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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

ENGL 2116 | Spring 2018

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

The planning for the start of my document was very difficult. It was hard to find a topic that I felt
confident within the umbrella of the storm category. From there the planning changed from what I
was going to write about, but what to write about under each heading of the writing style that was
shown in the outline. After I decided on what I was going to write about under each section I started
to completely flesh out my ideas in the start of the paper that would eventually flow into the
connected subheadings.

First Draft
The first draft of this document was done with speed because of this being our first document I had
completely forgotten that we needed to have the first draft for the class before it was due. So, after
overcoming that challenge of not have my document I started like I said above in the panning section
I fleshed out the main issues that I wanted to point out in the abstract portion of the document and
one or two subsections of the issues. One thing that I learned was to read the modules for before
class assignments for the upcoming week.

Second Draft
After receiving the feedback from the peer review I continued the second draft that would ultimately
be turned in. The only issues that I had during the document was having enough time to write before
the deadline and hit the points that I felt where the most important. To overcome the time
constraints, I skipped the editing portion of this draft, which is one thing that I learned from this
assignment was to not procrastinate or skip the editing portion because of the issues that came back
to me.

Final Draft
The planning for my final draft was to look at the second drafts comments. This allowed for a starting
point for the corrections that needed to be made to my documents. The challenge that I
encountered was encountering a document that I worked on weeks ago and then remembering what
I was trying to say and how I should say it within the final draft. Along with the same point it was
hard to bring context to the new items were added to the document.

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