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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Student teacher’s name: Mariam Yousef H00355127 Grade Level:5

Unit/Lesson: Homographs Date: Feb 27. 2018
MST Jennifer. Al Shaheen

Competency Area E G S M U
Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL
DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document

(E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory)

Professionalism x
Planning for learning x
(Includes knowledge & understanding of content)
Implementing and Managing Learning x
(Includes behavior management, language and delivery)
Assessment x
Reflection on Practice
Overview of the lesson:
Mariam planned and taught a lesson about homographs. She began the class by eliciting from
students what a homophone means (previous knowledge). Then she introduced the concept of a
homograph with a power point slide followed by a video showing a man singing about homographs
with the sample sentences captioned and the key words highlighted in red. After some prompting
from the MST , Mariam stopped the video at different sentences and asked ss to explain the different
meanings of the homographs. Then she introduced the 4 activities and students circulated to help
students work. She managed the class well for a first time lesson, and scaffolded as much as possible.
She used Class Dojo to manage the class She finished with an assessment

In general, Mariam demonstrated growing teaching skills through her introduction, management and
general relationship with the students.

Areas for development:

1. Modeling: have the sets of examples with images so students can learn and identify together. As
you are explaining, you can make a chart which you can post in the class, teacher allowing.
2. Modeling: You wrote a clear guide to understanding the difference in meanings, but you need to
use and apply your guide. Ex. listen to the pronunciation and how the word is used in the sentence.

It would have been better to show how to model this – to do one with the students all together.

3. Language. Be careful to use correct English especially in your questions. Prepare and write your
questions in your lesson to make sure you speak correctly.

Ss enter class quietly
M asks ss to bring things and sit
Today we will learn about homographs. So do you hear about this word before. Do you know the
meaning. Can you give me

There and there

So you give me these words – what about these words
See and sea
This is an word do you know the meaning of see. Boy says see I can see and

Same pronunciation of word and different meaning that is a homophone

Today we will learn about homographs

It has the same spelling but means something different

Close – I am close to him. Close the door.

Gives example cl
Watch the video – group 5 and 6 come to the carpet
There are words on the video and I want you to focus on the red words. (a bit unclear here)

Video shows man rapping close, mean, bear, back, excellent example

Groups 5 and 6 back to seats

So what do you learn from the video
Can you give me the definition of homographs
One boy says words that … my home is close to the …. Do you want someone to help you

So it’s a word that has the same spelling but they have different what – ss say meaning
Can you give me a homophone example.
Give me one word that has different meaning

One boy says can you close the door and I am close to the door
It would be best to have the words from the song handy written on paper for all ss to see as a prompt.

Reminds them of the red words in the video –

Shows the video again.
I live near live animals.
Explains and shows
The thought of a bear near me is just too much to bear.
Points to the first bear and asks the first one means animal and the second means scared

How can I find the difference between them.

On her power point it says listen to the pronunciation and how the word is used in the sentence.

Ss come to carpet for instruction about activities which are shown on board using power point slide
Act 1 you have to bring a scissor and glue you have t o cut the meanings and paste it on the write word.
Example bat. Bat have two different meanings who can tell me – one boy says bat means game and an
Act 2 cards and a paper so you have 12 cards and a question so I need you in group to sit together each
one of you will have one card you need to read the question find the meaning of this word a or b and
then you go to box number seven and you write . when you finish you need to give your card to your

Act 3 so the next activity you will have a card and you will play a game you will flip the card and find two
cards with the same meaning. So it has (concentration game) you will read the meaning for your friends
and you will get a point.

Sort out groups

Ss work on tasks. Act 1 begins right away

Starts ss with concentration game and helps ss decide who will go first ( excellent management)
Directs some students to go back to their table while others are finishing their work.
Can you please put your things behind and I need each one of you to have a pencil.
She closed the lesson by reminding ss of the main point of the lesson and gave them sheets to assess
their understanding
Exit Ticket.
You need to read the sentence and try to find the meaning of the underlined word. You need to pick
which one is the right meaning
She needed to repeat it as ss did not understand.

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