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Present Simple & Present Continuous

Nosotros usamos "present simple" tensa para hablar de una situación permanente (como
hábitos, actos repetidos y acciones).

e.g. He plays tennis, I do athletics, I watch TV, she plays computer games

Nosotros usamos el "present continuous" para situaciones no permanentes (cuando una

acción está sucediendo actualmente y no ha terminado).

e.g. He is playing tennis, I am doing athletics , I am watching TV, she is playing

computer games

Cuando hablamos de la frecuencia con la que hacemos algo, usamos el "present simple"
(usando “Frequency adverbs” sometimes, never, always, often, rarely, usually)

e.g. I usually play tennis, I always do athletics, I sometimes watch TV, I rarely play
computer games

Activity - Underline the present simple in red and the present continuous in blue:

This is my dog, his name is Harvey. He is

quite small and has lots of brown fur. I
always walk him every day in the park or
forest. He chases the birds and plays with the
other dogs. He likes swimming in lakes and
ponds too.

He sometimes plays with footballs but usually

his favourite is the toy pig. He eats once a day,
but sometimes twice. At Christmas, he likes
eating cake and chicken and sleeping by the
fire! He also loves playing in the snow.

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