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Jaro, lloilo Crty

Ju s Doctor

Handouts/Wo*shop No. I Data Colleclion Tochniqueg

Th6 tm rdalateleB b any kirB ot iniomation ]earcheG obiain d t'e

subjed3, €spondont or panidpanls ofa study. n 6.5rdl data a€ 6n.ccd
6lim or objed Es oa ihe stuy

Som. .reEpl. ol GdEh d't .6:

> DemogGphicintomaion such a33g€ sx. hoehdd sia dvilstrlus

sdrs Lr€d of prlcp.ron 1sc

housing ondilion .nd lh. lik€

ch6 {tde csE or Esulls or laborarory

examinar on and dini€l obsNauon

> Glad6 or r.tin$ obtaimd irom records or foms,

stions reqardim .tilud4 lwar& and

Ttrl.s oa R$earch Drto
tcnc6llv da3ified .nhDr
qDlln(n€ nxndon dren em.

Qatntndna r,.t Q@thotir. Dttit

,\ !ud. nar b. intnded !o preiis qHnEdx firdinls
or bo$
"r1\. 'nr.m5uon
_{.lutrnrit n. d.ra drc inroi,nalioD qtuch en h. .ounkn
.\pR\.,1 nr nnnericaL rrtrs "l

,Qualn.dte dr.r ee desxprne i.fomarion which M! nd

trrrnrhs annud* rorards or perceprion of somlninE. prc€s;
Ecd,n \(oniplin.n-! ma i,ir\ d t..on' . e\per ence\.
or.5 id.a abou! .ctuin con..pc. sitution, or
ph.non.\on lik. drus,b6., rrmirr, llmnins, batrsat
juiiceslskm,ud sround{onom). Fxul h asrnmB
. Pr t^ ,tht !^ondatt Dtu |
-'l o'o..!i
+, 1,,,i',.- ll'h.,,,b t,oll"lkd i
lh cddr,'\ ,b".'t
,[{|'ll4li'.prcplele",oiobn',, 'onl]r

anrc.s Lil.. a..1 censuses. or ddh collecled by larre scal. nariond q

|. d \n[\ne\s. such m a-si.ulture d indun,) suoeyi d.mo36rhii1
Tc.hniqu.s of Coll€.tins Quantitatire Data
, !o. e.' d... dep. (L rr !!,. un rle
D .iddd ,r1 0[+,edsr,o,,?.. ,.eo d,,, q4d- bnn!b.ut.c

...\!. o' ron' ho,.Lr t---, brJo!.nr.

.,..h.,.,.,...h"n. .,lecrinE.Todd
cole.rns pl' :4 q.,r' \e
.ed qu.{ionn'ir. md rhe ftu.rumd
inrr.i{tr. Qfdn{iye nrtoLiDrioi hav also he coneded rrcm sc.ondsry
iurlr ..i1i.c narnrs{Fishcr. er rt. t99t)
!tun.. \hich obraindata bJ ,n$iclins p.ople or br
iltrrnnri"! ruliionnatr$ whcn rh. p.opt!

\,4!. thi|,4t..t Q rtrtouittc

rlu.! ionMirs ii. disdbuled ro rhc rcspondenh sho \rir. rhqf
io apropiarc iD fie quslomrt(
i$.irdrlr ., tr aurho.zcd indniduat
r.rr,r\ ot i setf-.\dmjn ered Que{ionmnc
-r Qrcn nmines ar. !i1cn ro dre LelpoDd.nrs
i i r\rr dr. qu6rions rem<etres
.rQtr.lonsaDd Nkudions ire addr.$.d 10

,'l n,r,riotrs otr Lrn ro a.condislr rhe (

Advrnrryes or Usi4 ! Selr-rdnin,li.r.d Qu6iionnaire

I A *ltudmiindcd quedoman. is les exPedive per

I A quevionniif EquiEs les tinc sd 1es skills for data galhenns

1 q\ieh,l ntluence isavoded.

o .h,I bfro'e 6n'/er .g R6u $'r r'

Di$dranrlg* ol! S.lGrdminist!r.d Queiionnri..

oi or rh @mn kro q(''oT! '' T t \e
L"',, *':-,&,d{s-{e!.1,oa. u Jr'r k.' m50p€r4r

r. induded in rhe smpl. n+ nor be repe*nbti\c ofrh'

popularon b.ins nudi.d

| ' -i' dvl o' .ldnr) q '

5. QuesDManes cmot be u*d on illildsle respondent

b e'N'oenF L'o tmed b_

el {o \ { ; doo ll. F F"o€rr. r
4,ompl h'dque(omd'c fte.e ae,sled m,iledqu'nionnr' '
lhe ol riiled qu.sriomid is $e high non{'sFolse
de. O kn hl, r'0 cto n'r.e i' oordned \.e4 due' io mi-'
rerrr.o n-e .o\ rc'; ' EF 31etu ne'r!f.enau,ene'so ''' dmph
s d - d)'ede, h' !31 di'. o' th..'no rss q'''onable.
SrDdured inehi.$ hvonc a f,c.ro_ta.e inrtuiion berweqr
'!l " o'..'o'
- 1d 'h. r.\.-e)
,i I - ..i.,e 1 ..!.,J
3^ fte
flenxed i.' ,mertr rhnh,_!rl€d
F. ur.'orr Sr.udurd rnhni.$
'.1 k'\ -
I R.spdlLlerns are 4ked lhe dacl qFnlons A torntrlared aiit $
-r Irntu.tro's lbr inlenie\er on boi quejions slrolld bc
a,d l,r\! an$le't aE ro b! recorded aE incoDojaEJ I rhr

Adrann'g( of f,.e.o re.e Inrenidr

I llr i,ren rstr/inltnigaror .,r obf.t dE boJy hneuase orl]le

I Il,. neLvilwer .m probe for cl iii.,lion of mblluous Fjlonsrs

I lden,.wn efecrire inl rmi lncr{e ori[]r6k Eslondcn$.
J 11,.e\peded respotr* mre in m i dru ishish

h !h e pr iJ lr hrlau,e ot kret!o I

r sriirLci inr^E!w;n,cqurd j,aiDitr! h needed ror drose $ho

lark erperietr.e and/or rhose sno are noId s*itlcd incoftl,rcntrq
i,n{Li.\s Er.n skiltcd inrder*. ,"q,jE,g o"
rs|td: ol d,u colhcrion pecuuar io rpani!utarDro]ed
t€r j'
llorv lo Conduca Int€rvieYs
Inleivi.trsmu beconducred by coDpetenr md skilled
i,reni.\er sno sde5knd dEpullos ofthc ny and thc rask rhel are
.xredcd ti accomphh

I to.arthe su^e) reslondetrr.

I arbhin pemn$iotrro.ondd rhcinc^i.w.
J \sk theitlciioos.
r te.od rhe ai$vc6 given bt .he responde$ !s in$
l. L..nthtq tlt. :u,ye! rcsPo ll.rx
lhe derE\er.atr lo.ale Rspondens Llnh d. r$n6n.e of
5oDrnne\hoktrorr rhe r.spoide r

LL'aQnn rnncv.118inre'vie
.1li.rls or lrldm to help locale respoMenr

lI ar oLcelzaiion or islnudon. rhe i'neLviervercer requen

isihre tod a hmw,resor.e dep,rhed pcrtumcl{tro.!n
no, de tr lisr ol anploleB ,nd help idediry th.respnndenb ln
i.l'oLl sd,n35.1herea.hfl s a,
rLel,id.iliflnude .respondlnl5
), Obton'n'g p. tissio locotd"ct tu. nnettie|
oo. tnm' io o.un!u! .'.'.(\.iu
I e,u ho'' I ,.. o-
lo., official. a head ol oii.e. r, ! relch.i d a
.,, r r- o g, fl
L) E\efl ddn ualhasrhe ighl io pnmq 3id rhcjtlore, has th. d8hr
r, srnle o. widrnok
Trrc dern\.r nun i nn the
rr rcnre b lTntrip.r LnrlriuJf'e
pennission loL an inr. ie!, the inteflie*er msi
iitoduc. himclilsselr and the imiiturion or orEmiation h.rshe
EpEsen6. Ilen hchhc p.oeeds to e4lain rh. purPot or olrjectvcs
oftbr nudy d horv rhe fspondcnt *as klected.

qucsions inthc inreNn* {hednle mun b.6ked as sequcnrd ald

b) \h.f .sknrg queiions. rhe inr

\ith rr Esponden. md hscn liih rreren ro lhat the tr

n L!,e ireNtrle,slrcdd aroid arguios \irh dre respotuleni .En

1,. dies ml aeLce \irh lrhat the 1anff is sainrg

ou "ou po' ..d d Pr -'J " '

Nfl' e\ 'i.
Hehhe mN give$e respodal.noush tiN ro an$\.'

rl lhe trrer nrtL tru! n,lc $n e thar al1 applirible qustions mc

i:k!d md aElcrcd br rhc rcspondetri Tobesn€ol
Ihis.rhe in1.^ie\ermunrvi.$theinnrum.nfor!o pletenssand
.onnlcncv bcloE.nd'nc!n int sier or belore hivin€ rhe aea

1. R?L.tdirB thea sversgh?n btth. tuspor.lents os intuaden

O Rsfdns b alL qrniom Drt be Florded velbatim ihc sraces

1)lo\ Ldrd in th. inl.^ierv (hedule

bl Ih! \rit.ans*eF roqnciioDs lelibly

be.larifi.d berorc e' d nsr
Ot[€r Qu.n litarivc Datr thatR€seor.heh Ih.
l\!o orhn kinds of qunrirarilB dara
sstr r. ldisrcs md scondrri dara.

5o1i.c d!ftlics rfe6 to infomaiion gencftred br orsanialionJ

or asen.ies r'oL un lem r us Ex Dles: modahy mr. bn1h nE
nDrl.idir\ nL. lild lhe Depdnr orHcslrhi lmdouerhrp. l3trd u:!.
! oli ir, hLe lct produlnor rmn rhe Depmen' or A3r1!u rff.
rdun! dils'lrcm rhe Drpdmer otTrade md rndun_ ed educadon
oer ,. L. Leodn e,Ior'.u..,.on hrqJ"t.j;{,.,.e.h, ,.
. o pm :' un deomor s o. ho. fte d"" reft

Hor .o Rerri{Yeseni(. srr.isri.s

- s$L!. safiri$ mar b: Equened tom

Lluoulh protcr merN Omcial pemission
rltr radolotfi.e o' L\noer n iDrhorisd
rhc (s or rhe inforndion
..Re! , nm orrcq,, renrfli. ru, bein'po,ed

EcloE reri.\ins &e dlra needed from docmenN. rhe Fse chu
tr,u'r. e,kofl'n. ro , hcJab o., p".tcp,@e1oh.
r,e r,..doIolI.e or heper{n,n \hree or I r ddk

SlcotrJ4- &h ar eristing inrordarion llom .ensuses, nariomt

, , d oll
-,.r q..odd-.d.'r.,..". ! le,m. ",Md;.
i oe u"d o. h -tr1
:urrpl.D$r drla .olleGd tor ajudv.

vdm.s of dab on Fopnlarionj b6incs, heatd\ t hity plaains,

I d o, dak. d- ol(red on, ,.sutr hd . thc{
neuotu' n' ofiie d ,4 bc rjtrr
tr\anPtes of se(o .D.D.r,

" Dar on poputaiion and housins noD ihe Ndionat slal (ii. s otli.e
D Dala on fanill ptamingpnc!.c, reprodndire h.alrh. ilmuE oo
sruri') rron &. Nalioial Healrh and DenoEraphic

N!1nrml Prcducr (cNp) rroh lhe Depantu.d oa r;ad; bd rndusr:-

o - \u{\ ) o- u eo ro, .o f3 !...e
ol a courfl. demou,Dhic md h.alrh swevs or difftrfln
.ou ris .m be a sood sourc, oa da6 ror rcEDn;l .r
.otr,p:risotr or deiroEraptu and heatrh indicaroB or corela.on
3nr1r sn .l raious facroh.

1€rhniqu€s i" Coll.crins euatirariv€ Dlta

O I !' .. -po'oa.he. tue o,e e +o qhen

o,[u. tu idit,r.," D"' o 0".".- ,.*r"..i

o uhd a,r.uo-.i,e,o. ,d."ore. d

r.mDron re io.d?Drh rknrs 60N

obscnxrion d.onreu h lsi
htde\h I lenity l

r -d"o'i,n.,\rr, .s.o
rne D.ob,ns,a.. it - j.e ",,:rrg
Fr e.e.
e d'out g.iJe o.s e o sene !.e ,o1. onc
ole o" "
ci're ".1!d ae"o to on p
Enrpl. l. Ir ! study rbo don6ti.rioLa.., -llh. vlcrlm ar
k.v ltrlormrDr. I hs iDhn r$.' n4 L
men lnve rhe riEhr ro dhciprine
th.n uives. Dorou share {he s e 6erieJr (Probel vhy

''wl,n do rou onsider s a violent a.r?" (PFbe) Cmyou

gneme*anllds ofacts qhicn you6bid* a violenl?
IIi,. \ou soueh, hetp lhciyoutr.bEen? FromxLond'd
)o{as}l,e n. w!reyouable ro Per

a !( udtr rorrrdr chf,r'nc

drlq Ei.h t,d,.6!!key inlomlnr, the int 'f,

"wl,\ do rou rh I sn]dents .h{? (Prcbt) C6 }ou eiplain

$1,,r yo! nem hy .habl?,.
''ls d'cariiErmpad in youclas$? How dnpsris i1?
(P,obe) why G rhis so2'

rr,nnl. r lnr{ud\ oD h! hequrne rDong{uJ.ih. rhr

r{.ucn.r rmy a*l
''ln | [om do you onen snd rexr msss3es? Whr ljnd of
ncsa!$ do you usuaily scnd?
"$Lar benefiBdo youddve tioB (*tnesEinE? Is rexr
heJ:as,ns hszardons? wtr? ercbe tor rhe hffi&).

"Do ) on thi.I toesasinE should be allor.d in c t6sooms?

\Lhr', \Ll,ar aF iis 3danue*? Wharabouidisadlaniases?
Focus Gtotp Disussiot (FGD)
A,l!Dj "ndom, .lotho'.u"on'o'hr ImslnJ b"
d' i",,, i, dide,.lie cLid3nteofr mode6b' o eJ'ao' 4ll
'.i6 '2i
. , "p., ", ,1.p"*;.
[o' . oeriled rrgd Doouls 'o1' o e ur'ro

rCD d.ri 'car pm(de tlanrell qui'k

que!1orN J aE onetr red h lhe lonrulaion
lune$ al! drsiFed or lo d ily ambuuous sL^tv

rd rocrn-d . roi rdeer Plpu'r'on e

erlm lo "-'
d opprcp0trE'; F..inr, ]Do n' r' in' iad'jon
of u erp.amnhl design (AIDSCAP, IHl, 19s4)

Sotuc t.arurcs DI FGDS

->FCDpdi.ipmt m puposivelv seledcd iion a defincd 6-9'r

poL,nrfuonirho* oDGi; dd ide6 d rcGvdt iorh'rcs rh
-> UnBllr more thatr one FGD is neceser'r 10 co\er rhe
' ,ar-Ee of paniciPdrns chdaciErisucs aud issu6. 'deqnatelr

4 b{L!!r uP o.' -s'

" ;r,,.. - "d-J^eda-ousro
ei rP d,''o
- rhe tGD ra:irirdd ':dn'iotes pericipm6 ro tal[ ro each orher
abDur a c{6in rsue^opicJ rdn drn to ralk to the roderaror'

Ilh rnd HoN to Use IGDS

.ro bJ kY
r '' '\' diotr rno lon
rBasrh l93r Dalson. c1 rl.1993!Scr4sh:$.er al.199l ci1cd1in
* \[]sa\P. FHI.199ll
so'n. Uscs or Fo.u. Group Dn.u$ion (FcD./

t lo.bhii, muo reiclions to o 6suc Nhichc

\nh i'rclvic$ resrons.s fo fsplndens i. rhe
L To detennine gro.p ra ions ro a cenain pbtr&l
I A: 6asis lnr deklopire lNpo$efs forla4rt$ndnsl
'I As basis i', dNelopDg suse\ fthmcnB. srh rs tnlr,,-.
sc rlluhs and qu.niontuircs Ideasrads tul cont out dmna j:
FGQ5 .an b. used as ,.sponsc .u.goies for inle^'.\ 3ih.Ju].!
ri,r qu6rionnans and ii decidin-q dE la,gnage consnrent \ h
rI n h.riliifutrd{nandablc 10 rhr rspoM.nt:
To r\pli'n and i eryr1 moE tullr Esuhs ol sune\s anJ .11'er

6 45.66n ind.\elopnrg.tnin!, aDdr.nrinc edu.arional'n$!rse!

b. b snaatie hryr poPtknon,

to e
t'n'B.rtdpttodnkIot tqiishllpotABf in
,in td a.tirn.' (,IIDS..1P, IHI' t9to

I l,e lnvoh.d in.onducling m FGD are descri6ed helor

l. D!t! tin.nttp tp6? of nle FcD. clerly define the iene!

qknion orp,oblm. Dct minc !h. tl p. or infomiton ro be
I r.d ,.d,e rr.$e r'oprp'u-.rS. . DpB -,Dd.
a Dozlop a bri. sri<l. A ropi. guide 6egtu lilh a sund,y
n*nE oI lhe isrs dd objedivs of rhe discu$ions h
i',rl des (he o'e's 1o bc $ed by the modeDror o r itcilikror
rrfir*. pEpare ahiof lopi.s orqncsrionare ro becov{rd by
rhe FGD The ropics should be bed on .he $udy obleuivcs
'i d r$reed fon' ecncml ro speific
b) nN. e ftare a ldor po$,bl. prcbins quesiions which will
b. Lsed if rhe inldLn ion siven is noi clerr. .omplere.

.r Asigrr6u3hrim.e imde lor @h toric ro male sure dril

xd{ur. lime n allo&d ro(hebpics ro be dis.used. based
on Dioris and.onplexi!_
Lhe s!lde bero( .oidrr ie ri rr!iL

R.c tit the FcD pa i.ipaft. The r)pe ofpaniciprb tu a EGD

iJ Jerc,inined b) the nabE ol the p&j.ct or poblem bGD:
! id fGD panicip b should ha\e nore or 1es smlJr
.haide,dics Ir rcftitinE rCD Danicipmt.
r{somnr knotrs rhe brgd porularion should bc co.suhed rn
rsked 1o I'elp rdenrit .ligiblc pa i.ipab
sttud nd tuh tlE to.le no* nn./ r'sJrrrana rGD modeturo6
t ,!(, sr . egeli.
iliFkDdi!. br finn md good lislene^ They mus fie,efore.
ntrder go tai',in-q to derelop or e'rhame thcir facililaring 3k k

Cl,rrrd.rkri.s ofa Good Moderntor (AIDSCAP, FHI, 19911

5, I'hh ttt. t@isti.r Lo{iti.s inmlves sh.dnl. ofFGDs, venne,
pENLatiotr ofmatriats. sd orher pEplEboN hplamins
loini.s &e resa,cher nue
!) rl.d th3 daE md rin. for ihe FGD.

b) s(led atr rcD siG rhsr is accessibk,, non

c) ulpar rhe mdr. nb needed. s

., JraP.E. !.J eith bane,i$.

! lrni.ipanb :hould be seatd nr a circul amDsemem !' rri

1Ls.rn $e md hBtr etch oder The niod{alor op€ns 'rln l
t,i;f sduction ro pd dre pdiicipant at ear, eiablrhe' 'br
!,.nnd n']es. and.llo\5 Lappon ro devclopb..reen t[e m.J'd'r
;d the sFuD. th.n. hehhe explai's $e objcc vs orrhe FG')
\ l,at n exp€ds io and ho$ the FcD i(ll be.onddei
b. Ihe moderalor rhen asks rhe pdicip rs to intod!.e themvh'r
i. rhe e,oup. when hchhe senses rhar lne soup membfls re
rLmdy feeling ar eas., h.hhe .m $d skins qu.$ions thar all
nenb.' s of llle gmup can .asily asxr
dndBsio.. thc modemior should encolLage
N lici;dnn b, 6kiis ior trcdonsorBharrhetthinl xbout the
s$je.i bei.e di$ssed rhe modeEror $'iches out for porenial
Ooblms Md inntdiarclt corech rhem Suchpoblemsf
I ) panicrprtr6 iho nFel)' zsree uith lhe optuions rorced bv

tre$1vely posirive or n.g2rirc. and

r)plnlcipsn6Nno a'eEry.Lirical d hosrrle b anv Fdi+m1
Preparing the FGD Guide

'i,.i.-p,.." ou-r n a'"a. ob'.o\'''a rr''rcD

o e' fi nre l''D
, -:'. ,;i;;.;"",,.. .;o" do'"ro d o' '"d 'h'
qu$ri.ns b rhe rCD Pdicipais
'c si d'Peno' o. r' o_' E 4r $
'".';' '"" P'Re r' 'o drPr-'J9hr 4e
,;. ,,,.0 -" u' iPinr"l-o db' 'rer'
th. tr,id FGD nrnicipant

St.Ds itrPrePsrins,n FCD Guid€

rA,lapled lrom AIDSCAP. FEl. 199'l)
DdcmN ndt sh b:.ksrcmd rrormatretr tr meded lrom
menG du bg rh' se$rur

I PfFre a Id ol lopi9s fion L\' BoE genud

I censde a lisr ar Debing
rh$e qnerions viu b€
!i!en 6) ihc pdicipes


.ompl$iry. 3 roulh Lim.


Otina.on is as they

a merhod used !o nudy social
happen. Thn n mor .omonly used in frtuorolo$ rhs in my o&tr
lleld Usually. rhe mle ,$med by rhe Gea(hq is rhal of a r&rcir r
ol}.ner. Br obseniing pcople Dd idsracring sirh rheft. lhs reseai.hdL is
,li . ro ar oid rhe dincialiry ol an ex!€nmenral desilr md witor,l
s.liis olx rucllred inrri.N ((degel,1937,in S.hun,1999)
Dr.d obseMlioi .o Ce.nar. bo$ qumrcfie rd qurra.r.
d& \ei1 tained ob3erveE or andUsts md prulonged p€nod ra
l1 Eq\LiEs
oh!.'\n1ior Thn Ehniqu. is u*ful lor rndies rh.r EquiF descdprion.i
!' p o eouf. A-s1n m3.e1llo rr,.r
ob{. rnof tPOror notr pMi.iranrohsee*ion aNPOl.

ln ..ri.ipi( ob:. arion. rhe rseecher ee6 irvorved i'i &e

r ,i d!,nb p,r,. rr,..
crb!orfl(or.oren. lriscole'(\benrlEftsearcherisiilenrifi.drdfi. aE \2Le th,i ther are berg obs$ed on rhc orh.r hMd, ir i:
corin Ll r id.ndr ofrhe E*arheL 6 nor ktuwn !o rhe subjeds
rkitrLer h[s pd in all rhe adiviiicsofrh.gtuup dnd ads tike $e snl'r

u,. fLiteFitr ro be $udied, i e€d *irh lrareniry eenrbds snd ser

i ohcd m rrdenir), aciiviie. Bcins. tonba ofrhe fnremnJi
no rtr. r'ncr. r.rF.En. ' "ble h ob:eDe

\b "lttri.i ?ur t Obse Danon

rr hi.padicipa obs.rvarion, dE rfarcher s not dnec y
i on &L if rh. sruarion or rhe adivnies 6€inc obsencd Innead, lihe
se rhi4s r rhel h,pp€n r hour disnpiins rhe
Fri'.'fxdrs 1999) TLe resemhff usrallytun .:irs in rhc
trdelLn.t' a'schur,
B?lcb (F@nl<el md $alen, 1996)
trL (h'L\l rr.hologlnvoL!e, noi prrtrinu i
lotrduvon, on ch Ld develontrrn *e br'ed oD
.r.hildEn in $en Mhml fiiings
\ ',r*rd,t
; rr; el

a nudv ol ndumnt
.D.dct, l''o'.dl ^ ii enrc. r'o dh' 'ra
,,,,',.;,, ""'
n. ,ed hro
rlc "''Lool bo'n'
prnFhlrF. rtrinnuDrodules. andltrntucrion, educnion aod Li

ao al*is is used in .vduatils $ri(en matrirL lnr

rerdibil,n. rtmDlele;es and anpropdarcnds l( n dso used ro dadnm:
dr l,il cc.r;tonMlion or;mphasis in acenain Miten matrial
'' he'ro o'pn '
l,b.!L',ili!,. capiblisnr. dc Ano$eL nane lor o 'ft all)isis E

Coit alysh ce in I@v ;aN h edlcarion, b€forc l

be done
;6s Drodued. ii undersoes onteni andvsis ror
(adabihy Satuple piEei of rh. book mv be distib&i to a smple !f
.","," . *b;( r1- rbe3.eJrc''dd'emd"'r sd
: -, L, " . . --.. ,1"^, rd $n - ol he- md cmo rb o
ror exlnpl., in a study
u tt1? Lite\ alth. Fi|orn,' ;L
bolks, ceDsuss and odrs rf
hnbrcrl i,notulrion rboui
EVALUATTON Quesio,mire

1. Nhar dos the rsn , dara, mm?

\\'hal@ rhe ditr;E !,pesotdara? Descnbe each [T€
\h, re hed'finc klhniqu* i.o slune ouuhEur.,ldl
\\h ahou ,{hoiquq ,n 6 te.r icquar; e&8"
\\'har e rhe advaras.s of m tdhier irvd a ouejionnaiE?
\\ har ibour rhe diss&shq.s oteach?

De be rnbrcw d lo.ds srolp d,,.u$ron WlEn


\\ hat ae lhe neps in o hed in focus s6up discusion?

a'e .htuacierislics of a sood FcD hodenror?

\ Mi are ine 56ps in pE.ains an lcD Euidc?

\1 hen dd how is ob*flaiio. @d in drh m[.c6on?

\Lh ad how is concnr mtysis urd in re*rrch?

Innruc.ions: Sdeci oie Esach rdpic ilm &e list belos and ssvei
ItnNl-I@d lba( folloq
'\\dld lmns .rn Eomnic R.tEin anibrls d
Pe(eptions of \\'ori.i,e Slm'{
' t'L*insla.'ieof r'd !oio'1 h rd !E'

llt Prcince ofcapii'

''The PsvchoecialmdHetih .:

1 liomul a -scneEl objedi\e md n\' F-i5cdt'd\< fdt

| {carcl, roprc you hive chos.n

rdenin rhesDEln! dtulouieedro\ol!e(r'odrer thc

dm lolcdion k.hniquc Lid )ouNru &opt

l lr'o ne d qilDlv'od.dcuopk To !vu l@iEtr"&s

. a .pe il qEi'd..daddo\oi 1ed'$'hr ' hiqud"dov'u
p,opo* o ce to.olkcr$eqlaliu !edd3?

Rcnar th. objecfiE oayolr proposed $@hproblem md lt:r f,

sFccific dlu rhar Lu ned h .ollecr md idsrily lhe po$ible srE:=

.o leflLon erhiique s rhr )ou u1lluflnJor,tudJ

.honc Deanbcfie Dm.edrE, Lh

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