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Selective and Superselective Angiography

of Pediatric Moyamoya Disease
Angioarchitecture in the Posterior
1 Department of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Zurich; Zurich, Switzerland
2 Moyamoya Center, University Children´s Hospital Zurich; Zurich, Switzerland

Key words: pediatric moyamoya disease, digital subtraction angiography, moyamoya collateral networks, moyamoya vessels

Summary or incompletely described, as well as connec-

tions within the posterior circulation but also its
The anastomotic network of the posterior cir- relevance as a collateral to the anterior circula-
culation in children with moyamoya disease has tion.
not been analyzed. We aimed to investigate the
angiographic anatomy of this unique vascular
network in patients with childhood moyamoya Introduction
Selective and superselective injections of the The steno-occlusive changes occurring in the
posterior circulation were performed in six chil- posterior circulation in moyamoya disease are
dren with newly diagnosed moyamoya disease. often overlooked. These changes are more
The arterial branches feeding the moyamoya commonly seen in children than in adults 1,2.
anastomotic network, their connections and the The anastomotic network of the posterior cir-
recipient vessels were demonstrated. culation in children has so far not been ana-
Depending on the level of the steno-occlusive lyzed. Hence we aimed to investigate the anat-
lesion, the feeding vessels were the thalamoper- omy of this posterior vascular network in chil-
forators, the posterior choroidals, the splenic ar- dren with moyamoya disease.
tery, parietoccipital artery, other cortical posteri- The angiographic characteristics of moy-
or cerebral artery (PCA) branches, the dural amoya disease described so far 3-9 were exclu-
branch of the PCA, the premamillary artery and sively based on the images obtained during a
other posterior communicating artery perfora- selective internal carotid (ICA) or vertebral
tors. Through connections, which are described, artery (VA) contrast injection. The information
the recipient vessels were the striate and medul- that can be extracted from such an angiograph-
lary arteries, other thalamic arteries with or ic investigation is limited, because the connec-
without medullary extensions, the pericallosal tions and territory of the arterial branches par-
artery, medial parietoccipital cortical branches ticipating in the complex microanatomy of the
of the PCA and the anterior choroidal artery. collateral network at the base of the brain are
High quality selective and superselective angi- obscured.
ography helped in demonstrating the angio- In this study, high-quality selective and mag-
graphic anatomy of the moyamoya posterior nified angiographic images were supplement-
anastomotic network previously either vaguely ed by several superselective microcatheter in-
jections so that the precise angioarchitecture
* This work was presented at the Third International Moya- of the collateral circulation was clearly demon-
moya Meeting, 12-13 July 2013, Sapporo, Japan. strated. Particular focus on the less fully de-

Selective and Superselective Angiography of Pediatric Moyamoya Disease Angioarchitecture... Gerasimos Baltsavias


Figure 1 Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) views of a su-

perselective injection of a thalamoperforator-peduncular
perforator (short thin arrow) common ostium. The thalam-
operforator (small arrowheads) courses anteriorly and later-
ally and at the level of the thalamocaudate sulcus anastomo-
ses with striatal vessels which opacify an intrastriatal net-
work (thin long arrows). Then a proximal striate artery
(thick long arrow) is opacified retrogradely as well as the
medullary system at the level of the angle of the lateral ven-
tricle (thick arrowheads).

scribed posterior circulation network was un- The present report only describes the angio-
dertaken, since it is well-known that the poste- graphic features of the posterior circulation.
rior circulation is typically less seriously af- The findings of the anterior moyamoya anasto-
fected. motic networks have been described in a sepa-
rate report.
The posterior communicating artery (Pcom)
Materials and Methods supplied either through the ICA or the basilar
artery (BA) corresponds to the caudal division
During 2012, 19 children (age range from of the ICA and was considered part of the pos-
two to 13 years) diagnosed with moyamoya dis- terior circulation.
ease or syndrome, were hospitalized in the All six patients underwent six-vessel selec-
Moyamoya Centre, Children’s University Hos- tive angiography. In three patients, superselec-
pital in Zurich. All children underwent digital tive microcatheterizations (Elite 1.5F Stryker
subtraction angiography at our department. Neurovascular, Fremont, CA, USA) were per-
Five patients had an angiogram only after a re- formed in the posterior circulation by the first
vascularization operation with the first angio- author (GB). Informed consent was obtained
grams performed in referring institutes, where- in all cases. The motivation-indication for su-
as in 14 cases the angiogram was the initial di- perselective injections was diagnostic uncer-
agnostic examination. Eight of these patients tainty about stenosis or occlusion of the poste-
were considered moyamoya syndrome and rior cerebral artery (PCA), as well as the extent
were not included in this study. The DSA imag- of collateralization from moyamoya collaterals.
ing of six Caucasian patients from two to 12 Depending on the stage of angiopathy, distal
years of age (male:female = 3:3) with newly di- arterial filling and extent of the deep and dural
agnosed moyamoya disease, were retrospec- collaterals, the optimal planning of the number,
tively analysed. location and type of the revascularisation pro-

404 Interventional Neuroradiology 20: 403-412, 2014 - doi: 10.15274/INR-2014-10041

cedure in all the affected arterial territories ed arterial branch were not clearly seen, it was
could be undertaken. The microcatheteriza- recorded as “not identified”.
tions were performed with the same angio- For this retrospective study no Institutional
graphic setup, through an angiographic cathe- Review Board approval was necessary.
ter (5Fr “Val” catheter, Cook Medical Inc.,
Bloomington, IN, USA) and were exclusively
flow-guided with the microguidewire used only Results
for proximal support. In none of the superse-
lective injections was the microcatheter in a According to the Susuki classification 4, one
wedged position. No complications occurred. hemisphere was at stage 5, one at stage 4, six
Particular attention was paid to the identifi- hemispheres were at stage 3 and four hemi-
cation of the individual arterial branches mak- spheres at stage 2. Five of 12 hemispheres (in
ing up the so-called moyamoya anastomotic three of the six patients) showed steno-occlu-
network, as well as their connections and direc- sive disease in the posterior circulation. Table
tion of the blood flow. When part of the entire 1 shows the identified arterial branches par-
course and/or potential anastomoses of a dilat- ticipating in the moyamoya anastomotic net-

Table 1 The vessels constituting the moyamoya anastomotic networks.

Vessel Identified vessel Course Recipient vessel Hemispheres

P1 Thalamoperforators Anterior and lateral Striate and medullary arteries F
P1 Thalamoperforators Laterally with extensive Medullary artery A
connections to
P1 Thalamoperforators Posterior and lateral Other thalamic with or C,C
without medullary artery
P2 Posterior choroidals Choroid plexus, foramen Pericallosal artery A,C,E
Monroe to septum,
P2 Posterior choroidals Choroid plexus, foramen Striate artery E
Monroe subependymal
Distal Splenic a. and/or Retrosplenic-posterior callosal Pericallosal artery A,B,B,D,D,
PCA parietoccipital a. - watershed E,E,F
Distal Other cortical Along the surface Mostly inferior trunk A,B,B,C,C,
PCA PCA branches of the temporal branches of MCA D,D,E,E,F
and parietoccipital lobe
Distal Dural branch Dural vessels along the medial Medial parietoccipital A
PCA of PCA tentorial edge cortical branches PCA
Pcom Pcom perforators Known collaterals Ant. choroidal artery C,C
at optic tract level 10
Pcom Premamillary a. Wall of 3rd ventricle, terminal Lateral striate artery B,B
sulcus, to the angle of the lateral at that level
Pcom Pcom anterior Branches with anterosuperior ACA at the Acom level. A
perforator medial course on 3rd ventricle Lateral striate a.
wall. Branches with and medullary arteries
posterosuperior lateral course of MCA territory.
to the angle of lateral ventricle.
Pcom Pcom perforators Not identified Not identified C,C,D,E,E
Display of a patient´s hemisphere twice (e.g. B,B) signifies the appearance of the described vessels in both hemispheres.

Selective and Superselective Angiography of Pediatric Moyamoya Disease Angioarchitecture... Gerasimos Baltsavias


Figure 2 AP (A) and lateral (B) views of a superselective thalamoperforator injection (arrow) showing an extensive collat-
eralization to distal MCA cortical branches (large arrowheads) with retrograde flow through medullary arteries (thin ar-
rows) connected with the dilated thalamoperforator at the level of the lateral ventricular wall (small arrowheads).


Figure 3 A) Anteroposterior view of a vertebral injection showing an intrathalamic network (long thin arrows) of dilated
vessels supplied among other branches, by a left-sided thalamoperforator (arrowheads) in a patient with occlusion of the
ipsilateral PCA beyond the P2 segment. B) The same injection in lateral projection showing the thalamoperforator (short
arrows) connected with the intrathalamic network. The pericallosal artery (large arrowhead) is reconstructed through sev-
eral septal transcallosal collaterals (small arrowheads) projecting above the level of the thalamic network and most likely
supplied by the midline choroidal arteries.

works, with their connections as well as the perselective injection, this thalamoperforator
patients in which these vessels were detected. supplied lateral striate arteries and by exten-
In one case, part of the posterior moyamoya sion medullary arteries through a relatively di-
anastomotic network was constituted by rect anterolateral connection (Figure 1). In an-
thalamoperforators of the P1 segment. By su- other case the thalamoperforator had an ex-

406 Interventional Neuroradiology 20: 403-412, 2014 - doi: 10.15274/INR-2014-10041

Figure 4 Lateral view of a superselective injection of the left Figure 5 Lateral view of a vertebral injection showing the
P2 segment of another patient (large arrowhead at the basi- posterior choroidals (arrowheads) supplying both midline
lar tip). The choroidal arteries (small arrowheads) at the transcallosal branches (short arrows) which reconstruct the
level of the foramen of Monroe clearly the supply septal and pericallosal artery (short thick arrows), as well as lateral
transcallosal arterial branches (long arrows) which recon- branches along the floor of the lateral ventricle (thin long
struct the pericallosal artery (short arrows). arrows) supplying distal striatal branches and retrogradely a
single lateral striatal artery (long thick arrow).


Figure 6 Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) views of a superselective injection of the left Pcom (thick arrowhead) which
through Pcom perforators (small arrowheads) opacifies the anterior choroidal artery (small short arrows) and reconstructs
the MCA (long thick arrows) via the anastomotic connection of the uncal artery (long thin arrows).

tensive contribution to the supply of the pari- supplied the rest of the thalamus through a
etal MCA territory through retrograde supply principally intrathalamic moyamoya anasto-
of medullary arteries (Figure 2). motic network (Figure 3).
In a case with occlusion of the P2 segment The posterior choroidals were seen in three
of the PCA, the thalamoperforators of the P1 cases supplying the pericallosal artery through

Selective and Superselective Angiography of Pediatric Moyamoya Disease Angioarchitecture... Gerasimos Baltsavias


Figure 7 Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) views of a right ICA injection. The distal ICA (large arrowhead) is highly
stenotic. The anterior choroidal is still patent with anterograde flow and the Pcom (long thick arrow) mainly supplies a di-
lated tuberothalamic artery (long thin arrows) which runs superiorly along the lateral wall of the posterior hypothalamus and
at the level of the terminal sulcus turns lateral on the ventricular surface of the caudate nucleus where it anastomoses with
the distal segment of a lateral striate artery (small arrowheads). Further opacification of the medullary system (short arrows)
is better visible in the later phases (C,D).


Figure 8 Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) views of a superselective injection of a proximal Pcom hypothalamic perfora-
tor (long thick arrow) showing collateral supply to both ACA (short thin arrows) and MCA territories. The ACA is sup-
plied at the level of Acom with retrograde flow through hypothalamic perforators connected with the injected perforator
at the level of the 3rd ventricle wall (antero-inferior arrowheads). Instead, the MCA territory is supplied with retrograde
flow through the medullary arteries (long thin arrows), at the level of the angle of the lateral ventricle (thick arrowhead),
fed by the distal branches of a striate artery (short thick arrows), connected (posterosuperior arrowheads) with the injected

408 Interventional Neuroradiology 20: 403-412, 2014 - doi: 10.15274/INR-2014-10041


Figure 9 Lateral (A) and anteroposterior (B) views of a superselective PCA injection and its dural branch (arrowheads)
which supplies another dural branch (long thin arrows) roughly parallel to the straight sinus and then through fine leptome-
ningeal vessels (short arrows) reconstructs the superficial medial occipital cortical arteries bilaterally. Small short arrow at
the basilar tip.

midline septal and transcallosal arterial anas- Discussion

tomotic branches at the level of the interven-
tricular foramen (Figure 4). While several aspects related to the angio-
In one of those cases, the choroidals through graphic features of moyamoya disease have
anterolateral anastomotic branches were also been described 3,4,6,8-11 the angioarchitecture of
supplying distal striate branches reconstruct- the so-called moyamoya vessels, including their
ing a common arterial trunk further proximal- microangiographic connections and direction
ly (Figure 5). of the flow using high quality selective and su-
In one case of complete occlusion of the perselective angiography has never been de-
ICA at the level of the anterior choroidal, the scribed before. The literature to date only em-
uncal artery and its connections to the tempo- phasizes their chaotic 12 nature which is fre-
ral branches of the MCA (described in a sepa- quently challenging for a detailed and meticu-
rate analysis of the anterior circulation) were lous analysis.
still active due to reconstruction of the anteri- The angiographic findings of the posterior
or choroidal artery through known Pcom col- circulation in particular have attracted much
laterals (Figure 6). less attention in the moyamoya literature than
In another case, the tuberothalamic artery the findings of the anterior territory, presuma-
anastomosed with the distal segment of a lat- bly related to the dominant anterior circulation
eral striate artery which then irrigated retro- manifestations of the disease. In addition, since
gradely the medullary system at that level part of the posterior circulation can be visual-
(Figure 7). ized through an ICA injection when a promi-
The case illustrated in Figure 8 showed a nent Pcom is present, the posterior collateral
Pcom perforator being connected with both network has been underexamined.
the ACA and the territory of the MCA through Nashimoto et al. 7 in 1968 included no verte-
retrograde supply of the medullary arteries. bral injections in their angiographic studies. Su-
The superselective injection of the distal PCA zuki et al. 4 in 1969 studied 11 paediatric cases of
in a patient with occlusion of the contralateral moyamoya disease. Three of those patients had
PCA demonstrated duro-cortical anastomoses a vertebral artery injection and a follow-up an-
at the level of the tentorial apex which con- giogram. The contribution of the PCA to the
tributed to the supply of the ischemic cortex of moyamoya anastomotic networks was simply
the opposite hemisphere (Figure 9). mentioned without detail. Handa et al. 9 in 1972

Selective and Superselective Angiography of Pediatric Moyamoya Disease Angioarchitecture... Gerasimos Baltsavias

in their angiographic study of 16 children with territories and the posterior meningeal artery
unspecified moyamoya did not report on the was also mentioned as a transdural contributor
vertebrobasilar involvement due to the limited coming from the vertebral system. Moreover
number of vertebral injections and the poor they noticed that the basal cerebral moyamoya
visualization of the basilar artery. Crouzet et al. vessels being fed by the PCA group significantly
8 in 1974 defined three types of moyamoya col- increased in number with the severity of the
laterals, all of them observed in the anterior cir- steno-occlusive lesion in the ICA bifurcation,
culation. The authors noted that the involve- but they did not describe the network itself.
ment of the posterior part of the circle of Willis In most of the above publications the moy-
can occur, but only rarely and later in time. Ad- amoya anastomotic network is typically re-
ditionally they aptly noticed that the posterior ferred to as an “abnormal vascular network”,
cerebral arteries can supply the deep grey nu- and presented as a haphazardly formed vascu-
clei through their contribution to the posterior lar tangle without defining its detailed anatomy.
part of the moyamoya anastomotic network and Moreover the angiographic descriptions are
through anastomoses of thalamic arteries with based on non-superselective injections. There-
lateral striate arteries. Takahashi in 1980 6, in his fore a detailed description of the angioarchitec-
angiographic study of seven patients with moy- ture of the moyamoya anastomotic networks
amoya disease (three of them children), at- supplied by the Pcom and PCA branches is
tempted a more detailed description of the lacking.
moyamoya anastomotic networks and their in- Superselectivity in cerebral angiography has
terconnections. Although at least one vertebral been implemented in our institution for 27
injection was done in all cases, no particular years and is routinely used as an additional di-
comments on the posterior circulation were agnostic tool in selected cases. Its diagnostic
made. Miyamoto et al. 13 in 1984 were the first to yield and safety for children and adults has
report specifically on the posterior circulation been proved for almost every aspect of cere-
of 82 paediatric cases with moyamoya disease. brovascular pathology 15-22. Other groups have
They observed that the anastomotic networks also reported on the role and safety of superse-
are composed mainly of posterior choroidal ar- lective catheterization for the endovascular ap-
teries, thalamogeniculate arteries, and other proach to small calibre vessels with aneurysms,
thalamoperforating arteries that irrigate the the evaluation of newly formed collaterals after
thalamus and the posterior portion of the basal revascularization procedures in children with
ganglia. When this network is well-developed it moyamoya, even after catheterization of the
also anastomoses with medullary vessels in the vasospasm-prone middle meningeal and tem-
parietal subcortex, but its role in providing a poral arteries 23-27.
collateral supply was judged to be somewhat Superselective microcatheterizations can of-
limited. Satoh et al. 3 in 1988 described the an- fer more reliable information on micro-angio-
giographic findings of 34 newly diagnosed pae- architecture and dynamic vascular collaterals,
diatric cases with moyamoya disease and distin- particularly important in moyamoya disease
guished the feeding branches of the moyamoya where many small-sized vessels are overpro-
anastomotic network derived from the ICA jected in less selective techniques. For surgical
group and PCA group. The feeding branches of planning, the superselective injections provided
the PCA group were the “premammillary, inter- not only additional information complementa-
peduncular, thalamoperforating, thalamogenic- ry to the clinical and haemodynamic evaluation
ulate perforating, medial and lateral posterior but helped disclose the need for multiple revas-
choroidal arteries”. Although it was a report cularisation procedures, i.e. revascularisation
with special attention to the posterior circula- not only for the MCA territory but also for the
tion angiographic changes, no further analysis of ACA and PCA territories.
the collateral network and recipient vessels was Contrary to the general concept that moy-
done, and the term “abnormal net-like vessels” amoya disease relatively spares the posterior
was used to cover this gap. In 1995, Yamada et circulation, stenotic lesions in the posterior cir-
al. 14 reported on the angiographic findings of 76 culation are observed quite often, in some se-
patients, most of them children, emphasizing the ries in a majority (75%) of patients 28. Our study
role and changes in the posterior circulation. confirmed the frequent involvement of the pos-
They referred to the leptomeningeal collaterals terior circulation and the well-known collateral
of the PCA to the ipsilateral ACA and MCA leptomeningeal network around the splenium

410 Interventional Neuroradiology 20: 403-412, 2014 - doi: 10.15274/INR-2014-10041

of the corpus callosum. This network can be fed the wall of the third ventricle. The case in Fig-
either by the splenic artery or by more posteri- ure 6 shows that the posterior circulation offers
orly running cortical branches of the distal collateral supply to the anterior circulation
PCA. In cases of steno-occlusive lesions of the through not only the classic cortical connec-
PCA that vitiate the main retrosplenic lep- tions, but also through basal anastomoses - in
tomeningeal collateral network, other arterial this case to the territory of the anterior choroi-
branches including its dural branch, can offer a dal - illustrating the significance of the collat-
collateral supply to distal cortical ipsilateral or eral contribution of the posterior circulation in
contralateral PCA territories by reconstituting advanced stages of the disease in the anterior
the cortical vessels through durocortical con- territory.
nections and a fine leptomeningeal arterial net- Our study has several limitations. First, only
work. This network connects dural tentorial some of the examinations included superselec-
branches with superficial arteries of the medial tive injections. Second, it is difficult to general-
occipital cortex and is similar to the so-called ize in a disease where different patients exhibit
ethmoidal moyamoya. different stages of the disease. Third, potential
The posterior choroidal arteries at the level anatomic variations exist among different pa-
of the foramen of Monroe (Figures 4 and 5) tients.
were demonstrated to supply the pericallosal
artery through midline septal transcallosal
branches. The same vessels can also feed distal Conclusions
striatal arteries at the level of the angle of the
lateral ventricles. The literature is scant regarding the angio-
The connection of the moyamoya anastomot- architecture of the posterior circulation in pae-
ic network with the medullary system, described diatric moyamoya disease. Even in publications
by Miyamoto et al. 13 was confirmed by our describing the posterior circulation, only vague
study. Contrary to their assumptions on the lim- descriptions of an “abnormal vascular network”
ited role of the thalamoperforators in the sup- are found. From our study, moyamoya patients
ply of the medullary arteries, it was shown (Fig- develop a predictable collateral network with
ure 2) that they could play a decisive role in the complex anastomotic connections in the poste-
supply of the cortex in advanced stages of the rior circulation. High quality selective and su-
disease of the anterior circulation. We also dem- perselective angiography of the posterior terri-
onstrated that the thalamoperforating arteries tory confirmed in part some earlier descrip-
of the P1 segment that irrigate the thalamus can tions, but also revealed previously unreported
feed the posterior portion of the basal ganglia connections within the moyamoya anastomotic
through anastomoses with the distal segment of network. This study helped clarify the anatomy
striatal arteries. These anastomotic connections of this anastomotic network including its feed-
must be located subependymally. Additionally, ing branches, course and recipient vessels.
the same vessels can irrigate the rest of the tha- Further studies of the collateral cerebral cir-
lamic territory through intrathalamic anastomo- culation, including a comparison with adult
ses with other thalamic arteries when steno-oc- moyamoya, and cases of moyamoya syndrome,
clusive lesions of the parent vessel (PCA) de- will further help define specificities of the col-
prived their normal anterograde supply. lateral network in moyamoya patients. This
The role that Pcom perforators and especial- work also has the potential to contribute to a
ly the tuberothalamic (premamillary) artery new staging of the disease with clinical and
can play in the moyamoya anastomotic net- therapeutic relevance and to shed more light
works was demonstrated in two cases (Figures on the response of normal cerebral vasculature
7 and 8). While in other cases the collateral net- under ischemic conditions.
work was fed by the ventricular branches of the
anterior choroidal, these cases demonstrated
the importance of the tuberothalamic and oth- Acknowledgments
er Pcom perforators which irrigated the distal
segment of striatal arteries retrogradely, further We wish to thank Professor Scott W. Atlas
contributing to the supply of the medullary sys- and Professor Val M. Runge for their valuable
tem as well as the anterior cerebral artery comments on the manuscript and knowledgea-
through subependymal branches at the level of ble suggestions.

Selective and Superselective Angiography of Pediatric Moyamoya Disease Angioarchitecture... Gerasimos Baltsavias

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