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Juan Pablo Yunda

English level 7
March 14, 2016
Ways to waste your time

There is a nice way to waste your time when you are busy. Certainly, I’ve realized that I waste my

time when I sleep during the afternoons and after lunch in the weekends. Sleeping is certainly not bad at

all, but usually I lay in my bed, listen to music, and then I fall asleep. This is a problem when I have to do

a lot of homework due next day, because if I take an afternoon nap, I wake up recovered, then I start

homework late at night and I am in a rush. The same happens during the weekends. It’s unbelievable the

amount of time that we waste during holidays and weekends. The pressure of the due date is the

motivation to complete our work or homework. This is known as procrastination. Procrastinating a few

times a month is not bad, but doing it several times a week is not good at all. In particular, sleeping is a

way to waste our time when we are busy, since we can’t work or study while we are sleeping, but you

are definitely resting. Taking a nap when you have a lot to do is not always a good idea, but it’s a nice

way to waste your time.

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