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ED 302

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TY Unit Scheme of Work incorporating Technical Graphics and Mathematics

Mark Halton, Aileen Collins, Aoife Nolan, Ciarán Porter, Connor Jennings & Paul Connaughton
Title of Transition Unit
Amalgamation of Mathematics with Technical Graphics, to promote the use of key skills in
The goal of our module designed for use in the Transition Year course is for students to build a
“chain reaction pin board”, similar to the image shown on the cover page of this paper. This will be
combined with mathematical content in an innovative and creative way. We aim to give students the
mathematical tools necessary to estimate the time it will take the ball to complete its journey
through taking appropriate measurements and apply suitable theory and formulae. The students will
then examine whether their estimate coincides with their recorded measurement and investigate
the factors why this did or did not take place. We believe this will encourage student’ curiosity and
encourage critical thinking and subject interest which they can take with them to the Leaving
Certificate cycle and beyond.

Areas of Study

● Technical Graphics
● Mathematics
● Material Technology Wood
● Applied Mathematics
Literacy Strategies
● Students will label the sheet in the title box of their working drawings.
● Word Wall
● Annotate Drawings
● Insure correct spelling of key terms
● Emphasise correct grammar
● Word based problems
Numeracy Strategies
● Constant use of measurements including distance, speed and time.
● Recognition of numerical patterns and relationships.
● Timekeeping.
● Convert m to mm.
● Using different scales e.g. 1:5, 1:10
● Work out dimensions.
● Calculations of specific angles and measurements not given in the question.
● Accuracy of drawings.

Oracy Strategies
● Students answer questions posed by the teacher orally.
● Students will repeat new terminology and phrases on a regular basis.
● Ice breakers, students talk about themselves.
● Teaching strategies such as “think, pair, share” and “jigsaw”.
● Peer learning.
● Group discussions.
● Correct use of grammar in the class.
● Presentation of work

Graphicacy Strategies
● Students will gain understanding of both distance-time graphs and velocity-time
● Models
● Graphic Models
● Animated PowerPoints’

Differentiation Strategies
Gender Inclusion:
● Seating plan
● Gender neutral drawings and problems
Multicultural inclusion:
● Translation of key words
● Seating plan
Special Education Needs:

● Off white background for all works demonstrated on projectors.

● Sloped desks for dyslexic students.
● Equipment storage labelled with pictures and words.
● Routines and schedules will be put in place where possible and kept to
ensure repetition.
● Group work.
● Seating plan.
● 1 to 1 instructions if necessary.

● PowerPoints’ composed in Comic Sans Font to aid those with reading
Mixed Ability Teaching Strategies:
● Prepare extra work for students who complete work swiftly.
● Seating plan
1. Those who have completed the Junior Cert T.G. course shall be
seated next to those who have not.
2. Encourage peer-to-peer learning.
● 1 to 1 instructions.
Related Learning
● Introduction to Applied Maths Leaving Certificate Curriculum
● Introduction to Design Communication Graphics Leaving Certificate
● Revision of Junior Certificate Technical Graphics Curriculum.
● Revision of Junior Certificate Mathematics Curriculum.

Link to Transition Year Guidelines

This unit draws on certain areas from both the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate syllabi for a
multiple of subjects, which are listed above. However, the content contained in this scheme of work
is not limited to this. Our aim was to link various aspects of course content in an innovative and
exciting way. The Department of Education and Skills state that “The programme content for
Transition Year, while not absolutely excluding Leaving Certificate material, should be chosen largely
with a view to augmenting the Leaving Certificate experience, laying a solid foundation for Leaving
Certificate studies.”

The aims of this Transition Unit scheme is to…
● Introduce students to various technical graphics equipment.
● Develop students’ psychomotor and visuospatial skills.
● Improve students’ problem solving skills.
● Seek to stimulate the interest and enthusiasm of the pupils in identifying problems
through practical activities and investigating appropriate ways of solving them.
● Guide the pupil towards increased confidence with maths.
● Develop students practical understanding of the role of technology in today’s world.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the Transition unit students will be able to...

● Identify technical graphics equipment and its uses.
● Use psychomotor and visuospatial skills to problem solve.
● Think independently and solve problems.

Key Skills
● There will be mixed capabilities of skills on the mathematics side as there are students
who have both completed higher level and ordinary level.
● There will also be mixed ability students on the technical graphics side of the subject as
some students have an understanding of the subject up to junior cert while others won’t
even have a basic understanding.

 Information processing

● Communication- By working in groups students will be left to figure out how to

communicate with one another effectively.
● Being personally effective- Students will have to voice their own opinions and some
students will realise they may have a flare for tech graphs, woodwork or even maths
without having realized before.
● Critical and creative thinking – Students will have to figure out how to create the project
by working together and critically thinking about the different types of methods.

● Working with others- this will be reinforced with the use of group work.
Information processing
Developing this key skill will help students become more effective learners in an information
intensive environment. This includes the specific skills of accessing, selecting, evaluating and
recording information.
Critical and creative thinking
Developing this key skill will help students be more aware of different forms and patterns of
thinking so that they can become more skilled in higher order reasoning and problem
Developing this key skill will help students become better communicators who are able to
use a variety of media, and to recognise how communication methods influence their own

understanding and knowledge. Specific skills include reading, expressing opinions, writing,
making oral presentations, analysing visual forms and so on.
Working with others
Developing this key skill will highlight the role that working with others has for learning and
for achieving both collective and personal goals. Students will gain some appreciation of the
dynamics of groups and the social skills needed to engage in collaborative work. 14
Being personally effective
Developing this key skill will help students to grow as persons, to become more self-aware,
and to develop personal goals and life plans. As well as giving students specific strategies
related to self-appraisal, goal setting and action planning, an important dimension of this
key skill is to enable young people to act autonomously according to personal identities and
personal values.

Assessment Strategies
● The students who have studied technical graphics up to junior cert can assess and
give feedback to the students who are new to the equipment.
● For the students to complete the final project, they must be able to use their
psychomotor and visuospatial skills.

We believe that students’ who undertake this module as part of the TY programme will gain
a strong insight into how both Mathematics and Technical Graphics extend to beyond the
narrow confines of both their junior certificate and leaving certificate textbooks. It will have
allowed them to show creativity and initiative in ways which they may not have had to
chance to show up to this point in their journey through secondary school. In many schools,
the transition year programme offers students an opportunity to display their work to their
peers, family and friends usually in the form of an end of year parents’ night. We would
hope that students would be proud of their work and be eager to discuss their findings with
their peer group and family. We believe the completion of an innovate and interactive
module such as would benefit students greatly in their completion of the senior cycle and
even further into their educational future.



Week Lesson / Topic Teaching Strategies Assessment Strategies Resources

1 Give the brief Digital visual aids will be used to both inform Students will be encouraged to give oral ● PowerPoint
students of the brief and to inspire students of feedback regarding the brief and the ● Projector
the creative possibilities they can use. teacher can assess whether the brief was ● Youtube Clips

2 Key Mathematical Skills A strong link to real world application of Students will be given a worksheet based  PowerPoint
velocity time graphs will be used to aid student activity in groups and will be asked to  Worksheets
understanding of the concept. justify their answers to the rest of the class.  Mini Whiteboards
Peer to peer learning is encouraged.
3 Key Mathematical Skills Again, links to real world applications will be Students will be given written to be  PowerPoint
used to ensure student understanding of the completed in class and as homework.  Worksheets
topic. Think, pair, share will also be used to  Mini Whiteboards
assess student learning.
4 a) Formative Formative Assessment will take place in the Assessment will take place in the form of  Written Class Exam
Assessment form of a short written exam followed by class the written exam, which will be problem  Large A1 sheets on
b) Brainstorming discussion. In the second class, students will solving based, so students will learn skills which students can
Feedback brainstorm in groups ways of approaching the as they are assessed. brainstorm on
5 Introduction to TG Proper use of the TG equipment and ability to Use Vygotskys theory of ZPD to arrange an ● TG equipment
construct detailed drawings to a high standard appropriate seating plan – so that a ● Animated
student that has done TG before are sitting PowerPoint
beside a student maybe doing it for the ● Seating Plan
first time: peer learning
6 Line differentiation Demonstrate differences between the different Peer assessment – students will examine ● Sample drawings
types of lines and possess an understanding of and grade other students drawings, while ● Worksheets
why they are important in completing a outlining any mistakes so that the owner
knows where exactly mistakes were made

detailed drawing (inclined lines/hidden ● Different weighted
detail/construction lines/centre lines) pencils e.g. 2H, 5B

7 Angles Students will be using peer learning strategies. Teacher will be monitoring the class room ● PowerPoint
The students who have completed technical while giving individual feedback to ● Understanding
graphics up to junior cert will pair up with a students. Teacher will correct the students Technical Graphics
student who hasn’t and help them through the in class work and give feedback. Book
topic. The teacher will teach it first and let the ● Worksheets
students help each other then with a question.
8 Sketching and Brainstorming Students get their ideas on to paper working in Teacher will be monitoring each groups ● PowerPoint
groups made by the teacher, considering what progress in the classroom giving constant ● Projector
they learned in both maths and technical feedback, making sure students are staying ● Paper
graphics. Rolls in the group will be assigned to on task and checking to see if their
give each person a sense of accountability. (No calculations are correct.

9 Final Working Drawings In assigned groups, students finalise their Teacher will monitor the classroom and ● Visualizer – for peer
designs and construct a working drawing to a also take up drawings to grade assessment of
high standard Students will also have to provide proof of drawings
calculations which support their drawing – ● Sample working
Students will also need to hand up a cutting list the maths supporting the design must be drawing
proven before construction can begin
10 Key Mathematical Skills Students will be grouped together my means of Teacher will ask students questions.  Worksheet
a weak student and a strong student. We are Students will complete a homework sheet  Mathematics copies
going to encourage the idea of guided to on the mathematics they have already
discovery and peer-to-peer learning. completed during this module.

11 Maths/ Technical Graphics Students will each create a kahoot based on Students will complete the kahoot in  Kahoot
mathematics and technical graphics theory. groups which will allow the teacher to  Computers
assess their learning progress to date.
12 Construction Students will receive a sheet of MDF – students Compare working drawing to the drawing ● Large TG equipment
must then transfer the drawing details onto on the board – ensure all measurements ● MDF boards
this board – before getting the ‘okay’ to start are accurate – this is done through peer ● Sample finished
the construction process assessment project
13 Construction Demonstrations will be given on the various Higher order questions during the ● PowerPoint – hand
tools and machines needed demonstrations along with classroom tools and machines
Students then begin constructing their chain monitoring to ensure correct practice is to complete project
reaction system being demonstrated
14 Construction Students test their projects – adjust any Higher order questioning on why certain ● Stop watch
imperfections as they see fit parts failed to operate as estimated ● Worksheets – to
(friction between ball and wood – calculate the mean
faster/slower? Why?) results

15 Surface preparation (sanding) Compare the results of speed tests in ● PowerPoint – types
Finishing Different examples of finishes will be presented relation to the different types of finishes. of finishes
by the teacher – also discuss how these finishes Sensory assessment of the different ● Examples of different
may affect the estimated speed of the ball finishes – how does it feel? finishes
16 Presentation By having assigned groups previously, this class Peer-to-peer assessment will be used as it PowerPoints and materials
will be used to present the projects. will encourage peer to peer learning. used to create the project.

Image 1:

Department of Education and Skills, (n.d.). Transition Year Programmes – Guidelines for Schools. Dublin, p.2.



Evidence of Collaboration



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