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In synthesizing a linkage to generate a path, we can choose up to six precision posi-

tions along the path. If the synthesis is successful, the tracing point will pass through each
precision position. The final result mayor, because of the branch or order defects, may not
approximate the desired path.
Two positions of a four-bar linkage are shown in Fig. 11.16. Link 2 is the input mem-
ber; it is connected at A to coupler 3, containing the tracing point C, and connected to out-
put link 4 at B. Two phases of the linkage are illustrated by the subscripts 1 and 3. Points C I
and C3 are two positions of the tracing point on the path to be generated. In this example,
C, and C3 have been especially selected so that the midnormal Cl3 passes through 04.
Note, for the selection of points, that the angle C1 04C3 is the same as the angle Al 04A3,
as indicated in the figure.
The advantage of making these two angles equal is that when the linkage is finally syn-
thesized, the triangles C3A304 and CIA 104 are congruent. Thus, if the tracing point is
made to pass through C, on the path, it will also pass through C3•
To synthesize a linkage so that the coupler will pass through four precision positions,
we locate any four points CI, C2, C3, and C4 on the desired path (see Fig. 11.l7). Choos-
ing CI and C3 say, we first locate 04 anywhere on the midnormal C13. Then, with 04 as a
center and any radius R, we construct a circular arc. Next, with centers at Cl and C3, and
any other radius r, we strike arcs to intersect the arc ofradius R. These two intersections
define points Al and A3 on the input link. We construct the midnormal al3 to AIA3 and
note that it passes through 04. We locate 02 anywhere on al3. This provides an opportu-
nity to choose a convenient length for the input rocker. Now we use 02 as a center and
draw the crank circle through Al and A3. Points A2 and A4 on this circle are obtained by
striking arcs of radius r again about C2 and C4. This completes the first phase of the syn-
thesis; we have located 02 and 04 relative to the desired path and hence defined the dis-
tance 0204. We have also defined the length of the input member and located its positions
relative to the four precision points on the path.
Our next task is to locate point B, the point of attachment of the coupler and output mem-
ber. Anyone of the four locations of B can be used; in this example we use the B I position.

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