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Due Dates:

By 3/7-12:

- Finish gathering survey questions.

- Confer with Sasser on data collection and paper, grades

- Finish Visual Annotation and turn in

By 3/9:

- Complete campaign explanation and present it to coordinator at next BRTB meeting.

- Continue finding examples of cities that are walkable and economic benefits.

- Continue to be in contact with BRTB

By 4/4:

- Complete refinement of paper and review it with BRTB

- Attend BRTB meeting with campaign ideas and seek advice there.

- Try to find viable advisor at organization

- Plan to find internship related to interests

By 3/19:

- Gather information and text to put on display board.

- Find most if not all of visuals for board.

- Continue to expand knowledge in field.

- Maintain relations with advisor, illicit a response.

- Prepare for meeting on 3/28 for subcommittee meeting.=

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