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Hello All,

This document will give you an overview of basic trouble shooting that can be done on
SAP LT Replication Server for replication monitoring.

Below suggestions are based on the experiences from SLT behavior and from SAP LT
Application Operations guide available at

Current system details -

Assumption- scenario covered for replication from source (ECC) to target (HANA)

DMIS 2011 SP06

Scenarios possible-

1. ECC(source) and SLT are configured on different boxes

2. ECC(source) and SLT are configured on the same box

Screenshots are based on DMIS version 2011_1_731 SP06

Basic transaction codes that are available for SAP LT Monitoring-

1. TCode- LTR
It gives an overview on the various configurations available and whether they
are running or halted. Trigger status could also be received from it.

 Green indicates smooth running of configuration

 Red indicates error in configuration or the configuration is stopped
Here you can click on check status for erroneous configuration to know the
reason for error
2. TCode – LTRC
Here based on the selected configuration, user can check for detailed errors on
the tables that have been put into replication.

Sections mentioned below give detailed logs on tables which have faced
problems in replication.

Tabs to check in case of errors – Data transfer monitor

Failed indicator shows error caused during loading or replication activity.

For detailed error please check application logs tab

Tabs to check in case of errors - Application Logs

Check for your specific table name
For finding out the detailed root cause use below tcodes
When you encounter any errors over here, various checks that you can do are
as follows –
Use Tcode SM21 and ST22 for checking the dump messages generated in the

Note- If your ECC (source) and SLT (system) are configured at two different
boxes, then make sure to check at both places.

Other monitoring options available-

Tab – Expert Functions

Table health check
1:N replication health check
View unprocessed logging table records etc.

3. TCode –LTRO
This Tcode is used to monitor across multiple configurations
4. Using SOLMAN seems to be a new feature that has been added and can be
tested by users who have SP09 version installed on their system.

Please feel free to point out any corrections/suggestions.

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