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Great British bucket list!

Buying a holiday home, driving Route 66 and a trip to the Maldives top list of
things to do before we die (but 60% will never get round to them)
 2,000 Brits quizzed on things they want to do before they die
 Floating in Dead Sea, riding in hot air balloon, and Pyramids all feature
 Going up Eiffel tower, whale watching and climbing mountain on list


1. Have a holiday home abroad 2. Learn a new language 3. Go on holiday to the Maldives 4. Buy a house
5. Swim with dolphins 6. Drive Route 66 7. Ride a hot air balloon 8. See the Egyptian Pyramids 9. Go to a
casino in Las Vegas 10. Visit Venice 11. Go up the Empire State Building 12. Go on a cruise 13. Go whale
watching 14. Climb a mountain 15. Go up the Eiffel tower 16. Learn an instrument 17. Work in a different
country 18. Float in the Dead Sea 19. Write a novel 20. Drive a racing car 21. Change career 22. Trek the
Inca Trail 23. Be a volunteer for a good cause 24. Be an extra in a film 25. Go scuba diving 26. Try out
surfing 27. Hold a Koala 28. Feed a penguin 29. Get a tattoo 30. Backpack Europe 31. Own a designer
watch 32. Ride a gondola 33. Run a big race 34. Bungee jump 35. Reach the top of my career ladder 36.
Own a Mulberry handbag 37. Ride a camel 38. Ride on a horse and cart 39. Write a film 40. Change hair

Write below three things that have already done -


Three things you would like to do before you die -


Three things that you think are unusual and would not be chosen by people in your country –


Now get ready to interview people from your country and find out the top 5 things they would like
to do before they die:
Student A Student B Student C

Article –

Buying a holiday home, a trip to the Maldives and swimming with dolphins are all top of the average British
person’s bucket list. Driving Route 66 in America, a romantic trip to Venice and marvelling at the Egyptian
Pyramids also featured in the top 40 things people would most like to do before they die. Floating in the Dead
Sea, riding in a hot air balloon, and taking in the view from the top of the Empire State Building also made it on
to the checklist of must-do experiences. The desire to learn a new language also scored highly, with almost a
third of those surveyed eager to improve their linguistic skills. The survey reveals that alongside more
materialistic wishes a significant 60 per cent simply want to stay as healthy as possible.
The study of 2,000 people, commissioned by Engage Mutual, found the average person holds 16 key dreams
they want to achieve in life. However, 60 per cent concede that realistically they will never get close to
achieving the majority of their aims with many not having ticked anything off their bucket list for at least six
months. The study also found swimming with dolphins is a dream for more than a quarter of us, taking in the
sights of Paris from the Eiffel Tower is also among the top 40 bucket list dreams. Self- improvement was
another common theme among the bucket list items, with the desire to learn an instrument an ambition in
common for 17 per cent, while volunteering for a good cause is important for 14 per cent.

Spokesman Engage Mutual said: ‘The results reveal a colourful array of aims and ambitions that many of us
hope to fulfil during our lives. ‘Many seek to ensure things are in place for a comfortable retirement during
which they can help children and grandchildren achieve their own aims.
‘But many feel they won't be able to fulfil all of these dreams, blaming their financial positions for holding
them back.’ When reflecting on their lives so far people were most likely to say the financial side of life was the
area that hadn't gone as well as planned with 40 per cent wishing they were better with money. Retirement is
a key focus with half of respondents aiming to ensure theirs is as comfortable as possible, something which
becomes even more of a priority the closer it gets. A third of respondents cite the ability to leave their children
with a property or good inheritance as their biggest goal with their remaining time. Yet 48 per cent of those
still working worry they have not set themselves up financially or saved enough. Work-life balance also proves
elusive - more than a third feel they have got the balance wrong.
Mutual added: ‘Finding the balance between financial security to ensure your later years are comfortable,
while making sure life is lived and experienced fully today is a challenge. ‘But planning for the good times and
the not so good times will always be a better option than burying our heads in the sand

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