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IIoT Lab - 4th Sem Hackathon

Online Shopping
Objective/ Vision

Create online shopping portal to perform

1. View list of items (products details), if not there add items

2. Search on those items
3. Add to cart
4. Remove from cart
5. Buy the item from cart and show a Popup that item is bought

Users of the System

1. Admin
2. Buyer

Functional Requirements

1. Admin
1. Can add/view/ items

2. Buyer
1. Can search all available items
2. Can Add to cart
3. Can remove from cart
4. Can buy items

Tools to be used

1. Use IntelliJ / STS / Visual Studio Code to build the project

2. Postgress SQL for the database.

Front End and Back End

1. Front End: Angular 2 / HTML / CSS / JavaScript

2. Back End: Webservices using sprintBoot, PostgressSQL
IIoT Lab - 4th Sem Hackathon
How project works?

Some screenshots are given below:

IIoT Lab - 4th Sem Hackathon
IIoT Lab - 4th Sem Hackathon

View list show how many items are left over – Incase if there is no stock a popup window
should come with message while adding an item to the cart.

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