choc Pie 7 x 60g 7815
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Raw Choc Pie Pink Himalayan Salt 7 x 60g 1222
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Raw Choc XyLipie Mango & Coconut 7 x 60g 7859
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Raw Choc XyLipie Rasp & Black Pepper 7 x 60g 7860
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Raw Fudge With Peanut Butter 7 x 60g 7863
2.66 13.86 Z *Living Food Raw Fudge With Vanilla 7 x 60g 7852

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2.69 20.18 V *Lovechock ORG Pecan Maca Raw Choc 12 x 40g 8737
2.69 20.18 V *Lovechock ORG Alm Fig Raw Choc Bar 12 x 40g 8690
2.69 20.18 V *Lovechock ORG Cherry Chilli Raw Choc 12 x 40g 8702
2.69 20.18 V *Lovechock ORG Goji Orange Raw Choc 12 x 40g 8692
2.69 20.18 V *Lovechock ORG Mulberry Vanilla Raw Choc 12 x 40g 8689
2.69 20.18 V *Lovechock ORG Pineapp Incaberry Raw Choc 12 x 40g 8691
2.69 20.18 V *Lovechock ORG Pure Nibs Raw Choc Bar 12 x 40g 8688
3.89 19.45 V *Lovechock ORG Tablet Almond & Mulberry 'Mylk' 8 x 70g 9595
3.89 19.45 V *Lovechock ORG Tablet Cranberry&Buckwheat 'Mylk' 8 x 70g 9594
3.89 19.45 V *Lovechock ORG Tablet Almond & Baobab 8 x 70g 3806
3.89 19.45 V *Lovechock ORG Tablet Blueberry & Hempseed 8 x 70g 3805
3.89 19.45 V *Lovechock ORG Tablet Sweet Nibs & Sea Salt 8 x 70g 3804
S 2.45 22.06 Z *LoveRaw ORG Cacao & Maca Bar NOW45g 90 12 x 45g 8236
S 2.45 22.06 Z *LoveRaw ORG Cacao Spirulina Bar NOW45g 90 12 x 45g 9062
S 2.45 22.06 Z *LoveRaw ORG Almond & Coconut Bar NOW45g 90 12 x 45g 8237
S 2.45 22.06 Z *LoveRaw ORG Rosehip & Lemon Bar NOW45g 90 12 x 45g 8238
1.62 29.16 10% Z *MightyBeeORGVegan Coconut JerkyTeriyakiSMALL 75 24 x 15g 3125
1.62 29.16 10% Z *MightyBeeORGVegan Coconut Jerky Spicy BBQ SM 75 24 x 15g 3126
1.62 29.16 10% Z *MightyBeeORGVegan Coconut Jerky Choc HazelSM 75 24 x 15g 3127
2.85 25.65 Z *MightyBee ORG Vegan Coconut JerkyTeriyaki 75 12 x 30g 3099
2.85 25.65 Z *MightyBee ORG Vegan Coconut Jerky Spicy BBQ 75 12 x 30g 3098
2.85 25.65 Z *MightyBee ORG Vegan Coconut Jerky Choc & Hazel 75 12 x 30g 3097
Montezuma's Chocolates
0.80 13.00 V *Montezuma ORG MINIBAR Dark Butterscotch 54% 26 x 30g 2647
0.80 13.00 V *Montezuma ORG MINIBAR Dark Chilli Chocolate 26 x 30g 2648
0.80 13.00 V *Montezuma ORG MINIBAR Smooth Milk Chocolate 26 x 30g 2651
0.80 13.00 V *Montezuma ORG MINIBAR V Dark 73% Chocolate 26 x 30g 2650
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Milk Dark Side Butterscotch 12 x 100g 2446
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Dark Chilli Chocolate 12 x 100g 1596
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Milk Choc with Chilli & Lime 12 x 100g 2445
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Milk The Dark Side Chocolate 12 x 100g 1589
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Dark Spice It Up Ginger Choc 12 x 100g 8102
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Dark Lordy Lord Nibs Choc 12 x 100g 8101
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Dark Orange & Geranium Chocolate 12 x 100g 1592
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Dark Seadog Lime Seasalt Choc 12 x 100g 8103
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Smooth Milk Chocolate 12 x 100g 1588
2.37 17.78 V *Montezuma ORG Very Dark 73% Chocolate 12 x 100g 1587
3.41 17.01 V *Montezuma ORG DARK Choc Buttons 8 x 180g 1822
3.41 17.01 V *Montezuma ORG MILK Choc Buttons 8 x 180g 1821
3.41 17.01 V *Montezuma ORG WHITE Choc Buttons 8 x 180g 1824
MoodFoods Ombar Raw Vegan
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Blueberry & Acai Raw Choc 10 x 35g 1355
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Coco Mylk Raw Choc 10 x 35g 8874
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Coconut 60% Raw Choc 10 x 35g 325
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Cranb Mandarin Raw Choc 10 x 35g 1356
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Dark 72% Raw Choc 10 x 35g 2443
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Goji Berry Raw Choc 10 x 35g 326
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Green Tea Lemon Raw Choc 10 x 35g 327
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Pure 90% Raw Choc 10 x 35g 2656
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Strawberry Mylk Raw Choc 10 x 35g 2444
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Coconut & Vanilla Centre 10 x 35g 2338
1.89 11.78 V *Ombar ORG Raspberry & Coconut Centre 10 x 35g 2496
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1.45 13.42 V *Ombar ORG Coco Mylk Buttons 15 x 25g 328
1.45 13.42 V *Ombar ORG Dark 72% Buttons 15 x 25g 2447
Mulu Raw Chocolate - Vegan GF
1.49 9.20 V *Mulu ORG Raw Chocolate Buttons 10 x 22g 3493
3.75 23.50 V *Mulu ORG Raw Chocolate Dark 10 x 74g 3491
3.75 23.50 V *Mulu ORG Raw Chocolate with Cacao Nibs 10 x 68g 3492
3.75 23.50 V *Mulu ORG Raw Chocolate Silk 10 x 74g 3490
Nakd - Raw Vegan NAS Wholefood Snacks
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Apple Crunch GF 140 18 x 30g 2839
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Banana Crunch GF 140 18 x 30g 2840
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Strawberry Crunch GF 140 18 x 30g 2822
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Cocoa Crunch GF 140 18 x 30g 2911
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Nudie Caffe Mocha Fruit & Nut Bar GF 105 18 x 35g 2846
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Nudie Gingerbread Raw Fruit & Nut Bar GF 105 18 x 35g 2834
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Nudie Pecan Pie Raw Fruit & Nut Bar GF 105 18 x 35g 2835
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Nudie Cashew Cookies Raw Fruit & Nut Bar GF 105 18 x 35g 2832
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Nudie Cocoa Delight Raw Fruit & Nut Bar GF 105 18 x 35g 2833
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Nudie Cocoa ORANGE Fruit & Nut Bar GF 105 18 x 35g 2838
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Nudie Rhubarb & Custard Fruit & Nut Bar GF 105 18 x 35g 2847
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Nudie Berry Delight Fruit & Nut Bar GF 105 18 x 35g 2836
0.87 9.75 V *Nakd Nudie Cocoa MINT Fruit & Nut Bar GF 105 18 x 35g 2837
1.79 16.11 Z *Natasha's Slice ORG Raw Coconut Cacao NOW35g 12 x 35g 12565
1.79 16.11 Z *Natasha's Slice ORG Raw Power NOW35g 12 x 35g 12566
1.79 16.11 Z *Natasha's Slice ORG Raw Energy NOW35g 12 x 35g 12567
1.45 10.86 V *Natuhit ORG Mint Drops 12 x 11g 7451
1.45 10.86 V *Natuhit ORG Red Fruit Drops 12 x 11g 7452
Nom Foods
T 1.52 13.69 15% Z *Nom ORG Banana Coconut Oil Oat Bar 60 12 x 52g 102
T 1.40 12.62 15% Z *Nom ORG Original Coconut Oil Oat Bar 60 12 x 52g 103
T 1.69 15.22 15% Z *Nom ORG Pea Protein Coconut Oil Bar 60 12 x 52g 109
T 1.52 13.69 15% Z *Nom ORG Cacao & Rasp Coconut Oil Oat Bar 60 12 x 52g 101
N'eat Bars
0.99 9.90 V *N'eat Red Berries & Quinoa Bar 16 x 45g 12656
0.99 9.90 V *N'eat Blueberries & Chia Seeds Bar 16 x 45g 12657
0.99 9.90 V *N'eat Banana Chia Seeds & Multi Seeds Bar 16 x 45g 12658
0.99 9.90 V *N'eat Apricot Chia Seed & Pumpkin Seed Bar 16 x 45g 12659
Nourish Grow Cook Enjoy
4.99 37.43 Z Nourish Cacao Coconut Macaroons 50 10 x 140g 12539
4.99 37.43 Z Nourish Red Velvet Coconut Macaroons 50 10 x 140g 12540
4.99 37.43 Z Nourish Passionfruit Coconut Macaroons 50 10 x 110g 12541
4.99 37.43 Z Nourish Strawberry Honey Coconut Macaroons 50 10 x 125g 12542
1.92 24.00 V *Ollybars All Day Breakfast Bar 120 20 x 60g 9164
1.92 24.00 V *Ollybars Peanut Choc Chip Bar 120 20 x 60g 12464
1.92 24.00 V *Ollybars Banana Brunch Bar 120 20 x 60g 9844
Pacari Single Origin Artisanal Ecuador Chocolate
5.04 31.50 V *Pacari ORG Raw Salt & Nibs Chocolate 120 10 x 50g 866
5.04 31.50 V *Pacari ORG Raw 85% Choc Bar 120 10 x 50g 8875
5.04 31.50 V *Pacari ORG Raw 100% Cacao Bar 120 10 x 50g 2126
5.04 31.50 V *Pacari ORG Raw 70% Choc Bar 120 10 x 50g 2125
5.04 31.50 V *Pacari ORG RAW Andean Blueberry Dark Chocolate 120 10 x 50g 9499

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Pana Organic Raw Vegan Chocolate

3.99 29.92 V *Pana ORG Raw Vegan Cinnamon Chocolate 12 x 45g 6140
3.99 29.92 V *Pana ORG Raw Vegan Coconut Goji Chocolate 12 x 45g 6141
3.99 29.92 V *Pana ORG Raw Vegan 80% Cocoa Chocolate 12 x 45g 6142
3.99 29.92 V *Pana ORG Raw Vegan Mint Chocolate 12 x 45g 6143
3.99 29.92 V *Pana ORG Raw Vegan Nuts Chocolate 12 x 45g 6144
3.99 29.92 V *Pana ORG Raw Vegan Orange Chocolate 12 x 45g 6145
3.99 29.92 V *Pana ORG Raw Vegan Cacao Chocolate 12 x 45g 6146
3.99 29.92 V *Pana ORG Raw Vegan Sour Cherry Vanilla Chocolate 12 x 45g 6147
3.99 29.92 V *Pana ORG Raw Vegan Fig & Wild Orange Chocolate 12 x 45g 6149
Peppersmith - 100% Xylitol Gum Mints and Pastilles
2.99 22.42 V *P/smith PEPPERMINT Dental Gum 12 x 50g 3345
2.99 22.42 V *P/smith SPEARMINT Dental Gum 12 x 50g 3348
1.29 9.67 V *P/smith PEPPERMINT Dental Gum 12 x 15g 2201
1.29 9.67 V *P/smith SPEARMINT Dental Gum 12 x 15g 3000
1.49 11.20 V *P/smith PEPPERMINT Dental Mints 12 x 15g 3001
1.49 11.20 V *P/smith EXTRA STRONG Dental Mints 12 x 15g 2185
1.49 11.20 V *P/smith LEMON Dental Mints 12 x 15g 2151
1.49 11.20 V *P/smith Strawberry Dental Pastilles 12 x 15g 12473
Perkier Foods - Gluten Free
0.95 10.69 V *Perkier Cacao & Cashew Quinoa Bar 18 x 35g 8282
0.95 10.69 V *Perkier Cashew Chia & Pumpkin Seed Quinoa Bar 18 x 35g 8207
0.95 10.69 V *Perkier Cranberry&Cashew Sprout Buckweat Oat Bar 18 x 35g 8249
0.95 10.69 V *Perkier Goji & Cranberry Quinoa Bar 18 x 35g 8261
Perry Court Farm
0.70 12.60 Z *Perry Court TANGY Apple Crisps AirDried 24 x 20g 2997
0.70 12.60 Z *Perry Court SWEET Apple Crisps AirDried 24 x 20g 2998
0.70 12.60 Z *Perry Court Pear Crisps Air Dried 24 x 20g 2999
0.55 16.50 V *Perry Court English Fruit Leathers Assorted 48 x 15g 2994
Primal Pantry
S 1.59 17.88 V *Primal Pantry Almond Cashew Paleo Bar 18 x 45g 7958
S 1.59 17.88 V *Primal Pantry Brazil & Cherry Paleo Bar 18 x 45g 7959
S 1.59 17.88 V *Primal Pantry Coconut Macadamia Paleo Bar 18 x 45g 7960
S 1.59 17.88 V *Primal Pantry Hazel & Cocoa Paleo Bar 18 x 45g 7964
S 2.09 19.60 V *Primal Pantry Mixed Berries Paleo Protein Bar 15 x 55g 6541
S 2.09 19.60 V *Primal Pantry Cocoa Orange Paleo Protein Bar 15 x 55g 6542
Protein Ball Co
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Cacao & Orange 50 10 x 45g 12607
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Cherry & Almond 50 10 x 45g 12608
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Lemon & Pistachio 50 10 x 45g 12609
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Vegan Goji & Coconut 50 10 x 45g 3085
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Paleo Peanut Butter 50 10 x 45g 3084
T 1.59 9.94 20% V *Protein Ball Co - Whey Coco Macadamia 50 10 x 45g 3083
S 1.59 17.82 V *Pulsin' Almond & Raisin Raw Choc Brownie 60 18 x 50g 1197
S 1.59 17.82 V *Pulsin' Maca Bliss Raw Choc Brownie 60 18 x 50g 415
S 1.59 17.82 V *Pulsin' Maple & Peanut Protein 60 18 x 50g 763
1.59 17.82 V *Pulsin' Maple & Whey (was Sport) 60 18 x 50g 1329
S 1.59 17.82 V *Pulsin' Mint Choc Chip Protein Snack 18 x 50g 5052
S 1.59 17.82 V *Pulsin' Orange Choc Chip Protein Bar 18 x 50g 5047
S 1.59 17.88 V *Pulsin' Peanut Raw Choc Chip Brownie 18 x 50g 3768
S 1.59 17.82 V *Pulsin' Raspberry & Goji (was Berry Burst) 60 18 x 50g 411

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 1.59 17.82 V *Pulsin' Vanilla Choc Chip Bar 60 18 x 50g 8158
2.99 22.42 V *Pulsin' Almond Raisin Raw Choc Brownie 3PACK 12 x 3x35g 3771
2.99 22.42 V *Pulsin' Maca Bliss Raw Choc Brownie 3PACK 12 x 3x35g 3770
2.99 22.42 V *Pulsin' Peanut Raw Choc Chip Brownie 3PACK 12 x 3x35g 3769
2.99 22.42 V *Pulsin' Raspberry Goji Raw Choc Brownie 3PACK 12 x 3x35g 3772
2.99 22.42 V *Pulsin' Kids Orange Choc Chip Fruity Oat Bars 12 x 6x25g 3827
2.99 22.42 V *Pulsin' Kids Strawberry Fruity Oat Bars 12 x 6x25g 3836
2.99 22.42 V *Pulsin' Kids Blackcurrant & Apple Fruity Oat Bars 12 x 6x25g 3841
Raw Chocolate Company
0.99 11.18 V *Raw Choc Co Pitch Dark MINI BAR 18 x 22g 5917
0.99 11.18 V *Raw Choc Co Vanoffe DARK MINI BAR 18 x 22g 5918
1.99 14.92 V *Raw Choc Co Orange & Xylitol Bar70% NAS 12 x 44g 1506
1.99 14.92 V *Raw Choc Co Pitch Dark Bar 72% 12 x 44g 9803
1.99 14.92 V *Raw Choc Co Vanoffe Bar 12 x 44g 9513
1.99 14.92 V *Raw Choc Co Vanoffe DARK Bar 12 x 44g 5916
5.99 22.46 V *Raw Choc Co ORG Raw Choc Goji 6x125g 6 x 125g 2517
5.99 22.46 V *Raw Choc ORG CHOC Mulberries 6x125g 6 x 125g 2516
4.49 16.84 V *Raw Choc Co ORG Raw Choc Raisins 6x125g 6 x 125g 2519
Raw Ecstasy - Raw, Vegan, GF, NAS
4.05 15.08 V Raw Ecstasy Crack'l w Sprout Buckwheat Choc 53 6 x 45g 2507
S 4.75 17.82 V Raw EcstasyORGActivated Almonds Raw Choc 6 x 70g 1784
S 4.75 17.82 V Raw EcstasyORGActivated Walnuts Maple Syrup 6 x 70g 1787
4.75 17.82 V Raw Ecstasy ORGActivated Walnuts Raw Choc 6 x 70g 1788
4.75 17.82 V Raw EcstasyORGActivated Almonds Maple Syrup 6 x 70g 1783
Raw Gorilla
1.49 11.18 Z *Raw Gorilla ORG Lemon Lucuma&Coconut Munchies 10 x 40g 12532
1.49 11.18 Z *Raw Gorilla ORG Apricot Baobab Tigernut Munchies 10 x 40g 12533
1.49 11.18 Z *R/Gorilla ORG Sprout Raw Cacao Lucuma Munchies 10 x 40g 289
1.49 11.18 Z *R/Gorilla ORG Sprout Raw Maca Cinn Munchies 10 x 40g 16
Raw Halo
2.99 37.36 V *Raw Halo ORG Pure Dark Raw 76% Choc 20 x 35g 6969
2.99 37.36 V *Raw Halo ORG Pure Mylk Raw Choc 20 x 35g 6970
2.99 37.36 V *Raw Halo ORG Mylk + Crispies Raw Choc 20 x 35g 6971
2.99 37.36 V *Raw Halo ORG Dark Sweet Orange Raw 76%Choc 20 x 35g 6973
2.99 37.36 V *Raw Halo ORG Mylk Salted Caramel Raw Choc 20 x 35g 6974
2.99 37.36 V *Raw Halo ORG Mylk Pink Himalayan Salt Raw Choc 20 x 35g 6975
2.99 37.36 V *Raw Halo ORG Dark Mint Raw 76% Choc 20 x 35g 6976
2.99 37.36 V *Raw Halo ORG Dark Ginger Pecan Raw 76% Choc 20 x 35g 6977
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
T 2.20 16.51 15% V *Raw Health ORG Fusion Choc RosePetal WhiteAlmon 12 x 30g 12680
T 2.20 16.51 15% V *Raw Health ORG Fusion Choc LavenderSproutQuinoa 12 x 30g 12681
T 2.20 16.51 15% V *Raw Health ORG Fusion Choc Goji & Cacao Nibs 12 x 30g 12682
T 2.20 16.51 15% V *Raw Health ORG Fusion Choc ApricotKern&RedPepp 12 x 30g 12683
2.99 17.94 Z *Raw Health ORG Rubylicious Beet Balls 30 8 x 60g 4525
2.99 17.94 Z *Raw Health ORG Greensupreme Kale Balls 30 8 x 60g 4530
2.79 16.74 Z *Raw Health ORG Hemp Protein Energy Balls 30 8 x 60g 5946
2.09 12.54 Z *Raw Health ORG Fruity Coconut Balls 30 8 x 60g 5958
2.59 15.54 Z *Raw Health ORG Spirulina Orange Energy Balls 30 8 x 60g 5948
4.19 25.14 Z *Raw Health ORG Tangy Apple & Cinnamon Rolls 30 8 x 80g 5955
1.79 16.11 Z *Raw Health ORG Truly Juicy Date& Brazil Bar 50 12 x 46g 4763
2.59 15.54 Z *Raw Health ORG GF Chocada Truffles 30 8 x 65g 4583
2.49 14.94 Z *Raw Health ORG Zesty Lemon & Chia Balls 30 8 x 60g 4589
4.99 24.95 V *Raw Health ORG Heavenly Hemp Chocolate 50 8 x 70g 4587
4.99 24.95 V *Raw Health ORG Very Cherry Chocolate 50 8 x 70g 4604

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1.59 11.88 V *Good-for-You ORG GF Choco Walnut Brownie Bar 12 x 42g 9526
1.59 11.88 V *Good-for-You ORG GF Coconut Macaroon Bar 12 x 42g 9527
1.59 11.88 V *Good-for-You ORG GF Apple Pie Bar 12 x 42g 9528
1.59 11.88 V *Good-for-You ORG GF Lemon Cake Bar 12 x 42g 9529
1.59 11.88 V *Good-for-You ORG GF Banana Muffin Bar 12 x 42g 9530
0.99 12.36 V *Rooball ORG Coconut & Guarana 20 x 22g 12400
0.99 12.36 V *Rooball ORG Cacao & Maca 20 x 22g 12401
0.99 12.36 V *Rooball ORG Choco Chip & Matcha 20 x 22g 12402
0.99 12.36 V *Rooball ORG Ashwaganda & Mango 20 x 22g 12403
1.79 17.90 V *Roobar ORG Maca & Cranberries Raw Superfood Bar 120 16 x 50g 7870
1.79 17.90 V *Roobar ORG Goji Raw Superfood Bar 120 16 x 50g 7871
1.79 17.90 V *Roobar ORG Chia Coconut Raw Superfood Bar 120 16 x 50g 7872
1.79 17.90 V *Roobar ORG Cacao NIBS Almond Raw Superfood Ba 120 16 x 50g 7873
1.49 14.90 V *Roobar ORG Cacao/Cashew Raw Superfood Bar 120 16 x 50g 7874
1.49 17.90 V *Roobar ORG Rose Hip Raw Superfoood Bar 120 16 x 50g 7875
Rude Health - Sustainably Produced
1.19 13.40 V *R/Health GF Sweet Potato & Cacao Snack Bar 18 x 35g 12434
1.19 13.40 V *R/Health Beetroot Veg Fruit Nut Bar 18 x 35g 2858
1.19 13.40 V *R/Health Peanut Veg Fruit Nut Bar 18 x 35g 6860
1.19 13.40 V *R/Health Pumpkin Veg Fruit Nut Bar 18 x 35g 2859
Saf To Go - Raw, Vegan, GF
3.79 28.43 V SAF Raw Activated Caramelised Pecans NOW12 60 12 x 50g 4439
3.79 34.11 Z SAF Raw Fruit & Nut Fibre Cereal Bites NOW12 45 12 x 60g 9494
3.79 34.11 Z SAF Raw Nutty Apple Granola Cereal Bites NOW12 45 12 x 60g 9500
1.79 16.11 Z SAF Raw ORG Mint&Spirulina C'nut Chips NOW12 60 12 x 30g 9769
1.79 16.11 Z SAF RawORG LucumaSaltedCaramelC'nutChipNow12 60 12 x 30g 9770
1.79 16.11 Z SAF RawORGBaobab&BlackcurrantC'nutChipsNow12 60 12 x 30g 9771
Savvy Foods
T 2.77 20.73 30% Z Savvy OzCarob ORG Raw Carob NIBBLES LGE 10 x 150g 7426
T 1.04 16.35 30% Z Savvy OzCarob ORG Raw Carob NIBBLES SMALL 20 x 30g 7427
0.87 13.05 Z *Snact Apple Banana Blueberry Fruit Jerky 20 x 20g 3917
0.87 13.05 Z *Snact Apple & Raspberry Fruit Jerky 20 x 20g 3080
0.87 13.05 Z *Snact Apple & Mango Fruit Jerky 20 x 20g 3081
Squirrel Sisters
T 1.79 17.93 10% V *Squirrel Sisters Snack Bar Cacao Orange 16 x 40g 3253
T 1.79 17.93 10% V *Squirrel Sisters Snack Bar Raspberry Ripple 16 x 40g 3303
T 1.79 17.93 10% V *Squirrel Sisters Snack Bar Coconut Cashew 16 x 40g 3305
T 1.79 17.93 10% V *Squirrel Sisters Snack Bar Cacao Brownie 16 x 40g 3247
1.49 26.82 Z Sunita Halva/GrapeJuice/Sultana 24 x 75g 4832
S 1.99 35.82 Z Sunita Halva Pistachio 24 x 75g 5855
0.89 13.35 V *Sunita ORG Sultana & Sesame Bar 24 x 30g 5856
0.89 13.55 V *Sunita ORG Sesame Bar 24 x 30g 3250
S 2.15 19.35 Z Sunita ORG Honey Halva w Almonds 12 x 75g 8414
1.49 13.41 Z Sunita ORG Grapejuice Halva w Sultanas 12 x 75g 8415
1.65 14.85 Z Sunita ORG Honey Halva 12 x 75g 4232
S 1.99 17.91 Z Sunita ORG Dark Chocolate Halva 12 x 75g 2874

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1.99 14.92 V *Supertreats ORG Silky Milky Carob Bar 12 x 40g 366
1.99 14.92 V *Supertreats ORG Merry Berry Carob Bar 12 x 40g 367
Sweet Nothings
1.39 9.40 Z *Sweet Nothings Lime & Coconut Flapjack Bites 9 x 64g 7603
1.39 9.40 Z *Sweet Nothings Apple & Vinefruit Flapjack Bites 9 x 64g 7604
1.39 9.40 Z *Sweet Nothings Fruit & Nut Flapjack Bites 9 x 64g 7605
1.39 9.40 Z *Sweet Nothings Ginger Fruity Lemon Flapjack Bite 9 x 64g 7606
Urban Fruit
S 1.02 10.68 Z Urban Fruit Coconut Chips Sriracha Chilli 90 14 x 25g 12704
S 1.02 10.68 Z Urban Fruit Coconut Chips Straight Up 90 14 x 25g 12705
S 1.02 10.68 Z Urban Fruit Mango Snack Pack 90 14 x 35g 7247
S 1.02 10.68 Z Urban Fruit Pineapple Snack Pack 90 14 x 35g 7249
S 1.02 10.68 Z Urban Fruit Strawberry Snack Pack 90 14 x 35g 7248
S 2.35 8.84 Z Urban Fruit Apple & Pear 90 5 x 100g 2223
S 2.36 17.68 Z Urban Fruit Softly Baked Cherries 90 10 x 90g 2218
S 2.35 8.84 Z Urban Fruit Softly Baked Mango 90 5 x 100g 2221
S 2.35 8.84 Z Urban Fruit Pineapple 90 5 x 100g 2222
S 2.36 17.68 Z Urban Fruit Softly Baked Strawberry 90 10 x 90g 2220
S 2.35 8.84 Z Urban Fruit Tropical 90 5 x 100g 7984
S 2.36 17.68 Z Urban Fruit Raspberry 90 10 x 90g 9367
Vego Good Food - Vegan
5.49 54.90 V Vego ORG Vegolino Vegan Pralines 16 x 180g 9841
3.65 68.44 V *Vego ORG Whole Hazelnut Chocolate Bar FT 30 x 150g 218
1.99 37.31 V *Vego ORG GF MINI Hazelnut Chocolate Bar FT 30 x 65g 219
Vivani Organic Milk Chocolate
0.45 11.25 V *Vivani ORG Milk Minibars 40 x 12.5g 7811
1.09 12.26 V *Vivani ORG Creamy Milk Choc 18 x 40g 7832
1.09 12.26 V *Vivani ORG Creamy Caramel Milk Choc 18 x 40g 1988
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Dark Milk 50% Cocoa 10 x 80g 1989
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Creamy Milk Choc 37% 10 x 80g 3553
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Almond Dark Choc 10 x 100g 3009
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Almond Milk Choc 10 x 100g 7793
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Cappuccino Milk Choc 10 x 100g 7800
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Caramel Cream Filled Milk Choc 10 x 100g 2344
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Cassis Filled Dark Choc 10 x 100g 2803
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Hazel Whole Dark Choc 10 x 100g 3010
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Whole Hazel Milk Choc 10 x 100g 7792
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Kids-Milkcream Choc 10 x 100g 7798
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Mango Coconut White Choc 10 x 100g 2342
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Marzipan Amaretto Dark Choc 10 x 100g 2331
S 1.90 11.87 V *Vivani ORG Milk Choc 10 x 100g 7791
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Peppermint Dark Choc 10 x 100g 2068
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Praline Milk Choc 10 x 100g 7796
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Rice Crispies White Choc 10 x 100g 2802
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Strawberry White Choc 10 x 100g 7795
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Superior Vanilla White Choc 10 x 100g 2330
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Winter Spiced Biscuit Choc 10 x 100g 1881
3.70 27.75 Z *Vivani ORG Kuverture Cook MILK Choc 10 x 200g 3226
3.70 27.75 Z *Vivani ORG Kuverture Cook WHITE Choc 10 x 200g 7752

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Vivani Organic Vegan Chocolate

0.45 11.25 V *Vivani ORG Dark Minibars 40 x 12.5g 7810
1.09 12.26 V *Vivani ORG Crispy Corn Flakes Rice Choc 18 x 35g 7801
1.09 12.26 V *Vivani ORG Vegan Almond Orange Choc 18 x 35g 1984
1.09 12.26 V *Vivani ORG Vegan Black Cherry Dark 18 x 35g 1987
1.09 12.26 V *Vivani ORG Vegan Dark Nougat Croccante 18 x 35g 1983
1.09 12.26 V *Vivani ORG Vegan WhiteNougat Crisp Hazel 18 x 35g 1986
1.09 12.26 V *Vivani ORG Strawberry Wafer Crunch White Rice 18 x 35g 7831
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Dark 99% Chocolate 10 x 80g 3943
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Vegan Dark 75% Chocolate 10 x 80g 3546
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Superior 92% Dark Choc 10 x 80g 1898
S 1.90 11.87 V *Vivani ORG Bitter Fine 71% Dark Choc 10 x 100g 7790
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Orange Dark Choc 10 x 100g 7799
S 2.19 13.68 V *Vivani ORG Vegan Rice Milk 40%Cocoa Choc 10 x 100g 1990
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Edizione Grande 85% Dark Choc 10 x 100g 7794
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Nougat Dark Choc 10 x 100g 2341
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Superior Chilli Dark Choc 10 x 100g 7797
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Superior Cranberry 70% Dark Choc 10 x 100g 7804
S 2.39 14.93 V *Vivani ORG Superior Ecuador 70% Dark Choc 10 x 100g 2078
3.70 33.30 Z *Vivani ORG Rice COOKING Choc Vegan 12 x 150g 7823
3.70 27.75 Z *Vivani ORG Kuverture Cook DARK Choc 10 x 200g 2350
0.85 8.50 V *Wholebake 9 Bar Original Carob Coated 16 x 50g 3256
0.85 8.50 V *Wholebake 9 Bar with Flax 16 x 50g 9307
0.90 9.00 V *Wholebake 9 Bar Nutty 16 x 50g 9396
0.95 9.50 V *Wholebake ORGANIC Original 9 Bar 16 x 50g 9397
0.85 8.50 V *Wholebake 9 Bar with Pumpkin Seed 16 x 50g 2200
Wild Thing
1.35 16.88 V *Wild Thing ORG Cacao & Almond Bar 20 x 30g 12933
1.35 16.88 V *Wild Thing ORG Nuts & Seeds Bar 20 x 30g 12934
1.35 16.88 V *Wild Thing ORG Coconut & Chia Bar 20 x 30g 12935
1.35 16.88 V *Wild Thing ORG Berries & Seeds Bar 20 x 30g 12936


Cafe Direct
T 3.68 16.46 20% Z Cafe Direct Instant Coffee FT 6 x 100g 2396
T 4.08 18.40 20% Z Cafe Direct ORG Instant Decaff CoffeeFT 6 x 100g 5090
T 3.48 15.63 20% Z Cafe Direct FT Grnd Coffee Medium FT 6 x 227g 1397
T 3.60 16.21 20% Z Cafe Direct ORG Machu Picchu Grnd Coffee FT 6 x 227g 5091
T 3.60 16.21 20% Z Cafe Direct Killimanjaro Mountain Grnd Coffee FT 6 x 227g 5092
T 3.75 16.77 20% Z Cafe Direct ORG Med Roast Grnd CoffeeFT 6 x 227g 5093
2.15 15.95 Z Cotswold Dandelion Coffee 10 x 100g 263
CRU Kafe
4.53 81.50 Z CRU Kafe ORG Indian Coorg Estate Coffee Capsules 24 x 12x1 12856
3.85 69.30 Z CRU Kafe ORG Dark Roast Coffee Capsule 24 x 12x1 1668
3.85 69.30 Z CRU Kafe ORG Light Roast Coffee Capsule 24 x 12x1 1640
3.85 69.30 Z CRU Kafe ORG Decaf Coffee Capsule 24 x 12x1 1689
3.85 69.30 Z CRU Kafe ORG Intense Coffee Capsule 24 x 12x1 1678
Equal Exchange (Fairtrade)
S 4.89 29.34 Z EE ORG Guatemalan Roast Ground Coffee 8 x 227g 12636
S 4.89 29.34 Z EE ORG Guatemalan Coffee BEANS 8 x 227g 12637
4.99 29.94 Z EE ORG Decaff Coffee 8 x 227g 4017

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 4.89 29.34 Z EE ORG Italian Roast Coffee 8 x 227g 4545
S 4.69 28.14 Z EE ORG Coffee Med Roast Multigrind 8 x 227g 4014
S 4.69 28.14 Z EE ORG Dark Roast Coffee Multigrind 8 x 227g 4016
S 4.69 28.14 Z EE ORG Medium Roast BEANS 8 x 227g 4015
S 4.69 28.14 Z EE ORG Dark Roast Coffee BEANS 8 x 227g 4541
S 18.95 85.28 Z EE ORG Espresso BEANS 6 x 1kg 5574
Food Thoughts
S 2.69 11.44 Z Food Thoughts ORG FT COCOA Powder 6 x 125g 2188
Green & Black's (organic)
4.39 19.76 Z G&B ORG Hot Chocolate Drink 6 x 300g 3641
2.53 22.77 Z G&B ORG Fairtrade Cocoa FT 12 x 125g 5704
Hasslacher's Hot Chocolate
5.75 30.16 Z Hasslacher's Hot Choc 100%Cacao POUCH 7 x 250g 8964
4.99 71.12 Z Hasslacher's Hot Chocolate Bar Case of 19 19 x 250g 2238
4.99 74.75 Z Hasslacher's Hot Chocolate Discs in Tube 20 x 200g 2245
10.99 54.80 V Hasslacher's 100g Hot Choc Discs in ENAMEL MUG 8 x 100g 2250
Little's Gourmet Coffee Instant
2.99 13.46 Z Little's Swiss Chocolate Flavour INSTANT Coffee 6 x 50g 6035
2.75 12.38 Z Little's Premium African (Kenyan) INSTANT Coffee 6 x 50g 9937
2.75 12.38 Z Little's Premium Decaff INSTANT Coffee 6 x 50g 9982
2.75 12.38 Z Little's Premium Italian INSTANT Coffee( Espresso) 6 x 50g 9975
2.75 12.38 Z Little's Premium Colombian INSTANTCoffee 6 x 50g 9977
2.99 13.46 Z Little's Caffe Amaretto INSTANT Coffee 6 x 50g 911
2.99 13.46 Z Little's Spicy Cardamom INSTANT Coffee 6 x 50g 912
2.99 13.46 Z Little's French Bourbon Vanilla INSTANT Coffee 6 x 50g 914
2.99 13.46 Z Little's Maple Walnut INSTANT Coffee 6 x 50g 915
Marley Coffee
4.95 22.28 Z Marley ORG One Love Medium Roast Coffee 6 x 227g 6529
4.95 22.28 Z Marley ORG Buffalo Soldier Dark Roast Coffe 6 x 227g 6530
4.95 22.28 Z Marley ORG Lively Up Expresso Roast Coffee 6 x 227g 6531
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol ORG All - Day Americano GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2966
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol ORG Lively Latino GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2983
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol SMOOTH Colombia GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2929
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol DECAF Colombia GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2930
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol Vibrant Guatemala GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2931
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol Intense Italiano GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2932
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol Bold Nicaragua GROUND Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2934
S 4.49 20.21 Z Percol ORG Lively Latino BEANS Coffee FT 6 x 200g 2975
Press'd Coffee
2.99 22.56 Z Press'd Coffee Caramel Concentrate 12 x 48ml 1004
2.99 22.56 Z Press'd Coffee Colombian Concentrate 12 x 48ml 1001
2.99 22.56 Z Press'd Coffee Vanilla Concentrate 12 x 48ml 1207
Roastworks Coffee Co
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Colombia La Esperanza GROUND Coffee 6 x 200g 6032
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Colombia La Esperanza WHOLE Bean Cof 6 x 200g 6031
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Ethiopia Negel Gorbitu GROUND Coffee 6 x 200g 6034
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Ethiopia Negel Gorbitu WHOLE Bean Coff 6 x 200g 6033
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Espresso GROUND Coffee 6 x 200g 6021
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Espresso WHOLE Bean Coffee 6 x 200g 6024
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Mexico Finca Muxbal GROUND Coffee 6 x 200g 6022
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Mexico Finca Muxbal WHOLE BEAN Coff 6 x 200g 6030
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Rwanda Karengera GROUND Coffee 6 x 200g 6023
5.35 24.10 Z Roastworks Rwanda Karengera WHOLE Bean Coffee 6 x 200g 6025

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The Coffee Plant

5.35 4.01 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Colombian Coffee 1 x 250g 9774
5.15 3.87 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Guatemala Coffee 1 x 250g 9775
5.35 4.01 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Decaff Coffee 1 x 250g 9776
4.79 3.60 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT House Blend Coffee 1 x 250g 9777
5.15 3.87 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Italian Blend Coffee 1 x 250g 9779
4.79 3.60 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Mexican Blend Coffee 1 x 250g 9780
5.15 3.87 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Peru Coffee 1 x 250g 9781
5.15 3.87 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Papua New Guinea Coffee 1 x 250g 9782
4.79 3.60 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Sumatra Coffee 1 x 250g 9783
5.15 3.87 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Ethiopian Coffee 1 x 250g 9784
4.79 3.60 Z Coffee Plant ORG FT Espresso Coffee 1 x 250g 9959
Whole Earth
3.89 26.26 Z Whole Earth Wake Cup Hot Drink 9 x 125g 1277
2.99 20.18 Z Whole Earth ORG NOCAF Grain Hot Drink 9 x 100g 2665

Clipper Teabags
0.00 14.70 Z Clipper FT Tbags Every Day Envelope Cater 1 x 250 7297
0.00 14.70 Z Clipper ORG FT Eng Breakfast Tbags Envelope Cater 1 x 250 7298
0.00 14.70 Z Clipper ORG FT Earl Grey Teabags Envelope Cater 1 x 250 7302
0.00 14.70 Z Clipper ORG FT Green Teabags Envelope Cater 1 x 250 7303
0.00 14.70 Z Clipper ORG FT Camomile Teabags Envelope Cater 1 x 250 7304
0.00 14.70 Z Clipper ORG FT Peppermint Teabags Envelope Cater 1 x 250 7305
Ché Mate
2.21 8.29 Z Che ORG Original Pure Green Mate Teabags 5 x 20 (50g) 5634
5.59 25.15 Z Che Mate ORG (LOOSE WITH STEMS) Pure Green T 6 x 500g 5636
193.00 144.75 Z C/Spring ORG CATERING Matcha Green Tea Powder 1 x 1kg 12970
6.25 28.13 Z C/Spring ORG GF Matcha Powder Shot Sachets 6 x 8x1g 12971
S 10.99 82.43 Z C/Spring ORG Premium Matcha Green Tea Pdr 10 x 40g 9486
S 16.99 50.97 Z C/Spring ORG Ceremonial Matcha Greentea Pdr 4 x 30g 9485
3.99 17.96 Z C/Spring ORG MATCHA Green Teabags 6 x 20 8057
3.99 17.96 Z C/Spring ORG Oolong Teabags 6 x 20 8058
3.59 16.16 Z C/Spring ORG Hojicha Roasted Green Teabags 6 x 20 7861
3.59 16.16 Z C/Spring ORG Genmaicha Teabags 6 x 20 6020
7.49 33.71 Z C/Spring ORG Genmaicha Loose Tea 6 x 125g 7476
3.59 16.16 Z C/Spring ORG Kukicha Tea BAGS 6 x 20 1533
4.69 21.11 Z C/Spring ORG Kukicha Loose Tea 6 x 125g 2160
4.39 19.76 Z C/Spring ORG Mu Tea - Oriental Herb Blend Teabags 6 x 20 1534
3.59 16.16 Z C/Spring ORG Sencha Green Teabags 6 x 20 1535
8.39 37.76 Z C/Spring ORG Loose Sencha Green Tea 6 x 125g 2162
3.99 17.96 Z C/Spring ORG Sencha/Ginger Teabags 6 x 20 8137
3.99 17.96 Z C/Spring ORG Sencha/Mint Teabags 6 x 20 8066
Daily Cultures (Digestive Teas)
S 4.29 12.87 Z Daily Cultures Green Tea 4 x 14 12751
S 4.29 12.87 Z Daily Cultures Peppermint Tea 4 x 14 12752
S 4.29 12.87 Z Daily Cultures Breakfast Tea 4 x 14 12753
Dragonfly Teas
1.89 5.68 Z Dragonfly ORG Cape Malay Chai (blue) Rooibos 4 x 20 5670
1.89 5.68 Z Dragonfly ORG Cape Rooibos bags 4 x 20 5672
1.89 5.68 Z Dragonfly ORG Classic Earl Grey Teabags 4 x 20 8244
1.69 5.08 Z Dragonfly ORG Emerald Mountain Green Tea 4 x 20 6188
1.89 5.68 Z Dragonfly ORG English Breakfast Tbags 4 x 20 8245
1.89 5.68 Z Dragonfly Golden Himalayan Darjeeling 4 x 20 8670

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.95 5.85 Z Dragonfly ORG Indian Black Chai Tbags 4 x 20 5669
1.69 5.08 Z Dragonfly ORG Moonlight Jasmine Bags 4 x 20 6190
1.89 5.65 Z Dragonfly ORG Moroccan Mint Bags 4 x 20 6189
1.89 5.68 Z Dragonfly ORG Mountain Honeybush 4 x 20 5671
2.15 6.45 Z Dragonfly ORG Swirling Mist White Bags 4 x 20 6993
2.55 7.65 Z Dragonfly Rooibos Vanilla Teabags 4 x 40 8493
2.55 7.65 Z Dragonfly Rooibos Earl Grey Teabags 4 x 40 7724
Eleven O'Clock
2.31 17.35 Z 11 O'clock ORG Rooibosch 40bags SMALL 10 x 40 2678
4.80 18.00 Z 11 O'clock ORG Rooibosch 80 bags LGE 5 x 80 6805
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Camomile 6 x 20 5270
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Dem Camomile/Spearmint 6 x 20 5273
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Fennel 6 x 20 5271
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Hibiscus 6 x 20 5274
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Peppermint 6 x 20 5269
S 1.45 6.52 Z Essential ORG FT Demeter Pep/Spearmint 6 x 20 5272
Golden Temple Yogi Teas (ORGANIC)
2.69 12.11 Z Yogi ORG Wellness Collection Teabags 6 x 18 12916
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Green Tea Matcha Lemon Teabags 6 x 17 12413
S 2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Immune Support Teabags 6 x 17 12414
2.69 12.11 Z Yogi ORG Finest Selection Teabags 6 x 18 2584
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Bedtime Teabags 6 x 17 2852
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Bedtime Rooibos Vanilla Teabags 6 x 17 275
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Choco Mint Teabags 6 x 17 2485
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Black Chai Teabags 6 x 17 6771
S 2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Breathe Deep Teabags 6 x 17 2035
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Relax Teabags (Calming) 6 x 17 2036
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Choco Teabags FT 6 x 17 2989
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Choco CHILI Teabags 6 x 17 9392
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Classic Teabags 6 x 17 268
S 2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Detox (aka PURE) Teabags 6 x 17 2853
S 2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Detox Pure with Lemon Teabags 6 x 17 2939
S 2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Echinacea Special Formula Teabags 6 x 17 4853
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Wellbeing Teabags 6 x 17 5799
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Ginger Teabags 6 x 17 2942
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Ginger Lemon Teabags 6 x 17 2854
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Ginger Orange Vanilla Teabags 6 x 17 2941
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Green Balance-Tea+Kombucha Teabags 6 x 17 3642
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Green Chai Teabags 6 x 17 6772
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Green Energy-Kombucha/Guarana Teabags 6 x 17 3644
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Green with Ginger & Lemon Teabags 6 x 17 9390
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Green Jasmine Teabags 6 x 17 5800
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Heart-Warming Teabags 6 x 17 9331
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Himalaya Teabags 6 x 17 270
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Licorice Teabags 6 x 17 3564
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Licorice with Mint Teabags 6 x 17 2940
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Lime & Mint Teabags 6 x 17 9330
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Men's Teabags 6 x 17 2855
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Positive Energy Cranberry Hibiscus 6 x 17 276
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Rooibos (African Spice) Teabags 6 x 17 5798
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Stomach-Ease Teabags 6 x 17 2039
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Sweet Chai Teabags 6 x 17 6773

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T 2.03 9.15 15% Z Yogi ORG Sweet Chili Mex Spice Teabags 6 x 17 8425
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Sweet Mint Tea Assam Teabags 6 x 17 9389
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Tao Tea Ginseng Teabags 6 x 17 1418
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Tao Tea Rose Teabags 6 x 17 1411
S 2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Throat Comfort Teabags 6 x 17 2856
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Women's Balance Teabags 6 x 17 7434
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Women's Energy Teabags 6 x 17 7435
2.39 10.76 Z Yogi ORG Women's Teabags 6 x 17 2040
8.99 33.70 V *Yogi Sweet Chilli Cup Gift Pack 6 x Each 12415
3.89 17.51 Z *Yogi ORG Duo Pack Detox-Bedtime Rooibos Vanilla 6 x 2x17 3584
3.89 17.51 Z *Yogi ORG Duo Pack Licorice-Choco Mint Teabags 6 x 2x17 8321
2.25 13.50 Z Yogi ORG Chai TETRAPACK 1 Ltr 8 x 1ltr 6056
0.00 0.00 Z *FREE Box of 12 Jute Bags with 4 Cases YogiTea 1 x 12 278
Hambleden Herbs
1.67 7.50 Z Hambleden ORG Camomile Teabags 6 x 20 8582
2.99 13.40 Z Hambleden ORG Elderflower Teabags 6 x 20 8583
1.99 8.95 Z Hambleden ORG Fennel Teabags 6 x 20 8584
2.12 9.55 Z Hambleden ORG Nettle Teabags 6 x 20 8586
1.67 7.50 Z Hambleden ORG Peppermint Teabags 6 x 20 8587
3.49 15.64 Z Hambleden ORG LOOSE Camomile Tea 6 x 40g 8589
3.49 15.64 Z Hambleden ORG LOOSE Lemon Verbena Tea 6 x 20g 8590
3.49 15.65 Z Hambleden ORG LOOSE Peppermint Tea 6 x 50g 8591
3.49 15.64 Z Hambleden ORG LOOSE Raspberry Leaf Tea 6 x 45g 8592
In Nature
9.50 42.75 Z In Nature Loose Fresh Green Tea LARGE 6 x 100g 7592
9.50 42.75 Z In Nature Loose Jasmine Tea LARGE 6 x 100g 7593
8.89 40.00 Z In Nature Loose Oolong Tea LARGE 6 x 100g 7594
9.50 42.75 Z In Nature Loose Puerh Tea LARGE 6 x 100g 7595
6.35 28.58 Z In Nature Red Rose Black Loose Leaf Tea 6 x 50g 1395
7.45 33.53 Z In Nature Loose Fresh Green Tea 6 x 50g 9813
6.35 28.58 Z In Nature Loose Oolong Tea 6 x 50g 9814
7.15 32.18 Z In Nature Loose Jasmine Tea 6 x 50g 9815
6.65 29.93 Z In Nature Snow Flower Tea 6 x 50g 9819
6.99 31.46 Z In Nature Loose Puerh Tea 6 x 50g 9816
7.45 33.53 Z In Nature Loose White Tea 6 x 50g 4662
6.05 27.22 Z In Nature Loose Leaf Jie Guan Yin Alpine OolongTea 6 x 50g 4663
6.99 31.46 Z In Nature Loose Tea Dong Fang MeiRen Floral Oolong 6 x 50g 4664
6.05 27.22 Z In Nature Loose Black Tea 6 x 50g 4667
6.35 28.58 Z In Nature Loose Mountain Green Tea 6 x 50g 9821
6.35 28.58 Z In Nature Loose Spring Green Tea 6 x 50g 9820
6.35 28.58 Z In Nature White Moon Fresh Loose Leaf 6 x 50g 1392
6.35 28.58 Z In Nature Loose Lotus Tea (Slimline) 6 x 50g 2783
6.99 31.46 Z In Nature Tibet Wild Flower Loose Leaf 6 x 50g 1393
4.69 28.14 Z Mirabilia ORG Olive Loose Leaf Tea 8 x 30g 8420
4.69 28.14 Z Mirabilia ORG Olive Leaf Pomegranate Tea 8 x 30g 1663
Natur Boutique
2.99 13.48 Z Natur Boutique DIET Garcinia Cambogia Tea 6 x 20bags 5070
2.99 13.48 Z Natur Boutique Garcinia Cambogia Tea 6 x 20bags 5072
2.99 13.48 Z Natur Boutique ORG Green Tea & Cinnamon 6 x 20bags 5067
2.99 13.48 Z Natur Boutique ORG Artichoke Tea Digest 6 x 20bags 5086
2.99 13.48 Z Natur Boutique ORG Ginger Tea - Uplifting 6 x 20bags 5095
2.99 13.48 Z Natur Boutique ORG Green Tea & Lemongrass 6 x 20bags 5096
2.99 13.48 Z Natur Boutique ORG Green Tea Diet 6 x 20bags 5077
2.99 13.48 Z Natur Boutique ORG Green Tea w Ginger 6 x 20bags 1234
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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.99 13.48 Z Natur Boutique ORG Lemongrass Tea - Relax 6 x 20bags 5094
Neuner's Gesundheit & Wellness Gmbh
4.29 32.10 Z Neuners ORG Red Clover Tea 10 x 20 2682
20.89 15.60 Z OMG ORG AA Grade Matcha Tea SINGLE 1 x 30g 3881
23.49 17.50 Z OMG ORG AAA Grade Matcha Tea SINGLE 1 x 30g 3882
27.50 20.60 Z OMG ORG A Grade Matcha Tea SINGLE 1 x 100g 3883
Organic Traditions (available in singles)
7.99 35.96 Z ORG Traditions Lemongrass Tea 6 x 200g 1860
22.00 99.00 Z ORG Traditions Premium Matcha Tea 6 x 100g 1405
Pukka Herbs
2.49 7.47 Z Pukka ORG Revitalising Teabags 4 x 20 6504
2.49 7.47 Z Pukka ORG MINT Refresh Teabags 4 x 20 6505
2.49 7.47 Z Pukka ORG Relax Teabags 4 x 20 6506
2.49 7.47 Z Pukka ORG Ginger/Lemongrass Clarity Teabags 4 x 20 7746
Qi Herbal Health
1.59 7.16 Z Qi ORG FT China Green Teabags 6 x 25bags 4255
2.09 9.41 Z Qi ORG China Green Teabags - GINKGO 6 x 25bags 4394
1.69 7.61 Z Qi ORG FT Green Tea Teabags - MINT 6 x 25bags 4682
1.59 7.16 Z Qi Green Tea Teabags - PLUS (Antioxidants) 6 x 25bags 934
2.09 9.40 Z Qi ORG Green Teabags - DETOX 6 x 25bags 936
1.79 8.07 Z Qi ORG FT White Tea Teabags 6 x 25bags 937
7.99 35.92 Z Shinzo Japanese Green Tea Powder Sencha 6 x 50g 196
7.99 35.94 Z Shinzo Powdered Genmaicha Tea 6 x 50g 197
7.99 35.92 Z Shinzo Premium Japanese Grn Tea Sencha LOOSE Leaf 6 x 50g 195
T Plus Wellness Tea (30%POR)
3.69 15.48 Z T Plus Wellness Tea Immunity 6 x 30g 3705
3.69 15.48 Z T Plus Wellness Tea Multi Vitamin 6 x 30g 3707
Teapigs (Whole Leaf Tea in Silky Mesh Teabags)
20.00 90.00 Z Teapigs ORG Matcha Tea Powder 6 x 30g 903
36.67 55.00 Z Teapigs ORG LGE 80g Matcha Tea Powder 2 x 80g 5507
11.90 53.55 Z Teapigs - ORG Matcha Sachets 6 x 14g 9684
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Earl Grey Strong TIN 6 x 20 12534
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Lemon & Ginger TIN 6 x 20 12535
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Peppermint Leaves TIN 6 x 20 12536
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Mao Feng Green Tea TIN 6 x 20 12537
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Chamomile TIN 6 x 20 12538
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Rhubarb & Ginger TIN 6 x 20 12756
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Liquorice Root & Peppermint TIN 6 x 20 12757
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Everyday Brew TIN 6 x 20 12758
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Chai TIN 6 x 20 12759
9.95 44.78 Z Teapigs - Apple & Cinnamon TIN 6 x 20 12760
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs SNOOZE - Sleepy Tea 6 x 15 12994
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs UP BEET - Energy Tea 6 x 15 12995
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs CLEAN & GREEN - Detox Tea 6 x 15 12996
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Apple & Cinnamon 6 x 15 6039
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Chai Assam Spices/Cinnamon 6 x 15 2627
3.49 15.54 Z Teapigs - Chamomile Flowers 6 x 15 9690
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Chilli Tea (Chilli Chai) 6 x 15 9682
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Chocolate Flake Assam 6 x 15 2631
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Chocolate & Mint 6 x 15 6036
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs Darjeeling 6 x 15 2697
3.49 15.54 Z Teapigs - Darjeeling Earl Grey 6 x 15 376

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3.49 15.54 Z Teapigs Earl Grey STRONG 6 x 15 2696
3.49 15.54 Z Teapigs Everyday Brew Tea (Morning Glory) 6 x 15 9681
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Fennel & Liquorice 6 x 15 6040
3.49 15.54 Z Teapigs - Green Tea with Mint 6 x 15 9685
5.35 24.00 Z Teapigs - Jasmine Pearl Tea 6 x 15 129
4.49 20.34 Z Teapigs - Lemon & Ginger 6 x 15 2791
3.49 15.54 Z Teapigs - Lemongrass 6 x 15 9692
4.49 20.34 Z Teapigs - Liquorice Root & Peppermint 6 x 15 1316
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Mao Feng Green Tea 6 x 15 9683
3.49 15.54 Z Teapigs - Peppermint Leaves 6 x 15 9691
4.49 20.34 Z Teapigs - Popcorn Tea 6 x 15 9686
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Rhubarb & Ginger 6 x 15 6037
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Rooibos (Honeybush) 6 x15 9689
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Rooibos Creme Caramel 6 x 15 2632
5.35 24.00 Z Teapigs - Silver Tips White Tea 6 x 15 9687
4.49 20.20 Z Teapigs - Spiced Winter Red Tea 6 x 15 2776
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Super Fruit Hibiscus Elderberry 6 x 15 2604
3.99 18.00 Z Teapigs - Sweet Ginger 6 x 15 6038
5.25 23.70 Z Teapigs - Tung Ting Oolong Blue Tea 6 x 15 9688
3.49 15.54 Z Teapigs - Yerba Mate 6 x 15 9693
10.35 46.50 Z Teapigs 50s Camomile Flowers 6 x 50 5017
11.89 53.60 Z Teapigs 50s Chai 6 x 50 3539
10.35 46.50 Z Teapigs 50s Darjeeling Earl Grey 6 x 50 5018
10.35 46.50 Z Teapigs 50's Everyday Brew tea Morning Glory 6 x 50 2016
11.89 53.60 Z Teapigs 50s Lemon & Ginger 6 x 50 3540
11.89 53.60 Z Teapigs 50s Liquorice Peppermint 6 x 50 5019
11.89 53.60 Z Teapigs 50s Mao Feng Green Tea 6 x 50 5020
10.35 46.50 Z Teapigs 50s Peppermint Leaves 6 x 50 2349
11.89 53.60 Z Teapigs 50s Rooibos 6 x 50 5021
11.89 53.60 Z Teapigs 50s Super Fruit Herbal Tea 6 x 50 5022
Tick Tock Rooibos
T 1.67 5.04 20% Z Tick Tock ORG Rooibos Teabags Small 4 x 40 teaba 9206
T 3.24 12.27 20% Z Tick Tock ORG Rooibos Teabags LARGE 5 x 80 9207
T 1.77 5.31 20% Z Tick Tock ORG Rooibos GREEN Teabags 4 x 40 1641
Tregothnan Teas
4.00 36.00 Z Tregothnan Manuka Tea 12 x 10g 2543
4.00 36.00 Z Tregothnan Peppermint Tea 12 x 10g 2542
4.00 36.00 Z Tregothnan Classic Tea 12 x 20g 2547
4.00 36.00 Z Tregothnan Green Tea 12 x 20g 2545
Vivid Drinks
S 15.00 67.50 Z Vivid ORG Matcha Green Tea Premium Grade Powder 6 x 30g 5035
S 5.99 35.94 Z Vivid ORG Single Serve Matcha Sachets Pyramid Box 8 x 7x1.5g 12686
0.00 73.96 Z Vivid 100g Cater ORG Matcha Powder 4 x 100g 3205
Yuyo Organic
4.35 19.58 Z Yuyo ORG Mate - Yerba Pure 6 x 14 4546
4.35 19.58 Z Yuyo ORG Mate - Yerba Mint 6 x 14 4547
4.35 19.58 Z Yuyo ORG Mate - Yerba Spice 6 x 14 4549
4.35 19.58 Z Yuyo ORG Mate - Yerba Zing 6 x 14 4550

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


T 2.69 12.11 10% Z C/Spring ORG Apricot Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 5207
T 2.69 12.11 10% Z C/Spring ORG Strawberry Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 5208
T 3.05 13.73 10% Z C/Spring ORG Blueberry Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 5209
T 2.51 11.30 10% Z C/Spring ORG Orange Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 5210
T 3.05 13.73 10% Z C/Spring ORG Cherry Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 12820
T 3.05 13.73 10% Z C/Spring ORG Raspberry Fruit Spread 6 x 290g 12821
S 2.49 11.20 Z Meridian ORG Apricot Spread 6 x 284g 429
S 2.49 11.20 Z Meridian ORG Blackcurrant Spread 6 x 284g 430
S 2.49 11.20 Z Meridian ORG Cherry Spread 6 x 284g 431
S 2.49 11.20 Z Meridian ORG Raspberry Spread 6 x 284g 4275
S 2.49 11.20 Z Meridian ORG Seville Orange Spread 6 x 284g 433
S 2.49 11.20 Z Meridian ORG Strawberry Spread 6 x 284g 432
S 2.49 11.20 Z Meridian ORG Wild Blueberry Fruit Spread 6 x 284g 3654
1.69 15.01 Z Suma Pear & Apple Spread 12 x 300g 434


Acadian Maple
7.85 70.51 Z Acadian ORG Pure Maple Syrup (1 Medium) NOW12 12 x 250ml 5030
7.85 70.51 Z Acadian ORG Pure Maple Syrup (2 Amber) NOW12 12 x 250ml 5031
Bali Nutra
6.99 62.40 Z Bali Nutra Coconut Syrup 12 x 300g 7727
5.99 26.96 Z Biona ORG Coconut Blossom Nectar 6 x 350g 4650
4.89 22.01 Z Biona ORG MAPLE Agave Syrup 6 x 350g 4773
3.89 17.51 Z Biona ORG Agave Sugar 6 x 250g 9419
3.69 16.61 Z Biona ORG DARK Agave Syrup 6 x 250ml 9561
3.69 16.61 Z Biona ORG LIGHT Agave Syrup 6 x 250ml 5001
3.29 14.81 Z Biona ORG Date Syrup 6 x 350g 4714
6.89 31.01 Z Biona ORG LIGHT Agave Nectar Syrup LARGE 6 x 500ml 9606
2.99 17.94 Z Biona ORG Coconut Palm Sugar SMALL 8 x 250g 9549
5.49 20.59 Z Biona ORG Coconut Palm Sugar LGE 5 x 500g 9550
3.29 12.34 Z Biona ORG Rapadura Cane Sugar 5 x 500g 2553
2.99 13.46 Z Biona ORG Brown Rice Syrup 6 x 350g 9568
S 3.19 14.36 Z C/Spring ORG Barley Malt 6 x 330g 5215
S 3.19 14.36 Z C/Spring ORG Rice Malt Syrup 6 x 330g 5730
Coconut Merchant
S 5.99 53.91 Z Coconut Merchant Coconut Syrup 90 12 x 250ml 385
S 5.99 53.91 Z Coconut Merchant Coconut Jam 90 12 x 330g 391
S 4.99 44.91 Z Coconut Merchant ORG Coconut Sugar 90 12 x 250g 383
43.99 98.98 Z Comvita Manuka Honey Active UMF 10+ 3 x 500g 12466
26.99 60.73 Z Comvita Manuka Honey Active UMF 10+ 3 x 250g 12467
Local Honey Man
7.50 33.75 Z Local Honey Man Raw British Rapeseed Honey 6 x 255g 12551
7.50 33.75 Z Local Honey Man Raw British Borage Honey 6 x 255g 12552
7.50 33.75 Z Local Honey Man Raw British Golden Honey 6 x 255g 12553

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The London Honey Co

7.58 34.11 Z The London Honey Co Oxfordshire Honey 6 x 250g 12606
16.44 73.98 Z The London Honey Co London Local Honey 6 x 250g 2297
7.58 34.11 Z The London Honey Co Borage Honey 6 x 250g 2321
7.85 35.33 Z The London Honey Co Ling Heather Honey 6 x 250g 2312
7.58 34.11 Z The London Honey Co Salisbury Honey 6 x 250g 2336
S 6.49 29.20 Z Meridian ORG Maple Syrup 6 x 330g 4190
S 1.99 8.95 Z Meridian ORG Molasses FT 6 x 350g 436
S 2.49 11.20 Z Meridian Date Syrup 6 x 330g 452
5.30 47.70 Z Natvia Tablets 12 x 200g 7000
2.79 8.37 Z Natvia Stevia Sweetener 40 Sticks SMALL BOX 4 x 40x2g 8069
5.06 15.20 Z Natvia Stevia Sweetener 80 Stick LARGE BOX 4 x 80x2g 8145
4.99 14.96 Z Natvia Stevia Cannister NOW 300g 4 x 300g 8144
Organic Traditions (available in singles)
4.49 20.22 Z ORG Traditions Coconut Palm Sugar 6 x 227g 1240
19.99 89.96 Z ORG Traditions Yacon Syrup 6 x 250ml 1864
Raw Chocolate Company
3.62 16.29 Z Raw Choc Co ORG Coconut Palm Sugar 6 x 230g 1712
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
4.89 22.01 Z Raw Health ORG Pure Blossom Creamy Honey Squeez 6 x 350g 1992
4.99 22.46 Z Raw Health ORG Acacia Honey 6 x 350g 1933
4.69 21.11 Z Raw Health ORG Maya Honey Squeezy 6 x 350g 2264
4.99 22.46 Z Raw Health ORG Forest Honey 6 x 350g 1926
Shady Maple Farms
7.49 67.41 Z Shady Maple ORG Maple Syrup 12 x 250ml 1483
14.99 67.46 Z Superfoodies Raw Agave Nectar 6 x 690g 58
11.99 8.99 Z Tahi Manuka Honey Blend SINGLE 1 x 400g 5933
15.99 11.99 Z Tahi Manuka Honey UMF 5+ SINGLE 1 x 400g 5934
28.99 21.74 Z Tahi Manuka Honey UMF 10+ SINGLE 1 x 400g 5935
29.99 22.49 Z Tahi Manuka Honey UMF 12+ SINGLE 1 x 400g 5936
36.99 27.74 Z Tahi Manuka Honey UMF 15+ SINGLE 1 x 400g 5937
Toca Galician Mountain Honey
6.49 29.20 Z Toca ORG Raw Mt. Chestnut Pollen SMALL 6 x 125g 4037
10.99 49.45 Z Toca ORG Raw Mt. Chestnut Pollen LARGE 6 x 220g 4038
5.99 26.95 Z Toca ORG Raw Galician Heather Honey 6 x 270g 4112
T 5.09 22.91 15% Z Toca ORG Raw Galician Chestnut Honey 6 x 270g 264
5.99 26.95 Z Toca ORG Raw Galician Eucalyptus Honey 6 x 270g 265
T 4.24 19.08 15% Z Toca ORG Raw Mt Flowers Honey SMALL 6 x 270g 4102
T 7.64 34.36 15% Z Toca ORG Raw Mt.Flowers Honey LARGE 6 x 500g 4104
5.99 26.95 Z Toca ORG Raw Speciality Honey&Propolis 6 x 270g 4039
5.99 26.95 Z Toca ORG Raw Speciality Honey&Royal Jelly 6 x 270g 4101
1.45 6.50 Z Fairtrade Dark Muscovado Sugar FT 6 x 500g 4721
1.25 5.62 Z Fairtrade Demerara Sugar FT 6 x 500g 4722
1.32 5.92 Z Fairtrade Golden Castor Sugar FT 6 x 500g 4723
1.31 5.87 Z Fairtrade Raw Cane Sugar FT 6 x 500g 4724
1.49 6.71 Z Traidcraft FT Golden Granulated Sugar 6 x 500ml 5283
0.00 7.26 Z *Traidcraft FairTrade Sugar Sticks WHITE FT 500 x 3g 9088
0.00 7.26 Z *Traidcraft FairTrade Sugar Sticks BROWN FT 500 x 3g 9089

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Tropical Forest
3.15 14.27 Z Tropical Forest ORG SET Honey 6 x 340g 3220
3.15 14.27 Z Tropical Forest ORG CLEAR Honey 6 x 340g 3221


Bim's Kitchen
6.95 31.27 Z Bim's ORG African Tigernut & Macadamia Butter 6 x 170g 13025
T 4.85 21.84 Z Bim's ORG African Tigernut Coconut Cashew Butter 6 x 170g 1702
3.89 17.51 Z Biona ORG Mixed Nut Butter 6 x 170g 4774
3.39 15.26 Z Biona ORG Dark Chocolate Spread 6 x 350g 4919
5.99 26.96 Z Biona ORG Hazelnut Butter 6 x 170g 6008
T 6.37 28.65 15% Z Biona ORG Coconut Bliss LARGE 6 x 400g 7061
3.69 16.61 Z Biona ORG Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Spread 6 x 350g 9429
2.89 13.01 Z Biona ORG Sunflower Seed Butter 6 x 170g 9479
2.39 10.76 Z Biona ORG Coconut Peanut Butter 6 x 170g 12997
4.69 21.10 Z Biona ORG Coconut Almond Butter 6 x 170g 12998
3.99 17.96 Z Biona ORG Carobio/Hazelnut Spread 6 x 400g 6932
T 4.24 19.09 15% Z Biona ORG Chocolate & Coconut CocoBella 6 x 250g 3278
9.39 42.26 Z Biona ORG Almond Butter LARGE 6 x 350g 4508
4.99 22.46 Z Biona ORG Almond Butter 6 x 170g 6644
4.49 20.21 Z Biona ORG Cashew Butter 6 x 170g 6645
T 4.21 18.97 15% Z Biona ORG Coconut Bliss SMALL 6 x 250g 3290
4.19 18.86 Z Biona ORG Peanut Butter Smooth LARGE 6 x 500g 4172
3.29 14.81 Z Biona ORG Tahini Whole Sesame 6 x 250g 4907
2.39 10.76 Z Biona ORG Peanut Butter Crunchy 6 x 250g 7269
2.39 10.76 Z Biona ORG Peanut Butter Smooth 6 x 250g 7271
2.89 13.00 Z Biona ORG Creations Raisin Peanut Butter 6 x 250ml 7285
2.59 11.66 Z Biona ORG Raw Tahini White 6 x 170g 4237
6.89 31.01 Z Biona ORG Peanut Butter Crunchy KILO 6 x 1kg 6441
5.69 25.61 Z Biona ORG White Almond Butter 6 x 170g 9438
2.99 13.46 Z Biona ORG Pumpkin Seed Butter 6 x 170g 9480
Carley's Organic Foods - 27.5%POR
9.95 43.28 Z Carley's ORG Raw Whole Almond Butter 6 x 425g 7448
3.25 14.13 Z Carley's ORG Raw Dark Tahini 6 x 250g 7449
4.67 20.30 Z Carley's ORG Almond Butter Roasted 6 x 170g 7847
3.75 16.31 Z Carley's ORG Cashew Butter Roasted 6 x 170g 7848
3.15 13.70 Z Carley's ORG Gomasio Black Sesame 6 x 150g 549
4.65 20.22 Z Carley's ORG Hazelnut Butter Roasted 6 x 170g 1981
3.95 17.18 Z Carley's ORG Mixed Nut Butter Roasted 6 x 170g 7841
2.65 11.52 Z Carley's ORG Peanut Butter (superb) 6 x 250g 7851
3.75 16.31 Z Carley's ORG Roasted Pumpkin Seed Butter 6 x 250g 7450
2.65 11.52 Z Carley's ORG Roast Sunflower Butter 6 x 250g 7849
4.65 20.22 Z Carley's ORG Raw Almond Butter WHITE SMALL 6 x 170g 8713
3.75 16.31 Z Carley's ORG Raw Apricot Kernel Butter 6 x 170g 8468
3.85 16.74 Z Carley's ORG Raw Brazil Nut Butter 6 x 170g 1982
5.25 22.83 Z Carley's ORG Raw Hempseed Butter 6 x 170g 9001
7.95 34.58 Z Carley's ORG Raw Macadamia Butter 6 x 170g 1612
5.45 23.70 Z Carley's ORG Raw Pecan Butter 6 x 170g 7850
7.95 34.58 Z Carley's ORG Raw Pinenut Butter 6 x 170g 548
4.65 20.22 Z Carley's ORG Raw Rainforest Nut Butter 6 x 170g 7922
3.85 16.74 Z Carley's ORG Raw Walnut Butter 6 x 170g 2607
6.15 26.75 Z Carley's ORG Raw Almond Butter LARGE 6 x 250g 2606
6.95 30.24 Z Carley's ORG Raw Cashew Butter LARGE 6 x 250g 6000
5.75 25.01 Z Carley's ORG Raw Choc Amazing Almond Spread 6 x 250g 1979
5.75 25.01 Z Carley's ORG Raw Choc+Hempseed Spread 6 x 250g 2609
Page 72 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days
Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3.75 16.37 Z Carley's ORG Raw Choc+Sesame Seed Spread 6 x 250g 2610
5.35 23.27 Z Carley's ORG Raw Choc & Tropical Nut Spread 6 x 250g 2371
3.45 15.00 Z Carley's ORG Raw Mixed Seed/Chia Premium Butter 6 x 250g 7444
4.95 21.53 Z Carley's ORG Raw Pumpkin Seed PREMIUM Butter 6 x 250g 9377
2.65 11.62 Z Carley's ORG Raw Sunflower Seed Butter 6 x 250g 540
3.65 15.87 Z Carley's ORG Raw Hemp & Linseed Butter 6 x 170g 2615
3.95 17.18 Z Carley's ORG Raw Tahini BLACK Sesame 6 x 250g 3100
3.25 14.13 Z Carley's ORG Raw Tahini Light 6 x 250g 9378
T 2.54 11.45 15% Z Essential ORG Peanut Butter (crunchy & salt) 6 x 350g 2672
T 2.54 11.45 15% Z Essential ORG Peanut Butter (smooth & salt) 6 x 350g 2674
T 2.54 11.45 15% Z Essential ORG Peanut Butter Smooth NO SALT 6 x 350g 3495
T 2.54 11.45 15% Z Essential ORG Peanut Butter Crunchy NO SALT 6 x 350g 3496
3.45 14.81 Z Essential SMALLVitam-R Yeast Ex LowSalt 6 x 125g 3543
5.99 26.95 Z Essential LARGE Vitamin-R Yeast Ex Low Salt 6 x 250g 1704
8.99 40.45 Z Essential ORG Vitam-R Yeast Ex Low Salt 6 x 150g 7705
3.10 13.96 Z Essential ORG Dark Chocolate Spread FT 6 x 400g 1247
3.45 15.52 Z Essential ORG Hazelnut Choc Spread FT 6 x 400g 1248
3.25 14.61 Z Essential ORG Duo Swirl Choc Spread FT 6 x 400g 3497
10.99 49.45 Z Meridian ORG Almond Butter Smooth LARGE 6 x 454g 4553
8.99 40.45 Z Meridian Almond Butter Smooth LARGE 6 x 454g 4554
S 18.99 85.45 Z Meridian Almond Butter TUB Smooth100%No Salt 6 x 1kg 4556
6.99 15.72 Z Meridian Macadamia Butter Smooth100% No Salt 3 x 170g 12545
5.99 13.47 Z Meridian Brazil Nut Butter Crunchy100% No Salt 3 x 170g 12546
5.99 13.47 Z Meridian Pecan Butter Crunchy100% No Salt 3 x 170g 12547
S 18.99 85.46 Z Meridian Almond Butter Crunchy TUB No Salt 6 x 1kg 12848
S 18.99 85.46 Z Meridian Cashew Butter Crunchy TUB No Salt 6 x 1kg 12849
2.49 11.20 Z Meridian Peanut Butter With Seeds 6 x 280g 12850
4.29 19.30 Z Meridian ORG Cashew Butter Smooth100%NoSalt 6 x 170g 4295
4.29 19.30 Z Meridian ORG Almond Butter Smooth 6 x 170g 4294
2.49 11.20 Z Merid ORG PN Butter Crunchy100% No Salt 6 x 280g 468
2.49 11.20 Z Meridian ORG Peanut Butter Crunchy 6 x 280g 7732
2.49 11.20 Z Merid ORG PN Butter Smooth100%No Salt 6 x 280g 438
2.49 11.20 Z Meridian ORG Peanut Butter Smooth 6 x 280g 437
2.99 13.45 Z Meridian ORG PumpSeed Butter100%NoSalt 6 x 170g 4296
2.99 13.45 Z Meridian ORG Tahini Light 6 x 270g 5233
S 6.49 29.21 Z Meridian ORG PN Butter TUB Crunchy NoSalt 6 x 1kg 435
2.99 13.45 Z Meridian ORG Tahini Dark 6 x 270g 5338
3.49 15.70 Z Meridian Almond Butter Crunchy 100% No Salt 6 x 170g 1700
3.49 15.70 Z Meridian Almond Butter Smooth 6 x 170g 463
3.49 15.70 Z Meridian Cashew Butter Crunchy 100% No Salt 6 x 170g 1699
3.49 15.70 Z Meridian Cashew Butter Smooth 100% No Salt 6 x 170g 464
4.49 20.20 Z Meridian Hazelnut Butter Crunchy 100% No Salt 6 x 170g 465
1.99 8.95 Z Merid PNt Butter Crunchy100%No Salt 6 x 280g 439
1.99 8.95 Z Meridian Peanut Butter Crunchy 6 x 280g 466
1.99 8.95 Z Merid PN Butter Smooth 100%No Salt 6 x 280g 469
1.99 8.95 Z Meridian Peanut Butter Smooth 6 x 280g 467
S 5.49 24.70 Z Merid PN ButterTUBCrunchy NoSalt 6 x 1kg 472
5.49 24.70 Z Meridian Peanut Butter TUB CrunchyW.salt 6 x 1kg 470
S 5.49 24.70 Z Merid PN ButterTUBSmooth NoSalt 6 x 1kg 473
5.49 24.70 Z Meridian Peanut Butter TUB SmoothW.salt 6 x 1kg 471
S 3.99 17.95 Z Meridian Yeast Extract 6 x 340g 485

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Pip & Nut

16.99 76.46 Z Pip & Nut Almond Butter 1kg TUB 6 x 1kg 12554
16.99 76.46 Z Pip & Nut Coconut Almond Butter 1kg TUB 6 x 1kg 12555
6.99 31.46 Z Pip & Nut Peanut Butter1kg TUB 6 x 1kg 12556
4.29 19.31 Z Pip & Nut Cashew Butter 6 x 250g 6061
4.29 19.31 Z Pip & Nut Honey Cinnamon Cashew Butter 6 x 250g 9272
4.29 19.31 Z Pip & Nut Almond Butter JAR 6 x 250g 7728
4.29 19.31 Z Pip & Nut Coconut Almond Butter Jar 6 x 250g 7742
2.29 10.31 Z Pip & Nut Peanut Butter Jar 6 x 250g 7745
2.29 10.31 Z Pip & Nut Ltd Edition Crunchy Maple Peanut Butter 6 x 250g 6062
1.19 17.85 Z *Pip&Nut Almond Butter SQUEEZE Sachets 20 x 30g 7734
1.19 17.85 Z *Pip&Nut C/Nut Alm Butter SQUEEZE SachetPack 20 x 30g 7743
0.79 11.85 Z *Pip&Nut Pnut Butter SQUEEZE Sachet Pack 20 x 30g 7748
3.49 15.71 Z *Pip&Nut Alm Butter SQUEEZE Multi Box 6 x 4x30g 7729
3.49 15.71 Z *Pip&Nut C/Nut Alm Butter SQUEEZE Multi Box 6 x 4x30g 7735
2.49 11.21 Z *Pip & Nut Pnut Butter SQUEEZE Multi Box 6 x 4x30g 7747
Primrose's Kitchen
6.25 28.10 Z Primrose Kitchen ORG Raw Almond & Chia Butter 6 x 170g 501
6.49 29.21 Z Profusion ORG Cacao Nib Cashew Butter 6 x 250g 4725
6.99 31.46 Z Profusion ORG Maca Almond Tigernut Butter 6 x 250g 4726
S 3.99 17.96 Z Profusion ORG Sprouted Sesame Tahini 6 x 150g 4478
S 7.99 35.96 Z Profusion ORG Sprouted Hemp Butter 6 x 150g 4479
3.89 17.51 Z Profusion ORG Hemp Peanut Butter 6 x 350g 4524
S 6.69 30.11 Z Profusion ORG Sprouted Almond Butter 6 x 150g 4750
S 6.69 30.11 Z Profusion ORG Sprouted Cashew Nut Butter 6 x 150g 4751
Raw Ecstasy - Raw, Vegan, GF, NAS
5.95 26.76 Z Raw Ecstasy Activated Almond Butter 6 x 140g 9944
5.95 26.76 Z Raw Ecstasy Activated Chocolate Almond Spread 6 x 140g 9945
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
5.69 25.61 Z Raw Health ORG Hazelnut Butter 6 x 170g 5358
5.69 25.61 Z Raw Health ORG Cashew Nut Butter 6 x 170g 5359
2.99 13.46 Z Raw Health ORG Whole Dark Tahini 6 x 170g 8177
5.69 25.61 Z Raw Health ORG Almond Butter 6 x 170g 1959
2.89 13.01 Z Raw Health ORG Super Seed Spread 6 x 170g 1966
4.99 22.46 Z Raw Health ORG Cacao Brazil Nut Bliss 6 x 170g 4779
2.69 24.00 Z Suma ORG Wild Mushroom Pate TUBES 12 x 200g 1072
Sun & Seed
5.99 26.97 Z Sun & Seed ORG Raw Almond Butter 120 6 x 250g 2738
4.99 22.45 Z Sun & Seed ORG Raw Black Sesame Tahini 6 x 250g 1946
5.99 26.97 Z Sun & Seed ORG Apricot Kernel Butter 120 6 x 250g 2736
6.99 31.45 Z Sun & Seed ORG Raw Hemp Seed Butter 120 6 x 250g 2739
4.99 22.44 Z Sun & Seed ORG Pumpkin Seed Butter 6 x 250g 8478
3.49 15.72 Z Sun & Seed ORG Sunflower Seed Butter 6 x 250g 8479
5.99 26.94 Z Sun & Seed ORG Raw Walnut Butter 90 6 x 250g 2511
S 3.99 17.96 Z Sunita ORG Tahini Whole 6 x 280g 2876
S 3.99 17.96 Z Sunita ORG Tahini Light 6 x 280g 2875

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12.59 56.66 Z Superfoodies ORG White Almond Butter 6 x 425g 147
13.69 61.60 Z Superfoodies ORG Raw Hempini Nut Butter 6 x 425g 149
10.49 47.20 Z Superfoodies ORG Raw Tahini 6 x 425g 148


2.49 11.21 Z Biona ORG Amaranth Seeds GF 6 x 500g 3159
2.29 13.74 Z Biona ORG Hemp Seeds (small) 8 x 250g 3893
2.49 11.21 Z Biona ORG Linseed BROWN 6 x 500g 2830
2.89 13.01 Z Biona ORG Linseed GOLD 6 x 500g 2695
3.39 15.26 Z Biona ORG Sunflower Seeds 6 x 500g 3056
The Chia Company
0.49 11.03 Z *Chia Co Black Chia Shot Filled Dispenser 30 x 7.5g 13046
0.49 11.03 Z *Chia Co White Chia Shot Filled Dispenser 30 x 7.5g 13047
5.15 30.70 Z Chia Co 10 Pack Shots (Black & White Chia Seeds) 8 x 10x7.5g 8262
4.95 29.70 Z Chia Co Chia Seed WHITE SMALL 8 x 150g 4027
12.75 76.50 Z Chia Co Chia Seed WHITE LARGE 8 x 500g 4028
5.09 30.47 Z Chia Co Chia Seed BLACK SMALL 8 x 150g 8256
12.75 76.50 Z Chia Co Chia Seed BLACK LARGE 8 x 500g 4029
Crazy Jack
3.79 17.05 Z Crazy Jack ORG Whole Apricots 6 x 250g 5755
2.29 15.46 Z Crazy Jack ORG Whole Brazils 9 x 100g 5756
2.59 19.43 Z Crazy Jack ORG Whole Cashews 10 x 100g 5758
1.99 14.90 Z Crazy Jack ORG Cranberries 10 x 100g 8065
2.59 11.66 Z Crazy Jack ORG Californian Raisins 6 x 375g 5763
2.59 11.66 Z Crazy Jack ORG Sultanas Sunfl. Oiled 6 x 375g 5765
1.99 13.43 Z Crazy Jack ORG Walnut PIECES 9 x 100g 5767
Good Hemp Nutrition
S 5.00 22.50 Z Good Hemp Seed HEARTS 6 x 225g 3309
3.99 17.96 Z Profusion ORG Hulled Hemp Seeds 6 x 150g 7076
4.49 26.94 Z Profusion ORG Black Chia Seeds 8 x 250g 9602
Raw Chocolate Company
3.62 16.29 Z *Raw Choc Co ORG Raw Mulberries 180 6 x 150g 2518
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
9.49 42.71 Z Raw Health ORG BLACK Chia Seeds 6 x 450g 9598
10.39 46.76 Z Raw Health ORG WHITE Chia Seeds 6 x 450g 9599
Sun & Seed
1.69 25.40 Z Sun & Seed Chia Seed 90 20 x 90g 2510
2.79 41.92 Z Sun & Seed Chia Seed LARGE 180 20 x 170g 1752
5.99 53.90 Z Sun & Seed Chia Seeds 500g 12 x 500g 2509
5.99 53.95 Z Sun & Seed ORG LARGE HULLED Hemp Seeds 120 12 x 250g 2906
Tropical Wholefoods
2.22 23.25 Z Tropical ORG Sun Dried Mango NAS FT 14 x 100g 2002
2.06 21.70 Z Tropical Org Sun Dried Pineapple NAS FT 14 x 100g 1958
1.72 17.95 Z Tropical Chewy Banana Chips NAS FT 14 x 150g 1957
2.15 22.50 Z Tropical Dried Bogoya Bananas NAS 14 x 125g 3905
1.59 16.45 Z *Tropical Apricots 125g FT 14 x 125g 1492

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4.38 19.71 Z Zaytoun FT Mejdoul Dates Palestinian 6 x 250g 1766

1.99 8.96 Z Amisa ORG Tomato & Herb Burger Mix 6 x 140g 5952
1.79 8.06 Z Amisa ORG Gluten Free Falafel Mix 6 x 160g 1202
S 1.55 23.22 Z *Bioreal ORG Baking Powder 20 x 3x10g 12867
S 3.88 23.30 Z *Bioreal ORG Active Dry Yeast AF 60 8 x 5x9g 12868
S 0.79 23.60 Z *Bioreal ORG Active Dry Yeast 9g 60 40 x 9g 12869
S 25.26 18.95 Z *Bioreal ORG Active Dry Yeast 500g 60 1 x 500g 12870
1.19 10.71 Z Biona ORG Chopped Tomatoes Garlic Oregano 12 x 400g 12669
S 1.10 4.94 15% Z Biona ORG Black Bean Chilli 6 x 400g 12670
T 0.84 3.78 15% Z Biona ORG Borlotti Beans 6 x 400g 12671
0.59 22.13 Z Biona ORG Tomato Puree Double Concentrated 50 x 70g 12672
2.69 12.10 Z Biona ORG Silverskin Onions 6 x 340g 12676
2.89 13.00 Z Biona ORG Kimchi 6 x 350g 12689
2.19 9.85 Z Biona ORG Coconut Cream LARGE 6 x 400ml 12917
3.99 35.91 Z Biona ORG Coconut Milk POWDER 12 x 150g 12918
0.99 4.46 Z Biona ORG Aduki Beans Can 6 x 400g 8189
1.69 7.61 Z Biona ORG Broad Beans 6 x 350g 5741
T 1.01 4.56 15% Z Biona ORG Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce 6 x 400g 6005
3.89 17.51 Z Biona ORG Artichoke Hearts 6 x 200g 9433
1.59 7.16 Z Biona ORG Vegan Beetroot Jar 6 x 350g 4490
1.69 7.61 Z Biona ORG Apple & Apricot Puree 6 x 360g 7078
1.09 4.91 Z Biona ORG Black Beans in Can 6 x 400g 8187
2.99 13.46 Z Biona ORG Peaches Halves in Jars 6 x 350g 9400
1.69 7.61 Z Biona ORG Apple & Banana Puree 6 x 360g 9596
T 1.10 4.94 15% Z Biona ORG Blackeye Beans in Can 6 x 400g 6450
T 0.93 4.17 15% Z Biona ORG Butter Beans in Cans 6 x 400g 4654
4.39 19.76 Z Biona ORG Dried Tomatoes in Ex Virgin Olive Oil 6 x 170g 4752
1.89 8.51 Z Biona ORG Garden Peas 6 x 350g 4754
1.09 4.90 Z Biona ORG Cannellini Beans 6 x 400g 6456
0.99 4.46 Z Biona ORG Chickpeas in Cans 6 x 400g 4651
2.99 13.46 Z Biona ORG Cornichons 6 x 330g 4908
1.29 5.81 Z Biona ORG Chilli Beans Can 6 x 395g 8190
1.09 4.91 Z Biona ORG Haricot Beans Can 6 x 400g 6138
T 0.93 4.17 15% Z Biona ORG Red Kidney Beans Can 6 x 400g 4653
0.99 4.46 Z Biona ORG Lentils in Can 6 x 400g 4652
1.09 4.91 Z Biona ORG Lentils Vert "Puy Type" Can 6 x 400g 8188
1.09 4.91 Z Biona ORG Mixed Beans in Cans 6 x 400g 5161
T 0.93 4.17 15% Z Biona ORG Pinto Beans Can 6 x 400g 8191
1.89 8.51 Z Biona ORG Coconut Milk LARGE 6 x 400ml 5281
1.69 7.61 Z Biona ORG Apple & Mango Puree 6 x 360g 9582
1.79 8.06 Z Biona ORG Coconut Milk LIGHT 6 x 400ml 8176
1.99 17.91 Z Biona ORG Creamed Coconut 12 x 200g 7651
1.29 7.74 Z Biona ORG Coconut Milk SMALL 8 x 200ml 9545
0.99 8.91 Z Biona ORG Chopped Tomatoes Can 12 x 400g 4146
4.79 21.56 Z Biona ORG Chopped Tomatoes BULK can 6 x 2.5kg 3681
1.19 10.71 Z Biona ORG Chopped Tomatoes Basil Can 12 x 400g 5160
1.05 9.45 Z Biona ORG Whole Peeled Plum Tomatoes Can 12 x 400g 4145
1.29 11.61 Z Biona ORG Whole CHERRY TOMATOES Can 12 x 400g 7124
1.49 6.71 Z Biona ORG Sweetcorn CANS 6 x 340g 6449
2.19 9.86 Z Biona ORG Apple Puree Jar 6 x 700g 1050
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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.49 6.71 Z Biona ORG Apple Puree SMALL 6 x 350g 4238
3.69 16.61 Z Biona ORG Seitan Soya Ginger Sauce 6 x 350g 9584
2.49 11.21 Z Biona ORG Gherkins in Jars 6 x 350g 4231
2.29 10.31 Z Biona ORG Sauerkraut LARGE 6 x 680g 8915
1.89 8.51 Z Biona ORG Sauerkraut in Jars 6 x 350g 4324
1.69 7.61 Z Biona ORG Sweetcorn in Jars 6 x 350g 4323
1.29 5.81 Z Biona ORG Chickpeas in Glass 6 x 350g 9583
1.19 5.36 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Sauce 6 x 360g 12832
2.49 22.41 Z C/Spring ORG GF Instant Buckwheat 60 12 x 140g 12967
2.99 26.91 Z C/Spring ORG GF Instant Mega Porridge 60 12 x 160g 12968
2.99 26.91 Z C/Spring ORG GF Instant Super Porridge 60 12 x 160g 12969
3.99 35.91 Z C/Spring ORG GF Brown Rice Breadcrumbs 12 x 250g 3107
3.99 35.91 Z C/Spring ORG GF 5 min. Quinoa 12 x 180g 5206
3.49 31.41 Z C/Spring ORG GF Instant Power Porridge 12 x 160g 5211
2.79 16.74 Z C/Spring ORG Quick Cook 5 Grains 8 x 250g 7236
2.79 16.74 Z C/Spring ORG Quick Cook Grains & Pulses 8 x 250g 7237
2.79 16.74 Z C/Spring ORG Quick Cook Millet,Peas & Lentils 8 x 250g 7223
2.79 16.74 Z C/Spring ORG Quick Cook Rice & Quinoa 8 x 250g 7222
2.79 16.74 Z C/Spring ORG Quick Cook Rice Trio 8 x 250g 7224
1.79 16.11 Z C/Spring ORG GF Instant Polenta 12 x 200g 7461
3.45 12.94 Z C/Spring ORG GF 90sec.Tricolour Quinoa 5 x 250g 2168
2.99 11.21 Z C/Spring ORG GF 90sec. Brown & Wild Rice 5 x 250g 5213
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Puree 12 x 2x100g 4817
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple & Apricot Puree 12 x 2x100g 4820
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Blueberry Puree 12 x 2x100g 4818
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Cranberry Puree 12 x 2x100g 1690
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Mango Puree 12 x 2x100g 1691
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple Pineapple Puree 12 x 2x100g 2810
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple & Plum Puree 12 x 2x100g 4819
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Apple & Strawberry Puree 12 x 2x100g 7276
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Pear Puree 12 x 2x100g 8559
1.69 15.21 Z C/Spring ORG 100% Prune Puree 12 x 2x100g 8138
S 1.39 12.51 Z C/Spring ORG Pear & Banana Puree 12 x 2x100g 9737
0.99 5.94 Z C/Spring ORG Fruit On The Go Apple Mango 8 x 120g 2811
0.99 5.94 Z C/Spring ORG Fruit On The Go Apple Blueberry 8 x 120g 2657
0.99 5.94 Z C/Spring ORG Fruit On The Go Pear 8 x 120g 2735
T 2.24 13.45 10% Z C/Spring ORG Instant MisoSoup Paste SeaVeg 8 x 4x15g 1776
3.59 21.54 Z C/Spring Miso Soup Hearty Red with Sea Veg 8 x 4x10g 1474
3.99 14.96 Z C/Spring ORG Shoyu Ramen Noodle & SoySauce Soup 5 x 170g 1819
3.59 21.54 Z C/Spring Miso Soup Mellow White with Tofu 8 x 4x10g 1473
3.99 14.96 Z C/Spring ORG Miso Ramen Noodle &MisoGinger Sou 5 x 170g 1818
3.99 23.94 Z C/Spring ORG Instant Miso Soup Sea Veg 8 x 4x10g 5214
T 2.24 13.45 10% Z C/Spring ORG Inst.WHITEMisoSoupPaste 8 x 4x15g 8060
5.99 26.96 Z C/Spring ORG GF Brown Rice Mochi 6 x 250g 2224
5.99 26.96 Z C/Spring ORG GF Brown Rice Mochi w.Black Soybean 6 x 250g 2225
6.79 30.55 Z C/Spring ORG Shiitake Mushrooms 6 x 40g 1537
3.49 31.41 Z C/Spring ORG Soya Mince 12 x 300g 3720
2.99 26.91 Z C/Spring ORG Soya Chunks 12 x 200g 3719
4.49 20.21 Z C/Spring ORG Umami Paste Ginger 6 x 150g 3717
4.49 20.21 Z C/Spring ORG Umami Paste Chilli 6 x 150g 3718
2.19 9.85 Z C/Spring ORG Gherkins Sweet & Sour 6 x 350g 1548
1.99 8.95 Z C/Spring ORG Bean Sprouts 6 x 330g 8998

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Carley's Organic Foods - 27.5%POR

2.45 10.65 Z Carley's ORG English Apple Puree 6 x 700g 1621
5.35 23.27 Z Carley's ORG Preserved Lemons 6 x 700g 7923
Caulirice Low Cal/GI Rice Replacement
T 1.88 11.27 20% Z Caulirice Indian Pilau 8 x 200g 1683
T 1.88 11.27 20% Z Caulirice Lemongrass & Chilli 8 x 200g 1684
T 1.88 11.27 20% Z Caulirice Mediterranean 8 x 200g 1681
T 1.88 11.27 20% Z Caulirice Original 8 x 200g 1682
1.99 8.96 Z Delicias ORG SMALL Capers in White Wine Vinegar 6 x 100g 6900
2.75 12.38 Z Delicias ORG LGE Caperberries White Wine Vinegar 6 x 370g 6901
9.61 21.62 Z Essential ORG Coconut Milk LARGE 3 x 3ltr 12746
2.99 13.45 Z Essential ORG Young Jackfruit Tin 6 x 400g 12966
T 1.61 7.25 10% Z Essential ORG Creamed Coconut 6 x 200g 1961
T 1.49 6.68 10% Z Essential ORG Coconut Milk 6 x 400ml 1962
S 2.29 10.30 Z Essential ORG Pineapple Chunks in Juice Can 6 x 400g 6079
2.95 13.26 Z Essential ORG Lentil Soup 6 x 680g 3502
2.95 13.26 Z Essential ORG Lentil Pumpkin Soup 6 x 680g 3503
2.95 13.26 Z Essential ORG Mushroom Soup 6 x 680g 3501
2.95 13.26 Z Essential ORG Pea Soup 6 x 680g 3504
2.95 13.26 Z Essential ORG Tomato Soup 6 x 680g 3499
2.95 13.26 Z Essential ORG Veg Tomato Soup 6 x 680g 3500
3.35 25.20 Z Foresta Chanterelle Wild Dried Mushrooms 10 x 25g 5525
2.65 19.88 Z Foresta Mixed Forest Wild Dried Mushrooms 10 x 25g 5526
2.95 22.00 Z Foresta Porcini Wild Dried Mushrooms 10 x 25g 5528
2.65 19.88 Z Foresta Shiitake Wild Dried Mushrooms 10 x 25g 5527
It's Soya Good
3.45 15.53 Z It's Soya Good ORG Soya Mince 6 x 200g 4673
2.95 13.28 Z It's Soya Good ORG Soya Chunks 6 x 150g 4674
Java Foods (Canned)
S 2.99 13.38 Z Javanese Tempeh in Coconut/Lemongrass Curry Sauce 6 x 300g 4876
King Soba
1.73 12.95 Z K.Soba ORG Edamame Miso Ramen Noodles 135 10 x 80g 2719
2.49 18.68 Z K.Soba ORG Edamame Mighty Miso Soup 10 x 6x10g 355
2.49 18.68 Z K.Soba ORG Pumpkin Veg Mighty Miso Instant Soup 10 x 6x10g 356
2.49 18.68 Z K.Soba ORG Tofu Ginger Mighty Miso Instant Soup 10 x 6x10g 357
Miso Tasty
S 4.39 19.74 Z Miso Tasty - ORG Aka Red Miso Cooking Paste 60 6 x 200g 12548
S 4.39 19.74 Z Miso Tasty - ORG Shiro White Miso Cooking Paste 60 6 x 200g 12549
S 3.69 16.60 Z Miso Tasty- Aka Red Miso Soup 60 6 x 4x20g 12613
S 3.69 16.60 Z Miso Tasty- Shiro White Miso Soup 60 6 x 4x20g 12614
2.49 22.41 Z Marigold Braised Tofu in Cans 12 x 225g 499
1.29 8.70 Z Marigold Instant Sunshine Soup Mushroom+Vit D 9x4x24g 12765
1.29 8.70 Z Marigold Instant Sunshine Soup Minestrone+VitD 9x4x22g 12767
1.29 8.70 Z Marigold Instant Sunshine Soup Tomato+Vit D 9x4x25g 12766

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mr Organic
S 1.09 9.80 Z Mr Organic Whole Plum Tomatoes BPA Free 12 x 400g 2158
S 0.99 8.89 Z Mr Organic Chopped Tomatoes BPA Free 12 x 400g 2159
S 1.43 12.87 Z Mr Organic CHERRY Tomatoes BPA Free 12 x 400g 2186
1.05 9.45 Z Mr Organic Aduki Beans 12 x 400g 2134
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Baked Beans 12 x 400g 2805
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic BLACK Beans 12 x 400g 2187
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Borlotti Beans 12 x 400g 1511
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Chick Peas 12 x 400g 2157
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Cannellini Beans 12 x 400g 2155
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Butter Beans (Were Giant White) 12 x 400g 2156
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Green Lentils 12 x 400g 1510
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Mixed Beans 12 x 400g 2153
T 0.93 8.33 15% Z Mr Organic Red Kidney Beans 12 x 400g 2154
Quinola Mothergrain - Ready to Eat
2.55 11.47 Z Quinola ORG EXPRESS Indian Chick Peas 6 x 250g 12353
2.55 11.47 Z Quinola ORG EXPRESS Golden Vegetables 6 x 250g 12354
1.99 8.95 Z Quinola EXPRESS Wholegrain 6 x 250g 12355
2.55 11.47 Z Quinola ORG EXPRESS Pearl & RED FT 6 x 250g 3131
2.55 11.47 Z Quinola ORG EXPRESS Pearl & Black FT 6 x 250g 3132
2.55 11.47 Z Quinola ORG EXPRESS Split Pea FT 6 x 250g 3133
2.55 11.47 Z Quinola ORG EXPRESS Mexican 6 x 250g 3134
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
3.99 17.96 Z Raw Health ORG Kalamata Olives Pure Classic 6 x 210g 4563
5.99 26.96 Z Raw Health ORG Kalamata Olives Ex Virgin Oil 6 x 330g 4584
5.39 24.26 Z Raw Health ORG Mix Green Kalamata Olives 6 x 330g 4776
2.75 12.38 Z Sunita ORG Green Olives (in JAR) 6 x 360g 7040
3.05 13.72 Z Sunita ORG Kalamon Olives (in JAR) 6 x 360g 4492
Tropical Wholefoods
2.93 13.20 Z Trop W/F Dried Porcini Mushrooms 6 x 30g 2440
1.93 8.70 Z Trop W/F Oyster Mushrooms 6 x 25g 2101
2.93 13.20 Z Trop W/F Shiitake Mushrooms 6 x 50g 2100
Whole Earth
1.19 10.71 Z Whole Earth ORG Baked Beans (NAS)NOW 400g 12 x 400g 528


Babease Stage 1 from 4 Months
1.29 7.74 Z *Babease ORG Sweet Potato Carrot & Cauliflower 8 x 100g 12477
1.29 7.74 Z *Babease ORG Butternut Squash Carrot & Broccoli 8 x 100g 12478
1.29 7.74 Z *Babease ORG Pumpkin & Pea 8 x 100g 12479
1.29 7.74 Z *Babease ORG Parsnip Carrot & Pear 8 x 100g 12480
1.29 7.74 Z *Babease ORG Sweet Potato Butternut Squash & Pear 8 x 100g 12482
1.29 7.74 Z *Babease ORG Banana Pear Blueberry & Brown Rice 8 x 100g 12483
1.29 7.74 Z *Babease ORG Pear Mixed Berries & Coconut Water 8 x 100g 12484
1.29 7.74 Z *Babease ORG Sweet Potato Pear & Coconut Water 8 x 100g 12485
Babease Stage2 from 7 Months
1.59 7.16 Z *Babease ORG Butternut Squash Quinoa & Beetroot 6 x 130g 12486
1.59 7.16 Z *Babease ORG Broccoli Parsnip Lentil 6 x 130g 12487
1.59 7.16 Z *Babease ORG Sweet Potato Tomato Carrot Quinoa 6 x 130g 12488
1.59 7.16 Z *Babease ORG Chickpea Pumpkin Tom&C/Nut Cream 6 x 130g 12489
1.59 7.16 Z *Babease ORG Brown Rice Swede Courgette & Kale 6 x 130g 12490

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ella's Kitchen Smoothies

1.05 9.46 Z *Ella's ORG Kids' Green Smoothie 90 12 x 90g 1755
1.05 9.46 Z *Ella's ORG Kids' Purple Smoothie 90 12 x 90g 9635
1.05 9.46 Z *Ella's ORG Kids' Red Smoothie 90 12 x 90g 9633
1.05 9.46 Z *Ella's ORG Kids' Yellow Smoothie 90 12 x 90g 9634
Ella's Stage 1 Baby Food from 4 Months
1.38 7.25 Z *Ella's ORG Apples & Bananas 7 x 120g 9639
1.38 7.25 Z *Ella's ORG Broccoli,Pear,Peas 7 x 120g 9638
1.38 7.25 Z *Ella's ORG Butnut Squash,Carrot,Apple 7 x 120g 788
1.38 7.25 Z *Ella's ORG Carrot Apple Parsnip 7 x 120g 9636
1.38 7.25 Z *Ella's ORG Peach & Banana 7 x 120g 786
1.38 7.25 Z *Ella's ORG Spinach Apple Swede 7 x 120g 787
1.38 7.25 Z *Ella's ORG Strawberry & Apple 7 x 120g 789
1.38 7.25 Z *Ella's ORG Sweet Pot Broccoli Carrots 7 x 120g 2272
1.38 7.25 Z *Ella's ORG Sweet Pot,PumpApple,Blueberry 7 x 120g 9637
Ella's Stage 2 from 7 Months
1.32 5.90 Z *Ella's ORG Baby Brekkie Mango 135 6 x 100g 1759
1.30 5.85 Z *Ella's ORG Baby Brekkie Banana 6 x 100g 1760
1.79 8.05 Z *Ella's ORG Four Bean Feast 6 x 130g 2283
1.79 8.05 Z *Ella's ORG Vegetable Bake (Stage 2) 6 x 130g 1756
Ella's Stage 3 from 10/12 months
2.19 11.50 Z *Ella's ORG Perfectly Pleasing Tomato-y-Pasta 135 7 x 190g 1758
Goodness Gracious - Baby Food 4 months+
1.34 8.04 Z G/Gracious ORG Apple Apricot /Cinnamon Puree 8 x 140g 8808
1.34 8.04 Z G/Gracious ORG Banana/Plum/Quinoa Puree 8 x 140g 8809
1.73 10.38 Z G/Gracious ORG Broccoli CarrotPea/Quinoa Puree 8 x 140g 8810
1.34 8.04 Z G/Gracious ORG Mango/CoconutMilk/BrownRic Puree 8 x 140g 8812
1.10 6.60 Z G/Gracious ORG Apple Puree 8 x 100g 8806
1.10 6.60 Z G/Gracious ORG Pear Puree 8 x 100g 8807
Higher Living
3.99 17.91 Z Mums & Kids RAGASHIRA Nutritious Malt Food 6 x 500g 7354
Nannycare - now includes non vegetarian lactose
12.45 9.33 Z Nannycare SMALL Goat Milk Nutrition SINGLE 1 x 400g 5605
27.50 20.63 Z Nannycare LGE Goat Milk NutritionSINGLE 1 x 900g 6445
Neuner's Gesundheit & Wellness Gmbh
4.99 37.40 Z Neuner's ORG Baby Stomach Ease Tea 10 x 40g 2662
4.99 37.40 Z Neuner's ORG Nursing Tea for Breastfeeding 10 x 40g 2663
4.99 37.40 Z Neuner's ORG Pregnancy Tea 10 x 40g 2710
Quinola Mothergrain
1.99 10.44 Z Quinola ORG Baby Butternut Squash 10months 90 7 x 190g 8726
1.99 10.44 Z Quinola ORG Baby Carrot 6months 90 7 x 190g 8744
1.99 10.44 Z Quinola ORG Baby Pea & Spinach 10months 90 7 x 190g 8730
1.99 10.44 Z Quinola ORG Baby Pinto Bean 8months 90 7 x 190g 8729
1.99 10.44 Z Quinola ORG Baby Swede & Parsnip 8months 90 7 x 190g 8727
1.99 10.44 Z Quinola ORG Baby Sweet Potato 6 months 90 7 x 190g 8728


3.99 17.95 Z *Amisa ORG GF Quinoa Flour 6 x 375g 12872
2.99 13.45 Z *Amisa ORG GF Buckwheat Flour 6 x 400g 12873
2.69 12.10 Z *Amisa ORG GF Brown Rice Flour 6 x 500g 12874
4.29 38.61 Z Amisa ORG GF Buckwheat Spaghetti 12 x 500g 12875
2.79 12.56 Z Amisa ORG Pancake Mix 30 6 x 360g 5363
3.89 17.51 Z Amisa ORG Chocolate Cake Mix 50 6 x 400g 5364

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 3.89 17.51 Z Amisa ORG Chocolate Brownie Mix 50 6 x 400g 5365
5.99 26.96 Z Amisa ORG Chestnut Flour 30 6 x 350g 5375
2.99 22.43 Z Amisa ORG GF Wholegrain Rice Penne 10 x 500g 5944
S 3.49 31.41 Z Amisa ORG Spelt Cous Cous 12 x 500g 6280
S 2.89 26.01 Z Amisa ORG GF Corn & Rice Spaghetti 12 x 500g 7084
2.89 21.68 Z Amisa ORG GF Corn & Rice Rigatoni 10 x 500g 7195
2.89 21.68 Z Amisa ORG GF Corn & Rice Fusilli 10 x 500g 7085
2.99 22.43 Z Amisa ORG GF Wholegrain Rice Fusili 10 x 500g 5740
2.49 11.21 Z Amisa ORG GF Oaty Cookie Mix 50 6 x 200g 4521
4.19 31.42 Z Amisa ORG Buckwheat Fusilli 10 x 500g 4522
1.89 17.01 Z Amisa ORG Polenta Pronta 50 12 x 375g 4777
4.29 19.31 Z Amisa ORG Seeded Bread Mix 50 6 x 500g 5362
Big Oz
7.81 23.43 Z Big Oz ORG GF Brown Rice Flour 4 x 1.5kg 5088
8.85 26.51 Z Big Oz ORG GF Buckwheat Flour 4 x 1.5kg 5087
3.49 15.70 Z Biofair ORG FT Rice Quinoa Red&White Fusilli 6 x 250g 12919
3.29 29.61 Z Biofair ORG Rice Quinoa Spaghetti FT 12 x 250g 8376
S 5.69 25.61 Z BioFair ORG Quinoa Flakes FT 6 x 400g 8377
S 4.99 22.46 Z BioFair ORG Quinoa Grain FT (White) 6 x 500g 8613
S 5.69 25.61 Z Biofair ORG Red Quinoa FT 6 x 500g 6444
S 5.49 24.71 Z BioFair ORG Quinoa Tricolore Grain FT 6 x 500g 9542
4.29 38.61 Z BioFair ORG Quinoa Pops FT 12 x 120g 9607
2.09 18.81 Z Biona ORG Spelt Spinach Artisan Tagliatelle 12 x 250g 4173
4.29 32.18 Z Biona ORG White Spelt Spaghetti 10 x 350g 4760
2.19 19.71 Z Biona ORG Asia Noodles 12 x 250g 5943
2.29 17.18 Z Biona ORG Wholegrain Spelt Fusilli 10 x 500g 3865
4.29 32.18 Z Biona ORG White Spelt Tagliatelle 10 x 350g 4896
3.49 15.71 Z Biona ORG Black Venus Rice 6 x 500g 4448
1.79 16.11 Z Biona ORG Tri Coloured Fusilli 12 x 500g 5516
1.49 13.41 Z Biona ORG White Fusilli 12 x 500g 5513
1.49 13.41 Z Biona ORG Wholewheat Fusilli 12 x 500g 5510
S 3.19 14.36 Z Biona ORG Risotto Rice Mix 6 x 500g 7058
1.49 13.41 Z Biona ORG White Penne 12 x 500g 5512
2.49 18.68 Z Biona ORG White Spelt Penne 10 x 500g 3790
1.49 13.41 Z Biona ORG Wholewheat Penne 12 x 500g 5509
2.69 24.21 Z Biona ORG Spelt Lasagne 12 x 250g 3699
2.29 17.18 Z Biona ORG Wholemeal Spelt Penne 10 x 500g 6950
2.29 10.31 Z Biona ORG White Pudding Rice 6 x 500g 4236
1.49 13.41 Z Biona ORG White Spaghetti 12 x 500g 5511
1.49 13.41 Z Biona ORG Wholewheat Spaghetti 12 x 500g 5508
2.09 18.81 Z Biona ORG Spelt Fusilli Tri-Colore 12 x 250g 5743
2.49 18.68 Z Biona ORG White Spelt Spaghetti 10 x 500g 7006
2.29 17.18 Z Biona ORG Wholemeal Spelt Spaghetti 10 x 500g 6448
1.59 14.29 Z Biona ORG White Lasagne 12 x 250g 5521
2.69 12.11 Z Biona ORG Basmati Brown Rice 6 x 500g 3160
2.69 12.11 Z Biona ORG Jasmine Brown Rice 6 x 500g 3068
2.19 9.86 Z Biona ORG Short Grain Italian Brown Rice 6 x 500g 4141
2.19 9.86 Z Biona ORG Long Grain Italian Brown Rice 6 x 500g 4142
3.29 14.81 Z Biona ORG Red Camargue Rice 6 x 500g 3062
2.89 13.01 Z Biona ORG White Jasmine Rice 6 x 500g 5598
2.89 13.01 Z Biona ORG White Risotto Rice 6 x 500g 6406
2.59 11.66 Z Biona ORG Brown Risotto Rice 6 x 500g 6447
3.59 16.16 Z Biona ORG Wild Rice Mix (wild,camargue,brown) 6 x 500g 3161

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.89 17.02 Z Biona ORG Polenta 12 x 500g 2831
3.99 35.91 Z Biona ORG Coconut Flour 12 x 500g 7268
2.49 18.68 Z Biona ORG White Spelt Fusilli 10 x 500g 3789
2.59 23.31 Z Biona ORG Spelt Asia Noodles 12 x 250g 9482
3.49 20.94 Z C/Spring ORG GF Chickpea Pasta (Sedanini) 60 8 x 250g 12972
2.79 16.74 Z C/Spring ORG GF Buckwheat Pasta (Tortiglioni) 60 8 x 250g 12973
2.59 15.54 Z C/Spring ORG GF Whole Buckwheat Flour 8 x 375g 6016
5.39 32.34 Z C/Spring ORG GF Quinoa Flour 8 x 250g 6017
2.39 14.34 Z C/Spring ORG GF Brown Rice Flour 8 x 375g 5726
1.99 17.91 Z C/Spring ORG GF Couscous 12 x 200g 7777
S 2.39 21.51 Z C/Spring ORG Sushi Rice 12 x 500g 14
2.39 21.51 Z C/Spring ORG BROWN Sushi Rice 12 x 500g 1242
2.89 17.34 Z C/Spring ORG GF B/Rice Quinoa Amaranth Penne 8 x 250g 3716
2.89 17.34 Z C/Spring ORG GF Red Lentil Brown Rice Fusilli 8 x 250g 3714
2.89 17.34 Z C/Spring ORG GF Green Pea&Quinoa Fusilli 8 x 250g 3715
3.99 17.96 Z C/Spring ORG All Buckwheat Soba Noodles 6 x 200g 8299
S 2.89 21.68 Z C/Spring ORG GF 100% Brown Rice Noodles 10 x 200g 779
S 2.89 10.84 Z C/Spring ORG GF 100% Brown Rice WIDE Noodles 5 x 200g 1191
S 2.69 12.11 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Soba Noodles200g 6 x 200g 7234
S 2.69 12.11 Z C/Spring ORG Skinny Soba Somen Noodles 6 x 200g 26
S 2.59 11.66 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Udon Noodles200g 6 x 200g 7235
S 2.59 11.66 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Wide Udon Noodles 200g 6 x 200g 7232
S 2.69 12.11 Z C/Spring ORG Brown Rice W/wheat Udon Noodle 6 x 200g 25
1.39 10.50 Z Cotswold Carob Powder 10 x 250g 535
Crazy Jack
S 0.99 3.71 Z Crazy Jack ORG Cous Cous 5 x 250g 5759
1.35 5.06 Z Crazy Jack ORG Red Split Lentils 5 x 250g 4648
Doves Farm
1.85 6.95 Z *Dove's ORG 100% Wholemeal Bread Flour 5 x 1.5kg 536
1.89 7.10 Z *Dove's ORG Strong U/B White Bread Flour 5 x 1.5kg 1330
1.25 4.70 Z *Dove's ORG Plain Fine Wholemeal Flour 5 x 1kg 537
1.36 5.10 Z *Dove's ORG Plain White Flour 5 x 1kg 538
2.72 10.20 Z *Dove's ORG Spelt Flour (stoneground) 5 x 1kg 2524
3.29 12.35 Z *Dove's Buckwheat Flour 5 x 1kg 4133
S 4.29 16.10 Z *Dove's Kamut Flour 5 x 1kg 52
2.32 8.70 Z *Dove's GLUTEN FREE Brown Bread Flour 5 x 1kg 2512
2.17 8.15 Z *Dove's GLUTEN FREE White Bread Flour 5 x 1kg 4137
1.79 6.70 Z *Dove's GLUTEN FREE Rice Flour 5 x 1kg 4136
2.17 8.15 Z *Dove's GLUTEN FREE Plain White Flour 5 x 1kg 4453
2.17 8.15 Z *Dove's GLUTEN FREE Self Raising White Flour 5 x 1kg 2527
Doves Farm Pasta
S 2.99 17.95 Z Dove's ORG GF Brown Rice Fusilli 8 x 500g 2529
S 2.99 17.95 Z Dove's ORG GF Brown Rice Penne 8 x 500g 2530
S 2.99 26.95 Z Dove's ORG GF Brown Rice Spaghetti 12 x 500g 2528
King Soba
2.29 20.61 Z K.Soba ORG Black Rice Noodles 12 x 250g 9996
2.09 18.81 Z K.Soba ORG Brown Rice Noodles 12 x 250g 6459
1.89 17.01 Z K.Soba ORG Brown Rice Udon 12 x 250g 6460
2.09 18.81 Z K.Soba ORG Millet/Br Rice Noodles GF 12 x 250g 7157
2.29 20.61 Z K.Soba ORG 100% Buckwheat Noodles GF 12 x 250g 7158
2.09 18.81 Z K.Soba ORG Pumpkin Ginger Brown Rice Noodles 12 x 250g 353
2.29 20.61 Z K.Soba ORG Sweet Potato Buckwheat Noodles 12 x 250g 352

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.09 18.81 Z K.Soba ORG Thai Rice Noodles GF 12 x 250g 7159
2.09 18.81 Z K.Soba ORG WAKAME Brown Rice Noodles 12 x 250g 354
1.73 12.95 Z K.Soba ORG Chilli Miso Ramen GF 135 10 x 80g 2717
2.29 20.61 Z K.Soba ORG FT Brown Rice Vermicelli 12 x 250g 2897
2.29 20.61 Z K.Soba ORG FT Pad Thai Brown Rice Noodles 12 x 250g 2896
La Terra e il Cielo
1.99 17.90 Z La Terra ORG White Cavatappi (Hollow Twists) 12 x 500g 2346
2.29 20.60 Z La Terra ORG Wholewheat Orecchiette 12 x 500g 2673
2.99 26.88 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Spelt Cavatappi 12 x 500g 3518
3.85 17.32 Z La Terra ORG Spelt Tagliatelle 6 x 500g 2664
3.09 13.90 Z La Terra ORG White Conchiglioni 6 x 500g 4135
1.89 17.90 Z La Terra ORG White Fusilli 12 x 500g 3510
2.49 22.45 Z La Terra ORG White Spinach Fusilli 12 x 500g 3512
1.79 16.10 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Fusilli (Spirals) 12 x 500g 2448
2.99 26.88 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Spelt Fusilli 12 x 500g 3517
1.79 16.10 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Gnocchi (Shells) 12 x 500g 3533
1.99 29.83 Z La Terra ORG White Linguine 20 x 500g 3509
1.79 26.84 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Linguine (Flat) 20 x 500g 2353
2.19 19.70 Z La Terra ORG White Macaroni 12 x 500g 3508
2.79 12.55 Z La Terra ORG White Papardelle 6 x 500g 3506
1.79 16.10 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Penne 12 x 500g 2354
2.99 26.88 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Spelt Penne 12 x 500g 3507
1.99 29.38 Z La Terra ORG White Spaghetti 20 x 500g 2359
1.79 26.84 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Spaghetti 20 x 500g 2352
2.39 35.90 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Spaghetti with Nettles 20 x 500g 3511
2.99 44.80 Z La Terra ORG Wholemeal Spelt Spaghetti 20 x 500g 2451
Mr Organic
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic Tagliatelle 12 x 500g 6613
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic Spaghetti 12 x 500g 6614
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic Fusilli 12 x 500g 6615
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic Penne 12 x 500g 6616
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic WHOLE WHEAT Fusilli 12 x 500g 6617
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic WHOLE WHEAT Penne 12 x 500g 6618
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic WHOLE WHEAT Spaghetti 12 x 500g 6619
T 1.10 9.86 50% Z Mr Organic WHOLE WHEAT Tagliatelle 12 x 500g 6620
Organic Traditions (available in singles)
9.99 44.96 Z ORG Traditions Sprouted Quinoa 6 x 340g 5263
9.99 44.96 Z ORG Traditions Sprouted Risotto 6 x 454g 1380
3.49 31.41 Z Profusion ORG Red Lentil & Flax Penne 12 x 300g 12920
3.49 31.41 Z Profusion ORG Chick Pea & Flax Penne 12 x 300g 12921
S 2.69 24.21 Z Profusion ORG Sprouted Spelt Penne 12 x 250g 4480
3.29 29.61 Z Profusion ORG GF Chickpea Fusilli 12 x 300g 9292
S 2.69 24.21 Z Profusion ORG Sprouted Spelt Fusilli 12 x 250g 4483
3.29 29.61 Z Profusion ORG GF Red Lentil Fusilli 12 x 300g 9293
S 3.29 29.61 Z Profusion ORG Sprouted Spelt Spirulina Tagliatelle 12 x 250g 4484
Protein Pow
21.99 16.49 Z Protein Pow PEA GF Protein Cooking Mix SINGLE 1 x 450g 2605
21.99 16.49 Z Protein Pow WHEY GF Protein Cooking MixSINGLE 1 x 450g 2603

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Quinola Mothergrain
5.29 39.56 Z Quinola ORG Black Quinoa FT 10 x 400g 8002
5.49 41.18 Z Quinola ORG Pearl Quinoa FT 10 x 500g 8001
5.29 39.56 Z Quinola ORG Red Quinoa FT 10 x 400g 8000
2.99 13.46 Z Quinola ORG Quinoa Flakes FT 6 x 200g 3124
3.49 15.71 Z Quinola ORG Quinoa Flour FT 6 x 250g 3143
Rude Health - Sustainably Produced
6.50 24.39 Z R/Health ORG Sprouted WholeBuckwheat Flour 90 5 x 500g 4502
5.50 20.61 Z R/Health ORG Sprouted Whole Spelt Flour 90 5 x 500g 4500
4.95 18.57 Z R/Health ORG Sprouted Whole Wheat Flour 90 5 x 500g 4499
Sharpham Park
3.29 29.50 Z Sharpham Park ORG Pearled Spelt Grain 12 x 500g 1126
3.75 16.75 Z Sharpham Park ORG WHITE Spelt Flour 6 x 1kg 1388
3.52 15.84 Z Sharpham Park ORG Wholemeal Spelt Flour 6 x 1kg 1125
3.60 16.24 Z Zaytoun FT Cous Cous Palestinian Maftoul 6 x 250g 1768
3.60 16.22 Z Zaytoun Freekeh Smoky Green Wheat 6 x 250g 1764


2.40 10.80 Z Herbamare (sea salt & fresh herbs) SML 6 x 125g 1129
3.35 15.08 Z Herbamare (sea salt & fresh herbs) LGE 6 x 250g 1130
14.99 44.97 Z Biona ORG Cider Vinegar Unfiltered 5ltr 4 x 5ltr 4487
4.99 22.45 Z Biona ORG Coconut Vinegar 6 x 250ml 12675
4.19 18.86 Z Biona ORG Balsamic Vinegar 6 x 500ml 3701
2.19 9.86 Z Biona ORG Dijon Mustard 6 x 200g 4758
2.39 10.76 Z Biona ORG Wholegrain Mustard 6 x 200g 4759
3.89 17.51 Z Biona ORG Capers in Olive Oil 120g 6 x 120g 6425
2.89 13.01 Z Biona ORG Cider Vinegar Oak Aged Unpasteurised 6 x 75cl 3927
2.69 12.11 Z Biona ORG HARISSA Chilli Relish/Demeter 6 x 125g 6414
2.49 11.21 Z Biona ORG Red Wine Vinegar 6 x 500ml 9904
1.69 7.61 Z Biona ORG Gomasio 6 x 100g 4590
2.49 11.21 Z Biona ORG White Wine Vinegar 6 x 500ml 9906
2.39 10.76 Z Biona ORG Cider Vinegar 6 x 500ml 3277
6.99 62.88 Z Braggs SMALL Liquid Aminos 12 x 473ml 9402
5.49 49.44 Z Braggs ORG SMALL Apple Cider Vinegar 12 x 473ml 3754
9.49 85.44 Z Braggs ORG LARGE Apple Cider Vinegar 12 x 946ml 230
The Coconut Company
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Amino Sauce - All Purpose 12 x 150ml 2435
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Amino Sauce - Barbeque 12 x 150ml 4410
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Amino Sauce - Teriyaki 12 x 150ml 4409
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Vinegar Balsamic Style 12 x 250ml 2436
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Vinegar Classic 12 x 250ml 2431
T 4.24 38.17 15% Z Coconut Co ORG Coconut Mother of Vinegar 12 x 250ml 2432
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Bean Curry Blend 12 x 28g 6363
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Cauliflower/Spinach 12 x 21g 5567
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Chicken Coriander Vegan 12 x 26g 5666
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Chicken Tik/Masala Veg 12 x 26g 5665
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Colonel's Curry MILD 12 x 26g 2757
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Curried Eggs Blend 12 x 21g 6362
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Fish Curry Vegan 12 x 21g 5662

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Prawn Curry Blend Vegan 12 x 21g 5667
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Spicy Mush & Peas Blend 12 x 14g 6364
2.19 19.75 Z *Chiman's ORG Spicy Veg Soup Blend 12 x 14g 6365
2.49 11.21 Z C/Spring ORG Ume Plum Seasoning 6 x 150ml 6015
2.89 13.01 Z C/Spring ORG Brown Rice Miso Glass Jar SMALL 6 x 150g 12830
S 8.79 39.56 Z C/Spring ORG Shoyu 1ltr 6 x 1ltr 12831
0.00 0.00 Z C/Spring Leaflets - Japanese Seasonings 1 x 25 8570
5.59 25.16 Z C/Spring ORG POUCH Brown Rice Miso 6 x 300g 7437
3.95 17.78 Z C/Spring ORG APPLE Balsamic Vinegar 6 x 250ml 7736
5.59 25.16 Z C/Spring ORG POUCH Hatcho Miso 6 x 300g 7438
5.79 26.06 Z C/Spring ORG POUCH Mugi (Barley) Miso 6 x 300g 7439
3.95 17.78 Z C/Spring ORG Balsamic Vinegar SMALL 6 x 250ml 7744
4.49 20.21 Z C/Spring ORG POUCH Sweet White Miso 6 x 250g 2180
6.59 29.66 Z C/Spring ORG Balsamic Vinegar 500ml 6 x 500ml 7277
16.99 38.23 Z C/Spring ORG TUB Barley Miso Unpasteurised 3 x 1kg 1389
T 5.21 23.45 10% Z C/Spring ORG Barley Miso UP Glass Jar 6 x 300g 4936
T 4.04 18.19 10% Z C/Spring ORG Brown Rice Miso UP Glass Jar 6 x 300g 4937
2.89 17.26 Z C/Spring ORG Miso Bouillon Paste 8 x 4x28g 1938
S 2.69 12.11 Z C/Spring RICE Mirin Sweet seasoning 6 x 150ml 7479
4.29 19.31 Z C/Spring ORG Sushi Rice Seasoning 6 x 150ml 7272
4.49 20.21 Z C/Spring ORG MIKAWA Mirin 6 x 150ml 2213
2.39 10.76 Z C/Spring ORG SMALL 150ml Brown Rice Vinegar 6 x 150ml 1546
4.99 22.46 Z C/Spring ORG LARGE 500ml Brown Rice Vinegar 6 x 500ml 1845
2.89 13.01 Z C/Spring ORG Soya Sauce DISPENSER 6 x 150ml 905
S 2.39 10.76 Z C/Spring ORG SHOYU Soya Sauce 6 x 150ml 1971
S 5.19 23.36 Z C/Spring ORG SHOYU Soya Sauce 500ml 6 x 500ml 2167
S 23.99 17.99 Z C/Spring ORG Shoyu 2.5Ltr 1 x 2.5ltr 1390
4.79 21.55 Z C/Spring ORG Instant Noodle Broth Bottle 6 x 245ml 7233
S 3.29 14.81 Z C/Spring ORG Japan TAMARI Soya150ml 6 x 150ml 2173
S 9.29 41.81 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese TAMARI Soya Sauce 500ml 6 x 500ml 2174
2.99 13.46 Z C/Spring ORG Teriyaki Sauce 6 x 150ml 7270
1.99 8.96 Z C/Spring Ume Shiso(was Ume Plum)Seasoning 150ml 6 x 150ml 2207
4.99 22.46 Z C/Spring Takuan Pickled Daikon Radish 6 x 100g 2214
6.49 29.21 Z C/Spring Kuzu - ORG Root Starch 6 x 125g 1547
S 3.39 25.43 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Sushi Ginger 10 x 50g 8110
2.99 22.43 Z C/Spring Sushi Ginger 10 x 50g 1584
6.19 27.86 Z C/Spring Tekka Miso Condiment 6 x 80g 6115
1.99 8.94 Z C/Spring Traditional Sea Salt 6 x 250g 5876
S 5.55 24.98 Z C/Spring ORG Japanese Umeboshi Paste 6 x 150g 8113
8.99 40.46 Z C/Spring ORG Umeboshi Plums 6 x 200g 5212
3.79 17.06 Z C/Spring ORGANIC Wasabi Tin 6 x 25g 8059
3.75 16.88 Z C/Spring Wasabi Powder 6 x 25g 2229
Cornish Seaweed Company
2.95 39.83 Z Cornish Seaweed Salt 18 x 55g 6695
2.15 9.68 Z Essential ORG Wholegrain Mustard 6 x 200g 2670
2.35 10.58 Z Essential ORG Dijon Mustard 6 x 200g 2669
Hambleden Herbs
4.75 21.37 Z Hambleden ORG Mulling Spices 6 x 25g 5045

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Hambleden Herbs Glass Jars

2.04 7.66 Z Hambleden ORG Basil JAR 5 x 13g 2449
1.99 7.46 Z Hambleden ORG Bay Leaf JAR 5 x 2g 2450
3.08 11.54 Z Hambleden ORG Whole Cardamom Pods JAR 5 x 30g 2452
3.01 11.27 Z Hambleden ORG GROUND Cinnamon Jars 5 x 35g 2453
2.37 8.88 Z Hambleden ORG Cinnamon Quills JAR 5 x 10g 2454
3.15 11.80 Z Hambleden ORG Whole Cloves 5 x 30g 2456
2.14 8.00 Z Hambleden ORG Coriander Seeds 5 x 25g 2460
2.49 9.35 Z Hambleden ORG GROUND Cumin JAR 5 x 45g 2462
2.68 10.06 Z Hambleden ORG Whole Cumin Seed JAR 5 x 40g 2461
2.56 9.60 Z Hambleden ORG Garam Masala JAR 5 x 40g 2463
2.06 7.73 Z Hambleden ORG Herbes de Provence JAR 5 x 15g 2464
2.01 7.53 Z Hambleden ORG Mint JAR 5 x 12g 2465
2.10 7.86 Z Hambleden ORG Mixed Herbs JAR 5 x 13g 2466
2.22 8.33 Z Hambleden ORG Oregano JAR 5 x 13g 2467
2.99 11.20 Z Hambleden ORG Ground Paprika JAR 5 x 40g 2468
2.06 7.73 Z Hambleden ORG Parsley JAR 5 x 7g 2469
3.89 14.53 Z Hambleden ORG Black Peppercorns IN GRINDER 5 x 50g 2472
2.04 7.66 Z Hambleden ORG Sage JARS 5 x 12g 2470
2.54 9.53 Z Hambleden ORG Ground Turmeric JARS 5 x 35g 2471
Harry Brand
3.49 15.70 Z Harry Brand Harissa Chilli Mayonnaise 6 x 175g 12769
3.49 15.70 Z Harry Brand Harissa Squeezy Chilli Sauce 6 x 195g 12770
3.49 15.70 Z Harry Brand Harissa Jar Chilli Sauce 6 x 210g 12771
1.59 7.14 Z NEW Marigold GF Instant Gravy GRANULES 6 x 170g 12764
2.09 18.81 Z Marigold Swiss Veg Bouillon 150g Green GF 12 x 150g 542
6.36 28.62 Z Marigold Swiss Veg Bouillon 500g Green Family 6 x 500g 543
11.66 8.75 Z Marigold Swiss Veg Bouillon 1kg Green Catering 1 x 1kg 544
2.09 18.81 Z Marigold SwissVegBouillonRd.SaltVegan150gPurpleG 12 x 150g 545
6.36 28.62 Z Marigold SwissVegBouillonRd.SaltVegan500gPurple 6 x 500g 7775
11.66 8.75 Z Marigold SwissVegBouillonRd.SaltVegan1kgPurple 1 x 1kg 2458
2.39 10.76 Z Marigold ORG Swiss Veg Bouillon 150g Red Vegan G 6 x 150g 3741
7.15 32.18 Z Marigold ORG Swiss Veg Bouillon 500g Red Family 6 x 500g 7776
11.99 8.99 Z Marigold ORG Swiss Veg Bouillon 900g Red Catering 1 x 900g 5196
2.35 10.56 Z Marigold ORG Bouillon Rd. Salt Grey Label Vegan GF 6 x 140g 8834
1.29 11.61 Z Marigold ORG Bouillon Regular CUBE Red Vegan GF 12 x 8 5234
1.39 12.51 Z Marigold ORG Yeast Free Bouillon CUBE GreenVegan 12 x 8 7144
1.49 13.41 Z Marigold ORG Low Salt Bouillon CUBE Purple Vegan 12 x 8 5235
2.20 9.90 Z Marigold ORG Gravy Powder Vegan Gluten Free 6 x 110g 5825
3.29 14.80 Z Engevita with B12 Yeast Flakes BLUE 6 x 125g 553
2.99 13.46 Z Marigold Engevita Nutritional Yeast Flakes BROWN 6 x 125g 546
4.29 19.30 Z NEW Marigold ORG Engevita Yeast Flakes PURPLE 6 x 125g 9949
3.59 16.16 Z Marigold Liquid Aminos Vegan GF 6 x 250ml 8655
3.50 15.75 Z Marigold Apple & Quince Molasses 6 x 250ml 9342
3.25 14.63 Z Marigold Orange Blossom Water 6 x 250ml 9424
3.79 17.06 Z Marigold Pomegranate Molasses 6 x 250ml 9394
3.25 14.63 Z Marigold Rose Water 6 x 250ml 9409
S 2.59 23.30 Z Meridian Tamari Soya Sauce 12 x 150ml 559
S 5.49 24.70 Z Meridian LARGE Tamari Soya Sauce 6 x 500ml 560
S 2.49 22.40 Z Meridian Teriyaki Soya Sauce 12 x 150ml 562
S 1.99 8.95 Z Meridian ORG Tomato Ketchup 6 x 285g 5124

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4.79 43.11 Z Ndali FT ORG Vanilla Finest Pod in tube of 2 12 x 13g 8889
6.29 56.61 Z Ndali ORG Vanilla Powder 12 x 13g 8894
6.99 62.91 Z Ndali FT Vanilla Extract 12 x 100ml 8887
2.99 15.54 Z Profusion Himalayan Rose Pink HERB Salt 8 x 100g 9285
2.29 13.74 Z Profusion FINE SHAKER Himalayan Rose Pink Salt 8 x 140g 9571
3.99 23.94 Z Profusion LGE FINE Himalayan Rose Pink Salt 8 x 500g 532
5.99 26.96 Z Profusion Glass Grindr with Him.Rose Pink Salt 6 x 200g 9286
3.99 23.94 Z Profusion LGE COARSE Himalayan Rose Pink Salt 8 x 500g 533
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
2.59 11.66 Z Raw Health ORG Raw Cider Vinegar 6 x 500ml 8171
3.49 15.71 Z Sanchi Furikake (Sesame & Nori Condiment) 6 x 65g 4790
Sun & Seed
4.99 22.44 Z Sun & Seed ORG Wild Pomegranate Vinegar 6 x 250ml 803
3.57 16.07 Z Zaytoun Za'atar Palestinian Herb Blend 6 x 80g 1761


Anila's Authentic Sauces
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Chilli Chutney - Sweet & Hot 6 x 240g 3019
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Sweet Mango Chutney 6 x 250g 3016
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Aubergine Pickle - Medium Hot 6 x 200g 3021
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Hot Lime Pickle 200g 6 x 200g 4289
3.45 15.50 Z Anila's Lemon Pickle 6 x 220g 3017
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Dhansak Korma Curry Sauce 6 x 300g 4282
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Spicy Mild Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4283
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Spicy Medium Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4285
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Spicy Hot Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4286
S 4.19 18.85 Z Anila's Spicy Korma Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4284
S 4.99 22.45 Z Anila's Goan Green Curry Sauce 300g 6 x 300g 4281
3.49 15.71 Z Biona ORG Hot Pepper Sauce 6 x 140ml 4905
2.69 12.11 Z Biona ORG Toscana Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 4918
2.29 10.31 Z Biona ORG Salsa Dip Mild 6 x 260g 5376
2.29 10.31 Z Biona ORG Salsa Dip Hot 6 x 260g 5377
2.99 17.94 Z Biona ORG ORIGINAL Mayonnaise Squeezy 8 x 250ml 12380
2.99 19.94 Z Biona ORG GARLIC Mayonnaise Squeezy 8 x 250ml 12381
2.99 17.94 Z Biona ORG CHILLI Mayonnaise Squeezy 8 x 250ml 12382
2.19 9.86 Z Biona ORG Mustard Med Hot Classic German 6 x 320ml 12383
2.19 9.85 Z Biona ORG Egg Free Mayo 50 6 x 230g 12694
2.19 9.86 Z Biona ORG Tomato Ketchup 6 x 340g 4856
3.49 31.41 Z Biona ORG Balsamic Glaze 12 x 150ml 9574
2.39 10.76 Z Biona ORG Arrabiata Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 3866
1.39 6.26 Z Biona ORG Tomato Puree 6 x 200g 4170
2.79 12.56 Z Biona ORG Mayonnaise With Sunflower Oil 6 x 230g 4169
3.29 14.81 Z Biona ORG Mayonnaise With Olive Oil 6 x 230g 4171
1.79 16.11 Z Biona ORG Passata Rustica 12 x 680g 5738
3.59 16.16 Z Biona ORG Green Pesto 6 x 120g 4753
2.89 26.01 Z Biona ORG Squeezy Tomato Ketchup 12 x 560g 5348
1.59 14.31 Z Biona ORG Passata Basilico 12 x 680g 4910
3.49 15.71 Z Biona ORG Worcester Sauce Vegan 6 x 140ml 9569
2.69 12.11 Z Biona ORG Sweet Chilli Sauce 6 x 250ml 9605

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S 3.19 19.14 Z Biona ORG Wasabi Style Paste Tubes 8 x 50g 4235
2.39 10.76 Z Biona ORG Basilico Tomato & Basil Sauce 6 x 350g 3890
2.99 13.46 Z Biona ORG Red Pesto 6 x 120g 7079
1.49 13.41 Z Biona ORG Tomato Passata Jar 12 x 680g 6664
1.20 10.80 Z Essential ORG Tomato Puree Tube 12 x 130g 3505
1.83 8.20 Z Kite ORG Mayonnaise 6 x 150g 5522
0.00 12.95 Z Kite ORG BULK Mayonnaise 1 x 2.55kg 5523
1.83 8.20 Z Kite ORG Garlic Mayonnaise 6 x 150g 1857
2.15 9.62 Z Kite Mayonnaise with Free Range Eggs 6 x 325g 550
Mr Organic
1.53 6.89 Z Mr Organic SMALL Passata Plain 6 x 400g 2163
S 1.64 14.76 Z Mr Organic LARGE Passata Plain 12 x 690g 2164
S 1.75 15.75 Z Mr Organic Passata with Basil 12 x 690g 2161
S 1.86 16.74 Z Mr Organic Passata Rustica (Thicker) 12 x 690g 2165
S 1.75 7.88 Z Mr Organic Tomato Puree Concentrate Jar 6 x 200g 2175
S 2.62 11.79 Z Mr Organic Tomato Ketchup 6 x 480g 2176
3.29 14.80 Z Mr Organic Basil Pesto Green 6 x 130g 5028
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr Organic Healthier Choice Basilico Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 2170
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr Organic Healthier Choice Bolognese Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 1664
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr Organic Healthier Choice Arrabiata Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 2172
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr ORG Authentic Italian Capers&Olives Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 2166
T 2.02 9.07 20% Z Mr Organic Ricotta Pasta Sauce 6 x 350g 5081
T 2.19 9.86 20% Z Mr Organic Vegetarian Seitan Ragu 6 x 350g 5078
T 2.19 9.86 20% Z Mr Organic Vegetarian Soya Ragu 6 x 350g 5080
T 2.19 9.86 20% Z Mr Organic Vegetarian Tofu Ragu 6 x 350g 5079
Plamil (vegan)
2.95 13.28 Z Plamil ORG Plain Egg Free Mayonnaise 6 x 315g 4476
4.39 19.76 Z Profusion ORG GF Sprouted Hemp Pesto Basil/Garlic 6 x 150g 4485
4.39 19.76 Z Profusion ORG GF Sprouted Hemp Pesto Tomato 6 x 150g 4486
4.15 18.68 Z Sunita ORG Pesto Genovese GF Vegan 90 6 x 130g 2878
3.60 16.20 Z Sunita ORG Pesto Rosso 6 x 130g 2879

5.89 26.51 Z Biona ORG Essential Daily Balance Oil 30 6 x 250ml 4601
4.79 21.55 Z Biona ORG Coconut Cuisine Coconut Oil SMALL 6 x 470ml 9543
5.89 26.51 Z Biona ORG Coconut Cuisine Coconut Oil LGE 6 x 610ml 9544
4.39 19.76 Z Biona ORG Raw Virgin Coconut Oil 200g 6 x 200g 8615
T 7.99 35.96 Z Biona ORG Raw Virgin Coconut Oil 400g 6 x 400g 8192
14.89 67.00 Z Biona ORG Raw Virgin Coconut Oil 800g 6 x 800g 9548
19.89 89.51 Z Biona ORG Raw Virgin Coconut Oil 1.2kg 6 x 1.2kg 4858
6.29 23.59 V Biona ORG Flax Oil NOW VATABLE 30 6 x 250ml 4261
6.99 31.46 Z Biona ORG Hemp Oil (refrigerate) 30 6 x 250ml 4262
12.99 58.46 Z Biona ORG Mild Calibrian Olive Oil 6 x 1ltr 4746
7.89 35.51 Z Biona ORG Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 6 x 500ml 4033
12.99 58.46 Z Biona ORG Italian Large EV Olive Oil 6 x 1ltr 6954

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RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chi Drinks Ltd

T 8.96 80.60 10% Z Chi ORG 100% Virgin Coconut Oil 120 12 x 500ml 8147
3.49 15.71 Z C/Spring ORG Soya Oil 6 x 500ml 12822
4.49 20.21 Z C/Spring ORG Sunflower Frying Oil MED 6 x 500ml 12823
5.49 24.71 Z C/Spring ORG Safflower Oil 6 x 500ml 12824
5.99 35.94 Z C/Spring ORG Hemp Oil 8 x 250ml 12825
9.89 44.51 Z C/Spring ORG TUNISIAN Ex Virgin Olive Oil LARGE 6 x 1ltr 12826
5.79 26.06 Z C/Spring ORG TUNISIAN Ex Virgin Olive Oil MED 6 x 500ml 12827
S 9.49 56.94 Z C/Spring ORG Toasted Pumpkin Seed Oil 8 x 250ml 12828
S 10.99 49.46 Z C/Spring ORG Sesame Oil LARGE 6 x 1ltr 12829
0.00 0.00 Z C/Spring Leaflets - ORG Cold Press Oils 1 x 25 8567
13.99 83.85 Z C/Spring ORG Argan Oil 8 x 250ml 7090
5.69 34.14 Z C/Spring ORG Avocado Oil 8 x 250ml 1410
4.19 18.85 Z C/Spring ORG Coconut Oil SMALL 6 x 200g 7091
7.99 35.95 Z C/Spring ORG Coconut Oil LARGE 6 x 400g 7092
12.99 77.94 Z C/Spring ORG Hazelnut Oil 8 x 250ml 8566
3.99 23.94 Z C/Spring ORG 250ml Olive Oil SMALL 8 x 250ml 8562
7.50 33.75 Z C/Spring ORG Ex Virgin Olive Oil MEDIUM 6 x 500ml 7282
14.50 65.25 Z C/Spring ORG Ex Virgin Olive Oil LGE 6 x 1ltr 7283
2.49 14.95 Z C/Spring ORG Rapeseed Oil SMALL 8 x 250ml 7095
3.99 17.96 Z C/Spring ORG Rapeseed Oil MED 6 x 500ml 780
6.99 31.45 Z C/Spring ORG Rapeseed Oil LITRE 6 x 1ltr 7094
5.89 26.51 Z C/Spring ORG Sesame Oil MED 6 x 500ml 7286
3.79 22.74 Z C/Spring ORG Toasted Sesame Oil SMALL 8 x 250ml 7287
6.49 29.21 Z C/Spring ORG Toasted Sesame Oil MED 6 x 500ml 7443
3.49 15.71 Z C/Spring Japanese Toast Sesame Oil SMALL 6 x 150ml 2210
3.49 15.71 Z C/Spring ORG Sunflower Oil 500ml MED 6 x 500ml 7279
5.99 26.96 Z C/Spring ORG Sunflower Oil Large 6 x 1ltr 7280
7.49 33.71 Z C/Spring ORG Frying Oil Sunflower LARGE 6 x 1ltr 5864
10.49 62.94 Z C/Spring ORG Walnut Oil 8 x 250ml 7971
22.99 103.45 Z C/Spring ORG BULK Olive Oil 2Ltr 6 x 2ltr 2007
12.99 58.46 Z C/Spring ORG BULK Sunflower Frying Oil 2Ltr 6 x 2ltr 2008
9.99 44.96 Z C/Spring ORG BULK Sunflower Oil 2Lt 6 x 2ltr 2006
Equal Exchange (Fairtrade)
18.99 85.46 Z EE Palestinian Extra Virgin Olive Oil FT 6 x 1ltr 8673
T 3.14 14.14 10% Z Essential ORG Virgin Raw Coconut Oil SMALL 6 x 210ml 1964
T 8.09 36.45 10% Z Essential ORG Virgin Raw Coconut Oil LARGE 6 x 690g 1963
Fushi Wellbeing
8.00 36.00 Z Fushi ORG Ghee (Grass Fed) 6 x 300ml 342
5.50 24.75 Z Fushi ORG Virgin Coconut Oil - Sri Lankan 6 x 300ml 344
Good Hemp Foods
S 4.19 18.84 Z Good Hemp Oil SMALL 250ml 6 x 250ml 7965
S 6.89 30.77 Z Good Hemp Oil LARGE (CP Hemp) 6 x 500ml 7962
T 8.84 39.79 25% Z Govinda ORG Ayurvedic Ghee 160 6 x 500ml 4158
12.45 46.69 V GranoVita ORG Evening Primrose Oil 6 x 260ml 7653
9.10 34.12 V GranoVita ORG Flax Oil 6 x 260ml 6060
8.29 37.31 Z GranoVita ORG Hemp Oil 6 x 260ml 7075
9.39 35.21 V GranoVita ORG Speciality Omega Blend Oil 6 x 260ml 7074

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4.39 39.53 Z Jeeva ORG King Coconut Oil 200ml 12 x 200ml 12557
8.79 79.13 Z Jeeva ORG King Coconut Oil 500ml 12 x 500ml 12558
Jax Coco
10.99 98.91 Z Jaxcoco ORG Centrifuged EV Coconut Oil 12 x 400ml 1677
La Terra e il Cielo
S 21.69 195.20 Z La Terra ORG Olive Oil 12 x 750ml 2351
Mr Organic
S 12.95 116.55 Z Mr Organic Italian Ex Virgin Olive Oil 1lt 12 x 1ltr 2177
S 7.79 70.11 Z Mr Organic Italian Ex Virgin Olive Oil 500ml 12 x 500ml 2254
6.26 28.17 Z Mr Organic Sunflower Oil GLASS 6 x 1ltr 2253
6.04 27.18 Z Mr Organic Rapeseed Oil GLASS 135 6 x 750ml 2255
S 4.49 20.20 Z Meridian Grapeseed Oil 6 x 500ml 578
S 6.49 29.20 Z Meridian ORG Extra Virgin Olive Oil 6 x 500ml 584
S 5.99 26.95 Z Meridian ORG Sesame Oil 6 x 500ml 586
S 3.49 15.71 Z Meridian ORG Sunflower Oil 6 x 500ml 589
S 10.99 49.44 Z Nutiva ORG Manna - Coconut Butter 6 x 425g 8429
S 11.99 107.88 Z Nutiva ORG Extra Virgin Coconut Oil SMALL 12 x 444ml 8428
Organic Traditions (available in singles)
14.99 134.91 Z ORG Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil 500ml 12 x 500ml 4514
10.99 49.44 Z ORG Traditions Ice Pressed Olive Oil 6 x 200ml 1863
Raw Health - ORG,Raw,GF,Vegan
3.99 17.96 Z Raw Health ORG Virgin Coconut Oil 200ml 6 x 200ml 5768
5.69 25.61 Z Raw Health ORG Virgin Coconut Oil 300ml 6 x 300ml 5938
6.99 31.46 Z Raw Health ORG Kalamata Olive Oil PDO 6 x 500ml 4778
Sun & Seed
7.99 36.00 Z Sun & Seed ORG Pumpkin Seed Oil 6 x 250ml 8480
7.99 36.00 Z Sun & Seed ORG TOAST Pump Seed Oil 6 x 250ml 8963
56.15 168.45 Z Sunita ORG Greek EV Olive Oil BULK 5ltr 4 x 5ltr 7011
Vita Coco
2.29 20.61 Z Vita Coco ORG Coconut Oil 50ml 12 x 50ml 12991
5.99 26.98 Z Vita Coco ORG Coconut Oil 250ml 6 x 250ml 8833
9.99 44.96 Z Vita Coco ORG Coconut Oil 500ml 6 x 500ml 8832
14.50 65.24 Z Vita Coco ORG Coconut Oil 750ml 6 x 750ml 8830
8.00 36.00 Z Zaytoun ORG Palestinian FT EV Olive Oil 6 x 250g 1763
13.00 58.49 Z Zaytoun ORG Palestinian FT EV Olive Oil 6 x 500ml 2079
16.09 72.32 Z Zaytoun ORG Palestinian FT EV Olive Oil LARGE 6 x 750ml 1762

Ami Vegan Pet Food
14.64 54.96 V Ami Vegan Cat Food 1.5kg 6 x 1.5kg 12503
5.33 39.96 V Ami Vegan Cat Food 300g 12 x 300g 3117
6.82 34.14 V Ami Vegan Dog Food 600g 8 x 600g 3115

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4.99 29.94 Z C/Spring Agar-Agar Flakes 8 x 28g 1539
4.49 16.84 Z C/Spring Arame 5 x 50g 1540
S 4.39 16.46 Z C/Spring ORG Dulse (Sea Veg) 5 x 50g 2203
5.99 22.45 Z C/Spring Hijiki 5 x 50g 1541
5.49 20.59 Z C/Spring Japanese Kombu 5 x 50g 1542
2.59 11.66 Z C/Spring ORG Dried Daikon 6 x 40g 2817
3.49 15.71 Z C/Spring Nori - 10 sheets (6x25g) 6 x 25g 1544
2.49 18.68 Z C/Spring Toasted FINE CUT Nori 10 x 10g 1820
1.99 14.93 Z C/Spring Green Nori Sprinkle was Flakes 10 x 20g 1545
2.99 17.94 Z C/Spring Sushi Nori - Toasted 8 PACK 8 x 17g 2196
2.99 26.91 Z C/Spring Toasted Nori Strips 12 x 13.5g 2197
4.49 20.21 Z C/Spring Japanese Sea Veg Salad 6 x 25g 7478
5.29 19.84 Z C/Spring Japanese Wakame 5 x 50g 1543
6.79 30.56 Z C/Spring Instant Wakame Flakes 6 x 25g 305
Cornish Seaweed Company
4.95 14.85 Z Cornish Seaweed ORG Irish Moss 4 x 20g 6691
4.95 14.85 Z Cornish Seaweed ORG Kombu 4 x 30g 6692
4.95 14.85 Z Cornish Seaweed ORG Sea Salad 4 x 30g 6693
4.95 14.85 Z Cornish Seaweed ORG Sea Spaghetti 4 x 40g 6694
6.75 30.37 Z Seamore Iseabacon ORG Wild Seaweed Bacon 6 x 75g 13019
5.49 24.70 Z Seamore Iseapasta ORG Wild Seaweed Tagliatelle 6 x 100g 6194

2.59 19.43 V Bio-D Fabric Conditioner 12 x 1ltr 7026
3.19 23.93 V Bio-D Glass & Mirror Spray 500ml 12 x 500ml 7520
5.10 38.25 V Bio-D Laundry Liquid 12 x 1ltr 7025
2.85 21.38 V Bio-D Multi Surface Sanitiser NEW 750ml 12 x 750ml 7518
2.89 21.68 V Bio-D Nappy Fresh 12 x 500g 7600
3.30 24.75 V Bio-D Dishwasher Rinse Aid 12 x 750ml 1175
4.39 27.43 V Bio-D Washing Powder 10 x 1Kg 10 x 1kg 7021
8.65 43.25 V Bio-D Washing Powder 8 x 2kg 8 x 2kg 7022
2.20 16.50 V Bio-D Washing Up Liquid 750ml 12 x 750ml 7517
The Cheeky Panda Ltd
T 2.49 18.67 V The Cheeky Panda 4-PACK Bamboo Toilet Rolls 12 x 4 12611
T 5.15 16.09 V The Cheeky Panda 9-PACK Bamboo Toilet Rolls 5 x 9 12612
3.99 37.28 V Ecozone Washing Machine/Dishwasher Cleaner 16 x 135g 1949
2.99 29.90 V Ecozone Water Softener Tablets 16 x 256g 2071
2.99 22.42 V Ecozone Rinse Aid 12 x 500ml 2072
5.99 44.92 V Ecozone Enzymatic Drain Cleaning Sticks 12 x 39g 2104
1.52 9.51 V Essential Kitchen Roll 10 x 2 3494
2.44 15.25 V Essential Toilet Roll 10 x 4 3498
Food Safe
3.05 22.90 V Veggie Wash-Fruit Too CONCENTRATE 12 x 500ml 3337
2.55 19.08 V Veggie Wash-Fruit Too SPRAY (ready to use) 12 x 600ml 3338

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4.37 16.40 V Greenscents ORG Minty Laundry Conditioner 6 x 400ml 6214
4.09 15.35 V Greenscents ORG Unfragranced Surface Spray 6 x 500ml 6215
3.83 14.36 V Greenscents ORG Noscents Washing Up Liquid 6 x 400ml 6216
4.65 17.45 V Greenscents ORG Citrus Floor Soapl 6 x 400ml 6217
4.37 16.40 V Greenscents ORG Lavender Laundry Conditioner 6 x 400ml 1693
5.09 19.09 V Greenscents ORG Lavender Laundry Liquid 17 Washes 6 x 500ml 1651
5.09 19.09 V Greenscents ORG Nonscents Laundry Liquid 6 x 500ml 1653
4.09 15.35 V Greenscents ORG Minty Loo Cleaner 6 x 500ml 1696
4.09 15.35 V Greenscents ORG Multi Surface Spray Citrus 6 x 500ml 1695
3.83 14.36 V Greenscents ORG Citrus Washing Up Liquid 6 x 400ml 1694
6.69 59.76 V Mottlock Food Moth Pheromone Sticky Strips 16 x 5 9339
7.99 26.77 V Mottenbox Clothes Moth Traps Non Toxic 6x1 2199
Organic Hunter
0.00 0.00 Z Organic Hunter Bulletin (ENVELOPE) 1 x 25 12641
1.59 11.92 V Suma Ecoleaf Kitchen Towel(recycled) 12 x 2 616
1.47 10.99 V Suma Refuse Sacks (recycled) 12 x 8 2676
4.49 14.01 V Suma Ecoleaf Toilet Tissue 5x9 5623
2.05 12.70 V Suma Ecoleaf Toilet Tissue 4 PACK 10 x 4 615

Aloe 99
7.15 24.69 V Aloe99 Vitamin E Moisture Balancing CREAM 6 x 113g 1731
Dead Sea
6.75 23.21 V Dead Sea Bath Salts (Sixes) 6 x 1kg 632
3.19 11.18 V Dead Sea Soaps - Black Mud SIXES 6 x 90g 628
3.19 11.18 V Dead Sea Soaps - Mineral SIXES 6 x 90g 629
3.19 11.18 V Dead Sea Soaps - Sulphur SIXES 6 x 90g 630
8.00 4.44 V Herbatint Normalising Shampoo 1 x 260ml 6753
9.00 5.01 V Herbatint Aloe Vera Cream Conditioner 1 x 260ml 6754
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 4C Ash Chestnut 1 x 130ml 6745
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 7C Ash Blonde 1 x 130ml 6748
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 4D Golden Chestnut 1 x 130ml 6733
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 5D Light Golden Chestnut 1 x 130ml 6734
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 6D Dark Golden Blonde 1 x 130ml 6735
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 7D Golden Blonde 1 x 130ml 6736
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 8D Light Golden Blonde 1 x 130ml 6737
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 4M Mahogany Chestnut 1 x 130ml 6738
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 5M Light Mahogany Chestnut 1 x 130ml 6739
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 7M Mahogany Blonde 1 x 130ml 6740
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 1N Black 1 x 130ml 6724
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 2N Brown 1 x 130ml 6725
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 3N Dark Chestnut 1 x 130ml 6726
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 4N Chestnut 1 x 120ml 6755
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 5N Light Chestnut 1 x 130ml 6727
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 6N Dark Blond 1 x 130ml 6728
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 7N Blonde 1 x 130ml 6729
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 8N Light Blonde 1 x 130ml 6730
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 9N Honey Blonde 1 x 130ml 6731
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 10N Platinum Blond 1 x 130ml 6732
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 4R Copper Chestnut 1 x 130ml 6741
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 5R Light Copper Chestnut 1 x 130ml 6742

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9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 7R Copper Blonde 1 x 130ml 6743
9.50 5.52 V Herbatint 8R Light Copper Blonde 1 x 130ml 6744
S 14.39 8.39 V Delacet SINGLE Unique headlice Solution 1 x 110ml 5119
S 15.69 9.15 V Herbacet Herbal Hair Balsam SINGLE 1 x 110ml 8538
0.00 0.00 Z Delacet Leaflets 1 x 10 5707
0.00 0.00 Z Herbacet Leaflets 1 x 10 8709
Higher Nature
7.00 4.08 V Skin Brush SINGLES 1x1 815
S 5.49 19.21 V Jason Aloe Vera Deodorant Roll On 6 x 85g 8370
S 5.49 19.21 V Jason Healthy Mouth Toothpaste SIXES 6 x 122g 8368
S 5.49 19.21 V Jason Powersmile Toothpaste SIXES 6 x 170g 8369
S 5.49 19.21 V Jason Sea Fresh Toothpaste SIXES 6 x 170g 9671
S 6.99 48.93 V Jason Sea Fresh Mouthwash 12 x 473ml 9672
House of Mistry
3.49 12.00 V Mistry's Aloe Vera Jojoba Shampoo 6 x 200ml 635
3.49 12.00 V Mistry's Aloe Vera Jojoba Conditioner 6 x 200ml 636
3.99 13.80 V Mistry's Calendula Powder 6 x 150mg 639
4.99 17.40 V Mistry's Calendula Ginseng Aloe Vera PABA Lotion 6 x 200ml 638
3.49 12.00 V Mistry's Ginseng Herbal Shampoo 6 x 200ml 633
3.49 12.00 V Mistry's Ginseng Herbal Conditioner 6 x 200ml 634
3.49 12.00 V Mistry's Natural Liquid Soap with Vitamin E 6 x 200ml 637
3.99 13.80 V Mistry's Neem Shampoo & Conditioner 6 x 200ml 2434
3.49 12.00 V Mistry's Neem Liquid Soap 6 x 200ml 2683
3.49 12.00 V Mistry's Tea Tree Oil Liquid Soap 6 x 200ml 1928
3.49 12.00 V Mistry's Tea Tree Shampoo/Conditioner (Two in One) 6 x 250ml 983
2.99 1.75 V Mistry's Natural Neem Oil 1 x 10ml 2381
4.99 2.90 V Mistry's Vitamin E Oil (5000iu) 1 x 25ml 641
3.99 13.80 V Mistry's Baby Soap with Vit E 6 x 250ml 7583
4.99 17.40 V Mistry's Neem Cream 6 x 50g 2382
3.99 13.80 V Mistry's Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic Cream 6 x 50g 647
4.99 17.40 V Mistry's Neem Pessaries IN SIXES 6x6 2685
4.99 17.40 V Mistry's Tea Tree Oil Pessaries IN SIXES 6x6 648
7.49 4.68 V *Oleanat Almond Oil Soap 1 x 3x150g 2290
7.49 4.68 V *Oleanat Honey Soap (a base de miel) 1 x 3x150g 2291
7.49 4.68 V *Oleanat Lavender Soap 1 x 3x150g 2292
7.49 4.68 V *Oleanat Shea Butter Soap(Karite) 1 x 3x150g 2296
2.54 9.54 V Sarakan Toothpaste 6 x 50ml 3648
3.67 13.77 V Sarakan Mouthfresh Rinse 6 x 300ml 3649
Spiritual Sky
5.69 9.62 V *Spiritual Sky Liquid Henna - Auburn 3 x 90ml 1615
5.69 9.62 V *Spiritual Sky Liquid Henna - Black 3 x 90ml 1616
5.69 9.62 V *Spiritual Sky Liquid Henna - Golden Blonde 3 x 90ml 1619
5.69 9.62 V *Spiritual Sky Liquid Henna - Dark Brown 3 x 90ml 1617
5.69 9.62 V *Spiritual Sky Liquid Henna - Copper 3 x 90ml 1618
5.69 9.62 V *Spiritual Sky Liquid Henna - Mahogany 3 x 90ml 1620
2.89 9.98 V Spiritual Sky Henna Powder - Auburn 6 x 100g 1264
3.65 12.57 V Spiritual Sky Henna Powder - Black 6 x 100g 1265
2.89 9.98 V Spiritual Sky Henna Powder - Golden Blonde 6 x 100g 1268
3.39 11.77 V Spiritual Sky Henna Powder - Brown 6 x 100g 1266
2.89 9.98 V Spiritual Sky Henna Powder - Copper Natural 6 x 100g 1267

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.89 9.98 V Spiritual Sky Henna Powder - Mahogany 6 x 100g 1269
S 1.59 5.96 V Oliva Olive Oil Soap 6 x 125g 1383
Urtekram Bodycare
4.89 17.12 V Urtekram ORG Aloe Vera Liquid Deod 6 x 50ml 8886
4.89 17.12 V Urtekram ORG Eucalyptus Crystal Roll On Deodorant 6 x 50ml 8161
4.89 17.12 V Urtekram ORG No Perfume ROLL ON Cryst Deod 6 x 50ml 7421
4.89 17.12 V Urtekram ORG Rose Liquid Crystal Deod 6 x 50ml 7420
6.69 23.41 V Urtekram ORG Body Lotion - Aloe Vera 6 x 245ml 5320
6.69 23.41 V Urtekram ORG No Perfume Body Lotion 6 x 245ml 8661
4.35 15.23 V Urtekram ORG Nordic Birch Hand Cream 6 x 75ml 2577
6.69 23.41 V Urtekram ORG Nordic Birch Body Lotion 6 x 245ml 2578
6.69 23.41 V Urtekram ORG Body Lotion - Rose 6 x 245ml 3986
5.35 37.45 V Urtekram ORG Shea Butter Vanilla Lip Balm 12 x 4g 1285
Urtekram Hair care
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Shampoo - Aloe Vera 6 x 250ml 1742
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Shampoo - Brown Sugar 6 x 250ml 392
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Shampoo - Camomile 6 x 250ml 1740
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Shampoo - Children's 6 x 250ml 2279
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Shampoo - Lavender 6 x 250ml 3987
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Shampoo - Nettle 6 x 250ml 2278
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG No Perfume Shampoo 6 x 250ml 8657
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Nord Birch Shampoo Normal 6 x 250ml 2573
5.35 18.73 V Urte ORG Nordic Birch Shampoo Dry 6 x 250ml 2574
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Shampoo - Rose 6 x 250ml 1744
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Rosemary Shampoo Fine/Thin Hair 6 x 250ml 2294
5.35 18.73 V Urtekram ORG Shampoo - Tea Tree 6 x 250ml 1745
5.65 19.78 V Urtekram ORG Conditioner - Aloe Vera 6 x 250ml 2280
5.65 19.78 V Urtekram ORG Conditoner - Camomile 6 x 250ml 1746
5.65 19.78 V Urtekram ORG Conditioner - Lavender 6 x 250ml 5318
5.65 19.78 V Urtekram ORG No Perfume Conditioner 6 x 250ml 8662
5.65 24.33 V Urtekram ORG Nordic Birch Conditioner 6 x 250ml 2575
6.69 23.41 V Urtekram ORG Conditoner - Rose 6 x 250ml 1747
Urtekram Soaps
1.89 13.23 V Urtekram ORG Soap - Aloe Vera 12 x 100g 5322
3.19 22.33 V Urtekram ORG Soap - Lavender 12 x 175g 2282
1.89 13.23 V Urtekram ORG No Perfume Soap Bar 12 x 100g 8660
1.89 16.77 V Urtekram ORG Soap - Rose 12 x 100g 2281
7.35 25.73 V Urtekram ORG BrownSugar ShowerGel 6 x 500ml 8208
6.95 24.33 V Urtekram ORG No Perfume Liquid Hand Soap 6 x 380ml 8663
7.35 25.73 V Urtekram ORG No Perfume Shower Gel 6 x 500ml 8659
7.35 25.73 V Urtekram ORG Rose Shower Gel 6 x 500ml 1748
Urtekram Toothpaste
2.99 10.47 V Urtekram ORG Aloe Vera Toothpaste 6 x 75ml 6836
2.99 10.47 V Urtekram ORG Toothpaste - Children's 6 x 75ml 3590
2.99 10.47 V Urtekram ORG Mint&Fluoride Toothpaste 6 x 75ml 6835
2.99 10.47 V Urtekram ORG Mint Green Tea Toothpaste 6 x 75ml 1753
2.99 10.47 V Urtekram ORG Toothpaste - Tea Tree 6 x 75ml 3593

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The Blessed Seed
8.00 4.72 V Blessed Seed CP Blackseed Oil (Nigella sativa) 1 x 100ml 9005
12.49 7.20 V Blessed Seed CP STRONG Blackseed Oil 1 x 100ml 12516
Cherry Active
19.99 10.83 V Cherry Active Capsules 1 x 60 9786
15.99 9.99 V Cherry Active Concentrate SMALL SINGLE 1 x 473ml 9793
31.49 19.68 V Cherry Active Concentrate LARGE SINGLES 1 x 946ml 9785
15.99 53.58 V Comvita Propolis Herbal Elixir 6 PACK 6 x 200ml 722
Double Dragon
13.99 7.96 V Panax Ginseng Slices (Plastic Jar) 1 x 30g 736
Forever Young
9.49 5.30 V Forever Young Aloe Vera Juice Small 1 x 500ml 7382
17.95 10.02 V Forever Young Aloe Vera Juice Large 1 x 1ltr 7383
Fushi Wellbeing
9.95 74.62 V Fushi ORG Aloe Vera Juice (Inner Leaf) 12 x 500ml 172
Green Bay
14.99 56.35 V Green Bay Apple Cider Vinegar w10+Manuka 6 x 500ml 1006
5.39 40.45 V *Green Bay Honeysuckers B/Currant ManukaUM15 12 x 22g 938
5.39 40.45 V *GreenBay Honeysuckers Echina PropolisUM15 12 x 22g 939
5.39 40.45 V *Green Bay HoneysuckerManuka UMF 12 x 22g 1008
0.00 0.00 Z G/Bay EMPTY Display Unit for Honeysuckers 1x1 2563
Mag365 - 33% POR
T 7.48 4.17 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Plain SMALL 1 x 150g 9611
T 7.48 4.17 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Passion Fruit SMALL 1 x 150g 9624
T 9.98 5.57 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Kids 1 x 150g 9625
T 11.75 6.56 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Plus Calcium 1 x 210g 9626
T 12.48 6.97 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Plain LARGE 1 x 300g 9627
T 12.48 6.97 50% V Mag365 Magnesium Passion Fruit LARGE 1 x 300g 9628
12.69 7.20 V NI Sovereign Colloidal Silver SPRAY - Fine Mist 1 x 59ml 6628
18.69 10.60 V NI Colloidal Silver 118ml 1 x 118ml 6629
12.69 7.20 V NI Colloidal Silver VERTICAL SPRAY 1 x 59ml 7701
Picklecoombe House
S 2.79 20.93 V Picklecoombe House Manuka Honey & Lemon Nuggets 12 x 120g 5969
S 2.79 20.93 V Picklecoombe House Manuka Nuggets 12 x 120g 5970
Prebio 7
11.49 6.42 V Probio 7 Capsules - Ambient 7 1 x 40 7384
Rio Amazon
5.99 4.49 Z Rio Pau D'Arco (Lapacho) Teabags 1 x 40 8608
16.39 9.15 V Rio Maca 500mg caps 1 x 90 8609
10.49 5.86 V Rio Amazon Rosa Mosqueta Rosehip Oil 1 x 20ml 8611
9.18 5.10 V Rio Amazon Guarana Caps 500mg-1 month's supply 1 x 60 741
15.49 8.61 V Rio Amazon Guarana Caps 500mg - big value pack 1 x 120 742
1.80 10.03 V *Rio Amazon Guarana Jungle Elixir-standard pack 10 x 15ml 743
7.65 4.26 V Rio Amazon Guarana Powder 1 x 50g 926
1.12 16.70 V *Rio Amazon Buzz Gum Extra 24 x 10 1282

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Schuessler (33% POR)

8.95 30.00 V Schuessler Tissue Salts No.3 Calc Sulph 6 x 125 tabs 1011
8.95 30.00 V Schuessler Tissue Salts No.7 Kali Sulph 6 x 125 tabs 1145
8.95 30.00 V Schuessler Tissue Salts No.10 Nat Phos 6 x 125 tabs 1173
8.95 30.00 V Schuessler Tissue Salts No.11 Nat Sulph 6 x 125 tabs 1211
8.95 30.00 V Schuessler Tissue Salts Combination 5 6 x 125 tabs 1482
8.95 30.00 V Schuessler Tissue Salts Combination J 6 x 125 tabs 1614
8.95 30.00 V Schuessler Tissue Salts Combination K 6 x 125 tabs 1708

Chia Bia
14.99 84.32 V Chia Bia Chia Oil Capsules 9 x 90 2343
Higher Nature
26.45 15.87 V Higher Nature Aloe Gold - Natural 1 x 485ml 3344
26.45 15.87 V Higher Nature Aloe Gold - Cherry/Cranberry 1 x 485ml 3343
10.50 5.86 V Higher Nature Large Citricidal NOW 45 ml 1 x 45ml 2863
12.35 6.90 V Higher Nature Coenzyme Q10 1 x 30 2059
4.95 2.76 V Higher Nature Ginkgo Mega Potency 6000 1 x 30 2060
6.70 3.74 V Higher Nature VEG Glucosamine 800mg 1 x 30 3342
7.45 4.16 V Higher Nature Menophase w/ Dong Quai 1 x 30 2067
7.05 3.94 V Higher Nature Mexican Yam 1 x 30 3109
17.70 9.88 V Higher Nature Mexican Yam 1 x 90 3110
8.80 4.91 V Higher Nature MSM Organic Sulphur 1000 mg 1 x 90 4705
16.00 8.93 V Higher Nature MSM Organic Sulphur 1000mg LARGE 1 x 180 4706
4.50 2.51 V Higher Nature Probio Daily MILK FREE 1 x 30 3347
7.30 4.08 V Higher Nature Probio- Easy powder 1 x 90g 2077
20.90 11.67 V Higher Nature Serotone 50mg - 90 caps 1 x 90 5400
7.95 4.44 V Higher Nature Starflower Oil 1000mg 1 x 30 2582
Nature's Own - 7.5% DISCOUNT
T 10.20 5.69 25% V Nat/Own Food State Vitamin C 250mg 50 1 x 50 1432
T 7.84 4.37 25% V Nat/Own Food State Niacin Vitamin B3 50mg 50 1 x 50 2001
T 7.80 4.36 25% V Nat/Own Food State PABA 50mg 50 1 x 50 1980
T 9.11 5.09 25% V Nat/Own Food State Selenium 100mcg 50 1 x 50 1444
T 5.78 3.23 25% V Nat/Own Wholefood Calcium (Seaweed) 30 Caps 1 x 30 7256
T 6.04 3.37 25% V Nat/Own Wholefood Cherry C 30 Vegecaps 1 x 30 8501
T 4.43 2.47 25% V Nat/Own Wholefood Methylfolate Folic Acid(400mcg) 1 x 30 3651

Himalaya/Maroma Candles & Gifts
9.99 5.65 V Himalaya Aromatherapy Oil Diffuser - Harmony 1x1 5818
15.00 7.50 V Himalaya Tisaniere Ceramic Mug to Brew Tea 1x1 6906


3.79 17.06 Z D Biona ORG Wild Garlic Gnocchetti 10 6 x 400g 7715
Biona (12 Days Life)
2.89 13.01 Z Biona ORG Curried Almond Sauerkraut Wrap 12 6 x 150g 6923
Booja Booja
0.00 0.00 Z D Booja Tasting Kit Fresh Truffles - CHILLED 1x1 2365
Bute Island Foods
2.63 11.83 Z D Sheese -Strong Cheddar Style 40 6 x 227g 5

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

S 2.29 8.58 V B.Fresh #Totalbeets 10 6 x 250ml 12444
S 2.29 8.58 V B.Fresh #Rock The Beets 10 6 x 250ml 7525
ChicP (Hummus from Surplus Fruit N Veg)
2.50 11.25 Z D ChicP Banana & Cocoa Hummus 4 6 x 170g 12717
2.99 2.24 Z D Clive's ORG GLUTEN FREE Potato/Cheese Pie 4 1x1 7709
The Collective
2.19 9.85 Z D Collective Raspberry Trifle LARGE 8 6 x 450g 12736
3.05 13.73 Z Florentin ORG Hummus Sundried Tomatoes 20 6 x 170g 8206
4.10 18.45 Z Florentin ORG Hummus TRIO 20 6 x 3x80g 8201
3.12 21.08 Z D Goodbeans Cold Brew Coffee Costa Rican 10 9 x 250ml 3108
3.12 21.08 Z D Goodbeans Cold Brew Coffee Ethiopian 10 9 x 250ml 3111
La Fermiere
1.46 6.56 Z D La Fermiere Straw/Red Currant Yogurt Terracott 7 6 x 140g 1424
Little Swallow
1.67 7.50 Z D Little Swallow Biogarde Large Natural Yogurt 9 6 x 500g 31
The Skinny Bakery (32% POR) Pre-order 07956 452048
2.25 1.43 Z Skinny Mini Flapjack SINGLES 3 1 x 70g 1124
2.25 1.43 Z Skinny Mini Gingerbread Men SINGLES 10 1 x 30g 1134
2.50 1.66 Z Skinny Double Chocolate Meringue Cookies SINGLES 10 1 x 40g 1148
2.50 1.66 Z Skinny Chocolate Chip Cookies SINGLES 10 1 x 50g 1141
2.50 1.66 Z Skinny Chocolate Pearls SINGLES 3 1 x 85g 1108
2.50 1.66 Z Skinny Beetroot Pearls SINGLES 3 1 x 85g 1093
2.50 1.66 Z Skinny Sweet Potato Brownies SINGLES 3 1 x 85g 3525
2.50 1.66 Z Skinny Mini Coconut Bites SINGLES 3 1 x 100g 1121
1.95 8.78 Z Native Mango Dip 6 6 x 150g 2377
Pourtoi GF Pre-order(48 hr min) 08451087021
2.00 15.00 Z *Pourtoi Orange Cran Cin DoubleChocChipGF 6 10 x 80g 3119
2.00 15.00 Z *Pourtoi Lemon Choc Chip Cookie GF 6 10 x 80g 3053
2.00 15.00 Z *Pourtoi Raisin Choc Cookie GF 6 10 x 80g 3031
2.00 15.00 Z *Pourtoi Mixed Case Cookies GF 6 10 x 80g 3036
2.00 15.00 Z *Pourtoi DOUBLE Choc Chip Cookie GF 6 10 x 80g 3033
2.00 15.00 Z *Pourtoi Orange Choc Chip Cookie GF 6 10 x 80g 3032
2.00 15.00 Z *Pourtoi Double Choc Pecan Cookie GF 10 10 x 70g 3180
2.00 15.00 Z *Pourtoi Choc Fruit & Nut Cookie GF 10 10 x 70g 3175
2.00 15.00 Z *Pourtoi Double Choc Chilli Cookies GF 10 10 x 70g 3174
3.91 17.55 Z *Pourtoi MINI Orange Double Choc Chip CookieGF 10 6x5 3171
3.91 17.55 Z *Pourtoi MINI Double Choc Chilli Cookies GF 10 6x5 3173
3.91 17.55 Z *Pourtoi MINI Double Choc Pecan Cookies GF 10 6x5 3172
3.91 17.55 Z *Pourtoi MINI Double Choc Chip Cookies GF 10 6x5 3170
3.91 17.55 Z *Pourtoi Cinnamon Pecan Blondie Bite GF 7 6x5 3169
3.91 17.55 Z *Pourtoi Double Choc Brownie Bites GF 7 6x5 3168
Provamel Chilled
1.89 8.51 Z Provamel ORG Agave Sweetened Soya Yogurt 15 6 x 500g 2554
1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Lime Lemon Balm Yofu LARGE Yogur 15 6 x 500g 2559
1.99 8.96 Z Provamel ORG Orange Redbush Yofu LARGE Yogurt 15 6 x 500g 7807
S 1.89 8.51 Z Provamel ORG NS Plain Soya Yog4PACK 15 6 x 4x125g 2555

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rachel's ORG Dairy Wholemilk

2.35 10.50 Z Rachels ORG Greek Style Apple Cinnamon 8 6 x 450g 6249
2.35 10.50 Z Rachels ORG Greek Style Banana&Dulce De Leche 8 6 x 450g 9570
2.99 13.44 Z D Rhythm Raw YOGHURT Vanilla Coconut Kefir 8 6 x 150g 9927
2.99 13.44 Z D Rhythm TUB Raw Coconut Saueurkraut Snack Dip 8 6 x 160g 9928
2.99 13.44 Z D Rhythm TUB Raw Coconut/Kale Sauerkraut Snack D 8 6 x 160g 9876
Tideford Organic Foods NOW VEGAN
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG GF Sweet Pot, Ginger, Onion Seed Soup 7 6 x 600g 6329
S 3.19 14.36 Z Tideford ORG Soy Free Miso Broth Kale Spirulina 7 6 x 600g 12497
3.39 12.70 V Tropicana Red Grape Juice NOW950ml 12 6 x 950ml 3167


Anila's Authentic Sauces
3.99 17.96 Z Anila's Hot Mango Pickle 200g 6 x 200g 4287
3.85 17.15 Z Anila's Chilli Pasta Sauce 6 x 300g 3022
Ankh Rah
15.99 10.99 Z D Ankh Rah Pure Moringa Tablets 1 x 80 5127
14.99 9.99 Z D Ankh Rah Pure Moringa Leaf Powder 1 x 70g 5126
Big Tree Farms
7.99 35.96 Z Big Tree ORG Raw Cacao Butter 6 x 250g 154
7.99 35.96 Z Big Tree ORG Raw Cacao Powder 6 x 250g 168
6.99 31.46 Z Big Tree ORG Coconut Palm Sugar BLONDE 6 x 500g 166
7.99 35.95 Z Big Tree ORG Coconut Palm Sugar VANILLA 6 x 500g 167
4.47 33.50 V D Abakus Hickory Nuts LARGE 12 x 50g 3091
2.89 21.67 V Bio-D Bathroom Cleaner Spray 12 x 500ml 1177
Bim's Kitchen
4.75 21.38 Z D Bim's ORG African Baobab & Peanut Butter 6 x 190g 1701
1.29 8.06 V D*Bounce Coconut Cranberry Protein Bites Snackpack 10 x 30g 12449
1.29 8.06 V D*Bounce Sweet&SaltyAlmond ProteinBites Snackpac 10 x 30g 12451
8.99 40.44 Z D *Bounce Almond Protein Hit Balls 5PACK 6 x 245g 8955
8.99 40.44 Z D *Bounce Cacao Mint Protein Bomb Balls 5PACK 6 x 210g 8962
8.99 40.44 Z D *Bounce Cacao Orange Protein Protein Balls 5PACK 6 x 284g 8667
8.99 40.44 Z D *Bounce Coconut Macadamia Protein Balls 5PACK 6 x 200g 8994
8.99 40.44 Z D *Bounce Peanut Protein Blast Balls 5PACK 6 x 245g 8961
8.99 40.44 Z D *Bounce Spirulina Ginseng Defence Boost 5PACK 6 x 210g 8953
Buddha Water
1.89 28.35 V Buddha Water ORG Sparkling Birch Hibiscus 24 x 250ml 3810
1.89 28.35 V Buddha Water ORG Sparkling Birch Lemon Lime 24 x 250ml 3811
1.89 28.35 V Buddha Water ORG Sparkling Birch Original 24 x 250ml 3813
1.89 28.35 V Buddha Water ORG Sparkling Birch Cherry 24 x 250ml 3814
1.89 28.35 V Buddha Water ORG Sparkling Birch Cranberry 24 x 250ml 3815
Cawston Press
2.79 10.46 V D. Cawston Spicy Tomato Juice LITRE 6 x 1ltr 793
1.49 7.43 V D. Cawston 330ML Apple Ginger SMALL 8 x 330ml 1439
1.49 7.43 V D. Cawston Apple Rhubarb Small 8 x 330ml 1440

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3.25 29.00 Z D Coconom ORG Coconut Sugar Natural 12x 250g 9760
2.19 19.75 Z D Chiman's ORG Aloo Gobi Spice Blend 12 x 21g 5565
2.19 19.75 Z D Chiman's ORG Balti Chicken Vegan 12 x 21g 5664
2.19 19.75 Z D Chiman's ORG Bombay Potatoes Blend 12 x 28g 5566
2.19 19.75 Z D Chiman's ORG Chicken Korma Vegan 12 x 28g 5663
2.19 19.75 Z D Chiman's ORG Chicken Madras Vegan 12 x 27g 5570
2.19 19.75 Z D Chiman's ORG Colonel's Curry HOT 12 x 26g 2762
2.19 19.75 Z D Chiman's ORG Dhal Spice Blend 12 x 14g 5568
2.19 19.75 Z D Chiman's ORG Spicy Chickpeas Blend 12 x 28g 5569
0.89 16.02 Z D. C/Spring Seaveg Crispies BLUE 24pack 24 x 5g 2816
3.89 17.51 Z D. C/Spring Shiso Condiment 6 x 50g 6116
Conscious Chocolate - Raw, Vegan, Organic
2.99 18.69 V D *Conscious ORG MIXCASE Saintly/Kiss/Coconut 10 x 50g 9741
0.99 9.28 V D*Conscious ORG Choc Bites GiftboxMint Lion Orang 15 x 15g 9756
Coconut Merchant
8.99 80.91 Z D Coconut Merchant ORG Raw Ex Virgin Coconut Oil 90 12 x 500ml 400
9.99 22.48 Z D. Comvita Multiflora Honey 3 x 500g 448
Doisy & Dam Chocolate ORG GF
T 2.75 20.60 V D*Doisy&Dam ORG Coffee Sprouted Buckwheat LGE 10 x 100g 3426
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Coffee Sprouted Buckwheat SMAL 15 x 40g 3427
1.45 13.56 V *Doisy&Dam ORG Ginger Chilli Hemp SMALL 15 x 40g 3477
Equal Exchange (Fairtrade)
4.49 26.95 Z D. EE ORG Espresso Fine Grind Coffee 8 x 227g 4544
Freedom Brands
1.29 11.59 Z *Nudie Snacks Premium Toasted Coconut Chips 12 x 35g 2366
Hampstead Tea & Coffee Co
2.39 7.17 Z Hampstead ORG Royal Camomile Tea Sachets 4 x 20 318
2.39 7.17 Z Hampstead ORG Peppermint Tea Sachets 4 x 20 319
2.39 7.17 Z Hampstead ORG Herbal Chai Tea Sachets 4 x 20 8174
2.39 7.17 Z Hampstead ORG Earl Grey Tea Sachets 4 x 20 4481
2.39 7.17 Z Hampstead ORG English Breakfast Tea Sachets 4 x 20 6051
2.39 7.17 Z Hampstead ORG Darjeeling Tea Sachets 4 x 20 6052
2.39 7.17 Z Hampstead ORG Clean Green Tea Sachets 4 x 20 4477
4.99 22.45 Z Hampstead ORG Darjeeling Tea Leaf TIN 6 x 100g 3364
Haresfield Farm
3.06 27.54 Z *Greenham Quail Eggs 10 12 x 12 8602
Higher Nature
5.15 2.88 V D Higher Nature B-Vital + C & Ginseng 1 x 30 2579
8.00 4.47 V Higher Nature Serotone 50mg -30 caps 1 x 30 5399
Inspiral Raw Vegan ORGANIC GF Superfoods
1.39 10.40 Z *Inspiral ORG Raw Banana Super Bites 10 x 60g 12356
1.39 10.40 Z *Inspiral ORG Raw Loveberry Super Bites 10 x 60g 12357
1.39 10.40 Z *Inspiral ORG Raw Chocolatey Super Bites 10 x 60g 12358
9.95 7.46 Z Inspiral ORG Green Mix Powder SINGLE 1 x 100g 12404
9.95 7.46 Z Inspiral ORG Women's Mix Powder SINGLE 1 x 100g 12405
9.95 7.46 Z Inspiral ORG Energy Mix Powder SINGLE 1 x 100g 12406
9.95 7.46 Z Inspiral ORG Detox Mix Powder SINGLE 1 x 100g 12407
9.95 7.46 Z Inspiral ORG Vitality Mix Powder SINGLE 1 x 100g 12408

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Green Bay
19.95 179.55 Z D Green Bay 10+ Active Manuka Honey 227g 12 x 227g 1003
5.39 40.45 V D Green Bay Honeysucker LEMON 12+ 12 x 22g 1915
Jimmy's Iced Coffee
1.59 14.25 Z D Jimmy's Gingerbread Iced Coffee NOW12 10 12 x 330ml 341
King Soba
1.89 17.01 Z D K.Soba ORG Green Tea (Cha) Soba 12 x 250g 7160
1.99 12.42 V *Landgarten ORG Choc Snack Cranberry 10 x 50g 7083
1.99 12.42 V *Landgarten ORG Pumpkin Choc Mix 10 x 55g 7068
Life Stream
23.50 13.05 V D Lifestream ORG BARLEYGrass Capsules 1 x 120 caps 7349
The Living Food Kitchen - STOCKED ITEMS
1.89 10.63 V *L/Foods ORG Raw Chocolate 73% Dark 9 x 25g 2608
3.99 20.00 V D Lovechock ORG Rocks Almond Cinammon 8 x 80g 8734
3.99 20.00 V D Lovechock ORG Rocks Mulberry Hemp 8 x 80g 8736
3.99 20.00 V D Lovechock ORG Rocks Hazelnut Vanilla 8 x 80g 8738
I Mune
T 0.60 4.46 50% V NURTURE Fruity Water+ Orange/Pineapple 28 12 x 200ml 8733
T 0.60 4.46 50% V NURTURE Fruity Water+ Cherry/Strawberry 28 12 x 200ml 8732
House of Mistry
3.99 13.80 V Mistry's Tea Tree Antiseptic Shampoo(headlice) 6 x 100ml 3106
4.99 2.90 V Mistry's Evening Primrose Oil 1 x 25ml 642
3.99 13.80 V Mistry's Arnica Cream 6 x 50g 643
3.99 13.80 V Mistry's Calendula Cream 6 x50g 644
My Olive Branch Ltd
3.45 15.52 Z My Olive Branch GF Tapenade Florina PeppersChilli 6 x 180g 6122
2.99 13.45 Z My Olive Branch GF Mezze Red Pepper Paste 6 x 190g 6124
Vital 35% POR
4.95 16.10 V Vital Greens Shaker Cup 6 x 500ml 5796
Martin & Pleasance 30% POR
9.95 34.80 V D M&P All Natural Calendula Cream 6 x 100g 5816
Nari Palm Juice
1.89 7.09 V Nari Palm Juice Coconut Palm Sap Lemon & Ginger 60 6 x 330ml 3889
1.89 7.09 V Nari Palm Juice Coconut Palm Sap Apple & Mint 60 6 x 330ml 3891
1.45 10.86 V D. Natuhit ORG Liquorice Drops 12 x 11g 7453
Nature's Own - 7.5% DISCOUNT
9.15 5.11 V D Nat/Own Siberian Ginseng 600mg 30 1 x 30 1452
9.10 5.08 V D Nat/Own Euro Gold Multivits/mins 30 tabs 1 x 30 8498
15.60 8.71 V D Nat/Own Food State Selenium 200mcg 30 1 x 30 1991
9.99 45.00 Z D Nutiva ORG Chia Seed 6 x 355g 1523
Organic Traditions (available in singles)
13.99 62.94 Z D ORG Traditions Cacao Nibs 454g 6 x 454g 1253
12.99 58.46 Z D ORG Traditions Cacao Powder 454g 6 x 454g 1326
19.99 89.96 Z ORG Traditions Goji Berries 454g 6 x 454g 1238
4.99 20.22 Z ORG Traditions Mulberries Dried Black100g 6 x 100g 1363
8.99 40.44 Z ORG Traditions Mulberries White 6 x 227g 1401
5.99 26.94 Z ORG Traditions Sesame Seeds Black 6 x 227g 1379

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Proper Pops
1.39 12.51 Z *Proper Pops Lime Lemongrass & Garlic 75 12 x 25g 3731
1.39 12.51 Z *Proper Pops Sizzling Sweet Paprika 75 12 x 25g 3724
1.39 12.51 Z *Proper Pops Zesty Lemon & Fiery Chilli 75 12 x 25g 3725
S 4.89 22.01 Z D Percol ORG INSTANT Coffee Pick Of The Crop FT 6 x 100g 2924
Primrose's Kitchen
4.95 22.27 Z D Primrose Kitchen ORG Raw 5 Seed Butter 6 x 170g 7019
3.99 35.91 Z D Primrose Kitchen ORG Oatmeal & Chia 12 x 480g 8311
2.25 9.84 V D *Propercorn LGE CRUNCH Corn Salt & Pepper 45 7 x 90g 12706
2.25 9.84 V D *Propercorn LGE CRUNCH Corn Sweet&SmokeyCh 45 7 x 90g 12707
2.25 9.84 V D*Propercorn LGE CRUNCH Corn Rock Salt 45 7 x 90g 12708
2.25 9.84 V *Propercorn LGE CRUNCH Corn Salt & Vinegar 45 7 x 90g 12709
1.69 12.65 V *Propercorn LARGE Sour Cream Black Pepper 45 12 x 80g 7824
1.69 12.65 V *PropercornLGEFiery WorcsSauce S/driedTom 45 12 x 80g 7768
1.69 15.21 Z D Provamel ORG Hazelnut Drink 500ml 12 x 500ml 817
7.99 33.56 Z Pulsin' ORG Sunflower Protein 6 x 250g 9271
49.99 210.00 Z D Pulsin' ORG BULK WHEY Protein Powder 6 x 1kg 7493
Rejuvenation Water
S 1.99 14.96 V Rejuvenation Water Apple & Mint 12 x 500ml 2120
S 1.99 14.96 V Rejuvenation Water Spanish Orange 12 x 500ml 2056
S 1.99 14.96 V D Rejuvenation Water Ginger & Lime 12 x 500ml 2112
Rio Amazon
10.19 5.70 V Rio Amazon Guarana Tabs 500mg-one month's supply 1 x 100 923
1.99 14.92 V D Roobar ORG Chia & Chocolate Protein Bar 120 12 x 60g 7876
1.99 14.92 V D Roobar ORG Chia & Spirulina Protein Bar 120 12 x 60g 7901
Saf To Go - Raw, Vegan, GF
2.99 26.91 Z D SAF Raw ORG Raspberry Coconut PastillesNOW12 60 12 x 50g 9648
2.99 26.91 Z D SAF Raw ORG Blackcurrant Coconut PastillesNOW 60 12 x 50g 9654
Savvy Foods
3.95 29.62 Z D Savvy OzCarob ORG RAW Carob POWDER 10 x 150g 7429
Soopa Pet Chews
S 3.79 28.41 Z D Soopa Dogs' Pet Chews - Coconut 10 x 100g 776
S 3.79 28.41 Z Soopa Dogs' Pet Chews - Sweet Potato 10 x 100g 777
S 3.79 28.41 Z Soopa Dogs' Pet Chews - Papaya 10 x 100g 778
0.99 8.91 Z Suma ORG Chick Peas in Filtered Water 12 x 400g 1041
2.95 13.27 Z Sunita ORG Kalamon Olives (Resealable Tray) 6 x 250g 7014
1.29 19.34 V D Super!Natural Energy Drink 24 x 250ml 2019
5.95 53.55 Z D Superseeds ORG Maca Caramel Pouch 12 x 200g 4270

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Marigold Health Foods Ltd Price List MARCH/APRIL 2017
RRP £ Promo VAT Description MSL Tray Size Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.99 18.00 Z D Soya Too Soya Whip Spray Cream 12 x 250g 772
1.55 11.65 V *Trafo ORG Pretzel Sticks 30 12 x 100g 8637
Ucha Kombucha ORG & Vegan
1.79 13.46 V D Ucha Kombucha ORG Raw Yerba Mate 60 12 x 250ml 1256
Vita Coco
1.75 12.95 V D Vita Coco Coconut Water Still Lemonade 90 12 x 330ml 2729
4.09 15.28 V D Vita Coco Coconut Water Chocolate 1ltr 90 6 x 1ltr 2761
Vivani Organic Milk Chocolate
1.09 12.26 V D Vivani ORG SMALL Expresso Biscotti MILK 18 x 40g 1985
We Are Tea
5.25 23.63 Z D We Are Tea Dainteabags 6 x 15 4316

Page 102 MSL = Minimum Shelf Life in days

Abakus Babease Biogroupe
New Superfoods 36 Baby & Children’s Food 79 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 18
Savoury Snacks 46 Drinks & Juices 29
Sweet Snacks 51 Bali Nutra Also see Karma Kombucha
Honeys & Sweeteners 70
Abbot Kinney’s (Avail Mid-April) Biona
Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurt & Desserts 9 Bear Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 2
Breakfast Cereals 38 Bulk Dairy Cheeses 3
Acadian Maple Sweet Snacks 51/52 Fresh Dairy Yoghurts & Desserts 6
Honeys & Sweeteners 70 Fresh Butter, Margarine, Oils&Pates 12
Belu Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 15
Alara Wholefoods Mineral & Spring Waters 28 Fresh Savouries, Ready Meals 17
Breakfast Cereals 38 Fresh Tofu Seitan & Tempeh Products 22
Belvoir Farms Fresh Pasta, Sauces & Dressings 25
Aloe 99 Drinks & Juices 29 Drinks & Juices 30
Bodycare Products 92 Breakfast Cereals 39
Beond Org. Raw Superfood Bar Bread & Cakes 42
Alpro – See Provamel Sweet Snacks 52 Biscuits Crackers & Rice Cakes 43
Savoury Snacks 46
Alvalle Bergerie Sweet Snacks 52
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 18 Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 2 Honey & Sweeteners 70
Fresh Dairy Yoghurts & Desserts 5 Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 72
Amaizin Dried Fruit, Nuts & Seeds 75
Bread & Cakes 42 The Berry Company Convenience Foods 76/77
Savoury Snacks 46 Drinks & Juices 29 Pasta, Flour & Grains 81/82
Seasonings & Condiments 84
Amisa B.Fresh Sauces & Dressings 87/88
Fresh Pasta, Sauces & Dressings 25 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 18 Oils 88
Breakfast Cereals 38
Bread and Cakes 42 Biedermann Bioreal
Biscuits, Crackers & Rice Cakes 42/43 Fresh & UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1 Fresh Savouries & Ready Meals 16
Convenience Foods 76 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 5 Convenience Foods 76
Pasta, Flour & Grains 80/81 Fresh Butter, Margarine, Oils & Pates 12
Bio-tiful Dairy
Ami Vegan Pet Food Big Oz Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 6
Pet Foods 90 Breakfast Cereals 38/39
Pasta Flour & Grains 81 The Blessed Seed
Anila’s Amazing Sauces Natural Remedies 95
Sauces & Dressings 87 Big Tom
Drinks & Juices 29 Blk Beverages
Ankh Rah Mineral & Spring Waters 29
New Superfoods 36 Big Tree Farms
New Superfoods 36 Body Matter
Ape Breakfast Cereals 39
Savoury Snacks 46 Bim’s Kitchen
Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 72 Bonsoy
Aquapax Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27
Mineral & Spring Waters 28 Bio-D
Non-Food Items 91 Booja Booja
Arcticpower Berries Fresh Cakes, Sweets & Crackers 13
New Superfoods 36 BioFair Sweet Snacks 52
Breakfast Cereals 39
Arla Foods Biscuits, Crackers & Ricecakes 43 Botanic Lab Cold Pressed Drinks
Fresh & UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1 Savoury Snacks 46 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 18
Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 2 Pasta, Flour & Grains 81
Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 5 Bounce
Fresh Butter, Margarine,Oils & Pates 12 Bioforce Sweet Snacks 53
Seasonings & Condiments 84
Arla Skyr Braggs
Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 5 Seasonings & Condiments 84
Bread Matters ChicP Coconut Merchant
Bread and Cakes 42 Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 15 Honeys & Sweeteners 70

Bristol’s Kombucha Chicza CocoPro

Drinks & Juices 30 Sweet Snacks 53 Drinks & Juices 30

Bute Island Foods Chiman’s Coco Zumi

Vegan & Lactose Free Cheeses 4 Seasonings & Condiments 84/85 Drinks & Juices 31

Cafe Direct Chocolate and Love Cold Press Foods

Coffee & Cereal Beverages 63 Sweet Snacks 53 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 18

Calon Wen Organic Clearspot The Collective

Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 2 Fresh Tofu Seitan & Tempeh Products 23 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 6
Fresh Butter Margarine Oils & Pates 12
Clearspring Comvita
CanO Water Fresh Tofu, Seitan & Tempeh Products 23 Honey & Sweeteners 70
Mineral & Spring Waters 29 Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27 Natural Remedies 95
Drinks & Juices 30
Carley’s Organic Foods Biscuits Crackers & Rice Cakes 44 Conscious Chocolate
Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 72/73 Savoury Snacks 46 Sweet Snacks 54
Convenience Foods 78 Teas 65
Fruit Spreads & Jams 70 Cool Chile
Cauldron Honey & Sweeteners 70 Fresh Savouries & Ready Meals 17
Fresh Tofu Seitan & Tempeh Products 23 Convenience Foods 77
Pasta, Flour & Grains 82 Cornish Seaweed Co.
Caulirice Seasonings & Condiments 85 Seasonings & Condiments 85
Convenience Foods 78 Oils 89 Sea Vegetables 91
Sea Vegetables 91
Cawston Press Corn Thins – See Real Foods
Drinks & Juices 30 Clif Bars
Sweet Snacks 53 Cotswold
The Cheeky Panda Coffee & Cereal Beverages 63
Non-Foot Items 91 Clipper Teabags Pasta Flour & Grains 82
Teas 65
Cheezly (Now VBites Cheezly) Coyo Natural Coconut Milk Yogurt
Vegan & Lactose Free Cheeses 4 Clive’s Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurts & Desserts 10
Fresh Cakes, Sweets & Crackers 13
Chegworth Valley Fresh Savouries, Ready Meals 17 Crazy Jack
Drinks & Juices 30 Sweet Snacks 54 Dried Fruit Nuts & Seeds 75
Pasta, Flour & Grains 82
Che Mate Coco Cafe, Cafe Latte
Teas 65 See Vita Coco Cafe Crookednose
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 18
Cherry Active Cocoface
Natural Remedies 95 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 18 Cru Kafe
Coffee & Cereal Beverages 63
Chi Coco Hydro Big Tree Farms
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 18 Drinks & Juices 31 Daily Cultures
Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27 Teas 65
Drinks & Juices 30 The Coconut Collaborative
Oils 89 Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurt & Desserts 10 Dalston’s
Drinks & Juices 31
Chia Bia Coconut Community
Food Supplements 96 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 18 Daymer Bay Iced Tea Co.
Drinks & Juices 31
The Chia Company Coconut Company
Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurts & Desserts 10 Seasonings & Condiments 84 Dead Sea
Breakfast Cereals 39 Bodycare Products 92
Dried Fruit, Nuts & Seeds 75
Delamere Dairies Eco-zone Florentin
Fresh & UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1 Fresh Dips, Relishes & Misos 15 Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 15
Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 2 Sprouts, Seaweed & Fermented Foods 26 Fresh Savouries & Ready Meals 17
Fresh Dairy Yoghurts & Desserts 6 Bread & Cakes 42
Fresh Butter, Margarine, Oils & Pates 12 Ella's Kitchen
Baby & Children’s Foods 80 Follow Your Heart
Delicias Fresh Eggs 2
Convenience Foods 78 Eleven O’Clock Vegan & Lactose Free Cheese 4
Tea 66 Fresh Pasta, Sauces & Dressings 26
Deliciously Ella
Sweet Snacks 54 Emily Fruit Crisps Food Safe
Savoury Snacks 47 Non-Food Items 91
Dell’Ugo Sweet Snacks 55
Fresh Savouries & Ready Meals 17 Food Thoughts
Fresh Pasta, Sauces & Dressings 25 Equal Exchange New Superfoods 36
Coffee & Cereal Beverages 63/64 Coffee & Cereal Beverages 64
Detox Your World – Oils 89
Equinox Kombucha Convenience Foods 78
Doctor Martins Drinks & Juices 31
Drinks & Juices 31 Forever Young
Esja Skyr Natural Remedies 95
Doisy & Dam Chocolate Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 6
Sweet Snacks 54 Frutina
Essential Sweet Snacks 55
Double Dragon Teas 66
Natural Remedies 95 Nut Butters, Pate & Spreads 73 Fruyo Fat Free Greek Yogurts
Convenience Foods 78 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 6
Doves Farm Seasonings & Condiments 85
Breakfast Cereals 39 Sauces & Dressings 88 Fushi Wellbeing
Biscuits Crackers & Rice Cakes 44 Oils 89 Oils 89
Pasta, Flour & Grains 82 Non-Food Items 91 Natural Remedies 95

Dragonfly Evexia Gluten Free (was Dell’Ugo) Glenilen Farm

Fresh Savouries & Ready Meals 17 Fresh Pasta, Sauces & Dressings 26 Fresh UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1
Fresh Tofu,Seitan,&Tempeh Products 23 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 6/7
Fabulous Fudge Factory
Dragonfly Teas Sweet Snacks 55 Go*Do
Teas 65/66 Sweet Snacks 55
Drink Maple Sweet Snacks 51 Golden Temple Yogi Teas
Drinks & Juices 31 Teas 66/67
Dr. Karg – See Karg Crispbreads Drinks & Juices 31/32 Good Hemp Foods
Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27
Duskin Fiji Water Oils 89
Drinks & Juices 31 Mineral & Spring Waters 29
Good Hemp Nutrition
Eat Natural Fiorentini New Superfoods 36
Sweet Snacks 55 Biscuits, Crackers & Ricecakes 44 Dried Fruits, Nuts & Seeds 75

Eat Real Firefly Tonics Goodness Gracious

Savoury Snacks 46/47 Drinks & Juices 32 Baby & Childrens Food 81

EcoMil FLO Essence Water Gourmet Spirulina

Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27 Drinks & Juices 32 New Superfoods 36

Ecozone Govinda
Non Food Items 91 Sweet Snacks 55
Oils 89
Granovita House of Mistry Karg Crispbreads
Oils 89 Bodycare Products 93 Biscuits Crackers & Rice Cakes 44

Great Foods House of Westphalia Karma Cola

Fresh Savouries, Ready Meals 17 Bread & Cakes 42 Drinks & Juices 33

Green Bay Ichoc Karma Drinks

Natural Remedies 95 Sweet Snacks 56 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 20
Juices & Drinks 33
Green & Black's Impulse Also see Ucha (Was Karma)
Sweet Snacks 55/56 Fresh Tofu Seitan & Tempeh Products 23
Coffee & Cereal Beverages 64 Kate’s Originals Ltd
In Nature Breakfast Cereals 39
Greenscents Teas 67
Non-Food Items 92 Kim Kong Kimchi
Innocent Fresh Sprouts, Seaweed & Fermented 26
Grove Organic Fruit Co. Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 19
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 19 Kind Snacks
Inspiral Sweet Snacks 56
Gusto Savoury Snacks 47
Drinks & Juices 32 King Soba
It's Soya Good Convenience Foods 78
Hambleden Herbs Convenience Foods 78 Pasta, Flour & Grains 82/83
Teas 67
Seasonings & Condiments 85/86 James White Kite
Drinks & Juices 32 Sauces & Dressings 88
Haresfield Farm
Fresh Eggs 2 Jamu Kitchen Koko (was Kara)
Drinks & Juices 32 Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurts & Desserts 10
Harry Brand Fresh Butter, Marg, Oils & Pates 12
Seasonings & Condiments 86 Jarr Kombucha Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 19
Hasslacher’s Hot Chocolate Kolios Org Greek Cheese
Coffee & Cereal Beverages 64 Jason Pre-packed Dairy Cheeses 2
Bodycare Products 93
Healthpol Kookie Cat
Bodycare 93 Java Foods Biscuits, Crackers & Ricecakes 44
Convenience Foods 78
Henna – See Spiritual Sky Kourellas Greek Organic Dairy
Jax Coco Pre-packed Dairy Cheeses 2
Herbatint Drinks & Juices 33 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 7
Bodycare 92/93 Savoury Snacks 47
Oils 90 La Bio Idea
Higher Living Drinks & Juices 33
Baby & Children’s Foods 80 Jeeva
Drinks & Juices 32/33 La Boulangere
Higher Nature Oils 90 Bread & Cakes 42
Fresh Butter, Margarines Oils and Pates 12
Bodycare 93 J.F.Rabbit Lactofree
Food Supplements 96 Drinks & Juices 33 See Arla Foods

High Weald Jimmy’s Iced Coffee La Fermiere

Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 3 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 20 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 7

Himalaya/Maroma Candles & Gifts Just Wholefoods La Mandorle

Gift Items 96 Sweet Snacks 56 Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27

Hippeas Kallo Landgarten

Savoury Snacks 47 Biscuits Crackers & Rice Cakes 44 Sweet Snacks 56
La Terra e il Cielo Luke’s Miso Tasty
Pasta, Flour & Grains 83 Savoury Snacks 48 Convenience Foods 78
Oils 90
Luscombe Organic Drinks Mistry’s
Laurie’s Foods Drinks & Juices 33 See House of Mistry
Sprouts, Seaweed & Fermented Foods 26
Lye Cross Farm Moju Cold Pressed
Leighton Brown Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 3 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 20
Savoury Snacks 48 Bulk Dairy Cheeses 3
Lemonaid/Charitea Macacha Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 7
Drinks & Juices 33 New Superfoods 36 Breakfast Cereals 40

Le Pain Des Fleurs Macsweens Montezuma’s Chocolates

Biscuits, Crackers & Ricecakes 45 Fresh Savouries Ready Meals & Cakes 17 Sweet Snacks 57

Lisa’s Org Crisps Mag365 Mood Foods

Savoury Snacks 50 Natural Remedies 95 Sweet Snacks 57/58

Little Miracles (Was Powershot) Making Waves – See VBites Moorish

Drinks & Juices 33 Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 15
Little’s Gourmet Coffees Drinks & Juices 34 Morgiel Fine & Organic Foods
Coffee & Cereal Beverages 64 Sprouts, Seaweed & Fermented Foods 26
Manor Farm
Livia’s Kitchen Fresh & UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1 Mottlock
Sweet Snacks 56 Non-Food Items 92
Living Foods Of St Ives Price List Page 1 Mountain Bread
Sweet Snacks 56 Breakfast Cereals 39 Bread & Cakes 42
Convenience Foods 78
Lizi’s Granola Seasoning & Condiments 86 Mr Organic
Breakfast Cereals 39 Convenience Foods 79
Marley Coffee Pasta, Flour & Grains 83
Local Honey Man Coffee & Cereal Beverages 64 Sauces & Dressings 88
Honeys & Sweeteners 70 Oils 90
Mello Drinks
Longley Farm Savoury Snacks 48 Mulu Raw Chocolate
Fresh & UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1 Sweet Snacks 58
Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 3 Meridian
Fruit Spreads & Jams 70 Mysore – See Worlds End
The London Honey Co Honey & Sweeteners 71
Honey & Sweeteners 71 Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 73 Nairns
Seasonings & Condiments 86 Biscuits Crackers & Ricecakes 45
Lovechock Oils 90
Sweet Snacks 57 Nakd
Mighty Bee Sweet Snacks 58/59
Love, Corn Fresh Chilled Juice 20
Savoury Snacks 48 Sweet Snacks 57 Naked Juice
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 20
Love Kombucha Minor Figures Drinks & Juices 34
Drinks & Juices 34 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 20
Naked Pressed
Loveraw Mirabilia Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 20
Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27 Teas 67
New Superfoods 36 Nannycare
Sweet Snacks 57 Miracle Matcha Baby & Children’s Foods 80
New Superfoods 36
Lucy Rocks Breakfast Cereals 40 Natco
Breakfast Cereals 39 Biscuits Crackers & Rice Cakes 45
Natasha’s Nutrii Ltd Peppersmith
Fresh Cakes, Sweets & Crackers 13 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 7 Sweet Snacks 59
Savoury Snacks 48
Sweet Snacks 58 Oatly Percol
Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27 Coffee & Cereal Beverages 64
Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 15 Of The Earth Perkier Foods
New Superfoods 36/37 Sweet Snacks 59
Sweet Snacks 58 Oleanat Perry Court Farm
Bodycare Products 93 Drinks & Juices 34
Natur Boutique Sweet Snacks 59
Teas 67/68 Ollybars
Sweet Snacks 58 Pertwood
Nature’s Own Breakfast Cereals 40
Food Supplements 96 Oma
Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 3 Peter’s Yard
Natvia Biscuits,Crackers & Rice Cakes 45
Honeys & Sweeteners 71 Ombar – See Mood Foods
Picklecoombe House
Ndali OMG Natural Remedies 95
Seasonings & Condiments 87 Teas 68
Pip & Nut
N’eat Bars 100% Natural Raw Chocolate Brownie Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 74
Sweet Snacks 58 Sweet Snacks 52
Pip Organic
Neuner’s Gesundheit & Wellness One Water Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 20/21
Teas 68 Mineral & Spring Waters 29
Baby & Children’s Food 80 Plamil
Orchid Sauces & Dressings 88
Newbury Phillips Drinks & Juices 34
Bread & Cakes 43 Plenish
Organic Hunter Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 21
Nine Bar See Wholebake Non-Food Items 92 Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27

Nom Foods Organic Traditions Ploughshares - organic/vegan

Savoury Snacks 48 New Superfoods 37 Fresh Cakes,Sweets & Crackers 14
Sweet Snacks 58 Teas 68
Honeys & Sweeteners 71 Pom Bear
Nourish Grow Cook Enjoy Pasta Flour & Grains 83 Savoury Snacks 48
Sweet Snacks 58 Oils 90
POM Wonderful
Nourish Kefir The Organic Protein Company Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 21
Fresh Dairy Yoghurts & Desserts 7 Superfoods 37
Nush Foods Organic Village Savoury Snacks 48
Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurts & Desserts 10 Pre-packed Dairy Cheeses 3
Pots & Co
Nutiva Pacari Fresh Cakes, Sweets & Crackers 14
Oils 90 Sweet Snacks 58
Prebio 7
Nutmeg & Hive Paleo Foods Company Natural Remedies 95
Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 7 Breakfast Cereals 40
Precious Pod (was Natural Vitality)
Nutribalance Water Pama Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 15
Mineral & Spring Waters 29 Fresh Sprouts, Seaweed & Fermented 26
Press’d Coffee
Nutri-Brex Pana Coffee & Cereal Beverages 64
Breakfast Cereals 40 Sweet Snacks 59
Primal Pantry (was Primal Kitchen) Qnola Rebel Kitchen
Sweet Snacks 59 Breakfast Cereals 40 Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurts & Desserts 11
Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 28
Primrose’s Kitchen Quinola Mothergrain – Ready To Eat
New Superfoods 37 Convenience Foods 79 Rebel Kitchen
Breakfast Cereals 40 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 21
Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 74 Quinola Mothergrain
Convenience Foods 80 Rhythm
Profusion Baby & Childrens Food 80 Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurt & Desserts 11
Fresh Dips,Olives,Relishes&Misos 16 Pasta, Flour Grains 84 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 22
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 21
Fresh Sprouts, Seaweeds & Fermented 26 Rachel's Dairy Rhythm 108
Breakfast Cereals 40 Fresh & UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1 Biscuits, Crackers & Ricecakes 45
Bread and Cakes 43 Fresh Dairy Yoghurts & Desserts 7/8 Sweet Snacks 61
Biscuits Crackers & Ricecakes 45 Fresh Butter, Margarine, Oils & Pates 13
Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 74 Rice Dream
Dried Fruits, Nuts & Seeds 75 RaRa Dairy Free Milks & Desserts 28
Pasta, Flour & Grains 83 Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurts & Desserts 11
Seasonings & Condiments 87 Rio Amazon
Sauces & Dressings 88 Raw & Wild Natural Remedies 95
Savoury Snacks 49
Propercorn Riverford Farm Dairies
Savoury Snacks 49 Raw Chocolate Company Fresh UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1
Sweet Snacks 60 Pre-packed Dairy Cheeses 3
Proper Pops Honeys & Sweeteners 71 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 8
Savoury Snacks 48 Dried Fruit, Nuts & Seeds 75 Fresh Butter Margarine Oils & Pates 13

Protein Ball Co Raw Ecstasy River Cottage

Sweet Snacks 59 Fresh Cakes, Sweets & Crackers 14 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 8
Savoury Snacks 49
Protein Pow Sweet Snacks 60 Roastworks
Pasta, Flour & Grains 83 Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 74 Coffee & Cereal Beverages 64

Provamel Raw Gorilla Roobar/Rooball

Fresh Vegan Milk,Yogurts & Desserts 10/11 Breakfast Cereals 40 Sweet Snacks 61
Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 27/28 Sweet Snacks 60
Rookery Farm Eggs
Puddle Lane Raw Halo Fresh Eggs 2
Fresh Eggs 2 Sweet Snacks 60
Rude Health
Pudology Raw Health Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 28
Fresh Cakes Sweets & Crackers 14 Sprouts, Seaweed & Fermented Foods 26 Breakfast Cereals 40/41
Biscuits, Crackers & Ricecakes 45 Biscuits, Crackers & Ricecakes 45/46
Pukka Herbs Savoury Snacks 49 Sweet Snacks 61
Teas 68 Sweet Snacks 60 Pasta Flour & Grains 84
Honeys & Sweeteners 71
Pulsin' Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 74 R.W. Garcia
New Superfoods 37 Dried Fruit, Nuts & Seeds 75 Savoury Snacks 49
Sweet Snacks 59/60 Convenience Foods 79
Seasonings & Condiments 87 Saf To Go
Purdey’s – See Orchid Oils 90 Biscuits, Crackers & Rice Cakes 46
Savoury Snacks 50
Pure Rawlicious Sweet Snacks 61
Fresh Butter Margarine Oils & Pates 12 Savoury Snacks 49
San Amvrosia (6-10 days life)
Purearth Real Foods Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 16
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 21 Savoury Snacks 49
Qi Herbal Health Real Olive Co Seasonings & Condiments 87
Teas 68 Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 16
Sandows London Sojade Taifun Organic
Drinks & Juices 34 Fresh Vegan Milk Yogurts&Desserts 11/12 Fresh Tofu Seitan&Tempeh Products 23/24
Fresh Tofu, Seitan & Tempeh Products 23
Sapori D’Italia Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 28 Tapped
Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 16 Drinks & Juices 35
Sarakan Pre-packed Dairy Cheeses 3 Teapigs
Bodycare 93 Drinks & Juices 35
Soupologie Teas 68/69
Savse Fresh Soups 14
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 21/22 Tenzing
Spiritual Sky Drinks & Juices 35
Savvy Foods Bodycare 93/94
New Superfoods 38 The Coffee Plant
Sweet Snacks 61 Spoon Cereals Coffee & Cereal Beverages 65
Breakfast Cereals 41
Scheckter’s Organic Energy Tickles Pickles
Drinks & Juices 34 Squirrel Sisters Fresh Sprouts, Seaweed, Fermented 27
Sweet Snacks 61
Schnitzer Tick Tock Rooibos
Savoury Snacks 50 Suma Teas 69
Fresh Butter, Margarine, Oils & Pates 13
Schuessler Fruit Spreads & Jams 70 Tideford Organic Foods
Natural Remedies 96 Nut Butters Pates & Spreads 74 Fresh Soups 14
Non-Food Items 92 Fresh Dips Olives Relishes & Misos 16
Scheese – See Bute Island Fresh Pasta Sauces & Dressings 26
Sun & Seed
Scrumshus Granola GF New Superfoods 38 Tim’s Dairy
Breakfast Cereals 41 Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 74 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Deserts 8
Dried Fruit Nuts and Seeds 75
Seamore Seasonings & Condiments 87 Toca Galician Mountain Honey
Sea Vegetables 91 Oils 90 Honey & Sweeteners 71
Pasta, Flour & Grains 85
Sunita Tofurky
Shady Maple Farms Drinks & Juices 35 Fresh Tofu,Seitan &Tempeh 24
Honey & Sweeteners 71 Sweet Snacks 61
Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 74 Tofutown
Sharpham Park Convenience Foods 79 Dairy Free Milk & Desserts 28
Breakfast Cereals 41 Sauces & Dressings 88
Pasta Flour & Grains 84 Oils 90 Tofutti
Bodycare 94 Vegan & Lactose Free Cheeses 4
Teas 68 Superfoodies Topas
New Superfoods 38 Fresh Tofu, Seitan & Tempeh 24
Sibberi Breakfast Cereals 41
Drinks & Juices 34 Honeys & Sweeteners 71 Total Greek Yoghurts
Nut Butters, Pates & Spreads 75 Fresh Dairy Yoghurts & Desserts 8
Simplee Aloe
Drinks & Juices 34 Supertreats T Plus Wellness Tea
Skyr Sweet Snacks 62 Teas 68
See Arla Skyr
Sussex High Weald The Tracklement Company
Sky Sprouts See High Weald Fresh Dips, Olives, Relishes & Misos 16
Sprouts, Seaweeds&Fermented Foods 26/27
Sweet Nothings Trafo
Snact Sweet Snacks 62 Savoury Snacks 50
Sweet Snacks 61
Tahi Traidcraft
Honeys & Sweeteners 71 Biscuits Crackers & Rice Cakes 46
Honey & Sweeteners 71
Tregothnan Teas Vegesentials Whole Earth
Teas 69 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 22 Drinks & Juices 35
Breakfast Cereals 41
Tropical Forest Vego Good Food – Vegan Coffee & Cereal Beverages 65
Honey & Sweeteners 72 Sweet Snacks 63 Convenience Foods 79

Tropical Wholefoods Vegus Juices Wild Fizz Kombucha

Dried Fruits Nuts & Seeds 75 New Superfoods 38 Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 22
Convenience Foods 79
Vegusto Wild Thing
Tropicana Vegan & Lacto-Free Cheeses 4 Breakfast Cereals 41
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 22 Fresh Tofu, Seitan & Tempeh 24 Savoury Snacks 51
Sweet Snacks 63
True Nopal Viana
Drinks & Juices 35 Fresh Tofu Seitan &Tempeh Products 25 Woodland Park Dairy
Fresh Dairy Yoghurts and Desserts 9
Tsuki Mochi Village Bakery
Fresh Cakes, Sweets & Crackers 14 Biscuits Crackers & Rice Cakes 46 Wow Food and Drinks
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 22
Two Chicks Violife
Fresh Eggs 2 Vegan and Lactose Free Cheeses 4/5 Ya Almond Yogurt AVAIL APRIL
Fresh Cakes, Sweets & Crackers 14 Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurt & Desserts 12
Savoury Snacks 51 Virtue Ice Tea Ya Rice Yogurt AVAIL APRIL
Drinks & Juices 35 Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurt & Desserts 12
2die4 – Activated Organic Yachia AVAIL APRIL
Savoury Snacks 50 Vita Coco & Vita Coco Cafe Fresh Vegan Milk, Yogurt & Desserts 12
Fresh Vegan Milk,Yogurts & Desserts 12
Tyrrells Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 22 Yakso
Savoury Snacks 50/51 Drinks & Juices 35 Savoury Snacks 51
Oils 91
Ucha (was Karma) Yamas
Fresh Chilled Juices & Smoothies 22 Vital Pre-Packed Dairy Cheeses 3
New Superfoods 36
Ugg Foods Yeats Country
Bread and Cakes 43 Vitamont Pre-packed Dairy Cheeses 3
Drinks & Juices 35
Ugly Drinks Yeo Valley
Drinks & Juices 35 Vitaquell Fresh & UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1/2
Fresh Butter, Margarine, Oils & Pates 13 Fresh Dairy Yoghurts and Desserts 9
Unoco – See Rebel Kitchen Fresh Butter, Margarine, Oils & Pates 13
Urban Fruit Sweet Snacks 62/63 Yogi Tea
Sweet Snacks 62 See Golden Temple
Vivid Drinks
Urtekram Breakfast Cereals Drinks & Juices 35 The Yorkshire Provender
Breakfast Cereals 41 Teas 69 Fresh Dairy Yogurts & Desserts 9
Urtekram Bodycare Fresh Soups 15
Bodycare 94 Vrai
Urtekram Hair Care Fresh & UHT Dairy Milk & Cream 1 Yuyo Teas
Bodycare 94 Fresh Dairy Yoghurts & Desserts 8 Teas 69
Urtekram Soaps Fresh Butter, Margarine, Oils & Pates 13
Bodycare 94 Zaytoun
Urtekram Toothpaste Watmuff & Beckett Dried Fruits Nuts and Seeds 76
Bodycare 94 Fresh Soups 15 Pasta, Flour and Grains 84
Seasonings & Condiments 87
VBites What a Melon Oils 90
Fresh Butter, Margarine, Oils & Pates 13 Drinks & Juices 35
Fresh Savouries and Ready Meals 18
Fresh Tofu, Seitan &Tempeh Products 24/25 Wholebake
Sweet Snacks 63
Your Notes …
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Description Code

lemon, lime & apple 198

orange & lime 200

* Data from Retailer X |Switching in Soft Drinks | 26 weeks post launch 2016|

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