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Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075

Session 2017-2018

ASS1/ENG/VII/October/ 2017-18/1
Name of the Student___________________ Date _________________
Class & Sec – VII _____________ Subject – English

I. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

There lived a sage in days of yore,
And he a handsome pigtail wore,
But wondered much, and sorrowed more,
Because it hung behind him.
He mused upon this curious case,
And swore he’d change the pigtail’s place,
And have it hanging at his face,
Not dangling there behind him.
Said he, “The mystery I’ve found;
I’ll turn me round.”—He turned him round;
But still it hung behind him.

1. On the basis of your reading of the poem, answer the following questions.
a. A ‘handsome person’ is ______________.
(i) good- looking (ii) vexed
(iii) ugly (iv) sweet

b. The pigtail was hanging ________________.

(i) at the face (ii) at the stomach
(iii) at the back (iv) at the neck

c. The thought of the pigtail hanging at the back, _______________________ the sage.
(i) gave joy to (ii) worried
(iii) scared (iv) angered

d. The sage finally ______________.

(i) turned himself round (ii) sat silently
(iii) changed the place of his pigtail (iv) prayed to go

e.The phrase, ‘In days of yore’ means _________________.

(i) during independence (ii) in olden days
(iii) during British Rule (iv) during Renaissance

f.Pick out a pair of rhyming words from the poem.


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g. Pick out a word from the poem which means the same as ‘pondered’ _____________.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions, by choosing the correct option.

a. I would have helped him _______________ I had enough money. (if/so)

b. Tigers don’t attack ___________ they are hungry. (although/unless)
c. I was so tired ____________ I at once fell asleep. (before/that)
d.__________ our car tyre was punctured, the journey was smooth. (because/although)

e. We looked everywhere for the lost file, _____________ could not find it.(and/but)

f. I spoke fast _________ he heard me clearly. (as/yet)

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.

a. Every religion teaches _____________ God is one.
b. She does everything to perfection ___________ at work ___________ at home.
c. Arshad is __________ confident ______ no one dares to challenge him.
d._________ there’s a will, there’s a way.
e. I have ______________ the time ________ the inclination to listen to your gossip.

4. Join the following pair of sentences with suitable conjunctions and rewrite them.
a. You can stay and finish the assignment. You can complete it at home.

b. Pallavi voted for me. Gaurav voted for me.


c. I arrived late. I couldn’t meet my friends.


5. Punctuate the following sentences appropriately.

a. Do you play football at school he said.

b. the rise in price of everything is shocking.


c. I know you will do it for you care don’t you?


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