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Student Teacher Student Perception Survey- Secondary

March 5th 2018, 11:03 am EST

Q3 - My student teacher...

Most of the
# Question Always Sometimes Never Total
...makes me feel that they really care
1 68.42% 26 26.32% 10 5.26% 2 0.00% 0 38
about me.
...knows when the class
2 47.37% 18 42.11% 16 10.53% 4 0.00% 0 38
understands, and when we do not.
...ties new lessons to things we have
3 63.16% 24 28.95% 11 7.89% 3 0.00% 0 38
already learned.
Q4 - My student teacher...

# Question Mostly True Mostly Untrue Totally Untrue Total
...explains difficult things
1 50.00% 19 47.37% 18 2.63% 1 0.00% 0 38
...encourages me to share
my ideas or opinions about
2 71.05% 27 26.32% 10 2.63% 1 0.00% 0 38
what we are learning in
this class.
...doesn’t let people give
3 up when the work gets 73.68% 28 26.32% 10 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 38
...wants me to explain my
4 answers - why I think what 86.84% 33 13.16% 5 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 38
I think.
Q5 - Class expectations

# Question Mostly True Mostly Untrue Totally Untrue Total
Students in this class treat
1 60.53% 23 39.47% 15 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 38
the teacher with respect.
My classmates behave the
2 way my teacher wants 34.21% 13 63.16% 24 2.63% 1 0.00% 0 38
them to.
Our class stays busy and
3 37.84% 14 56.76% 21 2.70% 1 2.70% 1 37
doesn’t waste time.
In this class, we learn a lot
4 75.68% 28 21.62% 8 2.70% 1 0.00% 0 37
almost every day.
In this class, we learn to
5 57.89% 22 36.84% 14 2.63% 1 2.63% 1 38
correct our mistakes.
Q6 - What is something your student teacher did to make class interesting?

What is something your student teacher did to make class interesting?

he did some activities with the lessons that we were doing.

My student teacher always related the class material to things we saw in everyday life.
Mr. Buttimer had us do a mock trial on FDR. This made us work as a big group and made us do a lot of research,
but was also not only a good learning experience, but it was enjoyable.
He took different approaches to teach us during new lessons. He would show us videos, pictures, and assigned
new and different projects.
He was very enthousiastic.
Mr. Buttimer would go about a different way of learning the material every day.
He would have us do fun activities such as the MOCK trial.
He always tied what we were learning to things that us teenagers were into.
He just seemed so energetic when he was teaching making us more motivated.
He set up a few stations and we walked around to see them. One of these stations included a video and we had to
answer questions at each station.
We did a mock trial.
He has us do things that require creativity rather than just having us read straight from a textbook.
My student teacher makes things we are learning more fun like making games to tie what we just learned.
Made some funny jokes, and included everyone.
He showed us videos and set up interesting activities based on what we were learning to help us better
understand and was a good break from just sitting and learning.
He did a court trail based off of something that happened in history which was really fun! I was a prosecuting
attorney. I got the chance to give the opening statement. We learned a lot of things and did a lot of research.
The trial about FDR and New Deal.
he did a awesome debate on the new deal and the great depression.
He had us do a trial and it turned out to be very fun.
He lets us talk about our weekend and past night.
He was very funny and would laugh and make the class laugh.
Mr. Buttimer always made class fun. I really enjoyed having him as a student teacher because he made our lessons
He related things we were learning to real life situations that we might encounter or already have.
My student teacher used real life situations to help us better understand what we were learning.
My student teacher included hands-on work such as a mock trial.
My student teacher made funny answers on a test.
He would always give us these little projects to do like make a poster, create your own poem and/or comic.
Mr.Buttimer put the lesson we were learning into a fun project.
We did many art related projects so we can tie in the culture from that time period and explain what was
happening in that time period.
We did lots of hands on activities like a mock trial which are all really fun.
Teached me and my classmates all about world-war II, and what happend alts during that time period.
Made us experience how court works.
He let us do the mock trial.
My student teacher had us do a trial and that was interesting.
Hes amazing and funny and puts up with my carziness and is overall a good teacher
Told me he ate 14 pieces of cake.
made it sow it was fun
Q7 - What is something your student teacher did to help you learn?

What is something your student teacher did to help you learn?

he had use try to keep trying to learn the second that we did and he keep asking question on it until we finally
answered them or got the question wright.
My student teacher always makes sure and asks the class if everyone is on the same page and understands the
Mr. B connected things with present day events and even things we enjoyed to help us to understand and learn
the material. He also let us get to know his interests which helped us connect with him a little more, which made
us more receptive to what we were learning.
He, again, took different approaches so we didn’t just do the same things all the time. He also made everyone
involved within the class and if you where having trouble with something, he would make sure to explain it to you
so you would understand.
He explained everything very clearly.
Would give us key information on paper.
He would explain things in a way everybody could understand and wouldn't ever make someone feel dumb if they
asked an obvious question.
He forced us to right notes even when we didn't really want to which helped us learn a lot in the long run.
Have patience with me and not rush me.
He showed us videos to go with the topics.
Let us be creative
He put tried to make us feel like we were there, and had us do a mock trial it was cool, I learned a lot.
He explained things more clearly
Involve me in the class.
He thoroughly explained background information that gave us a better understanding of the material .
He showed pictures while teaching us the lesson to help me understand. He also allowed me to come visit him
during one of my free periods to explain anything I didn't understand.
He walks around and helping students.
he went over everything we have learned before we took a test.
He talked with us about the subject, and went over it with us a few times to make sure we knew what we were
He explained things clearly.
He would try to work with me one on one if i didn't understand something.
Mr. Buttimer found videos that would go along with our lessons and we did many activities that I enjoyed and
learned a lot from them.
He did a really good job of explaining things and made jokes every so often to keep us interested.
My student teacher did a great job being a teacher because he was very factual and gave us a lot of information.
My student teacher tied what we were learning into something we could relate to that happens today.
He would make a day dedicated to studying.
He would always help us and answer our questions if we had any.

He taught me by share my opinon.

I learned a lot about the 1920 culture and the causes and effects of the depression in the United States.
He went lesson by lesson in a timeline order which connected everything that we were doing.
Teached me and my classmates what all happend in world-war II
Watched videos on things and took notes
He let us do the mock trial.
let us do the mock trial
He made class fun by talking with enthusiasm.
made it fun
Q8 - What is something your student teacher could improve?

What is something your student teacher could improve?

he could give use a little more time in between the lessons like a day or two to do something ells fun or an activity
or something and then get to the next lesson.
My student teacher usually calls on random students which can be a little annoying if you do not understand and
get called on when you do not know the answer. I think teachers should only call on people who have their hands
Mr. B could improve
He could be more specific
He could improve on making stuff less complicated.
He could give out a bit less work.
I think he could improve on giving us tests, he gave us the review sheet a day before the test so we didn't really
have enough time to learn the material \as well as we could have.
He could show more pictures and give us examples for different topics.
Less time just silently working
Once he had us guess what happened and it didn't really work, since then he has improved
Make more games to tie the unit
He could improve his test making skills because a lot of people in my class and team had to come into class on
their own time since it took too long.
I thought he was a really good teacher and was well shaped in all he taught.
Make more projects.
nothing i think he did a perfect job.
No not really he's a nice teacher and he does his job well, so what really could he improve i don't know but what i
do know is he will like being a teacher.
Helping us prepare for the test more.
He could improve on spacing the work out he gave us.
Mr. Buttimer could improve by asking easier questions in class and helping us when we don't understand a little
He could do a better job of keeping the class on track and not letting us get distracted.
My student teacher could improve upon letting us do more partner work because I tend to do better when I can
study or work with a partner because both of our ideas being imputed together makes a stronger output.
My student teacher could improve on calling on random people who seem confused or don’t quite know the
answer. He could call on people with their hands raised, then explain the question more.
Change up the projects or ask what the students like to do.
My student teacher could improve on talking louder.
My student teacher gave out a lot of paperwork and he didn’t prepare us enough for our test. All the paperwork
that we had to fill in didn’t help me study for the test it made me feel stressed. If he gave us only a couple of
worksheets and a better review sheet, that would help me a lot.
He could call on the people that were actually raising their hand. He called on people who clearly didn't know that
answer vs. the people who did.
NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [(:')]
he was great
Give less work and make the work less hard.
My student teacher could stay more on track. He could also give less of his opinion during class because it took up
nothing really
Something our teacher could improve on is giving just a little less work.
Q9 - What is one piece
of advice you have for your student teacher when they have their own class?

What is one piece

of advice you have for your student teacher when they have their own class?
to make the classes a little more fun and have fun stuff incorporate in the lesson that is being taught. .
My student teacher should keep doing exactly what he did when he taught us, because I feel as if our normal
teacher was still there, and that we didn't have a student teacher, because Mr. Buttimer was a natural at how he
was teaching.
keep your homework load the same. It wasn't overpowering yet there was still a little. Even with as little
homework as we had, we didn't forget what we had learned. And stay excited about the things you're teaching. It
made learning a little better.
make sure that you always keep in mind that students have lifes outside of school, so sometimes using different
approaches and making class more exciting would help us learn better than having homework everynight
Just be yourself :)
Be patient with the kids and good luck.
I think he should give out a bit less work and continue to do a good job explaining things clearly so everybody can
understand it.
To be as enthusiastic as he was with us with his own class and to give students sheets to study from.
Always have fun when doing your job it makes it a lot less boring and they will want to learn.
If you do a mock trial, give the students more time for preparation.
Keep things interesting and relevant, also don't pace it makes us nervous.
Use things relevant to the students to peak their interest, also stop pacing its weird.
One piece of advice to give my student teacher is always have fun
Proceed what you are doing.
To be friends with the kids because even if you are roasting them you overall make people feel comfortable and
make everyone laugh and overall like your class.
Get to know each and everyone of your students and make sure both you and your students have as much fun
while teaching/learning as possible.
keep up the great work.
i say don't give up.
Be nice especially to the kids in the back of the class or the kids having trouble, but don't push them because they
might not understand and lash out. Also don't give up on what you like because if you give up then all those years
would have been for nothing.
to keep being fun and caring
To stay laid back and keep doing what your doing
Mr. Buttimer should have patience with his students more in the future.
Don't be afraid to enforce the rules.
Make sure that you have fun with your class! They will be more intrigued if you have fun! Be sarcastic and funny
while teaching your lessons.
I would say to really encourage the class to participate, and if no one has their hand up to answer then maybe they
are confused so he should explain the question more.
Be confident and do what he does best.
Well, most kids would probably say, "What? You're insane!" or things like that. but I honestly think you should give
out more homework to help the students understand more of what is going on in the class.

But keep your sense of humor. Students love a good funny teacher.
One piece of advice for Mr. Buttmier should play more of a more fun class.
Make sure to do activities that students would want to participate in. Also to be more assertive with your rules
when teaching. I dislike when students go into other conversations when I am trying to learn. If you tell them to be
quiet then they would treat you more like the teacher.
He should give a little more of a break between projects, tests, and lessons. We would be working on a project,
and then the next day when it was due we would start something completely new and just as hard.
"You did great with me, So do a-some for them!"
keep doing you!
Don't give so much work and make it less hard.
One price of advice id give my student teacher would be to more understanding and explain things more in to
stay awesoem
Make the classes fun for everyone.
make it fun and interesting

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