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Dwi Kuswandari. Improvement of learning outcomes Indonesian language

Students Through Motivation to learn by Using Method Paired Storytelling in
class IV SDN Kalibaru 3 Depok. Peper. Jakarta : Program Study Teacher
Education And Elementary School, Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education,
University Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, 2017

This research aim to improve of learning outcomes Indonesian language students

class IV SDN Kalibaru 3 Depok through motivation to learn by using method
paired storytelling on odd semester School years 2017 – 2018. population of the
research amounted to 42 students. Classroom action research is carried out with
using model cycles Kemmis and Mc Taggart, the classroom action research
design is carried out for two cycles each cycle consisting of four stages, that is :
(1) research planning, (2) Implementation of the action, (3) Observation, and (4)
reflection. Subject of research is students class IV SDN Kalibaru 3 Depok which
amounted to 42 students. Data collection is done by test and non-test technique
with KKM Indonesian Language 75, student learning outcomes show an increase
by setting achievement targets 80, starting from pre cycles (78,93), Cycles I
(81,67), cycles II (85,48). Average cycles (35,24 %), cycles I (51,25 %) snd
cycles II ( 63,54 %). Besides, it can also be seen from result of observation
analysis using method paired storytelling through motivation to learn able to
improve learning outcomes Indonesian Language. So, the hypothesis that states
“Method paired storytelling through motivation to learn can improve learning
outcomes Indonesian language students in class IV SDN Kalibaru 3 Depok” can
be verified.

Key Words : Learning outcomes, Motivation to learn, Indonesian Language,

method paired storytelling

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