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' 3ru*p-QlI$ILg3-J"T"
T.,arnbert }{illYer

This ls a story of the underivorld,; the

und.esworLd of a' great city, preslultably l$ew Yorht
ititiough the exadt whereaboute wiLl not be deflnitely
re g i a t6 re d i n the stor yn r r lo not v' r ish to sonfus e
unfrerworl"d 'vith gLrxrs, for altirougtr they are often
found" together, th.ey are no! inse5rarabl*" The srook
of tod.ay*ie eeidoin a ntoughn and almost never a tralnpo
Tdost of- them have ingenui{y enr:ugie to drees in a
manner which rj.oes not att:caot a,tteniion in a'ny
su rro 'u n d i n g e . ff the' n f r otn tir ne to time the Sirec tor
fiird.s stat,etnents which seeut obyious and. *uperfluous, I
h o p e tl i a 'b h e wl} l attr ibute ther n lo an author te de ei r e
to 'p i o tu re b he r eal New Yor k utr der sor Ld ag it exie tE
to rl i y, a n d n o t as it has been so often pictur ized
e T ro n e o u e Iy *

gcsr{S*}r,.-*- $TruB.J-ffi-
TITI,TII Ti"re lol;;h.i n "
$. r: e e t in . 1 ; ; . : le i* c o f e ri: r' e t $ a rig t o c re lc s *

IRIS llif on the caf e. Ti:le ie n b a.*r:ve.lTUt'a lorr*

celLinged. ba.sernen taurant lr tW a ]loar preewiireblY
overheado In t , center ls a 1 1 n u s lc i. a n s o t a n d t
out clf which a d.ance floo Th.e tables tiiaY or
r'na}r Rot lrave abl irJll} | J* of a eheaP
$ort o A rro c lt {su i. cians a n d . , wh ic h ie . ra is e d a I
rujla a" o"r railing- (N0T:Eit
tri fl e fr the
!ol-phin Re taur t on,e time e s t e d in iT e v ;Y o rk r T w e n t j - e t h
etreet a.n $ e co o aveir 'rn are rnan;f places
e ri rti n g cir tpr patterrr for it, natnelY
sfh e $ ta r ,$ w rable others'. The
w a i te rs a,g a r ule r ser ve t r h a wait,er$ and etlter-
ta i n e rs o e a.t lt,i.berty 0 jo i Hny 'r:able the;u wirEl:.
The type 1n0 and- t?ie or e s u- cce;sf ul
iligunsil of the ally we dressed at:d seldosl
oT never, t1o. s to run o extrerrie flaehinees)
The firs"b h.ot 1e on acti ' b y in t h e c a f e u
scar.{uI, coNT$lfua$*
fanne out of juot sueh
tr opend profitabi.e
so- callec1 scci * t3'

- !t?S ."""SS:".-P];{--$S$ Tr\f,T"S"
fl TrFT."llr
& + I&U. iTA31.
A sonan of the underworldr J.onelY
cl*spit *f ire-r: sind"
It -':;.t.r*;"1ns

IRI$ It{ to g lfant s face " Ilold ;a,i,e"'-tri e aoni..*t"iren

co me i n fu ' l} her sittinc, tabie. l{ an i s a
woma,nwho ha iiv 1' lif :, in under,,vorid; a,
worilan sf the tv Jr r l
: whi h seer$s ea le i:f but oi:e real
a ffe cti o n , t a, gTaa"i afld- rp o we rin g o n er
1cve wit}r a. n of her sor t is a ;;reity thing, but
a gevage, ci ,-ra#ei,rn thert er l.ra..i:dto que1lo
H e r a ttj " re f 0u cl- :_:rohaolJ oe a ,uJv,
-t "i + t ,:ut 'a'y a eusbom
tailor, but ir, Lerrq,t thorou";'hl ' noder n nrl up io d.ate
in styl-e " ,At t ciring t?le lif e arround
hen in the ,ca amused e , for r l er pi te
ti te E ct th re ig n e a , $ a r:rt of *,n grr)i,vned queeil
i n h e r su rro in g s , $ lie is ner alLy bor and. tt'tg,tlJ.
ti me s l o n e l :r* Aft er a surve of the ":rooin, ';g(ai1ts e;res
swi:rg to the ft *hd she si- ts Ustining, pr esum abl y
to s orile0ne ',Yiro ""sitting i' ir e:r e.

T ]T}*T: Ke*3",1y *rictc.n arook, i*i:t'i,0ne

n t! '-R{}S l.;cesf uL suitcf,J c

At l{ant s le
type ',triirover
it. Tiiere i
K e e l e yr * e f
the &bowled
Keeley qu"es
SWS-l-t.* $Sll-ffi$ti*"$J"S*&fi$S." .,{f
",f f
TITS,El I,uirit ra o'!:r t,f dili er,
13r.if ';f:';. frL',i^ u ' ; . t : ; ia e ' , $ f lr-t"

3'oreground. tc i.1 b ie t wl:ic}: a;re three chairs

and. at lrr ent nQc cup /{ *.cli } walks clown tl :foreground
looke aro ,1
.vr +)
,T' "-
olTj f ho;oeles,tly and- sin.*s intt: cne
of the a oil L a c l)' n e lf t irn i ire is f e ic in g N a n r s
"* $$
sfifileln is ems slightly tlissiper.ted and
abl,e. iar YCI
.vet the s nhct i :,-r .:_n.i
1"-v hh,: ;;,.:j . l :l al i i r' r' ,' .-ft$ i tgei f in
the surr -rfnciihF** fie/ . s , o r l: a s b e e n , a g e n t l e n ' t a n u
t e v i, 1 $ iit I y
Tirj. s tiiair ;.- a{{d r

, p:rp,aps t 5 t L o ir, q 6 t h e e rd d i c t i o n t o
tt ."ri

r[ st urnh in $ out of l:i. own ,vorld. ashe,,:ned and.
d o p e se n t 1n im&
tkr beat . 1tle ves ?lir brder an lvaiter l:urrie* Bli;?)f,t
H e si ts sf, rooud"lly abr-rut the 8111r one of i .{anl s
" an
4 ,Q t1 tS .^ i n i ;a i :,:e S i sing ihe t.rbie '{ r egi*ter s
ar:1:rai ei irg glanc e at t'.:,:*iniin befote inOYe S t)11r
- la


{d \,'-,i

eii *'- '^rl.


L*flP P n '4-'L .:


scr:rfq*5r.* * 4g_j{41.t_s-
Ts}Jflr * -
S ill corxes to th e }e'r-'.inov i.dur;.nri ''i,c ida,nfs sidl-e "r.ncl seerris
+",) be carefully i tl r!+
,_ ?
_! : i .,
- ,a t_ a r t- L
at of th,": t;ibIe
li stens riricl 'bhen
r e +*irti1,. i:ccu;tri eri. *t^ il, irioilleh'b
looks off tolrar,l

SCF.r.:lTil iit!_sF;
:? | r* itat:d*
.l- r' .:
. ; ' j'-rL .jL
Clo et s$dt o i /Lr U U .i t,r j
. L f'-.r
' i
r-,'i .r-rn:r ," fi'an |sid,Ye#, l n" .,:.i ;,
vr r vr r .
r r n A
I -r I
.,' /iLd i'i4ii
/{ f
" -di... i?d
'', I

-*- l $lrilFAII{d-
S!]I;S*"7*r- ,,ts
**-**- '" *-*:F

3i1f iiu expi;:.ii:;'.:rg furf,?T.:s. i,!, ,i*n ,tlld j"a .l^i.*eit:jniiiri; ar.fter
nrrl;rr* - !-
.. f
.^ ..L
,l',:u";iq i f ,,;€.iii
adil aa ,1
cfi1;l;;.ti,;'bi':n adil -' ,,.;;€.iii otr; .iroiii i{an,
oti.l :froiii jjiil
i{an, jjiil
sneakafr.idni,tji,I ":u";iq
-'e' il r; * ; r-" r, lq . : ; : i; , 3 ' iy.
\rr*t.d"u*,::;,r"?ffq;aino 1 . ,--'.i;
i il, t, : , ..2
2 I-;,,i;i;,
l: it ' I s 1
\n u { Li':4
''4 i i ,-{ , . f {i { i , i ' .. " -, --; _--.,.0" *
,! ! 1 fi
3 i 1 1 " fi n i sl & * s"$e:r xL:i._;
$' ian p,r ti- es, te.l- l.s I;ii.l to le av e
l:i:;rt to ,ref,, i'rd l; --o e : ' . : i" llo 1 p o . * 1 , r, . , , r; : : lu : * ' , : . . , it r. , ii; l;c : r e i p
inn Tt,1,r-:
1 ,rte i p AW
frl.*' lrl;f, -C J1i1S* .,
i ' ;rr$ 91t .i"rf,,ei,t1rvf
d-:" fFr* !dJrTior\r:in;
i OQrrrn; l i l I.ii,rr
in rl "r:tl rri
und.. trli
l, Vttir
t Jl
so,ir€tili11,;frlef ihrt e t o a
\\i r 1 ;fl..;ifilidl::'f3'1";:
sl'r+.:t eei-f -sc,;f i; ic : , c ;
* l, i s f r: l b y off a lie s u i l t i e n i . . y ,
- \ o c i, . i, r;
it"J covr:-rs\ti .: $;,::-,. lL;r :-'rs4:nd"ing tc; i:lff ,-a1ie'i,'. lie ;;inks
i.'"i l':e ' and &rck*"u il;:i
'i,dof stejle. ri';es ,ri,,rirctlb iater
an,1 r j"tl:. a, ntl&*bo--.,d:* rr^r]ti r:Ji;i:r:rt: ti: fal-io.; ginin

I S-:.*S
1-.r r cr,0qH
llhe '*::ln,L{tiieh f,t&rffi of Jack, untouc.h*ci, SiiLt
s i;;Lring mo tr.e i:ie'ivgy g11ir-;,:., tt,1 liirl eiiro'oy, but
.T,ac:r dcegn t r, The bo*tt xnm"fi $ee$ "i':1i'1:, 11.,t oite
i ,1
i * ivat*l:i nci- r l ni i l:rrie ';: Jack? s arl"ii, lilalkr:3 an attr,e:rriirt
'1,o "gt e;-ll- 'ri.c,',
dii n'h ci,t*i:e s hiin ;i::iii, iroids hiin by
ihe ivr:i"*t l,'i- i'l lj ; ci\oue*rii ,;n ]ririi,

5:Jl lj.J,fiE L- i:iVB go ',ifroiis; . it ','r;'trriiti .rri.;,vr} becr: ltuCir

easiET L,a l]:;vr; ,iie ju'0 ;stcr bo giv* ii:.e sb""r
b;:,tlc,rnd o:f,l.r;'o v\l i br. Siiie : s iraiti:_iij-ii* i:c;i '';0
See ','{, ,Zf f e*L '; i ,t:arr* Lri-rorr the rria"n; fhen
bectJrle$ i}I'l rtTr,:E: i) t,:t.

J...,;k .prcdu.ceB ii i tlie nelffiiji re:o,?heu f or; Jack,

o ' Yl :
l L c i v e v c rl d.s*m , ceiii.'r ti;; ';;...
j" iur
, tr,,a-qe*
l:iin tlie lairi ftK,g b,r;n5 the .,r0';ister eci'iething
to eat, A s 1;e{f :irl ffia**gai t e': e.ii t '* , Lie iook* ,-r.;o
Iiis frs,ce seei:ts rit; r.:....;
t ;1}"

{t } *i;i'.
lv $

ct - 'rv -r. r" ] } i . -r Li.

f it 1 1
4* a qi,0$$-. liqT _?3rT
Ttlren one e1rr']:,i,:.: i c-.
ne? fi',;'; yro;v l:,aiir ti 1161s of i + .-
.v, a,nd_ i ,rj " nLir a. l; iO r i
for tl,e itt?,fttg a.*t l
' i: h e ae x p re s s ic ; r: i* f o rc e c i - , i t
9€€rr-i$ geiti-tiii * eii '; ;
!$ !ii*r!: "

f " ,. & *
\\h t\. -'$,'g;'oi,'4,'v
d{.'e d} d'r'"*"rf'*" t ':i
\ n .,,{'''
dA"{- ' &-,* *'A $'+t'i-'" '''r.i' 't ''i* rd'
Ge l;.'biiig iiern staii -i f, l r.i,i J;:,c.::{ ;-,nd. l'j e ttii.,i n *ii l,
ctr'i h 1 *," J ij, .:) , . -'-'j, ;.; i] 1'1. i.; 1 ,, tYeiy, t i i l c i , b : c a l t " ; *e f , l i i : i t vla* i l ,i - .q
{t"' hr.itrit i r: bire '"vo {)'.t ii\e T.Lre l-i itle .riitr,Tk
a f br'eeci.;i:rg i r* $1i. ': 1 ;';i1
g ti.rlii l- 3 * ; ii , ;ii
,l.ndi*a.i;es tlre v l'r0 a,-l-.irre;Si,r.,fTi,t:rCi tO, atlici
t r"^^ ,l&
JI(i U.::'Jl. E ^) J" L o

{# $ \. e_o,i*.*li
i ..
*-:r- .
:1,, '"4\c
rf '

K eeiey, f,ii |J.' Lt l".l.3'f .r!:.:l.rii if,,; i., :. rl 2 ; t ; i U ;i",S";, ;, rj-,,',ifr"i,iCi.r

";.., -
- LL) f
j"e- ": t . ' $ I f r:igJ" - ,,..: - -
t- j - L l c,
i ,- !s:U
. .L .1 .1 . - ,,
U ';{;- tr.r.. !IrJ- ]".*:: umbeer.tai:i-e
qc$iirl,Lr*-Hlg. {}.iiirr4cri, JSg $ql ,f,i .,
T ,i *-*H.t

ii-n Is stu_d.1,-:i
li. i7; *.1 -r$- iv-;1'5cl.
Il; ,. fdef iirr the iia-,iter ii.$
s.-rt: f 6 8 An
J:'rj t
+i1ange r11:c,ri ti-ie ,,, :'U " , ,l j i ,_l . trj *$eS S ;;,:rrg
ra ti :i e r sta rtl e s gsiel laoks u;: rit :,lan aid

Y* [ \,.
f rrid,*, hu-?
llU -**-fl{'$li}iT T ITI,;tr_*_-__"

.ltari J.ooke at 1 try, ana| f ack not -i.:eep'rack e. sort

cf i::.o1reless Ir,U$€ri"GL$.
t'r:at -?rj-sr;cr1.- ]1,_;n
t'efore iri:n ar,*l er e,,ita*ks il"ie fobd
touard. .iack* i{an turir$ sicv,.it

gc *]\u. - - _-$!:T_ $liSL

In. tiils r:re gei 1,. iaeJ:. CI'f t i:;
;-,:t;.i tL i ] .i ,l ,i * ,
+ ;,i": inten i, ruion
_ :i ;:
ly 111*-1:.1,1r'n
r^ f-
ivi r+?res *,O ;.irOi, iii to find- r:i:.t, *i?tat *fi*
ho'rl-i eif ;r;: att,ya,*tiye
1:,ccsible, tr;iin; Ofi
t/[an. G:ald"r,af lv
Pq:anv l
cf soriie sort frorri the
rs t c ^1.,€f*,i anci elre_e be;;in
t.: st,ud.y eini-J"' i t YTA
n':,e re s,re *:,

SSsiji&'*ltr* Jilo*r $ *i;L L,il-

J c ek s€€rJis $ el. rirrl1
he Tuer.s t ll t. bi.r.L,
dle tho t]te whole i.yor]d. .!,j.e
LII i *e
o a s mr T h e re r i.e a cirni C erjd,
jeii rila,n;: so:iiefhi'ng gonet
rr,a.?r..i;n ,,--
an 1:.:Y,
r-rnnatll3al ,,*rvou,grress
i t cl:"i t,'le.corncr uf, iiiu ,,.ouii. --lr.iiooically
f s es th_e trr,:r i o,narci
2h ra
rneanirngto .
s:"'i,piy ";'-;:,l;;,,
tiie *.,
urr,_ n nr.
"11; io"ot
d ire cti o n . e;t J

He se e s th e b o x o r ete he change lying cioee to

hls 5r1ate and. rira 0 -lie one e sn thera covetously
as he flrrrrlee tO the ood" be r e him .

r.B" ctws c$!L-ALJ#-ArL4-.s_rqg$L
l{an ie becorring i J
u ].n e ver y ir opeleeeness af the
na n t s a tti tu d " e , bvt e'"'-ident factr tirat ?Le cloes
not belong in e eiren a.ttltude is lea"rhg her
and being replrt.e alno.sympeithetic iritereet * the
reaLi zes th.a.t e rro\o,*e e1-es of the rffl,n before her
th e re l s d r tragedg. Si:.e is cluestioning h{m and.
thou"gh he se ecl ln \r, he is reluctant er.bor"f{
sp e a ki n g . 3 o are confS.Irlng their a.ttention
eA na-4t*..l*^ +'-,*.ir

e a ch o th e r otten the newsy.

--cJ!g$ 9it0i{. Q't_
Ile finiehes the f caflt s an appy?.ising gl-ance
a t th e o th e r si h.e tabl p t c k s up hlil c&5l, a,nd. as
h e g e ts u p , ve r d.rope hat:d. holdring the cap over
t ire ci g a re ts tiP, As aves the table they have
"4' j ' oi '
l-t l."
'{ Cr- "1 o*'t "' r!
S4 'r'e'+'. " \ : i - '' I

Fq.f: #:;
.,.r.,"""f","- i:_ 4_.j
t J [t,
br:'^' '

.ff]*q]I;*fi 0 ,I{AiTl' Jf tK,

TI TI.JI: Ti:: :i:o*t !o:r.:ifu} c,f ;iii

t,s, ir.rrtuii,rl iar:uiiitgdgA
lTan is franirly ii:t.eres"i;eo- :n ti$e rnap.Ji:efci:* i,er nciv, iznd
rr;efe nerv+Lis 'l;?dn 'l7efor:e; she r1u-e-et,i
ire is s c,it.e't!'har,i cr,1+i;inr
attrl. siiogs
anrl. siiovs oymS;p{,i,y,
oymS;poli,i.y, fina,lly h€jte.p*hluero,
he, a,.fbluers, si:.Jiit:g-*Ii!r',.siiT
su.liir:g-*Ij!r',$jiT ,jllTllj
'-,, r b**ri;{rpe'
,r*cffi;;i;:-,; ;:,5t:'
As Jack :tifldr** 1rS,&
$€anisfascinated bl,
worcls; qu$picns h"nuufu,r",
in a . [ . , . ir: , . S rt e s t o f ; : -, rj. + c ri€ * + p . , r k c f
ccrrf iciler;cff p-ef t i; i iiin iI e " n d$ ' re \ c o . ; -' o J -e5 , e es 1 r, t?Itls
*,oo 3aberu
.fl!",eg::.*r:;$,i.Lesr tef,,-." i { t,.i r S eefi i S ti nge reCi;
finail;r,'fr$ the ier;' itcii '$ ,-o;r#',]ntt,,e; tltan., [nri. *iceaice-*-
I.L:i$ll!li: ii'Jfr'S',r:-.--.-
frYout ;r rro$ rt 1#.v.,'er, yo'-,t ft6,.'d focl-J tl

Ja,:ir iookffi i.;1,o.uicklyj i;he$et s juri: tlre fuuigention csf a

flasi: :;.n S$.s eye i;';riS riie$ irA,i,€ti.r*t,;1y, clrrti-i-ii siis
rrervot:.slyffioririilo ht$" f :ir3pr"*, Nan 'r'rtr.toh.eo,as ii-:,'k see.ffr$
flna'i l;u ';;ffi,le t'o st$.ncl. ';irp sirr.;in icrt3.::c , e,nd. ;rcdu"ces
a 5.'ow,-l,r::fttSi; ';'rre: h-i.g rze*t. lie ;-r*FFrres to take
the, \.irri 1i;"ff'si,o;'s F.ini, c"i,i'1in& a, vsaitr:r anri" serrd.,g
d . , ii; rt rr, r. c t i o n s . $ it s ' e iu riy ii: g i a c k a

8cfiiili 21. " -r'

1i d. otrar , lboks at nis paper s, looks at the box
of gar and, ira n $ Q in h i s h a n d , c o u n t s t h e * h a n g e ;
.t sa t l"re perQ, 3-ights a cigai:r*t anct e/alics cu"t of

$clulltr 22, ]fIEFATAI,Y C],Of;s slJ0T o lr.riTH l,i',ANAr,.'lDJACi...

,Iask etaring 1y he powder befcre i:in; idan

watehing hiro 'l^)
si:e seeg Eenny, tlie :nan slie gent the
w a i te r fo r, F1 1
isa d- ope in the last stages ,
Slowly Jackt e8 he looke 6 th.e iuan before hi"rn.

sctsl'Ip25. cr,ost $HOT

PaLe, salio$r and clat &*'dope in the last, sta gee
o f h i e cu rse , wit ,r:, face hagga.rd. and d.rawnI eyes
unnatura,iLy b '1. n mu s t b e a n o b je a t of p i ty ,
but not a dls sL a rryeakli r1g 'rrho had elipped
d.own to the

$reI"ffi 24 n CT,offi SI{0T

flris le a pa stud;r, rnratciring cloeel$ for the

e ffe ct o f t t ol3en in the face of the ntan besid.e
h e r. Ja ckf s s e s sur pr iee to a cer tal n
re vu l ti 0 n a horro :he oking upon a pattern cf
hi.meelf in t'ef E s curse which he ha.e aaki:owledged
hie rnaster " I{e f or t s ly his ionging in ttre face
of the piti visi b e are i:iml Nan vratchee ,Iackt s f'a.ce
thrcugh the ts B 8r A , ing triumph i.n her Qlffrlr

sws. F5":
ltTanEees Senny waofti ind.icatee for him to tl p
the boys il:at tra tng tinat tkrey need.nft worr;'
about him. Senny s,$ancl out of scene. Jackr g
eyes following him] an once reore turne to
ge.ze at, Jac]<o
scrsn 26" " * s!pss-$r1pJ:^-!&LSSL"J,l€
L{fn s and he fa,ces her, hrs
Ver;r slo'ivlY .i';is he ti-ie
is 'a conflict af t i $ n s ; Itr Iy i$an indlcatgs Po';d'er i'u:
\art s iotrarcl- it,, ilan ir:'di cates
fcre hltti; he k; Jut
y3e 1o0ks off , then trar:l'. to
'Llr.e ci.'r-le gt i c t"l ,fa
pot'i''; ct"r"dd.en weeps * l-, c r-l er fro:ii tki* tabie l.,ith
on i:i* ariii$. I{'aa siiii].eg.
]tl,e hand., and- d-,"tsi i: s fer'ria -i:eat this
r r"e e that 3 € can ;i,ilni s
$he is beginrr
rnea,itt-'es8far l:1
-rT)' o iti es hisri.


-d 4G'* w'
/*'-'*" I ;+..{*
{- ('**1':'*''';lut i .ir,. 1, &..,{i,,1

*;i*& &
tr i

9]{ $$S"
TITI,}II iive t ,fti,'t n".il-est cr;e"

ancl ; hie lmnti clen'lhiug an<i

Tip in fiack! s shq alircl alirlost
rxrclenclring. Na'n AOt*'.r'n irj.rn, sorry ;
i n sti n ct,i ve i Y re es tJ. tr uches the "t;aL1d- a"z tllough
i +l Y,* Lt$neg$' Ja,gkf s ki&nd.
ehe v*c,u.ld-like t!,

turirs quicklY a oL irers ;" it is t h e g ra ls p of a

dm d.rowning f
nEi y' ;hin vihiclL of:fers safetY.
L:r I' g g,iu1;Y 03 :SF,
IEI$ flUT TO N}.iiI
$YiffATIry o A"ltr): fL

m TmfTl.
J,l J . }l a !
T in ie , anil t::e ty pe Df rdO:',.ii'''n'"i'ho
i,lives r't} tf'*ildtliil'r "
IF"I$ I1'T on ldan seate-d ,.egfrt?ilof rLrolr'' rloor ln
be,ckgrcurnd -- wearing hoxing a,:rd icllY g:ia.iring
h e r re a d -in g paper i s
so L i {a i re -- se ate$ }
Jaik, cQatless r *qi
LI J. clfu., lap€r, giv* 'Ltie
i L'.11 sliort titrre Jaclr
inip,res'9J-cn thrat

at , h e s l1 P s iu b o coa'i
rises and. idan L * j-tt rtps -tip
u"i - id;Ln
cro sg e s to h e r a' $ lYajr
h-e ,]I'tj ai her "
and. e:t.braces hinr
Lookit:g ir.1-,eit J&', T€I'I t-:; o v c s t iri* ira n ' a t rd "a, l i i - i ; i e
siios,' in ti:is fJ.nishr aisQ
i-- !- a - J 3 1 ,- ,r 1 ,, .,-a
of l:h.e depth 0f &
1{i iin g hou -- -,^

t?.Le strength an ci. L*\rttL

"^ ,'L
llCt lt Ql] Af :r cl-lii.racter as s?ie s:oeaii'is
to hitn *-


I:l.e i:a* cTLa..n.ged., st t , ire n e s n e s s a t rd t i' e irs ' ris a f t h e

dope vri:i ch s:i:ow t h e f irs t scene so l n e a f
hisr conficl.euce a3 he icolrs tlr,rr;nnonl ana i:liile*c,
te1ls her she a ct 'u l-,.irri s 3"i" 1 1ii ng ba,;k , l:ie ;,',1sI
ea.,Te#for :'ie 'i:; E
ir;L **e.$ ?:eT. ir0-
out cf ocene; N st4t e L n $ s lo opKk iu
g er hirn; sh"e iias cotiie io
love this rtan , f orl l"rinr in 4 e f t i: i. iil a a v e g e , #a y l
utand.s lociking lrtin sa'tr1 $r r eo s it h h e r lo t in J - i f e ,
sire is r1o lcnger

S"ffil$r-J!:*.*"-- - - SffiJJt*
Jack conies out m oment, th.en looks o ff
ouddenJ-y ar:d. sees

$CI]ilS 3o:F" _ SRONT OT TA

A w a i te r c ofiie hav ing tl:c r',ei'v's'ooyured j.n


e a rl i e r s 1lar he sherkes idnt vicicusly and

firiarily t e8 1 S Ic i .U e o::i the
4 - .-
sictewailk and yells*-
I1'ISiillT :rlIT

'"4J i :u0 u i 0u' ,;" ai i ! o,ri .t. i l ;;i e,

& ll
€!W-J!:Ss*- qr$l0F
Jack has seen
d l re ctl crn o f t
$cS3. 5q-9., -*SF-0J.--W--1#--WW$I16a
N e w si e g e tti n g u p is eti f and
scene and he 1o urr as t
Iack Looks e,t' anL real I

the youngete Jack be n B t o ues

ru b s h i s e l oke up &n
t ? s
?.rad. ri .f"

tha .,^ L
i9c u the btmpe"s

Youngeter fi n i pe ck looke at him, slow}y

the th

J0:$*_** ggffi _=sr{gt*!4{-_{$
rhape ,ve a,
axre who woliJ.*'
child wno would
The thouglrt th e migh . . \ \ cnlJ.c.
re ce i ve th e s tof trea{ment,
treatment, he lgokd
he tra
lookd track
tovrard the an $}:inkln$. T,et hiry'lr€aI,iz,
Lnkln$. T,et hiry'ireal,ize
and deeide rm,rry .-*,hq lools .l,n his
p o o ke t, fi nde enoug& fbr,i a _J.{Oens-€ and
g ta rts o u t o fs

S ti rr ter impulse.

IRIS III on th* ent r?s carrying paper; &

l i e e n se . He 1 -Tack
room, Veal.,Lzesthat ldan is
l n th e ki tch e n I s thouglrt he emLles and ca,Lls
to h e r'
SW-J]-*-* sH0Troli
Annie , a com Ir lsh F € , lv h o c lre s f or Nan d"eeply,
is ofic Arrni sa3 read;r full but Nan
en arrying inio tl"ieri a,nit rushes
severetk p&at
o u -t o f sce n e Le ru"gglit:g to seep froni dropping
h e r b u rd e n .


$sSlP 33.* - $o!IE$3I:ffi--ff.lgJl'G*F9S*i-_

indi os, her appe6rance and asks
at irirn nient and. questi one him-

..r ^f,) i l
c !, ug :, f i 1 1 ,a ell s ,sier aticn tur ns ta her

a,nd ansrvers lfs TT l Jj i j -#---

sYe i:e i:riit;. ccl ! rl

s$*su E-r'j!
$-sIs-ltu-_^"!}g$s--sss- I
She is ra,tli€r s t led ad<r E vu'orcl-sand. seenre e+" a loss
t o understancl kia,s rt e d s u -c h a step on l:is Xnr"b,
Nan is the ty l'ii h a t e s a ll Law and. r eco gni z es none
Fave the i-aw o and- he*.rt. Sh.e i.ra,: been
sa,ti sfi ed. wit .'.L+
t a.nc1Ja,ckr s eudden
w o rd s ra th e r e a $hb questi ens hinio
SCSNli 3+"
.....'+_-..+ $i-iOT 0I'i Tl-ilrl T5'JO,

Jack reali?,es thq t ee[i t o tre :n sYm3,atny--

..-, +
a,*n to her vrrhy }ie believes
'. i ik, hi s LdeE.. ^ ^;
qit)J.Il;} -,
L, Ll

it ig for the oe ifa:r s iiini<ing , a* si'ie 1i stens to

"iie:r tira,t iie :s ri glt .
h 1 s vo -rd .s, ck ylns rice
$1ovrLy he rcr u e
-tPrp She k e s : L t , lo o k iirr , a t i t

as tliough elre a n d 'ai f ir * i *::' uses to r ead- i t,

Jack aslcs i'& r or i;, <i-e ls l , te11s ir e she niust, look eli ii
j-n ttie r i,3ir ..'l:it. S iras gradu.alLy rlt ecl up to ein
a,ttlSud.e of ance; O!'?" E u"nf i:Icls bhe :-:aJiief. Jnr:li lyatc.i:e':
.l:er , wonCeri

Sg$5S-J5r- glge-ffim-aJJ-ss&-"-
lier f qOrues L1I] f r o:ir i,tre g:lAYLce the :rd.;osr, fi iled ll ith
+ co r.t*rn p t f or . tire lavrs c slaivly , vi cl ot'.sly , E&€
-Ln-t-'. in rv,, f:,ggg Jiack , f ace
-M-<_ fli,rning, in ang r at the ,She suee.k$--It{S]j]n! TllLE
€1,fe * t+ - *ed to i i t*L:i f 1S C l I I t i c rin rt
1:Lo '-, ;.1 V 1.4 |
i1 6
f'roiii the ***., i 'lcrir t
I ll
! J {l " " nr '

$he f ii:i *hes ;;,ki +i

ul anri .s n d . s d e f ia n b l3 r wa i t i n g
his ansvre

Jnck seeke X
.- .i
V! J-
tJ T , a n rl. t rie s t a in . $ is t , b u t N r ' l u
vri Ll h.ave n ne $n treats him track lv:th tlee sheer
pOtv'er o f' h & rrl n a lly J a c k , a s t h o a c k n o w l e d g i n g
d e fca t, tu D d.s lsratching him, and then sl.or'rly
re a l i zi n s -.L
llJ i e realiy gneat aird lvor:derful
1oy,e '',"ih.ic}l s for h.i a n a s s e rt s it s e lf at:d she
goes to hirii imPii sively " ehe r.,irrcstc.r his sicl.e-

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